A look at Psalm 100:1 (Short Devotion)
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This Psalm calls the believer to worship God for who He is, our worthy and majestic Lord! I share in this episode how this Psalm has enabled me to worship and pray to God in times when it was hard to find hope. May the truths of this Bible passage aid you in your walk with the Lord as it has mine. God bless.
YT: DrBlueTheTrueologist
IG: StudyOfTheTruth
X: Bprevilon
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- 00:14
- Welcome to Trueology, where we study Christian theology, philosophy, and apologetics.
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- We do critiques on scholars, politics. We look into events in both classical and modern -day issues.
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- We do interviews, debates, and much more. Our goal is providing a Christian resource to edify the saints and to engage the community.
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- But most of all, we want to glorify the Lord through our hearts, minds, souls, and strength.
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- So, stay with us as we open up the Word of God and look into everything pertaining to life and godliness.
- 00:48
- My name is Belushi Prevalon, coming to you from the Boston area. And right now, you are listening to Trueology, the study of the truth, as it is in...
- 01:01
- Welcome back to Trueology. My name is Belushi Prevalon. This is the fourth episode, and you can find me on YouTube at DrBlueTheTruologist.
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- On Instagram, I am at StudyOfTheTruth. And right now, you can also follow me on X at Bprevalon.
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- Once again, this is the fourth episode. And on today's episode, I want to be short and pretty brief by going through with you
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- Psalm 100. I want to focus primarily on the first verse, but maybe we'll hit a couple of other things on the way.
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- But this psalm has changed my devotional life and the way I worship God. And I hope that it would be a benefit to you today as we walk a little bit through it.
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- So, Psalm 100, verse 1, we read, Make a joyful noise unto the
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- Lord, all ye lands. Now, in our English translations, make a joyful noise is one word in the
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- Hebrew. But in our English translations, it comes out as the phrase that it is here, which really refers to the splitting of the ear with a sound.
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- That means shouting forth or ringing the alarm, crying out, right?
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- With a sense of triumph. So here we are commanded and invited to make a joyful noise, right?
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- The joyful noise is alluding to a worthy expression of joy. But to who are we supposed to make a joyful noise?
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- Well, very clearly here, it says unto the Lord. The L .O
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- .R .D. in all caps is referring to the covenant God of Israel who is known as Yahweh.
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- That is a specific God that is not Baal. That is not Ashtaroth. That is not
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- Malik. You see, the ancient gods of the other nations had power so far as the border goes.
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- Meaning if you were a worshipper of Baal, whatever country you lived in, Baal only had jurisdiction so far as the borders.
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- But Yahweh, the covenant God of Israel, was not limited only to the land of Israel. By his people, he was reckoned to be the
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- God that made all the earth and who ruled all the earth and who made not only the physical things of the earth, but the people that dwell in it.
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- Right? We are to make a joyful noise unto that God, the covenant making God of Israel, the one who chose the people of Israel because he loved their fathers.
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- So then, the covenant God of Israel is the one to whom we are supposed to express this worthy joyfulness.
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- Next, we read all ye lands. Now, all ye lands is not referring to things like the mountains or the grassy plains.
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- It is referring specifically and contextually here to the covenant people of Israel who dwell in the vast promised land that God had given them.
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- More widely, we can stretch this out a little bit and continue to say that yes, this does call out to the nations.
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- Right? The nations of the earth. You see, the people of Israel were specifically put in the land, taken out of the iron furnace of Egypt, taken out of there, established in the land flowing with milk and honey to be a special peculiar people unto
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- Yahweh, the Lord God of heaven, to evangelize the heathen. The heathen were supposed to see the testimony and the purity of God represented through his people.
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- They were going to be the mediators of God's law and blessing throughout all the earth. And we know how that went.
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- They didn't do that faithfully for generations after the very first, but that was their that was their call.
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- That was their purpose. They were to resemble the holiness of God. And they were to go out and show all the earth the one true
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- God. So all ye lands here is referring to those covenant people who had the obligation and responsibility of bringing in everyone around them to the truth of the one sovereign
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- Lord Yahweh. So why really should we express joyfulness towards the
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- Lord? Yes, I know it clearly says it here, but are we supposed to do it just because the text simply says it here?
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- What if I don't feel like it? What about the Christian whose head is hanging a little lower below the clouds?
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- What about the person who is feeling isolated and alone? What if the person who is abused in their household who finds no love, no comfort in anyone else?
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- What about that Christian? Christians are like anybody else. They they deal with the infirmities of life.
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- They deal with human problems. So what reason from this text, what truths from this passage do we find to really be able to make a joyful noise unto the
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- Lord? The truth and theme that I find in Psalm 100 here is a theme and truth
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- I find in another Psalm. Psalm 110, which says,
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- The Lord said unto my Lord, sit down at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
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- The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion. Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.
