Out of Shadows - Chat with Geoff, Christian Perspective

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So this video, I'm talking to a guy that I met on Twitter. His name is Jeff Robinson on Twitter.
And it's a topic that nobody really wants to talk about, but to be honest, it's something that I've been thinking about for quite some time at this point.
And I think it needs to be taken a lot more seriously than it is. If you've watched the documentary
Out of Shadows and you kind of know where I'm gonna go with this, you know, the reality is that the dark side of humanity, you know, the side that's against Christ, the side that's against what is holy and all of that stuff, it's a lot darker than I think most of us could possibly imagine.
And it's kind of weird to think that way because we live in a country where, you know, babies are killed all the time in every town.
Chances are you don't live further than 50 miles from a place where people go to kill their own children.
And that's like, in my mind, I know how dark that is, but I don't act like it's really that dark.
It's really bad. It's really bad. And so when we see things like pedophile rings and sex slavery and stuff like that, it's sometimes like we can't even believe it.
It's like, is this even true? But again, like killing babies is way worse and that's done in the open.
What do you think is done in secret? So this is just probably the first of a number of conversations that I'm gonna have on this
YouTube channel about this topic. It's a dark topic, there's no question about it.
And I just wanted to put this out there and just let you know that like, if you're looking into this stuff and reading about this and you know that there's stuff going on in the highest echelons of our culture, don't feel like you're bad or a conspiracy theorist or stuff like that.
No, reasonable people actually believe a lot of this stuff as well. And we can put pieces together.
We don't need to hear from official sources like CNN or MSNBC to know that there's some evil, evil stuff going on out there.
So I hope that you find this video helpful and more to come on this topic, most likely.
All right, well, this is Jeff Robinson on Twitter. He has a picture of John Calvin, I believe, on your avatar, is that right?
Yes, I do. You're always interacting in a lot of the same things that I interact, which is great. It's kind of how we met,
I think. Yeah, yeah, and so Jeff reached out to me when he saw a certain topic that I was addressing.
And Jeff, why don't you tell everybody why you reached out to me, why you wanted to do a video and we'll start there. Okay, yeah, we'll just go from there.
So a documentary was making the rounds on YouTube, which is, and remind me of the title again.
It was - Out of Shadows, probably. Out of the Shadows. I wanted to say Open Secret, but that was a similar documentary, which kind of goes into a lot of stuff about the occult and about the
CIA. And that's a whole topic about the, just the range of that documentary.
So what really, the reason why I wanted to reach out to you and talk about it is
I thought this documentary was extremely interesting. I'm not saying I buy everything in there, but I buy a lot of the stuff in there.
And when I converted, I grew up a nominal Catholic and when
I converted, I became charismatic. And I had, I don't really feel like going into it right now, but I had some interesting and weird experiences and that was during the whole laughing revival stuff in the early, mid 90s.
And I became reformed and for a certain period,
I was like Calvinistic and reformed and charismatic. And then I kind of went more towards never fully cessationist, maybe a soft cessationist or something like that.
Right, right. And one of the things in the last, I don't know, four or five years
I've realized is that I kind of over -corrected. Where in your mind, even though you believe in the spiritual realm, even though you believe in the demonic, you kind of put that kind of to the side and not really think of it.
That's kind of, I think, one of the over -corrections I made. Maybe that's something that may be an over -correction of the reformed world in general.
And so one of the things that kind of shook me out of that was I was listening to the
Issues Etc. Lutheran radio show and they had a dude, dude, they had like a
Lutheran doctor who did his doctoral thesis about exorcisms and in Africa.
And one of the things I kind of realized is like there isn't a lot of overt demonic activity in America, in the
West, because it's a lot of, we're basically materialists. Right. So if there was some sort of, if there was this stuff going on frequently, it would wake people up.
Sure, sure. So anyway, one of the things in this documentary I saw, the thing that really caught me was in the beginning where the stunt man, who was one of the main,
I guess, guys in the documentary, he broke his hip area. Yep.
And the person who put him together, his rehab person, that lady praying for him, sounded like she was more of the charismatic bent and all.
Sure, yep. And one of the things she said to him was that she sees like basically satanic rituals where they basically involve pedophilia and she has to put the people, the kids back together who have like pelvic injuries from,
I don't wanna be too graphic, but draw the dots.
And that really hooked me in there. Yeah. And then the other thing in the documentary that really hooked me was, well,
I think we also live in a pre -Epstein and a post -Epstein world where a lot of things post -Epstein kind of like make way more sense.
