F4F | Joshua Holmes Fulfills 2000 Year Old Biblical Prophecy


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am a servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. So let me ask you a question.
Have you ever heard of a fellow who calls himself Prophet Joshua Holmes?
You're thinking, maybe that sounds familiar. There are a lot of people out there. This name will ring a bell and it's not going to bring up good memories.
But we're gonna do something a little bit different here. You'll note that in the charismatic Pentecostal movements, they're all about signs and wonders and and performing miracles and fulfilling prophecy and stuff like this.
What if I told you that Prophet Joshua Holmes has fulfilled a 2 ,000 year old biblical prophecy?
Oh man, it sounds like something Sid Roth would talk about, right? Well the reality is, he has.
And he is the exact fulfillment of words that were penned by the Apostle Paul nearly 2 ,000 years ago.
And you might want to pay attention because this fulfillment of prophecy serves as a warning for us.
Men like Joshua Holmes were prophesied long and long and long ago. And now, well, the scriptures are fulfilled.
Because you see, when God says something is gonna happen, it happens. God's words never fall to the ground, ever.
And so that being the case, we're gonna note that the scriptures must be fulfilled and they are being fulfilled, well, by men like Joshua Holmes.
Let me explain. Let's pull up the desktop and whirl up the web browser and there's
Joshua Holmes. I don't know how else to describe him as kind of like the
Elvis Presley of prophecy. The reason I say that is because, oh, his fangirls swoon over him in a very idolatrous and, well, frightening way.
We'll consider that in a minute. And it wasn't very long ago that somebody sent me a link to this particular video and all
I can say is it's been a long time since I've seen somebody this obviously of a con and a fraud.
And there are only two things that this fellow really is looking for in the world. We'll explain what those are.
But let's listen in for just a little bit to get an idea of what this guy's theology is all about.
Here we go. Here's Prophet Joshua Holmes. And then we'll consider the 2 ,000 year old biblical prophecy that this fellow is fulfilling.
Here we go. See, Adam was not told to sow because sin was on the earth.
And Adam wasn't told to sow because somebody had missed God on the earth.
Adam was told to sow because sowing seed has the glory of God tattooed inside of it.
What is this guy babbling about? Alright, so we're gonna note that little
Richard look here. I'm not sure what to call that. And the Bible is open. It's right there in the foreground of his cell phone.
And you're gonna note that the Bible here is merely a prop. This is a fellow who clearly is all about money and appearances.
And he, at the very beginning of this video, is talking about sowing seed.
Yeah, you know what that means? Send me money. Yeah, well, let's listen a little bit more.
See if we can find anything biblical in what this fellow is talking about. That when you start sowing seed, you are functioning in the travel route of God and angels.
Oh man, this guy is a fraud. He's as greedy as they get.
I'm gonna say this again. When you sow a seed, you're operating in the travel route of God and angels.
Says no biblical text anywhere. Seed sowing is not a natural man's weapon.
Mmm. Did you find this in the book of Balaam? You know, was it first or second
Balaam that you found this? You know, the prophet for profit, that guy? It's a supernatural man's weapon.
When you seed sow, you're doing something that God did before he made angels.
God was a farmer. God was... God sowed seed. What are you talking about?
In the scriptures, it says, In the beginning,
God created the heavens and the earth. And God said, let there be light, and there was light. He didn't sow no seed.
What are you talking about? God understood how if he pits something as seed form, that it will come back in harvest form.
This guy's all about the money. That's the only thing he's about. So when we look at bananas, and we look at fruits, and we look at different foods.
Yeah, well, this teaching is definitely bananas. That's for sure. That food came from a seed. Yeah, yeah.
So when you a seed sower, you are a creator just like God.
Look at that bling, man. I love it. This has got to be my favorite subject because this is what
I live by. Yeah, clearly that's the case. Now let me fast forward just a little bit.
I want you to really see what this guy's about. So I'll drop the play head maybe about 10 minutes, 23 seconds in, and you'll get a real good flavor for what this guy's about.
If you give place to the wind, it'll stop your sowing hands. No, I don't want the wind to stop my sowing hands.
Oh man, I want to walk in the trail of God and angels and stuff.
How much do I need to send you, sir? And if you give place to your sowing hands, it'll stop the wind.
Which biblical text is he preaching from? He ain't preaching from a biblical text at all.
When you operate it in your sowing hands, you're operating in divine authority to shut down Satan's assault.
Yeah, which text says this? I'm not familiar with this text. Satan's hatred towards you to pit you to shame.
Satan's hatred towards you to rob your inheritance from you.
