Darrell Harrison's Wet Blanket - A Friendly Response

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Alright, everybody, welcome back to the channel. I hope you had a good weekend, a good Lord's Day, a good everything.
I definitely did. In fact, I was at my old church for one last time. My pastor asked me to preach a sermon, which
I did, and it was wonderful. It was wonderful to be with everybody. That church, I've been at their church for quite some time, and I've been planning on leaving it for like three years, but I just kept delaying because it's such a great church.
But ultimately, we had to make the move with the new baby and everything. We just could not drive the hour each way anymore to be at that church.
We had to go somewhere local, and I have good local church too, so I'm in a pretty lucky position. But it was a good time with them, and it was worth it.
I just had to make a move, and so it was bittersweet. But I preached a sermon on the joy of the
Lord and no despair, no blackpilling. People seemed to really be encouraged by it, which was great because it's always good when people are encouraged by the word of the
Lord. Like I said, I hope you had a great weekend. I definitely did. I actually extended my weekend. I went fishing yesterday with my brother -in -law.
We did pretty well. I didn't get anything huge. He got a really nice bass. Around here in Vermont and New Hampshire, anything over three pounds is a nice bass.
That's how it is here. I know in Texas, that's like a little minnow, but around here, that's a nice bass.
He actually caught a six -pounder in the same spot. Anyway, I got four bass, all pretty small.
Then I got a walleye by accident. I wasn't going after walleye, but I got a nice, decent -eater -sized walleye.
But I didn't keep it because I was afraid that it would spoil because I caught it basically right in the beginning when we were there.
I knew it was going to be there for a while and it was going to be in the sun, so I just didn't want it to spoil, so I let it go.
Really fun, though. Fun catch, that's for sure. All right. Let's begin. I'm going to be responding to this tweet from Daryl Harrison.
Now, I thought this would be a good idea, and this is the thing. Look, I don't mind wading into these dangerous waters.
I know a lot of you guys like Daryl Harrison, but you can be encouraged because I like Daryl Harrison, too.
So this is not about me not liking Daryl Harrison. But I thought this was an interesting tweet for me to respond to because I kind of agree with where he starts out, but where he ends up,
I completely disagree. I wanted to offer an alternative perspective to what Daryl is selling here because what
Daryl is selling here, I think, is a perspective that is going to die out. Well, at the very least, it should die out because it's not biblical, and it really doesn't embolden.
It doesn't encourage. It's just, to be quite honest, it's like a wet blanket.
That's what it feels like to me. But let's get into it. Let me read it first, and then we'll talk about why
I think that this is a perspective that needs to die out. And quite frankly, I think it will die out. It'll have to.
It has to. Here's what Daryl B. Harrison says. Oh, by the way, if you hear music upstairs, that's my kids playing.
They're playing Donkey Kong or something. They're not playing the video game. They're just pretending. Anyway, Daryl Harrison says this.
As Christians, our responsibility is not to try to out -month the culture. It is an exercise in futility for believers in Christ to try to come behind the culture and replace their polluted, sin -fixated observances, for example,
Pride Month, with those that are more virtuous and upright, for example, Life Month. To engage in such an ideological tit with demonic and sin -sick culture is unproductive, to say the least, as it falls short into getting to the real issues, the spiritual blindness that envelops it.
Scripture is clear that this world and the systems by which it operates is under demonic influence and control.
Consequently, the culture will out -month the church every time, given that by its very nature the culture is inherently bereft of any righteous intent or motive.
Sadly, this seemingly insatiable desire of unrepentant sinners to egregiously offend a holy
God, a God who is divinely obdurate in his tolerance of sin, is what vivifies every depraved act in which they choose to engage.
Ultimately, attempting to out -month the culture will accomplish nothing. As followers of Jesus Christ, we need to realize that and commit ourselves even more to sharing with a spiritually deceived culture the only message that will remove the veil of blindness from the hearts and minds of those who are walking in the darkness of demonic deception.
The Gospel. Alright, that's his tweet.
Now, I sympathize with the beginning part about this whole thing about out -monthing the pagans and stuff like that.
I'm not that kind of guy. I've always kind of felt weird about that kind of stuff.
We're like, this is Hispanic Heritage Month. Oh, this is Black Month. Like, I always thought that was stupid even when
I was a kid. When I was a kid, I'll never forget questioning the teacher about why we had
Black History Month. And, you know, this is, I was young, you know, this is back when, you know, it was basically unquestionable.
Like, we're going to learn about Martin Luther King today, you know what I mean? Like, for 30 days we're going to learn about Martin Luther King. Like, that was just kind of part of the dogma.
