Witnessing the Cosmic Glory

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Don Filcek, In the Light - 1 John; 1 John 1:1-4 Witnessing the Cosmic Glory


Welcome to Recast Church in Madawan, Michigan, where we are growing in faith, community, and service.
This is a message from the series called, In the Light, out of the book of 1 John by Pastor Don Filsack.
If you'd like more information about our church, please visit us on the web at www .recastchurch
.com Here's Pastor Don. A question kind of as we introduce the next book, 1
John, we're going to be jumping into that this week, and we're going to be in that for probably about 10 weeks or so. So that's kind of the direction that we're going.
But just fundamental question as we get started. How many of you, like really, how often, really is the question, how often in a given day do you consider the meaning of the universe?
Like it probably all, just it's probably like just right up front in your mind. It's probably one of the first questions you ask yourself when you get up in the morning.
When you go to bed, you're thinking, man, what is this all about? What is life for, you know? And then all throughout the day it just keeps hitting you, right?
It's just like, what is life about? Probably not so much, right? I'm being a little bit sarcastic, like we probably don't think at that level very often.
Now, should we think at that level? Should we be thinking like what is life about and what am I here for and what is this, what is this all about and what's going on?
Yeah, we should, we should. And let me just answer, for those of you who are familiar with the Hitchhiker's Guide to the
Galaxy, the answer is not 42. Okay, the answer to the universe is not 42. There's something else and the disciple
John, one of the followers of Jesus, is going to give us in his opening to a letter to the churches during his era, the answer to what he sees as the center point of the universe.
What is the cosmic reality? What is the most important thing? And he's going to declare that to us.
He's going to suggest that he was an eyewitness to a cosmic event that has an impact on every single human being and that every human being ought to be aware of and be thinking about and contemplating.
It ought to be one of the first things that we wake up thinking about. It ought to impact us all throughout the day.
It ought to be one of the last things that we are thinking about as we go to bed at night.
What he witnessed was nothing less than eternal life stepping into history and walking among us.
Is that a pretty big deal? That's huge. And John was compelled to share that cosmic glory with everyone that he saw.
He was a witness of it and he proclaimed it. John is proposing that he has an ultimate answer for ultimate things and he starts his letter in dramatic fashion pointing to Jesus as the very word of life, as the message of God to humanity, and the key to fellowship with our
Creator. So I want you to open your Bibles, please, to 1 John. Now, we've been in Genesis. We've been like around the teens, right?
16, 17, 18. I'm gonna ask you to turn to page 877. Clear the other end of your
Bible. Page 877 in the seat back Bible in front of you. You can find 1
John there. We're used to reading pretty long chunks of Scripture. We are going to read, there's a typo, by the way, on the front of your brochure.
We're not taking all four chapters, the first four chapters of 1 John. We are taking 1 John 1, 1 through 4, four verses.
So, follow along as I read just kind of a shorter section of Scripture, the introduction to the letter of 1
John. That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life, the life was made manifest, and we have seen it and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the
Father and was made manifest to us. That which we have seen and heard, we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us.
And indeed, our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.
And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.
Let's pray as the band comes to lead us this morning. Father, we just get an indication, even just from reading this short section of Scripture, that this is going to be a dense, tight, packed, a lot of theology in a very short section of Scripture, that 1
John is just very, very tight in its composition. And there's a lot to it. And Father, I pray that we would not get lost in the grammar and lost in the semantics and lost in the word studies and miss the main point of the glory of Jesus Christ.
Father, may this word have an impact on our hearts and on our lives. And as we contemplate and consider that Jesus Christ is the center of history.
He is the main thing. He is the word that was spoken by you. He is an extension of you in this world that we might really know you, that we might really proclaim you, and that we might be transformed by having fellowship with you.
And Father, may we worship this morning. May our voices combine together. And in our hearts, may we as individuals join together in corporate worship with one another, lifting you high because you are
Savior. You are the God who came up with this awesome plan to send Jesus to save us. And may our hearts genuinely be moved to worship you.
May it not just be an exercise, again, of our vocal cords, not just an exercise of reading words on a screen and singing them in certain tunes to notes and things like that, but ultimately it would be that our hearts would be moved and that the quality of our singing would not be the point that we would be moved to sing because we love you and we recognize who you are and that you are worthy of it.
This is in Jesus' name. Amen. Jesus is Lord. Amen. Well, I encourage you to get comfortable and that means that if you need to get up at any time, get more coffee or juice or donuts during the message, feel free to do that.
I encourage you to have your Bibles open in front of you. If you brought your own, open it to 1 John 1, 1 through 4, just the first four verses of that tiny book way at the back of the
Bible. If you're going to use the paperback Bible in the seat back in front of you, you can turn to page 877. That's where you're going to find it there.
I recognize that it kind of filled in after I read, so many of you weren't here when I read the text earlier.
I'm taking advantage of the weekend. We need some introduction to this book, don't we?
Anybody agree with me? We need a little bit of introduction. I mean, some of you have read it, some of you have studied it, some of you know a little bit about it. But we need an introduction to the author, but also a little bit of shifting gears, because we've been in the book of Genesis for a while.
We've been in an old covenant book, kind of thinking about the Old Testament and the old covenant and the promises that were made.
