Youth Targeted Calvinism / Book of Romans Torn to Pieces in Service of “Gay Christianity”


Two main topics on the program today. First I mentioned fairly briefly this wild-eyed article from SBC Today as another example of Anti-Calvinist Derangement Syndrome. Had to chuckle at its ridiculous comments on Edwards, though I know it is serious—and sad. But sometimes, you just have to laugh. Then I moved on to discuss Graeme Codrington’s amazing way of removing Romans 1 from the discussion of homosexuality in the Bible. I do not know if I will be able to sneak another program in on Monday (I leave Tuesday), but I will make a real valiant effort!

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Well greetings and welcome to the dividing line got a lot to get to today I I Start off by tweeting a link that was sent to me.
I had never heard of this before youth targeted Calvinism Yes youth targeted
Calvinism SBC today always a SBC today
SBC voices always interesting places to You know when the insanity of the rest of the world just isn't insane enough for you.
That's it's a place where you can go fine and So, dr.
Rick Patrick the senior pastor the first Baptist Church of Silla Calga, Alabama wrote an article posted today on youth targeted
Calvinism and Just to give you a sense of the the depth of the analysis here
Calvin it under the subtitle an angry God Calvinism is associated with Neo -Puritanism
Obviously Calvinism predated Puritanism. But anyways, we tend to view the Puritans as Peaceful people who dressed modestly and made friends with the
Indians. I'm sorry But Calvinist Puritan Cotton Mathers is certainly the most infamous leader responsible to Salem witch trials and Calvinist Puritan Jonathan Edwards best articulated the view that God's disposition is primarily angry.
I'm sorry It's it's just so painfully obvious that Dr. Patrick Okay, have you ever read
John Edwards? Do you know Do you understand why?
those of us who have read Large swaths of Edwards.
In fact, I think I think a lot of the reasons I have to have my really cool progressive lens glasses today
It's because of those those two books over there with the red the the fourth and fifth from the left are
The works of Jonathan Edwards the the Banner of Truth to volume Microprint, I mean like you can put half a book on a page.
All right Those of us who have actually read Edwards more than just a sermon by Edwards but like entire books
But in fact, maybe some of his not -so -famous books You Know what what word that even
Edwards fans and admirers eventually get sick and tired of that you want to You just want to eat really salty chips for an hour
Sweet This the Edwards used the term sweet So often that In all modern published versions of Edwards works.
There is a warning to all diabetics prior to reading the book and they come with a little syringe of Insulin, I mean that's how often he uses the term sweet If you think
That sinners in the hands of angry God is Exhaustive Jonathan Edwards, sir. You are as ignorant as the day is long of Jonathan Edwards and In light of something else that happened after the last program
Why is it that people get on the internet and Think that they can comment about stuff.
They know absolutely positively nothing about including even commenting about what people said that they didn't listen to What is this?
I Mean the world's gone nuts It really really has so anyways
It continues on in his best -known work Edwards wrote the God that holds you over the pit of hell
Much as one holds a spider or some loathsome insect over the fire Abhors you and is dreadfully provoked his wrath towards you burns like fire
He looks upon you is worthy of nothing else but to be cast in the fire He is of pure eyes and to bear you in his sight
You are ten thousand times as abominable in his eyes. The most hateful venomous serpent is in ours You know what?
He said that and I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts Pastor Patrick. I looked around I Did a a little just a little digging around.
Dr. Patrick. Sorry, I This is really bad for someone who has an earned doctorate in something
I bet you I could find three or four sentences in a row that I could put together and completely misrepresent you too
Yeah Well, it is great the God pours out his wrath upon This is this is one of the reason that some of us honestly wonder if SBC voices
SBC today if these may not sort of be onion type of sorts of sites, you know where You know it sometimes makes you wonder if if maybe
We're doing the onion thing because it's hard to tell in the net it really is at times but this this one would
This one would sort of give you an idea While it is granted that God pours out his wrath upon sin and unrepentant sinners will surely burn in hell
Edwards paints the picture of a monstrously capricious deity For whom the saying of kumbaya kumbaya my lord on a youth group camp out seems wildly out of place
It's really published man. It's right there get it before it disappears. I I Wonder if there's such a thing as youth targeted
Arminian ism. No, no, there's no no It's youth targeted Traditionalism, that's what traditional is it's amazing that these guys actually want the term traditionalist.
