I Know That Messiah is Coming


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Well, if you turn with me, please to the gospel of John chapter 4 Gospel of John chapter 4 if you've been with us fairly regularly, you know that over the past number of months we have been
Looking at texts of scripture that are At least partially contained in an ancient
Christian manuscript a New Testament manuscript called papyrus 45 And we began in John chapter 10.
We looked at John chapters 10 11 and Then cheating just a little bit.
I made the rules. So I guess it's not actually cheating but There are a few words on one tiny little fragment from John chapter 4 and John chapter 5 so it's all
I needed and so we're looking at John chapters 4 and 5 and Then we will be forced by mere honesty to move onward into Matthew Mark Luke and acts
Which one first? Depends on where I am in my studies of the manuscript that makes it a little bit easier on me at least to have some
Connection there. And so we are looking at John chapter 4 and specifically we are still in the extended
Conversation that takes place between our Lord Jesus Christ and the woman at the well the woman from Sychar the
Samaritan woman and last time together we got into the
I would say the deepest part of the conversation between the woman and Jesus and specifically the conversation that takes place
Between the Woman and Jesus regarding the place of worship and you may have remembered that the reason for this was
Jesus had shown a supernatural knowledge of the woman's life
Specifically when he had instructed her to to go get her husband
She had said that he she has no husband and Jesus response to her was You have well said that you not have a husband you have had five husbands and the one that you now have is
Not your husband thus you have spoken truthfully in Verse 18 and so Jesus had shown supernatural knowledge of her situation
He is a visitor to the area It is it is somewhat humorous to me anyways to think of the ways that Mankind tries to get around The presence of the supernatural in New Testament writings, you know,
Jesus didn't really walk on water he just knew where the submerged rocks were along the shore and you know that type of a that type of a thing and Sort of hard to figure this one out.
Well, the woman was so Famous that Jesus knew about her all the way up from Galilee or something like that.
None of that makes The least bit of sense and yet mankind in his desperation frequently tries to go that that way
The woman's response to her To him is to to say
I see that you are a prophet And exactly what that would have meant There's a lot of different understandings of prophecy in that day
But as soon as she says this well now that we're gonna have religious conversation let's talk about what divides you as a
Jew from me as a Samaritan and so she raises the issue of the place of worship the reason
I remind you Being due to the fact that after the Jewish Samaritans split
After the Northern Kingdom was taken into captivity By the
Assyrians and they their their practice was to bring in other people groups to dilute
Certain areas so as to try to hold down the possibility of rebellion They would export people take them someplace else.
They conquered somebody else They brought those people into where they had exported people, etc, etc to create mixed people groups mixed people groups don't tend
They thought they theorized anyways to be quite as willing to rebel and to cause problems for them well
The irony is these mixed people groups now would start to make up their own traditions and their own stories and the process in Samaria was to in essence after they were
Sort of put out of communion with the Jews upon their return from Babylon they were not allowed to be a part of these things you you had a division taking place between the
Jews and the Samaritans and you had the creation of a whole new range of stories on the part of the
Samaritans and and Part of that because Mount Gerizim had been the place if you remember back when we did the series on God's law
We talked about the blessings and the cursings. Well, where'd the blessings come from? They came from Mount Gerizim and so this is where God pronounced blessings and so this must be the mountain that God had chosen and So they built a temple there which was destroyed a couple of hundred years before this event, but They built a temple there and they even proclaimed as a tradition
That Mount Gerizim was the highest mountain in the world That was a pretty tricky tradition to come up with because anybody with two eyeballs and a decent sense of proportion
Could look at Mount Gerizim look right across the valley and I think that one over there is actually taller than this one over here
But hey tradition can be a powerful thing And it really does speak to us
I think that we need to be very careful to examine our traditions when they run right up against the reality
That's right in front of us but they had of course developed this tradition and so she wants to talk about this where we are to worship and we know that Jesus's response as we already got into Was to say to her believe me woman that an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor there neither in Jerusalem Will you worship the
Father and so at this point Jesus does not get into an argument.
