Christian Response to Chauvin Verdict


Join us for the new episode of Apologia Radio! We talk through the death of George Floyd and the recent guilty verdict of Derek Chauvin. These platforms won't help this information get out. You can help us by sharing. You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


I would say if the authorities didn't want us involved in the public square, they ought not to have crucified
Jesus in the public square. Use humanistic principles. It's the same idea. It's the same end.
I would say what's the problem with stardust bumping into stardust? In the cosmic picture? None.
There's no problem. In the cosmic picture, it won't matter. No, Mr.
President, you are not protecting reproductive freedom. You are authorizing the destruction of freedom for one million little human beings every year.
I'm sorry, my friends, but I am tired of seeing Jesus presented as a weak beggar.
He is a powerful savior and the gospel is not a suggestion, it is a command.
Reverend Haller, don't you sympathize with that? I sympathize with every single human heart wishing to know the one true and living
God, but I believe there's only one way that that can happen through Jesus Christ and the gospel is about repenting of sin, not celebrating it.
An amazing adventure.
We will explore the spiritual abyss. You have not experienced this before.
What's up, guys? Welcome back to another episode of Apologia Radio. Apologia Studios is where you get us.
Apologia Studios dot com. A -P -O -L -O -G -I -A studios dot com. Exodus 23 verse 1.
You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.
You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit siding with the many so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit.
Verse 6. Exodus 23. You shall not pervert the justice due to the poor in his lawsuit.
Keep far from a false charge and do not kill the innocent and righteous, for I will not acquit the wicked.
That's Exodus 23, y 'all. Good stuff. I'm Jeff. They call me the Ninja. That's Luke the Bear. What up?
And that's Joy the Girl right there. Hello. We are back. I encourage everybody to go to Apologia Studios dot com again.
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So praise God for you who partner with us. Praise God that he allows us to do this amazing thing to declare his excellency, to preach his gospel and to defend the
Christian faith as we're able to do so regularly. Quick pointing to May 4th in Columbia, South Carolina.
May 4th, Columbia, South Carolina. I believe it's 10 a .m. at the Capitol, state
Capitol. We're going to have the rally for equal protection there. 10 Eastern time. That's right. Yeah.
Their time. Yes. So that's happening. Columbia, South Carolina, May 4th. And I'll be there speaking at the rally.
We have a bill for equal protection for all human beings. This is a great moment we're in. We have four states already in 2021 and by May that are having bills for equal protection.
We need you there. Join us May 4th, 10 a .m. at the state Capitol in South Carolina. Columbia, South Carolina.
Okay. So big day today, right? Big show today. Very big.
Let's go start. Joy, start us off with something happy. Well, I don't know how recently
I've done this. We haven't for a long time. It's been a minute. I almost wonder if people will be like, why is she sharing this stupid thing?
You need to go back and watch the original episodes of Apology Radio or listen to them. We used to do all kinds of things.
I used to be known to every once in a while just bring some fun, interesting quirkiness.
Animals. Yeah. Prank calls. To the show. You can't even prank call anymore.
You can't prank call. There's also no Christian bookstores. There's also that problem. Yeah. I know. You can't prank call
Amazon. They can't be like, let me go check. Does Amazon give you a number to call? And Amazon has everything. Yeah. They'll type in whatever ridiculous thing we say and they'll be like, yeah, we have it.
Or they'll be like, hey stupid, that doesn't exist. Or you could have just looked it up on Amazon. We should try that actually.
You see that search bar there on Amazon? Try that. We should come up with a lot of crazy things and see if they actually have it.
But that's why Mortimer does so well with that because he sounds like an old man that can't use technology. Right.
And you certainly, if he really is an old man, you certainly don't want to accuse him of being a fake caller.
I want one of the big patents, a big patent where it's an oil patent. It's Joel Osteen holding a lamb.
Wearing a mask. Wearing a mask. Because he's laughing at his neighbor. All right.
Okay. So this is a news article that I just loved. I loved that it happened, even though it's ridiculous.
So the story is about a woman in Poland and here we are. Is this a real woman?
Yeah. Okay. Yes. Well, as far as we know. Not a dude in a dress. That's what she reported as her pronouns.
Okay. Well, she said a woman, but I don't know if her pronouns are she, her. You never know these days.
Anyway. But actually, this article does have something to do with something looking like another thing.
Anyway, she noticed that there was some kind of animal in the tree outside of her building and she saw it there for a few days.
And so she thought it might be like an animal that needs help. Well, first she said that she thought it was an iguana, which
I don't often think of iguanas when I think of Poland. Definitely not.
Do they live in Poland? Iguanas with parkas. Anyway.
That's an image I'm not getting out of my head for a long time. A little raincoat. We need to create a shirt.
An apology. Apology, a storm. Iguana with a parka. Apology, a radio. We're the best. We're the best.
I love it. Okay. So the article just says when officers showed up on the scene,
I'm assuming that means she called some sort of law enforcement department or some kind of animal help department.
Here it says the Krakow Animal Welfare Society. They're the ones that ended up like reporting a lot of information.
They make some good ham. But they weren't the ones that went out. You ever have Krakow ham? Is that real?
Yeah. He's like ham. It's really. We used to get in hoagies back in Chicago.
Oh, yeah. Because there's a big, there's a large Polish population. Krakow ham. It's the real deal. That's starting to make more sense now.
They make good sausages too. Anyway. This was not an iguana. It wasn't even an animal.
It was a croissant. We were just way off. So anyway, it just kind of tickled me to think that like she reported this.
Someone had to attend to the call. And like someone had to get a ladder.
How did that croissant get up there is the question. Well, somebody theorized that basically someone just threw.
This whole article is ridiculous. Was it a green croissant? They interviewed someone and then put a quote into this article of someone saying,
I think someone just threw it out their window into the tree. Very scientific reporting going on here.
So she thought she saw an iguana with a parka, but it was actually a croissant. The rules of investigation.
And she might not be a she. We don't really know that for sure. This is very interesting. So basically, my favorite line of this entire article and the whole reason
I'm sharing this article with you guys reads as follows. The animal rescue did not mention what happened to the croissant after it was retrieved from the tree.
They fed it to an iguana. I can picture the officer just came back to the door with his mouth full.
He was like just chewing on something. He was like, don't worry, just a croissant. Well, and so what that last line says to me is that this poor person who's probably is in one hundred and twenty thousand dollars in student loan debt to become a journalist was handed this story.
And they were like, we need you to we need you to find something to say about this story. And he was like,
I guess I'll call someone who lives in the building. And, you know, maybe they have some thoughts about what happened.
Was it your croissant? And so that means somebody was basically ordered to interview people about this croissant and find out official details.
And then they probably had a word limit. So they were like, OK, I'm about a sentence short, but people are going to want to know what happened.
So I might not leave this article unfinished. What is this like MSNBC? Like what we've got happening in the world and in North America and all over the world and in Poland, apparently not much is happening.
There's a croissant in a tree. Well, that's what I mean. This poor person, David, David Moye, this poor guy.
What's his last name? M -O -Y -E Moye. But yeah, you know that he he's like really with everything going on right now.
You're giving me the croissant in the tree story. David, you're going to take the croissant story this way.
Oh, I'll tell you. I got the croissant story. Or maybe they just have like a bread division. You know, I went to school.
Did I tell you guys that? Maybe. Oh, gosh. It just inspired a bunch of bread puns.
But what I was going to say, maybe they thought it was a matter of life and death. And you're on a roll today.