That's just Shocking to me. But anyways, I tweeted that out and a lot of you have commented on and went really
Seriously, and I go. Yeah, really seriously. It's it's actually there. Hey week from Week from today,
I will be in South Africa Lord willing and We have a schedule up we put it up today
You were probably getting as many complaints as I was You're probably getting as many complaints as I was that we didn't have a schedule up And so I guess that's why it ended up being posted
But on Friday, October 9th And it's not quite
Friday October 2nd in South Africa. Well, no it is Yes, it is.
I think it's nine hours. So yep. It's it's yep midnight Uh, is it really?
Yeah. Yeah, it is. That's midnight there. Uh, so Little over a week from now
I am going to be engaging Graham Codrington And if you go to Graham Codrington calm,
I think it is Are you gonna watch a bunch of videos? None of which have anything to do with this, but You will see that Graham is a fine -looking gentleman
Will certainly win the cool -looking suit I'll be wearing a bow tie.
So I'm not even competing. That's just sort of a Just let you know ahead of time Um Don't want people
I want people to be You know sitting there the whole time not listening to what we're saying because they're trying to figure out who's a better just person
So I'll just I'll just Okay, rid of that problem right from the start No, I just I even know if you could rock a bowtie.
You may show up with one now anyway I'll bring an extra one for you Graham if you want one.
Um, I get it back though But you have to tie it. That's there's the there's the the top part anyway
Grace Point Church, Duncan Road Midrand 2191 South Africa We will be debating the subject homosexuality,
I'm not even sure exactly what the specific focus is going to be yet I have
I am thankful that mr. Codrington has been posting on his Website a
Series of articles that has certainly given me Good idea. I mean it seems fair.
I've published a book and I've done Yeah, I don't think dr.
Les's bowties are back in style well with some people You know, it's it's obvious it would be very easy for Graham to know where I'm coming from There are a lot of people are just sick and tired of hearing what
I've said in the subject but five hours in response to vines five hours response to gushy a Published book number of debates pretty easy if you want it if you want to know where I'm gonna be coming from What my bibliology is what my understanding of the the canonical witness?
from Genesis on is in regards to God's creative purpose
The role of men and women the fact that God differentiate between them and there is a purpose for that All that kind of stuff
It's easy I'm very thankful that Graham. He hasn't finished the series.
He hasn't finished the series And some of the stuff coming up would be helpful
Because he hasn't gotten to his comments on Matthew 19 yet But he did on the 21st
Get to Romans 1 so he's done all the Old Testament stuff and and basically Takes what
I have identified as a radical New Covenant theology perspective and that is
There is not a single law in the Old Testament relevant to us today period and discussion move on from there Now I spent a lot of time getting to that point but all of the
Work that has been done down through the years Demonstrating, you know in in modern terminology the intertextuality of First Corinthians 5 with Leviticus 18 and and things like that out the door
Fundamentally the reason that Leviticus 18 and 20 is irrelevant and does not tell us anything about God's view of homosexual behavior
Is because it's in the Old Testament Cultic has only to do is no more relevant than than mixed fibers
So all the work that I've done. I'm not any I'm not breaking any ground, but just simply demonstrating the
The fact that you can in fact look at the Old Testament law Place it in its context read its original languages
Graham has Graham went to seminary So he's he's not ignorant of these things
All that stuff just thrown out the window It's just so it's obviously we We even though he says he came from a conservative
Baptist reformed background, which would seem that we would have a lot in common In reality our understanding and view of things very very very very different and so we get we get to Romans 1 and I Will admit that a new argument was presented.