And so we need an introduction to this book, we need an introduction to the author. And part of that is because it's easy for us to ignore the history of a biblical writer and just focus strictly on what he's written, right?
But something about who's writing it matters to us. There's a fact of the matter is we've been talking old covenant things in the
Old Testament, and now we shift gears to new covenant thinking from the New Testament. That is the old covenant being promises given.
Have you seen that so far in the book of Genesis? Have we been covering promises given? And now the New Testament, the new covenant is a backwards -looking promises fulfilled, or a present, depends on where you're at in the
Gospels. We're talking about the present promises being fulfilled in Jesus Christ, and then an explanation of those promises being fulfilled in the remainder of the
Old Testament in these letters that are written. And so that's kind of where we're coming from. But it adds to the richness of this text to remember who
John was. John was a follower of Jesus. John was the brother of James and Peter.
And what was their trade? They were fishermen. And one day, the three of them with their father
Zebedee were out in a boat. As a matter of fact, they weren't out in the boat, they were on the shore in the boat, mending their nets.
They had spent the night fishing. And they're there in the boat, and a teacher, a rabbi, comes along the shoreline, and a crowd is following him.
And he's having a hard time speaking to this large crowd because they can't hear him very well. So he commandeers their boat.
He says, can I use your boat? And can you push it out, please, just a little bit further from shore? He gets kind of the echo off the lake and is able to speak to the crowd using their boat.
Well, there they're mending their nets. They've been fishing. Apparently, they are mending the nets and they haven't caught much. And then at the end of his speech, this rabbi says to the fishermen, who's the professionals here?
Who knows how to fish? If anybody knows how to fish, it's fishermen, right? That's what they do for a trade,
Peter, James and I. But he says, push out a little bit further into deeper water and throw your nets over the other side.
And they throw their nets out and they bring in this huge haul of fish. They immediately recognize that this rabbi, how many of you would maybe at that point go, this rabbi is something else, okay?
He's pretty amazing. They're like in awe of him. And he says, I want you three to come and follow me.
And you will no longer be fishermen, but you'll be fishers of men. You're no longer in the business of catching fish.
You're in the business of catching the souls of men. They drop their nets. Now, what's in their nets? One of the biggest hauls of fish they've ever taken.
They leave that to daddy. Zebedee is gonna end up cleaning all those fish. How many of you like to clean fish?
I like catching fish. I just don't like cleaning them. So they leave their father, they leave their trade, they leave their business, and then they begin to follow him.
And that is the introduction of John, the author of our book to Jesus Christ. Now, every indication is that John was a simple man, a simple man with a good trade.
Now being a fisherman in those times, at least he had a means of income, right? Many people were poor and it was an area with a lot of poverty under Roman rule.
He was not particularly trained to be a minister. He was likely a man of little education. As a matter of fact, the book of 1
John is the first book that anybody in seminary learns to translate because the language is very repetitive.
It's very simple. You don't have to memorize huge chunks of vocabulary in order to translate 1
John. He uses some of the same words over and over again for things. And so it's easier to translate.
A pretty simple guy. Like I said, not particularly trained to be a minister. But for three years, he was with Jesus Christ every day and everywhere.
He was there when Jesus walked on the water. He took part in the feeding of the 5 ,000.
He was there during the transfiguration when Jesus revealed only to those three, Peter, James, and John, when he revealed his full glory, as if stripping back his humanity and showing and shining forth the glory of God.
And he was almost blinding to them in that event. He received power. John received power to go out and perform miracles.
He had probably healed people and cast out demons in the power of Jesus Christ. He was there in the upper room during the last supper with Jesus, experiencing that foot washing and that ultimate humility of his rabbi, his teacher, his master.
Not only that, but he was there in the garden on the night of betrayal. Supposed to be praying.
Supposed to be praying. He stood at the foot of the cross. And John is the disciple to whom
Jesus, from the cross, said, take care of my mom. He was entrusted with that.
Are we seeing a, is this a significant author? Is it significant to understand who this author is? What kind of life experience he has?
When we read the words that he penned to the church, we need to remember the context of who this guy is and what he had experienced and what he had done.
This is our author. Uneducated by the world's standards. A simple man with a simple trade.
Trapping fish in nets day in and day out was his business before he met Christ. And this is our author.
A man privileged to spend three years of his life learning at the feet of the most important teacher to ever walk this planet.
Uneducated, but experienced in what matters most. As he starts with, he starts here in the text with simple and profound wisdom in his letter to the churches.
The letter is likely written to a specific church because there's issues and specific issues that come up.
Like he's gonna say something to this church later on in the letter. I know that some have left you. Well, he has a specific church in mind and some scholars think it's
Ephesus. There's some indication that around AD 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed and Emperor Titus rolled in with his troops, the
Roman Emperor Titus, destroyed the temple and scattered the Jews that John scattered to Ephesus.
And there's indication from that, from tradition and history. And so some people think he actually wrote this to the church in Ephesus.
It's unclear. But I would suggest to you that regardless of what church, we can know something about that church. We don't know the name of it.
But what we do know is that this letter is so practical that he might as well have just written it to recast.
As we go through this letter, it's going to feel at times like he's writing to you and me. It's going to feel like, oh, this is kind of personal.
