Christ, the Promised Seed of Abraham

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Well, good morning everybody Take out your bibles and turn to Galatians 3 We've been in three for several months here Yeah, that's why it's tough because Preaching to you guys.
I never know who gets to hear what part and some of you guys have work blessings and some of your out for what other reasons and and so it it's it's almost a Well, it's it's difficult just to try to bring everybody up to speed Yeah, and then it's like they're starting starting from scratch But you know what it's the same way in my church I preach first I preach verse by verse on Sundays and people are out and everything else and and so, you know That's right, that's right So we're going to read verses 15 to 18 Just to remind you Where we are Paul has been arguing that Justification comes by faith and not by works of the law and This has actually been his contention from the beginning of the letter He Talks about in the first chapter that they had departed the gospel and the gospel is that we are saved by grace through faith and not of ourselves and and In the last two sermons we looked at verses 10 to 14 verses 10 to 14 Really encapsulates that great truth and provides scripture references for our Salvation being by promise not by something that we produce ourselves And verse 14 ends with this phrase It says in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles So that we might receive the promised spirit through faith.
Remember what the issue is How can a Gentile be saved? The Jewish people would were saying the Judaizers were saying well you have to become a Jew God has chosen The Jewish people God has chosen the Hebrew people and unless you become that you can't be saved That's the argument and and Paul is saying no in Christ the blessing of Abraham Has come to the Gentiles and we have received the spirit not through works But through faith.
Yes, sir So they believe If you weren't you you're just screwed all together or you can convert or how deeply the Jewish people No, you could you could you could become what's known as a proselyte a Proselyte was a person who had converted to Judaism.
There were different ways That people would express faith in the God of Israel First was what was known as a God fear That was a Gentile Who believed in the God of Israel? But would not go forward and be converted to Judaism and would not be Would not be circumcised and that that was that's what Cornelius was if you remember Acts chapter 10 There was a man by the name of Cornelius.
He was a centurion and He was a God fearer he feared the God of Israel, but he wasn't a convert to Judaism and So they sort of saw them if you remember the the temple the temple had what was known as the court of the Gentiles That was a place where the Gentiles could go and worship, but they couldn't come in Because that was as far as you could get if you were a Gentile Well, the people in the court of the Gentiles were the God fears They were the ones who hadn't converted, but still believed in this this God of Israel Yeah, that was the that was the mark of receiving the true Conversion was was being circumcised.
And so that's the whole and that's the whole point.
We're going to see later in Galatians Paul's going to say that it This circumcision means nothing if you haven't had a changed heart and the person who's had a changed heart Even if he hasn't been circumcised has been circumcised in the heart Therefore the external isn't what's important the internal Yeah, exactly exactly and and that's why there has been in the church Through the out theologians have recognized the connection between baptism and circumcision Because Even though if they're not the exact same thing, but they're both they're both signs of God's promised covenant the Old Testament children of Israel boys, of course not girls But boys were circumcised as as a picture of the promise of God in the New Covenant We are baptized as a picture of the promise of God oftentimes.
We'll hear it said like this Baptism is a show of your faith.
It's an expression of your belief, but actually it's a picture of the promise of God It's not so much what you're doing, but what God has done Yeah, the New Testament uses that use a circumcision again circumcision of the heart being having the having the heart cut So so this this brings us to verses 15 to 18 now will we get through all of it? I don't know because there's a lot here But I'm gonna read it.
I'm gonna pray and then we'll just begin verse line by line word by word and Try to understand it verse 15 To give a human example brothers even with a man-made covenant.
No one annuls that are adds to it once it has been ratified Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring it does not say and to offsprings referring to many but referring to one and To your offspring who is Christ? This is what I mean the law Which came 430 years afterward does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God so as to make the promise void For if the inheritance comes by the law it is no Longer it no longer comes by promise, but God gave it to Abraham by a promise Let's pray Father in heaven as we look at these verses today.
I ask for your mercy Lord I pray that you would by your grace first cleanse my heart Cleanse my mind focus me on the word Forgive me of sin and Lord by your mercy Fill me with your spirit to preach your word and keep me from error I Pray for the men who hear me today.