I Had not written this one before. I Mean there are so many ways
Around Romans 1 Generally, you know, you've got
James Brownson queued up here Well, we'll get back into his stuff on Romans 1 but I had never encountered this one before Never run into this one before it was it's it's a new one and We'll see how how you might
Respond to it here Let me just read he provides very kindly a summary before each article so you can
Sort of get into it a little bit faster Romans 1 is the heart of the discussion about gay marriage as Paul appears to appeal to a natural law that has been in place since creation
The plain reading Romans 1 makes it clear that Paul has in mind people who have taken their sexuality
This is his understanding their sexuality to excess and gone against nature descending the sexual depravity
This does not describe LGBT people seeking a lifelong monogamous covenantal relationship now, I have to stop right here
Yesterday a day before yesterday. I did a search because I've taken all of his articles put him into a PDF file and I did a search for that phrase
Any doesn't always use all the same words. So I had to search a few times sort of put them all together but throughout
Graham's work this phrase lifelong monogamous
Covenantal relationship Appears over over 20 times just in the blog articles and the series isn't done and it's always the context and obviously this has nothing to do with and then what you do is
You take what your final conclusion is Because that isn't that what the final conclusion is about Is that what the final conclusion of Graham Codrington's position is is
That there is such a thing in the Christian faith despite the utter silence of the
Bible Despite the fact there's not a single positive word said about Homosexuality not a single positive word that gives us any
Indication that marriage could ever be anything other than a male and a female
Despite all of that The conclusion is that for Christians lifelong monogamous
Covenantal relationships in marriage are a gift from God So if that's your final conclusion, that's what you're getting to Graham Codrington's a brilliant guy.
It's dr. Codrington. I'm not sure the doctorates in him, but I saw in his thing. It's dr.
Codrington, so This is a smart man How can you not see?
When you are constantly inserting The conclusion of your argument
Into your argument that you are reasoning the circle That you are assuming what you have yet to prove because I reject that there is any such thing biblically speaking from a
Christian worldview as a Homosexual lifelong monogamous
Covenantal relationship the term homosexual destroys the meaning of monogamous and the reason for monogamous
Mean monogamous when you think about it. What is monogamous actually referring to?
one man one woman You're even having to redefine the reason for that.
The sexual binary is right there So monogamous is out the window covenantal
Only if you redefine the covenant of marriage as defined in Scripture Which is why
I say all The gay Christian movement every single bit of it is utterly 1 ,000 percent destructive of Christian Orthodoxy It is impossible
For gay Christianity to remain Orthodox because gay Christianity cannot affirm the sufficiency of Scripture.
It's impossible. It can't be done and Time will demonstrate this time will demonstrate this and of course by the way
All of his sources all of his sources Boswell Brownson Skenzoni and Malin caught
Scroggs vines gushy Complete imbalance not not even a pretense not even a pretense of Even citing the other side
I I Could pull it up here and do a quick search, but I do not recall a single citation of Gagnon or anybody
In response anywhere in all this material not not even once anyway, so It's it really strikes me as a tremendously strange thing that someone obviously so Insightful in other areas the man speaks all the time on Business trends and futurism and and all this kind of stuff travels the world doing it cannot see
That to over and over again say well this has nothing to do with my conclusion
Which I'm not driving the scripture at all which I cannot show you a single shred of evidence
Would have ever even crossed the mind of an inspired writer scripture,
I realize that inspired writers Misnomer but you know what I'm talking about it
Really makes me wonder how does this work? It would be so troubling to me
So very troubling to me To have to argue in this fashion and and I'm gonna
I'm gonna tell them that just straight up. I mean How can you not see what you're doing here?