And that's one of the power of scripture. Have you identified that before where you've actually read it? And it's like, this is creepy because it's like the author knows me.
Right? Well, he really does because it's not just John that's the author, but John as the Holy Spirit moved him with his hands to the pen and the quill writing the
Spirit moving in him to write that which is beneficial to not just the church in Ephesus or whatever church it might've been, not just the church in his day and age, but the church here and now, you and me.
Just like the gospel that John wrote, we know that you knew that John wrote a gospel. Then he wrote 1
John, 2 John, 3 John and the big book at the end of the New Testament revelation. But just like he starts off the book of John, I mean, the gospel of John, he starts in the beginning and he spends the entire first verse describing something.
And we only find out by the end of the verse what he's describing. And so because of the way that John is writing, we have to have our thinking caps on right away when we start that which was from the beginning, which we've heard.
And when we start reading this, he's saying, engage your minds, people, put your thinking caps on.
He's being subtle and he's requiring us to do our own detective work. It's like the letter of John starts off like a biblical game of 20 questions, okay?
I've got something in my mind. Have you ever played 20 questions? I've got something in my mind. You're gonna ask me questions. I'm gonna tell you some things about it and then you're gonna guess what it is.
And that's kind of the way that John starts this whole thing out. He says, okay,
I've got it in my mind. It was something that existed in the beginning of time. Okay, so write these things down.
It's something that existed before time began. John says,
I personally have heard it. So I've heard it with my ears. My ears have taken it in. I have experienced it with my ears.
John then says, my physical eyes have seen it. It was with God before the beginning. It was before time began.
I've heard it. My eyes have seen it. I have gazed upon this thing. And another way of saying
I've studied it, okay? And I have also touched it with my very hands.
And this thing, by the way, then he gives it a title. He says, we could rightly call this thing the word of life, okay?
Does anybody have any guesses what he's talking about? Any guesses? Jesus, Jesus.
Maybe he needed a little bit more explanation, but hopefully it's clear to you as it is to me that he's talking about Jesus Christ, the word of life.
Certainly he's speaking of Jesus, the one who is declared in his gospel, he calls him the word.
So he's wrote that first, the gospel came first, and now this letter comes later. Some people even think as an explanation to his letter, and there's so much commonality, to his gospel, and there's so much commonality between these that it's like he's reemphasizing some of the same themes.
He calls in John chapter one, the gospel, he calls Jesus the word, and he calls
Jesus the life. And here he calls him the word of life. Is there any doubt that he's talking about Jesus Christ here, that that's what he intends for us to be thinking about when he says the word of life?
So he combines the two concepts from his gospel, the first chapter, into one term.
Now there are two levels to this text that we need to keep in mind. One level is the straightforward declaration of who Jesus Christ is, and then there's also the second level, which is what
John's trying to accomplish by sharing this with us. So he's ultimately starting off by the straightforward declaration of who
Christ is. John is calling Jesus Christ eternal. He's saying he is eternal.
He is calling him the expression of God by calling him the word. Now how many of you, if you're honest, the phrase the word, like we just sang it.
We sang the word logos in the text of one of these songs. Did you catch that? What does that mean?
Like how many of you, in all honesty, if you're just being directly honest, I want you to raise your hand. If you're being honest, that's been a fuzzy concept to you.
Why would something or someone be called a word, like a word? Anybody, just to be honest, kind of go, what is that about?
Okay, five of us were honest and the rest of us have it just locked tight. Theological concept of logos, just let's try that one more time.
How many of you, honestly, you're just kind of like a little bit fuzzy on it and it's like, okay, more of you woke up, but some of us are just kind of asleep and saying, don't pester me,
Don. Just leave me alone. It's still the morning and the coffee hasn't settled in yet or something.
Well, if we're honest, we don't think like Greeks think and because we don't always think just locked tight with Greek philosophy and things like that, you just study
Greek philosophy just for fun regularly, probably not many of us and so what we need to understand is that to the
Greek mind, a spoken word was considered to be a part of the essence of the person who conveyed it.
A word is a part of a person, in other words. That was their thinking. To the Greek mind, our words were seen like our ears and our noses.
Are your ears a part of you? Yes. Is your nose a part of you?
Yes. Are your spoken words a part of you? Yes. We don't think of it that way, but they are.
As a matter of fact, they're more powerful than ears and noses. Ears and noses don't do a whole lot except for us, but words are to the
Greek like an emissary sent out to represent you, to show others who you are and how many of you know that I can hang around with you and I can observe your life and I can see that and I can know something about you by the way you live your life?
Would you agree with me on that? If I never hear you open your mouth, but I just observe you, I learn something, but how many of you know that once you open your mouth,
I begin to get more concrete information about you? Would you agree with me on that? When I hear your words, when
I hear your values, when I hear the things that you choose to use to express yourself, I learn a lot more about you more quickly than just watching you.
I learn what's motivating you. I learn what drives you. I learn more about your heart, right? Are you getting what
I'm saying in this? It really is such a powerful reality, which is a reality that's really quickly lost on us in our modern culture, particularly in American culture where the world has shifted now to the point where communication is often just status updates and quick sound bites and things like that.
We live in a world that posts everything online quickly and believes that authenticity is giving vent to every frustration and whim of our emotions.