Yeah. Where you compromise people. Well, let me stop you right there. So this documentary, if you haven't seen it, you should definitely give it a watch.
And I'm with Jeff. I'm not sure exactly how much of it I buy. However, there are some things that are indisputable and people don't even try to dispute.
And so there's really a few different topics that it covers. It covers CIA involvement in entertainment industry.
So like music, movies, TV shows, stuff like that. CIA has people that they pay to be involved in those industries for, you can only guess the reasons.
Okay, then the other thing that it covers is sort of occult, the popularity of the occult amongst very famous people, whether that's entertainers or politicians or whatever.
They just really enjoy occultic art, occultic symbols, occultic practices, and all of that.
Then the last thing it covers is the Pizzagate scandal, which if you know about Pizzagate, the chances are what you know is something that basically it's a conspiracy theory and it's just crazy.
And only crazy people believe that something was going on at this pizza restaurant. But when you actually look at what it is, that's actually not the case at all.
And Pizzagate is an extremely disturbing, essentially pedophilia related group.
And it's not as insane, crazy conspiracy theory as it was made out to be.
It's very weird. And that's what it's about essentially. So that's what Jeff is talking about.
Yeah. But I think there was one thing you were leaving out that I would mention.
Sure, yeah, go ahead. It's also towards the end with Katy Perry was their main example.
Right, right. Where that they say, basically they're like, they're not gonna give you a platform unless you're compromised or you're kind of in their club.
And then they were showing a lot of occultic stuff and then Katy Perry started off as a gospel singer.
Right. And personally, there's a whole rabbit trail with pedophilia in Hollywood that you could go down.
It's horrific stuff, but essentially like, and one of the things
I saw, I remember with Epstein, all the kind of seems like, okay, we compromise you with like an 18 year old girl.
Then we compromise you with a 16, 14 year old girl. Yeah, now we have our hooks into you.
Now, and this is where the CIA stuff comes in. It's a classic, like, I'm sure every intelligence agency in the world does this sort of thing.
We have you compromised. You're not gonna go against us. Right, you're gonna do our bidding.
You're not gonna go against us, that kind of thing. And so, yeah, that's a good point bringing up the
Katy Perry because the whole idea is that if you wanna become really famous in Hollywood and promoted and given this huge platform, that's the idea.
Essentially, you have to be part of their weird occult club or at the very least, you have to have compromised yourself in some way, whether that's pedophilia, whether that's some kind of whatever it is, some kind of vice is what it is.
And so anyway, the whole reason I wanted to stop there is because this video, if you watch it, if you would have watched it before the revelations about Epstein came out, you might've been like, well, yeah, that's just insane, obviously.
But now that we have, most normal people believe that Epstein had a lot of famous connections and that these famous connections were doing shady things on his crazy island.
They all knew about it. They've all been there. They've all gone there on his little airplane.
The island has weird occultic stuff on it. Like we all, this is all in common knowledge now.
And they had him whacked in prison or in jail rather. Oh, that's a conspiracy theory,
A .D. Right, right. So any normal, so let me just say this. I wanna say this, Jeff. This is off topic.
So try to remember where we're at because I'm gonna forget. Yeah, Epstein, I gotcha.
At this point, something I wanna say about conspiracy theories, if you're the kind of person that is not able to even say, yeah, that's weird, about something like Epstein being killed in jail, you're just not operating in any form of reality.
Like I was telling this to, I told this to Matt Williams last night about moon landing conspiracies.
And I'm like, look, you don't have to be a conspiracy theory about the moon landing. But if you can't admit that it's a little weird that NASA claims to have destroyed the technology to do it and can't figure it out again, and besides, we don't even have an interest in it anymore.
And you don't think, hmm, that's a little strange. I mean, I'm sure we went to the moon and all that, but that's a little weird.
If you can't even admit that it's weird, you're just not operating in reality. You're just not.
And so the Epstein stuff is most, at least most honest people are like, something weird is going on there.
Friends of Bill Clinton, super pedophile, has weird pictures in his house. Friends with all these players, and then he gets whacked in jail.
Like, that's weird. Well, I mean, how many people had the motive to have him killed?
Right, probably a lot. A lot. I mean, people want to say, oh, it's Hillary Clinton. I don't know if it's Hillary Clinton.
I don't want to make any definitive announcements about that. And that's where it crosses into conspiracy theory.
