Matt Chandler Admits He's a Critical Race Theorist

AD Robles iconAD Robles




So my channel needs a little bit of a viewership boost, so let's talk about Matt Chandler. Nah, just kidding.
Actually, in the old days, when my channel first started, actually, Matt Chandler content was the most popular.
I used to get the most views by far from doing Matt Chandler videos. But actually, that's not true anymore.
He's been surplanted. Suplanted. Suplanted. Not surplanted, supplanted. He's been supplanted by Beth Moore and also
Jamar Tisby. When I do Beth Moore and Jamar Tisby content, that actually gets the most views. Now, Matt Chandler is probably maybe 3rd or even 4th.
I don't even know. I haven't done the analytics in a while. But yeah,
Matt Chandler is no longer the cash cow that he used to be for the Yeti Roba's YouTube channel. But in any case, that's not why
I'm doing this. I actually came across this clip from Woke Preacher Clips. I saw it before, and Matt Chandler did a very lengthy discussion about racial justice and all of the gospel -centered aspects of it and all of that.
And, you know, he got his scholarly glasses on, and he just decided to teach us idiots out there. All of us morons, all of us idiots out here who aren't woke enough, he's going to take some time to come down to our level, and he's going to speak to us and teach us what's what.
So I suggest that we sit at his feet, because nothing says woke than a white guy teaching a
Puerto Rican about how to be woker. Nothing says woke like that, apparently.
So let's sit at his feet and just learn what it is to be woke in 2021.
Let's go, Matt. What we are saying is that the Bible cares about these issues, and we're going to address them.
What we're not saying is that we would agree with an ideology that does not have the word, the
Bible's view, Revelation 7, by the blood of Jesus, in view.
So Revelation 7, if you don't know, this is one of the most favorite verses of all the verses in the woke church.
He's referring to, you know, every tribe, tongue, and nation, you know, that kind of thing. It's in Revelation 7.
I believe it's in Revelation 5 as well. Sometimes you'll hear people talk about Revelation 5. And actually, this is how
I end my book, my upcoming book, Social Justice Pharisees. It's coming out in December, but there will be a way to get it earlier than that.
Stay tuned for that. I end my book with this verse, because this is a very popular verse. People will say, the
Bible's woke, obviously. Revelation 7, it's the Revelation 7 church. And what's interesting about Revelation 7 is, it's actually the most problematic verse imaginable from a woke perspective.
It's actually the opposite of woke, because everything in Revelation 7 is entirely and completely focused on Jesus Christ as King, the throne.
Everything is focused on Christ. Matt Chandler's that guy. Do you remember? He was famous for saying, you're not David. The Bible's not about you.
It's about Christ. And I think he goes way too far with that. You know, like, yes,
I'm not David. I know David's a figure of Christ, but there's actually an aspect of David that I should identify with.
His faithfulness, the way he trusted God to save him, things like that. There are aspects of that that I need to emulate as David.
So, like, I actually don't agree with that mentality where it's like, you know, there's nothing to see in yourself.
There's nothing to emulate as far as David. It's only about Christ. I disagree with that. But if there ever was a verse that was focused entirely on Christ, it would be
Revelation 7. Because the diversity of the people and the nations and the tribes, that's not actually in focus.
Because, actually, what's happening is they are diverse, yes, but they're all doing the same thing.
The unity is what's focused on there. They're all worshiping Christ. They're all wearing white robes.
They're all assimilated completely into God's law and to what God is up to. They're all focused on God and Christ in the same way.
They leave their pagan traditions behind. They leave their cultural distinctives behind. And they're embracing a godly, you know, kingdom of God culture.
And so it's like the opposite of woke. But woke church, you know, loves to use this verse because it's every tribe, tongue, and nation, so clearly it's focused on the diversity of the people and all that kind of thing.
So, anyway, yeah, more to come in the Social Justice Pharisees book, which is coming out again in December.
We just don't. It also means that we don't agree completely with critical theory.
And so I'll say, this is a personal opinion, I'll say that critical theory is really helpful in helping us understand how we got where we are.
It helps us make sense of the past. It has no vision for the future. I disagree, of course. And the thing is, though, that the
Bible gives us both, right? Like the Bible gives us tools to understand how things are right now and how they got there.
You know what I mean? Like the Bible gives us the blessings and the curses in Deuteronomy.
And it says that nations that honor Christ, that kiss the sun, will be blessed.
And nations that don't, that dishonor Christ, that disobey him, there will be all kinds of curses that come upon them.
So the Bible does give us the tools to understand history. It's preposterous to me to think that a pagan ideology, a pagan theory can actually better help us understand how we got to where we are, better help us understand history.
That's ridiculous. And I think that it's interesting. So Matt Chandler is, at least in part, a critical theorist.