This guy, actually, to David Moye's credit, he did. He said when officers showed up at the scene, they were able to nab the mystery animal.
Bread handed. That's awesome. Very good. That's very good. Oh, thank you,
Joy. We got some we got some antsy people in the thread there. Yeah, I know. Thank you, everybody.
I was just thinking the intro. We should we should make a new intro, but have Matt do it. Because with his voice, he's got that radio voice.
Instead of that like cheesy 10 year old one we have. You're going to love it. That was just from like an app.
Yeah, it was like a robot or something. Just app with different announcer voices and things. Yeah, that was low budget, but it worked out.
It worked out. The app was like five bucks on Apple. It worked out. Now we got someone that can be legit.
I didn't have to pay anybody to do anything special. I just we pulled it together. We made it happen. That's how we do things.
Oh, yeah. OK, everybody. Thank you for being here today and listening. We are going to talk today about a
Christian response to the Chauvin verdict. And I know this is we know that this is a very important issue.
It's also a very controversial issue. This incident led to inappropriately, we would say, led to the destruction of some many lives in terms of people blowing up people's businesses, the looting, the rioting, all the evil that happened, burning down cities and just injuring people.
People died as a result of what we call mob justice.
Now, I want to just start this by saying in relation to mob justice, I read at the beginning of the episode today,
God's law gives us standards of justice, how you're supposed to live your life to uphold justice. All the talk we have going on in the world today about social justice and those sorts of things, they don't even know what it means.
I don't want to listen to a Marxist talking to me about social justice because they don't have a worldview that makes sense of justice.
They don't have a worldview that can comport with this standard of justice. When you affirm dialectical materialism, which is what the leaders of Black Lives Matter, at least the official organization, what they believe, when you affirm dialectical materialism, when you're a trained
Marxist, don't talk to me about social justice because I don't believe you. You don't have a worldview that can make sense of it. Go all the way.
Go all the way in when he essentially says that nothing matters and there is no standard of right and wrong, and then talk to me about justice.
It's absolute, it's a charade. It's a charade. And so the issue, though, of justice,
I like that consideration of the word justice because God's word, God's law, is all about justice, righteous statutes, justice in society.
I read at the beginning of the episode just one little clip of what God says about not going with the mob.
Don't go with the mob. Don't falsely accuse somebody. God will not hold you guiltless for false accusations and those sorts of things.
I mean, God even has standards in his law. We talked about this recently where in God's law, the standard of justice for court is that you are presumed innocent.
By the way, do you like that? The presumption of innocence? You like that? I like it. I like it a lot. You know where that comes from?
God's law. Didn't come from secularism. Didn't come from atheism. Didn't come from Darwin. It didn't come from Engels or Marx.
The whole standard of innocent until proven guilty. Yeah, that's from God's word. Thank Moses for that.
We've been talking a lot about God's law lately, haven't we? We sure have. We sure have. But you know, all the talk about justice, it's an important consideration.
And here's the issue for us. God's word has an answer for it. So look,
Christians, we're going to disagree. We just had a gentleman in here a little bit earlier today. We are 99 % in a lockstep theologically.
And we disagree on what we all consider a significant issue. It's not a salvific issue, but it's a significant issue. It doesn't cause me to lose any respect for the man.
I respect him. I love him. It's an area where we disagree. It's a tertiary issue. It's on the side.
It's considered adiophora. It's on the side. We're going to have disagreements, and we shouldn't divide over it. Cancel culture has destroyed
Christian communion in the United States in our generation. It really has.
Oh, you don't agree with me on everything. Canceled. I'm going to cancel you. It's bled into the church as well.
It's ridiculous. We can't even have disagreements, even sharp disagreements, with each other any longer and still remain in unity and fellowship and together.
I mean, we do so much better together and it's obedience to love your brother and to be in unity and harmony with each other.
So I just want to start this by saying, listen, we may say things in today's episode that you disagree with.
Here's the deal. What we're upholding here as believers is we're saying the Word of God has to be the standard here. Like this whole question of Chauvin and the death of George Floyd, we need to filter that not through the lens of Engels and Marx and modern secular humanistic thinking.
We're not trying to do this according to some concept, some nebulous concept of natural law. We have the words of the living
God. He says, this is how you handle justice. This is what you're supposed to do. We should be filtering. So even if we come to disagreements on issues, we should be fighting saying, well, what exactly does it say?
And at the end of the day, in an issue like this, what's with the division? What's with the all caps typing to one another?
Let's just sever the relationships. I don't respect you anymore. I'm out of here. I've seen that even on some stuff on our platform.
We say one thing someone disagrees with. It's just like, it's mild. And they're like, I'm out. I'm not listening anymore.
Cancel culture has now infected the church. It's like, wait a second. I wouldn't treat you like that. It's just such a silly thing.
So I want to say at the start of this, can we lay a foundation here to say this? Look, Christ is Lord. He's God in the flesh.
We trust in Him and Him alone for salvation and for forgiveness. The Word of God is the standard. If we have disagreements, we have to disagree.
But of course, for all of us, we have to be tested by that standard of scripture. I'll let you guys say anything before I move on. I was just going to say, in reference to the mob justice, did you happen to catch what
Maxine Waters said before they released the verdict and stuff? Yeah, I heard some of it.
So I don't want you to quote me on this because I didn't actually hear it. But essentially she was saying we demand first degree murder, nothing else, and basically threatened to end the fighting and mob justice if that wasn't the case.
And she's the same woman who on January 6th and following January 6th was saying this is the president who incited violence and da -da -da -da -da.
It's not okay for the political enemy to do it, but when you do it, it's perfectly acceptable.
And people get hurt by this stuff. That's the problem. People get hurt all across the country.
We have such short memories now because of social media. It's over with, it's done, we don't care anymore because everything is just coming at us so fast.
So much information is constantly bombarding us. But yeah, that's a good example. That just recently happened. All the
Democrats were like, you incited violence, well okay, I think he said the opposite, but prove it.
I guess I'm willing to listen. But then they turn around and say make sure you do something. It's obvious.
It's inciting violence. I was going to say
I just think, well I heard, I've obviously heard a lot of response to the whole thing, but I did hear,
I heard something from someone on social media that kind of pricked my ears up and it kind of made me realize something about the larger situation that we're in.
And basically, this girl was like, I'm so glad he is guilty and I can't believe there even had to be a trial because we had the video.
And I thought, yeah, my first thought was like, oh that's like totally ridiculous. But then it made me think people who reject
God don't even have, like why would they, like why does our country think that someone needs a trial?
Before they're punished under the law. You need
Moses for that. Right. And so it actually, so once I thought about it,
I was like, it doesn't actually surprise me that much that someone would think that a trial in this instance is not even necessary.
Just string them up. Because they've totally given, their worldview doesn't account for that at all unless they're saying, well, we're okay with using the
Bible to figure out maybe a few laws or if what it gave us is good, then we'll use it pragmatically or whatever.
But well, and it also made me, it made me realize that a lot of people believe that and that's why, that's why like a lot of it, you saw this a lot during Me Too, that's why people circumvent the law and they believe they can actually get justice on social media or by canceling people or by exposing people.
That's why people think that because they don't actually have a coherent understanding of what a trial would be for or why they would want to have a trial.
And that's why people think that real justice can be found by just like posting a picture of someone on Facebook and being like, this guy assaulted me because people legitimately believe you can get justice on the court of law.