Like, you know, it's like, I'm saying, look, that story about him hanging himself, that doesn't make any sense. No.
And then, so that's not a conspiracy theory. That's just me saying, I don't believe that. But the larger picture to me is, there's a whole web of elites that were involved.
I don't think Epstein was the head of this or something, but he was at least a cog in the machine, right? Right, and so the point is, that this video that we're talking about today, all of a sudden,
I'm not saying it's all true, I'm just saying it makes more sense knowing things that are not disputed.
Epstein was a pedophile. Epstein had a pedophile group around him.
And he had a lot of friends, that I'm not saying that we have definitive evidence that they are pedophiles, but they were all going to his pedophile island, which is a little weird.
Yeah, and I think also in the other saying is, there's other things in the world that are weird.
When we say the occult, like, I think we as reformed folks need to, like,
Satan is real. There is demonic stuff that goes on. I don't know if any of these people consciously believe in Satan or whatever.
But you had mentioned in a tweet, like, smashing pumpkins the other day, something completely unrelated.
And I was just kind of mind the lead singer, was it Corrigan or something? Sure. He has a story that he doesn't really get into too much detail where he saw someone's shape shift.
Yeah. You know, as you say, the world is a lot weirder than we want to give it credit for.
So even in my soft cessationist view, or in a cessationist view, even if that's true, that doesn't mean there isn't stuff going on.
Sure. If that's the best way to say it. Absolutely. And the thing is like, one thing that I always tell people that are like super hardcore cessationists, which
I'm a cessationist, but I grew up, I was telling you before we started recording, Jeff, that I grew up, my family was very charismatic and they were missionaries in like third world countries.
And I've heard all kinds of stories. You know what I mean? Yeah. But even if you're a harder cessationist than that, you think that kind of stuff is kind of wacky and doesn't happen, you don't believe in it.
It actually doesn't even matter if you believe in it or not, as long as they believe in it. So if there's a cultic people out there, they believe in the symbolism, they believe in the upside down cross and the pentagram and 666 and all this stuff, then it should concern you as long as they believe in it.
You don't have to believe in it, but if they believe in it, they're doing stuff consistent with those beliefs.
Well, also all cessationism, it really is, is that kind of what the sign gifts are? Sign gifts, right.
Yeah. That doesn't mean that, I don't think that necessitates that there isn't demonic activity going on or demon possession or something like that.
Totally. I don't feel comfortable saying, oh, this person's mentally ill versus demon possessed or something like that.
Sure. I don't know how to draw that line, but I think it's something especially, and our main weapon will always be the gospel.
Totally. Right? But we face a demonic opposition and I think we need to keep that in mind, that it's not just, there's a spiritual realm.
Yeah. And even if you are a really hard cessationist or even how reformed you are or maybe whatever, from any perspective.
Yeah, everyone kind of knows what we mean. But anyway, go ahead. Yeah, so I think just especially, and to me, so I was saying to you that Lutheran show, the guy who wrote,
I Am Not Afraid, where he was seeing exorcisms and stuff in Africa. One of the things I was telling you is
I think that in the West, Satan is not as overt because we have a largely materialistic point of view.
So why wake people up to a greater spiritual reality? But if you're in an animistic culture, that can keep people more in bondage.
But the more and more people who are playing with psychedelic drugs, other drugs,
I firmly believe like all the DMT, whatever the trips they take to South America and they see visions and stuff.
The more and more people we see playing with drugs and the occult and psychedelics and stuff, the more
I think overt stuff we might start to see. Now it's just me. Yeah, no, definitely, definitely.
Well, I mean, and let's not put this into too much of a theoretical.
Like, I'm sure most of the people that listen to this channel probably don't follow
Katy Perry's career. But if you watch this video, it'll show you some of her music videos.
And her music videos are full of occultic symbolism and it's overt.
It's not like you have to find it. Like it's all over the place. And she's not the only one.
You know what I mean? Like it's everywhere. It's all over the place. It's Jay -Z, it's Lady Gaga.
It's everyone. Oh, Lady Gaga seems extremely overt. Overt, yes. Oh, and yeah.
And whatever those things, those dinners and stuff they were going to, even if that isn't occultic, that's like extremely disturbed stuff they were doing.
You're talking about the spirit cooking? The spirit cooking, yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's, and what's so crazy about that stuff to me is that we've got like, you know, whatever.
You know, like people have this idea and I think this is, some people when they watch this video say, well, you know, celebrities are weird. You know, like we've known this for a long time.