I? Reject the existence of these things. Here's why reject so you can't keep saying well has nothing to do with that You can't keep reasoning in a circle and yet Almost every single book that I've read in the past decade does exactly that So anyway
I'm continuing on the summary here. Sorry The flow of the letter to the
Romans is such that the list of sins in Romans 1 listen to this see how you'd respond is because I when
I first read this I had I was doing the double -take thing like huh, I mean
I've heard all about you know, Brownson and his is nature shame honor
You know run over to first Corinthians long hair argument pederasty Greek culture
Roman cult. Oh, it's this, you know Every book that comes out has its own
You know spin on the same stuff. It's never Taking Paul seriously.
It's never following his argument It's never following the argument right through Romans 1 and actually starting there and then it's always this let's come up with our conclusions first before we ever get to the tech stuff and I've read dozens and dozens of these books since 2000 or so when
Jeff Neal and I are working on the same -sex controversy. So Man, it's Wow 15 years of this stuff old news
But I was expecting Fully expected the the nature thing and I should mention after this.
He posted another article Which I found very very interesting Yeah, check check this out
I'll scroll up to it He says in the previous article this series which is the one
I'm reading the summary on I brought together the scholarship of a number Of theologians who argue convincingly here's an even faster summary.
So I'm sort of letting the cat out of the bag That the letter Paul wrote to the
Romans had the goal of unifying Jewish and Gentile Christians in this context Romans 1 118 -32 is best seen as a discourse familiar to Hellenistic Jews that Paul actually refutes and Uses against his readers, especially the
Jewish Christians in Romans 2 never heard that one before had you
But then check this out. I'll explain more in a second, but then check out this bold type paragraph
I Realize that conservative readers may feel that this is too much of a stretch of interpretation.
I Wish I had an understatement of order to provide to Graham here I want to therefore approach the same text from a more traditional viewpoint and show that even then bold and italics
This text does not refer to lifelong monogamous covenantal same -gender relationships,
I want to show that it even though the authors of Scripture could never
Have allowed for this construction given their worldview since they didn't talk about it
I mean, you know, it's like they say they found water on Mars. Let's say we find Martians and Martians come down here and live amongst us the
Bible never says anything against marrying Martians and therefore You know, it's just like Okay, but the point is he recognizes
It's a bit of a stretch. Yeah Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it is definitely a bit of a stretch.
All right So, uh, here's Let here it is again the flow of the letter to the
Romans is such that the list of sins in Romans 1 is used by Paul to set up his Jewish readers and create a counterpoint which he will use against them in Romans 2 and 3
The list of sins is therefore more about what Jewish people found repulsive in Gentiles Than what
Paul did we cannot use this list to focus our attention today on a specific group of sinners
Now not think for just a moment Think of how Foundational Fundamental The Christian worldview
Romans 1 is and you are saying that Paul was actually refuting that think about the just the absolutely fundamental nature of its discussion of Idolatry the nature of the
Creator creation distinction suppression of the knowledge of God Foundation to apologetics
It's incredible insight into the darkening of The mind that suppresses the knowledge of all of that Paul actually didn't believe that in fact the single article one 21 year old article from 1994
Written by a liberal New Testament scholar that to my knowledge Nobody nobody in 21 years
Has expanded upon accepted utilized made foundational their thinking this concept, but he found it and That one
Single article Is the foundation that he provides for this idea and in that article
Yeah, this is he understands what the guy was saying in the article problem is
Well the problem is in the article it says that Paul was deriving this from a
Jewish source, but Strangely and oddly enough Never tells us what the
Jewish source is because of course, it's all hypothetical
That there probably was a Jewish source we we just don't we just don't know what it was But Paul was quoting from it because this isn't really
Paul and this this grand insight never before known in church history until approximately 1994 is
What we need to adopt to recognize that Romans 1 and its testimony and its statement about homosexuality
Is irrelevant to us today? From the literary context it makes the most sense to see
Romans 1 18th of 32 as a well -known discourse against Gentiles taken from Jewish writings that Paul pulls into his letter
So well known That no one's ever seen it. This is by far by the way the most desperate
Attempt I've ever seen I Think that's why he has to continue on and let's try another one and do the standard
Nature Stuff, you know natural law Isn't Genesis follow us and of course the people that he's quoting
You know, he quotes Matthew Vines. Well, who's Matthew Vines is big source Brownson does Brownson take this view completely not
I Mean Brownson is 100 % opposed to this his everything.
