Matt Slick Live: September 11, 2024



Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 09-11-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:  Does Rev. 17: 9-10 refer to the United States/Is The Serpent Seed Doctrine Damnable? Were people in The Old Testament “Regenerate?” Email Question Answered Are There Many Anti-Christs? Should we Desire The Gift of Prophecy? 9/11 and The Mountain Meadows Massacre What was The World like Before Noah’s Flood Remembering 9/11 in America and how it relates to Islam September 11, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at CARM .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. You're listening to Matt Slick Live.
Today's date is September 11th, 2024. A couple of significant events happened on this date, and we'll get into some of those a little bit later.
But the Mormon Mountain Meadows Massacre for the Mormons, and also a little bit of Islam for the anniversary, so to speak, of what
Islam did at 9 -11. All right. Now if you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
You can also email me, and the number or the email address is info at CARM .org.
Info at CARM .org, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G.
Just put in the subject line, radio comment or radio question, and we can get to those.
All right. I'm not going to be on the air on Friday, because I'm going to speak at a conference, and then on Monday, I won't be back, or won't be able to be on the air on Monday either.
So Friday and Monday, this week, next week, I'll be off. I've got things to take care of, and all that kind of stuff.
All right. Why don't we get on the air with Travis, from North Carolina, Travis. Welcome. You're on the air.
How you doing, Matt? Doing all right, man. Just having a good time being on the radio, man.
What do you got, buddy? Well, real quick, if your ticket was paid for, your plane ticket and hotel and everything, all expenses paid, would you fly to North Carolina just to baptize somebody?
Wow. I don't know. Usually if I'm going to travel, because it takes so much time, and I'm gone for so long,
I more and more only want to travel if it's really going to be teaching and whatever. But if I was going to go out there,
I'd want to spend some time out there, visit some churches and some people as well. But it's just, I don't know. Why?
Well, your radio show is what led me to Christ the last time I was in prison, and I had been more and more thinking about baptism.
I mean, I understand it's not like if you're going to do it, it can only be
Matt Slick. I understand that. But it just would really be significant to me, it would mean a lot to me. Well, if I was out there, but then we'd have to be in the prison there, right?
Do they have a baptismal formula? Oh, I come home in December. Oh, you do?
Okay. Wow. Okay. Well, good. And hope you find a good church and everything else. All right.
Okay, buddy. So what do you got, man? So I've got my question. If you don't have any callers waiting after,
I have like one or two little small like yes or no questions. If you can get to them, since I don't get to call that much. If not, it's cool.
I can wait. But my question right now is Revelation 17 verses nine through 10.
I was listening to one of these ministries on this Pando app on the tablet
I told you about. And this guy was trying to interpret the, let's see, he says, one is the other has not yet come.
He's trying to interpret the other has not yet come as being the United States. And when
I look at prophecy and eschatological scriptures, usually what
I see is that a nation is either represented by some kind of distinctive animal or some kind of characteristic or attribute or some action.
And I see nothing in scripture anywhere that supports the United States being anywhere in prophecy.
Yeah, I would agree, except to say that when the Bible prophesies that all nations will be gathered against Israel, North Carolina Correctional Facility, you're breathing in.
You're also breathing into the phone. So, no, I wouldn't say that out of Revelation 17, nine and 10, that the one that's coming is the
United States. I wish people would stop trying to make the United States fit into the Bible like this.
The kings have to do with powers and individuals, most probably, but yeah, it's ridiculous.
Okay. All right. Do you have time for a quick yes or no question or is there other people?
Go ahead. What do you got? The first one, which first one, I think, which would be the easiest.
I understand that whole serpent thing. He was impregnated by Satan or some dumb stuff.
I understand that. And I know how to refute it. The simple question is, is that something that we would call a damnable heresy?
Well, I guess certainly contradict somebody's salvation. It can certainly be in the area of something like that, depending what they do with it.
You're breathing into the phone again. So the thing is that because we know that serpent seed doctrine is false doctrine and go to rule to Genesis four, one for that.
