Spiritual Transitions from Snicker Doodles

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Well, this is a part where we're gonna do a spiritual transition game and the way this game works is this is where?
Those people who watch the striving for Trinity Academy live give me some topic
They think I just cannot transition from to the gospel No reason we do this is to train ourselves so that we no longer have to say
Lord Please open up and give me an opportunity to share the gospel. We can actually take any Conversation and get to the gospel the better We the more we play this game the better we get and then we can take any
Conversation no matter where it goes and get it back to the gospel. It's all about the transition That's usually the most difficult thing that people find in sharing the gospel with people is swinging from the natural to the spiritual and this transition game is a way of transitioning from the natural
To the spiritual and so it's a fun game to play actually with with friends or youth group or things like that today
I've been given the task of transitioning from a Snickerdoodle to the gospel now.
I must admit in all honesty. I have no idea Before tonight what a snickerdoodle is.
I know some of you are going what I can't believe it Yes, some of you probably know what they are and it's clearly not because of my healthy eating
I do like all kinds of sweets. I'm sure that there's that I will love a snickerdoodle
I've just read up on Google what it is Well, I'm sure that I would like them if I had them if someone wants to send a few my way
I would be happy to try them. But anyway but what I do know about the snickerdoodle for having read the the
The ingredients is it's obviously something sweet Which means it's probably not good for you
Do you ever notice that actually that everything that's really sweet and tasty that you really love is something that's bad for your health and all
That bitter, you know stuff like vegetables that you don't like are the things most
You know beneficial to your health Hmm. Why do you think that is?
Well, because very simply if it wasn't healthy and didn't taste well, who would have it?
No one we don't eat those things that aren't healthy for us and don't taste. Well, see we make a choice
We choose between eating things We really really like even though they're bad for us or eating things that we know are good for us even if we don't like them, that's the choice that we usually end up making and Yet we know
That in both those choices, there's something we don't like about them We either don't like the fact that it's keeping our bodies from being healthy and making our bodies break down and unhealthy or we don't like the way it tastes and There is something we can learn about that because there is throughout life
There's always a case where we're going to have to deal With the fact that we live in a fallen world.
We live in a world where it has suffered the effects of sin and Disobedience to God and therefore there are things we just don't like I mean if everything was in a perfect world, the healthiest food would also be the best tasting, right?
And so we live in a fallen world But there is a day coming When this world will pass away and another will be and that with that day
We'll sit in a feast at a marriage supper of a lamb Those of us who know
Christ and enjoy food that well, it's not gonna kill us because we'll live be living forever But it'll taste good.
I bet and The reality though is that we won't all be there
Now the question you may be asking is how to know that you're at that marriage feast. How do you get your invitation?
Well, here it is. The reality is is that just like that food that tastes well, but is bad for us
It's the same as sin see when we sin It gives us a short -term pleasure
But it has a long -term effect. See sin leads to death Sin leads to eternal death
But there's a way of escape that God made and that way of escape is that God himself came to earth died on a cross as A man so he could become the payment of sin for us
That's what God did so that we could escape the punishment of sin and just like that food that we
Love the taste but hate the fact that it's bad for us There's a day where we can turn from that and not have that desire to eat that stuff
That's bad for us, but to enjoy the healthy stuff What is it that gives us that joy?
well first it means turning to Jesus Christ and trusting him and him alone and not our works as a means of salvation second what it means is
Reading his word because that's what gives us a greater flavor pun intended for heaven
That's how I would transition from a snickerdoodle to the gospel. How would you go about?