"Come Out in Jesus Name" Part 2

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope

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Welcome to Part 2 of our critique of the demon-slayer documentary, "Come Out In Jesus Name." If you missed Part 1, catch it here:    • "Come Out In Jesus Name" Critique - P...  


Welcome back to the HolyNope podcast. I am the HolyNope and with me is David Levy and today we are continuing our review of the hit documentary
Come Out in Jesus Name, which is about as it says on the cover of that documentary promo the most important spiritual awakening in church history and so we are breaking down the content contained within that documentary and Last time we spoke for about an hour and it was a good talk we're going to continue now just by breaking down clips and scripture that are presented in the documentary again wanting to focus on What is perhaps the most important question in relation to the whole deliverance movement?
Which is is this impacting the gospel our understanding of the gospel our
Representation of the gospel and the power of the gospel to save sinners and to deliver them from the domain of darkness and From the bondage of Satan and from the dominion of sin is the gospel as we understand it powerful enough to do that or do we need this edition of Christians being delivered from demons to have a full gospel
Message welcome David Thanks a lot. Thanks for having me again, brother.
Um, I want to say What a bombastic claim it is to say that this film is about the most important Awakening in church history.
So more important than the Protestant Reformation More important than the
Great Awakening under men like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield Yeah, Pagani and Saldivar and Greg Locke are
Ushering in the most important awakening in the history of the church that just goes to show
What the mindset of these people are I mean how braggadocious that is how?
Utterly asinine such a claim is because this is not an awakening at all if anything, it's a darkening of the mind and This is not helping the church whatsoever.
They're So -called deliverance ministry. It's actually harming God's church.
So anyway, I just think the the title of the film or the Subtitle of the film saying that this is the most important awakening in church history is crazy talk
Yeah, because it's usually the historians who come later who comment upon the overall importance or the significance of a of an awakening in history
You're usually not in the midst of an awakening if you're talking about how important that awakening is
I mean, they literally say that Alexander Pagani said that theirs is an algorithm revival
So they admit that this is computer -generated it is
YouTube and The YouTube algorithm that is causing their teaching to be so Popular and have so many followers.
It's it's not it doesn't have anything to do with actual real
Jesus loving Bible believing Christians Giving their assent to this nor does it have to do with people being converted?
if anything as I said before this is a Spiritual darkening that is happening and that's the reason why we're making this critique of This film, right?
So let's get into it. Let's take another look at the documentary with this next clip But sometimes we can lend keys to different Demonic spirits and they can have access into our life
But it doesn't mean that they own it and because Jesus Christ owns it We can drive them out and we can walk in freedom and so we can move on to walk in dominion for the glory of God He said we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony
Something is enticing my lust Something is manipulating my flesh
Something is controlling my mind Something is making me go there say that think that look at that.
I've crucified the flesh I've wrecked myself then and yet I still struggle with this.
I still feel enticed That's demonic That's oppression from the enemy
So we touched on that a little bit in in part one of this discussion It is the idea that the the sign of demonic habitation that the sign of demonic oppression is that I Have this is one of one of the signs and I think we'll see a little later with this is a little bit this idea
Is a little bit contradicted which points to them Making up a system of doctrine that really had has a lot of holes in it.
But the idea is that When I have done everything that is necessary To crucify my flesh to surrender an area of my life completely to the
Holy Spirit But I still struggle at that point it is labeled
Demonic that's something so my I I have done my part in crucifying my flesh
But my flesh is still enticed Therefore I have a demon that is hindering my sanctification and my victory in that area of life
Yeah so I think that these men need to read
Martin Lloyd -Jones's exposition of Romans chapter 6 this
Book has been so instrumental in my own life It was said about Lloyd -Jones that he refused to preach the book of Romans until he had a strong grasp on the meaning of Romans 6 and that's when he began his fantastic series from 1936 to 1966 thereabouts
On Friday nights, he preached through the book of Romans, but he didn't start until he could grasp
What the real meaning is of how the Christian is delivered out of the reign rule and dominion of sin and What that looks like in the life of the
Christian and his book which is published by the banner of truth On Romans 6 is excellent.