Mmm, I don't want my inheritance robbed by Satan. How much do I need to send you, sir?
To hinder the blessing flow that God wants you to have. Oh no, I don't want my blessing flow hindered.
Which passage talks about blessing flows being hindered? Glory to God.
Glory. Brace yourself. Glory. Glory.
Glory. Money coming to me now.
Money! That's like a cheap impersonation. Here's the original, by the way, if you're not familiar with this particular false doctrine and this particular false teaching.
Yeah, you see, if you're gonna do that, Joshua, you got to put a little bit of oomph into it.
You know, I understand you were you were doing your best there, but you know, compared to Copeland, I mean, you're kind of a cheap substitute.
Glory. Glory. Glory. Glory. I mean, we'll just do a comparative work here. Glory. Money coming to me now.
Yeah, that was half -hearted. I mean, how do you expect the blessing flow of God and stuff to be coming to you with, you know, with a half -hearted, you know, money coming to me now shtick.
So if you want to get a little bit more what this fellow's about, he was a feature on the
Word Network for some time. Not sure if he still is. I haven't ascertained whether or not they booted him not yet, and we'll talk about why.
And then we'll also talk about which prophecy is this fellow fulfilling. Oh man, it's a 2 ,000 year old biblical prophecy fulfilled in our lifetime.
But let's get the the skinny as they introduce King, Prophet Joshua Holmes.
King? He's been promoted to monarch? No. He should meet
Queen Ebola. Anyway. ...ensure that you're sowing your seed so that that word can be infused into this world.
Ah, so the Word Network is all about scamming people out of their money, too. I see. Our next guest is coming, and he's a man that's after God's own precious heart.
No, he's not. No, he's not. He's after two things, and it ain't
God's heart. One of them is money. Please help me welcome Prophet Joshua Holmes.
Now, they spelled it wrong. It should be P -R -O -F -I -T. Prophet Joshua Holmes.
855 -730 -WORD. 855 -730 -WORD. Now the portal is open.
Grab a prophecy bingo card, folks. The portal is open. Man, yeah.
This is from 3rd Balaam, chapter 4. Now the portal is open, and watch this here.
As you sow, your cycle, your situation, your circumstances changes.
Liar. God's blessings and gifts are free. Liar. All of creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.
And apparently, the sons of God manifest themselves by writing a check or calling the number and giving their credit card number to the
Word Network. Now, that's not Prophet Joshua Holmes. That's the guy introducing him. Check out how this monarch among prophets dresses and stuff.
Joshua Holmes. God bless you. Good to see you. Put the hands together. Talk to us.
He's a monarch. You should have kissed his ring, dude. Tell us something. Let me ask you a question. How did you like or feel about the message
Perpetual Harvest? It's in line with what I've been teaching my people, because—
Your people? See, in Christ's church, real pastors and preachers, they don't have people.
I don't have people. They're Christ's people. I'm an under -shepherd under the Good Shepherd, Jesus.
What are you talking about? A lot of times, Jesus is trying to get things to us, but it's like nonsense and foolishness that come our way that we have to ignore.
And I'm a strong believer. Last year, long story short, I sold everything that I had in my money bag, and I moved into a mansion in the next 24, 48 hours.
Total scam. So what's he inferring? Well, empty out your bank account, send it all to him, and don't worry.
When you do that, that's going to open up the portals of heaven, and God's going to have you living in a mansion just like the
Elvis Presley of prophets. Oh, he makes women's hearts pitter -patter.
Every time he says, see, people go, oh. You sold everything that you had in your money bag.
Yeah, I had a whole bag full of money. I bet you did.
I bet you still do. And I sold it to my man of God. Yeah, the next time the
Lord speaks to you about sewing everything in your money bag, call a brother.
Yeah, these people are grifters. They are absolute grifters. If you don't know what that means, look it up.
Google it. Wow. And your harvest was? It was a mansion.
It was a debt -free 2018 Dodge Charger, and it was so much favor.
So many people offered me their cars. I have to tell some people, keep your car. You about to take the bus, lady.
So the seed really works. Really, do you think the carpenter of Nazareth, that this is really what his message was all about?
Sow your seed, and God's going to give you a mansion here on earth? Again, this is all just flat -out greed.
Now, let's talk about which prophecy is being fulfilled here.
It's a 2 ,000 -year -old biblical prophecy found in 2 Timothy, 2
Timothy chapter 3. Here is the prophecy. Understand this, the Apostle Paul writes, under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit, this is a legit prophecy, that in the last days, there will come times of difficulty.
