AD on Hedging Against Inflation

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Big news guys big news for all ad President Joe Biden Sent me a letter
Yeah, that's right. I went to my mailbox and here it was it from the
Department of the Treasury And I knew it was important because right underneath the the old the old
Headline there it said that there's a fine Associate is official business, and there's a $300 penalty for private use so I knew it was serious
I knew it was definitely so he wasn't kidding so I opened it up and there was there's his Autograph right there.
I mean really it looks like real ink there. That's amazing. He sent me a personal letter So I just figured
I didn't read it yet, but I I wanted to read it live on the air Here's what it says my fellow
American on March 11th 2021 I signed into law the
American rescue plan a law that will help vaccinate America and deliver Economic relief what?
What? Why does this have to be a threat everything's a threat with the government?
He just sent me a stupid letter a form letter about the about the free money And they're gonna vaccinate everybody blah blah blah blah blah, and it's like hey.
We gave you some money Here's what we did Here's what we gave you like do you remember the? Controversy with Trump where it's like Trump wanted to get his name on the on the check by the way
I still have that check. That's a collector's item in the old roblox family anyway um There's a big controversy.
Oh, yeah, everything's about him. This guy sent a whole letter He what is that and why do they have to threaten me?
What's the big deal? This is just a stupid form letter nobody cares about this and they say well if you use it for private use
It's $300 fine, and what does that mean private use is this private use? They're gonna find me $300 for doing this video about the stupid letter nobody asked for I Don't care about the vaccination program or the free money and all that stuff.
It's just gonna screw me over in the end anyway So what's the difference? Everything's a threat even a stupid form letter is a threat
They gotta threaten you with everything that everything every time you engage in the government There's always threats involved you go to go to the post office, and there's threats are you gonna be in trouble?
You know I mean like all kinds of stuff There's always threats you go you buy stamps, and then like they make you sign a thing well
There's no dangerous items in this letter. It's like. I'm just buying stamps here. Why is everything a legal document?
I got a everything's a threat when you're dealing with the government Anyway, that's not what this video is about This video let me just contrast that by the way also got my
Samaritan bill and this is like everything is voluntary It's like hey, you know you signed up for Samaritan, and you know this person needs some money
You know because they hurt themselves. Can you please send them a check? It's everything's like there's no violence here
No one's twisting my arm. It's like yeah sure I'll send that guy 500 bucks. It's just so pleasant to pay my
Samaritan bill Anyway, that's not what this video is about either. Let me just take a quick sip of coffee
What this video is about is I've been referencing inflation and hedging against inflation and taking care of yourself knowing that Are the financial system is in trouble and all kinds of stuff and every time
I post a video like this people ask me what? my advice is like what I think you should do with your money and I never really respond to that stuff because I am
NOT a financial planner I am NOT a financial expert, and it's just not my area
And I want to stay in my lane But I will say the kinds of things that I've considered doing because it really it's when you're when you're considering inflation and you and you think because I believe that Inflation is going to get a lot worse before it gets better and so when
I think of input inflation I know at least I believe that everything that I buy is gonna cost more
Later than it'll cost now and so when you're considering hedging on inflation
It's really not that complicated to consider what to do you what you should do is you should consider like let's just say let's
Just say you you owned a factory and you needed to acquire a lot of wood in order to do your your work
Sorry about that You know and you knew that you had an idea that wood was gonna cost a lot more in six months
Than it will right now, and you have cash right now, and so you're thinking okay? I'm gonna be playing it.
I'm gonna plan ahead for my business that requires wood Maybe I'm a wood I like maybe I do wood burning signs where I burn like you know designs into the wood
I always thought those look really cool, so let's just say you thought okay if I'm gonna do these wood burning signs
And sell them it's gonna cost me more to make them later than it will right now, and so maybe
I'll consider Over buying right now so buying more than I need right now
Just anticipating that actually this will help me because in the long run I'll end up paying more if I wait and so that that's that's an inflation hedge
That's something simple that you can do and let me tell you some of the things that I've considered doing for myself so You know
I've considered buying Certain assets right obviously I talked a lot about gold and silver so that's one of the things that you could do to fled hedge
Against inflation. I'm actually not that convinced that gold is That great of an inflation hedge to be perfectly honest with you the data is very mixed in that regard at least in my opinion
With the way, I look at it, but I like gold and I like silver some people like Bitcoin for that and you know
In theory I suppose Bitcoin could work for that. I don't like Bitcoin if you like it
I have no beef with you, but that's something that people are considering doing But really it could be very simple like I was on gab the other day
I posted that I tip the way I tend to buy as I like to buy in bulk and I bought like 500
Double -a batteries or something like that. I don't remember the exact number and And when I it occurred to me when
I purchased them was like oh I'm actually hedging against inflation here because these batteries are gonna cost more later, and so I actually will end up saving money
By buying a bunch right now than I would in the future so depending on your situation and your means and the kinds of things that you consume
Buying anything at this point is almost a hedge against inflation like like you know the people were talking about how their cars have
Appreciated in value. That's crazy that a car could appreciate in value like Matt Williams was saying he has equity in his car
And that he just bought a brand new car. He bought it usually they say well It goes down in value as soon as you push it off the lot, so you're like losing money
But Matt was saying he is he's got equity in his car a brand new car. This is pretty crazy but anyway
That's that's all I mean. It's it doesn't really have to be complicated I'll tell you a couple more examples like if you know that you have a certain canned good that you like to eat, right?
