Colorblind Theology in Galatians 3!

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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Many of these words are quoted directly from three real Christian social justice advocates, slightly changed to fit the context of Galatians. I repeat, this is a joke. I do not believe in Jewish privilege.We are all one in Christ Jesus.


Hi, I'm an early Christian, and I was just as you can see I I've got my my walking staff here
Ephesians 5 15 I'm a big fall of Paul the Apostle. I'm a Gentile Christian. I'm an early
Gentile Christian. We came to the faith After so many years We've come to find that the table is open to Gentiles and Jews alike.
It is such a beautiful thing I I love it, but I decided to go online today, and I was reading a letter of Paul again
I'm a very big Paul fan I have much Paul memorabilia, and I went online to read one of his letters to the
Galatians And I love his letters, but I found something that I need to call out I need to call it out for what it is it is heresy and we're gonna set up a council to declare this
Officially heresy look at what I was reading everything was looking good, and he talks about here in Christ Jesus You are all sons of God, okay?
Good good good through faith for as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ There is neither
Jew nor Greek there is neither slave nor free There is no male or female for you are all one in Christ Jesus, and if you are
Christ I can't even finish this this is heresy I can't believe what
I have read here, and if you want to know why this is heresy Oh, well, I can definitely tell you let me go to my printer here.
I've got notes and everything like that Let me show you exactly what is going on here.
This is an example a prime example of the mainline colorblind
Jewish privilege Ideology and theology you see the beauty of the eschaton and the
Lord's table this side of the eschaton is the multi -ethnic Victory we can't say there's no
Jew or nor no Greek How did let me hold on me fix my my thing here there is of course?
There's a Jew and a Greek because we have to acknowledge our multi -ethnic differences and also the multi -ethnic sins of the past How could you be so supremacist
Paul? How dare you color blindness as we know gets used to deny any?
Responsibility for addressing the problems that occur along lines of skin color color blindness becomes the pretext for an ideological worldview that Excuses the holder from taking biblical action to address wrong you see for many years us
Gentiles have been Abused we've been looked at as lesser and less important than the
Jewish brethren the Israelites We're the people of God and the Jew the Gentiles could not be but now we know that we can be people of God And so we need to bring up the sins of the past at the
Lord's table How dare you Paul try to be colorblind you see the irony of this is that?
Colorblindness brings up the same dead end of overt racism because overt racism
Makes too much of your skin color, so we don't want to be you know too much to be made of our
Gentile ness But when you're colorblind when you do not acknowledge the difference between Jew and Greek that also says
I don't see you Gentiles We don't care about Gentiles and that is also racism you are perpetuating injustice
Paul How dare you say there is no Jew or no Greek. I am a Greek I am a
Greek And I need you to recognize this you see there is no way for Racial healing to take place without honestly dealing with our country's prioritization of whiteness.
I'm sorry I meant Jewishness there is no way to heal our division without having honest
Conversations about Jewish privilege in all of the years of oppression of poor Gentiles like me
Yes, we are all one in Christ Jesus that part I can agree with however We cannot say there is no
Jew or Greek without addressing the wrongs of the past my ancestors You've sinned against them therefore at the communion table
We must have a Gentile space and a Greek space and a Jewish space space to have honest discourse
We must have multi -ethnic discourse at the communion table Otherwise, we will not be acknowledging the history of Jewish supremacy.
That's what colorblind theology is Paul How dare I can't even I'm not a fan I'm throwing away my staff.
How dare you colorblind theology do this? The only way to live responsibly in the world is to commit ourselves
To the kind of peacemaking that begins as the way things really are
We need to cope with the tools of the gospel and with Scripture that is going to require a bunch of humility on your part
Jews, you must humble yourself and acknowledge the sins of the past against us Gentiles I'm actually not
An early Christian. I'm actually a modern -day Christian Although technically I would still consider myself an early
Christian and that was obviously meant to be a joke It wasn't intending to appropriate anyone's culture
All I was trying to say is how ridiculous this whole idea of Colorblind theology at least in the way that it's kind of come to the forefront these days is it's outrageous
This whole thing was started by a tweet that all it did was say look at communion at the
Lord's table It's no place to bring up sins of the past and ethnic distinctions and all this He's not saying hide these but at the table our oneness in Christ is paramount
Our oneness in Christ is paramount to say otherwise is just completely ridiculous.
It misses the point How dare you say that kind of stuff? Why would you bring sins of the past ethnic distinction something between you based on skin color to the
Lord's table? Yes, we need to have honest discourse but bringing that to the Lord's table the place of unity in Christ.
I Just don't get it. I honestly don't get the opposition to that. That's what started the whole hubbub about this
Council of Philadelphia That's what people want to be called heresy Can you imagine can you imagine
Gentile believers saying that kind of stuff and Paul being like right on no problem No, Paul would be would have been accused of colorblind theology saying there's no
Jew nor Greek. No Gentile. No, no Male nor female no slave. No free like that's
I mean, how is that not colorblind theology? No, that's biblical theology that kind of those kind of identity markers
Of course that they're real and they're different but in Christ, they don't matter there. They have no actual bearing So, why are we acting like they do?
I just don't understand that now I will say this that I actually recorded a video similar to this that I did not upload
And I was gonna deciding whether or not to upload it and then James White on his dividing line actually addressed this directly and I want to just play a quick clip of that because he has addressed it way
Better than I ever could Yet yesterday a brother actually a friend of mine this actually was was was not the greatest experience but Tried to hurt me by comparing me to James White.
He was trying to hurt me which you know, that doesn't feel good Obviously, I don't want I don't like it with my friends try to hurt me
But to do it by comparing me to James White is stupid I mean, I look at James White as a as a gift to the church if I could be like James White I would be very happy And so I'm gonna play him in honor of the
Attempt at an insult of me. I'd take it as a compliment. But here we go
Here's what got everything started I posted this Thursday or Friday of last week.
I forget what it was Thursday or Friday last week. I was responding to someone utilizing the language of white and black spaces
The churches are white spaces and there needs to be black spaces and my response was
When the body gathers around the Lord's table, there is only one space
The Savior space the Redeemer space the mediator space
Anyone who drags color or ethnicity into that space is completely missing the point and the blessing so What was the point of this?
I I assumed this was an in arguable statement flashes chapter 3
Says there's no Scythian. There's no barbarian Jew Gentile bond free
Christ is all and in all So when the people of God gather around the table
Their focus is not upon their ethnicity their history the relationship of their people group to the people group of somebody else sitting next to them their focus is
Upon Christ and him alone in whom we have our unity
Because if you're at that table what you're saying is I believe and I accept that my entire peace with God and hence my peace with my fellow believers is
Found in the redemptive work alone That he accomplished now naive me
Thought here is something we can all agree on Here is something that should be just so self -evidently plain
That maybe it's a we can we can go from here and say all right
If at that intimate moment of communion, you know amongst
Baptists, we called it communion It was never really explained why we called communities.
It's called communion That Koinonia that feast of fellowship at that time
Where our focus is upon the anamnesis the remembrance of Christ the remembrance of?
his sacrifice How can any of us Imagine that we are supposed to bring into that any continued feelings of animosity
Based upon the relationship of my ancestors versus somebody else's ancestors
It I can't imagine it. I can't conceive of it. How dare you?