Corinthian Compromise (Part 2)

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Pastor Mike continues preaching through 1 Corinthians 4. He teaches us through the scriptures to not be like the church in Corinth as they were arrogant, prideful, carnal, and thought they were important. Let us remember that sinners are converted through the power of the gospel message, not through well spoken preachers.


The Errors of Roman Catholic Theology (Part 3)

No Compromise Radio Thanks for tuning in to No Compromise Radio with pastor and author,
Dr. Mike Abendroth. Today on No Compromise Radio, we'll be hearing Pastor Mike open the
Word of God in a recent message he preached at Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston, Massachusetts.
Now let's join Pastor Mike in progress as he preaches through the scriptures, verse by verse with no compromise.
Paul can't say everything in a letter. So he's going to send someone who acts like a son to Paul.
Like father, like son? I can't go, Paul says, but I can send you one that will act like my son in the faith and not run around after the world's applause.
Who is that son? There it is in verse 17. That is why I sent you Timothy. He's probably on the way.
Paul showed you how doctrine is applied and now Timothy is going to show the same thing.
To remind you of my ways in Christ. Not even doctrine. I'm sure it'll come up.
But of my ways in Christ as I teach them everywhere in every church.
My model child is coming for you. I love you enough to send you my son to model that faith.
Now he warns, verse 18, one bad apple spoils the whole bunch.
Verse 18, some are arrogant and so I were not coming to you.
They were acting like big shots because Paul's not going to show up. Gats away, the mice will play.
But I will come to you soon if the Lord wills and I will find out not the talk of these arrogant people but their power.
Paul uses this word arrogant all the time. It's puffed up. How many people have a translation puffed up? I think that's a better translation.
Here's the Greek word for puffed up. Once in a while you need a new Greek word. So here's the Greek word. Fusio. They thought they were really big, self -inflated and they were arrogant and they think they had arrived.
And we've learned earlier on the stratus of sanctification, they haven't arrived. They need to be taught.
They need to be disciplined. They're carnal. They're acting like the world or else Paul wouldn't have written the letter.
Over and over and over you see the pride of the church of Corinth. Thinking they were so important.
It's like some four -year -old coming up to a dad saying, you know, I don't really need you more. I don't need you anymore, dad.
I think we've arrived. I think we can take care of things. I think when it comes to the bills and the insurance and the house and the safety and the protection and the shopping and the driving, dad, duty discharged.
Thanks a lot. You and mom can now retire. And then you'd probably look at that four -year -old and you think, you better waddle right back into your room because daddy's coming in there for a little anti -fusio.
Paul says these people, they think they've got a lot of power because they think it's rhetoric, but the power is the gospel that changes people's lives, that makes sinners saints and then makes saints act more like who they are in Christ.
They got a lot of talk. They're really good at talking, but the gospel comes with power. I'm quite sure that if Paul came in today and just walked over here, we would all look at him and say, is he really going to be the guest preacher?
Kind of all hunchbacked and kind of maybe that eye problem that he might've had. Remember, they dogged him.
The guy can't talk and he looks bad. Paul says, it's not about me and I am weak and I am a fool for Christ's sake.
And when I come to you, I'm going to remind you of the real gospel power. Not ashamed of the gospel for it is, it's not about rhetoricians.
And Paul says, if I don't come, it's because of the will of God. Not because I'm afraid. If the Lord wills.
You see that? Only the restraint of God himself will stop me from coming to talk to you.
For the kingdom of God, verse 20, does not consist in talk, but in power. You try to say you're so mature because you say you are.
The only way you can be really mature is acting like you're mature. One man said the religion of the
Lord Jesus is not in word, in human eloquence, excellence of speech, but in power.
Literally, the text says in verse 20, for the kingdom of God does not consist in the talk, highfalutin talk, doesn't change anyone.
Scarecrows that are old and tattered don't scare off birds and neither do words change people's lives.
I like Calvin's words, he said, for how small an affair is it for anyone to have a skill to prat eloquently while he has nothing but empty tinkling?
So, Paul gives two final questions, verse 21. He asked them the questions, what do you wish?
What do you wish? You make the call, it's up to you now. Shall I come to you with the rod?
He's talking like a father, isn't he? Shall I come to you with the rod? Do you need a spanking? Do you want me to come and put you over my knee to give you a rod?
Now, he doesn't mean a real rod, but this is the language of a father, or with love in a spirit of gentleness.
