Romans 1:18-32, What Is God Angry About?, Dr. John Carpenter
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Romans 1:18-32
What Is God Angry About?
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- Romans chapter 1 the reading for verses 18 to 32 hear the word of the
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- Lord for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth for what can be known about God is plain to them because God has shown it to them for his invisible attributes namely his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made so they are without excuse for although they knew
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- God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him but they became futile in their thinking and their foolish hearts were darkened claiming to be wise they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal
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- God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles therefore
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- God gave them up in the lust of their hearts to impurity to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the
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- Creator who is blessed forever amen for this reason
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- God gave them up to dishonorable passions for their women exchange natural relations for those that are contrary to nature and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error and since they did not see fit to acknowledge
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- God God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done they were filled with all manner of unrighteousness evil covetousness malice they are full of envy murder strife deceit maliciousness they are gossips slanderers haters of God insolent haughty boastful inventors of evil disobedient to parents foolish faithless heartless ruthless though they know
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- God's decree that those who practice such things deserve to die they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them may the
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- Lord had his blessings to the reading of his Holy Word was
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- God angry we think of course not God's not angry no we get angry when we get irritated or something doesn't go our way we're treated disrespectfully maybe insulted someone cuts us off in traffic or says horrible things to us so we get mad maybe we shout back how dare they treat us like that maybe we get angry at inanimate things when they don't work right at the printer
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- I have a problem getting angry at printers now it's ridiculous shouting at it makes no difference and of course you don't hurt his feelings that's the bandage but but still it does nothing it's just foolish but we feel that this this thing is not doing what
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- I wanted to do doesn't it know who I am well what makes you angry selfish drivers in front of you going too slow when you're in a hurry insults printers that don't work those of you but children do you get angry at your kids should you what if they don't listen now if it's all about our ego can we feel disregarded then is it just is it selfish to get angry at them so just pride or there's a disobedient child deserve some anger maybe you have to raise your voice sometimes to get through to him or maybe they need to learn that some things deserve anger of course that's the issue isn't it does anything deserve anger well it's getting more complicated now isn't it now we usually think of anger is a a petty selfish passing thing a fit that overcomes us and outbursts that we know we should suppress now when people say
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- I said some words in anger we know that they said the wrong thing anger is always something we think we kind of assume that we should reject it's something unworthy of us and so if you're really spiritual you won't get angry
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- I remember in high school a youth group leader saying confidently to us God does not get angry now
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- I'd read the Bible by then and I knew that wasn't true but it's still a popular idea about God that he never gets angry that's that's unworthy of God and so people today look back on Jonathan Edwards famous sermon sinners in the hands of an angry
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- God and they look back on it as this is bizarre kind of even perverse expression of a of a twisted fault theology and they congratulate themselves on how now how they know
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- God so much better than this primitive barbarian Jonathan Edwards did he's actually the most sophisticated philosopher in American history but never mind that I remember hearing it's a story about how it
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- I believe it was Princeton University they graduate students to get together and someone's gonna read
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- Jonathan Edwards sermon sinners in the hands of an angry God and at first when they started reading it the people kind of laughing and this is so ridiculous that people would believe this and preach this on their day but then by the time it was over it got a get heavier and heavier and they were just crushing and they left kind of dazed indeed a man who is supposed to be a pastor somewhat prominent
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- Brian's on I believe is in st. Louis I wrote a book entitled sinners in the hands of a loving
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- God decrying the idea of God being angry of being wrathful he's a false teacher not
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- Edwards is on he's presenting a false God and a false gospel
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- Edwards was right the reality is that over and over again the gospel begins by declaring that God is indeed angry and then now he's going to reveal and he's going to impose that anger in fact the
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- New Testament begins with John the Baptist declaring the axe is laid to the root of the trees in other words judgment is now beginning the anger is about to be expressed from God Jesus himself then comes along and begins with repent turn from your sins for the kingdom of God is at hand turn for your sins because now
