“The Lord Knows Me!” – FBC Morning Light (8/13/2024)


A brief bit of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today’s Scripture reading: Jeremiah 11-13


Well a good Tuesday morning to you. I hope your day your week got off to a good start yesterday and that today
You've been able to get into God's Word a little bit If not, I encourage you to read today
Jeremiah chapters 11 to 13 to follow along in our Bible reading plan
Today, I want to focus on Primarily the first part of a verse in chapter 12
But I want to lead up to it by looking at verses 1 & 2 in this chapter
You know Jeremiah is the Lord's chosen prophet and you know God has called him to be a voice to his people to challenge and confront them
But Jeremiah looks around and and he's a little bit perplexed. Listen what he says. He says righteous
Are you O Lord when I plead with you? All right. He's not blaming God with anything. He knows
God is righteous and just He says yet yet.
I know you're righteous yet Let me talk with you about your judgments He said clearly
Jeremiah is perplexed. He knows God's righteous But he sees some things that are just I know
I don't get this I'm having a hard time processing this and what is it? He says he asked the question. Why does the way of the wicked prosper?
You ever wonder that? Is that ever that thought ever crossed your mind? Why are people who are?
Wicked so Prosperous or I guess we could pay it put it this way.
Why is it that there are so many people who are prosperous? Who are at the same time quite wicked?
I think it's certainly there's an awful lot of wicked wicked people who aren't wealthy and prosperous, but it's okay
So why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why are those happy who deal so treacherously?
It seems like life is a party and yet they are They're they're they're horrible people
He says you have planted them. Yes, they have taken root. They grow.
Yes, they bear fruit You are near in their mouth, but far from their mind and the last part of verse 2 he's addressing the
Phenomenon of professing Christians are professing followers of God Who They talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk there
The Lord is near in their mouth, but they don't think like him and they don't act like him so so he's struggling with this he's looking at these other people and he's bothered by How he sees them live and how and what they seem to be getting away with But then he says this in verse 3 and this is what
I wanted to kind of zero in on he says but you O Lord Know me you have seen me and you have tested my heart toward you
So I get what I get what Jeremiah is doing here is he's realizing that The Lord is going to test his heart as well.
The Lord knows him thoroughly as well In other words, here's the thing it's so easy, isn't it to look at other people and Draw conclusions about their lives and about the state of their heart and their mind their way of thinking their relationship with God and so forth and And be very critical and and judgmental
Without pondering our own without stopping to think about What does
God know about my heart what does he see that's going on inside of my heart as He tests me if he should test me what will come out what will be proved in that testing?
so Yes, the Lord knows the heart of the wicked. He knows what's going on in their lives and in there
He knows all of that and in his righteousness, he's gonna deal with that But but let's also keep in mind
Every one of us. Let's keep in mind. The Lord knows me. He knows me thoroughly
He knows all about me. He sees me. He he sees my heart.
He knows my thoughts from afar off and he will he will put those things to the test and What's really there?
Will come out some way or another through the crucible of that testing So Let's be very careful about simply being critical of those who are yet wicked and You know treacherous in their lives without also examining our own heart and mind and and and going before the
Lord and Acknowledging that he knows me too. He knows what's in my heart as well
Yeah, because he does He does quite thoroughly Heavenly Father.
I pray in our Evaluation of the wickedness all around us and the grief that it causes us in our hearts may we not may we not forget to look within our own hearts and Seek to know what you know and to deal with that Which will otherwise come out in some form of testing we pray in Jesus name.
Amen All right. Well, listen, I hope you have a good rest of your Tuesday and that the