If you're going to persist in sin, then I need to come and deal with it. I'm not going to let your sin go unchallenged, for it says in Proverbs 3 and Hebrews 12, for whom the
Lord loves, he reproves, or disciplines, even as a father, the son in whom he delights.
I'm going to show up, you decide what do I bring. Let me, in the time that I have left, give you several ways you could imitate
Paul so that you do not feel the rod of discipline from the Lord, but you feel his encouragement.
Ways, there probably could be 500 I could give you, but I'm just going to give you several ways to imitate Paul so that you can feel the pleasure of God as your father, not his correction.
I said in a class the other day, and I think I've said it to you many other times, there are three faces that all of us have, and the first face is the face of the dead.
When you are buried, you will have the face that looks like this, eyes closed and expressionless.
There's another face that you have, and that's the face of displeasure, and your brow scrunches down, your face scrunches in, and it's just a stern, you're bothering me, you bug me, it's just smashed in.
Then there's one other look, and that's the look of a father or a mother going over to the crib.
We've got all kinds of new babies around here. The Mels just had their baby this week. When those babies are old enough to smile,
I remember Kim and I would walk into the bedroom, you know, is the kid up or is the kid sleeping?
You kind of walk, getting closer and closer, and they're in their crib, and you finally put your head over, and the kid's just awake, you know, playing around, and you look at the kid, and what do you do?
No, you open your face. It's the face you have when you see a baby. You walk over and you go, hi, baby.
It's the face of love, acceptance, of agreement, kindness,
I love you. Now we're not going to lose our sonship, God's not going to kick us out of the family, but I'd like to, in light of the cross and what
God has done for me, I'd like to have my father in heaven proud of me, wouldn't you? Good job, son.
I faced my human father's displeasure, and I never really liked it.
I wanted to make my father happy. I look back now, and maybe even on some things I shouldn't have, but I wanted my dad to be happy with me.
I wanted his face to go, good job, Mike. And so, too, with these, what we're after is the heavenly
Father's face to shine upon us with that open look that says, good job, that's what
I'm after. Not good job you kept yourself in the kingdom, but you are in the kingdom, therefore, act like a son.
I think I told the class the other day, unrelated, if you ever, Spurgeon said, if you ever talk about hell, no, he said, if you ever talk about heaven, the glories of heaven, make sure you let your face light up.
I'd say, have a face that's open like you say, hi, baby. You're talking about heaven, and then
Spurgeon said, and then if you ever talk about hell, he said, your normal face will do. So I'm going to give you some application from 1
Corinthians 4, so that we say, God, you've saved me, I had great guilt, there's greater grace, you didn't even die for angels, but you died for me, and therefore,
I'd like to live out a life of gratitude. Number one, instead of seeking the world's approval, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
I could go to Colossians 3 for Paul, but let's go to Matthew chapter 6 with our Lord Jesus' words.
Matthew chapter 6, instead of seeking the world's approval, see, remember, that was Corinth's problem, seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness.
We have a desire to boast built into our system. So instead of boasting ourselves, boast in the
Lord. We have a desire to seek after things. So instead of seeking after the world's approval, seek after the
Lord's work. We have a desire to collect things, hoard things, so seek after ways to give things away.
It's the same kind of principle, and so the urge isn't wrong, it's just the object and the way we go about it.
You remember Matthew chapter 6, 33, Jesus has been talking about how God protects and provides and cares for his people, cares for even birds, and then he says, if the
Corinthians could have done this, they would have been fine. But seek first, first in the line of more than one option, there are 15 things to seek, which one goes on top?
Job, career, family, friends, kids, hobbies, sports.
There are all these things, they're all vying for our attention. And what does the world say put on top?
Self goes right on top. The unholy trinity, me, myself, and I. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things, whether it's food or clothing or anything else, will be added to you.
He says, I want you to pursue those. That's my charge to you this morning. To pursue like a hound dog tracks its prey.
Like the hounds tracking the fox. You can just see those dogs sniffing and smelling, it's just like they'll never stop.
Sniffing and going all around, kind of like I was at Logan a while ago, and they've got the bomb dogs now, and some kind of drugs dogs, and they're sniffing in all my stuff and checking things out.
They just will not stop. And I'm thinking, do I want the dog's tail to wag, or do I not? See something there.
I always thought somebody was going to plant something on me. Look at the text.
