Can Barren Women Have Fur Babies?


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Like think about it like we're so hostile to children. We want to kill children. We think children are completely optional We think marriage or marriage is completely optional.
We think abortion on demand is just Fine and okay It's okay to kill them as much as we want to you know
If they stand in the way of our sexual, you know, liberty and freedom and all that So like in that kind of worldview where we utterly despise human beings like you think like you think that this is just being petty warning the following message may be offensive to some audiences these audiences may include but are not limited to professing christians who never read their bible sissies sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers
White knights for men with man buns homemakers who have finished netflix But don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies your discretion is advised
People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio The message of christianity is that salvation is found in christ a logic christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation any hope of heaven
The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of almighty god is
Hanging over our head They will hear his words They will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish god wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
Welcome to bible bash where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions
You're not allowed to ask We're your host harrison kerrigan pastor tim mullett and today we'll answer the age -old question
Can barren women have fur babies now as we kick this episode off tim?
What bible verse do you have for us? Yeah, proverbs 30 15 through 16 says the leech has two daughters give and give
Three things are never satisfied four never say enough shale the barren womb the land that's satisfied with water and the fire that never says enough
Okay, so so why bring up that bible verse as the as our sort of proof text for the episode yeah,
I mean there's a lot of verses that we can go to for sure, but then uh, I I think there is like a understandable
Dynamic that god will bring up as you talk about the topic of barren wombs meaning like of all the things that God says like he does list like the barren womb is something that's never satisfied
Meaning like god Understands that it is a significant trial for women in general to not be able to have babies like that's just obvious And you know when women, you know are unable to have children you can you can see
Just how much of a significant struggle? It is for them even today like even in the kind of society like ours is just so hostile to children and In all the ways that it's hostile
Uh to children like you you can see that like ladies they they definitely struggle with this But then you know when you talk about the fur baby discussion, it's like Inevitably, like if you were to say hey, you know fur babies like that's stupid
That's wrong That's nonsense. Like that's not right. You know, that's not what god's designed them to do
Like this is like a form of lying. This is a form of deception Invariably someone's going to bring up like the barren lady at that point and say hey, yeah
You know this isn't very sensitive to women who are suffering from infertility and all that and You know, it's obviously like when you're if you were to talk about like the fur baby phenomenon there has to be some way to talk about the fur baby phenomenon and say hey, this is just a
You know destructive satanic lie like the cat lady woman. Like that's just a problem. That's a real negative thing, right?
So the fur baby phenomenon this is just a profound like reversal of a created order
In this way, this is not good. Like people should be able to say that kind of thing and See like just how much of a problem it is
But then instantaneously people were going to bring up, you know, what about the you know, the barren womb lady Like isn't that kind of understandable?
It's like yeah, i'm not really even talking about the barren womb lady in this kind of scenario But the vast majority of women are not barren
I mean if they're barren, they're barren by choice. They're not like unwillingly barren So i'm not really talking about that kind of scenario and I can understand what's happening in that kind of scenario
And I can sympathize to a certain degree With what's happening in that kind of scenario, but that still doesn't change the dynamics of the fur baby scenario like that's like you you have to be able to Separate the emotion out of it and talk about what is the bible say about pets?
Like what is the bible say about animals at that point and are we to describe them as children? And you have to be able to have that discussion without You know a bunch of people coming along and taking offense on behalf of barren women
Yeah, I you know from my perspective it seems like one of these topics where certainly anyone
You know anyone who's barren you would want to Show some kind of sympathy to them in general
You know because of the circumstance or the trial that they're now having to face that god's given them
Um, you know obvious I mean the the bible says as much like like you read earlier and you know
Even just as a as a parent Or someone who wants to become a parent but isn't barren
You there should be something in you that says like hey, I understand that not being able to become a parent
Is a big deal, right? And and that's a that's a significant thing to have to deal with at the same time it seems really strange to You know to then take that sympathy and turn it into a weapon
You can almost just do whatever you want because god's given you this specific trial, right?
