1646 London Baptist Confession - Article 25 (Preview)

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In this lesson, Bro. Andy teaches on the 25th article of the 1646 London Baptist Confession, which is on the power of the Gospel. https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermon/8521341381536


all right greetings and salutations again good to see you good to be back on Wednesday nights and we will again resume what we have been doing and going through the confession that we have taken as a guide for our statement of faith and so tonight if you hadn't remembered where we left off we are at article 25 which is preaching the gospel and then
I will do that part and then brother Keith will do article 26 and 27 the power of the gospel and the effects of the gospel and I hope we're in hope we're enjoying going through the confession
I know I am it's a good way for us to not only frame out for ourselves what it is that we we hold so dear but also to see that that others have believed and held and set forth the same things for many many centuries and we can rest assured that God's truth is always true it never changes so let's just open up with a word of prayer and then we'll look at the article and then brother
Keith come so let's pray a father and our God again we approach you through our
Lord Jesus Christ the Savior of sinners and we realize Lord that apart from him we have no hope but in him we have all hope because he is the
Savior of sinners we confess Lord that even now still we continue at times to fall into sin and yet by your great grace
Lord Jesus Christ he ever lives to make intercessions for us even the