Is It Legalism to Expect Christians to Obey The Bible


A common retort against any Christian that dares to speak out publicly about sin is to simply call them a legalist. In fact, the title of legalist has been thrown around so much that it effectively has lost any bite it used to carry with it. The name now applies to anyone who suggests that people follow God's clear commands. The term legalist has effectively become a meaningless name you call someone when they point out a command found


So basically what you're saying is, if we're going off of the definitions that our society has provided, then it's probably better to just be a legalist then.
So Tim, probably one of the most common experiences that most
Christians will have if they take the Bible seriously at all. If they realize that the
Bible is God's Word, that has given us specific promises and also specific commands to conform our lives to, understanding that we have confessed that Jesus Christ is
Lord, meaning that He reigns over our life, that He gets to say in terms of how we live our lives now.
One of the common experiences for any Christian who thinks that way, which all
Christians think that way, is that inevitably in our culture right now, you're eventually going to be called a legalist by someone.
As you point out people's sin, as you point out unrighteousness in our culture, you are going to have more and more people who don't like hearing you call the things that they love sin and unrighteous, and things that will separate them from God.
And so the sort of knee -jerk reaction is to say, well, you're just a legalist.
So in light of all of that, the question for today's episode is, is it legalism to expect
Christians to obey God? Yeah, that is a very common experience that most people have, and part of the reason why that's a very common experience is that the church is really so dominated by a
Christian, nominal Christian kind of identity. So there's so many Christians in name only that function.
Maybe they go to the church once or twice a year on Easter and Christmas, if that. And that's about it, and that's the extent of their religious commitment, and that's particularly predominant in the
South. And so for many people like that, any expectation that anyone might have that we are supposed to actually obey
God is going to be viewed as functionally legalism. But then as you read the
Bible, that really is the furthest thing from the truth as it relates to that.
So the Bible over and over again encourages us to obey God's commands.
Jesus will say over and over, if you love me, you'll keep my commandments, and my commandments are not burdensome.
So you can read that in 1 John. It happens over and over again in law, the importance of keeping
God's commands. And so whatever Jesus has come to do, He did not come to free us from keeping His commandments.
So then why is the, I mean, nominal Christians, they sort of just fall back on this claim, right?
And sometimes it's, hey, I'll call you a legalist. Sometimes, hey, you know, I'll call you a
Pharisee, Pharisaical. But the problem is, I mean, this is kind of like the evangelism thing that we talked about a few weeks ago, where we said, hey, look, everyone's saying you should evangelize people one way, right?
But then I read the Bible, and I look at Jesus and the apostles, and they're doing something completely different compared to what everyone is saying now.
And it feels like this is a similar thing, where Jesus over and over again tells people to obey
God, right? And so -
Surprise. Yeah, I mean, big surprise. But legitimately, that does sound like something that would surprise most people.
I mean - Sure. I mean, for some reason, we're okay with when
Jesus says, hey, go and sin no more, right? We're okay with that.
But then when a Christian comes along and says, go and sin no more, all of a sudden, it's legalism,
Pharisee, whatever. So why is there such a disparity there? Yeah, well, there's a lot of things that are happening that are leading into this kind of problem that you're talking about.
So part of it is related to just the idea that biblical ignorance is really at an all -time high.
I mean, there's so few people who actually ever really make any serious attempt to read the
Bible at all. So part of it's related to that. There's just vast biblical ignorance as it relates to these things.
But then also, I mean, there's been the easy -believism kind of teaching that's infiltrated the church.
Dallas Theological Seminary was a seminary that was pushing out some of these things, and so there became the lordship controversies that happened a few decades ago where there was a lot of individuals who were really teaching that you can basically be a
Christian your whole life and not show any evidence of it whatsoever. Salvation is simply mental assent to certain propositions that Jesus came to die and was saved by grace through faith.