And so we just think that if we're honest, we'll just share it all, right? Isn't that,
I mean, in honesty, do we live in a culture that's very much like that? Just vomit on the screen, right?
And that happens often, right? And so are we careful about what we're letting out to represent us but then in all honesty, then the question is, if we're just being honest and we're typing, then a lot of that stuff is gonna come out, right?
Because it's about what's in our heart. Jesus identified ultimately that we can know a person's heart by what comes out of them, by what they produce.
And so Jesus Christ in that sense is called the word of God because he is the ultimate emissary of God.
He is the one that is sent out from the heart of the father to show us who God is.
Does that make sense to you? Does that lock down the phrase, Logos, word of life, word of God, that he is the representative of the true life, of eternal life?
He is the representative of God in the world in perfectly revealing to us what the heart of the father is like.
You wanna know what the father is like? Listen to the son. Pay attention to the son.
Study the son. Get to know him. Then you will know the father. He is the word of God.
Now some may be confused because the Bible is called the word of God and so is Jesus. Has that ever been kind of like, okay, if I just were to stand up in front of everybody and say, what is the word of God?
I'd probably get a couple different answers. Some of you now, because I've just talked about Jesus, you'd say Jesus. Some of you would say the scriptures, the
Bible is the word of God. Well, I love it because Hebrews 1, the very start of that letter,
Hebrews 1 verses 1 and 2 says this. You don't need to turn there unless that helps you.
Hebrews 1, 1 and 2 says this. Long ago at many times and in many ways, God spoke word to our fathers by the prophets.
But in these last days, he has spoken to us by his son, whom he appointed the heir of all things through whom also he created the world.
The author of Hebrews clearly communicates that the Bible is as revealed to prophets is indeed the word of God.
It does represent him. It does show us him. But now in these last days, he's given us a more perfect expression of him, more accurately and more aptly called the word who is
Jesus Christ. And that is the ultimate expression of the father is his son. So the
Bible is indeed rightly called the word of God, but Jesus Christ is also indeed the word of God as well.
But there's another level to this. There's what he's directly stating about Jesus by calling him the word and by talking about him being before in the beginning, his eternal quality.
But there is another level and that is the trustworthiness that John himself is driving for in the presence of his readers.
He's actually writing this at the intro to his letter to say, trust me. I'm asking you to trust me on this.
John spent time with the word of life. I spent time with him.
He says, I heard from his mouth. I observed him with my eyes. I studied him, which is different.
To look upon him is different than just see him with his eyes. He's actually like, I studied him. I got to know him and I touched him with my hands.
And I want to point out that this is just not, this is not just a listing of the senses. Okay, it's not just strictly a sense list.
You know, you saw him, you heard him, you touched him, you know, all of those things.
But there's a little bit of a difference here. And I think it's gonna really come out later in the letter.
But it's not just that he spent time with him, but he heard him as well.
So that's a different category altogether. Hearing him is actually hearing the heart of God.
There's a difference between just observing him and hearing him. John wants to be crazy clear that if you understand anything about his credibility, it is that he was an eyewitness to the life that was manifest, that was revealed from the
Father. John called Jesus the source of life. In a very true sense, without Jesus, there would be no life.
Paul, the apostle, also makes this clear in Colossians when he declares that in Jesus, all things hold together.
And in verse two, John says that he has seen the cosmic glory of God revealed in flesh and is just merely testifying to that which he experienced in true life.
He says, I was there, I saw it, and I'm testifying to that which I experienced and saw and heard. Now I wanna testify that I've met a lot of people in life.
How many of you would say, I've met some people? Have you met a few people? And I've met some pretty neat,
I've met some people who are pretty neat, right? Have you met some people who are kind of neato? A few people?
Good, maybe you wouldn't use that word for it. Last week, I went to the funeral of a mentor and a friend, somebody that I worked with in the past in ministry.
It's cool to be able to call somebody in their 80s your friend. There's something that I love about that. And he was a genuine friend.
I wanna say this, and I want you to, this might be even hard for you to believe, but I can say this with all honesty, and so you're just gonna have to trust me that this is true.
This man, I worked with him for four years, four years off and on. He had an office two doors down from my office at Berean Baptist Church.
A godly man, and I can honestly say that he never once ever had to apologize to me for anything.
I am unaware, I am unaware of any sin that this man ever committed.
I am never aware of any scenario or situation in which this man had to apologize to somebody else.
That's the type of integrity that at least, or the secretiveness of this man.
I don't know how you look at it, but I mean, that's the way that this man lived his life before me. A godly example, a man who, have any of you ever experienced that in life?
I feel just privileged to have known the man Have you experienced that? And I'm gonna say,
I'm building this up because it's astonishing to me as I reflect on his life and my interaction with him that I never,
I can honestly say, I was never personally aware of any sin on his part. But I do not for a moment have any delusions that he was divine.
I do not for a moment think that he was without sin because I didn't experience that. And what
I wanna point out is that observing somebody's life is one thing and hearing them testify, and he would testify very clearly to me,
I'm a sinner. He told me he was a sinner, I never experienced him as a sinner, but are you getting what
I'm saying on this? I don't for a moment think that he was God incarnate, that he existed in the beginning with God because I did not experience his sin nature.