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- God's rule is coming in which sins are going to be angrily punished to the philosophers in Athens in Acts chapter 17 the
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- Apostle Paul declares you know he talks about all their idols and at first it sounds like he's kind of open and affirming and a tolerant kind of guy then he says you know that was the times of ignorance when people worship idols all that stuff
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- God overlooked that in the past but he says now you philosophers in the gospel now he commands all men everywhere to repent to repent because he says judgment is coming and God has appointed
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- Jesus to be the judge and now that's being revealed and now here in Romans chapter 1 Paul begins his argument in earnest that's what's happening verse 18
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- I understand the first 15 verses were the introduction to Romans those two verses last week were the thesis statement and now he's beginning his argument in Romans in earnest and he begins it by declaring that the wrath of God which
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- God's anger that is his settled opposition to whatever insults his glory that is being revealed the gospel begins by making known that God is angry now what's got angry about and we're told right here in two major parts first in verses 18 to 23 the horrible exchange and then second in verses 24 to 32 the terrifying surrender the first God is angry at our horrible exchange
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- Paul begins by explaining that he is not ashamed of the good news remember that's from last week that there are that good news that a right relationship with God is revealed for those who believe because here now in verse 18 because of the bad news it's also revealed the good news of verse 17 is that is that we can be right with God the bad news starting verse 18 is that that we are in desperate need to be right with him because he is angry now the word wrath is
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- I hear the wrath of God's being revealed that kind of obscures it in my opinion because we don't usually use the word wrath we don't you know we don't usually say well yeah
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- I got caught up in traffic and I lost I lost my wrath we don't talk like that right but it is usually only used for God and so it's kind of this abstract word we don't think what it means but in reality the word in Greek this means anger just a typical word for anger now it's not an outburst of sort of out -of -control passion for God it's a fixed fury and ongoing opposition to sin now that is another idea that people today are often ashamed of that we are sinners in the hands of an angry
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- God someone who insists again again that God is not angry the simplistic idea taught by men like that man
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- I just mentioned Zahn is that the Old Testament pictures and Old Testament is an angry God he's judging and punishing but in the
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- New Testament in Jesus God is now loving and accepting I wonder if such people have ever really read
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- Jesus I don't understand where they get that it's just so but never by the point that's the simplistic idea that many people have actually they take a few verses from Jesus out of context and that's what they think but the dispensationalists say that the
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- Old Testament is about law and then the New Testament or at least most of it they can never really decide where the dispensation ends or begins but the
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- New Testament mostly and partly is about grace but Paul shows ironically here this is what he's saying here is ironic compared to what most people do they think he's saying you know the opposite is the case it's not that God was angry in the
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- Old Testament and now he's just kind of mellowed out no actually before God was patient and now he is revealing his anger now not at all suggesting that God's changed but now he's revealing something new he's revealing his anger almost all the revelations a few hints in the
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- Old Testament about hell but almost all the revelation about hell is in the New Testament he's revealed that in verse 18 the reason why the good news of a right relationship with God through faith is so good is because God is angry with people who are without faith the anger is he says of God he says
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- God's anger it belongs to him and it's from heaven it's being revealed from where from his realm and it's against he says two things notice the verse 18 it's against ungodliness and unrighteousness this signals that where he is heading in the rest of this passage in fact my opinion this is sort of his outline for the rest of this passage on godliness he deals with first and unrighteousness for verses 18 to 23 he talks about ungodliness or the word could be translated impiety that's the root spiritual problem it's wrong worship what we are here calling the horrible exchange now then from verses 24 to 32 he is talking about unrighteousness that's the bad fruit that comes out of that horrible exchange that comes out of that ungodliness and that's immorality right you understand you have a bad worship you have a heart that doesn't love
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- God and then that expresses itself through any moral life what is he angry at a first ungodliness that's our distorted worship that is we do not give
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- God the kind of worship that he deserves now at the heart of this ungodliness is a horrible exchange first they had the truth that is people talking human beings we our race there we had truth from God we knew
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- God and there are truths about God that are he says that are manifest that is they are made known to people to manifest is to expose to bring out in the open so that anyone can see it's not hidden anymore to manifest is to take something that people before couldn't see or there's a mystery and to make it plain here there are some basic truths about God he says are manifest in nature in verse 20