But I wouldn't call it a damnable heresy. It's just associated with what's with it. What are they saying and what are they doing with it?
But generally speaking, something like that does provide the bedrock for other heresies to develop.
And the more you get, the further away from the truth you are. And, you know, it's an exam of that. All right, last one.
And this one is kind of inconsequential, but it seems really strange to me.
In Genesis 37, we start out with the story of Joseph. He's thrown in the pit, sent to Egypt, and then the story just stops.
Go to the story of Judah and just back to Joseph. Is there any significance for why that is placed where it is placed in the in the book of Genesis?
There's a significance. I don't know what it is, but a lot of times the writers have something in their mind that they want to get understood.
So if it goes from Judah, Tamar, and back, I would have to look at that and see if there's some clue in a verse that might suggest it.
But off the top of my head, I don't know. All right, well, thank you so much for your time,
Matt. Have a safe trip and try to get some of these new ones converted or whatever's going on in that conference.
Okay, sounds good. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you for always taking my calls. You're always helpful and polite, and I greatly appreciate it.
All right. Well, praise God, brother. Praise God. All right. Okay, well, there you go.
Hey, we have nobody waiting right now. We had one caller, and I know what the question was, so I'll address it. But if you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
You can also email me info at CARM .org. Info at CARM, C -A -R -M dot
O -R -G. Just put the subject line, radio comment, radio question, and we can get to it.
All right, so the question that was going to be asked by the next caller was, were people in the
Old Testament regenerate? And that's a good question, and I don't know how to answer the question. And the reason is because we have to define what regeneration is, and then the question is, is that possible in the
Old Testament? So if we say that regeneration is the indwelling of God in a person who have put their faith and trust in Christ, then we would say that didn't happen because they hadn't put their faith and trust in Christ.
On the other hand, if they were putting their faith and trust in the coming Messiah and the work of God, could they then have been considered regenerate?
Some theologians think, well, yes, and some think, no, because the sacrifice of Christ had not yet been offered, and people who died before the sacrifice of Christ went to a holding place.
And they weren't, some of the theory is, they weren't capable of having the
Holy Spirit indwell them in a regenerative sense because the sacrifice of Christ hadn't been offered.
Now David said, don't take your Holy Spirit from me. I think it's Psalm 51, I think. And this is after his great sin.
So some say, well, that might be the fact that he was regenerate, and he could lose his salvation.
I don't buy that for a second. But it could be that the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him, he says, please don't take that from me.
So there's just a lot of discussions about this. So I'm not able to say for sure if the people in the
Old Testament were regenerate. But it seems to me that they would have been, because as Abraham was justified by faith,
Romans 4 .3, because he believed God was reckoned to him as righteousness, that's out of Genesis 15 .6.
Well, if we look over into the New Testament time, the New Covenant, can we say that we have a justified individual who's not regenerate?
In the New Testament context, no, that's not possible. The question then becomes, is it possible in the
Old Testament, if regeneration is understood as being something required in the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit based on the sacrifice of Christ? Well, this really just, I go in circles back and forth because they had the
Holy Spirit back then. You can go to Job 33 .4, the Spirit of God made me, and things like that. And the
Holy Spirit hovered over the earth at the beginning of Genesis 1. He was there.
So this is just not an easy one to answer. It's just not an easy answer. My view is, yeah, they were regenerate because they were faithful and their hope was in God and the
Messiah and his deliverance. And so that was enough to justify them. And I don't see how anybody could be justified and also not saved.
And if you're saved, you're regenerate. So I lean towards that position that, yes, they were regenerate.
But the reason I kind of went all these different directions is to show you that this discussion has been had by various theologians and there are issues related to it.
And we can't say exactly 100 % for sure, but we can have an opinion.
And that's what I gave you was my opinion on that. So there you go.
Now, if you want, you can give me a call. All you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
I had a cough right there. Hold on. All right. Wow. Well, that's interesting.