So how did John come to the conclusion that Jesus was in the beginning with God? He observed his life like I observed this other gentleman's life and I mean, some of you might go, well, if that's really the case, maybe you should call him divine too or whatever.
Is it the experience of Jesus's life that brought John to the conclusion well, I saw him and I never saw him sin, so I guess he must have been perfect.
John came to this conclusion not just merely based on his observation of the life of Jesus, not just his personal experience of Jesus, but listen to me carefully, but by what
Jesus taught about himself coupled with his experience of Jesus's life.
Now, if this man that I'm talking about, this mentor of mine had actually declared himself
God and then I experienced his life that way, that'd be a little bit creepy, right? That'd be weird.
I have to deal with that and process that in a different way, but that's what Jesus did.
It isn't like Jesus lived his life and then left his identity up to his disciples to determine and they kind of just decided, you know, hey, let's get together all 12 of us or 11 of us after Judas and let's get together and vote and decide, did you think that he was
God? Did you think he was God? And boy, it was just confusing to them and they were kind of like, well, we're unsure, but yeah,
I guess that one won by like a six to five vote or something, you know, and that's the way that it went, no.
Jesus slowly over time taught them in ways that they could understand that he and the father were one.
Jesus's words, not John's words. He declared the father in him and he in the father, unified together, a common purpose in eternity past.
That's the kind of teaching that Jesus gave and that's why I'm trying to say, it's not just what John saw with his eyes, but it's also what he heard
Jesus directly teach him that led him to the conclusions that he was with God in the beginning and that he is the very word of life.
John was privileged to behold eternal life in flesh, he tells us, and the word manifest that occurs in verse two, it occurs there twice, is a very loaded theological word.
In other words, manifest isn't a word that we use regularly or routinely, but in that word, it is conveyed the preexistence of Jesus Christ, that he existed with the father before.
For something to be made manifest, it must exist and then be revealed. Picture the big reveal, the curtain, the curtain across the stage, okay, and somebody's made a sculpture.
Now, the sculpture is there, but you can't see it because of the curtain. The way that that sculpture is made manifest is they pull back the curtains, right?
But does it mean that it didn't exist before the curtains were pulled back? No, for something to be made manifest, it has to already exist and just be revealed.
Are you getting what I'm saying? And so the word, the use of the word manifest, like she was just made manifest.
She was like there. No, the curtains, are you getting what I'm saying by how the word manifest explains that she existed or that he existed prior to?
Yes, I was rattled just there for just a second. That Jesus existed, preexisted in eternity with God.
He was with the father and he came to earth to show us who God is. Now, we're speaking about cosmic, huge time -altering events here.
We're talking about big things here. John is zeroing in right off the bat at his intro about huge things.
The fact that we keep our calendar according to the word becoming flesh, that is his birth and his becoming one of us shows that in history, at least humanity got one thing right.
Now, we're trying to undo that one right thing that we got and try to come up with different systems of dating things in BCE and we're trying to make all kinds of things, but it's still about Jesus.
The calendar is still centered on him and I don't picture that shifting anytime soon, although I'm sure we're trying our best to get him out of the center.
But what we have here is nothing less than God taking the glorious, amazing, and beautiful condescension and becoming one of us.
I don't believe John is boasting that he got to see it, but I think he was indeed in awe that he was one privileged to hear with his ears, see with his eyes, touch with his hands, the very word of life.
And now after all of this, let me share with you something that's funny about John's writing. So we go through verse one, we go through verse two, we get down to verse three, and we finally get to the subject and verb of the sentence.
Now, I just said subject and verb and I might as well have said adverb and prepositional phrase to some of you and I lost you when
I mentioned any part of speech because English was like your nemesis and you hated that in school. And so just bear with me for a second.
I can actually land this with a Star Wars illustration, so be prepared for that, it's coming.
But all of verses one and two are serving the purpose of just strictly defining the direct object of this sentence.
Verses one and two do not get past the direct object. Now, some of you are going, what in the world is a direct object?
It's the thing that takes the action of the verb. We don't get the verb until verse three, okay?
That's the way that John writes and it's kind of like dramatic and it's a lot like Yoda, okay?
Yoda loves to speak direct object, subject, verb. So what
John, the disciple of Jesus says here is the word of life to you we proclaim.
He goes Yoda on us, okay? The word of life, that which was from the beginning we proclaim to you, okay?
Are you getting what I'm saying? And so the direct object comes first and it's an extensive, complex, drawn out grammatical tangle of a direct object that ends up with the verb we proclaim, the subject we, the verb proclaim.
But as much as John highlights Jesus in this text, the main point still is that Jesus, the word of life is the message that we proclaim to others.
John, like Paul says, I have no other message. The message that I have to bring to you is
Jesus Christ. That which was from the beginning, the word of life, that's what I have to share with you.
I don't have another message. What I have for you is Jesus. Take it or leave it,
I don't have anything else. Paul said it this way, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to the
Jews and folly to the Gentiles. We still preach it, people don't get it. Jews stumble over it.
The Greek ear, it sounds like stupidity. But we just keep preaching
Christ because we don't have another message. We could invent one and then maybe it wouldn't be quite so, such a stumbling block to the
Jews. We could invent one and then our coworkers would like it better. We could come up with one and our neighbors might like us more.