Seek first. Be absorbed. Strenuous effort. If I really wanted to push it,
I would say this. If I saw your calendar for the next week, would anything remotely show me that you're number one, first priority?
Of course we have to work. Of course we have to do things around the house. I understand the duties we have to do, but at the top of the list, seeking first the kingdom.
It doesn't have to be in your daytime or seek it, but it has to be in your life. You have to plan it out. I guarantee you, you will just not go home today saying, you know, this week is really going to be a good week that I say no to self and I'm going to seek the glory of God in this kingdom.
It means to look for with considerate deliberates, consider, what's that word?
Deliberately considering with effort. Paul said,
I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself in order that I may finish my course and the ministry which
I received from the Lord Jesus to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.
Instead of seeking after your reputation, your popularity, the bottom line at work, you say,
I'm going to seek after the kingdom of God. Friends, it's very, very important to say that if you have a family, your family exists to glorify the
Lord. The focus, if I can push a button for a second, the focus is not on the family.
The focus is on the family serving Christ. The only reason you're married is because you can serve the
Lord better as married people or else you wouldn't have gotten married or you shouldn't have gotten married. But now if you are married, either way, your number one responsibility is how can our family serve the
Lord? That's why we exist. By the way, that's very, very helpful, too, because when there's a conflict in the family, then you can either stew and try to say, well, this is going to cause all these issues and we can't do things.
For me, I like it because I don't like that part, but I like to think to myself, we're here for a different reason, to serve the
Lord by serving others. And we've got to work through this problem, work through this disagreement, ask forgiveness, experience reconciliation, and get a move on because life is not about this squabble in the family.
And so I like that. I'm on this earth for one reason, and that is to seek after God's kingdom, not my own popularity and my own status and my own deals.
Remember back in verse nine, if you are seeking the Lord's kingdom, verse nine is a lot easier to stomach of first Corinthians chapter four, for I think that God has exhibited us apostles as last of all, like men sentenced to death because we have become a spectacle to the world, to angels and to men.
Number two, let's turn to Revelation chapter 14. How do we imitate Paul? Number one, seek after the Lord's kingdom and his righteousness.
Number two, learn from others what not to do. Revelation 3, 14.
Learn from others what not to do. Sadly, in ministry, I see many train wrecks and I try to help people.
Some I can avoid, some I can't. But I look at people, other people, and I think, man,
Lord, I never want to do that. And it is an interesting thing about human nature that we always seem to learn better by other people's mistakes because we might be doing the same thing, but in other people, they look grosser, don't they?
It looks more foolish. And you think we do it just the same, but when you see other people doing it, we're kind of shaking.
Why don't they get a clue? So words that are very close to first Corinthians chapter four are found in Revelation chapter three, verse 14, with a church there.
Learn from others what not to do. And that is coast, lukewarm, that'll do, bare minimum, in the church, at home, at work.
Shocking words. I know you know these words, but to remind you again, to somehow forever rid the phrase moderation in all things.
And to the angel of the church in Laodicea, write the words of the amen. What a great name.
The words of the amen. Don't lose that. The words of the one that confirms reality, who guarantees everything.
To the angel of the church in Laodicea, write the words of the amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation.
The Laodiceans were Zeus worshipers. They were pleasure seekers. They had theaters, circuses, a huge circus with 30 ,000 seats.
And here's the problem. Verse 15, I know your works. You are neither cold nor hot.
Would that you were either cold or hot. I don't like neutral. I don't like accommodating.
I don't like compromising. And words that you don't really hear that often out of Jesus. So because you are lukewarm,
I just kind of go for balance in my life. I know that whole seek the first, seek ye first the kingdom and really strive and stretch and all that, but balance is good.
I like balance. Don't want to go too far. Might burn out. Might be like Robert Murray McShane and burn out at 29 years old.
Might be like David Brainerd, burns out at 29 years old serving the Indians here even in Massachusetts.
Show me one of your heroes of the faith, man or woman, and I'll show you someone who wasn't like this at all.
Show me a dad that wants to be a hero to his kids. I'll show you someone not like this at all.
Show me a mom that wants to be a hero to her family. You're not going to see moderation in all things.
It's going to be full throttle. Where are the heroes these days? So because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot.
By the way, there was a couple aqueducts. One came from hot springs to the city, close to the city.
Another one was cold, and then they kind of came together, and by the time the water got to this city, it was tepid.