And that shouldn't surprise us at all because they don't have any coherent like meaning for a trial or anything that would be consistent and so it makes sense that everyone would suddenly be like, oh, well, the court doesn't really do anything and it doesn't really get us justice anyway.
So this is how we, as a people who don't believe in trials, like can, this is our trial.
This is the version of our justice that we're offering. Yeah, and there's a whole history behind this.
Of course, in the history of Christianity you have many opportunities or you can point to many examples in Christian history where when
Christians were transformed by the gospel and a whole culture was transformed by the gospel and the nation is coming to Christ they're obviously pointing to God's law and his standards.
Not operating properly in their own sphere or domain and you have what took place even before this great
American experiment before the Huguenots and the Pilgrims and the Puritans came over. Those people actually experienced something over in Europe where people were allowed to even just come into their homes and start searching for stuff without a warrant.
They were allowed to just essentially assume the guilt of the person it was just perversions of justice abounding and they were even brought into court with the assumption of guilt and they even had a court situation where people's charges are being read to them in a language they can't understand and you're not even required to ultimately have proper witnesses and cross -examination and all that stuff but when the
Bible is put into the common language of the people and now these people are actually reading the word of God for themselves and looking at the law of God and looking at the law of society and this word says that you need two to three witnesses this word says assume my innocence this word says there has to be cross -examination this word says this, this and this and so that's where the transformation starts coming and they start saying basically this is justice so when this great
American experiment starts and you've got people with a history going back to the Covenanters and the Huguenots and all that stuff when the colonies are setting up their communities and their system of justice you have to have a warrant to search my stuff because you have to have evidence that I'm actually guilty all that stuff thank
God for God's word and his law that's where it comes from ultimately and you're right
Joy if you've abandoned God you've abandoned the biblical view of a human being and righteousness and all that stuff what's wrong with mob justice what's wrong with going into a city and burning it down when the people are actually trying to continue saying this all the time but a lot of time a lot of the issues that people have with our current justice system is that it's faulty and I mean
I personally believe there's a lot of reform and improvements that could be made but also we're dealing with I think on the in Christian communities we are dealing with people who see the law and they say
It's not it's not working and people aren't getting justice and it is important still to keep in mind
You can't you can't take it So far as to say that God is going to see justice here on this earth while you're living but his justice is 100 % of the time and that's something that we have forgotten as Christians and we have there's a day of judgment, right that that that That God's justice happens
Even sometimes not here, right and so we and we're tempted To sort of like jump on the bandwagon because it's like, oh, well, there are problems.
There are serious problems happening right now and but Unfortunately, they take this weird pragmatic approach where it's like, oh, well if it's not working
I'll just do like what worldly people what I think works, right? Exactly. Yeah But that's not it's always important to keep in mind,
I mean, I think God is glorified When justice is done here on earth,
I think that that's incredibly important But it's also important that we don't forget that sometimes
Justice we don't see that we don't get to but there will be yes but there will be and that's something that I will just keep saying because people have
Forgotten and they've made serious concessions because they are trying to see if they can make some sort of change, right?
so they in in the cause of justice from their perspective the cause of justice there ends up being a perversion of justice because they feel like they have to pull
Justice into the now now a firm. The first thing you say is I want justice and now everyone affirms that yes, but you can't pervert
Standards of justice and righteousness in order to pull cosmic justice into the now you have to be able to say
God's Word provides the stipulated standards as to how you're supposed to handle these questions of justice and accusation and the trial and again if you love the idea of innocence till proven innocent till proven guilty if you love the idea of no search without a warrant if you love the idea of You know,
I don't have to incriminate myself all of that you can thank God's Word and you could thank Moses for that So praise
God for that And so that's what we want to do is filter through it. So, of course, I'm gonna play This was the reading of the verdict from the judge in the
Chauvin trial. This is the very analyst play This is for a moment so we can All hear it together or the
Judicial District State of Minnesota plaintiff versus Derek Michael Chauvin defendant Verdict count one court file number 27
CR 2 0 1 2 6 4 6 We the jury in the above entitled matter as to count one
Unintentional second -degree murder while committing a felony find the defendant guilty this verdict agreed to this 20th day of April 2021 at 1 44 p .m
signed your for person, so I'm gonna pause there for a second because YouTube is not a big fan of you playing long clips from a news source anymore
And they might actually jam up our progress here, and then I'll go ahead and start it again. Here we go juror number 19
Same caption verdict count to we the jury in the above entitled matter as to count to third degree murder
Perpetrating an eminently dangerous act find the defendant guilty this verdict agreed to this 20th day of April 2021 at 1 45 p .m
Signed by jury for person juror number 19. So so far we have second degree and third degree and the final
Same caption verdict count three we the jury in the above entitled matter as to count three
Second degree manslaughter culpable negligence creating an unreasonable risk find the defendant guilty this verdict agreed to this 20th day of April 2021 at 1 45 p .m
Jury for person and so there you go. There was Chauvin's The reading of Chauvin's Guilt their second degree third degree and second degree again with culpable negligent negligence so I wanted to play this just Because I'd like to give everyone stomach aches
This is Nancy Pelosi Responding Yeah house
I asked to play this yeah, Nancy Pelosi responding I'm not gonna play the whole thing I'm just gonna play this clip because this
I think is the worst part of it to see This justice on behalf of her father his name synonymous with justice and dignity and grace and prayerfulness and prayerfulness
So we thank God We thank Jesus. I wanted to vomit
I got it you pandering disgusting hag I'm sorry.
She is the grossest This woman is wicked this woman every day perpetrates and propagates what
God would call is is an abomination and she has the Audacity to stand there in public and she's the great chameleon is what she is
She's the great chameleon and and she tries to share in what's around her because she she placates And she plays people
She is rotten to the core. She needs Christ She needs to repent and you need to call it a wicked leader like this as a wicked leader.
She is Disgraceful. She's leading to the destruction of so many human lives with her policies and the things that she propagates and promulgates
This woman has the audacity to stand there and mention the name of the Savior We were we were praying to him weren't we?
You're talking to maybe this he wasn't listening to you these women behind her and maybe she they They know these are professing
Christians. These women are talking about Jesus. So she said we're praying to Jesus Nancy Pelosi If you don't repent
Jesus isn't listening to you absolutely, not you are a devil and Some people might be think
I mean heavy -handed, but this woman is in many ways responsible for the demise of our own country
The Republic we live in the law of God the standards that we have that have blessed this country for so long this woman is nefarious and Of course,
I wanted to know Christ. I would preach the gospel to her if she was face to face with me I would be compassionate with her and I would
I would try to be humble and bold with her But let's just let's call it. Let's call it what it is. She's a charlatan.
She's just she's a charlatan This of course irrespective of the conversation About George Floyd and his death and Chauvin and we're gonna work through some of these things and talk about God's law
And what would God's word say to do here? This is just gross to me. It's gross Go ahead.
I'll turn. Well, no, I I know I just wanted to say that in the quick part But the rest of it, there's more she says that I wanted to address.
So Do you want to play some more of that? Yeah. Oops. I think I just lost it
Well, why don't you tell me what it was and I'll uh, do you remember what it was what she said? Yeah Well, yeah, so basically and so I was listening to let me backtrack here a minute
I was listening to cross politic yesterday Routing Christian media
Our boys over across yesterday. They dropped a show Talking about it and and so that's where I heard that clip.
And so Toby Toby had just an incredible point That I think was so important that we need to mention
Excuse me, um so Basically, the reason we're having this discussion to begin with is about what is justice?
