Maher and Osteen (rerun)

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Joel Osteen trivializes Christianity and Bill Maher mocks Christianity--which one is worse? Pastor Mike starts the show by looking at Bill Maher's YouTube video titled The War On Christianity (link to video is not provided due to explicit language). In this video Maher blasts Christianity and Christians and claims that if you are a Christian, you are not a rational thinker. On Judgement Day, we will all stand before God, and so will Bill Maher. We should pray that God will open Bill Maher's eyes. If it was not for the Salvation of God, we would be just like Bill Maher (probably even worse). We have been rescued by our Sovereign Lord Jesus and God has saved us from this foolish thinking. We are also saved from the opposite extreme from Bill Maher--Joel Osteen. Osteen, who is proclaimed by many as America's Pastor, is worse than Maher because he tourques the Bible and twists the Scriptures. Osteen cuts the Bible up to fit his personal agenda and to satisfy his personal greed. Pastor Mike reads some headings from his books--including one that says you can make every day feel like a Friday--and shows Osteen's many errors. Pastor Mike finishes the show by responding to a listener's recent e-mail.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "...but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you."
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry. My name is
Mike Abendroth, and for some reason, it's the summer, and what you're hearing in regards to my voice, in regard to my voice, in regards to my voice, is
I've got a cold. I don't know how I got the cold, but I've got the cold. So I think today is about day eight or nine with a cold, and I'm trying to get a little better, a little bronchial infection.
I guess that's different than a cold. But anyway, enough of that. Don't forget we're going to Greece, No Compromise Radio ministry, and a group from Bethlehem Bible Church, Highlights of Greece, 11 -day tour, and cruise.
April 2013, over to Turkey, Ephesus, Patmos, Corinth, Athens.
It's going to be a great trip. You can go. Everything's out of Boston. You can write if you'd like a brochure, info at nocompromiseradio .com,
and if we get about 20 people, we can go. We have 19. I don't think we can. We have 50.
Can you imagine 50 crazy No Compromise people? We'd probably all put on our black No Compromise t -shirts, right, with the kind of blood spattered.
You can go also to www .nocoever .com.
Josh has put that site together with a little trailer teaser and probably some of the information's already up with full episodes for the
James White, Carl Truman, Phil Johnson interview that we did, I think, back in April, which was very stressful, but we did it.
So you can also pick up a copy of my new book, Sovereignty and Supremacy of King Jesus. You can go to our website or go to Amazon.
Just signed a deal with Harvest House Publishers for a book with my friend
Byron Yawn and Clint Archer. He's also my friend. And it's called Things That Go Bump in the
Church, Scary Doctrines for New Believers. So hopefully you'll see that at the beginning of next year.
As that's out, we're going to kind of under the pseudonym, the Three Amigos, I guess that should be the...
Who knows? Trace Amigos. Dry Amigos. Frown. How do you say friend?
I don't know. Schadenfreude. That's not friend. I don't think. I know that's not. Anyway. What do we have on the tap for today?
A variety of things that just popped onto my desk here by just serendipitous kind of evolution.
By the way, I was telling my kids the other day about the band Devo, D -Evolution, and how
I saw Devo when I was younger and how it's kind of a good statement to make.
It's the opposite of evolution, D -Evolution, second law of thermodynamics.
Bill Maher, War on Christianity, this is on YouTube.
If you believe in Judgment Day, I have to seriously question your judgment. If you believe you are in a long -term relationship with an all -powerful space daddy who will, after you die, party with your ghost forever, there is an electrical fire going on in your head.
At the end of the day, is magic underwear really that much crazier than giant arcs or virgin births or talking bushes?
You're either a rationalist or you're not. And the good news is a recent poll found 20 % of adults under 30 say they are rationalists and have figured out that the
Santa Claus and Jesus are really the same guy. Now 20 % is hardly a majority, but it's a bigger minority than blacks,
Jews, homosexuals, NRA members, teachers, or seniors. And it's certainly enough to stop being shy about expressing the opinion that we're not the crazy ones.
Bill Maher. What are your reactions to that? Well, it's not surprising to me that unbelievers lash out to God.
If I read Romans 1 correctly, then of course these people who are suppressing the truth of God and unrighteousness and they're worshiping the creation versus the creator, then this makes perfect sense.
Sin makes stupid. Sin sullies the brain and the brain that God has given us to worship
Him with. Remember? Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, what? Mind and strength.
What God gave us to worship Him with and to reflect His goodness and to reflect
His being with our image and likeness, with sovereign creators. Just think about what man can create.
You look at the Hoover Dam and you think, you put somebody on the moon and you think, now man is intelligent.
Why is man intelligent? Well, to reflect God's glory, to give Him glory as we think of things and do things.
Of course, I'm talking about positive things. Our brain can be warped to do horrible things negatively.
I just cannot talk today, so I better blame it on, what do I have here next to me? Some Pete's coffee? Yes, I have some
Pete's coffee right here. The other day I ran out of Pete's coffee, get some delivered to my house every month and boy, that was bad.
I thought, you know what? I'm addicted. I'm addicted when you don't have something that you regularly have and then kind of fuss about it and whine about it and complain about it.
I had some kind of mushroom coffee instant thing, not psilocybin or anything like that for mushrooms for you crazy listeners, but it was a mushroom extract coffee from some organic store that someone gave me and I thought it was pretty good, but it was nothing like Pete's coffee.
Actually, when I called Pete's coffee to change my delivery format, I tried to tell them that I promote their coffee on my radio show and I should get some free stuff, but it didn't work out.
Bill Maher says, you're either a rationalist or you're not. Let me frame it in a different way. You're either a supernaturalist or you're not.
You either believe that there are supernatural things that happen and that are in the universe or you don't.
And so you can be a rational supernaturalist or you can be an irrational rationalist.
The irrational rationalist thinks that nothing supernatural happens, that everything that you see is a result of evolution.
Now just stop and think about that for a second. I was just pondering the other day about children and how children are born and how
DNA works and how I don't know how DNA works.
It is an amazing thing. It is to make you be in awe of God that the sexual act results in a baby.
How does that all happen? How many things could possibly go wrong? Now sometimes things do go wrong, but in the vast majority of the cases,
God has, in an overarching way, superintended the birth process.
And how can a baby be born? You have to be blind. You have to be dead in your trespasses and sins.
You have to be given over by God, Romans chapter 1, to not say, that is God's handiwork.
How can that happen? There's a baby. There's a life. So anyway,
Bill Maher has a war on Christianity. I think he had one Jewish parent and one quote -unquote Christian parent.
I do believe in Judgment Day and that Bill Maher questions my judgment. That doesn't really bother me at all because we answer to one.
One day we're all going to stand before God and so will Bill Maher. You have to pray for Bill Maher that God would open his eyes because he's trying to make a living off of a lot of different things, including blasting
Christians. And so we have to look to our Savior. If it wasn't for God and God intervening in our lives,
God initiating that grace in our lives, then we'd be the exact same way. You just think about the person you despise the most, the person you dislike the most, the celebrity on the
TV that runs their mouth the most about politics and things that they don't understand, about the political person that you dislike the most, about your neighbor that you dislike the most, about your enemy whom you dislike the most.
And think to yourself, if it wasn't for the salvation of God, Psalm 3 says, salvation belongs to Yahweh.
If it wasn't for this God who can save and a God who saved us, we would be the exact same.
We would be on that list that people just despise. Now maybe we are on the list for Christ's righteousness,
Christ's sake, but the Bible teaches that God is our Savior. We've been saved from sin, death, hell,
God's wrath, separation from God's goodness, and the list goes on. But we've also been saved from this kind of foolish thinking, this kind of thinking that Bill Maher has.
We have been saved. Salvation is from the Lord. For I am the
Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior, Isaiah 43.
Aren't you thankful that you have a Savior? I the Lord am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob, Isaiah 49.
That is great. And we have been rescued by our sovereign Lord Jesus. He has come to seek and to save that which was lost.
We were lost people. We were just as lost as Bill Maher. Probably we were worse than Bill Maher. And then
God, based on His own free will, His own good pleasure, His own sovereign purposes, gladly sent
His Son, His Son gladly went, powered by the Spirit of God, to save sinners like us.
So we would be saved from our own sin, saved from Adam's imputed sin, saved from hell, saved from God's wrath, and saved from thinking like we used to think, which was not really much different than what
Bill Maher is talking about. And furthermore, here on No Compromise Radio Ministry, we were saved from the opposite extreme of Bill Maher.
If you're going to do opposites, kind of magnet plus and minus stuff, let's go to the opposite side of the spectrum and talk about Joe Osteen.
So on one side of the seesaw you've got Bill Maher, on the other side you've got Joe Osteen. Probably Osteen is worse.
Why? Because he cloaks things in Christian guise, in the livery of Christian Bible verses.
And with this corny saying at the beginning of his show, he uses the Bible. And so it's easier to swallow what he says because it's got the oil of Bible all over it.
Bill Maher will say the Bible's for loons, but Joe Osteen, he will say that he believes in the
Bible. And sometimes he teaches from the Bible. Once in a very great while, he'll actually get the intention of a
Bible verse correct. But overall, he torques the
Bible and he twists the Scriptures and he basically makes a laughing stock of the substitutionary atonement of Christ Jesus and how it is
God's will for us to follow the suffering servant, which means we suffer as Christians.
And so that doesn't mean we run around trying to find ways to suffer, but that's just what happens. And so you've got
Bill Maher on one end who hyper, what do
I want to say? If Osteen trivializes Christianity, then
Bill Maher, I don't think he trivializes it. He just mocks it. So we've got mockery or trivialization.
Which one is worse? Well, I think they're both just as bad. And I hate it that people think
Joe Osteen is an evangelical, that he is America's pastor. I liked it a lot better when people thought
Billy Graham was America's pastor, didn't you? You might disagree with some of Billy Graham's views on charismatic theology and on ecumenism and on what else?
Arminianism, altar calls, having Catholics on stage, there are a variety of things that we could take
Billy Graham to task for and on, it's fine. But he was a
Bible teacher. You look at his old 1950s messages and you will hear Billy Graham preach repentance and forgiveness through Christ Jesus alone.
So here we have Joe Osteen, now so -called America's pastor. And he said,
Jesus has a wonderful plan for your life. Well, that's common.
Every day, quote, can hold the same promise and opportunities for pure joy that we all experience at five o 'clock on Friday.
So five o 'clock, pure joy on Friday, work's done. Well, I'm not in corporate
America anymore, so I've kind of forgotten that feeling. But that's the joy you want. That's the epitome of it,
I guess. And if you go to his book, that's the top of the line right there.
That actually isn't in his book. That's Joe Osteen Ministries, Discover the Secret to Living Each Day to the Fullest.
joeosteen .com, landing pages, pages every day of Friday. Every day's a Friday. What does that mean?
That to me is just as bad, just as horrible as Bill Maher's.
Bill Maher initially makes me madder, but then when I look at Joe Osteen, I just say to myself, the pure joy that we all experience at five o 'clock on Friday.
Well, did you know, in his Best Life Now book, 2004, multi -bestseller, no wonder people buy this.
You have greater self -esteem, page 74. So if you do these promises that he says, and you are doing this moralistic therapeutic deism, word faith tinged, greater self -esteem.
That's actually bad. Read 2 Timothy chapter 3. People will be lovers of selves. That's not good.
We all have self -esteem, of course. We all love ourselves, of course. We all think about ourselves, of course.
We all are not trying to say that you need to be a cutter and cut yourself and speak badly about yourself and all these other things.
But we're realists, friends. Your marriage will be happier, page 199.
Actually, Jesus said you might lose your spouse. Come to Christ, you might lose your spouse. You might lose your kids.
They might all disown you. That's your best life now, I guess. Your children will be better behaved, page 199.
Really? Really, they'll be better behaved. So that's probably why I should do it. This drives me crazy.
Your health will improve, page 126. Maybe some of the people that I just buried, maybe we should tell them that.
Your health will improve. Come to Christ, your health might improve. How about come to Christ and you might get your head chopped off?
How about that? Is that improved health? Your finances will increase, page 25.
Really? You will be given promotions in your job field, page 5. You will own your own house, page 35.
You will even make that game -winning shot, page 110. You might get that prime parking space in the crowded mall lot, page 41.
You were born to win. You were born for greatness. You were created to be a champion in life, page 35.
That man is a liar. That's who that man is. That's what that man is. He's a liar and he lies.
And that's exactly what 1 Timothy 4 talks about. These hypocritical lie speakers. Doctrines of demons through puppet men.
And so for those of you who listen to Joe Osteen, you ought to stop it. You ought to stop pandering to your flesh and saying to yourself, do you know what?
This is going to be good for me. It's just like giving your child a rock instead of a loaf of bread.
It's just like giving your child a viper for breakfast. And you ought to stop. Who buys into this?
Jeremiah 6 would have some words for Joe Osteen, peace, peace when there is no peace. So today on No Compromise Radio, I just had this quote in front of me from Bill Maher and I thought,
Bill Maher, the mocker, and Joe Osteen, the false Bible guy who makes a trivialization of the
Christian life. Well, what else? You can write us at info at nocompromiseradio .com. We've been getting some emails in, not too many lately, but some.
Some like to write and we would welcome your comments, calls. Now we don't really take calls.
Sometimes we get people who call in, like somebody called this week and wanted to talk to me about what I was saying and how it wasn't good.
It wasn't right. And that's why we tell you info at No Compromise Radio because I can't take phone calls all the time.
If it was a call in radio station, we probably could, but we just can't do it. All right, what else is up on tap today?
My friend who's a listener, Barb. Barb listens faithfully and once in a while writes in.
Barb was telling me about her pastor and how they prayed for her the other day in context of conservative charismatic circles.
So we're not talking about lunatic French here. We're talking about within mainline evangelical denominations.
And so it says here, sorry I ranted. Okay, I feel better now. Just sat through a do good works sermon.