And so all those people that were like, AD, you're a slanderer. How dare you slander good brothers in Christ?
And it's like, dude, I was right all along. You're admitting it now. At least in part, you're a critical theorist.
And the reality is, I can show you how even your solutions are based in critical theory because Matt Chandler's the famous one.
Matt Chandler makes quite a few appearances in my book that's upcoming. Matt Chandler's the famous one who's talking about affirmative action hiring for pastor.
He didn't get that from the Bible, right? He can hold up his book. This is my book. He can hold up his
Bible and say, I'm not going to believe anything unless it's in the Scripture. And he can say that. It sounds good because it's coming from Matt Chandler.
But it's not true because he's claiming here, well, yeah, critical theory. I'm a critical theorist as far as understanding to where we got.
But I'm not a critical theorist as far as the solutions. No, yes, you are. Yes, you are because, yeah, you'll say gospel -y centered things.
However, when you open up the hood and look underneath, you're going to get critical theory. The gospel didn't tell you to do affirmative action in your pastor hiring.
The gospel didn't tell you to do that. The gospel didn't tell you to assume that the next time a black guy gets shot by a white cop that that's racism.
The gospel didn't tell you that because the gospel, the law of God—and I keep saying gospel.
What I mean is the Scripture. The Scripture tells you how to handle these things, and you're not doing it.
So you can claim till the cows come home that your—critical theory is useful only in the past, and it's not useful for the future.
You could say that, but your actions betray you. The lie detector test determines that was a lie.
Let's continue. There's nothing in critical theory that can rival
Revelation 7. There's just not. Oh, this is going to be great. I love woke future clips.
I had another question that came in that I'll share with you. It's from Brandon. He said, would you recommend, instead of discussing
BLM, discussing biblical models that are rising around justice, like the
Anne campaign or Be the Bridge? Yeah, oh, absolutely. Those are both critical theory organizations, by the way.
So those are both BLM, and except for being open about their communism and open about it, they hide it, and then they say gospel, and maybe they'll say
Jesus a couple times and stuff like that. So they're identical to BLM, except they're more subversive because they're not openly communist, and they abuse the name of Christ.
In other words, they take the Lord's name in vain by pretending the things that they're pushing come from the Bible, but what they actually come from is
Karl Marx. So those are terrible organizations, but Matt, absolutely. Sign me up.
I think because of the day we live in, I think you've got to do both. I think you could say what
I said about BLM and then go. Now, let me show you some organizations that do share our view of the future.
You got to do both. You got to do the openly communist ones, and you got to do the subversive communist ones.
So that's the thing. You got to actually do both. You can't even just do the Christian stuff. In our day and age, you got to be a communist, at least in part also.
Wisdom. This is wisdom. I got to say that Matt Chandler is impressing me here. This is very wise.
They'd acknowledge that Jesus has made the way here, and that when all is said and done, this is what human experience will be.
There will be one new man in Christ. But until then, you've got that little passage in Ephesians that says, do not participate in the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
Right, right. But sort of kind of do because you still got to say Black Lives Matter. You know what
I mean? Or if you're J .D. Greer, you got to say Black Lives Matter. But like, yeah, yeah.
But you still got to kind of have to participate in the deeds of evil because they're totally communist.
They want to stick your kids with hormone injections and stuff like that.
So you kind of like Paul didn't really know what it was going to be like in our day and age. So you kind of have to work with the deeds of darkness.
And so until that day, we work towards that end. And I think this makes sense to anyone who is serious about their love for the
Bible. So we know from the Bible that Jesus died on the cross for those who are going to believe in him.
But that doesn't mean we go, well, since Jesus did that, let's not share the gospel with anybody. No, we get out and we share the gospel with anyone and everyone knowing that they're going to be saved.
So in the same way, we know that Jesus's blood created one new man. Now, what does that look like?
Well, we work to that end. And so I think you have to do both and not one of those.
But it's a good one to punch. It's a good one to punch. You got Kami over here, and then you got a subversive
Kami over here. So you got open Kami, and then you got secret Kami using some Jesus language in there as well.
That's a good one to punch, especially if your goal is communism. That's a great one to punch.
You know, I don't even really know what else to say about this. You know, he has this air like he knows what he's talking about.
And he is so out of his depth in this area, completely out of his depth.
Because he's like, on the one hand, he's like, well, I don't believe anything unless it's in that Bible. And he's like, everything that he's suggesting as far as what to do in terms of racial justice is straight out of the
Communist Manifesto. Not really, but straight out of the playbook of the pagans.
He's using all of the plays of the pagans and pretending he's getting it from the Bible. It is so sad to see.
If you want to see more about Matt Chandler and his errant beliefs regarding racial justice and the woke church, check out my upcoming book,
Social Justice Pharisees, Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage Them. I hope you found this video helpful and entertaining and all of that kind of thing.