I would recommend it to anybody I've done a Bible or a book study on That book with my book club that we we have every
Monday morning afternoon now But one of the things that is interesting here
I'm just looking up the text here on my phone of Romans 6 Paul says this
Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey
Its lusts and do not go on Presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of righteousness
But present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness to God For sin shall not be master over you for you are not under law, but under grace
So what the Apostle Paul says here is he's exhorting the church That they should not let sin reign over them
He does not say anywhere in Romans 6 this crucial passage in the
Apostles Description of the Christian life. He does not say anywhere You need to go and get your demons cast out rather he says reckon yourselves as dead to sin and alive to God through Christ, so you would think that if the
Solution to the Christians problem of wrestling with our sin is once we've
Crucified the flesh as Greg Locke just said and yet we're still Wrestling with sin that what we need to do is to have our demons cast out of us
That that would be anywhere in the scriptures that that that Paul or maybe
James or maybe Peter Or or maybe John would say something about that for the
Christian that hey Christian once you've done all of this There's only one step left that you need to do and that is you need to have your demons cast out
But that is not what the scripture says Rather the Apostle tells us to reckon ourselves as dead to the reign and rule and dominion of sin
Yet we're wrestling with it throughout our lives That's why the Apostle writes
Romans 7 and actually I thank God that he writes Romans 7 I believe that when
Paul writes Romans 7 He's talking as a Christian and the reason why I believe that is because he says that in his inner man
He delights in the law of the Lord. He delights in it. That's something that a
Natural man an unbelieving person does not delight in the unbelieving person does not delight in God's law
So Paul's saying about himself he delights in that and yet he still finds that though He is not a slave to sin anymore yet There are times when he does what he doesn't want to do and what he doesn't want to do
That's what he do what that's what he does. Oh who shall rescue me from this body of death? But thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our
Lord. That's what Paul says So Paul indicates in Romans that this wrestling with the flesh is something that we're going to be going through And doing as Christians for the entirety of our lives until we are perfected in the presence of Jesus He says nothing at all about going and having our demons cast out after we've come to the
Lord Right. Yeah, I would agree with that. There's no expectation set by the
Apostle in this Crucial portion of Scripture on the Christian life and the Christians relation to remaining sin.
There's no instruction there on Getting delivered from the demons that hinder you from your sanctification
There is no expectation set that if you are Hindered that if there is an area of life in which you are failing that the source or the cause might be a demonic
Presence within you as a believer again this whole system of doctrine
Rises and falls on whether or not Christians can have demons oppressing them from within either in their body parts as Pagani lays out in his book or in their souls and At these key moments in Scripture these key moments of revelation
We find this deliverance theology absent in the text
Means utterly absent The the Apostle doesn't talk about that at all as he gives you would even think that as Paul is speaking to Timothy who is his son in the
Lord or to Titus that as he gives his Pastoral epistles and he's telling the pastors of the church
This is how you are to lead God's people if this was something that was necessary for the
Christian Wouldn't it be somewhere in the text wouldn't the Bible have some kind of Exhortation by the
Apostle saying this is what you really need Once a person has come to faith in Jesus.