So what I'm going to do now is get to... The window popped up. I was looking for something. We got a couple of callers coming in.
So we've got some e -mails that people have sent in. I was thinking about getting some of those. And we have a lot, actually, of questions and issues from submissions.
So it says in Revelation 1 .1, God gave the revelation to Jesus who then delegated down the revelation to eventually be given to John.
If God and Jesus are co -equal members of the Trinity, why did God the Father need to give secret knowledge to the co -equal member of the
Trinity, God the Son? Well, it wasn't that he needed to give it. It's that there is a condition of which
Jesus is made under the law and will be forever a high priest after the order of Melchizedek, who is a man forever.
And so we see the continuation of this relationship between the Father and the Son in how the
Father gave to the Son certain things. So the logic is, well, if he's
God, why would he have to give that to him? Well, let me just sidestep and say this. In Revelation 19 .12,
it says, For his eyes are a flame of fire, and on his head are many diatoms. And he has a name written on himself which no one knows except himself.
He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood. His name is called the Word of God.
So we see here in Revelation 19 .12 where Jesus has a name that no one knows except himself.
Well, we could ask the question, Wait a minute, if God the Father is supposed to know everything, and it says no one knows his name except himself, then
God the Father doesn't know it, therefore he doesn't know everything, therefore he's not God, why would that be the case? What I'm trying to do is show that you want to be careful when making doctrine, particularly out of the book of Revelation.
I don't knock the book of Revelation. There's a lot of symbolism in there. We're just going to be careful, and we don't want to go too far with it.
And so if I gave the answer at the beginning there about Christ's condition, we're just going to be careful we don't go too far with it.
We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, and welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, it is easy.
All you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
You can also give me an email, info at CARM .org, info at CARM .org,
and put the subject line, radio comment or radio question, and we can get to it.
All right, there you go. Let's get on the air with, let's see, Jim from Raleigh, North Carolina. Jim, welcome.
You're on the air. Hey, Matt, appreciate you taking my call.
You know, I think you had a program about a week or so dedicated to the
Antichrist, which I miss. I hate I miss it. But I've always been a little confused. And 1
John 2, 18 says, you know, you have heard that the Antichrist is coming. Even now, many
Antichrists have come, by which we know it is the last hour. I get confused. I always thought there was just one
Antichrist. Can you clear that up for me? Well, it says there's many Antichrists.
There is a figure who is the Antichrist, a special one. But there are all kinds of Antichrists out there, those who war against the truth of who
Christ is. And that can be considered in different levels, too.
So, you know, like, you know, false prophets like Joseph Smith or Charles Taze Russell or what's his name out of the
Christadelphians? Oh, I hate it when I forget names. So there are people who deny who Christ truly is.
And they think they have Him understood, but they don't. Then there are those who just are against Christianity altogether.
And we see a lot of Antichrists all over the place, particularly political parties. We see them in social movements all over.
So that's all that's going on there. Okay, I guess then there is only one
THE Antichrist. There's Antichrists for certain things. But is there THE Antichrist, which is the one, you know, the main one or whatever?
Yes, and he is spoken of in different places. And I've written an article on him. And he will be wounded.
Right eye, right arm will be withered. He'll probably be homosexual. He won't regard the gods of his fathers.
He's going to be oppressive. And he'll want to control life and death.
All kinds of things like that. So he also will raise himself up and claim to be God. And his arrival can't occur until the apostasy comes.
2 Thessalonians 2, 3. So his arrival, he's called the man of lawlessness, the son of destruction.
Who exalts, opposes and exalts himself above every so -called god or object of worship. And takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being
God. So that's THE Antichrist. But Antichrists are out there.
Okay. Well, THE Antichrist, that's what I... You already answered my question.
I was wondering what are some of the characteristics that he would have? Or how would you identify him and that sort of thing?
Yeah, in fact... Yeah, I can... Let's see.
Antichrist. Political. I wrote an article a while back.
Which political party would the Antichrist or might he belong to? So he's going to be pro -LGBTQ.