And so That's the logic in every area What do you mean? I mean like that's that's the victim logic
So once once people adopt the victim label, then the inevitable result of the victim label is you can't slam shame the victim
You can't blame the victim And you basically have to let them do whatever they want like there's no rules that apply to them and that's like that's true of all the
Like the fake victim stuff, right? But then in the case of like the in the case of a barren woman, she's like a true victim
Is that right? Yeah, I mean for the most part I mean, there's some there's some situations where women can be buried barren because they you know
Were promiscuous in the past and that kind of stuff. And so this is just them receiving the due penalty for their
Errors, okay so, I mean i'm not discounting that that's a possibility like meaning like the
There is like a culpable kind of barrenness that can happen for sure, you know That doesn't mean that I mean just acknowledging that that doesn't mean you're kicking anyone while they're down or something like that It's still a trial, right?
Sure, yeah, you know, I but it is what it is, you know, so but then at the same but in this kind of case but this is definitely
All the victim rules apply to this one and like way more, you know in the minds of many people meaning like they like In the minds of many people if there's someone who's barren is like obviously it's like not their fault idiot, you know
And therefore just give them whatever they want because they're suffering and so you just have that kind of out of control
Sympathy that you're supposed to grant You know and more than that like you're supposed to grant empathy with them, right?
you're supposed to feel what they're feeling and get down there in the Mud and then just like let them do whatever they want
But then part of the problem is it's just like that's toxic empathy, you know, and that's not actually good for anyone it's not good for victims to just be given a free pass to Emote and feel whatever they're going to feel in perpetuity and do whatever they're going to do in perpetuity forever in fact
I mean that's like the worst thing that you can do for true victims is just to grant them this
Get out of jail free card to sin with impudence for sure Yeah, that's that seems really dangerous but then you know the thing that's strange to me about it is just There are other alternatives
As a you know as a as a barren person You know mainly meaning like adoption, right?
assume, you know assuming you're a husband, you know a husband and wife and and Someone in the marriage is barren
Then you know like adoption's totally an option now, I guess I guess there is some
Discussion to be had about the current adoption system that you might live under but then just as a general talking point
That's an option totally But so so it seems weird to me If we're talking if we're talking primarily right now about the barren person
Getting a bunch of fur babies My I guess my question would just be well why why animals
When they're when there are Alternatives. Yeah. I mean, yeah, you know, you know maybe you have a situation where you have a lady who's unable to get married and wants to get married and you know,
No one will marry her and and so then you have a different kind of barrenness there, right? So you have like a barrenness that comes from like no one will marry her but I mean
I Yeah, definitely in like in all of these cases, I mean no one ever Like what you're not allowed to do is say hey god has other
Better plans than this, right? Like this is never a good plan. Anyways, this is like a dumb plan.
This is a stupid plan So like you trying to mother this dog or this cat You trying to get like fulfill those mothering impulses with that like you're just you're doing something destructive
I mean you'd be much better like you you do, um, what's it called a You it'd be much better investment of your time to adopt a human being like if you're married for sure
And actually be a mother, okay Like yeah, like that would be like that's what especially considering like hey, that's a person who otherwise
Wouldn't have had any parents, right? And I mean and let's say that you're single and you're unwillingly single or whatever else
I mean like I I know that you're not really allowed to say this but I mean, I do think that a lot of people
Turn to animals they turn to pets in a way that keeps them from facing like certain aspects of their personality
That would fundamentally need to change in order to make them like the kind of person that More people would want to marry.
Do you know what i'm saying? So like this is this is like a this is like an escapist route
Anyways, like this is not good like like there's nothing good about the fur fur children route Like all it is is it's just a distraction from the things that god's calling you to do
So I mean and that doesn't mean that it's wrong to have a pet or whatever else but it's just like Like this it is wrong to treat them like as as if they're a human being like that's fundamentally immoral
And there's it's not going to do anything good for you, you know so it's just it's just going to be this thing that is just Keeping you from fulfilling the things that god actually wants you to be in your life, you know and like let's suppose that you make you know, you do everything possible to make yourself a you know a desirable marriage partner and No one wants to take you up on the offer or maybe you you know
You're such a good marriage partner that like to the point where like all you got is a bunch of scoundrels out there and you know like uh
And your godliness is actually repelling them or whatever else I mean like still like like there are lessons that come from suffering and like just trying to you know
Play pretend with an animal was never going to fix it, you know So I I mean what you have with the fur baby stuff is you have something very similar to the transgender problem basically
Okay. What do you mean by that? I mean like the issue is like if you have a man who's pretending to be a woman like the
We shouldn't lie right Yeah, like you shouldn't lie and you shouldn't pretend like hey, they're a man just because like They're a woman because they say that they're a woman.
So I i'm not gonna lie for you You know, i'm not gonna pretend like this is actually happening. And so just because you're suffering just because you're in a trial
That doesn't mean it's okay to lie about this animal and treat it like as if it's an actual human being and and you shouldn't
Ask me to participate in this delusion with you Because i'm not going to participate in this delusion with you because I realize the truth is going to set you free
So like that's the issue like the truth is going to set you free and god's ways are right and you know obviously like man has been given dominion over the animals and The animals are a fundamentally different kind of creation than humans are and you know what when adam was in the garden like god paraded all the animals in front of him and God said about man.
He's like before woman was created. He says it's not good for man to be alone And like that's the thing like that's the thing about this topic.
So adam was considered alone by god Despite the fact that all these animals animals exist and god says it's not good for him to be alone
But he's going to make a helper fit for him and so there's no companionship for for adam to be found among the animals god had to make a additional creation right
Woman in order for him to no longer be alone and have the companionship that he needed from other human beings
And so like that's like these are theological points like we're not going to forsake these theological points just because someone is suffering
From something right and like the to the extent to which you're trying to be adam in the garden finding your companion among the animals
You're in you're embarking on a failed endeavor. It's not going to end well It's not going to be what you think it's going to be
It's not going to do for you what you think it's going to do And I mean that stupid animal is going to die in a few years And then you're going to be a blubbering mess of tears and asking for prayers on the internet
You know because you did you were looking for something that In like in an animal that you should be finding in a human being right?
And so you like that's the problem and like that's not what god's called you to do He's called you to you know, find those fulfillment those desires in marriage and adoption in the church, you know, even to a lesser extent
Um, so I mean there's all sorts of like avenues for human companionship, but this isn't the one here
Yeah, and and I totally agree with you that I mean this is an issue that's coming out of a much larger issue
Which is the the fact that we as a society worship animals in many ways right and so I mean you can
You know, you can you can look back thousands of years and and look at like the egyptians for example
And the way that they seem to honor animals. I mean they even made their gods in the form of you know a bunch of animals mashed into One figure a lot of times and you can look at that and scoff and say hey, you know
Oh how we have advanced as a society, but the reality is We're we're worshiping animals the same way they did it just functions a lot differently than it did for them and and really
You know, really if if you want depending on how how far you want to go in this kind of discussion
We're really not even that far off because I mean you've got you've got people dressing up like animals now
You've got people pretend, you know wishing they had like cat girlfriends and stuff and you know
So so maybe we maybe we shouldn't scoff so much at the as at these ancient pagan societies and assume we're so much better because Oftentimes we end up doing all the same things that they do and really we don't even at this point
We don't even look that much different from them anymore It's funny some relatives of mine were out in public recently and they saw like a furry
They saw one out in the wild Yeah in an animal like suit, you know, like in an animal suit in public with the leash on you know all on all fours in the public, you know, it's just like Yeah, I mean this is so this this is where we're at, huh?
I mean, it's funny You look at all the errors that our society has right now and it's like they're all in the opening chapters of genesis, man
They are all in the opening chapters of genesis Like we're just like if you want to know who we are where we come from where we're going all these basic worldview questions
You read the opening chapters of genesis and what you'll see is, you know God makes man as a distinct create creature like distinct from the animals.
He's created in the image of god Unlike the animals, right? Like these are theological points that are being made right in the opening chapters of the bible like man is the pinnacle of god's creation
Who is created in the image of god unlike animals like all like all that's true it's not good for men to be alone like god prayed to the animals in front of Adam and he says there was no helper found for adam among the
Among the animals, you know, and so he makes woman in order to be that companion for him the companion that he needs
You know, so you you find all those things in there and you know What are we doing? Like we're worshiping and serving the uh, the creation rather than the creator who's going to be blessed forever and ever.