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- Paul says that there are there two invisible qualities about God that have been since creation they've been made plain manifest two things that any honest person just looking around at this universe can clearly perceive his eternal power he's powerful enough to create all this and it's eternal that lasts forever because it goes back to before the universe began and his divine nature that is that he is
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- God and we're not now to many that may sound incredible because he says he's clear he's it can be this can be clearly perceived he's saying that it's obvious if you just open your eyes and they'll say what are you talking about a lot of people deny that well that basic knowledge of God is obvious it's plainly out there for anyone to see so much so that if anyone refuses to acknowledge
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- God it is because they are choosing to suppress what is manifest what's this obvious it's just a plain fact but they refuse to accept it now today you know atheist scream you know show us the proof give us proof and we'll believe but you know who first philosophically who first with philosophy logically argued and they concluded that there must be a
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- God who did that first you think looked at creation and concluded that it's just impossible for there not to be an eternal creator you think that was some
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- Christian theologian or the monk at a monastery who looked at creation and said that yeah look at the evidence everything that moves is moved by something else and so if you follow the chain of events back far enough you there has to be a prime mover who started it all who did that it wasn't a
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- Christian or a Jew it was Aristotle the Greek philosopher who lived from 384 to 322
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- BC he merely looked at the universe and he reasoned with what he could see with what was manifest that there is one eternal creator the necessary being and if Aristotle could do that so could anyone else anywhere in the world and that's what
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- Paul is saying here that God has left enough evidence of himself in creation that with even even without the
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- Bible or without preachers people have sufficient proof to come to the conclusion that there must be one eternal
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- God and so once they conclude that they can begin to search for this
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- God just to find out who he is to desperately make it then their their life's purpose to find and know this
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- God so at the end of verse 20 they are without excuse now understand what I'm saying there's enough evidence you can't just know
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- God intimately perfectly just from creation I'm saying there's enough to know that there is a
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- God and once you find that out you should go searching for him and if you do he'll reveal himself to you but what is
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- God angry at it he's angry that there's plenty of proof that he is there but still people refuse to worship him some some worship instead idols and some close their eyes and just refuse to admit that God exists at all they cry out for a proof but suppress the truth that is there the proof that is already present in Britain a prominent atheist and Anthony flew who had attended went to Cambridge University attended the
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- Socratic Club with C .S. Lewis back in the 50s and 60s I guess he heard see us right from C .S.
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- Lewis himself he heard the arguments for the existence of God that kind of C .S. Lewis is famous for made it so popular but he heard him right from him and he rejected them didn't convince him but he finally became convinced as an old man just about 15 years ago looking at creation he became convinced of an eternal power not because of the glory of God you know revealed in space you look at the immensity of the universe and this could not come about by chance how incredibly elaborate it is he became not convinced not because of the telescope but because of the microscope because of DNA now for a long time people had assumed that single cells were very simple just blobs of living tissue that if only it's only when you collected a lot of different kinds of cells together in a large animal like a lion or a person that living things then became complicated but the more they studied cells and then they found
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- DNA the more they realized that even a single cell is incredibly complicated that the
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- DNA what scientists called you know basic building blocks of life it makes it sound like it's basic building blocks makes it sound like it's a something as simple as like one of these cinder blocks in the wall simple thing and then you gather them together and it makes something complex no the
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- DNA itself it's not really basic DNA is very intricate flu realized that DNA is too complex to come about by just by chance you know you throw a bunch of chemicals together and some lightning and storms you're not gonna get
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- DNA coming out of that no matter how long you try and so we concluded that there must be a God and when he announced that he was attacked by atheists for you for giving in to which he responded by calling them secular bigots suppressing the truth the result is of the manifestation of God you're in the stars or in ourselves is not the result is not that many people turn to God a few do a few but most don't and yet all then are without excuse at the end of verse 20 they have enough evidence but they still don't search for God so they are without excuse and this is the answer to that common question you sometimes hear you know what about the native now you say that Jesus is the only way to God and if you don't believe in him you're going to going to hell and suppose what about the native and some remote tribe that's never heard about Jesus you're gonna be saying he's gonna be condemned to hell because because he never heard he's never had a chance to turn to God and so so then he must be innocent but that's not true he's had enough evidence in the stars at night and the design of nature did you ever notice that everything in nature turns out beautiful there's trees there's mountains there's lakes there's oceans this is the way a stream flows it's always beautiful never seen an ugly stream let me unless we pollute it we do something to it all of nature shows beauty well we human beings we have to work very hard to make something come close to being beautiful we have enough evidence in nature to tell us that there is a designer there's an artist who is making all this beautiful and glorious and intricate now