They need this extra step They need you Timothy to go there and cast out their anal demons
Or the or the demons that live inside their chest giving them a chest cold or the demons that live in their mouth
Causing them to say mean things or you would think even James where James is talking about who can tame the tongue
The tongue is a restless Evil and it's just like a small spark that sets a forest on fire like wouldn't
James say Well, what you really need is this there's a demon living in your mouth
And you need the demon cast out of your tongue or out of your mouth James doesn't say that he says repent
This is the point This is Extrabiblical it has nothing to do whatsoever with what the
Bible says about the Christian life at all Right and with the emphasis that the demon slayers seem to put on the
Holy Spirit, you know I just watched a clip of Alexander Pagani saying that God will take you from being
Jesus centered from a Jesus centered mindset to a Holy Spirit centered mindset with all of their emphasis on the
Holy Spirit their doctrine really downplays the the role of the Holy Spirit in the believer sanctification and It downplays the role of the
Holy Spirit in the believers Sanctification in this way. They believe that a a
Christian is born again in his spirit, but they're trichotomous They believe and it's they necessarily are there's their doctrine does not work if they're dichotomous
They they believe in body soul and mind. I mean body soul and spirit and so they believe that a believers
Spirit is born again, and he's a new creation in the spirit. He's a new he has a new spirit man
But demons don't reside in the spirit They reside in the soul or in the body and the demon residing in the soul or body is what's hindering your sanctification in The spirit
I guess I don't know how else you would you would conceive of sanctification apart from the spirit of a man and so what role is the
Holy Spirit playing well, it's it's a Unlimited almost powerless Role if the
Holy Spirit is relegated to only the spirit of a man and has no reign or no
Liberty active in the body or the soul of a man. Does that make sense?
Oh Dude, I mean, I think you took the words out of my mouth that that's
Look as cessationists We're the ones who they always castigate us
They always throw this shade towards cessationists saying that we believe in a deficient
Holy Spirit a Holy Spirit that that is powerless When actually they're the ones who believe that that the
Holy Spirit is so powerless in the life of the Christian That he cannot overcome and defeat the indwelling demons.
It's like what Pagani says how oh Well, I used to I used to preach against deliverance until I moved to New York City He said and then
I realized you can have a house But there's cockroaches that live in the house and everyone's like oh like this is some kind of profound
Insight. Okay. So then what he's saying is the
Holy Spirit is So powerless that he can't remove cockroaches even
He's comparing demons to cockroaches right that like Right the Holy Spirit who lives within us which
Romans 8 says if you do not have the Spirit of Christ You do not belong to Christ.
So every true believer in Jesus every person who has been born again
Has the Holy Spirit in dwelling within us? and yet it seems like what the demon slayers are saying is that this
Holy Spirit it plays a quite a passive role in the life of the Christian and allows a
Christian to to be indwelt with both the Holy Spirit and Belial then
Satan Satan himself can indwell a Christian Alongside the
Holy Spirit. How does that work? What fellowship has there with light light and darkness like this is all
So twisted and it's so sad that the church is You know what?
It says to me Austin is this is a
Symptom of a biblically illiterate church That's this deliverance movement is a symptom of that because if Christians today were more biblically sound instantly like it would be as Everyone would see how stupid this is the things that they're saying here how unbiblical how extra biblical it all is
But they can't see it And the reason they can't see it is because the Bible is not really preached that much anymore in the churches
Right and to that point Romans 8 says that if by the Holy Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body
You will live But what their doctrine is teaching is that there may be a demonic entity
Inhabiting you that is preventing you From putting those deeds of the flesh to death by the
Holy Spirit So a demonic spirit is hindering the work of the Holy Spirit within a believing
Christian within a born -again Christian it's why less than conquerors, aren't we?
Indeed then we're less than conquerors through Christ. Yeah. Yeah, it is it is downplaying the deliverance accomplished through the work of Christ and the atonement of Christ's work
Applied to the believer by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in favor of a secondary
Subsequent cheap deliverance from demons People are in bondage
I'm so tired of the possession versus oppression argument The facts are people are afflicted by the devil the word in the
Greek is demonized people are demonized in our churches There was a young man who came to our church,
I don't know why he came only found it off afterwards the testimony afterwards He's a minister of the gospel Christian Evangelist preaching everywhere and he drove for his our meetings online
He drove for hours to get to our church to a conference not even a deliverance conference sister He was a normal service You know when this deliverance began to break out in our church in a mass way this young man began to scream in the service
Come to the front come to the front. They be brave to you. So I told my people to bring it forward
Then we're brought it forward and we get to do deliverance on him set him free now Plus there was a quick deliverance.
It was obviously moment It was just in a service in a mass deliverance not knowing that it came because he had problems with anger problems with rage
Problems with unforgiveness. He was a Christian and evangelist to preach the gospel. I want to make this clear.