We've listened to him from already on Romans 1 and we'll hear the rest Romans 1 This is so idiosyncratic
I've I've I've I don't I can't think of well, maybe
Maybe Soteriology one of one's readings of some texts in Romans 9 might be his idiosyncratic in other words way out there, but Wow And and it is so far out there that I'm awful glad I'm very thankful that I had the opportunity of reading this
The only thing concerns me is will his reading of Matthew 19 Be as far out there because when you encounter something that is absolutely a historical exegetical theological
Novum and and you know to come up with a complete Novum means you really have to believe that You have an insight
Nobody else in the church has ever ever ever ever had The Reformers did not believe that about themselves, by the way, they really didn't their argument was they're restoring
Something that had been believed Long ago and had become encrusted over by Roman tradition.
They were going and I don't care No one's ever seen this before we were We're much smarter and all that kind of stuff.
No But when you encounter a theological Novum It's one thing to go really
But that's not really an argument and it can be a real challenge to come up with a meaningful refutation
I mean having listened to this now and haven't been able to think about it seems pretty obvious.
I mean what what basically the article does and You'll see the bill coming through I sent you the email
I think in fact, I think I said it to you last night You have to get the yeah Cost me 30 bucks to buy the article but Gotta have it because it's it's the one thing it is.
It is. Absolutely the one thing that he depends upon in this particular article is this one article that came out in 1994 and So I had to I had to have it had you can you can get online too if you want to spend 30 bucks to pick it up.
He meant he quotes a lot from N .T. Wright, but believe me N .T. Wright doesn't take this view either And in fact would would find it
I think extremely Strange but the guy's quoting was fell many of Calvin Porter and Here on article in 1994 on this subject
And like it and basically what he does is he tries to turn this he draws from a bunch of Greek a bunch of sources that discuss various forms of Greek rhetoric and tries to shove
Romans one and two and three into a particular pattern of Greek rhetoric
Which then means that one 18 through 32 is being set up as a foil and Then when chapter 2 begins and he changes his address.
Who are you? That this then becomes the big thing. This is the big transitionary moment and This demonstrates
I mean to the rest of us and to all of church history and to all Christians that ever come before It was painfully obvious that Paul was then turning his attention to the
Jews Having stated clearly what the Bible itself teaches on the subject of the universal sinfulness of man and That it is central
Central to his argument that that Remain in force because when he gets to his conclusion in chapter 3
He's going to say we have concluded that all are under sin without Romans 1 that makes no sense
The foundation of 1 is continued in 3 and comes the conclusion 3. I mean it just turns the book of Romans into Well again, if you're if you're trying to revise
The entire Christian faith and that's what you have to do To create quote -unquote gay
Christianity, you've got to change the faith and And so the results going to be destruction all around and If you have to end up destroying
Romans, well Okay, I guess we just get to destroy
Romans But that unfortunately is exactly what is taking place here
All right, so I go back to the summary in case I haven't explained it well enough here in Fact Romans 2 1 through 5 makes it clear that Paul refutes the statements in Romans 1 18 to 32 and sees them as part of the problem and Shows that God's against anyone who thinks this way about the
Gentiles or anyone for that matter That's not what Romans 2 1 through 5 is about I mean you can you can make this kind of assertion, but Listen to what says therefore you have no excuse everyone who you pass a judgment
For in that which you judge another you condemn yourself for you who judge Practice the same things that makes no sense if he's arguing that the previous section is actually wrong.
He's talking about hypocrisy, I mean and We know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practice such things
But do you suppose this oh man practice what things the things of chapter 1 but do you suppose this oh man when you pass judgment of those who practice such things and Do the same yourself that you will escape the judgment of God Isn't that clear?