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- Psalm 110 verse 3, Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power and the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning thou hast to do of thy youth.
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- Wow. So the answer to our question, why should we really make a joyful noise unto the
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- Lord? Why should we obey this call, this command, this invitation to praise
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- God is because God has blessed and enabled his people to have power.
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- Why? Because God himself has power. He has all power. He rules over all.
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- Therefore, the application for us and the truth and the theme that is true in Psalm 100 and in Psalm 110 is that we should be thankful because we have a strong and gracious ruler who in his might will not suffer us to sink in defeat.
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- No matter what, we can look to him for safety and strength. So this
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- Psalm really is a call to worship. But honestly, what is worship?
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- Some people think worship is just shouting hallelujah at the top of your lungs and raising your hands and waving them back and forth and really loud music.
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- But really, what is worship? A .W. Tozer, a well -known preacher of the past, defined worship this way.
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- Worship is to feel in your heart and express in some appropriate manner a humbling, delightful sense of admiring awe and astonished wonder and overpowering love in the presence of that most ancient mystery, that majesty, which philosophers call the first cause, but which we all call our
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- Father, which art in heaven. The Archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple, defined worship this way.
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- It is the quickening of the conscience by the holiness of God, feeding the mind with the truth of God, purging the imagination by the beauty of God, opening the heart to the love of God, and devoting the will to the purpose of God.
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- So much so that even the famous composer Bach said that our music should reflect those truths that I just quoted.
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- He said this, all music should have no other end and aim than the glory of God in the soul's refreshment.
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- So this psalm is directing us to worship. It is not directing us to our circumstance.
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- It is not directing us to ourselves. It is directing our hearts and minds to the hills from which from where cometh our help.
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- The God who rules in heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ, whom is seen in the book of Revelation as receiving all law and glory and honor and thankfulness because he is the one who is worthy and he is the one who has washed us by his blood and has made us priests and kings.
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- We are directed to that God, not to our circumstance or ourselves, not to anyone else, but to him.
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- This psalm is a call to make a joyful noise unto the covenant Lord God in heaven who has saved us and established us just like he has saved and established his people
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- Israel who were the type of the church in the Old Testament. And we have the great privilege of being
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- God's people today to come into his presence with singing, which is exactly what the second verse in Psalm 100 says.
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- He has served the Lord with gladness, come before his presence with singing. Verse three says, know ye that the
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- Lord, he is God. It is he that hath made us and not we ourselves.
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- We are his people and the sheep of his pasture. So then this psalm has greatly helped me to find prayer fuel.
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- When I can find in myself not to be able to pray anymore, I turn to scripture and I read
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- God's words back to him and it enables me to be able to say praise the
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- Lord, hallelujah, and to call him to be faithful to the words and his promises that have given me hope.
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- I am able to praise him and express some kind of joyfulness and great and thankfulness towards him because his word directs me and enables me once again with power by his spirit to be able to be thankful towards him, not allowing myself to hang below the clouds, but rather rising above the clouds so that I can see the son,
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- Jesus Christ sitting on the throne glorious in his majesty, enabling his people that people shall be willing in the day of that power.
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- Does he have power? Yes, he does. Should his people have power? Yes, they should. If they come into his presence, we're singing, acknowledging him as the sole ruler and from whom we receive all our benefits and privileges and abilities and life.
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- Praise the Lord. Shout the praise of God. There is no limit to where he is to be worshipped.
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- All ye lands, all the nations, the magistrate to the person on the street are all called to praise
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- God because he is the one that has given life and sustains every breath in our lungs. Praise ye the
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- Lord. I hope this has helped you or encourage you in some way. If it has, please like, comment, subscribe, whatever you have to do.
- 12:07
- Once again, my name is Belushi Prevalon. This has been the fourth episode of Truology. I wanted to keep it short today by just sharing a little bit of my devotions with you.
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- I am available on Instagram. You can reach me there at studyofthetruth and on X at Bprevalon.
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- Please like, subscribe, whatever you have to do to follow me for the next episode of Truology. Until then, keep studying the truth.
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- Truology is a podcast that seeks to equip, effect, and engage the world through Christ and his wonderful gospel of the kingdom.
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- Against which he has promised that the gates of hell shall never prevail but increase by his government, his law, and grace.
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- Till it be presented a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. If there is any fear, threat, or worry, remember that the one that has called you according to his purpose and grace has also promised that all enemies will soon be placed under his feet.
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- Now, I want you to believe that not because I said it or because it sounds really nice and spiritual, but primarily and wholeheartedly and only and biblically because it's the truth.