F4F | Jennifer LeClaire The Year of the Decree


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told you need to get prophetic words from God, you know, for like years, seasons, months, weeks, and stuff like that, you know, kind of like the way the pagans would go and visit their astrologers, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below, you've been deceived.
Case in point, we're going to be heading over to the YouTube channel of the former editor and chief of Charisma magazine,
Jennifer LeClaire, and listen to her claiming that this is the year of the decree, and we'll just do a little bit of comparative work between what she says in this short video and what
God's word says regarding how we are to petition God regarding our needs and things like that.
It's called prayer, by the way. Another word for it in the Bible is supplication, but I digress.
Let's get to it. Here is Jennifer LeClaire. Well, Happy New Year, or Merry New Year, as my friends in London say.
Listen, this is going to be a powerful year. I've dubbed it the year of the decree.
Yeah, it's going to be a powerful year, folks. It's very rare to hear somebody claiming to be a prophet today sitting there going, oh, the coming year is going to be filled with doom and gloom and, well, no, there is
William Tapley, but, oh, it's just everything's going to go to hell in a handbasket.
Yeah, no one really talks like that. So, oh, it's going to be a powerful year for you, and she's dubbed it the year of the decree.
Let me back it up so that you can hear her dubbing. I dubbed the year of the decree.
Yeah, here we go. Happy New Year, or Merry New Year, as my friends in London say.
Listen, this is going to be a powerful year. I've dubbed it the year of the decree.
I want to encourage you, stop praying only. All right, so she's encouraging us.
You've got to get away from just praying. Stop praying only. You've got to do something more.
Yeah, let me back this up because, wow, this is bad. The year of the decree. I want to encourage you, stop praying only and start decreeing also.
I am decreeing over you right now. Prosperity. It's about time somebody did that.
I could really use that prosperity stuff. Anyway, so let's just do a little biblical comparative work here.
This woman is Looney Tunes theologically, and I wouldn't trust her teaching
Sunday school to a pack of newborn puppies. Anyway, so y 'all familiar with that great
Ephesians 6 armor of God text? Yeah, you know, take up the shield of faith and yeah, yeah, all that kind of stuff.
Watch what it says, and notice there's no mention of decreeing stuff.
Yeah, as far as what we're doing. So here's what it says, Ephesians 6, 16. In all circumstances, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the
Spirit with all prayer and supplication.
Supplication. Yeah, that's basically petitioning God, asking.
No decreeing. A supplication is not a decree. It's quite the end. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for the saints.
Yeah, you would think that if, you know, spiritual warfare included a lot of decreeing, you know, and not just, you know, praying only, that, you know, in this great passage that deals with, you know, doing battle with the forces of evil and the demonic, that included in that would somehow be, you know, mention of decreeing and declaring stuff.
Instead, there's a whole lot of supplication and asking God, Lord, please, rather than decreeing and declaring.
Another text that I think is helpful here, Philippians 4, rejoice in the
Lord always. Again, I say rejoice, so let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand.
Do not be anxious about anything. Life can throw things at you that can cause you to be anxious, but don't be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication.
With Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
You see, the decreeing and declaring thing, that's what God does. Yeah, so God sits there and goes,
I decree, because I'm God, that this, that, or the other thing shall happen for so -and -so, right?
Because you've gone to God and you said, Lord, please, in your mercy, hear my prayer. And God says,
I hear your prayer, so I decree. So you're going to note that what Jennifer LeClaire is teaching, basically, is teaching us to behave like we're little deities.
And no biblical text teaches us we need to be decreeing and declaring. So let's get back to all these declarations that she's making on our behalf.
Oh, man. You know, and she's going to declare prosperity. Could you declare some warmer weather here in North Dakota?
It's really cold right now. Anyway, let's listen again. Here we go. Hear of the decree. I want to encourage you, stop praying only and start decreeing also.
I am decreeing over you right now, prosperity. I decree that everything you put your hand to is going to prosper.
I'm decreeing over you right now, divine health. I say you walk in wholeness, in fullness of joy, in Jesus' name.
Yeah. Maybe she's a witch. I wonder if she weighs less than a duck.
Anyway. I decree over you reconciliation. I decree, I decree, I decree.
I want you to start decreeing with me. Listen, this is going to be a great year. We are in this together.
I'm so grateful for you. You're in the behaving like God and engaging in some kind of form of divination and witchcraft.
Jump in there, folks, with Jennifer LeClaire. Things will warm up for you eternally.
I'm so grateful for your partnership, your participation in my schools, my networks, my prayer movement.
You make Jennifer LeClaire Ministries what it is. So from my heart to yours, I want to say again,
Merry New Year, Happy New Year. And I decree over you that 2019 is going to be your best year ever in Jesus' name.
Yeah, I think you get the point. None of that's biblical. That's like the epitome of a false teacher and false prophet, teaching you nonsense like decreeing and declaring rather than making your request be made known to God by prayer and supplication.
And so isn't it fascinating that the devil always seems to go after prayer because he knows how powerful
Christian prayer is. And so you think of those caught up in the system of Roman Catholicism.
They're praying to saints and praying to the Virgin Mary. That ain't getting them nowhere. And now you got
Jennifer LeClaire claiming, Oh, see, I heard the decree, man. So I want you to decree with me and stuff.
Yeah, no, and the Bible don't teach that either. No, pray. Make your request be known to God.
Don't decree and declare. Let God do the decreeing and declaring. That's his sovereign right to do so.
I hope you found this helpful. If so, don't forget to subscribe. Ring the bell also.
And all the information on how you can support us financially is down in the description. And so until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.