We could come up with one and our culture and all the agendas that are out there would like us more. If we could just tweak it a little bit or alter it or make a new message, are you getting what
I'm saying? But there's one message. And that message has the potential to offend a certain segment of society, has the potential to make us sound stupid to another segment of society.
Are you getting what I'm saying? There's one message. It's Jesus Christ. He is the message.
His life, His sacrifice, His resurrection, His grace,
His mercy, His forgiveness, His love, His eternal reign over His eternal kingdom is the message and everything wrapped up in Jesus Christ.
That's it. That's what we have. He is eternal life.
Jesus Christ is eternal life. As a matter of fact, John said as much in his gospel he said this, and this is eternal life.
I'm gonna define for you eternal life. That they may know you. This is, by the way, these are the words of Jesus.
John is recording this. And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ, Father, whom you have sent.
That's eternal life. What is eternal life? That you might know God through His Son, through His expressed word, through the emissary that God has chosen to send out that we might know
His heart. That Jesus. He is the answer to life.
He is the point of the universe because He brings the best knowledge of our creator to life on this planet.
And He shows it to us. And John is motivated to share this message that he was an eyewitness to so that others can join in fellowship with those who share the status of eyewitnesses.
Now, we are not eyewitnesses. Would you agree with me on that? Were you there? You weren't there. I would love to have been.
But we are in fellowship with all others who have identified Christ as the answer. All who know
Him as Lord and Savior are unified together in Him. And then therefore the call out to others is to come join us in Christ.
That's the message that we proclaim. Come to Jesus. There's one central call that we as a church and the church is the people.
It's not the formal interaction that we have with the community. It is you interacting with the community.
It is the people of God interacting with the community. And we have a message and it's come to Jesus with us.
Come to Jesus with us. We're weird. Does that settle with you?
We're weird. They're weird. Jesus is awesome. Come join us in our weirdness together.
That's our message. Come on in. And I've said often that the thing that binds us together here at Recast is this common fellowship that we have in Jesus Christ.
That many of you, if we're honest, we may have run into each other at Meijer's at one point.
You may have been there looking at the veggies at the same time as me. And maybe you were in my way and I said, excuse me.
Or I was in your way and you said, excuse me. And we didn't even know at that point that we had any common bonds in Christ.
But now what has brought us together? We might not have been best friends if we met each other in high school.
We might not have wanted to spend time together. But now God has brought us together in love in Christ and now we are family.
That's what produces fellowship. That's what fellowship really is. Fellowship is not getting together and talking about the game.
As fun as that is, go Tigers. It's not just standing around a dunk tank, although that was pretty fun.
For some of you, it was really cold. I wasn't exaggerating. You can ask Kyle. It's not even defined as a potluck meal with the church.
A lot of times you're talking about, let's go get some fellowship. So who's gonna make some casserole? That's not the definition of fellowship.
Fellowship is the deep abiding unity that says, when I come together with other Christ followers,
I am home. I'm home here. Do you have that sense of home at church?
I love it that God uses the illustration of family because that lets us know that we don't have to always be okay with each other because that's my experience of family, right?
I mean, isn't that a human? I mean, using a human illustration, God knows, okay, he's gonna call us a family and we know what that means.
That means that not every time I walk through these doors, do I feel at peace with everybody, but we're committed to working through it together. We're gonna talk it through.
We're gonna work it through. We're gonna be a family together. That means we're gonna have some things out and we're gonna get on the same page and there's gonna be apology and confession.
Like I said a few sermons ago, that's a part of any healthy human relationship is confession and forgiveness.
Without confession and forgiveness, you do not have a healthy relationship with whoever because those are an essential part.
If we spend time with each other, we're gonna offend one another and that's gonna happen. Fellowship is that deep abiding unity that says we're home.
And the fact of the matter is the source of our fellowship. Is that your heart has been captured by the same one who has captured my heart.
That's the source of fellowship. That we are in love with the same one. That we understand what that one has done for us and we've been captured.
We have something in common if we have been captured by the same love. And that's fellowship.
And our fellowship is not just with each other, according to this text. That's awesome. But our fellowship begins with an amazing truth.
Our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We are united with the sovereign
God of the universe if we are in Christ. I don't know which amazes me more in the text.
I know, I mean, you can wrestle with this. Which one amazes you more? That the one who was from the beginning came down here to be handled and heard and seen with us?
Does that amaze you? That he who experienced the privileges of heaven with his
Father would choose to come down here and be one of us and experience pain and suffering.
Anybody go, that's amazing. Rob, thank you for that. Rob is amazed.
I am too, Rob, I'm with you. Or what about this one? That he has reconciled us into fellowship with him through his death.
Both pretty amazing. What we're really talking about is Easter or Christmas, which is more important?
Which is more important, Easter or Christmas? Well, you probably have your favorite, which one of those you like, and it has something to do with cultural expression and tradition and stuff like that.
But when we're talking about Christmas, we're talking about the ultimate condescension of the second person of the Trinity coming down in flesh, being born here in this messy world.
What are we talking about on Easter? Well, we're talking about Good Friday, his sacrifice for us. Then on Easter, his resurrection on our behalf that seals us as hopeful that he will indeed raise us in the same way that Jesus was raised.