What is true justice, right? What is biblical justice? What is justice according to God's standard? which we're gonna get into more because even with this verdict that still doesn't meet
God's standard for justice, but So what she goes on to say basically is she thanks she thanks
George Floyd for dying For making for sacrificing his life and and And so what
Toby was saying and I've talked about this a lot I got this from Toby Toby Sumter at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho He you know, one of my favorite quotes of his is he says as Christians we should deny every opportunity for victimhood because We have the perfect victim and we're never truly innocent
And so talking about victimhood and and in the the left
Needs a savior. They need blood atonement. That's we've talked about this with abortion
Everyone that's pro -death pro -abortion. They need Blood atonement they need someone to die for them, right and it's the same thing with this
He was so Nancy's Pelosi's praising George Floyd who's now dead for sacrificing his life for justice and so what so what you just played is discussing all in of itself and then she steps it up a notch and just then
Is using the death of this man? For her own benefit, you know
And so because obviously they have their own legislation that they're gonna try to push now with police reform and all that That's a whole nother discussion
But she's using that and and essentially she's placing him in in the place of Christ as a sacrifice
That blood atonement and guess what? He wasn't innocent all these all the like Christ is the only truly innocent sacrifice that any of us could ever have to Redeem anything.
So George Floyd wasn't innocent And that's a whole nother discussion in and of itself as well.
But so anyways Toby made that we're all not innocent is the point Yes, and and they but they were looking for that sacrifice that one sacrifice for justice, yes, and so Toby mentioned
I was like, oh man, that's so good Like so that's what that's what I wanted to address and all this is in and again
There's still not any true justice in any of this like are people gonna be somewhat satisfied now
Maybe is it gonna stop the writing? Probably not. Yeah, you know people right now listening
Love you all very much a few people have bothered by the strong language I used and calling her hag hag my understanding of that word is she's a disgusting woman when you have a woman that since it tries to co -opt the
Christian worldview when it's Convenient for her and to abuse the name of the
Savior and to try to placate in this way while she is a wicked woman who essentially again is
Responsible for so much of the destruction of our of our freedoms in this country of justice in this country
I think she deserves a strong denunciation because she's she's co -opting Christian language and she's drawing down the name of the
Savior for her own purposes and I consider that disgusting as good as a minister of the gospel.
I say it's disgraceful. She needs the gospel And I you know, we go out to the Mormon Temple We go out to the
Mormon Temple preach the gospel to Mormons because they use the name of Jesus But they're preaching a different Christ in a different gospel We confront their religious language and we say that is not
Christ that is not a Christ that will save you You are gonna you're gonna die in your sin If you don't have the true Christ, you need a true gospel.
We tell them the truth I would say the same thing to Nancy Pelosi. You don't know Christ You don't know the biblical gospel by their fruit
You shall know them and I see the fruit of Nancy Pelosi over a long period of time
I see what she advocates for and this woman is dark and perverse and she should be called out
So anyway Yeah moving on. Yeah joy. Okay. So here we go next
I wanted to let's Let's do it
This way I have some stuff here to play for everybody today from the prosecution their closing arguments
I did want to play through a little bit of the actual original video of George Floyd and what took place
But I wanted to talk about some standards to set up ahead of time because I know here's a here's a deal for the new People that are just now watching you're watching live right now again, we're believers
We believe the Word of God is the foundation We're unified in Christ as the body if we disagree
We are allowed to disagree with each other without trying to quote -unquote cancel each other and just divide and disfellowship
And saying I don't like you anymore and all those sorts of things There's gonna be disagreements But I think we have to all agree on this is that this is supposed to be the standard not angles not marks not
Modern humanistic thinking this is supposed to be the standard as to how we're supposed to handle situations like this Okay, so a couple thoughts and you guys feel free to just step right in here as I have this conversation
My concern I look I'm not I'm not gonna talk about the guilty verdict, right? That's not the point of this But we're today we're actually we're gonna go back in the background and ask the deeper question of us as Christians Let's have a conversation around a table right now
About how ought we to in the future look at? Situations like this what needs to be upheld by law enforcement joy made a good point when you talk about there's a lot that needs to be fixed today
We believe that But we don't believe you should go to angles or marks for the answer We believe that you have to go to God's Word is the answer
Okay So when we look at a situation like this We're like man that riots broke out cities are burning down people mob justice and people are literally dying because of this
That obviously isn't right a lot of the Marxist and black lives matter they did believe that it was right
Now, let's let's draw back and ask the question No matter what color we are No matter where we're from Especially in Christ.
We are one in Christ. We have a standard of righteousness that we're supposed to be saying. Well, there's the answer It's right there.
It's been there all along That's what we're supposed to be looking towards as Christians We're not supposed to be looking at the color of someone's skin and determining what justice is supposed to be because of the color of Their skin that's a sin racism is a is a wicked evil thing and racism will be in hell
Hatred for brother will be in hell. I'll be judged For what it is. It's wicked. It's evil. I hate racism.
It's disgusting But as Christians, we're supposed to look at a situation like this and and in Justice is supposed to be colorblind, right?
It's supposed to say what did you do? Not why? Exactly what did you do a question of justice is always that question?
What did you do? And so that's what we need to be doing. So a couple things number one What has to happen here is we need to as Christians say innocent until proven guilty
Innocent until proven guilty now watch some of you guys right now may be thinking the wrong thing. Hang on Innocent till proven guilty
God's Word says from beginning to end. This is Old Testament and New Testament It's affirmed in both two to three witnesses before you can bring charges against somebody that means two to three
Independent lines of evidence and witness before you can bring charges against somebody and then you're supposed to go to trial
Okay, so the witnesses Independent witnesses and that's what they have them corroborating
But then you're supposed to go to trial where there can be cross -examination Just because there's two to three witnesses does not mean the person is guilty that gets fudged a lot in this discussion
Oh, I got two to three witnesses. Okay, great. We could bring charges now, but now there needs to be cross -examination Right, like that's what happens over here
So it's innocent till proven guilty two to three witnesses now We bring charges then we go to court cross -examination and the entire time in God's law
You have to assume the person's innocence until a compelling case is proven that this person really did this now again
I told you hang on a second because we're talking about the Chauvin Verdict that he's guilty guilty guilty three times over I'm actually going further back than that.
I'm actually going back to the George Floyd situation innocent until proven guilty
Could have helped a heck of a lot If we're really talking about healing this and saying how do we fix situations like this in the future?
Here's one way the police force the arm of the magistrate to bring justice can actually heal innocent until proven guilty
Innocent until proven guilty. You need two to three witnesses innocent until proven guilty and somebody might say to me.
Well Jeff You know, he's a drug addict. He had drugs in his system and Jeff He also had used a counterfeit bill.
That's what people are, you know saying it's counterfeit money He had drugs in his system. Maybe he had drugs in his on his body.
Here's what I want to challenge you with and please Brothers and sisters just want to challenge you with this.
I'm talking about healing this from a biblical perspective No matter what you believe about this right now. I just want you to consider this.
Please just let it come in Don't resist just try to examine what I'm saying here
Do drug addicts deserve capital punishment? Do we get the answer?
Yeah No Drug addicts don't deserve capital punishment. That's not a capital offense in God's law
And you know, what's amazing and even if it was they are not deserving of it before they have it before they have a trial
I'm glad you caught the next thing. I was gonna say exactly right. That's the connecting point You have to have a trial
Right. So the question has to be asked here because everyone wants to throw this out in this and watch We don't want this for anybody no matter the color.