You know maybe it's corned beef hash or maybe it's some kind of vegetable or something like that Or maybe it's spam like if you like eating spam
Know that your spam will likely cost you more next year than it does this year and so you buy
More spam than you need for this year, and that's a hedge against inflation so basically buying almost anything at this point
I'm not saying literally anything But almost anything could be a hedge against inflation as long as it's not like stupid things right like it's things that you're gonna use anyway
Things that you're going to consume and purchase anyway if you buy if you have a lot of cash now
It might make sense to overbuy this year in anticipation of higher prices next year
That's all I'm talking about when I say prepare yourself There are also plays that you could make in the stock market or in commodities markets and things like that that also
Potentially could help you During in times of inflation or even just in times of volatility
There's typically safe havens that can be had and you should do your own research for that kind of thing In the areas that you're knowledgeable about because I'm not knowledgeable about everything
I happen to know a little bit about the mining sector And I happen to know a little bit about some commodities and things like that and actually that's an area that I'm looking at right
Now there's a few commodities indexes that are put together by private people That you know basically their intention is to take advantage of inflation so in other words if prices are going up for you know
Beans and rice and you know soybeans and stuff like that And you know that they're gonna be going up if you own the businesses that produce that kind of stuff
You're actually helping yourself out because you're actually making the money on those inflated prices
Even as you're paying more to buy the products for those inflated prices You're kind of helping yourself out in that way
And so there there could be various plays that you could consider doing and by the way this this all depends on your means, right?
Like like I'm not telling someone who has got an unstable income, and they're really not sure you know how much longer
They're gonna have that income I'm not telling those people to go into debt and buy assets and stuff like that that would be in my opinion
Probably a bad move, but some people who have more income or have a more stable income or something like that They may want to consider doing something like that where they end up Borrowing money very cheaply to buy income producing assets that in the long run will inflate in price
And so you actually end up owing a lot less than it's worth by the time you know inflation comes around That's a that's an age -old strategy that lots of people have used lots of people have gone into debt to buy houses rental properties and things like that and They've done pretty well because what they were doing was they were
Banking on the fact that inflation would come these assets would go up in price And they'd end up having a really cheap loan
Compared to the value of the asset itself And they're making money on the asset anyway because it didn't it produces income through you know rent and stuff like that And so I'm not telling everyone to go and do that because that's not the smart move for everybody in my opinion
But that's something that I've also considered which is a little bit counterintuitive because you'd be going into debt But all that kind of stuff is things that I've considered over time
But yeah like you know I'm not gonna give you advice every every person's situation is different I'm not a financial advisor.
These are just some of the things that I've considered doing and some of these things I have done
You know so so and I'm not gonna tell you which is which because that's personal you know I mean, but But yeah, you definitely know some of the things.
I definitely haven't done at least anymore But that's all I mean it's it's not really like a complex strategy or anything like that it's really just about understanding that things are going to be more expensive in the future and In some ways there's a little bit of luck involved here
And there's a little bit of planning and strategizing and stuff like that But but planning ahead and strategizing ahead these are things that I think
God Intends his people to do you know God you know his his his law
Had one day of the week where he said you can't do any work right and there's even there's even there's even
Sabbath years and things like that That God plans into the calendar for his people and I think part of that and it's not not only this so don't hear me
Saying that this is the only theological reason for it But I think part of that forces God's people to think ahead forces
God's people to plan ahead and to prepare For time off in other words to time that whether they're not working or kindling a fire or whatever like that You've got to plan ahead for those days to know that you have to set aside an entire day to honor
God And I think if you look at the Proverbs you'll you'll see many Proverbs that talk about planning ahead and Strategizing and not look not leaping before you look that kind of thing and so this is the time guys
I know things kind of seem crazy and I kind of said in a in a tongue -in -cheek way on gab the other day that that This feels like the calm before the storm
And I said that kind of tongue -in -cheek because it's really not that calm right now There's a lot of insanity out there
But I my belief and maybe you share this with me maybe you don't but if you do my belief is it's going to get crazier and More challenging before it gets easier, so I think that you need to understand that and if you do understand that Act as if it's true and plan ahead now
And so I'm not a complex. You know economic mind or genius But I do know that if my cost of living is going to go up I want to plan for that and mitigate that as much as I possibly can and Seek to position myself to take advantage of some of that if possible
Obviously my future is in God's hands and all of that kind of thing, but I'm gonna try to do my part to figure out you know how to how to survive this kind of thing and by the way
I don't want to pump fear in Your guys's hearts or anything like that because here's the reality like people always talk about Venezuela and Zimbabwe as far as like you know hyperinflation and stuff like that I don't necessarily think the
United States is headed to hyperinflation in fact. I think that's very unlikely. It's possible, but very unlikely
But but here's the thing like like even in those situations or Germany Weimar Germany People survived you know what
I mean people found ways to get by and so We will too We just need to make sure we position ourselves in a way that can be
Advantageous for us and for our community so that we can be a blessing to others like honestly That's that's one of the things that motivates me to try to set myself up In a good position is so that I'm not in I'm not dependent on anyone for anything not because I think
I'm awesome Or anything like that, but I want to be there for helping when people need my help People ask me for something
I want to be in a position to be able to help them out and stuff like that I want to be a blessing to others not a burden and so anyway.
I hope you found this video helpful Maybe you didn't find it encouraging But I hope it encourages you to go and plan ahead because it's really not as complicated as a lot of financial gurus make it seem
You should just plan ahead and and and try to position yourself to not Suffer when it costs more to survive than it does right now know that it's coming and plan accordingly
Save some money now, maybe buy a little extra now to put aside. There's no shame in that I know that preppers get a bad a bad rep in in the media
You know people want to act like they're insane and stuff like that. There's nothing insane about it obviously the future
Is going to have challenges that we don't know about right now by the way the fact that the media Makes preppers look insane is probably reason enough for you to at least consider
Becoming a mild prepper of some kind if the media says left Probably right is the right answer.