It was just kind of warm. Wasn't cold and wasn't hot. Colossi's got cold water coming.
By the time it gets to Laodicea, it's lukewarm. And what does Jesus say?
So because you're lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.
That is so unlike Jesus. Zeal for my Father's house has consumed me.
No one would ever look at Jesus and say, yeah, lukewarm on the way to the cross, set his face towards Jerusalem with tepidness.
No one could say that about Paul either. Jesus says, if you're not on fire for me, you nauseate me, and I'm going to throw you up.
I'm going to spew you out. I don't, sometimes I am listless.
Sometimes I am tired, half -hearted, but I know with the rod of correction from the scriptures, it's time to go full bore.
And I love it for the most part when I look around and see people in the church. Some of you are exhausted in ministry.
I say to Dave all the time, the old ditty, weary in the work, but not weary of it.
Some of you lay people I know stay up late at night preparing sermons. I commend you.
And I hope other people that don't hardly do anything or don't do anything, see the example of the servants around here.
See the danger. Verse 17 in Revelation 3, for you say,
I am rich. Now, doesn't this sound like Corinth? This is 8 to 13 in chapter 4.
I am rich. You can just hear that at Corinth. I'm rich. I'm filled. We're raining.
For you say, I'm rich. I've prospered. I need nothing. Not realizing that you are.
Can you imagine? How would you like to have Jesus say this to the church? You're wretched, pitiful, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked spiritually.
You think you've arrived. So you think you're up here, but really you're going in reverse. That is amazing.
No commendation. No praise. And then he prods them and says, right from the industries that were local, banking, wool, and medicine,
I counsel you to buy from me. We're talking about not real gold, but spiritual gold refined by fire.
So that you may be rich. White garments of wool so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen.
And salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. Those whom
I love, verse 19, I reprove and discipline. So be zealous and repent.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Standing at the door, there's no real
Christians in this church. Scott Walken and I rode our bikes through Devons yesterday.
I said, look, there's a big church. Devons is selling all this property. There's this huge church and huge facility. Let's go over there and look at it.
Things bolted down, warning, trespassing. You know, there's all kinds of graffiti up and everything.
And I peek through the hole and the thing is just empty. It's dead. I thought, did we sign that P &S yet?
That's a church plant later down the line. I looked in there and there's not one person. That's like this church.
Not BBC, but this church here in Revelation 3. I stand at the door and knock. Jesus is outside the church.
If there'd be believers, he'd be in the church. If anyone hears my voice and is tired of their listlessness and their tepidness and opens the door,
I will come into him. Just language of repentance and belief. I will come in to him.
By the way, there's a space in between in and to. This is not the proverbial ask Jesus into my heart.
This is how Jesus come in to the church. Mile of differences. Jesus standing outside the apostate church.
He says, behold, I'm not in your church. And if you'll repent and believe,
I will come to you. This is not inside of somebody. This is coming toward you.
If you repent and believe, I will move toward you. Not I go inside of your left ventricle.
It's nothing to do with that. I will move toward you. Verse 21, there's hope.
The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me. Can you imagine the sins that they've committed and yet the grace of God?
That makes my face want to go open. Sit with me on my throne.
As I also conquered and sat down with my father on his throne. Verse 22, he who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches.
I think we're far from Corinth. And with me, I know you think, let's stay far from Corinth.
Wouldn't that be a disaster? Running the race fairly well by the grace of God. And then we move to this new building.
We get new land, all that stuff. And then just the wheels fall off. I would hate that.
I would much rather stay here. Wouldn't you? But I think if we see the example of the
Latter -day Saints. See the example of the Corinthians. And say, you know, our desire is to seek first the
Lord and his kingdom and his righteousness. The Lord will take care of everything else. Including the building, including the land, including the
P &S, and including the carpet color. How about that? In light of today's sermon, it won't be pea green.
You can mark that down. I get veto power. I'm not on the carpet color committee choosing carpets, but I do get veto power.
The Lord has been good to us in giving us real people to watch their
Christianity. And you look at some of those people here, men and women, and you think, yeah. That's why
I want to follow some of these older people. Because they're living it out. And the
Church of Corinth had Paul. And Paul said, you imitate me. You act like I do. Because I'm going to try to act like Christ does.
And if we act like Christ, who then had Paul act like him. And then we follow, we're going to say goodbye to the world's wisdom.
Who cares what they say. We're here in a race, and we're here to win. And we're here to finish well.
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