You don't want this You don't want the standard of society the mob saying that person was on drugs
They deserved what was coming to them my feelings just that my feelings about this decide if you're guilty or innocent
How I personally feel yep We don't want any of us in society to have a standard that says because somebody's a drug addict
They deserve to be abused in any way We don't want that standard and we also don't want a standard society that says that you could lose your life
Because you had a counterfeit bill sinful as it may be Theft as it may be
God's law has an answer for how you deal with theft and it ain't capital punishment And it's not what some societies try to do by saying
I'll cut their hand off. I'm sorry That's not what God's Word says. That's not justice and brothers and sisters.
We need to have that. Sorry. We need to have that Conversation at the beginning two to three witnesses.
I want innocent until proven guilty for George Floyd. I Want innocent until proven guilty for Derek Chauvin?
Because God's law Requires it Innocent until proven guilty you have the witnesses and the evidence you go to a court of law where there is cross
Examination and this is the place of punishment Not on the street for anybody a
Christian society would uphold the standard of you are innocent until proven guilty which means in a situation where you have a man or woman of whatever color you
Assume their innocence until you can prove them guilty where in the court of law not on the street
Which means that in a Christian society influenced by God's standards of justice You would have the arm of the magistrate the police officers
Dealing with the public in a way in situations like this where the constant
Thing to be observed is simply this preservation of human life preservation of human life
Preservation of human life always and every time because I understand police look
I've taught police officers Self -defense, I've taught police officers pain compliance
I've taught police officers techniques to subdue people and to protect themselves. I've done that and So there are instances where police officers have to look online
You'll see hundreds of videos that the police cam footage of someone who just murders a cop or just I mean
It was the most insane sad thing ever this cop pulls a guy over on this long stretch of highway
He goes over and for no reason it didn't even make any sense at all.
The cop was being pleasant with the guy He it was it was a it was a it was and not that this matters
But just to make sure everyone understands it was a white guy and he's walks up to he's like you're talking to him pleasantly
He's asking questions and the guy just starts shooting at him And like I think I think even he did kill him just is shooting at the guy that kills the cop
So yes, police officers have a right to defend themselves. They have a right to defend the public but the standard operational procedure always has to be
Preserve human life preserve human life preserve human life. And so we need one then and then for a police officer the step
There's one step further, which is they uphold the law That's their that's their job is to protect citizens and uphold the law.
I have heard that Yeah from the Phoenix Police Department. Yeah. Yeah, and so that that is that is their job and so yeah, you do you undeniably have this population of people that I heard it put once as like, you know, there are people that have determined That when something like dangerous or horrible happens like they'll be people they'll be the people like running towards the danger while everyone else like gets away and so there is there's a level of responsibility
That comes with that and I understand like it's a rough world out there and especially for police officers at this current
Moment, it's kind of always been rough. But that is that is a part of the job It's an it's an incredible pressure that I can't understand
But you're still Beholden to the law and The law of God whether you say you believe him or not and it's just it's
There are two sides to that argument, right? Well, they're police officers So they have heightened responsibility and then there's also well, they're police officers so they're seeing dangerous things every day and you don't understand what it's like to be in that kind of a position and those
Those are both true statements And so for us to like I don't know that it's necessary Online for us to like go back and forth between those two statements because I think they can both be true at the same time
Yeah And and you can address those in a way that makes sense and loves neighbor and honors
God in a situation said you don't know What they're dealing with every day. They got a you know, they're constantly on the edge everything I would say well if a police officer is constantly on edge and they've seen a lot
It's been a messy week and they're having a hard time They need to quit or not go in right and not allow a perversion of justice in the street for any of us guys
I'm not talking about George Floyd right now. I'm talking about the standard of justice. We don't want anybody abused in the street
I don't care. I don't want anybody abused in the street. I mean look Pastor Luke and I were outside of an abortion facility in Tempe Totally abused by the
Tempe police run roughshod over our rights a lot of times lied to us
Straight to my face. Yeah, and I wish at the time I had a recording on of that Yeah, just to pervert justice.
And so like we I understand like I'm talking about all of us We don't want to live in a culture and society where you have to worry about Injustice being perpetrated and that gets me to the next point because I see a lot of my our friends in the end the feed here
You're bringing up the question of fentanyl. He overdosed and all of that look again
We're not going into the trial thing today to examine the second degree third degree. So we're not doing that right now
We're actually trying to examine this and hopefully a helpful biblical way to say how would we prevent this in a Christian society in the future?
But I keep seeing and it troubles me. I'll be totally transparent It troubles me when somebody sees what happened to George Floyd and they say but he had fentanyl in his system
Or he had negligible amounts of meth in his system A lot of times people also point out the pointing a gun at a pregnant woman's belly
Yeah, by the way, you don't want that either don't do it don't and this is very important Every incident has to be its own incident, right?
You don't want somebody God's law will not allow and every incident has to be judged
Yeah after a trial. Yeah There's just there's a million arguments floating around but it's like yeah, and and George Floyd did porn.
Do you know that he that's not So he deserves he deserved to die, right? See, do you see the logical connection right?
Is there a logical connection now before God do all of us deserve to die because of our sin the wages of sin is death
Yes, yes, but in terms of justice in the courts and the magistrate did he deserve to die because he did porn in the past?
Does he deserve to die because he had a criminal record in the past? You can't use that in a court of law
Like let's say an accusation Please put yourself and I'll put myself in these shoes for a second. Somebody makes an accusation against you
That's a pretty horrific accusation you go before court and let's say it's false It is patently false provably false all the rest.
There is no real evidence here It's all like circumstantial evidence and just stuff that just should never Have somebody brought to a place of guilt in a court of law now imagine you're there and you're like this is the most awful thing ever and then all of a sudden the lawyers for the
Prosecution start bringing in evidence of stuff that you did when you were 18 years old getting out of high school
Oh, did you know that? He also did this this and this is like what what what relevance is that to this accusation, right?
None of us want it because it's actually unjust God's law would forbid it and so brothers and sisters because it basically rationalizes the event as though Derek Chauvin because some
I guess if the like if the If the if a person wants to say well, he just made a mistake and it wasn't racially motivated which
I don't Disagree with he may have made a mistake that he didn't intend to make
And it had deadly consequences cops can do that, too But uh,
I'm so sorry my brain just like hops in and out right now, okay Um, I was trying to make a point about something you were saying about past stuff being brought to bear in a trial
In other words, you did this before so you obviously must be guilty here. I'll keep moving forward though Yeah, jump in.
So the the okay, this comes up brothers sisters come back. Let's just talk about this for a second here We're very sensitive to this.
Can I just say this? We're very sensitive to this I want to hopefully try to bring you into this experience with us
Apology a church came out of a drug rehab. We planted in a drug rehab
I was the chaplain there. There are the first couple years of our church. No families. No babies except for ours and And it was just this really rough -looking crowd of people that many of them were still on detox medication
While they were among us because you need that to sort of heal from all that chemically And so we're very sensitive to this, you know, why can
I just be honest with you? because I got people who are at my church now that I love and are in Christ and and just love
God and These are amazing believers They they had fentanyl in their system when
I first met him they were shooting heroin laced with fentanyl and People so many people at apology a church who came to Christ and are in Christ now and have been sanctified
They were they were addicted to these drugs and many of them if you actually gave them a drug test when we first got them
They were on fentanyl And I don't want him to die because of it
And so when someone says yeah, but he just overdosed he was high on drugs and all the rest He was he had fentanyl in his system.