He was a Christian He was a preacher, you know And a lot of people say Christians can't have demons and afterwards
He wrote us a testimony people were fighting us on Facebook and then he came on and he said a man the clip was me
I'm totally set free So here's something we need to notice about this documentary
David And the the subtlety of the deception at work
You will notice how they put up a verse on the screen before the next portion of the documentary but that verse isn't
Exegetic at all that verse isn't explained in its context the verse isn't even commented upon and yet it's put up on the screen as If it supports what follows in the next segment of the documentary, of course this is what was put up is 2nd
Corinthians chapter 12 where Paul's talking about the thorn in his flesh and the context of that is him defending his apostleship against the super apostles who were defaming him over at over in in Corinth and he is recounting reluctantly his vision of the third heaven and this
Revelational experience that he had 14 years ago and to keep him from becoming conceded
He's given a thorn in the flesh to to keep him humble And so so what follows that has absolutely nothing to do with What Paul is talking about there in in 2nd
Corinthians 12 and yet it's it's put up on the screen I guess to show that demonic
Demonic That the demonic can attack Christians But that verse does not mean that Paul had a demon living in him.
Does it? Terrible but Here's the craziest thing of all is that if that's what they are implying by putting that on the screen
Which I think that it's pretty clear. That's what I get from it That's what I I think that that's what they're implying that this thorn in the flesh of Paul was some demonic entity
What happens in that account? Paul prays for the thorn to be removed and the
Lord says no For my grace is sufficient and my power is made perfect in your weakness
So are they trying to say that Paul had demons and that he was never delivered from those?
demons like I mean, it seems to be the implication there why they would put that on the screen that If they're going to say that the thorn in the flesh was a demon
Well, Paul wasn't delivered from that thorn. Personally. I don't think that the thorn was a demon I think that the thorn was a kidney stone, dude for real
I've had kidney stones. They're pretty bad now some others that have different You Yeah, some others have different.
I mean it is dude. It feels like a thorn in your flesh. Literally. It's kid I've had 28 kidney stones.
I need to be delivered from the demon That that's some oppression right there for sure kidney stones
I just need to drink some more lemonade is what I need and So no some others would say that the thorn in the flesh is
Paul's poor Eyesight to see with what large letters I'm writing that perhaps at his
Conversion experience in Acts chapter 9 when he had the scales on his eyes that there was some kind of leftover physical ailment from that Just as when
Jacob wrestled with the Lord and as he limped the rest of his life that perhaps Paul had something wrong with his eyes and This could be the thing that he's referring to nobody knows what it is that Paul's referring to his point
Wasn't that and certainly his point wasn't That it was a demon his point was this
That God's power is made perfect through our weakness and that sometimes
God gives us weaknesses to humble us physical weaknesses
Maladies different things like that that the Lord may bring those things into our life as the agents of his sanctifying power and that we shouldn't look at them as Some something that It's always a bad thing.
Even though we may not like that. The point is this that You're exactly right them like throwing a
Bible verse on the screen this is what that does to a Biblically illiterate person says like wow, look they're quoting the scripture
So I guess that means that this is from the Bible what they're talking about even though there's no exegesis of the scripture even what comes after the scripture has nothing to do with the scripture that they just put on the screen and Yet they put it up there like why because they're trying to subtly make
Inference that like what we are doing is biblical, right? I think that's exactly what's going on at large in the movement
And examining some of the writing of these guys when you when you understand How false teachers pick scripture to support their twisted doctrine?
I mean, it's it's textbook what they do about and it's very I mean It's it's it's easy to do and it's no wonder that so many biblically illiterate
Christians Fall for it And I think it yeah it just goes back to your point that the the reason that this deliverance movement has found so much success is because the
Especially here in America is because the church in America is biblically illiterate It's not simply that we don't read our
Bibles. It's that we we don't understand how to read our Bibles We don't understand how to read our Bibles in context
So in and as I said in our previous episode looking at the verses that they use in context actually negates their system of doctrine in so many ways even if we were to look at 2nd
Corinthians 12 again Paul is giving this his testimony of this revelational experience as something that happened to him 14 years ago
That he hasn't talked about since and he's giving that in contradiction to the
Super Apostles at Corinth who are claiming to have these mystical revelational experiences every day of the week
Who does that sound like it sounds just like the demon slayers just like Alexander Pagani who's a apostle who's getting?