I Pray that you'll open their hearts to believe what is said if it is true Lord and Lord if it's not that you'd wipe it From their minds Lord that if I say anything that is in error that it would not stay and Cultivate itself in their mind, and I pray Lord that for the believers in this room That this would be to them a Reminder of the great wonders of the covenant of grace which came first Lord well came through Abraham and now extends through Christ and Lord for those who do not know Christ that they would see today that the plan of redemption did not begin With Christ but began even back in the garden for Christ is the lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world We thank you for him.
We thank you for the blessings That you give us through him in Christ's name Amen How is it? that Gentiles Can be made the children of Abraham That is the question That would have been The question that the Judaizers would have proposed to the people of Galatia the Galatians How can you think yourselves? Children of Abraham When you have not even Kept the laws of Moses, how can you think yourselves children of Abraham when you have not received the covenant sign? That God gave to Abraham how can you think yourself children of Abraham when you are Gentiles? Don't you know that Gentiles are dogs Don't you know that Gentiles are the unholy ones Don't you know that Gentiles are outside of the covenant of Israel.
Don't you know? That before you could ever consider yourself a child of Abraham You must become one for keeping the law That's the argument being made by the Judaizers and I can imagine because I have seen it man I've seen people full of all kinds of nonsense coming into churches spatting their ridiculous nonsense And they confuse People they cause Disagreements among people and dissensions among people because they're so confident in their error years ago we had a Lady come to our church and she she was an interesting person and she came for one Sunday and She was very loud, which if you many of you been to our church, you know, we say amen But we're not real loud You know, we kind of squeak it out, you know, amen But she was Amen! She was like there and You know, I could dig it, you know The second week she was there She wanted to join the church now and this was just 15 years ago and I've been the pastor since 2006 so this was 13 13 14 years ago It was right after I became the pastor and at that point we didn't have rules for membership like we do now if you wanted To join the church now you have to go through a class you have to sit under the teaching for To know what we learn what we teach and who we are and you have to sign a covenant agreement that you're going to live By this standard that we have set up as a church So it's it's much different now than it was then at that point Basically, if you walk forward at the end of service you were welcomed in a minute in a membership and that's what she did She walked forward at the end of church, I want to become a member.
Okay, there wasn't there was no rules so we let her into membership and Very quickly it began to be obvious that this person's desires were to Create a following for herself.
She began to identify herself as the Apostle And she called herself the Apostle I'm not going to say her name, but that she would say say her name was Linda Smith It wasn't but she would say I'm the Apostle Linda Smith, and that's how she announced herself and Huh, yeah, I mean it was and what really What really broke the camel's back the straw that kind of just put it to waste was she began to disseminate a book Within the congregation that she herself had written and she was selling it to church members without any approval from the leaders or the elders or even myself and I got a copy of it took it home read the first three pages and I was like this is just Ridiculous heresy.
This is this cannot be promoted in the church.
And and so I had to go to her I had to Essentially tell her we would not allow her to Continue to promote her book and that she was not going to ever have a leadership or teaching position in our church One we don't believe in female pastors, but that's secondary to the fact that she was a heretic on top of being a lady so she was two for two on the On the note on the no-fly list as far as flying up to the pulpit and preaching so she was She Was one who just sort of reminded me of what I think these these go these Galatian Judaizers would have been like They come into the church They develop relationships and they began to say hey, you know Paul said this but what about this? Paul's preaching justification by faith, but don't you know that circumcision is Necessary if you're really going to be a child of Abraham Abraham was circumcised Are you better than Abraham not pointing you brother, but I mean, you know, you know, I'm saying there.
Are you better? How can you? Go along with your uncircumcised self And think that you are a true child of Abraham So with that being said Paul has Already Made his argument over and over and over it is not by works of the law Which includes circumcision? but it is through faith in Christ that a person is justified and Now he is going to use the concept of the covenant to make his argument and And if you are not familiar with the word covenant you probably are and I know you guys y'all spend all day every day looking At the Bible, so don't ever think that I'm in any way trying to be condescending I don't know who knows what so sometimes I explain things if you already know it, that's fine But if you don't know what a covenant is remember earlier I said we have a church covenant people come in and they that it's an agreement You come here.