He does say That salvation is from the Jews and it is interesting to me that he uses that term
Ek It's not he doesn't use what what could be used as a He doesn't say salvation is
Jewish He says salvation is from the Jews and you at least to me
It seems to indicate that there is this emphasis upon the Jewish nature of the Messiah who he is about to announce himself to be
But he'd and he does specifically say that the Samaritans are worshiping what they do not know and that we
Identifying as a Jewish man himself worship, but we do know that is Because the
Samaritans had cut them all some of themselves off from the continuing flow of Revelation That was the
Old Testament the rest of the Old Testament. They only had the Pentateuch Then there was a level of ignorance that of necessity
Resulted from there having cut themselves off in that way And so Jesus does not take the position that all religious opinions are equal
He would not have done well at most universities today Where the fundamental assertion is that oh, it's a religious idea you believe it.
It's as good as anybody else's We don't think that way in any other area in any other area of life, but that's the one area where we are taught
Repeatedly by our society that anything you think in the realm of religion is equal to anyone else's thought
In the realm of religion, that's almost a dogma today. Jesus does not follow that He does not say that there wasn't a continuing truth of Revelation I've been giving to the
Jews or anything like that And that's this is in a book where he is going to be in constant conflict with the
Jewish leaders But clearly it was only because of their Ignoring of God's Word.
There is no anti -judaism. There is no anti -semitism in the
Gospel of John along those lines at all and and everyone who has used it in that way and sadly we
Should note in passing that there have been texts of the Gospel of John that have been
Horrifically abused and misused in the past and were in the run -up to World War two and The Holocaust These are obviously gross misreadings of the text
Very plainly if if a book can say salvation is from the Jews If you can turn that into a reason to murder
Jews, you've somehow completely Misinterpreted and misused the intention of that particular book.
And so he doesn't Speak with the spirit of this age.
There is a truth, but the truth that God has
Announced in his keeping his promises to the Jewish people does not change the fact that something incredible has happened and that is verse 23 an hour is coming and now is an hour is coming and now is and So as in so much of the
New Testament There is the now and the not yet an hour is coming and now is so when we're looking at the fulfillment of these promises there is a there is a transitionary period and in some ways we can say yes, the kingdom has come and yes in some ways the kingdom is coming and God has established his kingdom and yet there is a fulfillment of that kingdom which is yet to come
There are many instances like this in the text of the New Testament But Jesus's point to her is we don't need to argue about Gerizim versus Jerusalem Because the father the the true worshipers
Who are going to worship the father will worship him in spirit and in truth and we looked at that phrase spirit and in truth if you want a real identification of what sets
Christian worship apart from anything else I Would say you have here it is spiritual and it is grounded in truth
And if you don't have both you don't have Christian worship
Now, of course we hear the phrase spiritual and we think of of that which is primarily emotional
But that would not be the case because he's about to say God is spirit He's not saying
God is emotions The point is that she is focused upon location
Whereas the worship that's going to be offered to God think this day When I do the pastoral prayers
I often reflect upon the fact that well I reflect upon something that I had never reflected upon before 2005 when doing any of the pastoral prayers
Because yeah, 2003 is actually the first time I actually traveled overseas. I went down to Brazil, but 2005 was first time
I went over to London and It's one thing to fly to the
East Coast and have a three hour or depending on what time of year it is two hour Change in time
But once you start going overseas Going over to Germany Ukraine now
You certainly get to seven eight nine hours or if you really want to completely mess your mind up fly across the
Pacific to Australia because Exactly. What is that you cross the date line?
So do you go to the future? It's it's 17 hours Different but it's only seven hours, but it's the next day and it's really confusing
Especially when you're jet -lagged you really can't figure out what time it is And so it's always crossed it started its cross of my mind much more since I started traveling internationally
That we're sort of late in the day When you think of where the day started?
We're sort of at the end of the line of Christians who have been worshiping
God on the Lord's Day specifically Because the only people left after us are the
West Coast Alaska and a few folks stuck on some odd islands out in the out in the
Pacific someplace the Australian brothers Were worshiping the
Lord while we were still up on Saturday as far as the Lord's Day services are concerned And so when you think in that fashion
God's worship in the church must be spiritual It must be God's intention for that church to spread all over the earth the idea of limiting it to a particular place
Can you imagine if you had to do pilgrimages? this is one of the problems that Islam faces today because one of the five pillars of Islam is hajj and every
Muslim Individual if they are healthy enough and have enough money
It is incumbent upon them once in their life to go on hajj to go to Mecca and Medina Only you'll have to at once but but you you are under obligation.