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- Aristotle had enough evidence so if they don't turn to God they don't then seek him I don't ask for a revelation from him then it's their fault they are like here without excuse so they are not innocent in verse 21 they they knew
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- God now not intimately not personally but they had enough evidence that they they could have sought him instead they refused to honor him as God they refused to give thanks to him they had enough truth about God but then they made the horrible exchange they exchanged this precious truth they had by having gold bullion bricks of gold bullion they exchanged that for lies exchanging it for for gravel
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- I'm worthless even if they have enough integrity to it to admit as few do that there must be a
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- God still that doesn't move them to bow in worship but it says at the second half of verse 21 they're they're thinking their philosophy they're what they think are so sophisticated but they're so proud of having a mind they say is free of religious dogma they're a free thinker they call themselves that thinking becomes futile that means it's empty it's just a waste of time they may spend their life philosophizing writing books and the result is futile it ends up as nothing because they wouldn't accept evidence and they wouldn't turn their hearts to seek
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- God and so they went from bad to worse their hearts now without the fear of God are foolish they don't have even the beginning of wisdom so they're in the dark in the dark they make the horrible exchange that is they had some knowledge of God but instead of keeping that knowledge and letting it lead them to truly seek to know this
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- God they exchange it they exchange it for for worthless things bowing for images they had made
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- Isaiah tells us in Isaiah chapter 44 that a man same same man will take a piece of wood use part of it to make something like a table or chair and then another part of it he'll burn for heat and then another part of that same hunk of wood he makes into an image and he sets an altar before it and bows in worship so that thing he just made they think they're so smart but they give themselves to things that are so ridiculous now we think we're wiser today because we have technology we're modern modern people don't don't do things like that we think here at least in America but it has nothing to do with being modern
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- Singapore is one of the most modern countries on earth and I've seen people there use computers all day long educated people will bow down before an altar with an idol on it burn their incense maybe to an ancestor or the kitchen
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- God the wealth God how do you say sigh sin in America we think that we're above all that we're smarter people because we don't bow and burn incense before material things that we've made but America's just serve their gods in different ways and it's just as futile this is empty as foolish we sacrifice our families to make more money or maybe we sacrifice the church the body of Christ so that we can serve our families we sacrifice pleasure to pursue the almighty dollar or maybe we sacrifice dollars so we can pursue pleasure we make a major holiday out of Valentine's Day make matchmaking websites wealthy we read romance novels and we believe with all our heart that love conquers all even vampires because they because we believe we believe this culture believes that the key to happiness the answer to our problem what we need the most is that one true love that's the problem they say what's the problem they ask not
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- God's anger but having no lover being alone on Valentine's Day oh yes we certainly have our idols we serve in our feudal our vein our empty minds our darkened hearts we've had the knowledge of God has been clearly revealed in nature but we made the horrible exchange what's he angry at he's angry that on Valentine's Day people care more about being without a
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- Valentine and being without him he's angry that we had some knowledge about God but we exchange it we had that knowledge we gave it up it's like having pure gold it'd be foolish enough to exchange it for for a handful of gravel that's the horrible exchange so for verse 24 beginning with therefore therefore because of all that because of the horrible exchange because of the intentional suppression of the truth about God because he's so angry that we made that exchange he imposes on us the terrible surrender he surrenders us to something terrible we've been given over we've been surrendered to ourselves the worst thing that God can do to you now this side of the final judgment before that final judgment the worst thing that he can do to you is leave you alone to let you go your own way let you have what you want you want to be rich you'll let you make money you want nice things he lets you go shopping you want everything that your taste buds crave he says bon appetit you want that fantasy lover he'll let you hook up God in his anger gives us over to what we want three times in this passage the refrain
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- God gave them up it's like the chiming of a bell before a funeral you not ask for whom the bell tolls it tolls for thee three times
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- Paul says that he is God has given us that some people some societies he's given us over to what we want in verses 24 26 and 28 we are given up to our our futile empty minds our darkened hearts what began is his suppression of the truth about God leads to a surrender to whatever impurity whatever perversions whatever debased ideas that we might think are fun first of verses 24 and 25