Yeah contracts a good modern word You come here to our church, and we're going to expect certain things of you We're going to expect you to be here in our church If you don't come to church for four months in a row if you miss four months in a row we take you out the membership Yeah Huh Four months if you ain't in church And you ain't answering your phone and we can't find out where you are now for guys in the military and overseas or if somebody's In the nursing home we make exceptions.
It's up to the elders to make those exceptions, but if you just ain't want to come Giddy up.
I mean we just we're we have a standard and one of the things the Bible said the word church means the gathering or the Assembly of the people it's the called-out ones assembled together as a body of Christ, and if you ain't assembling you ain't part of church Therefore we have a covenant.
It's a standard and it is a conditional covenant I'm going to talk about that a little while conditional unconditional.
That's right our covenant is conditional It's conditioned on you're going to fulfill your side.
We're going to fulfill our side.
We're going to preach the gospel We're going to minister to you we're going to provide opportunities for you to minister you join the church, and you're going to minister among the people as Image bearer of God who bears the gifts of the Holy Spirit in whatever way God's gifted you Maybe he's gifted you leadership.
Maybe he's gifted you teaching Maybe he's gifted you to to service whatever the way God's gifted you you're going to get to minister those gifts and we're going to facilitate that and that's the reciprocal way the church functions So We have a covenant covenants agreement.
It's a contract and it is a general principle in Covenant making that once an agreement has been made you don't go back and change it You see you ever sat down with a lawyer and had to sign a contract And he says read it And it's so long you say why am I paying you you read it I gave you $500 you read it and tell me what's in it But that's the thing right because after you've signed it You can't come back later and say oh, yeah, I'm gonna add You know it's sort of like a wedding one of my favorite pastors Brian Borgman said this he said it's like a wedding He said if two people stand before God and they make their vows Love honor cherish all those things and in two weeks later the guy comes back, and he goes wait wait wait I've been married this woman two weeks.
I need to add a few things.
She needs to serve me She needs to be my slave.
You know whatever you can't do that the vows are made.
They're locked in the Contract is signed You can't change the contract you can't change the covenant once it has been Ratified and that's what this passage says Paul's giving a human example, and he says that he says to give a human example Even with a man-made covenant no one annuls It or adds to it once it has been ratified and so that is the Topic that he's addressing the topic of a covenant now in the ancient world There was something called the blood covenant The blood covenant was made in a way that I think is a little a little rough What they would do is they would take an animal And let's say brother you and I were going to enter into a covenant We were going to agree to maybe a land deal right we're going to go You're going to give me this much silver or whatever and and and I'm going to give you the land Well we're going to enter into an agreement and what we would do is we would take an animal Let's say a heifer.
We would cut it in half Split it right down the middle and we would lay two pieces out one on one side and one on the other and we would Both walk through the middle on the way up to my voice.
I guess I'm 13 again walk through the middle of That split animal all that blood and guts be hanging out flies all around It would just be gross, but it was a picture and the picture was this let it be done to me as Has been done to this animal if I break my oath or my covenant Yeah, I mean I don't have any historical But that's the picture you know we're walking through the middle of this thing We've made a promise and now we've made it by blood We've cut the animal open we've set the animal aside and we've walked through the middle of it saying let it be done to me as has been done to this animal if I don't fulfill my terms of this contract You don't change the terms after that Two weeks later.
You can't come back and say well.
I want more land or I want more money You've already made the agreement You've already set the terms you've already made the covenant.
It doesn't get broken once it's been decided When you walk through the midst of that animal it had been decided now you say Pastor is that in the Bible anywhere? Yes, it is turn to go Genesis chapter 15 in Genesis 15 And go to verse 9 excuse me Sorry My place in Galatians here well all right Genesis 15 verse 9 This is God's covenant with Abraham.
It says in verse 9 He said he that is God said to him bring me a heifer three years old a female goat three years old a ram three years old a turtle dove and a young pigeon and He brought him all these things cut them in half and laid each half over against the other But he did not cut the birds in half and when the birds of prey came down on the carcasses Abram Abram drove them away as The Sun was going down a deep sleep fell on Abram and behold a dreadful great darkness fell upon him Then the Lord said to Abram know for certain That your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there And they will be afflicted for 400 years But I will bring judgment on the nation that they serve and afterward they shall come out with great possessions as for yourself You shall go to your father's in peace you shall be buried in a good old age And they shall come back here in the fourth generation for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete Now here's the main part when the Sun had gone down and it was dark behold a smoking fire pot and A flaming torch passed between the pieces.