Because he'll show no regard for the gods of his father or for the desire of women. Daniel 11 .37.
Pro -abortion. Because he is the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan.
And Satan was a murderer from the beginning. So his killing is not a problem. And he will be the one who will go after the innocents.
And so he'll kill those in the womb. So the spirit of Antichrist is already alive and well in the pro -abortion movement.
He'll support a one -world government. And that's out of Revelation 13. He'll force compliance with his policies.
Again, out of Revelation 13. And this is going to be political control.
He'll use deception. Because he works alongside the activity of Satan.
Who uses false wonders. That's 2 Thessalonians 2 .9. And he's a deceiver. And he'll make war with the
Christians. So that's Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 again. Wow.
Yeah, this is it. It doesn't indicate what part of the world he's going to come from.
We don't even know what country or anything like that. No, I wouldn't be surprised if he comes out of Israel.
I wouldn't be surprised if he comes out of the Muslim nations as well. Or out of the
Roman Catholic Church. So, you know, I just don't know. I just don't know.
Okay. Alright, well, thank you very much. You're welcome very much. Alright, well,
God bless. Alright. Hey folks, I just want to remind you that we stay on the air by your support.
Please consider supporting us. All you have to do is go to karm .org forward slash donate.
That's c -a -r -m dot o -r -g forward slash donate. We have a new system in.
So you're able to go in and adjust and see and do what you want. Start, stop, adjust, whatever.
And it's easy to do. karm .org c -a -r -m dot o -r -g. And just to remind you, we do stay on the air by your support.
And if you like what you hear, well, consider supporting us. Alright, let's get on the air with Brittany from Arizona.
Brittany, welcome. You're on the air. Hi, Matt. I have a question on 1
Corinthians chapter 14, verse 39.
And this is ESV. It says, so my brothers earnestly desire to prophesy and do not forbid speaking in tongues.
Is that, does that mean for churches today? You know, because we go to a reformed church and they're cessationist.
Is it wrong then to be saying, no, we don't do that? No, it's not real or whatever.
I'm reformed and this has been an old topic for me for a long, long time.
And I'm convinced that all the charismatic gifts are for today. Jesus, or excuse me,
Paul said in 1 Corinthians 1 -7 that we not lack any charisma, any charismatic while we're waiting for the return of Christ.
In 1 Corinthians 13 -8, or excuse me, 9, it says, for we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
What's the perfect? Well, they say it's the canon, it's the Bible. I don't buy that for a second because it says when that perfect comes, we'll see face -to -face.
Well, we see face -to -face. That's always used in the Bible as a personal encounter. And that's not face -to -face when the canon is completed.
It's when Jesus returns, et cetera. So the cessationist position, I know that there's a lot of people who hold to it and they don't practice those gifts, and I get it.
That's not a big deal. But 1 Corinthians 14 once says, Pursue love yet earnestly desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.
Now, the question we want to ask then, are they saying, the cessationist saying, well, you see, that verse isn't for today.
It was only for them back then. Then what I suggest, and you can do this exercise, is to go through and print up 1
Corinthians 14 and cross out the verses that don't apply for us today. Cessationism is the only contemporary doctrine
I know of that invalidates large portions of Scripture. All right, now, so should they be practicing it in church?
Well, yeah. My position would say, of course they should. We should be having the ability and the openness to have the spiritual gifts manifested in the body of Christ.
That's what I believe. Now, how it's done, that's another discussion. When should it be done?
How and what order should it be done? So these are the things we could talk about. Now, hold on, because there's a break.
I know I just probably raised the eyebrows on a lot of people, but if you would hold on, we'll continue talking after the break, okay?
All right. So that's Brittany from Arizona. So if you want to give me a call, it's 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right, and welcome back to the show. Brittany, are you still there? Yes. So I guess my quick question is just I called a couple weeks ago.
We started attending a Presbyterian church. Would you go to a Presbyterian church that they're cessationist?