Downloads of revelations so much so that he's writing Entire books about what he is receiving directly from the
Holy Spirit They are the Super Apostles about whom Paul is writing in 2nd
Corinthians when he gives this testimony in chapter 12 So another thing that we see in the clip
We just watched is an example of the microwaved sanctification that we've been talking about Here Leon Dupree who has also been featured on the
Holy Note for some really Ridiculous takes during his his preaching is
Sharing the story about a man a Christian man an evangelist who has a demon of Anger cast out of him at one of the services.
He said it was a very quick deliverance It was momentary and then all of a sudden the man as as per his his follow -up testimony
Doesn't struggle with his sinful anger Anymore, you guys are wasting time putting to death the deeds of the body by the
Holy Spirit What you need is that demon to get cast out of you go to a service
Have an experience Easy peasy. Yeah, I met
I met a couple once. I don't I don't think I said this last time we were together I met a couple once who visited my church and they asked me to go to dinner and And when
I went out with them, they asked me the question at what age were you sanctified?
And I said, well, I don't know as of like I guess five minutes ago And they said well no no no because when
I this man the man said when I was 12 is when I was sanctified and I have never sinned from that point until now and I said
How long have you been married to this lady that he's sitting next to 25 years. I Said okay,
I really really want you to leave the table so I could just talk with her Because I refuse to believe in 25 years of marriage
You've never sinned against your wife never never done that never consciously and then she said to me.
Oh, he's sinned against me But he's never consciously sinned against me.
Yeah, I had never met actual Nazarene people before although there's a school kind of close to where I live called
Olivet Nazarene University Chicago Bears used to practice there. I think maybe they still do I don't know
But but they they teach that in that denomination complete Sanctification so that the person never ever sins again.
It seems like and I actually wonder if this might play into like the
Abject rejection of Basically all of these demon slayers of the doctrines of grace that's an interesting avenue that we might want to cover sometime is
Why? None of these guys are Calvinists at all they reject those doctrines and I think
I think there might be some correlation Between Well, no,
I know that there is I know that there's a there is a correlation between You know the
Wesleyan holiness movement and Phineas um and experientialism and the
Azusa Street revival in the early 20th century and the rise of Pentecostalism and leading through the different waves of Charismania until we come to like this is the new iteration of charismania is
This and there's actually a thread that goes You know from that time all the way until now
So so it's really actually not a big surprise that none of these guys are
Soteriologically reformed they're they're all Arminians at least
And they hold some very strange views on the Christian life. I Think there's definitely something to that.
I think that's probably worthy of exploring. Maybe you will explore that a little bit in your documentary
No doubt Now in regards to this microwave sanctification it goes back to biblical illiteracy
I think again because what is happening in in this clip that we just watched is a unholy substitution of The work of the
Word of God in the life of a believer the Word of God David is living inactive and sharper than two -edged any two -edged sword in it
It divides between the bone and the marrow right and the
Word of God Searches the hearts of men and so if I'm someone who's struggling with sinful anger
The Word of God is going to minister to me. It's going to minister healing to me where I can
I can get to the bottom of where that anger is coming from and why it's there and I can repent appropriately and and walk
From there in the freedom Of the spirit I can I can put that anger to death with the
Word of God That entire work and that now that work is accomplished through the preaching of the word in corporate worship
It's accomplished through the ministry of the word and in every context in which that ministry might take place
What's happening in this clip? There's no word being proclaimed except come out
It's a it's a substitution For the deep work of the word in the life of the believer in that work often takes time
It takes time Sanctification as we've said is progressive and our our
Our growth and holiness is by degree. We are being conformed to the image of Christ.