That's the pieces of the animals on That day the Lord made a covenant with Abram saying to your offspring I give this land from the River of Egypt to the great river the river Euphrates the land of the Kenites the Kenizzites The Kadmonites the Hittites the Pezarites or the Perizzites rather the raphaeum The Amorites the Canaanites the Girgash sites and the Jebusites.
All right.
So what has happened here? God passed through By himself That's what makes this one unique because in the ancient world When they made a blood covenant They would split the animal in half and two parties would walk through because two parties were making the agreement One person said he'll do a another person said he'll do be the two come together They both walk through and they both agree with each other to the terms of the covenant But in this instance God is making the covenant for Abraham and with Abraham but not with Abraham as a co-participant but with Abraham as a beneficiary in This way it sort of becomes almost like a testament like a will and testament.
It's a promise You know when you fill out a will and testament And the whole reason you do that is because you want to give something to someone When you die like me, I have a few things of value in my life Not a lot not a rich man But I have some firearms and I have a few other things that that have historic significant value that belong to my daddy belong to my granddaddy and My will states that my eldest son Will be the recipient of those things and then he can do with them what he wants if he wants to share with his his children or with his Brothers and sisters, but he's the one who is going to and that's my that's my will and when I die some some some fancy Lawyer isn't supposed to come in and say hey, well, he actually meant this Because it's ratified.
It's done and I'm the I'm the I'm the giver my son's the receiver and In this way, this is what Abraham or at this point called Abram.
This is what Abram is.
He's the recipient of The promise of God.
He's not the participant He's not participating by doing He's receiving by promise It's exactly grace.
It's all of grace God says I'm going to do this and he makes the statement.
God is making the statement Let it be to me not that anyone could kill God but let it be to me if this is not fulfilled because he's the one who in the in the figure of the fire pot and The flaming torch passed through that those animals that Abraham had cut So this is a picture of that blood covenant now with that in mind Knowing Abraham contributed nothing To this covenant.
It was all from God now go back to Galatians 3 and we're going to read verse 15 again With that in that picture in our mind again back to Galatians 3 and 15 to give a human example brothers Even with a man-made covenant.
No one annuls it or adds to it Once it has been ratified God made the covenant with Abraham Which was solely dependent upon himself and it provided promises that could not be broken Could not be added to could not be subtracted from Could not be broken God made the promise and Hebrews 6 13 says this for when God made a promise to Abraham Since he had no one greater by whom to swear he swore by himself God said I swear by my name because there's no one no one greater to swear by That these things will come to pass Yep, and Paul's point is simple if no one can change a human covenant How much more impossible is it to change the covenant of God? So at this point the enemies of Paul Would have agreed with him.
That's true.
You can't change God's covenant That's why somebody has to keep the law Now we look at verse 16 Yeah, but understand what I'm saying.
I agree with you brother, but understand I'm saying they're saying they're saying yes You can't change a covenant got to keep the law But here's what he says in verse 16 Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring It does not say and to offsprings referring to many but referring to one and to your offspring who is Christ Now I'm gonna go back to that one.
But look at verse 17 with me real quick This is what I mean the law which came 430 years afterward does not annul a covenant Previously ratified by God so as to make the promise void.
What's he saying? God made a promise to Abraham before Abraham was circumcised God made a promise to Abraham By the way, Abraham circumcised an act there in Genesis 17.
He made the promise in Genesis 15 Just case that's having trouble that's before That's right Yeah, so in Genesis 15, he's given the promise Later, he's given the sign of the promise that circumcision but the sign doesn't change the promise does it? The sign doesn't add to the promise does it? No, the sign has its own purpose in place in the economy of God and it's not to add to or change the promise at all What's that Yeah, it's a reminder of the promise, but it doesn't change the promise It doesn't add to the promise it contracts been made the the blood covenant has been established nothing and Paul's point and here's the argument of the of the Judaizers.