Amen And I mean even jesus like he brings this he he touches on this point too
And I bring this up and everyone like is scandalized by the fact that I bring it up But I mean he like he direct directly appeals to this principle in genesis in order to make a different theological point but I mean, you know, he he looks at that at the uh,
The woman and he he basically says it's not good to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs, right? Now her response is obviously yeah, but even the dogs eat the food that falls from the master's table
And all that and so I mean jesus is making a point basically by appealing to these creation realities, right?
So he's making he's obviously making a theological point there but like the the but the point there is he's saying something that's true
He's saying hey, it's not it's immoral to mix up these categories like this And then she she does she doesn't she grants the point.
She says yes, it is immoral, right? Like i'm not a jew, right? So I don't deserve the children's bread because i'm not a jew, but perhaps you could give me the scraps, right?
So but then the whole point there is just to say that everyone in that encounter knows It's not good to give the children's bread to the dogs
But what we've done is we've taken the dogs and we're making them children, right? so everyone with the biblical worldview who's read genesis knows that like you don't mix up these categories and And I mean obviously hey, we're not like you have, you know new stories of people trying to marry their pets
Like, you know every time we post a comment on this online social media Every time
I talk about this in real life, you know instantaneously you're going to have people saying That animals are better than humans like in an honor and ironic way
I mean, we're a nation that's killed 60 million babies And then we worship these pets and we spend all of our money on these pets.
And I mean, it's ridiculous. I mean yeah, you call I call up a region's bank, you know one of the banks
I bank with and You know, they're talking about taking out a second mortgage to give your furry friend the backyard they deserve, you know
So, I mean, it's just like we're we're insane man, you know, and we're one step away from like full -on normalizing bestiality
And everything else and so I mean it's like, you know, obviously like people are not
They don't know how to deal with like the creation like they should and yeah. Yeah, you definitely get a extremely visceral reaction
Talking about this subject just in general. I mean just just remove the the hey the barren woman or the barren man
Whatever remove that from the conversation and just talk about the hey, you are mothering this cat
You are you are pretending that you are this dog's father You are a human being doing that right and you will get such a visceral
Reaction out of people all you know, like I mean just they will bring up the most insane points to try and disprove your position
They will argue the most, you know, they will they will appeal to emotion as much as humanly possible
I mean, this is an example. This discussion is an example. What about the barren woman you monster?
Are you going to deny her that? Well, I mean i'm just going off of what the bible said, you know,
I mean, hey, are you really willing to die on this hill? Really, you know and and my response is just Well, are you really willing to kill me on this hill?
You know, I mean seriously like we're talking about Animals right now the funny one the funnier.
Yeah, some of the funnier ones are um You know, aren't there more important issues? Aren't there more important?
I mean, you know, there there's certainly a lot of pressing issues out there right now But I I think most people probably severely underestimate when you're at the point
Someone might make the argument someone might make the argument In relation to the furry stuff, right someone someone dressing up like an animal pretending that they are an animal themselves
Someone might make the argument Well, hey if it's so wrong, why aren't there any commands against it in the bible?
Well, the reason that you know, the reason there might not necessarily be a direct command You know directed specifically at not because they were dressing up like a furry
Yeah, it's because like you are you're like four steps past the command, you know
The command's already given like to get to this point you had to break four other commands already
They would have never even considered this because they weren't as stupid as we are as a society
I mean, come on it is like I mean, it's just abject pagan paganism. That's what it is
Okay, so we're just so far down the gutter like the romans one sewer like we're past romans one
Like we're like we've mixed up these things so much to the point where we can't even see straight anymore
I mean, it's just like hey, uh, I don't know what to tell you Have you read the first few chapters of the bible where it god says that man has created the image of god?
Did he say that about animals? No, he didn't Man is given dominion over animals
We're a different kind of creation, you know, and you're you're like live -action role -playing as if you're an animal right now
Like that's no that's no different than transgenderism, you know, you're Transpeciesism like that's what you're doing.
You're protecting in your Speciesism you're you're making you're demanding that everyone validate your delusion
But I mean that only comes from this like worldview that's like utterly hostile like think about it Like we're so hostile to children.