Well that was done in a day when that was established in a time when
All the Muslims were within you know, a couple days travel of Mecca and Medina Now that it's a worldwide religion that causes a real major problem
What's what's even more is they've run the numbers and there's so many Muslims today Given the number of people that allowed in to do hajj each year
You couldn't do it there are too many Muslims to be able to do it even if you wanted to so one of the five pillars the religion is
No longer fulfillable. Now, of course, all they do is now you do a hajj of desire and they've gotten around it fairly easily
But the point was there was no thinking ahead Islam did not have an acts 15 moment because of acts 15.
We don't have that problem The gospel goes into every culture. We're not tied to a particular building in a particular place
God is worshipped in spirit. And so where God's people gather together, they are bound together by being indwelt by the
Holy Spirit of God and hence any place where God's people gather for the specific purpose of Doing what the people of God do in worship the prayers the singing of songs spiritual songs the the exhortation from the
Word of God the Intention of being the church. You've got elders. You've got discipline
You've got the ordinances when God's people do that since God is spirit and we worship in spirit and truth
Then that church can be established anywhere It is not limited to the locations
That we had in this ancient context and so true worship is worship in Spirit, but it's also worship in truth now
Obviously we emphasize that very strongly. We believe that God has spoken. We believe you must take
Seriously what God has said but to say that you must worship in truth is
Not the same thing as saying that every single individual is going to believe the exact same thing about everything.
I Get scared because some of my good beloved Reformed brethren sometimes get to the point where Man, if you don't cross the
T's and dot the I's just like me I've I've I've had some of my own Reformed Baptist brethren.
Look at me very strangely because I I can preach in a Presbyterian Church and I I can
I can I can exhort even in a Presbyterian Church I can talk about the gospel and some my own
Reformed Baptist brother. I don't know about that. It seems You know that and I'm just like look
I we must agree on the fundamentals of the faith if you don't believe in the
Trinity and the deity of Christ and his Sacrificial death on the cross and his resurrection and if you don't believe
God has spoken in his word We we need to be debating one another not anything else. But look there were differences you can see even between the local churches during the apostolic period and and if you go well,
I'm just gonna have to choose and see was it the Ephesians that were the true Christians or was it the
Or was it the Corinthians? I it can't be both because they seem to have some differences of opinion on things
No, that's not what truth means. What it does mean is we actually confess there is truth.
My goodness What a radical idea that is today How unusual in our day to say yes,
God has spoken. He's given us his word And I I had a I had an exchange as an individual today this this past week.
I Made the mistake of saying something in social media about I think it was about Roman Catholicism and the
Reformers. Why would I be thinking of anything like that these days? I can't imagine but But and I and I apologize ahead of time, by the way,
I'm not gonna be here for Reformation Sunday I'm actually gonna be speaking someplace else. I sort of feel badly about that, but I I hope you all do recognize that The next
Lord's Day is the closest Lord's Day to the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation I'm not putting any pressure on whoever might be preaching
Next Sunday, but I hope there might be some reference to that particular
Event. I mean we don't use a liturgical calendar, but it's only once in 500 years You know, it's not too far out of the range.
I don't think but but anyway This individual was just it it did. Yeah, but but you disagree with this person.
He brought up specifically. Dr Kruger at RTS in Charlotte and and I Dr. Kruger is a brilliant mind and I've been so blessed especially by his books on Canon, but he is a
Presbyterian And so this whole part this person's entire argument is that the
Bible is not sufficient We need something else because you disagree with dr.
Kruger on baptism and as I pointed out to him Well, if we were to debate baptism We would both go to the exact same source.
We wouldn't go to different sources. We'd go to the same source and Yes in this in this this life that we're gonna have disagreements
But what we're absolutely agreed upon is there is a truth in this issue And we don't take the issue of baptism and just put it aside and go.