By the way, Barb, I'm very glad that you can notice those things. But I'm not glad that they teach them.
From our new assistant pastor, on top of him saying to the congregation, God told me this morning to pray for Barb today.
Come on up folks and let's pray. Okay, now she doesn't believe in this, but I'm sure she was glad to have prayer and she says so.
And I was grateful that so many people came to pray for me. But I was mortified and then funnily, is that a word,
Barb? Funnily, F -U -N -N -I -L -Y. Now we have funnel cakes here, deep fat fried stuff.
Kind of seems like it should be a New Jersey delicacy. I don't know if we have any
New Jersey listeners. Funnily, everyone who laid hands on me did so, so hard on my neck that I have been in pain since that morning.
When it was the best morning I'd had in weeks with no pain. If I didn't trust
God to know all this, I'd wonder. But I do, so it's okay. It's just quite funny what happens when
God tells us to do something. So how does that work? How does that work when
God tells us to do something and then we're causing harm because we're pushing on someone's degenerative disc so hard that it hurts them?
See, that is not to the extreme of Benny Hinn slaying someone in the spirit in Anaheim and then they fell over and hurt themselves because they were older, broke their hip and then eventually died.
Lawsuit out of court, settled out of court, but it's of the same kind.
It's not to the same degree, but it is of the same kind. It's of the
God told me kind. Why does God really tell people things anymore?
Now, if you are a typical charismatic, you'll say to me, yes, he does and God told me, therefore it must be true.
Friends, friends, friends. Haven't we listened to No Compromise Radio long enough to remember this point that truth is not determined by your experience?
Peter, James, and John up on top of the Mount of Transfiguration and what happened with Peter, James, and John?
They said they had the prophetic word, the word of God, even more sure.
And so we can't prove something by an experience. I could look at some colors and if I were colorblind,
I would tell you those colors are something else. And so my eyes don't always tell me the truth.
My experience is not always valid and certainly doesn't validate anything regarding gospel truth.
That's why we have the external truth. That's why if you want to think about things through your own experience, you have forgotten that you're not a
Quaker having the inner light to test things, to experience things, but that you actually believe the
Bible, which teaches that we are depraved people. And even after salvation, we have a sin hangover and that we can't trust ourselves.
The Bible teaches that fools trust themselves. We have to trust someone who is outside of us and a pristine, pure, unadulterated word called the
Bible. So when you say God told me, and it's just some voice in your head, or it's an impression, anything short of God, the
Holy Spirit brought this Bible truth to my mind, I think it's fair to say that you're living your life.
And then you say, you know, I was walking down the street and I wanted to look at this girl that was walking by.
And I thought about inappropriately looking at her and gazing at her and lusting upon her.
But a Bible verse popped into my mind and I couldn't do it anymore because I kept thinking about 1
John 2 and the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life and how
I wasn't supposed to do that. A repentance verse popped into my mind. Well, I think
God does that. God is not silent. I don't believe the Spirit of God is a deist who just sits back and does nothing.
No, our God dwells among us and dwells in us.
And our God, we have a relationship with this God because the Spirit of God does those kind of things, bringing
Bible verses to our mind and applying Bible scripture principles to our lives.
I get that, but I just don't want you to call it God told me. And so when someone says
God told me to pray for someone, why can't this pastor just say the obvious, the biblically literate thing to say?
That is, we've got a dear sister here, Barb. I know she struggles regularly. God tells us to pray for people, and why don't we have her come up and pray for her?
Okay, why doesn't he just say that? To put the God moniker on it, to put the God talk on it, the nomenclature that God is telling me, that strikes against sola scriptura, against what we have taught regarding the
Bible and revelation. God is not revealing new truth. Just say God is illumining the scripture so I can understand it.
God is bringing up verses in my mind so I can apply the verses to the right situation. Pray always, or something from James 5.
If somebody's sick, have them call the elders or something. I think sick there means weakness, but God just told me to say that.
So when someone says to you, God says something, why don't you just say, what chapter and verse is that? Well, today on No Compromise Radio, it was just a variety of things.
We've gone from Bill Maher to Joe Osteen to when you pray for somebody, don't push hard on their neck.
That's pretty much it today on No Compromise Radio. If you'd like to write us, info at NoCompromiseRadio .com
or you can go to NoCoEver .com for the video series with Carl Truman, James White, myself, and Phil Johnson, highlights of Greece tour.
You can also go online and email me and I'll send you the packet. If you want to write any question to us, we'll try to answer your emails to the best of our ability.
As long as you're not, you know, railing and foaming at the mouth, we'll try to answer your questions.
My name's Mike Abendroth, NoCompromiseRadio .com. Why don't you call the station and tell them you're listening. We'll see you next time.