What are the seventy sevens in Daniel 9:24-27? | GotQuestions.org


Daniel 9:24-27 is the only Old Testament scripture calling the Messiah by name. Dive into the prophecy detailing 490 years leading up to the Messiah’s arrival and eventual crucifixion. Discover how these seventy weeks break down into periods of seven years and 62 weeks, culminating in an accurate timeline predicting Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. Uncover the historical and biblical context, and why this prophecy remains crucial for understanding the Messiah's role in salvation history. In this video, we answer your question: What are the seventy sevens in Daniel 9:24-27? Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/seventy-sevens.html


Hi there, many others like you have asked, what are the 77's mentioned in Daniel?
This answer and many more abound on GotQuestions .org. Daniel 9, 24 -27 is a key biblical passage.
In the Old Testament, the Messiah is also called Shiloh, the Root of Jesse, the Righteous Branch, the
Prince of Peace, etc. But the name by which he is known best, Messiah, appears in only one passage and you guessed it,
Daniel 9, 24 -27. Exactly what is meant by 70 weeks?
The phrase itself is ambiguous, but taken in context, the meaning is clear. Daniel's prayer refers to the fulfillment of a specific 70 year period, the 70 years of the
Babylonian captivity, as prophesied by Jeremiah. Daniel received the 70 weeks prophecy in response to his prayer.
The weeks are sets of 7 years. The prophecy foretells a period of 7 times 70 weeks yet to come, or 77 year periods.
77 year periods equals 490 years. The prophecy specifies that from the issuance of the decree to restore and rebuild
Jerusalem until the Messiah, the Prince, there will be 7 weeks, 49 years, and 62 weeks, 434 years.
Then after the 62 weeks, the Messiah will be cut off and will have nothing. Nebuchadnezzar had
Jerusalem dismantled around 587 BC after having to put down two rebellions there in less than 10 years.
At the time this prophecy was given, Jerusalem still lay in ruins. According to the prophecy, from the decree to rebuild
Jerusalem, there would be 7 7 year periods and 62 more 7 year periods, or 483 years, until the
Messiah would show up. After the culmination of the 62 7 year periods, or after the 483rd year, the
Messiah would be cut off. Both the ancient Hebrews, to whom Daniel was writing, and the ancient
Babylonians, to whom he was subservient, used a 360 day year. So 483 years times 360 days equals 173 ,880 days.
This is the equivalent of 476 years and 25 days using our modern
Gregorian calendar's 365 day year. As for our starting point, the
Persian emperor issued the edict to rebuild Jerusalem sometime during the Hebrew month of Nisan in the 20th year of his reign, or circa 444
BC. From circa 444 BC, 173 ,880 days brings us to circa
AD 33. According to this prophecy, the Messiah would show up, present himself as Messiah to the nation and then be cut off sometime near AD 33.
This was fulfilled as Jesus Christ presented himself to the nation of Israel on Palm Sunday, was crucified on Preparation Day, the annual day on which the
Passover lamb was slain, and rose from the dead on Sunday. The prophecy then goes on to say that, subsequent to the
Messiah's death, the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Within one generation of Christ's crucifixion, the
Romans, under the command of Titus, razed Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple. There is some debate about the exact date of the decree as well as which calendar to use.
Regardless, Daniel's prophecy lays out an amazingly accurate timeline. If we knew all the exact dates of Daniel's prophecy and timing, we would find it predicted the very day of Christ's death, over 600 years before it occurred.
Alright, that answers your question. What are the 77's mentioned in Daniel?