Spiritual Transition from Popsicle Sticks

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. The Spiritual Transition Game is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This game is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from, and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


All right, so this is the spiritual transition game, and this is where we transition from whatever
I am given. For those who watch live for the Striving for Eternity Academy on Monday nights, eight o 'clock eastern time, they get into the chat room and give me something they think
I just cannot transition from whatever they give me to the gospel. This is a game we play to improve our ability to transition from anything in the natural world to the spiritual world, so we don't have to ask
God to give us opportunities to share the gospel. We can make them, and so that's the goal there, is for us to train ourselves to be able to do the spiritual transition game.
The way we play it is you give someone some object for them to transition or some thing, and mine is a popsicle stick.
Really? Okay, I have to transition from my popsicle stick to the gospel.
All righty. Well, you know, popsicle sticks are those things as kids. We do a lot of things with them. We play with them in a lot of different ways, right?
You get them in art class, and you glue them, and you build bridges or, you know, just big log cabins and just lots of glue, lots of popsicle sticks, and then you toss it out when you get older, right?
So, basically, the popsicle sticks, though they add a lot of fun, they actually can be used when in an engineering class.
For those who take like civil engineering, things like that, I remember when in civil engineering taking popsicle sticks to build a bridge that had to withhold.
Basically, you got points on how much weight it withheld, and it had to hold 100 pounds just with popsicle sticks, and so what you have is that popsicle sticks have by themselves very little integrity, but when put together with a large number of them and organized properly, they can have some integrity.
They can withhold weight, and when we look at our lives, we have a lot of things that people put trust in that has no integrity.
It doesn't provide solutions like, say, alcohol and drugs and things that people use to try to escape problems.
That offers no integrity to solving a problem, but you know what does provide that integrity?
The gospel. The fact that God himself came to earth to die for sinners like you and I, that we could be set free.
It offers the integrity because it lasts for eternity. It is that which has eternal value and can withhold or withstand anything that the world throws against it.
No matter what the world throws against the truth of God's word, God's word will never fail because God's word is eternal and true, and one of the most important messages of God's word is that God deserves to be glorified, and one of the biggest reasons he deserves to be glorified is because he paid the fine that you and I owe.
We were criminals. We broke his law. He came to earth, died on a cross to pay our debt and set us free.
That's integrity. Far more integrity than no matter how many popsicle sticks you try to put up.
The popsicle sticks will always break under the weight, but the word of God will not.
So repent. Turn from trusting your good works today because that's what most people put their trust in, and their good works have no integrity when it comes to eternal value, but God's word does, and that's what you should trust.