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- God gave us up to whatever whatever we lusted after no matter how impure no matter how degrading verse 24 suggested our bodies
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- God's creation they're made good by God they were made to be honored but now human beings are so overcome by whatever pleasures that they can't resist whether for food or for sex or for drugs that God just lets us dishonor those bodies and eventually destroy them and verse 25 makes clear that the surrender of ourselves to our own immorality it is the direct result of our suppression of the truth about God there in verse 25 we made the horrible exchange and so we suffer the terrible surrender in verse 26 the bell tolls again
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- God gave them up this time to dishonorable passions now some passions are honorable passions for love and for justice for God and his glory this passage begins in verse 18 speaking of one of God's honorable passions you know his fiery commitment to his own holiness but here having been surrendered to our own desires we are given over them to dishonorable passions and the prime example of dishonorable passions arising out of out of feudal minds from darkened hearts unreasonable and foolish is the perversion of homosexuality now homosexuality is here as the example of unrighteousness for the same reason that idolatry was earlier the example of ungodliness now both are things that anyone just looking at reality in nature should be able to see is what
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- Paul calls it here unnatural it's contrary to God's design homosexuality is just as unreasonable as idolatry it's just as unreasonable as carving a piece of wood and thinking it's a
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- God it's that feudal it's that foolish the Bible here says that you don't need the
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- Bible to know that homosexuality is wrong that's his point here people just should know that but now people don't know that you don't know that it's wrong because they've suppressed the truth they suppress the truth that it should be so obvious now we indeed are a culture that's been given over to this surrendered to what is dishonorable what's unnatural what's shameless now homosexuality is treated as a civil right and objections to it are commonly categorized as as if they were bigotry like racism you know hate speech and they never made an argument because I've seen this this debate for my most of my adult life now there was never really a rational argument made about why homosexuality is disacceptable they didn't make that argument they just bludgeoned anyone who dared say that was wrong with insults you're a homophobe that's that's that's as deep as their argument ever got and they were suppressing the truth calling homosexual practices a sin is treated as if it were just an it's an ignorant prejudice you but if you believe that the homosexual is a sin you say it you're treated as if as if you're still a racist today it's categorized like that by the world that's totally bogus a prejudice pre -justice pre -judging literally is judging someone pre before so before judging it's based on something external on who they are externally rather than on what they've done based on on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character that kind of thing the old racist prejudice was just because someone is of another race that external attribute the color of their skin that then they therefore are they're different some ways they're different mentally or they're different morally and that they are the way they are a certain way but just because of the race they're they're good at basketball because of the race or they're good at math all those people are good at math you know are they're good at talking are they're good at music are they're bad at other things because of the race their looks their skin their their country so you disapprove of them for that before you even known them that's that's prejudice pre -judging people before they've done anything before they've shown the content of their character before they've acted but that's not what we're doing when we object to homosexuality we're saying that if you do these acts you behave like this acts that are as said here dishonorable unnatural shameless then you have sinned it's not prejudging people it's post judging actions we're saying what
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- Paul is here that a society is open the door to something this plainly unnatural those few individuals homosexual individuals that are involved in it but the whole society that says no whatever floats your boat do your own thing come out of the closet fly the rainbow colored flag and celebrate diversity except of course for the diversity to say that what is plainly unnatural is wrong we don't want that kind of diversity we're saying that such a society has suffered the terrible surrender it's been given over to what it wants and it's been given over because God is angry with them think about it right here in conservative
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- Danville Virginia about a decade ago after an elder of this church kindly and gently
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- I heard it myself uncompromisingly sure but also humbly shared the gospel with a homosexual young man at Averitt University the
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- Averitt student brought up homosexuality he made it the issue he initiated it and when we dared put homosexuality in the category of sin like many other sins like losing your temper the result was that this church was banned from the campus of Averitt he said that time that's suppressing the truth a futile mind or as a mind they no longer could get at truth it's empty of that it's not that capacity anymore and a darkened heart the world does that and all these other 20 other sins listed from verse 28 on because they've made this horrible exchange they've given up the knowledge of God for whatever their lusts fancy and now they've suffered the terrible surrender what's he angry at now it's not just homosexuality that's both here an angering sin that a provocation of anger and the punishment for sin for that horrible exchange understand homosexuality is here is evidence that God has surrendered people to their terrible self -destructive in verse 27 they receive in themselves the due penalty for their error otherwise they are getting their punishment by the sin the sin is its own punishment that's why we why you should have me the homosexual person just to be some compassion there their own the sin they're caught in is its own punishment and when we turn away from the truth about God in nature nothing can stop us from being consumed by our lust and so now they seek to push down the knowledge of God these suppress it his glory diminish what people know about how glorious God is by refusing to worship him and so in by pursuing their own desires but as CS Lewis says a man can no more diminish