But without Christmas, Easter is impossible. And without Easter, Christmas is pointless.
Both awesome and amazing. Both are crazy amazing mysteries and both are found in John's introduction here, in veiled terms that as you study it, they're drawn out.
The church has one message of hope to the world, and it is Jesus Christ. John is proclaiming this so that others will come into fellowship, some even within the church.
And so there's been some controversy about 1 John and just the notion of who is his intended audience.
And I really didn't get to the bottom of the controversy in my study and preparation for this. I'm still gonna be working on it over the next few weeks.
But I think in context, it's very clear throughout the later chapters of the book that he's talking to believers.
So why is he asking for people to put their trust in Jesus, to call them into the center and say, you can have fellowship with us and you can have fellowship with the
Father if these people that he's writing to are already Christians? Well, I think there's a reality that we all have seen in our lives.
Some even within the church can slip from the moorings of Jesus. If you, does that word moorings mean anything to you?
How many of you, when I use that word, it's being anchored to the dock. A mooring is where you put your boat and you actually make sure the rope, any of you ever let a boat go?
Have you ever done that? That's just kind of embarrassing when you actually don't have the rope and the boat slides out and you gotta, whatever.
Nobody even knows what I'm talking about here. But being moored to the dock of Jesus Christ, being attached to him and held firmly to him and having a short leash, so to speak, from Jesus.
But it's very possible, would you agree with me? It's very possible for a follower of Jesus to become unmoored from him and kind of start to drift.
Start to drift away, I think that's possible. We can be swept into all kinds of fringe doctrinal arguments and even off into worldly pursuits.
But John wants to call all, whether you've been in the church since infancy or this is your first time through the doors of a church, come into fellowship with us through fellowship with the
Father, which is only available through fellowship with his son, Jesus. And the byproduct of that fellowship is true and complete joy according to verse four.
Our joy encompassing everyone. It's joy for the author, it's joy for me, it's joy for you.
Joy for anyone who would come into fellowship through the one whose life was witnessed by the disciple
John. We've covered some intense and meaty doctrine and hopefully you can see where I've gotten these things from the text.
As you look down, you don't think I'm fabricating this out of thin air, but it's there in these first four verses. But let me boil down a couple of these things for our world where we live right now this week.
The first thing John would call us first and foremost, my first application, trust his testimony.
Trust him. We're gonna be walking with him for 10 weeks moving forward. We're gonna be spending time with him.
We're gonna be studying him. We're gonna be getting to know Jesus through him. And he says, trust me. Now, so then the question that I'm gonna pose to you this morning, and I want you to think about it.
I want you to answer it flippantly or quickly. Do you trust this writing? Do you trust
John? He saw, he heard, he observed and studied, he handled the one that he's speaking about.
And the byproduct of all this close life contact with Jesus was a firm conviction that this guy,
Jesus Christ, was the expression of the eternal one. God in flesh,
John's conclusion. Saw him, heard him, experienced his teaching, experienced his life and said what this guy preaches and teaches matches up with his life and the miracles and the things
I've seen of him, I believe him. But don't answer the question whether you believe
John flippantly. Don't be flippant about it. It's possible that some of us gather together each week and are unconvinced of the unique claims of Jesus Christ that John is gonna pose to us.
Maybe you've let other things crowd out the central role of Jesus in your faith. Maybe the busyness and stuff of earth has crowded out your vision of Jesus in the center.
Maybe you've considered yourself, if you're honest in your heart, I doubt any of us would be brash enough to state it this way, but if you were really to boil down your life, some of you have considered yourself graduated on from Jesus and you've moved on to other debates and concerns of the faith.
Even some of the third tier things that are out here that just are kind of the hot button issues and boy,
I just, that's my specialty is to debate these things. My call to all of us is to come back to the center.
Believe John and come back to Jesus. Come back to the center of our faith.
The second is to consider then our role in calling others to fellowship. John was doing here.
The main verb after all in the entire text is, anybody remember? Proclaim.
The main verb in this entire four verses is proclaim. And tying this in with the previous point, what should we be proclaiming?
Don't make me start this over again. I can just flip back and we can start the whole sermon again. If you guys aren't with, I'm just, that was a rude threat,
I'm sorry. I won't do that to you. But maybe, let me throw it, let me slow pitch this one into the wheelhouse.
Who should we be proclaiming? Yes, thank you. And now
I get the most interaction because I've threatened to start over again. So maybe I'm onto something here. We have a tendency to muddle the gospel at times.
We can tend to be the gospel's enemy in the sense that we can confuse the world about what our message is because we can bring in all kinds of baggage with us when the message is
Jesus Christ. You can only share the message in as much as you know Jesus. Get to know him.
Has he saved you? Is he your savior? If he's your savior, then you got a message to share. He saved me and all I can tell you, all
I can testify is that I was blind and now I see. I was lost and now I'm found.
Who found me? Who healed my sight? Jesus. Let me tell you about him.
That's our message. That's what we have to bring. But we muddle it.
The average unbeliever probably thinks that the church is all about good works. Would you agree with that? That's a common problem in our culture.
Why? Why is that? Well, we are to the world a bunch of goody two -shoes because quite honestly, we often act that way.