And I asked the teacher, it's like, well, why Black History Month? Like, why do we have a special month?
Why don't we just learn black history as part, like, the way we learn every history? Just, like, learn it. Why do we have to dedicate special time?
And I always thought days were stupid, too. Like, I mean, I understood holidays and, like, the importance of holidays. But even when
I was a kid, like, you'd be like, oh, today's Arbor Day. Like, I don't know.
I recognize that I'm in the minority there. Like, I'm not saying that my way is the right way. I'm just saying, like, as a kid
I've always, like, thought that was dumb. Right? I always thought that was dumb. And I'm not the kind of guy that, like, you know, changes my profile to celebrate, you know,
Life Month. Like, it's just not my thing. I'm not against Life Month, the idea of Life Month. I'm not against it.
But I'm just, I've never been into it. Because I agree, it kind of does seem sort of like you're trying to one -up, you know, like you're copying the pagans, but you're trying to one -up them.
But it's always just kind of like an afterthought. I kind of agree with that. So, like, that's why
I thought that this would be a good tweet for me to respond to. Because I do sort of sympathize with at least a portion of what he's saying.
But when he puts meat on it about why he's against it, it's really not the same reason that I'm against it.
Right? There's something more here. There's something more meaty here that I just,
I completely reject. And it's this idea that really, you know, you're dodging the real issue here.
Right? You're dodging the issue. The issue is that they're pagans and that they need the Gospel.
They need the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And, of course, who would deny that? Nobody would deny that. But I really dislike the idea that the only thing that matters is this idea of the
Gospel and converting pagans. Now, of course, we should be concerned with converting pagans.
That's part of the mission. I mean, you can't deny that. The Great Commission says that we should be baptizing the nations, right?
So, baptizing, you know, make disciples of all nations. How do you do that?
By baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. So, there's definitely that.
But, like, it's so common, in my opinion, to get this truncated.
And I do mean that. It's a truncated Great Commission. It's not a truncated
Gospel. It's a truncrated Great Commission.
Because there's lots of other legitimate stuff to do. And I would argue that Life Month is an attempt, not one that I would really buy into, but I wouldn't want to stop it.
There's a lot of things I don't buy into that I'm not going to try to stop. That I'm not going to try to put cold water on or drop a cold blanket on it.
Like, I don't mind that it happens, even though it's not really for me. I'm not going to fly the
Life Month flag. That's just really not my thing. It's not for me. But I'm not going to try to stop it as if it's worthless.
Because the whole discipleship is baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit. So, that's conversion, right? That's their ultimate need. They need to be converted to the Lord Jesus Christ.
They need their heart of stone to become a heart of flesh. I don't know. I put two fists up there. I don't know why.
This is exactly the same. The heart of stone is over here. This is the heart of flesh. It's a little looser. I don't know.
Yes, they do need that. But you can't forget the second part of that commission. That's teaching them to observe everything that Christ commands.
Who? The nations. The nations that you're baptizing, those same people, you're teaching them to observe everything that Christ commands.
And I think that Life Month is sort of like that. And this is the thing.
Really, what's happening here is, is it relevant to preach to the choir, right?
Because that's what's happening with Life Month, right? Because in Life Month, nobody has this delusion that all these homosexuals that are currently in the streets, and they're half -dressed, and they're performing perversions, parading them in front of everyone for all to see.
No Christian has the delusion that says, okay, guys, I got a great idea. We're going to have Life Month, and all of those degenerates are going to be like, oh,
Life Month. Now that sounds great. Let's stop having anal sex with each other in the streets, and let's go celebrate
Life Month. That's not what Life Month's about, and I think Daryl Harrison knows that.
So I don't think that I'm teaching him anything there. Life Month is an alternative.
Life Month is a way to energize God's people.
Life Month is a way to preach to the choir, and preaching to the choir is very legitimate.
It's very legitimate to do that. And so to have an alternative, again, this is not my thing.
I wouldn't go to a Life Month event. It's just not my thing. I support ending abortion.
I support criminalizing abortion. I support all that. I support those pregnancy centers.
I used to be on the board of one of those pregnancy centers. I support all that stuff. I support the cause. I'm in there. It's just not my thing.
I don't do this kind of thing. Ever since I was a kid, it's just not my thing. Just like I wouldn't celebrate
Hispanic Heritage Month if there was one. There probably is one, and I don't know what it is because I don't care. But preaching to the choir is legitimate.
It's something that we should do. We should energize people to say, look, all these pagans are out there, and they're celebrating degeneracy, and I know every major company is telling you you're a bigot, and I know your favorite baseball team is telling you and your kids that you're evil homophobes.