Oh, it doesn't matter I've done a number of debates on it I'm not intending on doing anymore But if the
Lord puts it apart my heart or there's a specific need to do so The point is I think it is important.
It is worth discussing and We have the source to go to I think God has has given a revelation as to what his truth on that issue is
But it does not follow that if someone disagrees with you on a particular issue
That means you're just simply to kick them out of the kingdom as if you had the authority to do so It's an important issue
We need to have a very clear idea of what defining issues are what very important issues are what
Adi? Sophora the things upon which there can be differences are You might be shocked, but there might be different perspectives even amongst people in this room
But what unites us is Significantly more definitional than what might divide us spirit and truth
You lose the one and the other becomes ugly When there is no longer any truth in Christian worship it devolves into mere sentimentalism or Formality or something that is far removed from the
Christian faith you Remove the spirit and have only truth my goodness
You get not only formality, but when you take truth, and you make it devoid of God's spirit
It can be used as a weapon against others. It can be used as a means of self -promotion it can become a very very ugly thing and So God the
Father is seeking such people who worship in spirit and truth to be his worshippers
And we at the last time we were together emphasized the fact that we want to be of that kind of worshiper
We want to be worshippers in spirit and in truth And of course then the emphasis the statement is made that God is spirit now you would think that this would be a basic obvious truth and certainly anyone who would
Take all of the Old Testament revelations seriously would have already recognized this fundamental reality
But Jesus states it God is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth it is
Necessary same word that Jesus used that is necessary for him to go to Jerusalem it is necessary to worship him in spirit and in truth that concept of worship so foreign so foreign to so many of our fellow citizens today
Let's be honest For the majority of people who are now being raised within the educational system the
United States the idea of a God desiring accepting let alone demanding worship is offensive
It's offensive You know what you would hear you in fact. You know what you probably have heard more than once I I just I can't conceive of why you would wish to Follow a
God that demands worship. I Mean what it's that's just an ego trip
What's with this guy? They have no concept It quite admittedly was easier in a day when we had
Kings and Queens and you had the sense of royalty you had the sense of of power
Dare I even say the word privilege Not anymore You had that sense of someone who who because of their status had?
Particular rights over someone else we don't have that anymore You have such a radical individualism today that this idea of worship let alone necessary to worship in a particular way and You look at the
Old Testament text you look at the law God prescribed this particular way to worship
This is what's pleasing to him my goodness the secular mind today
So focused upon its own autonomy and its own self -worth finds this type of language to be absolutely offensive and Even more offensive is that someone in this society would actually wish to submit to the desires of this
God They find that to be offensive But Jesus says
God is spirit the ones who worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth there is an entire worldview concept behind this that once you have a society that once had great light and has absolutely
Not only shut its eyes, but seems to be intent upon sewing them closed so as to not see the light in such detestation
Of the God that has blessed them so deeply. I don't know how else I can explain what we see going on in our land today.
I Don't I don't understand in Western society the willingness to go as far as people are going today other than our society hates the
God that has blessed them so deeply and truly a mind created in the image of God individual made in the image of God That becomes convinced that there is no
God that there is no purpose. There is no reality I can't see a greater level of futility
Than that mind and that resultant life Rebellion will be the inevitable conclusion and that's what we see in our lives in our society.
I'm sorry so Upon announcing these things to the woman
She says to him Well, I know That Messiah is coming.
Now. What's interesting is the Samaritans used a different term tahib of the one who was to come and When you think about the meaning of that particular term
It refers to a returning one a one who would turn people back to the proper ways by explaining things primarily and Some have asked why?
this woman who's the natural Terminology would be tahib and maybe maybe in providing the words here
John is just simply giving us messias Messiah or maybe she's using because she knows that's how the
Jews refer to this one But it's fascinating, isn't it that? Jews and Samaritans, even though they've been divided for hundreds of years both
Have a tradition of one who was to come there was just this and then they don't have
Isaiah 9 they don't have all the the Emanuel text and Isaiah 7 through 12
They don't have all those things. All they have is the Pentateuch and yet despite that They've still come up with a messianic
Idea, it just seems so plain when you think about it when you read the
Hebrew Scriptures If you're just to read all the way through them and you get done with Malachi Isn't it clear?