It doesn't happen overnight and again, that's why some of this is so appealing because rather than having to do that that more difficult work that harder work of digging into the
Word of God of Submitting to the ministry of the word I can go to a demon slayer and get my anger problem dealt with my lust problem dealt with whatever it may be
Yeah, so someone Asked me I'm sure you've gotten this question as well.
You know, what what would you do if Someone approached you
Who there's no evidence you can see that this person is a Christian and they approached you and you know seem to potentially be affected by demonic influence like how would you
Handle that and people have asked me that same question and my answer I'll give you mine
And you tell me if yours is the same as mine my answer to that is I would proclaim the truth of Christ to that person and exhort them to repent and believe in Christ and and Preach the gospel to them because Jesus says
That you shall know the truth if you are if you are truly my disciples You will continue in my word and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free so what a person who is affected by demons really needs is
Gospel man They need somebody to faithfully proclaim the gospel to that person because the gospel is the power of God Unto salvation for everyone who believes it to the
Jew first and also to the Gentile like that's what we need That's the answer like instead of come here and have your demons cast out by me saying come out come out
Come out like instead of that Just open the word
Which is the the power the gospel is the power God has R .C. Sproul talked about this.
He said the church today relies on so many other things that God has not imbued his power into like the music or the band or the
Atmosphere of the church or whatever it is like So much goes into that When there's actually one thing that the
Holy Spirit has imbued with his power and that is the word Like man, that's the thing that's lacking
So what they put a Bible verse on the screen that has nothing to do with their what they're actually talking about those people
I mean, I I think all of them are disqualified from ever Leading a congregation or preaching from a pulpit all of them are
Greg Locke is definitely he cheated on his wife And he's married to somebody else, but but all those guys are because they're false teachers nevertheless if they won't step down at least just open the
Bible and Proclaim the truth of the gospel. That's the answer So would you say anything different from that Austin in terms of like if if you had somebody come to you and say
You know, I think that there's like actual demons that are affecting me. How would you treat that person?
What would you do? Yeah, I I agree with you 100 % people have asked me that as I've as I've covered this topic
I Would preach the gospel to them. I would I would minister the word to them What else is there to do?
That's that's where the where the power is is is in the Word of God and so I think
I've maybe maybe on an occasion or two seen somebody who was not a
Christian manifest a Demon and I don't know for sure
But I might have seen that before and in that situation we proclaim the gospel Now that person who
I have in mind right now We proclaim the gospel to him on many occasions and he's now a believer in Jesus Christ And he is not any longer if he ever was inhabited by demons.
I don't need to know whether he was or not What I need to know is the truth and I need to know how to proclaim the truth because that's what sets the captives free
Yeah, now now this man in this clip who was who was delivered, you know, he's he's
His comment is shown here, right? He's testifying that he was delivered. I Can't say whether or not he's lying
I think people who really believe this stuff really believe this stuff. I believe that he that man probably believes he was delivered from a demon of anger and He probably hasn't been struggling with anger since I mean having an experience like that can have an a powerful effect
Upon your will right can have an effect upon you so that it really really does help to curb your
Your sinful behavior at least for a time. And so I I wouldn't doubt the sincerity of someone like that who's caught up in this movement who's been taught to believe that Their struggle may be the may be the may have its source in in demonic oppression
But I want to know there's something about the comment that he leaves that they show here. He says Deliverance is necessary for the advancement of the kingdom and I pray that every minister of the gospel of Jesus Won't shy away from doing the work of the
Lord deliverance is Necessary for the advancement of the kingdom. What do you think about that?
Deliverance is necessary for the advancement of the kingdom Which is exactly what Jesus Christ provides in the atonement for all who believe in him
We are delivered out of the reign of Satan's kingdom and into God's kingdom
So yes, this is why Like you say
Satan is crafty and he will use Christian words and then twist the meaning of those words because there is a sense in which we can wholeheartedly
Agree with the terminology that says that you must be delivered
Of course, we need to be delivered Jesus says the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost so like lost to whom lost to the reign and rule of sin in the devil
We are lost and Christ came to deliver us. He's the deliverer
What does he say at the very beginning of his ministry when he goes when
Jesus goes? To the synagogue and he takes the scroll of Isaiah 61 and he opens it up and you know what?
let me just let me just read it right now, I mean, I'm just gonna look it up because Christ takes the scroll and Hold on and he opens it up.