You got to keep the law and here's the argument of Paul The law was 430 years later That's right, you can't come along 400 you can't come along two weeks after a covenant and change it much less 430 years and change it That's right the contract sign it's been made God's given the contract so you can't come along 430 years later and change And somebody says but well, we'll go ahead you got a question Yes, yeah in the timeline Yeah, it does he tells him he said your people are going to be in there They're going to be held captive for 400 years.
There's a lot of prophecy That is given to Abram the people often read it They don't think about it But if God was telling him what's going to happen to his people and his people were going to be in captivity for 400 years Afterwards they were going to be given a law and we say well, why then did God give the law? Look at this with me just real quick What is verse 19 say Why then the law The same question we ask is the question Paul anticipates Because if you say well if the covenant was ratified in Abraham and the covenant Isn't established on the law and the law comes 430 years later, and it doesn't change the covenant with Abraham Why did God give the law guess what that's next week? That's what we're gonna learn next week Well what we get it's too much because he's going to spend verse 19 all the way down the end of this chapter But you understand the point that's the same question We would have the same question the Judaizers have is the question Paul anticipates.
That's the great thing about Paul Paul anticipates the objection Because he's saying Abraham gave the promise the law can't change the promise and so the hand raised Why did God give the law I'm glad you asked because I'm gonna give you the answer What we're going to see next week Is the law has three purposes The law has what the law has three main purposes And one of those purposes is that the law shows us our sin and our need for a Savior It's called our Schoolmaster which leads us to Christ so just in case you're not here That's the most important thing that the law does it shows us our sin So that it would point us to a Savior the law has a purpose don't think that Paul's saying the law has no purpose The law has a purpose, but the purpose is not to give us the promise Because the promise comes by promise not by keeping the law People well, it's not just that you can't keep the law if it came by keeping the law it would be based on what you've done But if it comes through promise, it's based on what God has done Exactly we're getting there.
I promise yeah, see it's all cohesive it all holds together But now as we as we have looked at this and we sort of see the point of Paul's argument I want to go back to verse 16 because the verse of verses in This in this section is verse 16 And I jumped over it because I didn't want to I didn't want to lose my train of thought Because the train of thought is this God made a covenant with Abraham It cannot be changed by the law because the covenant was made before the law And you can't come along after covenant and make changes to a covenant because then it wouldn't be a covenant It's a covenant can't be broken The law has a purpose, but it's not to change the promises God gave Abraham, and if you believe in Christ You are a child of Abraham Now let's look at verse 16 Yes, you've been adopted into the family of Abraham now.
It says the promises Now what promises the promises of the covenant? What are the promises of the covenant? land Blessing prosperity all of those things that are promised were made to Abraham and his offspring Here's the part that's really really awesome and difficult Because Paul is going to make an argument That if he were not under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, and I couldn't trust that this was God speaking I Would have trouble accepting this argument from a language perspective You say what do you mean? Well, let's look at it Paul says It does not say into offsprings plural referring to many But referring to one into your offspring who is Christ now some of your Bibles say seed and seeds Mine says offspring and offsprings.
It's the same thing verse 16 Here's the point Paul is making and he's going to reiterate this later This is the point when God made the promises to Abraham and to Abraham's seed or offspring That promise wasn't being given to all of Abraham's offsprings But to one particular one Who is Christ? Now here's the thing and why I said earlier From a lane from a language perspective when we say offspring We don't or seed we don't have to make it plural If I say I threw seed on the ground that couldn't be one seed or seeds plural In fact, if I said I threw seed on the ground, it would probably Automatically you think more than one Well, no because in this position this in this context, it really isn't based on the original language Paul is making a theological point more than he's making a Literary or linguistic point the theological point is this The Judaizers are claiming that to be a child of Abraham you have to keep the law Paul is saying no Because the only true child of Abraham the only one that matters is Jesus Christ So to be a true child of Abraham You need to be in Christ Because when you're in Christ You are a child of Abraham What did John the Baptist say? To the Pharisees who came to him You think you are right because you're children of Abraham, but I tell you God is able to raise up even from these rocks Children of Abraham, that's right God is not bound by physical Descendants God creates descendants By adoption who said earlier who said the word adoption That is how a person becomes a child of Abraham They are adopted into the family of God by faith in Christ because Christ is The one who is the real child of Abraham? He's the one who's the real seed He's the one all of that time between Abraham and Christ 400 years in Egypt Many more millennia throughout the time of the Old Testament and Then comes the time of Christ Christ is the fulfillment of all of that Everything in the Old Testament from the very start Has its fulfillment in Jesus Christ Genesis 3 15 The seed of the woman that will crush the head of the serpent.