There's something more to come isn't it sort of like That's the end
They can't be then it's it's It's like a cliffhanger in a in a in a television series some of you aren't old enough to remember this but And I've forgotten who did shoot
Jr. I forgot But they're only a few But I just left all the
Millennials out. They're going who shot what? You know, but that was one of the most famous cliffhangers of all time who shot
Jr I mean there were people wearing buttons if you can believe that that summer who shot Jr.
We were all And eventually found out was all a dream anyways, and it was really weird. But anyway It's a cliffhanger you get that you get done.
It's like That that can't be it. There's got to be there's got to be something more here and Indeed there was but fascinatingly enough you get down with the
Pentateuch and the Samaritans come to the conclusion There's something more There is something more here.
And so when she says I know that The the Messiah the one calling the one who is called the
Christ the anointed one is Coming and and when that one comes he will he'll explain all things and that was really part of the
Samaritan emphasis Was this this turning back as is it through teaching and answering questions and explaining things there wasn't
There were all sorts of different theories both amongst Samaritans and the Jews as to the nature of this coming one and as you can tell
Some of those ideas were only partially true. Jesus had to deal with all sorts of inappropriate understandings of of his own ministry, but but She opens this door
What Jesus has said up to this point how much of it could she grasp how much of it could she understand
It's hard to say It's obviously left her somewhat Confused because she says well, you know when the
Messiah comes he will explain all these things to us and Jesus's response is one of the reasons
That if you go over to your local Bible college not all of them
But most of them even even if you go to to even a conservative Bible college You'll be exposed to this even though hopefully a meaningful response will be given to it
But pretty much any school of religious teaching today Will look at verse 26 and say see this is why we feel that John was just sort of making all this up That these things never happened
Why? Well, she just said to her The one speaking to you. I am it's it's literally a go.
I mean I Am the one speaking to you and it said well Why don't we use that as one of the references the deed of Christ because it's all through John It's gonna be in John 8 should be
John 13. It's we John 18 what you know, why not this one? Well because when it's used in this fashion
It's referring specifically to what comes immediately afterwards the one speaking to you. I'm he
I Am the Messiah that's specifically what he is saying and people would say you see
That Jesus didn't go around doing that You look at Mark and it's called the
Messianic secret Type so how in the world can you put together the
Jesus of Mark who's going on? Together with the Jesus of John.
Oh, by the way, that's me. How do you put those two together? Well, unfortunately the standard response of many today is do we you just can't or you shouldn't even try
And that's because Mark's earlier and John's later and John's just making it all up Well, you know that I don't know about you.
I find that to be a rather simplistic response. I Think maybe a little more thought Might be able to be put into it.
And when you put a little more thought into it Jesus is not in fact speaking to a
Jewish woman He is speaking to a woman whose understanding or who true whose traditions about the
Messiah or the Tahib is Not to be nearly as Complex or politically oriented
As if he was standing in the middle of Jerusalem So isn't it possible that the person you're talking to their background their religious experience?
their political alignments given that Messiah had all sorts of political ramifications
I mean there been people who had come along said I'm the Messiah and the Romans didn't like these people because they generally went off and killed
Roman soldiers and So isn't it possible that all of that kind of stuff might?
Have something to do about when Jesus would be clear and making a statement like this and when he would not
I? Think obviously that it does and in fact the rest of what takes place.
I think bears this out because Right at the time when
Jesus says to the woman I am The Messiah I am the one that can explain all these things his disciples come and They are amazed that he is speaking with a woman they they
Find this willingness to violate social taboos to be amazing now
They may have just struggled to be able to buy food. They may have not been treated real. Well.
They may have experienced that division Between Jews and Samaritans that was a part of the of the experience
Maybe that they had just come from that and to find Jesus now Violating those very traditions causes them to be amazed but None of them dared to say what are you seeking or why you're speaking with her so?
while they're amazed they keep their amazement to themselves and so once Jesus has
Said the woman and maybe the disciples approaching she recognizes that they're dressed in in a way that would indicate that they're
Jewish as well or Maybe it's just plain that they were with this man or whatever.