Or would you not do that? No, I would go. It's not a problem. I would go unless they sang hymns.
I don't like hymns, so that's just me. But if they're cessationist, it's okay.
You know, it's like whatever. I just know the position, and I don't agree with the cessationist position at all.
But I think we as Christians need the movement of the Spirit to be increased, particularly now as persecution is coming.
So at any rate. Okay. All right. Do you have time for another quick question or no?
Sure. Are you amillennial? Yes. Mm -hmm. Okay.
Okay, good, because they are. Yes, I've written a lot on amillennialism, and I have very, very good arguments for it, and no one's refuted it yet.
And also, if you go to CARM and look up who's taken first, the wicked or the good, at the coming of Christ, check that out, because the first one's taken.
The first one's taken are the wicked, not the good. And two men in a field, one is taken, one is left.
That's the wicked who were taken in the context. So, yeah. I'm going to do a video on all this.
I'm going to call it Deprescatology. So that's what we'll do. All right?
Okay, thanks, Matt. Thank you. You're welcome. Okay, God bless. Okay, bye. All right.
Okay, now, as I was talking about at the beginning of the show, I want to get into something here. Today is 9 -11, and we know it because of the planes that crashed into the
Twin Towers in New York. And I was there afterwards, about, I don't know, a few months afterwards, and got to see the damage and the hole that was there and some other stuff.
But there's something else that's not known about 9 -11, and that is the Mountain Meadows Massacre.
The Mountain Meadows Massacre occurred on, most historians think, 9 -11, 1857.
The context is that the Mormons had moved the east to the west and had settled in the valley of where there's present -day
Salt Lake City, and they had extended south into Utah.
Just think of Utah today as south. By car, it would probably take three hours to get down to where the
Mountain Meadows was. What was happening was there was a wagon train, I think it was the Baker -Fancher party, and they were heading to California, and they had gone through the southern part of Utah area.
There were some problems there. The Mormons were pretty cautious about people coming through because they weren't a state, they were practicing polygamy, and they'd already been persecuted, and they were persecuted, sometimes unrighteously and sometimes because they caused problems, but nevertheless.
So they were nervous about that, and there had been some issues about the federal government maybe putting pressure on them.
So this is all in the background. So the wagon train came through, and inside the wagon train was a group called the
Missouri Wildcats, and they said they had the gun that killed Joseph Smith. Well, this is just not a smart thing to do.
Well, I'll just get to the point. The Mormons had been taught the doctrine of blood atonement by Brigham Young up north.
Blood atonement, he had taught that in order to have your sins forgiven, if you'd committed murder and adultery, the only way to have your sins forgiven was to have your own blood shed.
So all of this is the background. So if the Mormons are hearing this, they're already nervous about people coming through their area.
There's already tension going on because of possible government being involved, people coming through.
They had the gun that killed Joseph Smith. The Mormons, they reacted.
And part of the theological perspective was that they claimed to be the true church, who'd be persecuted by unbelievers.
So they were being persecuted as they had left, and now they're in a safe area, so more people are going to come through and persecute them.
Plus there are these people who claimed they had the gun that killed Joseph Smith. So blood atonement might have been necessary in order for those people to atone for their sins, so that kind of a thing could justify the actions of the
Mormons killing roughly 125 women and children on September 11th, because that's what happened.
And they initially had attacked a few days earlier, on September 7th, 1857.
And the immigrants, the wagon train, what they did, they got into a circle, a wagon circle.
I'll skip details, but long story short, they were under attack, and the
Mormons made an agreement with them that if they were to deliver their weapons over to the
Mormons, the Mormons would walk them out of the valley, and they could just go on their way to California. Good lesson, don't ever give up your weapons.
And so the wagon train people agreed to this, because their supplies were low, their ammo was low.
And they were going out, and at the right signal, the Mormons and the, I think it was the
Paiute Indians, they attacked. They supposedly were led by a guy named
John D. Lee, but there's some debate about that. And so they killed a lot of the people there.
