To Hell With "Womb to Tomb" (And Other Rhetorical Scams)

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Dont fall for these many scams. You don't have to respect nonsense coming out of Big Eva regarding the reversal of Roe v. Wade. This is a sloppy edit and reupload of the previous video due to: I took today's video down because the last third of it was about that woman screaming (allegedly about the RoevWade thing). As it turns out, the angry lady said she only incidentally posted the scream on the day of the announcement and it was about something else entirely. So i took it down and will address it later. I may just slice it off and repost the rest of it...because the rest was fine. In any case - sorry about that. God bless.


You know, a lot of people have been working very hard for a long time to get to a place where Roe versus Wade would be overturned.
And so I don't want to take any credit away from anyone in that regard. But you got to hand it to the big guy,
President Donald Trump, he really came through on this one. Yeah, no,
I mean, let's just face it, he really did. And I have been extremely critical of Trump, especially in the last days of his presidency and the last really the last year of his presidency.
I guess that's more than a few days, but he's just done the wrong thing again and again and again.
But you got to hand it to hats off to you, sir. You did a great job on this one. And so I, for one, am very appreciative.
I want to talk about this womb to tomb stuff to hell with that stuff. And I'm dead serious to hell with it.
And I don't mean that in the cursing kind of way, like I want it to go back to hell where it came from, because that slogan doesn't have any power here.
You see, there's so many different ways to say that stupid slogan. You know, you've got the E .R .L
.C. with the with the make abortion unnecessary. It's the same idea. You know, make a lot of people are saying make abortion unthinkable.
And I actually like that one because it should be unthinkable. It's like it's like the way murder is unthinkable.
Like, you know, when you when you think about, you know, someone that you don't like, unless you're really crazy, you don't often think about murdering them.
But, you know, it's just kind of an unthinkable kind of a thing. And abortion should be in that same category.
But what a lot of these charlatans mean when they say make abortion unthinkable, they mean because, you know, you're getting free health care.
You know, we've got gun control. You're getting free housing, free whatever it is. And they mean socialism.
I mean, that's essentially what it is. And that's and that's the pivot that you're seeing here with this womb to tomb stuff.
To hell with that. That's a slogan. And we don't care about that stuff because I know what you mean.
And you don't mean private charity. You don't mean the church, you know, doing more or giving more money.
And let's just face it. You know, one thing I want to get get straight here. You know, the church is very generous.
And I mean, the individuals in the church, you know, the actual body itself, but also the institutional church.
I mean, there is not a group of people that is more generous and charitable than Christians are.
It's just it's just as simple as that. And so every Christian pastor who doesn't recognize that and instead goes along with this socialist narrative about how we've got to do our part, we're not doing enough, we didn't do anything.
And it's like, you're a liar, dude. You're a liar. Because what they mean by that is and all these all these psychopaths like I saw
Dante Stewart, he's freaking out. I mean, what a what an evil man. I mean, just a pure evil man.
And what they mean, of course, is that we don't vote for socialists. Therefore, we don't we aren't we don't care about the poor.
Look, you know, we don't we don't talk a lot about how much we give to the poor money wise, our time, our prayer, our efforts, all of this kind of stuff.
But but so many of us do all said this before. You know, I was on the executive board of a crisis pregnancy center for two years.
And, you know, I didn't really talk about it. It was just a part of my life. I donated time. I donated money and all of this kind of stuff to to crisis pregnancy centers.
But if you listen to Big Eva from their from their pulpits, it's as if we don't do anything, as if Christians are are totally ungenerous.
And it's like you guys are just flat out liar. So to hell with the womb to tomb argument. It's just it's built upon a lie that Christians aren't already generous.
And really, it's just a slogan for socialism. We're not going to buy that.
This is not a negotiation. I see so many people. And I said this in the last video. It's not a negotiation.
We're not like trading Roe versus Wade for socialism. We're not doing it. We're taking the whole thing.
This is going to be a Christian nation. It's just a matter of time. I saw Andrew Torba. God bless you,
Andrew. Andrew Torba wrote this on Gab and I could not agree more. He says, I want a Christian town.
I want a Christian county. I want a Christian state. I want a Christian country.
Nothing more, nothing less. By the way, Andrew, I'm going to add one. The entire world will be converted to Christ because Christ owns the entire world.
He has an empire and his empire is the world. And it's all going to bow the knee one way or another.
And so this will have different nations, different tribes and tongues, every single tribe and tongue, every different nation.
There's not going to be just one world, going to be different nations. And they're all going to be bowing the knee to Jesus Christ.
We want the whole store. We're not taking little nibbles here and there anymore. Now you guys have been used to the pagans have been used to winning and the
Christians have gotten a little too comfortable losing ground and losing ground and losing ground.