I think a lot of this is because the message we often proclaim is the gospel of ourselves. Gospel in quotes.
Good news. It's as if our message is like this. Hey world, good news. If you act like me,
God will love you too. That's not good news. That's not the gospel.
If we try to win people only through acts of kindness, that is all they will ever hear is your kind.
That's the message that we share with our life when we act good or better yet, I mean, you're a brown noser. You're just trying to make everybody like you.
And then people hate you because they think you're too good to be true. And there's some truth to that. Should we do kind things?
I'm not trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater and say, don't do nice things then. We should be doing kind things.
But words are required to explain that Jesus is the answer. We must proclaim.
Not just live it. Proclaim the truth. Proclaim the word of life.
Let's be sure that we're keeping Jesus at the center of our message and at the center of our church.
And then lastly, and briefly, let me highlight again that the ultimate result of proclaiming Jesus as the center for our fellowship together with God is according to verse four, joy.
And not just joy, but look at how joy is modified in verse four. And we are writing these things so that our joy may be what?
Complete. Complete joy. How many of you think that's an awesome phrase?
Complete joy sounds good to me. A life of joy requires Christ at the center. The text says nothing, by the way, about passing happiness.
I can get that from a gadget. Okay, a new car, a new toy, a new something to play with, a new
TV. I can get passing happiness from some strange places, right? It's not talking about passing happiness.
It's talking about complete joy. A deep, alive, transforming joy that says, come what may,
I have hope. Come what may, I have purpose. An abiding hope that says, and was expressed by Paul to the extent that he said this, for to me to live is
Christ and to die is gain. A complete joy that says, whatever happens in life, joy.
And if it's death, great joy. Is that a complete joy?
Paul says, it covers it all. For me to live, Christ, yes. For me to die, awesome.
To die is gain. Does that put life in perspective? The complete joy.
Let's come to communion with joy this morning. I want to just say this, and just by saying it, just by opening up,
I'm a pretty direct guy, and I like to just kind of open these things up and just say exactly what I'm thinking, and then
I recognize that sometimes by dissecting something, you have the potential to destroy it. But we're a
North American church that preaches the Bible and therefore it can be pretty academic. And when we first started, we did communion in a way that we had some tables set up in the back and some tables set up in the front, and we used to get up, and how many of you remember that?
Some of you were here when we did that. We used to come up and take communion as you felt led, and then the church grew, and we ended up putting more chairs in here, and the structure changed, and it's become,
I would say, more formal because we passed the juice and we passed the cracker.
Now, I think it's kind of turned into a little bit more of a formal feel to it, and I think that that's part of it.
I think it also is partly because we're a North American church and we're very academic, and so what I'm trying to say is communion tends to be, from my perspective, kind of somber, kind of serious.
I look around and everybody's just kind of, you know, maybe a little bit of some sweat beads on your brow or something, and it's just like, and we're working through this.
Now, is it a serious thing? It is, but let me just suggest to you that I would love for it to be serious about joy.
I would love for it to be a thing. I would love it if I saw somebody take the juice and just pump their fist a couple times.
Woo! Jesus died for me, and I'm free. Or even, and I recognize, we express joy in different ways.
To even see tears of joy as I eat that cracker, just recognizing that he took my place, my substitute.
My Lord and my God substituted himself and suffered and died. The one privileged to be at the right hand of the
Father came down and took that for me. Glory! Is that an amazing thing that we're celebrating as we come together for communion?
It's a glorious thing. Now, should we seriously be looking at our lives and kind of going, I'm not worthy of this, but then we move past the
I'm not worthy of this to he did it. I'm not worthy of it. Yes, yeah, I see that.
There's a moment for me to kind of go, whew, this is heavy. But the burden, joy and rejoicing and glory that we have an opportunity together with God's people in fellowship with those whose hearts have been won by Jesus to rejoice, to walk in the light with others in him.
Jesus is the point. He was in the beginning. He was revealed or made manifest.
And our hope for fellowship together is bound up in his sacrifice. So three things.
Think about these three things as you walk through this week. Keep him at the center. Call others to join you at the center.
And rejoice there. Have a little party there at the center.
Rejoice, complete joy in your Savior. Let's pray. Father, I thank you so much for complete joy in you.
Thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus. I thank you that he came down here as one of us was made manifest to us.
That our fellowship is tied up in him, not tied up in our ability to please you, not tied up in our ability to keep laws and rules and regulations.
But ultimately our fellowship with the Father, with you is through your son,
Jesus. And it's a way that he has provided for us. Father, would you help us to be faithful, to proclaim this to those that we know need it.
I recognize that everybody in this room knows someone who does not know you that needs a proclamation of the glory of Jesus Christ.
Maybe we may not be a people who are ashamed of the name of Jesus. I know that that can cause all kinds of interesting conversations.
And even we fear that the result of it is going to be marginalization or loss of friendship or being pushed away or a loss of a brother or a sister or whatever.
And you say that the result of it will be complete. Joy. So maybe we believe what your word says and not what our brains are confusing and telling us is going to be the result.
But maybe we really trust that complete joy is the result of a life of proclaiming you to others.
And you give us complete joy as we have an opportunity to remember this awesome sacrifice that we're not worthy of, but you did on our behalf.