And the instructions were not to kill those young children who were under the age of accountability.
So there's different debate. I mean, there's debates about how many people were killed. I've heard as low as 120 and high as 125.
So there you go, okay? They killed men, women, and children.
Now, the ones who survived in the children, the Mormons took them back to their homes and then charged money to the people, the relatives later who came and retrieved them.
So this happened on September 11, 1857, the
Mountain Meadows Massacre. You can look it up, and you can see all kinds of documentation for it.
There's a movie that was done called September Dawn. You can check it out. And what happened was
John D. Lee was held responsible for it, and he was executed for this massacre.
Oh, I forgot one sub -point. I wanted to say something. Is that when the wagon trainers had first come through and the
Mormons were deciding what to do, they sent a runner up on a horse up to Salt Lake City asking what to do.
And the runner did not get back in time before the massacre occurred, but it seems to be, this is what
I was told by Bill McKeever, a friend of mine who's an expert on Mormonism there in the Salt Lake City area, who runs mrm .org,
Mormonism Research Ministry. So Bill told me it looks like the advice that Brigham Young said was leave them alone, let them go.
That's what it seems to be, just being fair. But they didn't get back in time.
They ended up killing these people, and this is called the Mountain Meadows Massacre on 9 -11, 1857.
So that's just some information. And if it's interesting, do some more research on it, and you can see there's a lot there.
All right, let's get to Adam from California. Adam, welcome. You're on the air. What do you got, buddy?
Hey, Matt, how you doing? Oh, doing okay. Hanging in there, man. Hanging in there. What do you got? Yeah, so I was calling because I wanted to know a little bit about what the world was like pre -Flood in Noah's time.
I was reading, and I was just curious about, you know, how the waters came up out of the earth, and was there like a water system in the atmosphere?
I'm sure it was a different place. Now, you're talking about geological stuff.
So I've read articles about this, and yeah, there were water fountains under the earth, water above the earth in the clouds.
There was a great amount of water that was there, and that both let loose at the same time, and the torrent of the flood would not be just a little rising level, but it would have been a tremendous water flow.
I don't know, 100 miles an hour, that kind of a thing. It would have just been humongous. It would have wiped everything out.
It would have stripped the land bare. It would have just done all kinds of stuff. So apparently, pterodactyls can't fly in our present atmosphere because it's not thick enough.
Now, I don't know if that's accurate, but I've heard this. And so one of the theories is that before the flood, that there was a canopy effect of water density in the atmosphere, which would contribute to refraction of sunlight around the earth at the whole time, so it wouldn't go completely dark during nighttime.
But the refractive rays of the sun would bounce around in that thick atmosphere, which would then cause a slight glow or just a hue around the earth, and also a stable temperature system, which would then contribute to the growth of plants and reptiles, hence dinosaurs and things like that.
And then the flood came and changed everything. There's a lot there to get out. So hold on, buddy. We'll go over it after we get back for the breaks.
Hold on, man. We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right, everybody, welcome back to the show. I just want to offer a point of clarification about the Mountain Meadows Massacre.
The Mormons and the Indians worked together to attack the wagon train.
The Indians were to attack the women, and the Mormons did the men.
It's kind of mixed up in there, but that was the basic idea of what happened. Let's get back on with Adam from California.
Okay, buddy. Gave you a lot of info, so there you go. Yeah, that was something
I was thinking about going through that. I was just kind of curious what the world would have looked like, and is that why men back then were able to live so long?
Did it have something to do with less exposure, I guess, to UV and stuff like that?
Yes, that's a theory. It's just a theory. But I remember reading an article where they had this computer generation thing for children.
Here's a picture of a child at 10 years, at 20 years.
They're trying to find missing children who maybe have been kidnapped or whatever. And so they're trying to master the idea of predicting what someone's face would look like given their genetics and heritage and some other stuff.
Okay, well, someone got the idea. Hey, well, what would happen at 100 years old, 200, 300, 400, 500 years old?