Or do you think lightly of the riches of his kindness and tolerance and patience not knowing the kindness of God leads you to repentance But because of your stubbornness and repentant heart you're stirring up wrath for yourself the day of wrath and revelation the righteous judgment
He's talking about He's gonna say later on merely Possessing The scriptures merely possessing the law of God and not doing the law of God does not make you right with God It's so plain so obvious and It is clearly
It is clearly an example the article by Porter is clearly an example of Of what you see in a large portion of Scholarship where you're trying to get published and The idea is you need to come up with something new and in the
Christian faith there should be a respect for the
Word of God and a respect for The generations have come before us that should moderate and control and restrict the willingness to be this wildly zany With eisegetical foolishness, but it didn't stop
Porter and So now you see the utilization of this by a man who is seeking to promote
The Redefinition of marriage to the point of the fundamental distortion of marriage etc, etc
There you go. There you go so Anyway, I go back to a good summary of Paul's opening chapters
And in fact the whole letter to the Romans comes in Romans 14 13 through 14
Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another instead make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way
Of a brother or sister. I just have to stop Complete ignorance of context come pleat
Romans 14 is inter -christian relationships in regards to disputable things
That is not the context of Romans 1 2 & 3 at all.
This is Absolutely What's that what's the term we're looking for If you if you sue somebody not malpractice malfeasance malfeasance in exegesis is the only way to describe
This manhandling of the text. It's horrible
It's shocking and it The stuff before this had been so Pretty standard revisionist stuff, you know surface level hyper new covenant to theology stuff and and You know your your standard type of thing the stuff on arsenic oitase again standard
Even though he recognizes Paul is deriving this straight out of it. It is 18 and 20.
He ignores that He says yes This is where he's getting it from but then when he finally makes applications what it actually means
It's not what it means in Leviticus 18 and 20 for some strange odd reason So it's not that there hadn't been clues that they could get this bad, but I never expected something like this
So the quotation from Romans 14 totally out of context completely different context
Finally the only issue Paul raises it can be transferred to the modern -day issue of same -gender sexuality is an appeal to the
Nature of things we will deal with this in the next section of this study, which of course is
The same thing Brownson is doing and the stuff that we've been reviewing there so How would you respond?
You know again, here's Here's May I make application, please?
Please may may make an application. Um, I wasn't planning on doing this, but there is a reason
Why I emphasize the necessity of doing your homework before addressing something now
There is a balance here because no one has all knowledge. No one
Can be prepared for every single objection statement position
But in doing apologetics
We try to lay the strongest foundation we can so that when we encounter stuff we can
Give a consistently biblical response but in this situation Thankfully, I'm not gonna be facing at least on this text a perspective that I've never heard of before if I had not taken the time and It takes time
If I had not taken the time to download all these articles convert them to mp3 listen to them on a long ride yesterday
I had started I had started
Reading through the material on the flight back and marking things hadn't gotten to Romans 1 yet That was the last article in the you put all the articles together is over 120 pages in PDF formats
Those aren't they aren't in small pages. Those are large pages If I had
Encountered this in a debate My hope is I could have given a meaningful response.
I'll be able to give a much Better thought -out response because this is such a fundamental attack upon the consistency of the
Book of Romans It is so far outside of the realm of anything that any meaningful scholar has ever come up with before that it's obviously going to upon reflection provide you with numerous examples of how utterly
Unusable and unworkable the theory is and how that the text itself refutes it but so many times
I've gone into debates with liberals and They have not even taken the time to Google my name
Let alone read anything that I've written They don't care It's irrelevant to them.
We don't have anything worth listening to We haven't we have nothing meaningful to say to begin with Nothing meaningful isn't and You've seen some of the results of that The first debate with Dan Barker University of Illinois The debate with father
Peter Stravinskis Father Peter Stravinskis.