And eventually that's going to come to an end because we've got a sure word in the scripture that it will.
And so this is not a negotiation gospel coalition. You know, we're not going to be convinced by your ridiculous slogan, womb to tomb to hell with womb to tomb.
We're not going to be tricked by that. One thing I will say, though, is, you know, statistically, you know, many
Christians don't tithe to the church. And and we really ought to. We really ought to, because I think the church is in a very good position.
And of course, with with oversight and things like that from the body in a very good position to really organize very well to distribute, you know, the the funds and the health care and the things like that that people are saying we're not doing, which we are doing.
Of course, we could always do a little bit more. We could always be more organized with it. But, you know, there's been a lot of experiments with this.
In fact, I've I've mentioned many times I'm part of a health care sharing program. And so I don't have health insurance.
But when I need help with a bill and sometimes I don't need help with a bill, but when I do need help with a bill, I go to the health care sharing and and just say, hey, we need help with this particular bill.
And people just send me checks. And it's just, you know, and obviously my pastor has oversight over me to make sure
I'm not abusing that and stuff like that. And we can do this with many other areas. And I think in the coming years, we absolutely will do that.
Tithing is something that is so important. And of course, you don't just tithe to any idiot.
I mean, you don't just tithe to any charlatan, right? You obviously make sure that there are systems in place and there's a man of good repute, good character.
I mean, this is why the the qualifications of elder are what they are. You know what I mean? It's it's this is why they are what they are so that you get you have elders that you trust, that you can you can work with and all of this kind of stuff.
So in any case. So, yes, the womb to tomb argument to hell with it. Here's another one that I find fascinating.
And it's this argument that that these abortions are still going to happen. You didn't accomplish anything.
You know, people are just going to drive across state lines to get abortions or they're going to do it privately in their own home or they're going to be unsafe back alley abortions.
And you know what I say to that? I say to hell with that. That's a ridiculous argument. Yeah, this is the thing. I want criminals to be doing their crime in the dark alleys and in the shadows and in the tunnels like rats.
If you're a woman who wants to kill your own baby, I want you to have to hide like a rat in order to do it.
That's exactly what I want, because that's what you are. That's what you are. You're like an animal. You're like a beast that just has no regard for anyone but yourself.
You need to be in the shadows, in the gutter like a rat, hiding and ducking and dodging, always worried.
Is someone going to turn me in? Is this a sting operation? That's what I want. And the thing is, you think you get away with it, right?
Because let's just say that, you know, people start mixing concoctions and doing magic sorcery with pharmacy products to do like after what was it called?
The plan B pill, because we got to ban that as well. But let's just say that, you know, people have the street plan
B, whatever, and they do it and they think they got away with it. You see, they didn't get away with it, though, because God sees and he always sees, right?
He always sees. And so you think you get away with it, but you don't because there's perfect justice in this world.
There's perfect justice in this universe because God always sees and he always does what is exactly right.
And so what you need is—and I think this is actually something that's beneficial to criminals.
They have this crime in their past and they're always kind of looking over their shoulder. They're always wondering if they're going to get caught and stuff like that.
And I think God has an opportunity to kind of capture people like that. I think God has an opportunity to really, you know, get people to be like, is this really your life where you're just ducking and dodging and always worried and the next shoe's going to drop and stuff like that?
What have you become? I think there's a lot of opportunity for people to take a good look in the mirror, living a life like that, a life of shame, a life of anxiety, a life of worry.
That's what you should have when you commit crimes that you think you got away with. You didn't get away with anything, and it's going to weigh on you.
It's going to wear on you. And that shame and that grief and that anxiety, that's something that I think God can use.
And so I think that's a good thing. That's exactly what I want. I want you ducking and dodging, having to cross state lines, having to having to be inconvenienced to do your dirty deeds.
That's what exactly what I want. That's not that that that kind of emotional plea. Oh, we're just going to do it anyway.
It's just going to be unsafe. You're just going to have to. People are going to die. Well, you know what? Sometimes people die when they commit crimes.
Sometimes people die when they commit crimes. Tough luck. Tough luck. So, yeah, that's exactly what
I want. I want abortions to be more dangerous, more inconvenient, more anxiety inducing. All that stuff.
I want you ducking and dodging and hiding in the gutter like a rat. That's exactly what
I want. So that slogan is not going to work either. You see, this is the thing. A big Eva is is trying to pivot and they're trying to use a lot of emotion laden arguments in the womb to tomb stuff.
And you just have to see this to look at it the way God would look at it. Right. And you can have compassion on people that I'm not saying you can't have compassion on people, obviously not.