And when they went into the several hundred years range, they started looking like Neanderthals. That's what the comment was.
Man, look at those ridge brows, because their brain cavity was big, bigger than ours is now apparently, and some other stuff.
And the people, that was really interesting. So I remember that. So the issue here is maybe they were living a lot longer because of that area.
I don't know. But we do know this, that after the flood, then their lifespan was reduced significantly.
So maybe there's something to that. Okay. Yeah, I appreciate it, man.
Thank you for all the info. I really appreciate the work you're doing. Thank you. Okay, man.
You're welcome. God bless. Okay. God bless, brother. Take care. Bye -bye. You too.
Okay. All right, so we have nobody waiting right now. If you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
So I went over a little bit of stuff today, 9 -11, on Mormonism, how the
Mountain Meadows Massacre occurred on this day. And November 11, 1857, 420 to 125 men, women, and children were murdered and killed.
So there's that. Like I said, look it up, and you can look up the movie September Dawn, which talks about this.
But then we also have the issue of the 9 -11 attacks here in America because of Islam.
Because what is it about Islam that teaches this kind of a thing, that there's so much destruction?
Well, I'm going to discuss that a little bit. But there's a website, thereligionofpeace .com.
All one word, thereligionofpeace .com. I go to it every now and then. They have, on the left -hand side,
Jihad Report, August 31, 2024 to September 6. How many people have been killed?
155 people. Since August 31, September 6, have been killed by Muslims.
There have been suicide blasts. There have been two in nine different countries with 24 attacks. And how many
Islamic terrorist attacks have been carried out since 9 -11? According to that website, thereligionofpeace .com,
it's 45 ,881. 45 ,881. Almost 46 ,000 attacks.
We have a missionary in Nigeria that we support in CARM.
Financially, we help him out. And he goes and preaches and teaches. He risks his life.
And the Muslims there are being provided weapons and motorcycles to be able to attack the villages in different parts of Nigeria and kill them and do forced conversions.
And it's not being covered by the news media. It's the Christians who are being killed. They're attacking the
Christians when they have church, when they know there's Christian areas. They go in and attack them.
Well, what is it about Islam that does this? Islam is a religion of violence.
Now, I'll be speaking a little bit on Islam on Saturday. It's coming up in Southern California at the
Ministry of the Muslims conference in Yorba Linda, Southern California. Yorba Linda at Calvary Chapel there in Yorba Linda.
I'll be doing a thing on two topics dealing with Jesus. But the other one I'm going to be doing is, who's a better moral example,
Jesus or Muhammad? And I mentioned a little bit in there about the death that Muhammad caused.
And he did. He taught. He flat out just taught killing people who leave
Islam. He taught it was okay to go after the people who weren't
Muslims. Now, a lot of times Muslims will say, no, that's always self -defense. That is not true.
Absolutely is not true. There were people who had surrendered to Muhammad. He had them killed. There were people who were doing nothing but fleeing, and he killed them.
There's lots of accounts about this. It's well documented. And you can go on the web and you can look up the stuff.
So in Surah 9, which is the second to last surah, the chapters of a surah in the
Quran, the chronologically written Surah 9, then it comes 10, 11, 12.
But don't make the mistake of thinking that Surah 9 was written before Surah 10. It wasn't. The way the Quran is arranged is roughly that the bigger, the longer surahs or chapters are put at the front of the
Quran and the smaller ones at the end. That's a general rule. And it's followed pretty accurately, except in a few places, but nevertheless.
So Surah 9 is one surah. And the last surah written is
Surah 114. I'm going to read Surah 114 because there's a principle here.
It's called abrogation. Abrogation in Islam means that if a revelation comes later and it speaks on the same topic of a revelation that came earlier, then the later revelation abrogates or supersedes the previous one.
So Surah 9 is the second chronologically written one and Surah 114 is the last chronological one.
So anything in Surah 114 that addresses anything in Surah 9 would be abrogated by Surah 114.