We want to kill children. We think children are completely optional We think marriage or marriage is completely optional. We think abortion on demand is just Fine and okay
It's okay to kill them as much as we want to you know If they stand in the way of our sexual, you know, liberty and freedom and all that So like in that kind of worldview where we utterly despise human beings
Like you think like you think that this is just being petty and just like, you know Oh, ha ha ha it's just pretend.
It's not really that big deal Whatever like you you think that but then you need to take a step back and realize like what happens to a society when they don't
Replace their population right like the issue is like We're like we're barely having kids anymore like civilizations collapsed because of these problems and why do you think we're doing it, you know so,
I mean I at one of the Churches that i've ministered at in the past. I mean there is a situation where I was at this funeral
And you know the guy had the the guy had died and both of his kids came to this funeral, right?
So both of his kids came to this funeral and I mean, it's like one of the saddest indictments on Like the legacy of like this
You know quote unquote christian man, right? Like uh, and i'm not necessarily throwing him under the bus.
I'm just trying to say think about his legacy Like this is his legacy. So you have his two single kids coming to the funeral
And they're both in their early 30s And they're both unmarried And like the girl has her hair cut all short, you know
Because she's a working woman and everything else and they both have their pets they have to bring To To to the house
Because like that was their companion. So that's like the guy's legacy. His legacy is he has two single kids in their early 30s
You know who are pursuing careers? Who have pets? Like that's their life
Like that's their life their life is that like they're trying to get out of this animal like they're normal healthy
People that should have been married a long time ago, you know and like but then they're in their early 30s Have no interest in marriage you talk to them about that.
They don't have any desire to be married They don't know if they're ready to get married and responsibility of marriage and kids and all that stuff
But they have these desires for companionship that they're looking to these animals to get right?
yeah, like they're little babies that they have to bring that they talk about as if they're their babies and that's Like if you don't see that that's the problem.
I don't know what to tell you that's a huge problem and that's like and that's not even that's not uncommon like most people are getting pets before they're
Married before they're Like as prerequisites to being in marriage. I mean most couples will get a pet as their first step instead of having a kid
I mean like in not like and I'm not even saying like like unironically doing it
And then and then they'll have the audacity to post on social media like a picture of like when they finally get around to having a child the dog with a
T -shirt on or something that says like big sis or something like that hahahaha
I mean, it's just it's that bad. Like we're like we're delaying marriage. We're delaying children, you know, and we're
You know people can't Fight god's design completely like the issue is you can't just utterly reject who you are
Like what you're going to do is you're going to find some sort of substitute that's going to like carry you over, right? So so like the issue is god god has called you to just like to be fruitful multiply fill the earth and subdue it
When people reject marriage, they don't reject sex, right? Right when people reject children like they they get animals, right?
Like they they like the issue is they have these natural desires and they're going to fulfill them one way or another
And the way that we're fulfilling them with all these substitutes. It's just a train wreck Absolutely. Yeah, I totally agree.
Okay. Well, I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation on so thank you tim For answering all my questions there and sort of walking us through that It certainly is a very concerning, you know thing for a for so many different reasons for all of the spiritual reasons
Uh, you know in in terms of like we're denying the way the created order of things
That god intended we're trying to rebel against that. It's it's very concerning for all of the societal implications as well especially the whole like Once you stop having kids,
I mean it's not long before your society collapses before there's there's more Elderly pop.
There's a higher elderly popular population than there is a young working force population. That's a legit a society destroyer and we're we're staring right at it right now with the with the way that people are or at the rate that uh, people are having kids right now and and you know,
I mean that's not even to Bring up the whole like hey, you know, what about adopt you're denying adoption in order to have a pet instead and There's just so many issues with this.
It's very concerning that people that people have the response the visceral responses against you that they do when
When you bring up that this is a problem that needs to be talked about So so certainly this is something for everyone listening to think through and think, you know think through hey
Have I have I been the person who's done these things? Have I tried to replace? uh children
Have I tried to replace people with animals and in any significant way and that's certainly something to consider hey, there's probably a sin there that I need to repent of and um, and and you know reflecting on those things and going to god and asking for his forgiveness for these things so With all that being said we appreciate all the support you guys show to us week in and week out interacting with us online watching listening to the podcast
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