I understand, but you know what? We're not going to take that black pill, and we're going to have an alternative.
It's Life Month. I understand why people do that, and it's good.
If that energizes you, if you get into Life Month, if you put the Life Month flag if there is one.
I don't know if there is one. Or if you're the kind of person that puts the Uganda flag in your profile,
I'm never going to do that. I'll never do that. I'll never be the guy that puts the Uganda flag in his profile. But that's not a problem if you do it.
In fact, I understand why people do it. It's encouraging to see a country take a harder stance on the homosexuals than we do.
That's encouraging. If you get energy, if you get encouraged by that, if you get emboldened by that, if that is exciting to you, then do it.
I mean, it's good for Christians to be encouraged. It's good for Christians to be zealous and to have zeal and to have energy and to be energized, especially in a month where there's perversion parading in the streets, strutting around as if they own the freaking place.
Why would you want to pour cold water on that? I don't understand that perspective.
Now, here's something else that I—so that's my first disagreement. This is not like we're trying to convert the pagan homosexuals with an alternative month that maybe they'll like it better.
Of course they're not going to like it better. They're degenerates. They love their sin. They love their sin.
It's satanic. It's demonic. We all get that. But that's not what Life Month is for. Life Month is for Christians.
And again, I don't even care about Life Month. But preaching to the choir is legitimate.
I mean, that's—quite frankly, that's a lot of what we do is preach to the choir.
That's actually kind of what Daryl Harrison's sort of doing here. He's preaching to the choir. That's legitimate.
That's necessary. That's fine. But there's also something else going on here, right?
There's something else going on here, in my opinion, that I wanted to respond to. He says that, That is true when your culture is unchristian.
Right? Of course. When you've got a nation that does not follow Christ, then, of course, you're going to have a system that is evil, that has evil intent, that has evil emotives, and stuff like that.
But it does not have to be that way. And it definitely does not have to be that way in our culture, because we have a lot of Christians in this culture.
And quite frankly, there are areas in the country where it definitely doesn't have to be that way.
It doesn't. We have a lot of Christians. And quite frankly, I believe that the reason we have so many of these gay pride parades where they're just openly strutting their rejection of God, and there's no consequences, there's no pushback.
And I say there's no pushback. There's always pushback. There's always preachers that go and preach. And that's great. But the reason why it's so common is not because we don't have enough
Christians. We have enough Christians. It's because we've got Christians that have been discouraged and depressed.
I don't mean clinically. I just mean like, you know, over time. And they've been encouraged in their losing.
They've been encouraged in their low state. They've been encouraged in their lack of influence on anything.
They've been encouraged in that. And quite frankly, they've been encouraged into that by people that sound an awful lot like Daryl Harrison here, where it's like,
Pride? Life month? What, are you trying to out -month the pagans? It's like, no, no, no.
The Bible also says that the gates of hell will not stand against the church of Jesus Christ.
The gates of hell will not stand against the church of Jesus Christ. The gates of hell cannot stand against the church of Jesus Christ.
And so we should be marching forward. We should be marching forward, and we should be influencing that culture because we're part of that culture.
We're in that culture. This is our culture. We've got to own that. We're influencing that for Christ, and that's part of the
Great Commission. Again, yes, converting people through the proclamation of the gospel, of course, but that proclamation has an impact.
And this is the thing, and I know Daryl Harrison knows this, so I'm not criticizing him for this. He knows that the gospel, when you are converted to Christ through the power of the
Holy Spirit, by the preaching of the word, by the preaching of that gospel, that changes you, right?
That changes you. But here's the thing. We don't have to just leave that to some mystical chance.
No, no. It changes us, and it changes us, and it happens through actions, through catechism.
You catechize people. You teach them to observe everything Christ commands, and then you go and you do it.
And some of that stuff might be a little corny like Life Month, but some of it's going to be major. Some of it's going to be major moves.
And so it's like we can't—we have to be intentional, to borrow a
Big Eva word, about the second part of that commission, about making moves, about influencing the culture.
Because I think Daryl Harrison would admit, yeah, changed people, you know, people that are converted to Christ through the gospel will influence the culture.
But the thing is, it's like every time someone actually tries to influence the culture, it's like, well, yeah, but that's not the real point.
The real point is converting people through the gospel. And it's like, right, but if they're going to change the culture, like, we can try to do that too.
See, that's the thing. People are trying to do that. That's the second part of that commission, you know, teaching them to observe everything that Christ commands, trying to influence the culture for good because you're changed as a person who's been converted through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
You're changed. You want to have a positive influence on your communities and things like that. But the minute someone tries to do it, it's like, no, no, no, no, that's not the point.