But this is what Surah 114 says. Say, I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of mankind, the
King or Ruler of mankind, the God of mankind, from the mischief of the whisperer of evil, who withdraws after his whisper, the same who whispers into the hearts of mankind, among jinns and among men.
Okay? So nothing there really is... I think
I just want to make sure. I'm always going to make sure. The point here is that nothing in the last surah abrogates what's in Surah 9.
This is really important. It's really critical that you understand this. So in Surah 9, what it says is absolutely just astounding.
What it says there... It's actually... I think it's Surah 110. Now that I'm thinking about it,
Surah 110 is the last one. I just want to make sure I'm getting this right because it's been a long time since I've talked about this. What I'm going to do is read
Surah 110. That's what it is. Yes. It says...
Okay. So now what we do is we go to... We see that nothing in there is of any real significance.
Let's go to Surah 9 and start reading. And what happens is, in verse 5, it says... So how is he merciful?
When they submit. When they're beaten. When they're beaten down. And they say, okay, you beat us.
Then they start paying the mandatory jizya tax to the
Muslims in their empire. Then that's when Allah is merciful. So...
Because it did say in there, when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans.
When you go to verse 14 of Surah 9, fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands. Cover them with shame.
Help you to victory over them. Heal the breasts of the believers. In Surah 20, those who believe and suffer exile and strive with might and maim in Allah's cause with their goods and their persons have the highest rank in the sight of Allah.
So, if you fight for Allah, then he views you well. And in Surah 29, fight those who believe not in Allah nor the last day nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and his apostle nor acknowledge the religion of truth even if they are of the people of the book.
In other words, the people of the book are the people of the Bible. So fight them. And I was told by a gentleman named
Doc Luke who speaks Arabic. And he said... This is when I was on TV with him on ABN satellite
TV network. He said the word fight there in the
Arabic in Surah 9, 29 means fight to kill. That's what it means. And...
So... You can see that in the Quran, the idea of fighting and destroying unbelievers is part of what the religion of Islam teaches.
So that's what it is. It's bad news. And... It's bad.
Okay. So... Anyway, the second to last is Surah 9. The most view held is that Surah 110 is the last
Surah written chronologically. Alright. So what do you think of that? You know, 9 -11 is an interesting date.
Interesting. Where death occurs from false religions. Anyway.
Hey folks, look. I know I say a lot of controversial things. I know that I say things like, you know, if you're a real knowledgeable Democrat and you claim to be a true knowledgeable Christian, how can you be a
Democrat if you're a really knowledgeable Christian? I don't see how that's possible. If you're a knowledgeable Christian because the
Democratic Party is the party of the Antichrist, the party of killing the babies, pro -LGBTQ and all the things against the
Scriptures. Most of the things. I say things like Mormonism is not Christian, Eastern Orthodoxy is not
Christian, Roman Catholicism is not Christian because they're not. And I stand on these things.
I'll be willing to debate those issues. And I'm unusual in that as a Reformed individual I affirm the charismatic gifts.
That's unusual in the Reformed camp. But, hey, that's what it is. I'm not loyal to anybody except my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
So I want to present the truth in what He has said and what I believe He has said out of the Word of God to the best of my ability.
Now, having said all of that, I certainly admit I certainly can be wrong. If you believe
I am, please pray for me and ask that the Lord would open my heart and my mind to those areas that need to be corrected.
And where I'm right, please ask God to strengthen the conviction to speak the truth of God's Word.
And in light of this, ladies and gentlemen, I just want to say, please consider supporting us here at this ministry. We stay on the air by your support.
And you can go to carm .org, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G forward slash donate. And everything you need is right there.
We would appreciate your support. We ask five, maybe ten dollars a month or more if you can help. And we would just value that a great deal.
May the Lord bless you. The music is going to start here in a few minutes. And by God's grace, I'll be back on the air tomorrow.
But not Friday. And not Monday. So there you go. I am out of here.
There's the music. May the Lord bless you. Have a great evening. And we'll talk to you later. God bless. Bye. Another program powered by the