And it's like, yeah, they're weird. This kind of goes a little beyond weird, but it's not just like actors and stuff which have always been a little quirky.
It's like politicians, like serious people as well. Yeah, mm -hmm. You know what I mean? John Podesta is mentioned quite clearly in the
WikiLeaks documents. Yeah, so it's like, I think people have this idea that entertainers, well, you know, they're weird.
They're not real serious people, even though I would say that they are. A lot of people would say that. They're artists, you know, but we're talking like John Podesta here.
We're talking like people that are involved in forming public policy and stuff like that.
They're doing these weird spirit cooking dinners. Yeah. And a lot of other stuff.
I do think with the military and stuff, the military was definitely doing a lot of psychedelic stuff and they probably opened up some doors and that sort of thing.
I mean, we have the UFO stuff coming out recently. And I don't know if you're familiar with Hugh Ross, but he did a whole book that links
UFO with occultic activity, where people who see legitimate UFOs, there's something going on with occultic activity.
You know, sign of the times, maybe, I don't know. Maybe, you know, anytime, you know, all the stuff of my youth with the dispensational stuff and the microchips and all that sort of thing.
Like the older I get, the more I'm thinking, you know, maybe they kind of had a point. Well, that's just it.
Like, I don't think, you know, for the reformed audience, like you don't have to go dispy to say, well, you know, these people that are saying they've been abducted by aliens, like something is happening to them.
And I, you know, there's no reason for me to start believing in aliens, but I do believe in demons.
You know, so it's like, they're probably meeting demons. You know what
I mean? Like a lot of people, even if they haven't been familiar with like Hugh Ross and like people who have actually studied this, like they kind of have this, a lot of people do have the idea that maybe aliens are just demons.
Or something else. I mean, I'm not sure if they're demons, but there's something in the spiritual realm going on.
Some entity, yeah, right. Some sort of thing. Was it Triablogue or my friend's kind of a blog there?
I have some connections there. One of them had a recent post where it might not be demons, but here are the other options sort of thing where you don't have to go to aliens.
Yeah, well, but, and I think, you know, a lot of people have noticed too that the
UFOs phenomenon and stuff like that, it is all kind of related to spiritual stuff.
And, you know, listen, my background, I've done psychedelic drugs before. And it's,
I really can't explain what they are. They just alter you. It's weird. It's just, you're not, you're still yourself and you still remember things, but it's just different.
It's so bizarre. And I can't even imagine if you did a ton of them. I didn't do a ton of them, but what that does to your mental state and all that.
Yeah, another resource I would mention, I think he's been on Apology a few times, is
Steve Boncars or something. I forget, I don't know how to pronounce his last name, but I would mention going into that, so.
So, okay, so we have been talking for about a half an hour now, a little bit less. So, you know, what is the, like, why did you want to do this?
Like, what do you want to tell, you know, people in my audience, you know, about this documentary maybe, or even just about this topic in general?
I would say, just the basic point, give it a watch, but it's not so much about this documentary, but don't over correct to excesses where you go too far on the other end, especially in terms of this topic.
Does that make sense? It does. Given into a different topic. Well, just because, you know, just because you don't believe
Revelation should be read a certain way doesn't mean they might not have some points in terms of, like, end times activity or something.
I don't know. Just keep an open mind, and just be praying your weapon's the gospel, but, like, don't overcorrect as I guess the basic point.
Yeah. I think that's probably pretty good advice. I think, you know, one of the things that's easy to start falling into when you start looking into this stuff, and I've, you know,
I'm not, I don't think, how long have you been looking into this kind of stuff, would you say, Jeff? Not deep, but a couple years maybe.
A couple years, okay. Just following, just following along. No, that's fine. I know what you mean. For me,
I'm much newer. I would say probably, I don't know, probably since the
Epstein story broke, and maybe a little earlier than that, maybe. It's hard for me to remember, but anyway, the point is that one of the things that's easy to do is sort of just to be kind of exasperated.
Like, you start to think that everybody's involved, and there's like, what, how am I gonna, how am
I gonna solve the Epstein problem? How am I gonna solve the problem with our leaders and being involved in weird stuff?
If you're not evangelizing on a regular basis, don't tackle this, you know?
That's your main weapon, is like, you should be going out evangelizing people. That's a lot. Right, and what
I was gonna say was, like, it's easy to fall into exasperation there and a little bit of despair, because you really can't change what
John Podesta's up to. You have no, there's no, he's untouchable from your perspective, essentially.
