Startling a Turkey

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When Jesus appears out of thin air, the disciples are startled (Luke 24:36-37). If you see a giant turkey looking through a window into the building where you are, see what happens when you pop up inches from his face on the other side of the window and say "peace to you". Can you imagine how startled the disciples were when Jesus appeared in the room where they were?


that he is alive. That he is bodily risen from the dead. Acts chapter 1 will pick up where this leaves off.
And we're told in the third verse that when Jesus appeared over those 40 days, he gave many convincing proofs that he is alive.
That's the point of this section. That his body has risen from the dead.
See my hands touch and feel. He's involving their senses. Hear my words. I'm speaking to you.
I'm in the flesh. And then he seals it with that piece of fish. Give me some food.
And I don't know if he just gobbled it up real quick, but he eats in their presence. He demonstrates that he's alive.
That's the point of that first section. By many convincing proofs, he shows that he has risen from the dead.
Can you put yourself in the shoes of the disciples though? They're gathered together.
They're hearing the report from the road to Emmaus. And others have seen Jesus. Peter has seen him now.
The women have seen him. They're celebrating. They're excited. They're filled with joy. But then boom!
He is in the room with them. We're told by the text that they are startled by this.
One time I drove up to church. I was the only one here early in the morning. And I noticed in the field that there were deer, which there normally are.
But this time there was also a big turkey. Have you seen that big old turkey that roams around here sometimes?
He had wandered up and was looking in this window over here. So I got an idea.
As I came in the building, I came in real quiet, and I came in the sanctuary, and I crawled on the floor.
And as he was looking in the window, my head just popped up. And I said, peace to you. And his eyes lit up, and boom!
He was gone into the woods. I had a lot of fun with that turkey. That's what it must have been like.
Do you see in the text? Verse 37, they were startled. They were startled.
What on earth? Boom! He's just right there. And he just says, peace to you.
But they're not filled with peace when they hear that. Look, their reaction in verse 38. They're startled, frightened, and they think they are seeing a spirit.
They're seeing a ghost. He says to them, why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts?