Road Trip #2 Live from Conway, Arkansas


The second evening of the mini Conference on the solas is just 90 minutes away so we snuck a quick program from the AO Mobile Command in talking about the trip, what’s coming up at G3 and elsewhere, and responding to Soteriology 101’s paid advertising campaign looking to get “converts from Calvinism.” I wandered all over the landscape, to be honest, so fasten your seat belt! Visit the store at

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Great, we're gonna try this My my phone only gives me two two bars right now.
And so I'll be honest with you We've made contingency plans if video
Freezes up and who cares about the video to be perfectly honest with you. I'm not gonna be showing anything on this one So it's just talking head
But the audio holds on then we'll throw the banner up and just call it good and keep going we'll see
Just just where we are. I'm Graciously staying with one of the families in in Grace Bible Church They have a full
RV hookup. So that's where I am. But we are out in the boonies we are out and in fact, there's a
Yeah, you turn left and So I'm following the GPS to get here and you turn left
There is a hill in front of you that it's that it's a kind of hill honestly, even when you're not pulling 9 ,000 pounds behind you you where you get up to the top and you cannot see what's on the other side.
It's just It's a steep one, I'm not sure
I could get up on my bike I'm thinking it could be pushing 20 % I'd be interested.
I haven't tried it I didn't bring my wheels to ride my bike outside anyway But if I had I'd be really tempted just to see
I wonder if I can even get up this thing And it and I went very slowly down the side to assure you that but anyway
You don't care about any of that. I'm just telling you What may or may not happen so we're out in the hills in rural
Arkansas and therefore we will see But it's a beautiful place beautiful home.
Nice folks. And here's where we are really quickly we're in the middle of a mini conference here at the
Grace Bible Theological Seminary in Conway, Arkansas and so I got to have dinner with Jeffrey Johnson some other folks last night and we got to talk about The splash his book on Thomas Aquinas is made
I've talked to a number of folks who? well, I've talked with with Jeffrey and with Owen Strand about the concern that we all share about this sudden fascination with Thomism in Amongst reformed people and I'll be honest with you.
I I had lunch with with dr. Strand today. It was a wonderful time and Out Outdoors got a little warm at one point but outdoors we had to keep
For some reason I think there was a fire station nearby or something but the fire trucks went by like three or four times as like as they're going by but I I said to Owen I said
I really have to wonder if This is a symptom of of people
Just not finding Satisfaction in what we all thought was so satisfying and would be satisfying for all life
In reference to the doctrines of the faith regarding God's sovereignty and the nature of grace and and Things like that and and maybe people are looking for something new and oh, this looks new.
This looks exciting There are some real zealous folks that are just I don't know view view
Thomas in a odd odd fashion they can somehow disconnect him from all of his errors and they're just so fascinated by his great intellect and It's like oh, okay.
All right. Well, anyway, they're all connected You got it how he got to what he believed about God is an issue
And So anyways, we'll probably be talking more about that in the future Maybe I'll have Jeff on to talk about his book because he's been taking lots and lots of heat and I'm like, yeah
I know how that works and So anyways having a great time here in Conway and We'll be speaking this evening.
Dr. Strand speaks before I do and then I'll be there. Oh No, no back that up.
I'm the first one to speak I need to keep that in mind. So I need you need to be there right on time or maybe a little bit early
He's first one. I'm I'm the first one to speak. He's gonna be the second one to speak this evening. There is a live stream
Gene Klyatt was posting the stream last night So I'm not sure I don't have the link myself or even really where to look but if you look up grace
Bible Theological Seminary Live stream conference, maybe something come up. I don't I don't know but I Will be doing
I did Sola Fide and Sola Gratia last night. I'll be doing Solus Christus and then he will be doing
Sole Deo Gloria and So we'll we'll go from there and then tomorrow
I'll be in Jonesboro and I'll be speaking at 2 p .m
Arkansas time and then I think the other one was at 6 or 6 30. I don't I don't remember
Rich says GBC Conway calm is where you can get the link to To watch the stuff tonight, so If you want to do that, there you go.
Like I said, I'll be in Jonesboro tomorrow and I don't know if rich put up. I think you really puts me up about that on our stuff
As to where that's gonna be I'm gonna be doing if I recall correctly something on the
Trinity And on reform theology, I think that's the order something around those lines and The live link will be on Facebook live link for tonight or tomorrow.
I'm not sure not sure which That will be Tomorrow so there will be a live link to the stuff from Jonesboro tomorrow and then of course next morning up uber early
And I've not had confirmation that there's I Haven't gotten back confirmation that there is specifically gonna be something going on late like 8 to 9 30 on Wednesday at g3
But there might be and I hope to have confirmation fairly quickly Well, I need to have confirmation one way or the other
I will try to make it Lord will and the Greek don't rise and the Russians don't drop the bomb that used to be how
We put it now. It's now it's the Chinese And Go from there
So, there we go. There's What's going on? And and that's not even looking after g3
Oh, and we're gonna try That's what rich wants to try to do
And I don't know This now but rich wants to try to do a dividing line from g3 and You know,
I suppose we could have folks stop by the booth and and Jump in and say hi and and do things like that Might work out.
I don't know I speak on Friday So Thursday afternoon would be the time to do that because I'm staying
I'm not staying at the venue. I'm staying Elsewhere and I've been told That I do not want to be trying to drive from where I'm staying to the venue in the morning or during rush hour in the evening so I need to like come in like noon ish if I'm gonna not want to just be sitting around and Smelling everybody else's tailpipes basically so we'll see how all that's gonna work out and Then that's not even thinking about Being down in Valparaiso Niceville area in Florida and then
Lafayette and then Lindale, Texas with maker from, Texas so yeah,
I have really lined out the trip and I do want to really really thank someone don't want to use names and stuff but On The way out
I had a little some felt a little something in the truck it was in an extreme situation going down a 7 % grade on a rough road and He I I just wanted to have it checked out
I think that's wise to do Safety safety first as they always say Not safe ism, but if you feel something
And can get it checked out and so this morning I took the truck out to gentleman, who is a member of the church and I just enjoy meeting people who really know their stuff.
You know what I mean? that really know what they're doing and I felt really comfortable with these guys because Let's just say they know
GMC trucks really well, and that's what I'm driving is a GMC truck and you could just tell this guy knows this vehicle like the back of his hand and they checked the brakes out and stuff and basically said this thing looks like it just drove off the off the
Showroom floor. That's how good a shape that it's in and that gives me a lot of confidence
You know those hills going up or down that's that everything, you know checked everything out and and I'm just really thankful for people who know what they're doing and I'm not gonna follow this topic very far
I'm seeing the Sun's gonna be coming in here pretty soon. It's gonna be hitting Hold on just one second
There we go. All right, the Sun was gonna be hitting the camera Because I forgot my camera and next week
I'll have a new camera that Rich is gonna bring for me But I'm using my laptop right now and I could see the angle of the
Sun was eventually going to be causing us some some issues Anyway, I just really appreciate people who know what they're doing and man
I think we've made just such a huge mistake in this country. We don't encourage young men to go into trades where they can learn to do the stuff that we need to have done and It's a it is worthwhile work to work with your hands and there are certain people who are just really good at it and When you're not really good at it, though,
I Didn't fix one little problem on the truck. It wasn't something went wrong with the truck it was someone didn't tighten something down when they installed something and Rich will tell you
I Sort of figured it out. I said I and I got under that hood and I found what hadn't been tightened down and I tightened it down and it fixed everything and the truck likes me and it stopped throwing
All these messages at me like your trucks about to stall and everything else like yes so I used to do that back when when we didn't make enough money to buy anything but Used cars that had a hundred and eighty thousand miles
I used to have to do stuff like that. I remember just blowing my back out horribly trying to What was
I doing? I was I was replacing a steering wheel. I don't know why I had to take the steering wheel off Oh, it had something to do with the ignition switch have gone bad.
That's right And I was trying to push that thing back on. I just totally put my back up The great days of of yesteryear any anyway, well, why am
I even talking about these things? we have other things talking but I'm very thankful for the service that the folks have given to me here and It's it's exciting and getting to meet all sorts of folks
Again last night afterwards people who's who've been delivered out of various the groups that we deal with And have been following the dividing line it is funny though I have to admit when people say well,
I've been watching the divine line for years. I started like in 2015 and I just I just wilt
It's like that was just a few years ago. I've been doing this since the 1980s, you know
It's it's like I'm not upset they say that it was just sort of like wow Doing this a long time, you know, and it's
It's great to meet everybody. And yes, we're shaking hands and the whole nine yards. I mean look folks it if I don't
Come down because because I don't know whether I've had covered or not. I've not been tested in any way
If I don't get it Rip, I can't get it. That's just all there is to it.
I mean G3 and here and Jones, right? I mean seriously, how many times can you be exposed to something and and it doesn't touch you, you know, so who knows we
We we could find out what it's all about Given everything that's going on.
So, um, I have not been able to be much on social media for obvious reasons when you're speaking and you're
Meeting with folks and setting up and breaking down and traveling and driving and everything else
Sort of makes it difficult to keep up with whatever the current stuff is
But I was I did see Yeah, I I did see
I'm trying to make you know how you you save a tweet You don't want to move and then as soon as you bring it up All of a sudden there's an ad or something like that to come gets gets in the way
Matt Estes on Twitter posted a poll from Layton flowers now,
I Think it was the week before I left. I saw a video from Layton flowers about Matthew 2337 is
James White right about Matthew 2337 and I Responded to it.
I and and the key issue, of course is There is an objective meaning to Matthew 2337 exegetically and you can make
You can then go from that to go do your interpretation and application
But if you don't do the exegesis first everything else is just speculation and We pointed out in the response that everything that I had said about Matthew 2337 is
Factually and exegetically true. There really isn't a question about it there isn't a and and Layton had gone so far as to say that the direct object of Gathering in Matthew 2337 doesn't matter
It just doesn't matter and you're just like Here again, you get the illustration of what happens when you have a system
The system determines what scripture can and cannot say You're not deriving it from the text.
You're getting it from Other sources, whatever those sources might be. It could be to be what you think is ancient tradition
It can be your your necessary defense of the goodness of God Whatever you might think that it is
But you're not getting it from the text and so We responded rather fully to the video and so He puts up a poll and Here's here's what he writes
I Have a dilemma Now let's remember something here there is a man who has a
YouTube channel where 98 % of all the videos are have something to do with something.
He doesn't believe That it's positive
Demonstrations of the doctrine of the Trinity. It's not positive defenses of the inerrancy of scripture. It's not positive material on the resurrection it no 98 % just go look at it yourself is about Something he doesn't believe that he thinks is wrong and these are not short videos.
Oh, there's a few in there. He Eventually started doing somebody finally convinced him. He needed to start doing three hours long a
Lot of Mar three hours long and they're highly repetitive I mean his videos and you've got it all down because there's only so many variations on one note that you can come up with and So here's someone there is absolutely no balance here none whatsoever
So I have a dilemma. I Have had many Over the years tell me that my responses to dr
James White have really helped them see the errors of Calvinism that have encouraged me to continue to defend our perspective from his arguments
Okay, so I stopped My arguments so the idea is we
We poor folks, you know, we provisionists That being
James White. He's always attacking us okay, look at it our
YouTube channel and You will find responses to latent flowers most definitely but they are a small minority of What we do
The vast majority of what we're talking about today has nothing to do with latent flowers right now latent flowers is sort of a vacation from having to deal with the the craziness of the woke
Church and I don't know if he addresses that at all. To be honest with you.
I'd be interested in whether he does or doesn't I don't know how you can not address it
Uh, but anyway So, you know, we're being attacked and and and he's
Layton defends our perspective from his arguments. The only arguments I've presented against it are based in listening to this
This perspective trying to find its way trying to define itself and Responding to that, but I've had some
Respective friends say something to the effect of James White is not a good faith interlocutor and I think you should just ignore him
Okay I've had The exact same thing to me about latent flowers.
Just ignore him. He's never gonna listen to what you have to say and So just ignore to which
I respond. Well, I know he's never gonna listen to what I have to say But other people do
So he says I will say that each time I've replied to White's broadcast I've increased in subscribers and Get a surge in messages of new converts out of Calvinism.
There you go Converts out of Calvinism. It's like let me tell you something. Well, let me finish that at the same time
I do not wish to promote disingenuous methods of theological discourse among the brethren I'd like to know your thoughts on the matter the poll unkindly to his argument or ignore him completely and Matt's thing says the polls currently 87 % respond and 13 % ignore and Matt said what are the chances that latent flowers ever intended to ignore?
Me James White completely given James White seems to be the only reason soteriology 101 exists at all
Why else would anyone watch Layton's videos? Well, um, yeah, that's a
That's a good question but I this man, this is the evangelism that Layton flowers does is anti Calvinism evangelism
That's what he wants converts out of Calvinism. It has never crossed my mind
To actually have as a goal Converts out of provisionism. I Have responded to All of the provisionists where they be
Southern Baptist leaders Attacking the atonement Promoting a denial of original sin
Remember that stuff Roman, you know, which resulted in are doing the extensive discussion of Romans 5 and a lot of people found that extremely helpful to do that or Whatever else it might be now if the
Lord uses his truth to ground someone more firmly in their faith
And that means that they see that provisionism, you know I I sort of mentioned it in passing last evening in my in my
Presentation I said there is all the world of difference Between saying
Christ died to provide a way of salvation and Saying that Christ died to actually accomplish salvation there's all the difference the world to say that Jesus tries to save or do you say that Jesus is
The Savior that he actually saves perfectly. There's a massive difference and it impacts all of theology it impacts
All of evangelism it is a major issue. We can't just sweep it under the rug and Obviously my desire would be that someone who really wants to believe the word will do so consistently but I do
I don't even function on the basis of the idea of converts
I mean I Would expect that the vast majority of quote -unquote provisionists are sincere
Christians who have simply been hobbled in their theology by a human tradition and If I can be used as we have
I've talked to many a person who went Yeah, I got into late and stuff but man then
I listen to you And so we both have our stories of people who have said okay, and I Can't tell you how many people have
Looked at the Romans 9 debate and gone He actually see one that and I'm just like, okay.
Well, whatever, you know, so we all have our stories But entire weeks
Go by in my life, maybe months Where I never even think of latent flowers,
I don't subscribe to his stuff I don't listen to his stuff The only reason I said last week the only reason
I responded that video He did a match of 2237 was because I was following somebody else's link on a completely different talk that I think it was on the
That wasn't on Thomas anyway, a Completely different topic and y 'all know how
YouTube works. There's all that stuff in the right -hand column and Rich was telling me this is an interesting addition rich was telling me
That he was looking up some information about Where I'm gonna be tomorrow
And so he threw in there's the Rona Through in actually, it's I'm in the forest.
Oh and by the way, I know I know I'm all over the place It is beautiful to be in the forest and last night
I pulled in late After you know greeting people after the after talking after the sermon stuff and I pull in here
And of course, it's pretty dark, you know, you're out away from the town and stuff like that Sky was gorgeous
Jupiter's up by the way If you want to see Jupiter and Saturn there, they're up as soon as the Sun goes down You can you can see them right now and they're gorgeous.
Um Well, they're all of us gorgeous they've always been gorgeous God create them to be that way We're supposed to be fascinated by stuff.
Those of you live in cities get your head out of the video game. Don't look at stars
It'll do your mind good, but I pulled up. I turned the truck off. I pulled up next the unit here and I get out of the truck and I close the door and I'm like the sound
Owen but the the sound of the crickets and the cicadas and whatever else is
This forest was Overwhelming it was incredible.
You just don't hear that Well in a desert anywhere Just not enough live stuff to do it, but just the sound of life it was awesome
It's window. I love love love the sound of wind in trees, but the sound was
Overwhelming it was really really cool. You know, I think I'm I guess it's just not the right season. I guess it's too late
But I would love to have seen some fireflies because I that was something that was great in my youth anyway back to what we're talking about, so This whole the purpose of why you're doing what you're doing and to have balance so I Honestly feel sorry for latent flowers.
I really do because I Just can't see how having a continuous focus on Against something and to try to get converts out of the system that gave us sola scriptura and sola fide and sola de la gloria and and to actually be and And I don't think he conscious
Constantly aware of this He has to be consciously aware of the fact that that he's promoting a view of man and God that was exactly what
Luther argued against with Erasmus and it was Was Luther wrong when he said that this was the hinge upon which it all turns the central point.
I Guess he must think that he was or maybe he doesn't I don't know but it must be such a
It can't be a satisfying thing to define your evangelism as getting some confused person because you'd have
I'm sorry, you have to be really confused and have a significantly less than Solid understanding reform theology to find latent flowers arguments to be at all compelling.
You really really would I Don't know but I don't know how anyone it's sort of like when
I talk with converts from Roman Catholic to Roman Catholicism It's like so you really?
Feel that what you've been exposed to and what you've been taught is sufficient basis for you to abandon the possession of the imputed perfect righteousness of Christ To where now you are
Are on this endless treadmill of penances and sacramental forgiveness and everything else
And you will eventually stand before God with this cobbled together Righteousness of the righteousness of Jesus and Mary and the
Saints and yourself and I've never had one of these converts Give me any kind of meaningful response
Which demonstrated they never truly understood the glory of what it means to understand
And other than just a bare definition of justification and the imputed righteousness of Christ and what that means and how it's related to your union with Christ and and everything else and so their their willingness to give up that rich full fabric of Christian theology for a really cheap substitute
Just leaves me stunned and the same way if if you don't understand that the
Decree of God and the prescriptive will of God is a part of this beautiful tapestry that it's a beautiful thing that God has chosen to interact with his people in time and that he's big enough to do that and that that flows from his decree and That it glorifies him and That and that the truth we see in Scripture is not a flat shallow two -dimensional
Bill on the model of man type of thing but it there is
It shouldn't be just something we debate about it should be something that we are constantly in awe about To recognize that the eternal creator of this vast universe is
Glorifying himself I Interacting with his creatures and I'm I'm also concerned about the people
Who are going so far in a certain direction of theology that they have a problem with the idea of God actually interacting with his creatures because if you
The greatest interaction of all time is called the incarnation and That incarnation was just the central aspect of God's self revelation to his creatures and the demonstration of his love toward those creatures in redemption and That shouldn't be something we just argue about it should be something that every day you give thanks for and to trade that for provisionism for modern cleaned up Semi -pelagianism
Okay, whatever So, yeah, okay so Uh There it is
Rich told me he's searching. He's searching for some information about where I'm gonna be tomorrow
Was this in? What was this in was this in? This come up in Google Facebook What did it
Because I don't really recognize Duck duck go Wow. Okay So he's searching for Christian Reformed Churches in Jonesboro.
Okay says yellow pages now. All right Yellow pages was the response.
Okay Anyway up comes ads We all get ads don't we well if you got an ad blocker, but still sometimes they sneak around all that stuff or they won't let you use the site if you have ad blocker activated and Here is
The bottom of the third that well the bottom of the three ads questioning
Calvinism www .so ad so it says this is an advertisement www .soteriology101
.com Soteriology podcast taught by a former Calvinistic professor
Okay, so that means They are spending money to evangelize
Calvinists now, I'm sorry
I don't think That Layton flowers was ever a
Calvinistic professor I have had far too many people who knew him
In the years when he was allegedly reformed Who told me the man never ever functioned on a meaningful basis of reformed theology never
But I don't think he was a professor back then anyways, or if he was where was he a professor at He's a professor now
But I think it's highly misleading to call yourself a former Calvinistic professor you might be a professor now
But were you where did where did you teach reform theology show us the books you wrote show us the articles that you wrote that were consistently reformed
I'd be interested in seeing that and then let's Let's maybe start bringing those people in who have contacted me.
I remember talking with a guy on the phone for like 45 minutes. I was trained as between planes in Atlanta.
I remember exactly where it was and This guy had worked with Layton during those years and he's like no way
Absolutely. No way But it's meant to be here's a here's a professor. Here's a scholar and He was a
Calvinistic scholar and now he's not come to soteriology 101. So rich.
Could you could you put in a Signal here how much we've spent on Advertising the dividing line and Trying to get provisionists to get provisionist converts
Could you put the number in for me because you're the numbers man And so I'd like to like to see like to get everybody to know what we've spent.
He says, um thinking Got to add it up zero
Yeah, I knew that was what was coming, you know, that's also what we've spent to promote the dividing line for everything
I'm pretty much zero And people ask how do you get away with that because we started this stuff we were
We were podcasting before there was a pod Okay, because we're still poor
You know, I've told the story before we were on a radio station and then we were on a podcast And they started doing real audio and we just recognized you're on Saturday who listens to the radio on Saturday Saturday afternoon you're watching football or you're asleep so We're spending what was it it was back then was like 700
I think like 700 some odd dollars per month for a local radio station and All of our phone calls were coming from the
Internet When we'd open the phones we wouldn't get local calls We got people who were listening on real audio.
Yeah real Audio, this is like the year 2000. Okay, we're talking coming up on a quarter century ago and All of a sudden we got the idea
Why can't we just do this ourselves and so We bought a we bought a microphone and screwed it into the into my desk, you know
I had to add the arm on it and Rich is on one side of the wall in his garage and I was on the other side of the wall in his garage and That's for example where we did the very first radio free
Geneva I Remember it. I remember doing radio free Geneva In that very location the very first one and So we we've just been doing it longer than anybody else and that's why we don't have to Oh, yeah with the
AC unit the background. Yeah Well, we've got a see you run in here, but sound is better these days, but that garage faced
South and in there is That means it's gonna get blasted by the
Sun And so especially from During the summer which in Phoenix is
March to October We had a one of those window air conditioner it wasn't a window, but it was in the wall, but it was not quiet by any stretch the imagination and so you can go back and listen to that old stuff and you'll hear it you'll hear it in there and Yeah, so anyways
You'll never never see an ad Of us spending our money to try to get people to come out of provisionism
We're just gonna keep speaking the truth. We're just gonna keep demonstrating that exegetically this this position is bankrupt and But it's just a minor thing not in the sense that it's an unimportant issue
But like I said when I'm looking at putting a program together I'm not sitting here and go.
Hey, I should go see what late flowers has done recently or something like that pops up If it's a teaching moment great fine.
Wonderful Otherwise, let's not even let's not even waste our time with that kind of that kind of stuff
So, you know here we are on this trip and so let's let's look at let's see it let's use this particular trip and You know the next trip
I Think the next trip will be to st. Charles I'm gonna be going through prior again one way or the other we can't say anything about when yet because they're moving buildings and so it's all
Either this or in January either in December or in January gonna be hopefully going through prior and Visiting with all the good folks there and I think this
Spot is going to become a regular. It's on the i -40. I Go right through here.
It's a it's a East -west thoroughfare and I love
Jeffrey Johnson I love Owen Strand. These are great guys doing a great work here and it really seems like the
Lord's blessing Grace Bible Theological Seminary at this point in time Taking the stands that need to be taken and So, why not?
Why not? Come through and do I want to do a special I'm not sure how we're gonna do it
But I want to it didn't work out to do it today But I want to do a special thing for their their students on CB GM I really
I think that it's time for anyone who is studying New Testament and Studying textual criticism the time is now to come to understand
CB GM There aren't a lot of people who do understand CB GM. Now's the time to start fixing that in essence and so Let's let's let's come through here.
Let's let's do it. Let's This good good place to park and now that I know how to get in here.
It was tricky Oh, it was this was this was some of the toughest maneuvering I've done with the rig so far
Pushing it to the limits turn around and doing stuff like that. But hey,
I did it didn't break anything And so you did it once you should be able to do it a second time and maybe with a little bit more alacrity
And and something like that, but you look at all the things that we're doing I'm talking about Solus Christus tonight the
Not only the centrality of Christ but the exclusivity of Christ in salvation and in all of redemptive history
G3 up tomorrow. Um, I ain't be talking about Calvinism But I was asked to be talked to talk about cows and because of the area not because of provisionism
But more like Church of Christ type stuff That kind of stuff and then I'm gonna be talking about the
Trinity At g3. My sermon is on Well, all the sermons are on the supremacy of Christ and I Thankfully when the texts were doled out it was sitting at my computer when the email came in so I'm like As fast
I could grabbed Colossians chapter 1 and so that's what I'll be preaching on On Friday before Bodhi Balcombe and Paul Washer they're the next two up after I after I preach and So Then I'll be preaching
I think Sunday morning down in Florida and I'm just gonna open up a text
I'm gonna do one of my It's my favorite way to preach honestly What I what
I do is I will Take the Greek text and I will do a live translation of either a few sections of a chapter or a whole chapter where I will read through it live translate and then go through point by point and Just direct
Interaction with the text and a lot of folks really really enjoy that really find that to be helpful
Then I'm gonna be talking about the reliability New Testament And then I'm going to be doing something in response to Dr.
Stauffer down there who chose not to debate me. He said he was too busy Even though I'm gonna be right next door
But I'm gonna be responding to his material on Titus 2 13 and his accusations that I've changed my book in response to him which was and then
I Think we're doing more stuff on the Trinity in, Louisiana and I'm not sure that Tom Bucket.
I've actually figured out what world we're gonna be doing Yet in in Texas. Well, we need to do that Tom.
We need to talk about that Do you know something about the range of materials?
I mean It's it's fairly wide in in what we are talking about Rich says tell people
See when we do it this way now actually rich I think I'm that's I'm not a hundred percent certain about this, but rich just mentioned before he went on the air
He thinks he can set up at g3 With two cameras and I'm like two cameras and then
I realized oh the rich camp I think rich is missing the rich camp and so we might have a
Rich camp for for the g3 thing see so so this is
Signal is my best way of doing the rich cam here So people to follow the calendar on the website been updating it
Florida and Louisiana should be posted soon We need to throw Texas in there as well.
So we need to get get on the on the horn with With Tom and Tom may have we may have actually talked about something and I'm just not remembering it
Well tech Texas is already in Okay, there we go
All right. Okay. There we go. It says reliability testing. All right, and There's a pastor's lunch and Then I get to do the
CB GM thing with the students and pastors They're in Texas. Okay good. See now now
I know ha ha and so I might be saying hey, come on How can you not know what you're gonna be talking about do you have any idea any
Idea, how many times I have done my new test reliability presentation That is not to say that every single one is identical to every other one
I try not to tell the same jokes Things like that But no, that's that no
Now rich is complaining Which he does frequently even when
I'm on the air just wish I knew about Florida and Louisiana Well, you know
Some of us are are busy Anyhow all of that to say there is
Thankfully add in add into that The Topics we covered in South Africa on this trip in regards to critical race theory and the woke
Church How often I'm dealing with church history topics like that You need to have need to have balance their need
And I want to present a positive Message Not just you know when we first started
Okay, the first programs we did back on Krds kpxq all the different stations we were on We're primarily about Mormonism Jehovah's Witnesses and eventually
Roman Catholicism. No question about it but Even then even then when when
I would deal with Roman Catholicism on the subject say of soteriology, we would have a
Anybody who went with us for example to Salt Lake City for all those years to the general conference will tell you this
They heard me say to them then That I would rather have
Five people with me in Salt Lake City Who know what they believe and can give a positive witness to the gospel and The Christian faith as a whole then 50 people who can rip and shred
Joseph Smith But have nothing positive to give in the place of that error and that falsehood
There are dozens of people Who back in the 80s and 90s?
Went with us the Salt Lake City that will testify. That's exactly what I said to them multiple times because that's what's necessary and So there has been an emphasis.
I mean Rich will tell you what what class Was I teaching?
When rich Pearson I first met now, that was a frightening evening Because he would come out of a frightening individual back then wearing his maroon members only jacket
Which I hope has finally been Donated to somebody someplace though if I ever ran into someone wearing it
I would be But I said basic Christian doctors and It wasn't the
Mormonism class I Think at that time Mike had taken over the Mormonism class that I had started with but I was doing a basic Christian theology class at a
Southern Baptist Church and I Very well remember a member of that church coming up to me after a class and Going I Had read
Romans 9 before but I I thought it was saying that but I just figured we didn't believe
I Remember that very very very well So so so so so long ago
Anyways, so balance is key balance is an important thing and it's what gives you joy and I I said last night.
I'll Start wrapping up with this. I said last night. I just watched a bird land on the side of a tree
You have any idea? the math and aerodynamics
Involved in a bird not landing on a tree limb that's parallel to the ground but helicoptering in and It all just happened
By random mutation, I feel sorry for secular humanists.
I really do You see I see a bird land like that. They go. Wow. God's great part of us because I love hummingbirds we have a hummingbird feeder outside of our window at home now and Watching those thing
Defying gravity and it's they're beautiful the color but the whole
Idea of a hummingbird, I think makes God smile really it makes me smile And I think there's some things that God created.
I think there's some creatures I see some pictures of some of these creatures that live down on the bottom of the ocean and I and I go, okay
God must really find this funny because he knew nobody was we see in this thing for a long time Very long time.
So he must think this is hey, have you ever seen that creature? Hey, Michael ever seen that creature.
Let me show you this thing down here. You know, I believe this. Wow. That's a good Anyways, I lost
I completely lost my Thank you bird we need to put me in a room that doesn't have any windows in it because you know
Twitter I don't have Twitter up because I gotta be able to see what Rich is saying, but Yeah We should close the because there's beautiful stuff out there and you're going wait a minute
You you've lived in the desert for way too long if you think just trees It's so green what kind of what kind of irrigation system do you have here?
That's a desert people thing. It's like man. You're wasting a lot of water. It's really green out there
It's like no, we don't have to do that. It actually rains here. That's a pretty cool thing anyways,
I think I Said last night and wrapping up Um what
I'm doing because we're talking about the solas, you know, how many times I've talked about the solas I've lost track of how many times we've talked about the solos
But I have to recognize we're living in a in a very new context
That that some of some people saw it coming. I didn't I don't claim that I did And there's a new reality around us and We can't just keep doing the same thing we've done in the past We believe the same things that we believe in us, but we have to make application of those things
And so what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to say, all right, here's sola fide. Here's solo.
Gratia How is that relevant? to Christians in China North Korea And Possibly to us in the very near future.
So I'm trying to make application not some type of surface level Let's be relevant thing.
You know, I've When you teach church history, you don't worry about the relevant thing. You need to be relevant.
No, you need to know where you came from and That's where the relevance comes from but a deep
Recognition that if it was vital then it's still vital now and We have to think through our theology in light of the challenges that we will be facing as Christians in the
United States and I'll be perfectly I you know, I would imagine most people on the on this feed didn't get to watch that It got very quiet we had a great crowd places packed out
Really was very well attended folks from all over the area From other states have come in for this this conference and it was we only came up with it just a few weeks ago so I was very thankful of that but Place was silent and that was great because what that told me was the people were thinking
Listening And going. Yeah, we really do need to think this through we do we really need to think this through and I will make application tonight as well and Solos Christmas is easier
But it might be a little bit more challenging because Honestly the issue here is
We serve a Savior who has ascended to heaven and see at the right hand of the
Father and all authority has been given to him in heaven and earth and I'm still working.
I'm really coming to understand what all that means because I've lived most of my life as a
Christian thinking that that is just in the spiritual realm that That the heaven part okay, and the earth parts in the future right now.
Yeah Right now it's just if secularism says do this you do this
So We'll see how that goes. We'll see how that goes. Okay, so My gut feeling is and we have to look we have to be
Flexible my gut feeling is Thursday Hopefully Live from g3 all of which my my hope is that both rich and I's phone will have 5g signals in Atlanta I Would think that would be the case so hopefully
We'll be able to do a live program and who knows who will go wander. I Who knows who
I may be able to talk into cajole into threaten. I Do know a lot about certain people
Hey, you want to come on the divine line for five minutes? Cuz oh talk about you know what?
That would be sort of funny anyways, see who can come on the program and and join in with all the all the fun because there's gonna be a lot of folks there and a lot of neat stuff going on so Be watching that watch that makes you sure you've download the app
That's how we'll let you know When and how and all the rest that kind of stuff and that'll be that'll be coming up Later in the week and as rich reminds me
Whenever I'm on the road, it is a good thing to remind folks because we are the world's worst marketers that All this neat fun stuff.
I'm getting to do you make it possible That truck outside has to pull up to those weird things and I stick that hose in there
And I'm the least thankful for one thing Not only am I down in the south and therefore gas is less expensive
But all across the US gas is not expensive as it was I hit it. The first trip was bad
It's a little bit easy a little bit better now, but it's still still takes your supporting us Get out here so finder
AOMN .org travel fund helps to keep this kind of stuff happening. So thank you for watching the program today