So all you have to do is not consent to any of it. You and your family, you know, it's really as easy as, as for me in my house, we're gonna follow
God, we're gonna honor the Lord, we're gonna do what we have to do. You don't have to consent to any of the occultic stuff in entertainment and any of the crazy weird messaging that happens in movies.
You don't have to consent to any of it. And that's your responsibility. And everyone has a different role.
Like, look, the people that are in charge of justice in our country, you know, they're the ones that are in charge of putting down any evil that's going on in their lands.
Like, there are generals in the fight, and chances are, if you're watching this channel, you're not one of them, at least not yet.
And so you do what God has told you to do, and that's all you can really worry about. Don't turn a blind eye to it, though.
That's another thing. Don't just pretend it's not there. Instead of that, just focus on the things that God has given you to do, your authorities.
That's what you should focus on. That's a good sum up. And I think one of the things they mentioned in the documentary is people in Hollywood aren't 100 % bad, nor in the
CIA, right? So, but just open your eyes, filter everything that's coming through.
Not every movie is, you know, Homeward Bound is not some, like. Right, right.
Yeah, it's like, oh, the dog represents the Beast of Revelation, and yeah, the pug, you know, or whatever, you know.
Jeff, that's a great point, because that's the, that's one of the excesses, I would say, of kind of like the
DSP sort of hyper charismatic model, where it's like everything is demonic and satanic, and some things are, but not everything is.
You know what I mean? Not everything that's produced by Hollywood is demonic and satanic. There are a lot of things that are, but not everything.
Homeward Bound's a great example. It's a very wholesome movie. You know, maybe, you know what?
I should probably watch it with my kids soon. I don't even know where it's at, but sure.
Good stuff, man. Well, listen, listen. I think we should talk more about this stuff, because there's so much we could talk about.
I wanted this to be short, though, because, you know, when you watch a documentary like the one we're suggesting you watch, it can be a little overwhelming to process, and so I kind of wanted this just to be an intro.
You know what I mean? Yeah, and I think also if you just, if you go into,
I only share this documentary with certain people, because it's like, oh, this guy is complete whack job.
Well, the thing is, I think one of the things that, like, people don't want to talk about this stuff at all.
Because of that, you know, you're gonna be perceived as a whack job by a certain percentage, no matter what.
You know what I mean? But like, I think that we need to demonstrate, and I'm glad you reached out to me about this,
Jeff, that normal, like, reasonable people are kicking around this stuff, and like, this is something weird going on, though.
Yeah, I'll give my bone a few days. Oswald acted alone, you know?
That's, I'll die on that hill. Did you vote in my poll the other day? Yes, I did.
Okay, so you're not totally crazy like me. No. Oswald acted alone.
The coronavirus isn't due to 5G towers. Oh, okay. Get off my channel, I'm just kidding.
All right, Jeff, any last words before we end? No, I think we covered it all. Hey, man, God bless you.
We'll talk some more, and I'll see you in the Twitter chat box. All right, catch you later, man.
All right, God bless. Yeah, so there it is. If you haven't done so yet, I highly recommend that you at least give the documentary,
Out of Shadows, a hearing. Just watch it, and the reality is that, you know, as we both said in this, we don't know how much of it is true, but there's stuff in there that is undeniable that's not even denied.
So at the end of the day, like, what I want to do, and I don't know if you've noticed this on my
Twitter feed and my YouTube channel, you know, I wanna provide cover for a lot of you guys, because the reality is that these things don't get talked about because you're almost shamed into not talking about it.
All of the elites will say, what are you, a conspiracy theorist? And that's designed to just shut down any kind of inquiry, any kind of conversation.
And as we said in this video, there are things that were called the conspiracy theory like a few months ago that are openly admitted and openly talked about now.
And that doesn't mean every conspiracy theory is true, but what it does mean is that we cannot just use that as a way to shut down any kind of inquiry.
Oh, conspiracy theory. We just can't, and the stakes are way too high to do that.
And so I wanna provide cover. Reasonable people can talk about these things. Reasonable people can look into these things.
Reasonable people can doubt the official stories, the official narratives that they're told without being insane.
Now, you might disagree that I'm a reasonable person, but I think a lot of you do consider me pretty reasonable, and I think
I am. I mean, it's probably true of a lot of people. But anyway, and so like I said, more to come on this topic, and I hope that you found this video helpful.