But but let's just face it, guys. It is not loving to let your pagan friends who are like, you know, lamenting and terrified and screaming like demons.
It's not it's not loving to let them think that's normal. It's not loving to to entertain the idea that, you know, maybe they're fake.
God is real. Maybe that fake God is worthy of respect and honor, at least a little bit, maybe not as much as Christ, but a little bit of respect.
Absolutely not. Absolutely. This this this you sit back, you take a puff on your cigar and you just.
Are you about done? That's how you do this. And the thing is, people are getting really upset.
And I just see no reason, no reason at all to give them a little bit of satisfaction.
Oh, yeah, I understand. I totally understand your position. I don't totally understand your position. You're worshiping demons and that's not normal.
And you shouldn't be made to think that it is. In any case. So, yeah, be be aware for Big Eva.
A lot of people are saying Big Eva is very quiet and silent about this. And I agree. They very much are.
They're trying to craft, you know, the most winsome, you know, fence sitting, you know, ridiculous take probably.
Oh, you know, you've been there. Some of them are going to do the womb to tomb thing. Some of some of them are going to say that the response of joy was too much.
We shouldn't have joy. You know, they're going to fill. Johnson's here is mocking the weep with those who weep thing.
You know, I laugh at this, but but yet, of course, the weep with those who weep thing, that's a lot of a lot of Big Eva people are going to do that one.
Obviously, that doesn't apply. We don't weep when the wicked are trembling in fear because justice is done.
That's inverted. That's upside down. By the way, weep with those who weep. Rejoice with those who rejoice.
And so I'm rejoicing. I'm smoking a cigar. I'll probably have another one tonight. Rejoice with me.
Of course, they don't apply it that way, of course. It's always just with the pagans, whatever the pagans are doing. That's what you should do. That's not
Christianity. That's not Christianity. And guys, I want you, I urge you to to take a look at who's saying what right now, because we've never had a window into the the status of someone's soul as clear as we have right now.
I mean, Dante Stewart and Kyle Howard and some of these some of the more crazy, you know,
Big Eva woke people. They're just livid right now. I mean, these are clearly unregenerate people.
And then there are some woke people that are like, wow, hold on a second. Kyle, are you serious? Like and I got to say, that gives me a lot.
I'm encouraged by that because I think a lot of woke people are unregenerate. However, there are some, I think, that are just kind of caught up in this and they are regenerate.
And I I've been happy to see some of these people kind of come out and say, I can't believe that some of you guys are against this.
This is insane. So good on you guys. I think we're getting a window into people's souls right now.
And so pay attention. Notice the ones that try to trick you into socialism and say to hell with that.
Notice the ones that try to get you to be sad about this. The life of a Christian is not a life of perpetual sadness.
Watch out for people that make it that way, that everything you have to lament, you have to lament, you have to lament everything, no matter what.
Even if it's good news, you have to lament because, you know, the wicked are sad about the good news. So you have to lament with the wicked that are sad about the good news.
No, you don't. Because when justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous and terror to the evil doers.
And I got to say something. It is okay to laugh at this kind of display.
Yes. This woman is terrified and it's absolutely hilarious. Now there'll be a time, there'll be a time for someone like this.
When they, when they see themselves, they're going to take a good look in the mirror and then they're going to be like, what, what have I become?
And then you bring that step, beautiful, life giving gospel to people. It's like, look, look at, look at what you've become.
You're crazy. You're crazed that you might not have a chance to kill another kid. You might, your friends might not have a chance to kill another kid.
You've become so twisted and depraved and wicked that you're, you're screaming like a demonic entity because you might not have a chance to kill again, but there's hope for you because there was hope for me.
You don't need to be this way anymore. God can forgive your vile murderous heart like that, like that.
And you won't deserve it. Just like I didn't deserve it. And you won't have earned it just like I didn't earn it. And you, and you can't do anything to lose it.
Once you have it, you can be forgiven from all of this. All you have to do is repent and believe the gospel, repent and believe in Christ.
This, the you don't have to be this way anymore. It's pathetic.
It's pathetic. It's not impressing anyone. It's not scary. It's, it's, it's, it's pathetic.
And we're all laughing at you because your God is pathetic as well. But there is a
God who's there that's wonderful and good and Holy and righteous and his, this is very burdensome.
I can see the burden on you. It's just, this is a very stressful way to live. You don't have to do it anymore.
You can be forgiven of all of it. Just bow the knee to Christ. And it's just that simple.
And you're going to one way or the other. That's the other thing that you need to know. You're going to bow the knee one way or the other, because we're taking the whole store.
It's going to be towns, counties, states, country, and world. And it will all be
Christ's and there's nothing you can do about it. In any case, I hope you found this video helpful.