It's handed to him Isaiah 61 here it is
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives
What is that man? That's deliverance and freedom to the prisoners that's deliverance to proclaim the favorable year of Yahweh and And that and that was it then he rolls up the scroll he doesn't say the second half of Isaiah 61 verse 2 which is and the day of vengeance of our
God Because why doesn't he read that part of it? Well because the day of the vengeance of our God has not yet arrived
Okay, that's what's coming when Chite when Christ returns but Jesus at the very beginning of his ministry says he came to proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom to the prisoners
And when he says this to the Jewish people in the temple and he
Tells them this they say We've never been slaves of anyone
When he says that you shall be free They say we've never been we'll never been slaves of anyone like really you are never a slave of Pharaoh You're not
Basically slaves of the Romans. How are you gonna say you've never been slaves of anyone? Jesus says whoever sins is a slave to sin, right?
So then how do we receive? the deliverance that we need through faith in Christ His word has the power to set the captives free faith in him has the power to set the captives free
This is the reason why I don't need Pagani's Secrets to deliverance and I don't need to go to a deliverance conference
Because Christ is able to do the work through faith in him
And so like what this guy's saying again, we said it the last time we were talking about this that You know, these people are adding to the gospel adding another requirement.
You have to believe in Jesus plus you need their Gnostic wisdom So are you saying
David that the captives referred to here in Isaiah 61 verse 1
To proclaim liberty to the captives. Are you really saying that? Captives there is not in reference to New Covenant believers who are inhabited with demons in their body and soul
Yeah, think about how insane that would be to think that About what
Jesus is referring to as he takes the scroll that like he's talking about those who already belong to them that his power is not sufficient to Rescue them and save them and deliver them out of the dominion of Satan that Jesus needs these other people to finish the work that he started
Yeah, that's just I don't even have the words for it like even talking about it
Gets me Angry man, I mean they would say of course you're angry because you have a demon
Go ahead. Jesus is talking about Jesus is talking about those who are captives to sin
That's what he's talking about. And like you said, it's his atonement that accomplishes our exodus our deliverance from slavery to sin
Jesus is the only deliverance minister that any of us need. It's true, man
And you know how I know that from my own experience and again, this is anecdotal
Because it's just my experience is that I remember the day that I trusted in Christ.
It was August 5th 2002 I remember it like it was yesterday as a matter of fact this upcoming
August 5th I'll be I'm 44 now. I was 22 at that time will be
Exactly half of my life lived walking with Christ and half of my life not knowing
Christ And I have to I'm gonna celebrate August 6th because that will mean for me that I've spent more of my life
Being redeemed by Christ than I did before that But in my own experience on the day when the
Lord broke my heart and convicted me of sin and and Rescued me.
He rescued me. I Immediately knew that my life was not the same as it was before that that Christ Changed me that he made me a new man that the old was gone and the new had come and and that my
Affection was for him where prior to that it was not and and my desire
Was to know him and to follow him where prior to that it was not And though I'm still
Walking with Christ now for almost 22 years of my life Far from perfect far from it yet like a
John Newton said I'm not the man that I once was and And though I'm not the man that I will be
I'm not the man that I once was because he rescued me He delivered me. He really did deliver me and that deliverance.
This is the thing He delivered me from the rain rule and dominion of sin. He is delivering me now from the power of sin in my flesh
Through Progressive sanctification through repentance and walking more closely with him throughout my lifetime and he shall ultimately deliver me when
I see him face to face then When I slough off the mortal coil,
I will be as Hebrews 12 says the spirit of the righteous made perfect and and I think what these guys are saying is that The reason that you're not perfect right now is because you have demons you even
Greg Locke Intimated that earlier on in the first clip that you showed where he said
I've already crucified the flesh So then why am I still struggling the reason why is because you have demons and if you would just get rid of these demons
Then you would be a perfect person This Luxury of believing that Christians cannot have a demon.