People will be lovers of self, lovers of money. Take a look.
Even before there was the word narcissist, which clearly prophet
Joshua Holmes fits into that category, right? The scripture warns us there will be lovers of self and lovers of what?
Money! Come on to me right now. Yeah, see, that's what it was. But it gets worse. It gets worse.
They will be proud, arrogant, abusive. And these are people in the church.
You got to get that part. These are folks in the church, because the world has always been like this.
But this is going to be, and it is already now, something that's going to occur within the visible church.
Lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self -control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness but denying its power, avoid such people.
Among them, and here's the second part of this that I think is really, really going to apply to prophet,
P -R -O -F -I -T, Joshua Holmes, is among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning, never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
Just as Janus and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth. Men who are corrupted in mind, disqualified regarding the faith, they'll not get very far.
Their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men. So, how does prophet,
P -R -O -F -I -T, Joshua Holmes, fulfill this? Well, number one, absolutely a lover of self, lover of money.
And as you're going to see here in a second, he is one of these fellows that the apostle Paul prophesied would be those who creep into households to capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions.
And let me prove that to you. So, a couple years ago, Texas prophet,
P -R -O -F -I -T, Joshua Holmes caught in sex tape scandal with multiple women.
I told you there's only two things this guy wants. One of them's money. The other, well, apparently is women.
And so, you know, when we read the account, according to the Christian Post, media personality,
Larry Reed, first reported on his show last Wednesday that he was sent the explicit recordings of prophet, they spelled it wrong, it's
P -R -O -F -I -T, prophet Joshua Holmes. The recordings have been shared on Twitter and YouTube.
This is a sex tape. This is a sexual escapade captured on the phone, Reed told his audience about the recordings.
Holmes is described as a flamboyant young, he ain't a minister, he's a wolf.
Okay, a flamboyant young wolf, right? Who claims to have the gift of healing and granting money miracles.
And for all of you haters, if you don't know prophet Joshua Holmes, you ain't got the
Holy Spirit. That's what this follower said. In fact, let's take a look at this. I'm going to note that this was also covered in the
Christian Post, Word Network, aware of Jesus, prophet Joshua Holmes, sex tape, won't say if he's now banned.
I hope they ended up banning him. I haven't been able to determine that definitively, but check this video out.
We're just going to watch a few minutes of it. And in this video, there are various, how shall I put it, escapades, theatrical performances by prophet
P -R -O -F -I -T, Joshua Holmes. And you're going to see that the people he's appealing to and the majority of his followers are what?
Well, Paul prophesied of them, weak -willed women, and boy, are they idolaters of the highest order, best way to put it.
But let's take a look at this, shall we? Oh, yeah, yeah.
Benny Hinn did it better, dude. Your chops are kind of weak. Now, listen to these two.
Listen to what these two women are saying. They are absolutely smitten with Joshua Holmes, and they're blasphemers and idolaters in the process.
Check this out. Yeah, you don't know
Jesus if you... Okay, let me explain something here.
That feeling that you're having inside, the tinglies and the warmies and all that kind of stuff, that's not the
Holy Spirit. Those are your hormones, all right? You're swooning over a guy who, oh, he's just so pretty, and he dresses so nice, and he's so rich.
Yeah, that's not the Holy Spirit. Those are your sinful passions rising up within you.
No, he ain't. Yeah, that's blasphemy.
He ain't Jesus in the flesh. Jesus rose bodily from the grave. Jesus is Jesus in the flesh.
You see what I'm saying there? And so, yeah, this is utter blasphemy. Wait till you see this. It gets worse, by the way, because there's more than one set of women who've come to his defense.
Yeah, whoever put the video made sure to highlight that by repeating it several times.
I absolutely look starstruck here. He is very tangible. Hit the power of God on him, just because he throws his jacket, because you can't throw your jacket.
Exactly. No, it's because the guy's an obvious con man. He wants money and women.
That's what he wants. If you can't throw your jacket, I can understand why you could say, oh, well, you know. All right, so more escapades here, you know, trying to recreate
Betty Hinn's miracle services here. Throw in his jacket. Again, Benny Hinn did it way better, dude, way better.
And Benny Hinn is as phony as they get. Maybe you need to spend some time on, you know, grave soaking over Kathryn Kuhlman's grave.
See if there's any of her mantle left, you know. Here is idolatrous blasphemer number two.
Hi, everyone. My name is Mylesha. I'm with JHM. My prophet is
Prophet Joshua Holmes Apostle. He is my father. No, he's not.
Who's your daddy now? Joshua Holmes ain't your daddy.
