*Language Warning* The ERLC, To Catch a Predator and Culture

AD Robles iconAD Robles


A deeper dive into the "logic" of the ERLC's "compassionate" position on abortion.


In this video, we're going to talk about the show To Catch a Predator in the ERLC. If you watched my videos from last week about the
ERLC, you may have noticed that I referenced a show called To Catch a Predator. This is a show that,
I don't know, maybe 10, 15 years ago, it was on Dateline NBC. Chris Hansen was the person who did the show.
What they did was they would set up stings, right? They would post profiles online of teenage boys or girls, sometimes as young as 12, 11 years old, and men would solicit sex with them, pedophiles, and they would solicit sex with them.
They started doing sting operations where they'd come to the house to meet the kid so that they could have sex with the kid, and they would be confronted by a news reporter,
Chris Hansen, and they'd do interviews. It's amazing because you would think that if you were confronted by an adult when you were going to have sex with a child, that you'd just run, but most of the men don't do that.
Most of the men stick around and have an interview. It's very interesting to watch these interviews. He started doing this again online.
It's called Hansen vs. Predator now. There were some problems with the show, like some entrapment issues, and there were some tragedies that happened where some of the guys would end up killing themselves and stuff.
They stopped the show. It's not on TV anymore, but anyway, it was a very fascinating show.
I mentioned in the last video that the men that would come to this house to have sex with children, and this is evil of the highest order, they just looked like regular guys a lot of the time.
They didn't necessarily look like pedophiles, like the way you think about a pedophile. They just looked like normal guys, and what was interesting about the show, at least in my case, is when
I'd watch this show, I expected to just have nothing but just contempt and disgust for these men, but it's not always like that.
Sometimes you have compassion on these men because you can see that they're broken. They're just absolutely broken.
There's just a lot of shame. They're broken. Oftentimes, they're crying, and you just feel bad for them.
Then you kind of remember what they were there for, and one of the creepiest things of this show was oftentimes they would read the chat logs, so like the online messages that exchange between the guy and the child, and they were disgusting.
I mean, they're super sexual and all of that kind of stuff. I want to mention two things about To Catch a
Predator here because one of the things is it's a very interesting way to diagnose our culture today, and the other one has to do with the
ERLC. First thing, I want to show you a clip from To Catch a Predator. This is actually Hanson versus Predator, and this is a guy,
I think he's like low 20s, I think, and he comes to meet this girl.
This is a decoy. She's not 12, but she online pretended to be 12. This is an adult actress that they hire to be the 12 -year -old.
So here, listen, I want you to watch this. This is extremely interesting. You found the house okay?
You're Jenna? Yeah. You look different than the pictures. People always say that. I don't know why. Do you want a cupcake?
I like your hat. Thank you. I'm sorry. No, I'm all right. Sorry. We have all day. Sorry, I'm really nervous. How are you doing?
I'm okay. So you see they hire a young -looking actress, and there's some weird interaction here. Anyway, so eventually,
Chris Hanson comes out. All right? I want you to watch this confrontation. So he comes out. The guy is obviously shocked.
He was expecting her to be home alone, and they could do their dirty deeds. You knew what was going to happen.
You knew what was going to happen. Somebody was going to show up here. Somebody was going to show up here. It's all right. You know what? I have nothing to live for anyway.
What do you mean? Life's a mess. Why is it a mess?
I failed high school. I have no motivation to finish it. None of the pills about work.
He's kind of mumbling, but what he said is that he has nothing to live for. And Chris Hanson, this guy is really—I mean,
I like this guy a lot. He, he, he is a very direct interviewer, but at the same time, you can see he has some compassion on this, on this fella.
And he says, I, my life's a mess. I failed out of high school, but the pills aren't working. So obviously this guy got mental problems as well.
And you know, all this kind of stuff. And you know, you watch this and you start to feel bad for this guy.
And so, you know, the interview goes on for like 15 minutes and he talks about how he knew it was wrong.
He knew he shouldn't do it. And yet here he is and all this stuff. And he's just crying and weeping about his life and all this stuff.
And if you remember the ERLC put out an article about abortive mothers that essentially made the same argument that they're all kind of like this man, where they just are broken over their abortion or this decision, it's their, it's very tough decision, whether or not to kill their child, just like it was a very tough decision for this guy, whether or not to attempt to rape a child.
Um, and the, the premise of that article was, and so therefore, you know, women don't need to hear that abortion sin, you know, in the streets or, or in the pulpits, even essentially trying to convince you not to preach about it so hard, right.
Not to, not to, not to mention it. I mean, they already know that it's wrong. And I, and I want to make the point here that, that not all pedophiles are just ruthless, you know, you know, just like the way you imagine it in their head, where they don't have emotions.
This man is clearly broken, disgusting, but broken. Are you going to use this?
Would anyone in their right mind use this to say, well, you know what? We shouldn't preach against sexual assault against, against minors, against children, because they already are broken up about it.
They're already broken up about this decision on what to do. You could see the anxiety in these people.
This is just one example. There's hundreds of men like this that have videos of them online where they're telling
Chris Hansen about how they struggle, the internal struggle and all this kind of stuff. Would anyone do that?
This is the ethics and religious liberty commission of the SBC. This is, this is supposed to be the people representing the