That's Jesus Christ the ark That Noah built That was a picture of salvation from the wrath of God is a picture of Jesus Christ The animals that were sacrificed in the temple are pictures of Jesus Christ Everything is looking forward.
This is why in Luke 24 when Jesus met the two men on the road to Emmaus What did he say to them? It says and beginning with Moses and all the scriptures he showed how it all pointed to him Everything in the Old Testament Points to Christ.
He is the seed.
He is the promise Therefore if you are in him you are a recipient of that promise He didn't come to abolish the law he came to fulfill it he is The fulfillment of the law absolutely everything the law requires Christ fulfilled everything the law demanded Christ did Explain that Yes But he didn't sin Yes, but he didn't send Yeah, okay, okay, that's why you confused me for a second.
Yeah, that's right.
He took our sin, but he didn't sin.
Yeah, that's right Yes, that's true Paul challenges the assumption that the promises of the Old Testament are made to ethnic Israel And this is really the hard part Because the Jews believed they were the recipients of the promise They believe by by birthright by Circumcision as the sign by the keeping of the laws We are the children think about one second, but think about John 8 when Jesus is talking to the Pharisees What did they say we have Abraham as our father? Jesus said if Abraham was your father you believe in me Because Abraham believed in me Abraham looked forward to my day.
You're not even 50 years old before Abraham was I am John 8 58 Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises God made Abraham not go ahead Yes Adoption was considered as much of a family right as any other Very well That they were upset yeah, well they were upset because they were saying that you you you think you've been adopted But you haven't followed the rules You think you've been adopted, but you haven't become part of the system think about the parable the prodigal son You guys all probably have heard the parable of prodigal son boy wants his dad's His dad's inheritance he takes his inheritance before he dies Which is pretty rotten because that basically what he's saying is I wish you were dead When you take somebody's inheritance before they're dead you're saying I want what I deserve when you die.
I wish you were dead Pretty hurtful right and he takes in he goes and he squanders it in loose living and he ends up in a pig slot Yeah, but the point of the story is not even him the Other brother that's right the story isn't about the prodigal son The story is about the son that was always there And was upset When the prodigal was welcomed back you never threw me a party you never killed a fatted calf for my friends They represent the Jewish nation Who when the Gentiles are welcomed into the people of God they said they don't belong here See the point isn't the prodigal son is the one who went away the prodigal son was the one who was always there because while he was physically with his father his heart was not with his father and He didn't love what his father loved and he didn't care for what his father cared for and he didn't honor his father's desires The true prodigal son is the one who never left And that was the Jewish nation They did not want to see the salvation of the Gentiles unless the Gentiles became the Jewish people unless they became part of that Family unless they became part of that law keeping and the gospel said no You don't have to become a Jew to be a child of Abraham You don't have to become a law keeper to be a child of Abraham You become a child of Abraham through Christ because there's only one seed of Abraham that mattered There's only one seed of Abraham that really inherited the promise and it's Christ and if you're in Christ You get the promise and if you're outside of Christ, whether you are Jew or Gentile you are lost Because there is salvation in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved than the name of Jesus Christ and at the name of Jesus Christ every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord to the glory of the Father That's the point.
It's all about Christ.
He is the seed of Abraham He's the seed of the promise.
You're either in him or you're outside of him He's like the Ark as I said, he's like Noah's Ark if you're inside of him, you're safe And if you're outside of him When the rains come You will be destroyed Jesus is the seed the promised seed The law can't change that and the law wasn't intended to change that the law In fact was intended to show us how desperate we are for a Savior And so next week we're going to look at the three purposes of the law One of which is to show us our need for a Savior.
Let's pray Father I thank you for your word Thank you for this truth.