It's only embraced by Western countries When we talk about the Ministry of Deliverance, you know, we're talking about can a
Christian have a demon We're talking about a Christian not being possessed but being demonized, you know and looking to be free
From malevolent entities that have occupied areas of their life that are not submitted to the
Holy Spirit So to me David this is a moment wherein it seems apparent that so much of their theology is made up because we've already heard them say that if you have fully submitted an area of your life to Christ and still
Struggle that that's the sign you have a demon But Pagani says here that demons occupy areas of your life that are not fully submitted to the
Holy Spirit so the only explanation Could be that you picked up a demon
When that area of your life was not fully submitted and now that you are fully submitting that area of your life
You can't get free until that demon that came in when you weren't fully submitted gets casted out of your life and it's really convenient for those in the demon slaying business because if we just Pick up demons in areas of our life that are not sanctified
Like we pick up gum on our shoe by walking down the street. Then most Christians according to them must be
Riddled with demons. No Christian is fully sanctified. No Christians life is fully submitted to the will of God in the
Holy Spirit Yeah, that's exactly what they believe. I mean, this is the reason why they say or I think
Saldivar said If you really want to be good, you should get deliverance every three months
Wow What? So so this is a maintenance.
This is like a maintenance if you want to maintain your Christian life You have to go to a deliverance minister every three months.
This is adding a burden on to the evil
They should go ahead with if you do they should partner with Jiffy Lube and set up a deliverance booth
That you can you can get with your oil change. It was a great idea Dude, don't they're gonna some of them might watch this
I don't think they will but some of them might watch this man. They should watch it they should and they should repent and if if Pagani or Saldivar lock or any of them ever watch this video?
Let me say to you right now. We're not doing this. We're not making this because we like hate you
We do hate what you're doing because it's wicked and you're adding to the gospel of Jesus and you're making up doctrines but Our desire for all of these guys
I'm sure I can speak for you when I say our desire for all of them is that they would repent of this that they would repent of their false teaching that they would trust in the true
Christ in the true gospel and that If they're ever going to speak anything at all that they should only speak
What is actually in the scripture and not make up literal doctrine of demons that they're
Making up out of the blue Which makes me Think that they themselves may be diamond needs my
Controlled by the devil in the in the doing the things that they're doing. So yeah
Yeah Them them saying that you need to like have some kind of maintaining because demons are
Just coming into Christians all over the place. I mean, I wonder is there an eschatological
Ramification of that then like what what happens if there's a Christian who dies who hasn't had all their demons delivered yet Like what happens to that person well,
Vlad Vlad has said that People will often pick up demons at funerals because people die
But demons don't and therefore if you're burying a loved one, you might pick up that that person's demons makes it
Oh how Wretched how wretched that is man, like Do you think that people at his church then do you think that they actually go to the funerals of their loved ones?
I bet they don't because he's teaching that garbage that nonsense Yeah, it's hard to see how that belief would not induce spiritual paranoia for sure in and you're right.
They do need to repent I've said it before I will say they get there is a terrible judgment that awaits
These teachers who molest the bride of Christ with the lie that though she is clothed in the pure white robes of Christ's righteousness
She is still filthy with demons. Well, we talked a little bit in the first episode about the conversation between or the conversation about being oppressed versus being possessed and demonized what we said in the first episode of this discussion is
That there is no biblical witness to the idea that a Christian can be demonized without being fully possessed
The demon slayers say Christians cannot be possessed But they are demonized every time we see someone demonized in the scripture
It means nothing less than to be possessed and controlled by a demon And so they are making up a category in which a
Christian can be inhabited without being possessed They can be demonized without being possessed that category does not exist in the scriptures if you want to hear more about that and haven't seen our first Episode our first or part one of this critique.
I recommend that you go and listen to that David We've been talking for a while and there's still a lot more of this documentary to unpack
And so let's let's let's end it for now and pick it up next time. Thank you. I see a part three, buddy