Yeah They they They're obviously at a tremendous disadvantage
So it's not just simply a matter of well, you know It would be wise dudes because it would give us the advantage in in the debate.
No, I think there is a truth honoring issue here that I brought up on the last program
That Really I think the internet somewhat minimizes this
I Think it is create a culture in which Reaction and response is so fast and is expected to be so fast
That we have simply traded off depth and consistency for speed and Emotion and some people think that You know,
I'm compromising if I if I don't utilize All the arguments that could be used against falsehood well,
I can only use arguments that happen to be true and That happen to be fair and happen to be consistent and I Could have gone into this and said, you know,
I've debated this thing so many times you know, what's what's he gonna have to say and And probably would have held my own but you see
I'm sitting here going we're spending lots of money To fly me to South Africa the folks in South Africa You know are are giving of themselves
To make this happen and to put the effort into organizing these things and we're gonna be videotaping this
You know, we just posted some new videos up online. I put them on Twitter today from earlier in the year and You know remember
I mentioned the the fellow that came up to me while I was in Zurich and lo and behold God used
Debates that we did Back when I could still do a comb -over pretty well
You know had I still had my 1980s large glasses the whole nine yards and Use those even though the video quality back then couldn't be what it is today
Still use those in this young man's salvation. So We've been trying to get people like Matthew Vines to step up to the bat and do you know,
David gushy You know, he he didn't call us. He can say we're in sin, but he won't defend that They lack the
Integrity to back up what they're saying So here I am Going to South Africa primarily to do three debates in Durban with Muslims there including another with a you've cut him
Who will be representing the Akhmet didot perspective on the deity of Christ? That's gonna be extremely useful and Two with use of Ismael in in the
Juma Masjid Again tremendous opportunities But this opportunity came up And I had a choice to make
I've been pretty busy recently Two weeks home after 18 days in the road ain't much if you travel, you know, you get home
There's also stuff to get your I'll be behind on all sorts of things But I have the
Lord's really placed a Burden upon my heart
To be prepared especially for this debate this man's a professional speaker
Professional speaker and He has spent a lot of time reading revisionist material a lot of time and so I am taking him very very seriously and thankfully
I did so because This is an amazing perspective and in the midst of a debate you
Well, first of all, it's gonna be extremely important for me. I don't know what the order of speaking is gonna be What if I go first?
What if I go first and did not know that he took this perspective as I prepare my opening statement and dealing with Romans 1
Will I not be able? to present Romans 1
In a much stronger way now if I hadn't done this then I may have been accurate my handling
Romans 1 But if I don't know that my opponent is basically to say Romans 1 Paul's refuting that Then I'm only going to be able to respond to that in the shorter and shorter time periods that come afterwards
Which means in much much much less depth and if I can make my presentation on Romans 1
Demonstrate its absolute the absolute necessity Of following the flow of thought through Demonstrating he's clearly drawing from the creation accounts
Demonstrating that it's in perfect harmony with the Old Testament law Demonstrating that it's in perfect harmony with Romans 2 and 3 now
I can make those points I can demonstrate the Incoherence of the counter -argument before the counter -arguments even made
That's why When I can't you can't always do this you simply can't always do this
I mean, I'm pretty confident that I know where Yusuf Ismail is gonna go
I'm even more confident I know where are you Karim's gonna go because a you Karim has basically made the commitment to representing
Ahmad D dot and If I know Where any
Muslim would go it's Ahmad D dot. Okay, I've spent Too many years listening to Ahmad D dot to not know and I'm trusting because a you
Karim He very accurately represented D dot last time on the crucifixion.
So I'm just assuming He's an honorable individual. He's probably do the same thing again
So, I know where they're going Now I've got a good idea now now do
I know what he's gonna say about Matthew yet Matthew 19 mark 10 no It may get posted before then
If it does, I'll certainly read it. I'll certainly read it But to be honest
I I cannot even imagine a As radical
A reading of Matthew 19 as what was what is being done here to Romans?
