Brandan Robertson Says Jesus Was RACIST?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking once again about a video from Brandon Robertson. For those who don't know,
Brandon is a self -proclaimed pastor who is also a proponent of homosexuality. Essentially, Brandon worships wokeness.
He kneels at the altar of progressive ideology. His teaching bears virtually no resemblance at all to historic or orthodox
Christianity. In fact, in one of his TikTok videos, Brandon actually made the case that Jesus himself used a racial slur and needed to repent of his racism.
Watch this. Did you know that there's a part of the Gospel of Mark where Jesus uses a racial slur?
In Mark chapter 7, there's the account of the Seraphim woman, a woman who is Syrian and Greek, both of which there were strong biases against within the
Jewish community. And she comes to ask Jesus to heal her daughter who's possessed by a demon. And what is
Jesus's response? He says, it's not good for me to give the children's food, meaning the children of Israel's food, to dogs.
He calls her a dog. So here, Brandon is referring to the account of Jesus and the
Syrophoenician woman given in Mark chapter 7. Specifically, in Mark 7, 26, it is recorded that, quote, she begged him,
Jesus, to cast the demon out of her daughter. Jesus responds to her in verse 27, saying this, quote,
Let the children be fed first, for it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.
And this word, dogs, is highlighted by Brandon Robertson as a racial slur. His point is, essentially, that there was animosity between the
Jews and the Gentile Greeks, which is true enough. But his conclusion is that, therefore, the word that Jesus used to refer to this woman as dog must carry with it the connotation of a racist prejudice and animosity, hatred, if you will.
But let me assure you, virtually every part of Brandon's perspective here is false, unbiblical, and completely fabricated by him for the sake of advancing his blasphemous, woke agenda.
And this is the first and most important point of the video. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any kind that the word
Jesus used here was meant as a racist slur. Brandon's entire point in the video crashes and burns before it can even get off the ground.
Let's investigate more closely. The Greek word for dog here is kounarion, which means small dog, lap dog.
It carries the connotation of a small house pet, one which a person might be fond of. At the very least, there is no reason at all to think that it's sinful or hateful or racially motivated as a slur.
That's for certain. You see, even if it's not meant necessarily as a term of endearment, the primary purpose of the word is quite clear.
The children who eat at the table in Jesus's example are the people of Israel, God's chosen people.
And the dogs are those who do not sit at God's table, so to speak. They do not follow God, and so they are lost in sin.
So the term is not meant primarily as a racial distinction, although it is, but rather as a spiritual distinction first and foremost.
Romans 1 .16 says, quote, For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the
Jew and also to the Greek. The message of Christ comes first to the Jew and then to the
Greek. It's that clear. This is the pattern being emphasized here. And Jesus uses the analogy of house pets and children to further illustrate the pattern.
He's not promoting or advancing racial hatred. Rather, he is highlighting the pattern of redemptive history, the redemptive history which he came to complete.
So this overreaction on the part of Brandon Robertson, where does it come from? Well, it's obviously an attempt to read 21st century
American politics and controversies into the scriptures that were frankly written thousands of years before America even existed.
It is incredibly disingenuous to read the Bible this way, and no one should be convinced by this.
But with that said, let's watch his next argument. Watch this. He calls her a dog.
What's amazing about this account is that the woman doesn't back down. She speaks truth to power. She confronts
Jesus and says, well, you can think that about me, but even dogs deserve the crumbs from the table.
Her boldness and bravery to speak truth to power actually changes Jesus' mind. So in this clip, we can see the radical feminist worldview of Brandon Robertson and really progressive
Christianity in general coming into play. This carries the connotation of good job, Sarah Phoenician woman, you tell
Jesus what's up. Slay queen, you go girl, way to speak truth to power. But more than this,
Brandon Robertson highlights the woman's response, saying that she apparently stood up to Jesus, looking him right in the eye and saying, quote, well, you can think that about me, but even the dogs eat from the table.
This tone and response is nowhere in the text. It is entirely made up by Brandon.
This woman never gave Jesus the sassy retort of you can think that about me if you want.
No. In the actual passage, Mark 7, 28, here's what she says, quote, but she answered him.
Yes, Lord. Yet even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs.
She calls Jesus Lord. She says, yes, agreeing with him. She didn't stand up to him and tell him why he's so racist and why his prejudice is so wrong.
No, she submitted to him calling him Lord. Again, this is a sharp contrast compared to Brandon Robertson's comment on behalf of the woman, the one that she didn't say.
You see, she did not say, well, you can think that about me if you want to, Jesus, while rolling her eyes and flipping her hair dismissively.
No. Instead, she humbly said, yes, Lord. And she continued to beseech Jesus for his help as Lord.
You see, progressive Christianity has made such an idol out of womanhood. They have created such an idol, such an altar out of feminine independence that they're actually willing to use feminine independence against even
God himself. This should really tell you something. You see, according to progressive Christians, independent women are so powerful that even
Jesus himself couldn't stand in their way. But when they put women above God himself like this, it's easy for us to see who their true
God is. Brandon makes Jesus look like an ignorant and misogynistic pig, while the woman who speaks truth to power comes out looking like a strong, independent woman who doesn't have to take nothing from no one.
But just to be clear, none of that is in the text. It is merely a figment of Brandon Robertson's woke imagination, and it gives us a glimpse into the progressive obsession with radical feminism.
And this brings us to the last clip. Watch this. Her boldness and bravery to speak truth to power actually changes
Jesus' mind. Jesus repents of his racism and extends healing to this woman's daughter. I love this story because it's a reminder that Jesus is human.
He had prejudices and bias, and when confronted with it, he was willing to do his work. And this woman was willing to stand up and speak truth.
So in perhaps the most absurd part of the video we've seen yet, Brandon actually says out loud that Jesus, quote, repents of his racism when he heals the woman's daughter.
There's just one small problem with this. Jesus never sinned, and therefore he never had to repent of anything in his entire life.
First John 3, 5 says this, quote, You know that he appeared to take away sins, and in him there is no sin.
You see, inherent in Jesus' ability to take away your sin is the fact that he himself committed none.
As Orthodox Christians, we know that Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for our sin. If Jesus ever sinned, if he sinfully used a racial slur and needed to repent, then there is no salvation in the
Christian Church. This is how wokeness and progressivism undermine the message of the
Gospel. In other words, here is the only conclusion we're left with. Either Brandon Robertson is lying about Jesus, or the
Bible is lying about Jesus. It's that simple. The point is that Brandon and the Bible exist on two totally different fronts.
They're parallel lines that never cross. You cannot believe in both at the same time. In other words, you have to choose.
Will it be woke, progressivism, leftist nonsense, or will you believe the truth of God's Word?
You cannot have both. They are completely at odds with one another. Isaiah 5, 20 says, quote,
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.
Do not exchange the light for the dark. And in the same way, do not exchange real, genuine,
Orthodox, Biblical Christianity for this progressive imitation. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a
Biblical critique. And let's pray for Brandon, that he would stop this progressive idolatry by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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