Warning for Black and Brown and White Social "Justice" Christians

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This is a serious warning to any Christian that considers themselves on the side of racial social justice or racial reconciliation. I applaud the cause, but worry about your methods.


Hi, my name is Adam Robles and today I wanted to do a video as a warning to my black and brown brothers and sisters in Christ Really it applies to anybody who is on the side of sort of social justice and all this kind of thing in the
Christian Community and it's an important warning. So I hope you hear my heart I worry sometimes about some of the attitudes and some of the perspectives that I see on that side
But I really wanted to to give this warning because I think it applies very greatly What I see a lot of is articles in various magazines and blogs
That make a lot of accusations against white people essentially
And in usually they're not specific. Usually it's not like hey this pastor is doing this
Usually it's very vague in general. It says something about the white church. It'll say the white church Is racist or the white church is prejudiced in some way and it's very
Squishy definitions and things like that, but it's still an accusation And I wanted to talk about that because the
Bible sets a standard in the law about having witnesses and evidence For an accusation.
So no accusation is proven until it has two or three witnesses And that was the
Old Testament standard But Paul the Apostle applies that standard to the church And I want to I want to switch the screen here and show you this
This is 1st Timothy Actually, I meant to stay in 1st Timothy 5.
So let's go back to 1st Timothy 5 and Here's what it says about Elders in verse 19.
It says do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses
So that's important. So if you're going to charge an elder with something
You need to have evidence you need to have proof that the elders actually done it or Paul the Apostle says don't even entertain such an accusation and That's very important.
That's the exact opposite of listen and believe and so Biblically speaking listen and believe is a very bad way to determine if an accusation has merit or if it has value and so You know all these accusations all these articles
I see written that says the white church did this the white church did that that might not be an accusation against a specific elder
But it's still an accusation against a class of elders And so you need to have evidence you need to have two or three witnesses
To demonstrate what you've said is actually true It has to be more than just storytelling and this is the thing a lot of what
I see in the in the in the social justice community It really elevates storytelling above everything else
So as long as my perspective is that you're racist then you need to listen to me and and that's not enough
You need to prove it. You can't just say well, it looks racist to me and it it appears like it might be racist to me
That's just not enough. And I Want to I want to this is my warning. I want to take it to a different passage
This is Deuteronomy chapter 19 and this is talking about the civil law this is talking about criminal law and Here's what it says about this, right?
So again, first of all here in verse 15, it says a single witness shall not suffice against a person
So again, you need two or three witnesses that you need corroborating evidence to establish a charge and here's what it says it says in verse 18
It says the judges shall inquire diligently and if the witness is a false witness and is accused his brother falsely
Then you shall do to him as you had meant to do to his brother And again this is something else that that really proves that listen and believe is bad because the
Witnesses need to be examined by the judges And so if you make an accusation against a brother and it turns out you're a false witness that the accusation is unfounded
Then what the law says is that whatever penalty would have happened to the person you were accusing that penalty should happen to you and so that really
Deincentivizes false accusations because it's not like you get off Scott free when there's when there's a false accusation a lot of times in our culture nothing happens to the accuser
Right in God's law and God's justice That's not how it works instead the accuser the person who accused falsely
Gets the penalty that would have happened to the accusee. And so In this case, you know all these articles all of these people that are making these accusations against the white church
Well, you know here's the thing if you prove that the white church or a specific pastor or a class of pastors was asked acting in a
Racist way or a discriminatory way what I would say is well those pastors should be removed They shouldn't be pastors anymore because being discriminatory showing partiality is unacceptable for a
Christian And so if they don't repent if they continue to do it, they should be removed from the office of pastor
Well, according to the biblical standard if you're going to make accusations and you have no evidence for it
You cannot establish it. In fact, you have if there's evidence contrary to it that shows that what you said is false
It's a false witness. Well, what I would say is you should be removed from your pastorate.
So here's the thing This is a warning. I have no power to remove anyone from a pastorate obviously But if you're going around making false accusations accusations that you have no idea whether they're true or not
You have no evidence for in fact, you know, it's just it's just something you feel you just think it's true
But you don't have any evidence for it. If that's you You need to step down you need to step down.
That's the biblical standard We can't just go around making accusations all this way all this, you know this way and that without any evidence
It's just our feelings that that's not acceptable for a Christian that is unacceptable for a pastor to do
And so I would caution you if this is if this is what you're doing I mean, I've seen a lot of articles and I see very little evidence and I I'm not gonna say you don't have evidence
Because I don't know that But I would imagine if you did you would provide it in these articles and I just barely ever see anything even close to that So I would caution you if you're writing blog articles if you're producing videos about how discriminatory the white church is and how racist the white church is and you're not providing evidence and you don't really have any
I Would I would probably stop doing that and I would really consider am I called to be a pastor