What are you talking about here? Also, you will see me call him my Lord, my divine
King Jesus, because he is. What? Your Lord and your divine
King. No, he's not. Jesus is. And boy, you know, you've got a rude awakening if you don't repent.
Just that he is my Lord, just as Sarah's Lord was Abraham. No, no.
Whoa. Well, by the way, we'll spend a little time unpacking this. What is the right way to view the actual people who are ministers in Christ Church?
What is the proper way to view them? By the way, they're nothing. I'm nothing. Oh, this is unbelievable.
All right. So he's punched a lady in the face there. Boom. Knocked her down.
Maybe you should study Tai Chi or, you know, Kung Fu or something, you know, or maybe drunken boxing.
Yeah, that sounds Holy Spirit. Yeah. All of this is just a flim flam scam show.
Again, you know, Benny Hinwit did it way. He dresses like Liberace.
What is this? Hello, everyone. Check this out. Check this out. This woman's name is
Chyna and my Jesus on the earth, Joshua Holmes. You think that's idolatry?
Oh, it is. Yeah, this is the exact fruit of his doctrine because it's all about him and money and women.
My name is Chyna and I am the person that uploads videos on Lighthouse 777.
Um, this page is dedicated to honor and only honor
Prophet Joshua Holmes. And I just want to say that, um,
I have received so many miracles. And no, you haven't. All right. So what is the right way of looking at, you know, pastors, preachers, ministers?
Well, I would have you consider the words of the apostle Paul, who was an apostle of Jesus Christ, sent by Christ.
And so listen to what Paul says to the church at Corinth. But I, brothers,
I could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ, I fed you with milk, not solid food.
You were not ready for it. And even now you're not ready for you're still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?
For when one says, I follow Paul and another says, I follow Apollos.
Are you not being merely human? You'll note here, he's, uh, chastising them and saying you're being human and fleshly.
When you talk like this, I follow the prophet Joshua Holmes. He's my Jesus in the flesh.
He's my Lord. No, he ain't. Okay. So Paul then says this, what then is Apollos?
What is Paul? Answer. Servants through whom you believed as the
Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered, God gave the growth.
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only
God who gives the growth. In other words, true ministers in Christ's church, they don't point to themselves and have an except people worshiping them or ascribing to them titles and glory that belong only to Jesus.
In fact, you know, one of the things that consistently happens, I receive a lot of emails and comments or where people will thank me and say, thank you, pastor
Roseboro for the work that you're doing because it helped open my eyes. I always respond pretty much with the same thing. I didn't do anything.
All I did, I'm the guy who got to teach the word to you. It's God who opened your eyes through his word.
And so I'm just a servant. That's why I open up every segment. I am your servant in Jesus Christ. That's all
I am. And in other words, I ain't nothing. Here's the thing, the church survived for 2000 years before I showed up.
And as long as Christ tarries, you know, long after I die, the church is going to do just fine.
The church doesn't need me. It doesn't need you. And so the idea here is that I have the privilege of being a coworker with God, but God's doing all the heavy lifting.
All I'm doing is preaching the word. So he says, Paul is planted. I planted,
Paul is watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only
God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one and each will receive his wages according to his labor.
We are God's fellow workers. You are God's field. You are God's building. So according to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder,
I laid a foundation. Someone else is building on it. So let each one take care how he builds.
All right. So Joshua Holmes, yeah, his teaching and his preaching and the fruit of his ministry, which are these ridiculous, weak -willed women, fangirls, they're not being pointed to Jesus.
They're not being called to repent of their sins. They're being fleeced for their money and then chosen selectively for other items.
Yeah. So Joshua Holmes cares about two things, money and women.
That's what he's all about. And by being about that miracle of miracles, but not to be surprising miracle, he has fulfilled the prophecy of second
Timothy chapter three, you know, talking about in the last days that there would be lovers of self, lovers of money, who would what creep into households and capture weak women burdened with sins and led astray by various passions.
If you know anybody who is under the sway of prophet
Joshua Holmes, he still has a quarter of a million followers on Facebook.
Then send them this video and let them know that they are fulfilling prophecy by worshiping this fellow and that they need to repent and that true ministers of Christ don't point to themselves.
They point to Jesus because he who plants and he who waters, they're not anything. I'm not anything.
It's only God who gives the growth. And it's Paul who says that we chose to know nothing among you except for Christ in him crucified.
Seems like Joshua Holmes, the only thing he chooses to know among people are seed offerings sent to him so that God can so called bless you with a blessing flow and all that kind of nonsense.
None of that is taught in scripture. So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.