I say brothers and sisters That is not a biblical justification for the arm of the magistrate to do anything that would not work to preserve life in this instance
You know when you have a man subdued He is subdued.
He's got his hands behind his back and he's he's begging for his life begging for air
Police officers are supposed to in that moment go. Okay. There's no potential victims here right now. No potential victims
I'm not gonna be a potential victim. This man is subdued his hands around his back. No victims preservation of human life
He says he can't breathe He's begging for his life. What a police officers normally do in these circumstances now you can find
Hundreds probably these videos online. I'm going to show you the normal response to An overdose would say fentanyl or heroin from a police officer watch this
By the way, sorry pause Forgive me. I forgot. This is hard to watch. Okay, so just be aware if you have kids
Just be careful because this is this is sad to watch so What's his medical history,
I don't know he just picked up 10 minutes ago. You just picked him up. Yeah He's like, I need some money. Can you put me to work and I said, yeah
He's got a pulse he's breathing so Hey grab gloves
He's not breathing Yeah, they're pinpoint
So just real fast what they're looking for there is when you when you use any opiate like this whether it's fentanyl or you're using heroin or Percocet or Dilaudid or whatever the case may be you're you're not gonna be able to help but your your pupils
Become pinpoint, right? It's just like locked in when you do things like ecstasy
They become like saucers almost like you have no color in your eyes. It looks actually kind of scary I mean, it's like black demonic.
It looks very scary. Yeah, their eyes become black and you like lose all the color It's just wide open and even when you're in like a lit room your eyes have a hard time like getting back down again
So they'll be wide open in a lit room So you can generally tell if someone's in some kind of amphetamine or something like that because their eyes are
BAM But when you look talking about something like Percocet any opiate heroin fentanyl, it's just gonna be pinpoint
So they were checking his eyes for pinpoint now Realize this man is overdosing on maybe fentanyl maybe heroin it could be could be either way.
I just want to point out something Did you notice now? I've seen this
Okay, being being drug pastors, you know, you you you're kind of accustomed to this world
You know and kind of just again just say this is really important when someone's overdosing
Overdosing from fentanyl or they're overdosing from heroin This is what they look like This is what they look like.
It takes a minute. Okay. Can I just say this it takes a minute and I'm More than a minute, but you'll start to see when somebody is overdosing on heroin pills oxys or fentanyl first if you ever seen the nod you ever seen the nod where you'll see someone just sort of like just nodding and just sort
Of like leaning off like this and like they come back and their eyes are like in back of their head They're just nod and nod and nod
Well, what tends to happen with a fentanyl overdose or heroin overdose is first you get that nod
They'll start to lose the ability to even be coherent and to converse and talk. They just get lost
You don't even see people like on a bus stop You ever seen this somebody to bus stop and they're like they look like it looks like superhuman
They're like leaning over like Michael Jackson or something. They're like like hanging off like this Like how are you standing?
Like how's gravity not pulling you to the ground? It's actually pretty amazing, but you'll see that nod, right?
That's the opiate nod. Well, that's what this is So I'm saying this is typical of an overdose is it first you fall into that nod state
Then it's incoherent and then you're you you're not talking You're not talking
This is what it looks like Okay, so what they were doing there is thankfully police officers carry this around with them the
Narcane Okay, so what they were doing there is thankfully police officers carry this around with them the Narcane Praise God for this. Oh what a gift to the world this thing is We have people that we know and we love that are in Christ now that they're alive today with us because of this
Narcane So praise God for it. I Think of three faces right now in my mind of people who would not be with us today they'd be dead if not for this amazing thing and Administered to all of them by police officers that show up on the scene
Okay, these cops save their lives by hitting them with Narcane. I think before actually was in a needle
They were just like popping them with it. But now they Because it's probably because it's like safer.
Yeah, I was thinking I was One of my head with a needle. Yeah, they used it used to be a shot
And then I think they had to come up with a way that was like safe Yeah, they didn't want to be doing like any
They didn't want it there to be like blood or anything, right? Yeah potential Yeah, something.
So okay. So Narcan now why am I doing this? I hope it's obvious Here are police officers responding to a scene of a person having an overdose
Their first instinct is preservation of human life preservation of human life, right? So what do they try to do they try to administer some medical assistance to him by giving him
Narcane Now I I'm talking about this because all I can do at this point now as a minister of the gospel is try to be helpful in Terms of what's the future of justice for us?
What should it be and what I'm saying is the God's law provides a standard for how you're supposed to operate in these scenarios
So police officers would benefit Tremendously from being obedient to God's law in these instances, which by the way, by the way, thankfully our
Our rights Were have underneath them the Word of God that gave us those standards of justice.
So for example, you need to have Court order and a warrant before you can search my stuff.
What's that mean? Witnesses got to go before a judge and say here's the evidence. Can we search his stuff? We think he's guilty Here's the evidence and a judge has to determine is that really evidence or are you violating an innocent person?
That's thank you. Thank you Bill of Rights. Thank you. God's law Thank you Covenant errs and Huguenots and pilgrims and Puritans and all that for giving that to us or the
Right to remain silent. I don't have to know self incrimination. That's from God's law all of that Okay, so praise
God for all of that. But why am I bringing this up in this instance? I'm trying to show a contrast a contrast in the one case
You've got a man people say he was on fentanyl great not a capital offense Maybe he had drugs on him.
Great. Not a capital offense Using a counterfeit bill great not a capital offense bring those to court bring them to court.
Okay And then you have a situation where you have instances galore
By the way, just look it up Look up fentanyl overdose online and look at all the police cam footage of them saving people's lives on fentanyl
Overdoses or heroin overdoses look at this watch. It's actually spectacular. It's very it's very amazing
I see police officers rescue people who are having an overdose with the narcan I'm trying to show you the contrast in the one instance.
We have a subdued man on the ground with his hands on his back George Floyd and He's begging for his life.
He's saying he can't breathe What is the officer supposed to do according to God's law in that instance? Are there any potential victims here?
No, am I a potential victim here? No What's he doing? He says he can't breathe. He says he's begging for his life preservation of human life
What if he was having an overdose? Okay, but only God truly truly knows right guys, right?
What if he was having an overdose? What should have been the obligation of having any image -bearer of God in an instance?
Preservation of human life. You see there's a subtle thing in the background here. Can we confess to it? I may be guilty of it in my past There's a subtle thing in the background here.
And that's this Well, you deserve to die You deserve to die you're a drug addict it's oh, that's what
I was gonna say before is that So people are making the argument that he made a mistake, which is the murder two and three thing but like what's really behind it behind all the rationalization of how the
Officer behaved is saying that it's almost rationalizing the mistake Well, like no wonder he made the mistake because the guy was incoherent and he was a criminal and he didn't know he didn't know what
George Floyd was gonna do so but you can't you're not supposed to You don't you don't get to Like rationalize what happened after the point if it was wrong if it was wrong
It was wrong. And and you know, you could make an argument that that's why our murder charges include things like negligent
Killing or manslaughter and because well, maybe not all murder situations are going to be exactly the same
The point is is that in terms of the law that it's not about justification if he made a mistake
That's not about just it's not about like justifying why he did what he did if it's wrong then it is deserving of A penalty under the law and there should be justice for it
Well God's law gives us that and hopefully a trial will take those things into consideration. Now.