That's not the point. There's this weird disconnect here. There's a very weird disconnect, in my opinion.
It's like, well, that's not the point of the gospel is saving the culture. That's not the point. It's like, well, okay.
I think that there's a big disconnect here. There's a truncated Great Commission. That's for sure.
There's a Great Commission that, sure, it converts people. But, like, there's always suspicion when those converted people go and make positive changes in the culture because the culture is always supposed to win from this perspective.
And, like, so I guess you can try to make changes. But even the attempts to make positive influence on the culture is often looked at with suspicion.
And you'll get stuff like, hey, you're actually ignoring the real mission.
You're ignoring the real mission, and what you're doing is unproductive. Trying to influence the culture for good is unproductive.
And it's like, I really want to know where that comes from. I really want to know where that comes from in the
Bible, where it's like you baptize, you know, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that is commanded. And it's like that part, teaching them to observe all that is commanded, like every time it manifests itself in real action, quite frankly, there are people like Daryl Harrison that are sitting there.
I'm not saying Daryl himself, but people like him that are sitting there that are naysaying, that are like, that's unproductive, guys.
No, that's unproductive. It's totally unproductive, that part of the Great Commission. And I know he would never say that, obviously, but it certainly feels like every time someone tries, any time someone tries to do it, it's like, no, no, you see, you don't understand.
It's unproductive, you know, it falls short of the real issue. The real issue is you need to preach the gospel.
It's like, right, but also teach them to observe everything I command, right?
Like, it's part of the commission. It's multiple parts. It's, yes, we preach the gospel, converting, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, while also teaching them, right, also teaching them. And it's that teaching part that people, like, they get suspicious about it.
They get suspicious about it, and I don't understand where that comes from. I think I've made my point. Again, I agree with Daryl Harrison.
Like, personally, I think that Life Month, somebody shared something about Life Month with me, and I'm not against it.
Like, I don't want to say that you shouldn't do it. It's just not for me. I don't like that kind of thing, right?
I don't like that kind of thing. It's the same thing with, like, this is going to get me in trouble.
A lot of people like this, and as I said, it's just not for me. I think we can do better, but what's it called?
The Pastor Story Hour? Like, I like the idea in some ways because, you know, they're going to come against it.
People are going to protest it, and I kind of like that because it can show people sort of, like, the reality that we live in, the
LGBT religious theocracy. I like that. But it also just kind of feels a little,
I don't know, it feels like you're copying the pagans, and it's like, is there nothing wrong with that?
I mean, again, I'm not against Pastor Story Hour. I just wouldn't do it. I realize
I'm in the minority here. I'm not saying you have to agree with me on that one. I sort of get why Daryl is commenting on this kind of thing to a certain degree, but he certainly seems to be motivated by something a little different.
It's just, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe somebody can help me out and can tell me kind of what
I'm driving at here. But, yeah, I just, preaching to the choir is totally legitimate.
Preaching to the choir is totally legitimate. Teaching people to observe what Christ commanded or bring into remembrance.
This is what I think Life Month is trying to do. It's like bringing to remembrance the reality of our cultural situation where it's like, man, our nation is not better than when
Israel was passing their children through the fire to worship Moloch.
We're in that same boat, and we need to remember that we need to fight that.
We need to do something about that. And encouraging people to gather and to say, look, there's a lot of us.
We can actually affect change. That's a good thing. These are good things. And I just don't understand that it's constant.
There's a certain section of conservative Christianity, and these are allies in many ways, but they feel this need to throw cold water on any effort like that.
Any effort to encourage, any effort to make positive cultural changes is looked at with suspicion.
It's just a very weird dynamic. And so my alternative here is, he's right about a lot of this.
Our culture, our systems, the world system, it's really out of control pagan right now, and it doesn't need to be that way.
There are plenty of Christians in our nation. There are plenty of influential Christians in our nation.
There are plenty of people that simply must make things happen here.
We can make things happen in certain corners of our nation. We can make positive cultural changes.
We're part of the culture. We need to own that. We need to take responsibility for that, and we need to make some moves.
The things that we're able to influence, we need to influence. That is something. It doesn't have to be that way.
The LGBT religious theocracy that we live in, it doesn't have to be that way.
It's not permanent. It's not inevitable. In fact, the opposite is inevitable. We absolutely will destroy that movement.
That movement cannot stand. It won't stand. We have enough people to make it happen, and we should do that.
We should absolutely do that. In any case, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.