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- God's glory by refusing to worship him than a lunatic can put out the Sun by scribbling the word darkness on the walls of his cell what's he angry yet he's angry that even though God has clearly revealed himself we've seen fit not to worship
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- God we worship ourselves so God gives people up starting verse 29
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- Paul lists 20 cents all manner of unrighteousness and then they're all is debased as homosexuality just just more acceptable to more people a covetousness people hardly see is a sin right some capitalists like greed is good craving for things always more money the nicer car the bigger house luxurious vacation we understand that we can't live with murder because we're afraid that we might be the one murdered next but we make peace with all the things that lead to murder envy we want their things strife deceit how would politics work without deceit be a lot different when it gossips and slanders that now that that fills social media haters of God well that's their
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- First Amendment right hey God isn't it being insolent that's a personality quirk come on haughty and boastful well that cuts out a lot of basketball court trash talking right there doesn't it and in case we don't we don't like in case we don't have enough sins to go around we don't like any of the old sins he says some are inventors of evil they'll come up with new sins always innovators of new ways to sin on the cutting edge of unrighteousness look at the end of verse 30 disobedient to parents you kidding we don't take that seriously just part of growing up you gotta push back it's good for them good for the kids stretch our wings and oppose authority it's called adolescence don't you know here it's called rebellion is foolishness then three lacks what's
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- God angry at he's angry with what we what we lack what we are missing what we don't have he's angry at faithlessness that is not trusting
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- God theological liberalism like with that pastor I told told you about at the start doubting
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- God's Word or could be unfaithfulness or both unfaithfulness not keeping our commitments when our word is worthless what we say doesn't mean anything we just say words to make people feel better and we don't keep our commitments heartlessness has no compassion don't care that people are suffering we're heartless ruthlessness we lack any restraint on our anger but it's just a lot of road rage is ruthlessness we know even if we try to normalize it that those who do such things they're wrong that on some level we know that the wages of sin is death we know that God is just and yet we encourage others to join us in our conspiracy against God if we can just get enough other people to agree with us in these sins we can all just say that all our each other sins are fine as if God's judgment will go away fake churches today will advertise themselves as gay affirming as in verse 32 they know
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- God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die they know that but they've suppressed the truth but still they give approval that is affirmation they fly the rainbow flag to those who practice them we think if we entice others to join us in our sin we can get rid of other get rid of the taboos we can feel good about our personal sin
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- I approve of your sin you'll approve of my sin we all just kind of conspired to prove of each other's sins we make it acceptable so we won't have to repent we want
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- God to leave us alone to let us have our quiet prosperous comfortable middle -class lives with our medicines for our depressions our full stomachs our nice cars our relationships especially on Valentine's day and respectable religion reminding us every
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- Sunday but how there's never there's not really much wrong with us how we're sweet people in the hands of I'd never angry therapeutic indulgent
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- God you know and when the hard times come then he was carrying us what's he angry at false prophets today like false prophets in Israel told the people that God wasn't angry at him it's what the false prophets did no judgment would come
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- God said that there would be terror on every side and the false prophets came along and said no there won't there's gonna be plenty of wine and beer don't worry about a thing the
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- Babylonians won't conquer us they won't haul us off God's our therapist he's on our side we have him with us false prophets today give us the same assurance there's nothing to be worried about with God he's not angry and anyone especially not you as long as you give me money he's not angry you now if he's a tad disappointed you know it's it's something we could fix with a little religion and a little morality and an offering of course to the false prophet but the truth that that is being revealed is that God is really angry at us we made the horrible exchange we preferred the terrible surrender and that's an enormous problem but the good news of the gospel is that God himself the one we made that horrible exchange to get away from that God has dealt with that problem he solved the problem of his own anger if you want a picture of the anger of God revealed look at the cross
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- Jesus was the one person in all of history who had never exchanged the truth of God for a lie he had never embraced godlessness impiety never surrendered to unrighteousness he never had spoken deceit but look at the cross
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- Jesus hanging there pierced for our transgressions
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- God was angry at us but instead of crushing us it was the will of the