SBC in Washington. And they're telling pastors, you know what? Don't preach about abortion.
Women already know. It's just, it just, it just, it makes me sick because, because part of like one of the things that's so amazing about churches, you get a grace and it's this grace that when you hear that word preach and it's in an unadulterated, they don't take the edge out of it and stuff like that.
And you start to feel convicted over your sin. You start to feel this shame that this guy is feeling.
That's a grace from God, man. Don't waste that. Because if you're doing something shameful, like what this man was trying to do, or what women are thinking about doing when they're thinking about killing their child, that's a shameful act.
And guess what? When you do shameful things, you should feel shame. So don't waste it, man.
That's a grace from God. Preachers do not listen to the ERLC. Preach about abortion, preach about abortion in sharp terms because God takes that seriously.
When you kill your own children, God takes that very seriously. Women need to hear that so that they might repent and not do the thing that they're thinking about doing.
This man needs to hear that he should not assault a child so that maybe he'll, he'll, he'll have enough shame where he just won't do it.
God says that if you cause a little one to stumble, it will be better for you to drown in the ocean. This man needs to hear that.
And you might say, well, this man is suicidal. He doesn't need to hear. Yes, he does. Yes, he does.
He needs to hear that rather than hurt a kid, it would be better that he'd be dead. So maybe he'll stop and have enough shame and have, and have enough of that, that, that, that, that, that conviction to just stop before he takes this step.
Don't listen to the ERLC. The ERLC is wrong about almost everything. And they're definitely wrong that you shouldn't go to the abortion clinics to try to stop women from having abortions.
Don't listen to them. They're definitely wrong about how preachers shouldn't from the pulpit talk about how bad abortion is.
Don't listen to them. Why is the ERLC wrong? What is their agenda? I have no idea.
It doesn't even matter because whether they have nefarious motives or they think they have good motives, the result is the same.
They're telling you not to give, uh, people that are considering an atrocity like abortion, the grace of hearing from God that he takes that seriously.
And it would be better for them to be dead than to kill their child. Don't take the edge out of the scripture.
Now, one last thing. One of the other things about this show that was super creepy was that oftentimes in the chat logs, you read them and they're available online.
You can read the whole chat log if you want to on the show, they would just read parts of it, like the most gross parts, but one of the things that was really gross about the chat log, this was like, again, 10, 15 years ago is the men would often get pleasure out of teaching the 12 year old, 13 year old about sex, different sexual positions.
You know, doggy style, anal, all this stuff. They were, and it was so gross. It was so gross. And the kid would be like, oh, and, and the kids and the adults would be like, oh,
I just love teaching you. This is so great. And it was so gross, man. It was so gross.
And they, they, on, on Dateline, they posted those parts a lot of the chat logs because they knew it was just, people would have a, a, just a, like, just, they wanted to, they knew that it was so gross.
They knew that it was shocking. So that's why they posted, they pulled that stuff out of the chat logs very often, and I got to thinking about that.
Cause, cause that is gross, right? To have an adult, that's not the kid's parent teaching them about the birds and the bees, right?
Like that's, that's kind of gross. If you have your kid in public school,
Planned Parenthood and GLSEN and all these kinds of pagan, uh, secular progressive entities are doing this to your children, they're hired to go into public schools and teach them about anal sex and the glories of different sexual positions and different partners and group sex and all this kind of stuff.
Well, as long as you wear a condom though, you know, it's a good message. You wear a condom. 10 years ago, 15 years ago, this was a clear, they would, they, on Dateline, if you can believe it, they would say, this is grooming.
These men are grooming these children, grooming. If you don't know what that means is essentially kind of getting them along the path to being able to molest them.
Like, you know, your, your church, you're trying to try to work them towards being able to eventually meet them and molest them.
And now we're hiring people to come into the schools to groom our children.
You see, I mean, it's easy to, it's easy to kind of put this all together. I mean, the rates of sexual deviancy of all sorts have gone up.
There's all kinds of, uh, abuse and various kinds of things going on, all kinds of experimentations, group sex, anal sex, all kinds of different insanity that the rates are going up.
And we wonder, well, why is this happening? I mean, I've, I've got an idea maybe why it's happening.
We're hiring organizations like GLSEN and Planned Parenthood to come into our schools, to talk about the glories of the different sexual positions and group sex and all kinds of experiment.
It's just totally normal. It's just totally normal that we're hiring people to groom our children.
You see, back in the day, when, when, when to catch a predator came out, we knew this was grooming. We knew when men would do this to children, they were grooming them.
And now for some bizarre reason, we're okay. Hiring people to come into our schools and groom our kids.
Man, if you're a Christian, please get your kids out of the schools.
You might say, well, my school's not like that. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're wrong, but there's nothing philosophically that will keep your school from not being like that very soon.
This is the way the world is going. You need to understand that. I wouldn't, if I were you,
I wouldn't bet my life on the fact that your school isn't doing this right now. I mean, that's just a, it's an interesting way to sort of see how far we've come.
10 years ago, we, we knew this was grooming and now we're hiring people to do it to our kids. It's just unbelievable.
It's unbelievable. And it makes me sick to my stomach to see this kind of stuff. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.