She she abandons her water jug and She goes off into the the city to speak to the men
Now There's all sorts of Allegorical interpretations that have been applied to this story
Some aren't really worth repeating, but one that just for some reason stuck in my mind was
She abandons her water jar Which of course means? That she was abandoning the
Old Testament Ceremonial practices for the new freedom that was hers in the
Messiah I've just always found allegorical interpretation entertaining pretty much
It makes me go wow you're very imaginative I never would have seen that and and and that's really to be honest with you when you when you look at church history
You look at you look at origin people like that. That's exactly why they like to allegorical interpretation is
Any Plain old person can read the surface meaning and get that but Coming up with that what
I've come up with takes a pretty bright mind you see Okay, well whatever
I? Personally would take the interpretation that she left her water jug at the well and ran into the city
Because she was so excited to tell people the person that she had met that it didn't seem logical
To try to get to the city while carrying a big old water jug Forgive me for my low -level interpretation, but that does seem to be
What is going on? and so she goes to tell the people and She she says come look
I've met a man. He's he's told me everything I've ever done that. I don't think the conversation was quite that long
Okay, I don't think the disciples were away for quite that period of time so obviously there's a little bit of hyperbole here obviously since Jesus had demonstrated an understanding of Exactly how many men she had had?
This is what she means that that obviously if he knows that then probably knows everything else as well and so you need to you need to come and and and see this man and Yet even then when she says that This couldn't be the
Christ could it and and there's there's hesitancy here Is that hesitancy based upon Questioning what she had heard or just a misunderstanding of what the
Messiah would be it's it's hard to say but evidently the way in which she has
Presented this causes many people to come out of the city, and they're Heading up toward the well everybody knows where it is and we want to come and meet this man so in the meantime
His disciples are Encouraging him and exhorting him rabbi eat
They know that they've probably They probably didn't wait for the blessing the food They were probably
I snitched a few fries and out of the bag on the way up. They were hungry and so they figure he is too and So they're like rabbi eat
But he says to them I have food to eat that you do not know of And I you know
I can I can sort of in my mind minds. I see him looking down the hill toward the people that are now coming out of the city and Heading up the hill toward him that maybe the disciples hadn't even noticed or weren't even thinking about But the disciples are confused by this and they're they're asking each other
Did did anyone else bring him anything to eat? Did you did you come back early? You know there's some question amongst themselves is it just anybody else up here could have brought him something to eat no
So Jesus says that it says that my my food is is in order that I might do the will of the one who sent me and complete bring to completion perfect his work and so clearly what
Jesus is referring to is the necessity of bringing his message
To these Samaritan people and this would not have been the first thing in the disciples minds in fact to be perfectly honest with it
Despite their amazement at his talking with the woman their first indication would be could we keep moving?
Let you know how far can we get yet today? They're not thinking anything about sticking around in this area.
That's the last thing that they want to do and then
Jesus says he brings up a saying and the saying once again goes back to The fact that we're living well until the very very very modern age
Everyone is going to use agrarian Illustrations because that's what everyone experiences even if you and even if you lived in major city even if you lived in Rome if you went just shortly outside the walls
You'd be in the middle of farmland It's Only in the modern period that some of these
Illustrations about harvest and seed time and things like that people are going. I'm I'm I don't really
I don't really get that But certainly throughout all of history These points would be would be made very very very clear
You would know when the harvest was and and and you would say well, it's four months the harvest in other words you October fest
They were getting ready for October fest and we were over in Germany That's that's a big big party time lots of German beer and things like that.