And so there was this teaching that spread through the church that basically says that there's plenty of people who accept Jesus as Savior but not as Lord, and those people who accept
Him as Savior are those who they'll be saved, they just won't be experiencing
God's blessings in their life, whether you're talking—mostly you're talking about just financial blessings or relational blessings or that kind of thing.
So obedience was viewed as purely optional, like a purely optional thing, and part of that is just a distortion of the
Bible's teaching that we're saved by grace through faith, not on the basis of works. And so they almost viewed works as something that were bad, right?
So works can't save you, so therefore, the end, right? And you hear a lot of people arguing this way as it relates to just trying to ask the question, can you be a
Christian and not be baptized, for instance? And so then, well, the way that logic works in their mind is that you have the thief on the cross who wasn't baptized, so yes, baptism is a part of obedience, but then it doesn't save you, so in their mind it's almost not important.
The only thing that matters is getting saved, and everything else after that is just not nearly as important. In fact, if you put too much pressure on yourself, it may be that you're trying to earn your salvation through works.
So part of it's this anti -lordship kind of position that many preachers were preaching, and that works became just an all -purpose bad word, right?
So works are bad. And that's not what the Bible's talking about. The Bible's talking about meritorious—like, there's no meritorious actions that you're going to perform that are going to cause you to cancel your sin debt.
So you're telling me that the Bible says obeying God isn't bad? Shock, right?
Yeah, yeah. But it's not, right? So if you love
God, you'll keep his commandments. And then part of that too, though, is just related to just a misunderstanding of the problem of the
Pharisees. So many pastors have come along in this kind of framework and taught that the Pharisees were the bad guys, and the reason why the
Pharisees were bad guys is because they tried too hard to obey, and so they were viewed as the fastidious law -keepers.
And what had happened with the Pharisees was that Jesus says, you neglected the weightier matters of the law.
So the problem with the Pharisees is they were lawless. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
So they tithed, meant, and dill and cumin, but they neglected the weightier matters of the law, and they had workarounds to keep them from obeying the
Bible. So instead of honoring their father and mother, you know, you can say, I'm going to devote all my income to the temple or whatever, let it be a gift of God or whatever.
So they had workarounds, and the problem was that they didn't actually obey. What they obeyed was their tradition, which they set up around the law and neglected to actually do what the law says.
And so, you know, you have all these things filtering into this perspective of, like, legalism is obedience, essentially, in their minds.
And I guess what I would point out is that legalism really isn't a biblical word at all. It's just a word that we use to describe certain errors of law.
And so in their mind, in the minds of people who have this non -lordship salvation view, any attempt to seriously obey the
Bible will be viewed with suspicion. They'll be viewed as someone trying to earn their salvation and not resting in the righteousness of Christ attributed to them as a free gift.
And then you're being pharisaical, meaning you're just too hyper about obeying. And really, you're not under the law, you're under grace.
So therefore, you know, free from the law, be an antinomian, and that's what they're talking about. All these things are just, you can't get further from the truth here.
TAYLOR Okay. So those are obviously, you know, they're misunderstandings, they're misrepresentations.
What is legalism in reality, then?
RICK Yeah, I think, you know, legalism is errors that are related to the law. Typically, you know, more specifically, it'd be like pharisaical kind of errors at that point.
And what real, like if you want to say what would be things that are sinful that are described as legalism in general or errors related to the law, any real attempt to earn your salvation through law -keeping, that would be a legalistic impulse there.
So, you know, that's wrong. We shouldn't try to earn our salvation by law -keeping. But then you're not doing that by trying to obey
God, if that makes sense. So trying to obey God is not trying to earn your salvation. That's just like,
I love God. Like, if you love Him, you'll keep His commandments, and we want to be well -pleasing in His sight.
So any attempt to earn your salvation, that would be legalism. I mean, any attempt to add to the
Bible commands that aren't actually there, that would also be legalistic in that way. So that was part of the
Pharisees' problems. You know, they came up with 490 Sabbath laws. TAYLOR Sounds reasonable. RICK Yeah.