I also think that it's that turning it into a Racially motivated crime without having evidence pointing towards that is also wrong
That's also a rationalization on the opposite side. That's just as deplorable. It doesn't like It just doesn't we don't need to I would say obviously you can have your opinion
This is a great country to have opinions in we're all free to have them Right.
Yeah, but the point that that is the point of the law The point of the law is to like you said, it's not supposed to see blind
Do you remember the scales remember the woman with the scales? It is supposed to determine. Yeah justice for that situation
Yeah, and so even if you have opinions about why maybe people did the things they did that's not actually the the the job of the the court is not necessarily to like Figure out why things happened the way they did it's about finding discovering what happened like the intent, but it's not about like Like if you're guilty of merch some kind of murder
You don't get to like dig back into your past and be like Oh, but I was a good person for all these years like some of these things like go both
Both ways just like you can't bring up Defaming evidence again that from different cases against Someone you can't you it's about this situation what happened here, right?
That's right. What happened? It's not about this. Well and people get upset because that that is the whole point of this trial
Mm -hmm is that there is a systemic thing going on in the police department where they have higher rates of Arresting and Unlawfully shooting right?
That's the issue. That's what this trial was about really. Mm -hmm, right and even though it's supposed to be
A trial about a murder and someone is supposed to be receiving we're supposed to be making sure people The right person is right receiving justice.
That's right yeah, so I think the thing that That I've been thinking a lot about is just again, what does justice look like in this situation and to be honest,
I'm incredibly Frustrated annoyed by a lot of the comments today because people I think are completely missing the point here and The so my question is what is justice in the situation now for George Floyd what would have been just Obviously would not be dying.
It would have been paying back according to God's law according to God's standards It would have been paying back what he stole with fake money, right?
That that would be how God's standards would have operated for justice in that situation but then when it comes to because you really have two separate things here then when it comes to him dying and Chauvin and all
That like I mean if we're gonna try to judge it by God's standard, there's really you know one
So he's probably spend the rest of his life in jail. There's no justice there Right now
I heard that cross -policy was saying now now George Floyd's daughter is gonna be paying for this man to sit in jail
Like there's no justice there, right? Not least not according to God's standard, you know, but then this is a whole nother show
No, we're running over time But there's you know, there's three different ways you could look at Chauvin like either he intentionally murdered the man
Which is death penalty according to God's energy. It could be the flying ax head It could be the gore in ox even in this situation and that needs to be taken in consideration and they all have different consequences
But that is what justice looks like according to God's standard. Not this clown show that Just witnessed right?
And so that that's what we should be talking about is It has justice actually happened and I would say no absolutely not
Right and and and and all we can do at this point is just work our way from the bottom of this
Outward and we could say what could actually bring healing in these circumstances and again I just want to challenge you as a brother or sister in Christ.
Don't be mad at me Don't don't let's not the depart from unity and fellowship together in this and love for the
Lord in the gospel and serving God together I just want to challenge you that's gonna see it a lot and it's just not biblical It's just there's no call for it in Scripture, you know when people just like make comments about fentanyl and His past and those sorts of things you can't you can't draw that into this moment
Because it is irrelevant in court in terms of what happened that day and we talk about counterfeit bills
Okay, thieves don't deserve to die in God's law God would forbid any such a thing that you get to die
Because of theft especially what is a $20 counterfeit bill is is what the instance was
I think so and when people talk about like, well, you know, he died from a fentanyl overdose I'm gonna say this if he was begging for his life and he was truly overdosing
The police officer was required before God to preserve human life.
They do it all the time Why not in this instance? Well, it's interesting because people say that he was acting like within his training but training would be
They all have they all have They all have it now. Everybody there are people that just citizens.
Well, I will one less at one point here on that point I Forget the witness's name.
Forgive me everybody. Somebody may know the witness's name who is actually a trained EMT, I believe when she's on the scene.
She's saying check for a pole like he needs help right now, right? You had you had professional
Input that guys enough is enough now. You have to work to preserve his life. Why aren't you working to preserve his life?
Check his pulse. He's not breathing. What's going on? Look you we do not want police officers to become people who can execute people on the street, right?
I don't care how much well Executing someone is within their training. Yeah, or not attending to someone who is obviously in distress is within their training then we shouldn't see that as a
Plus for Derek Chauvin. We should see that as Something that absolutely needs to change
It just I it is very it's something that I can't even totally understand But you really do have to be in order to be a police officer.
You really are you are supposed to be someone who is specially appointed to behave a certain way and I'm not saying you're incapable of Not committing negligence and I'm not saying that cops can't get angry or cops can't get a little whatever
But I'm saying that you are legitimately signing up to not just be the person that runs towards the danger
But you are signing up to be appointed To be more than to be average person.
You're supposed to be God's deacon, right? God's servant to do whatever execute justice Yeah, police officers in a
Christian society would see themselves as an avenger of God's wrath Yeah, not the avenger of some other
God's wrath God's wrath and what God does not allow for in his law is someone to be executed in the street because of theft or being a drug addict or carrying drugs and God's law would not allow for someone to be an image bearer of God to be begging for their life
And we don't do what's necessary to preserve human life God's law I can give you example after example after example the emphasis is always preservation of human life preservation of human life and when you have a man
Subdued with his hands behind his back and you're applying pressure to his neck or back It doesn't even matter and he's begging for his life and he loses his pulse and he can't breathe
There's a responsibility here. We have to be thinking about at least for the future brothers and sisters in this case
What's the right thing to do? And you know when people say things like well Fentanyl overdose he was fentanyl overdose heroin overdose guys then pull out the narcane
And preserve his life so he can get to the court Yeah, I want to preserve his life in that moment to be the arm of justice to bring the man to court
I don't want him to die here in the street It's an awful thing Because the police officers did have a responsibility when a man is begging for his life to preserve
Human life and you know, but even if that means stepping outside of your training yeah, if you've been trained a certain way and like you you get permission to step outside of your training and If your training is telling you that it's okay to to Stand on a guy
Put your full body weight on a guy until are you seeing the same in common? I am. Yeah, okay Can I say this real fast?
This is this is what's so amusing. I Have gotten in so much trouble Well, this is funny has shows you shows it as Christians We've lost the ability to think coherently calmly with patients critically biblically with integrity
Here's a man named Todd Krant I hope I said that right Woke ology.
He says he thinks Jeff is going woke. Yeah now brothers and sisters all of you Who have been watching for maybe the last six months?
What did Jeff Durbin get in trouble for recently? It was average you got that was all over the internet.
What was Jeff getting in trouble for? What what was that anybody in the comments? Let's go ahead and just give it a try just to just to try to show how as Christians We need to have higher standards brothers and sisters
I know we're going over in time here about about 600 people watching right now Does anybody know what
Jeff Durbin got in trouble for in say the last six months? It was all over people there you go reform
Viking the scuba said Colin now It says the swearing. Okay, so let's let's help
Todd out Does anybody have any suspicions about Jeff Durbin being woke who knows what
I teach and what I believe anybody? Just Todd Krantz Well, there's a few other people that are saying it sounds like they're going
SJW because you said Chauvin Because I said the police officers shouldn't yeah
Shouldn't is it should always be trying to not kill a person. They have to it's amazing Christians have to be able to think with balance right integrity and we have to build thinking categories brothers and sisters
This is not about the Republican team or the Democrat team I think social justice warrior ism is evil.
It's a sin against God I think the woke gospel destroys the gospel. It destroys the church
It is one of the most nefarious and wicked things to come into the Christian Church in the last generation Critical race theory evil belongs in hell.