Well, where did that come from? well The earth has been spinning fairly regularly in its orbit for a long time and and so crops crops mature pretty much same time each year and so you know when you're supposed to get your your harvest in and and so We we can talk about where we are in that cycle
But Jesus says nah, you need to you need to understand something you may think that we're just Going to be continuing to do what we're doing amongst the people the
Jewish people But you know what you need to understand is The harvest is already here
The time you need to lift up your eyes The the fields are white under the harvest and we of course we have that hymn that we sing and It seems to me that that this idea of lifting up your eyes to the harvest may have been in the context of you know guys if you just Look down the hill
Because they're not looking at these people as being the objects of Jesus's ministry
They have a very strong Prejudice here that is blinding them to the opportunity that's in front of them as They walk in Judea and Galilee opposition
Opposition it's gonna get worse and worse and worse and isn't it interesting that before the escalation that which begins in chapter 5 the very next section
The very next few sentences It's in chapter 5 where that that Escalation is good that that opposition is going to escalate and escalate get worse and worse until you finally have picking up stones to stone
Jesus chapter 5 chapter 8 chapter 10 Before any of that amongst the people possessing the
Word of God. What do you have? You have people who have only a portion the Word of God They've got false traditions and they're flowing out of a city to come meet this one
And by the end of the narrative, we're gonna hear many of them Saying we've come to believe him not because of what was told us about him but because we've heard him with our own ears isn't there an element here of Illustrating That mere possession of the
Word of God is not enough. There must be Belief in that word. There must be an openness.
There was an openness amongst these people and Just as the Samaritans had been used as the
Good Samaritan in Jesus's parable which grated against the
Jewish nerve It's the same thing here You have Samaritans who are willing to hear before the
Jewish leaders are willing to hear This says something this speaks loudly and even the disciples don't get it
Even the disciples don't get it. They are being sent out into the harvest
But they don't realize that they are going to be reaping where they have not sown There's going to be others when when finally the gospel starts going into these places
Don't you think the people who heard Jesus he was only there two days We don't know how long it is until the first Missionaries would arrive in Samaria once again
But I'm glad the Spirit of God could sustain them and They must have what were they doing during that time period remember when he said this remember when he said that?
It's fascinating to think about What took place in that situation? but all of this all of this points us to the reality that Jesus was willing
To do what his disciples did not expect and Then having done so tried to bring them along to understand that the gospel
It's gonna be for the whole world Every one of the Gospels not just John Matthew Mark Luke John They all contain deeply embedded in their text the consistent message this
Gospel must go out to all the world This has always been the
Christian conclusion the Christian command the Christian mission To take this gospel to the four corners of the world and looking at the group we have here
We should be thankful for that We should be very thankful for that because believe me none of us here are
All of us here are much farther away from that original Jewish context than any of the Samaritans ever were so that was a sign
It's to go out. It is for these others There is a harvest to be made and we ourselves must be very careful
That we stay as far away from the attitude of the
Scribes and Pharisees Which had infected even the Apostles? That they would not see those people coming out of the city
And not see them as part of the harvest that there have been sowing Now there's to be reaping there should be rejoicing and what are they focused on rabbi eat?
Did you bring him food? I don't know and Jesus is looking down the hill guys Look what's coming.
I have food to eat you do not understand How often do we become focused upon the things this world rather than seeing right in front of us?
The harvest that is ours These are the words of Jesus beginning in verse 39 and we will continue this this evening in verse 39 you have the fruit of Jesus's ministry there amongst the
Samaritans an encouraging example and Then from there we begin transitioning into chapter 5 where we're going to have a contrast between the willingness to hear the word and Then the the the growing
Opposition on the Jewish part of the Jewish leaders to Jesus's message there in his amongst his own
People and so once again, we are thankful that God has preserved for us his word We thank we are thankful that that John writing probably at a much later period
Gives us these insights that are not found in the other Gospels not because it didn't happen
But because the timing of John's writing allows for that to take place and I am one all of us are extremely thankful past like John 3
We all know John 3 16 But there is so much in this gospel that gives us so much light and direction
For how we're to honor and glorify God in our day today. Let's pray it again. My gracious Heavenly Father We do thank you once again for your truth, and we thank you for that day
When Jesus was thirsty and yet in the midst of that physical thirst
He did the will of the Father and as a result we have Yet another example of the necessity of the gospel to go out into the world
It has done so you have blessed it. We are here because of that, but that work is not yet done
There are so many who have not yet heard may you use us to promote that gospel may we live that gospel out
In our daily lives even amongst people who have great opportunity to hear
But whose ears have been stopped up by the foolishness of the world
Use us to be your faithful servants. May we be used to present your gospel Even in this coming week.