I cannot I Can't begin to understand it So if you're if you're going to criticize someone if you're going to engage in debate with somebody
If you can find out exactly what they believe Do so Don't Don't criticize somebody about what they said on a podcast without listening to it.
Hello seriously Wow Credibility gun boom what come on?
You know, I'm talking about and you should know better anyway, so I Was gonna get on to a
Brownson here. I've got them all queued up over here You can't really see him on the screen, but He's in a interesting
Frozen situation there, but I'm not I don't know that we could get enough into into his position now to actually
Do anything there? Unfortunately, there was something that wasn't there something Oh Yeah fish
Since it is on the same relative relative subject. I guess I should mention this in the last few minutes here
I guess there's a there's a new book coming out. I honestly have to admit
I I May leave this one for Michael Brown to deal with I just don't know that I can bring myself to even buy the
Kindle version and Drag myself through it
Alan Chambers Alan Chambers has written a new book my exodus from fear to grace
Now some of you don't know who
Alan Chambers is but he used to head up Exodus International which was intended as a
Ministry to assist people in fighting their
Homosexual tendencies feelings, etc, etc His collapse
Has been a very well -documented thing and he has of course swung off into Apostasy as a result and so, you know big big headline
Alan Chambers same -sex relationships can be holy and New book my exodus from fear to grace.
I Really honestly doubt that there's going to be
Any thing new here other than how do you
How do you Excuse your apostasy and how do you excuse the
Hypocrisy that was your life beforehand. I I guess that'd be the only new thing There isn't a reason to believe there's could be anything new like Graham Codrington's use of Porter's article or something like that But I would imagine that he will probably get a fair amount of Press off of this because the press has been extremely
Happy to have a Fallen figure to point to and to point at and to utilize
But There it is. I like I said, I I'll drop
Michael a note and maybe we can do rock -paper -scissors as to has to read it Because I have a feeling he probably feels pretty much the same way he's written some articles about Chambers and Both of us probably have the same same ideas about about that did
I Did I mention
I? Don't think I mentioned this Did I mention what happened with?
Lindy West oh My goodness real quickly doesn't really have about four minutes left
Remember last week I talked about Lindy West on the program the shout your abortion woman somebody
Sent her the link the dividing line she posted
The video on her Twitter feed. Thanks the ad appreciate that Lindy now, of course
She then tweeted me somehow she looked up my Twitter ID Tweeted me the resulting conversation wasn't much of a conversation because she refused to act like an adult human being and Demonstrated capacity to think past about the second grade level
And was just Childish I mean immature on a level of seriously
I I think right now Clementine could probably have taken her on that particular that particular day and She's not three yet.
It was that bad and of course she brought with her Let's let's just say that That my block feature got used a lot
Because Let's just say these individuals
Like using all sorts of very colorful language very colorful language.
That's their best their best way It's uh, yeah, it was it was bad, but it was amazing and for me, you know, okay
I don't like having to block folks and it's sad to watch anyone who is creating image of God behaving as a as a child, so, you know, absolutely given over in their love of their detestation of truth and their their love of sin and destruction and just thinking about the
Destruction of their own lives that they are promoting But at the same time
I hope and pray That five ten years out maybe when did we do those?
mid -90s so 20 years from now if I'm still around maybe
I might meet somebody who was influenced by Exposed to the truth because well, you wouldn't believe this but I was following this
Lindy West and then I saw this video and You never know you never like like I said this this webcast
I I've ended up in the past six months. I've been on CNN you know
Sitting next to yeah twice once sitting next to transgender folks discussing those issues
You never know where this program is gonna go God has a sense of humor sometimes and where this program ends up going and a sense of humor in what some people think they hear on this program too, which is another issue, but anyway,
I Forgot to mention that and it was very very very interesting.
I don't know what the schedule is going to be We might be able to sneak a program in next week
Yeah, the day I fly out right I fly out Tuesday evening ain't that ain't happening maybe Monday we'll see we'll we'll try