In order to be like a fence around the Sabbath, you know, so you want to treat the Sabbath seriously, and so you come up with all these laws that are surrounding that.
And if you're a Christian who's coming up with commands that the Bible doesn't have, or principles that the
Bible isn't commanding, and you're binding those on people, then, you know,
I mean, a common example at that point would be like, maybe it's a sin to watch an R -rated movie or something like that.
Well, I mean, it could be, but, you know, I don't know. That seems like an arbitrary standard, and it depends on what the rating is there for, and why, and everything else.
And so, I mean, I wouldn't want to just come up with a hard, fast rule like that. You know, that could be a legalistic thing, adding to the
Bible things that aren't there. So there's a variety of, you know, legal kind of issues, that Pharisaical kind of issues like that, but whatever legalism is, obedience is not legalism, that's faithfulness.
So one of the arguments that a lot of people bring up, you know, we mentioned earlier, hey, when you read the
Gospels, I mean, Jesus is always, you know, confronting people's sins. He's hanging,
I mean, He's spending His time with sinners, right? No one's denying that, but then what we do deny is that He only spends
His time with them and doesn't, you know, preach the Gospel to them and call them out.
Yeah, yeah. He's not, like, simultaneously approving, you know, of what they're doing. He's calling them to repentance constantly, which is part of the reason why they kill
Him, right? Right, right. And so, one of the common objections here with that idea is that, well,
He's Jesus. He knows their hearts perfectly because He's God. We don't because we're -
Don't judge, basically. Yeah, we don't know their hearts because we're, you know, finite men, which is true, and, you know, the
Bible does say we can't know the depths of even our own hearts, let alone the hearts of others.
So, what is the response there in terms of, like, is that legalism to say, to look at someone and say, hey, don't do that, that's sin?
Is that legalism? Well, yeah. So, what's happening is, you know, everyone's new favorite
Bible verse there, thou shalt not judge, is being applied. Yeah, it's the memory, it's the pagan memory verse.
Judge not, lest you be judged, right? But, I mean, the point of that passage is to say, with the same judgment you use, that judgment will be measured against you, and really what's happening there is it's a prohibition against unjust judgment.
But then, you know, you have to remember, you know, why do you say to your brother, like, let me remove this speck from your eye when you have a log in your own eye?
What you're told is to remove the log out of your own eye so that you can see clearly, to remove the speck out of your own brother's eye.
So, there's much in the Bible about the importance of being your brother's keeper, right? Saving a soul from his wandering, you know, if anyone's caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of gentleness, look unto yourself, lest you be tempted.
You know, Matthew 18, if your brother sins, confront him, right? So, the good shepherd goes after the lost sheep.
So, over and over again, we have responsibility to each other, and what you have is essentially you have, like, an antinomian kind of,
I don't want any standard, I'm a law to myself, no one has a right to tell me what, you know, autonomous kind of idea, no one has a right to tell me what to do, and all that's mixed with just, you know, judge not, misinterpretation, and then you just get this, you know, everyone does what's right in their own eyes, right?
There's no king in Israel, everyone does what's right in their own kind of framework with that.
But whatever, you know, legalism is, it's definitely not obedience, for sure. Ted So, basically, what you're saying is, if we're going off of the definitions that our society has provided, then it's probably better to just be a legalist, then.
Dr. Jonathan Right, right. Well, I mean, again, legalism isn't a biblical word, and so, I mean, often if, you know,
I get accused of being a legalist all the time, and, you know, my typical response to that is to say, hey, if, you know, if it's being a legalist trying to obey the
Bible, then I guess call me a legalist, whatever, you know, I don't care. Knock yourself out, you know, but God says if you love
Him, He'll keep His commandments, and I'm just going to go with Him on that one. Ted Okay, fair enough. It will be perpetually offended by your every move.