I think that's All of it. I mean CRT RT you want to talk about intersectionality?
All of that is wicked dividing the church. I hate Marxism I Hate neo -marxism.
I am the farthest away from woke ism. That is I think humanly possible however
If we think with balance and integrity we have to be able to say as Christians God's Word says this
This isn't about the Republican team and being on your favorite Republican talking head side
Right, this isn't about wearing it's not about being pro -police. No, we're anti -police. This isn't about America This is about the
Word of God It's about the Word of God world We're actually saying here These are God's standards of justice What ought a police officer do who is an extension of the magistrate who is supposed to be
God's deacon to establish justice? And if you hear me saying hey If a guy is overdosing subdued with his hands on his back
Don't apply pressure to decrease his oxygen level when he's begging for his life. You have to preserve human life if you think that's woke
Shame on you. You don't know God's law You don't know God's law You see that's the that's the issue here
If you if you accuse someone like me of being woke who got in so much trouble recently for what
I said about woke ism and all the rest of that And because I simply say that we have to work to preserve human life when a man is begging for his life
Then you don't know God's law That's just I'll just say it to you as bluntly and as humbly as I possibly can you don't know
God's law his standards Maybe you spend a lot of time in the New Testament Praise God for that.
Maybe you're really good at communicating the gospel and biblical truth from that perspective, but you don't know God's law
God has very specific Standards and God's law is how you're supposed to execute these sorts of things in society
And let me tell you right now it would be a sin For a human being in God's law to be subdued with their hands behind their back
There's being accused of theft at a $20 level or even even having drugs in their system when they're begging for their life
And you don't offer assistance That is unjust it is evil. Now.
Listen, we haven't talked about all the guilty verdicts. We're not going into the court thing today We're talking about at the bottom from God's law
How are we supposed to handle this as Christians because again, I ain't going to Marx or Engels for my answer
Because I'm not a social justice warrior and I'm not going woke. I'm not going to them. I'm going to Moses Did you hear that at the beginning of the show?
I think we talked a lot about that We have to go to Moses and not to Marx and that's important I think we should do like a fun little video
You just like duck duck holiday and be like man's law. Don't go around here. Law dog. Oh I think
I think some of the people who are our friends and brothers and sisters in Christ here Who probably saw that comment or like that's?
Yeah, so All I would say to you Todd. Look, I love you, brother. If you're a believer, I love you in Christ all
I would say is this look up Jeff Durbin woke and And and maybe maybe do a little homework before you make that kind of accusation.
And by the way, hey, hey, isn't it perfect? This is a great way to end the show. We have so much more we could talk about But it's a great way to end the show.
What was the main thing that I was bringing up in the very beginning? You don't call somebody guilty
Unless there's what? evidence and witness Before you make those accusations and bring those charges against the person and here we have a much milder example of a person
Who said that I'm going woke? With no evidence, right? No matter of fact, you're lying, right?
So what when you say something that's not true. It's an accusation. It's not true What's it called? it's called a lie and you might have like mild versions of lies like this and you can have
Lies that have higher impact on the world and in people's lives But it's still a lie and you can't actually make an accusation against a person unless you have proper
Evidence and the one thing Christians need to get firmed up in our culture and society today is this Stop making accusations against people when there's not proper evidence and don't accept a system of justice that punishes people
Without proper evidence and a trial. Yep. That's the issue and I'll end with this
I know it's hard to watch but I want you guys to watch this This is where it comes from This was the moments of George Floyd On the ground.
I know it's a pretty sad way to end the show, but this is what we're talking about. Okay How would we handle this in the future?
Because listen, here's the key thing There's a guy in jail right now who's been he got hit with three of them guilty guilty guilty.
He's in jail right now. So Maybe this would have helped him wouldn't it watch wouldn't a
Christian worldview? Given to a police officer in this case helped him What it listen, can we just admit this if if Chauvin had listened to these things and Yielded to them before this moment
Would he would this be happening today to him? Nope Nope, he wouldn't this this wouldn't happen.
It wouldn't happened it really wouldn't have and so if we work to preserve human life, he wouldn't have been accused of Killing him if he had not had his knee on his back like this and he'd work to preserve human life
He wouldn't been accused if he of killing him. Let's say that Floyd actually was overdosing a fentanyl
I don't see it. But let's say he was overdosing Well, he would have overdosed
With police officers providing medical treatment to him, right? That's it would have happened that direction he wouldn't be hit with three charges of You're guilty guilty guilty and so in this case,
I want to ask us this question because I think it's always important for us If we want justice, we should look at a situation like this and ask the question.
What if that was me? What if it was me? What would I have wanted for myself in this instance?
Love your neighbors. You love yourself. It's easier said than done I'm in a circumstance like this You might have a lot of things in the background of your mind that you're like Well, I don't like this because this guy was a drug addict or he did porn before or whatever the case
Maybe maybe have reasons why you you don't really care, you know, like well, you know, it is what it is He was just doing his job the police officer.
Maybe you think that I think we should think love your neighbors You love yourself and you look at a man like this on the ground is begging for his life
Ask the question. What would I have wanted to happen to me or parents moms and dads out there?
Lots of those out there listening right now. What if this was your son or your daughter? Think about it put put the face of your son or daughter on George Floyd's face there
And imagine that it's your son or daughter What would you have wanted to happen in that instance?
Would you have wanted the police officers to work towards a preservation of life? Administered medical treatment help the man sit up to breathe
Love your neighbors. You love yourself Put yourself out of all of the impactful things that come in to us from the media every single day trying to influence our opinion
Of these things and think about it like a Christian. Here's an image bearer of God. There's an image bearer of God What does
God say about justice? How should this be handled? Should we preserve life? Should we end life those sorts of things?
Here it is so we can all see I Didn't breathe
Let's get up What do you want I can't breathe please
I can't Get up get in the car man,
I will get up get in the car Get up Right, I can't
You can't win money you can't do
I know you That's for me my stomach hurts my neck hurts everything
There's water So now
I Want to watch these things without being influenced by major media
I want to watch these things as a Christian and try to examine the incident as it is Of course, there's footage before this
Doesn't change anything in terms of what we have before us right here When a man is begging for his life like this saying that he can't breathe.
What does God's law require of us? What's a require of any of us? What do police officers normally do when they come to a scene of a person who may be having an overdose
Or they're begging for their life or trying to Trying to breathe. What would they normally do? That's the question
I want to ask and again, I think we need to think about this objectively as Christians and ask the question What if it was me?
How would I want to be treated in this circumstance? What if it was my daughter? What if it was my son? How would
I want them to be treated now? Again last word on this if you put your daughter's face or your son's face on George Floyd's face here
Would you be talking about it differently? Would you be saying? Could you just let them up so they could have breathed?
Could you have tried to at least set them up so they could breathe? Try to help them in some way to breathe
I mean even if they were in trouble for something get them to court later do whatever has to be done Could you could you have worked to try to save their life?
I Think love for neighbor requires that of us it requires of us not to be partisan in an instance like this and say what's my team?
Say what's my team here? Like we're not supposed to be like that as Christians Partisans like what's my team say?
Okay. I'm on that side. We're supposed to actually be saying as Christians What's pleasing to God here? What's right according to his word?
What's in accordance with love for God and love for neighbor? I'll let you guys finish up the final thoughts here. I don't think there's a whole lot else to say
I think we covered it pretty well, and I would say everyone's sufficiently angry. Yeah, I mean He's one slam head against the wall, but yeah,
I mean this we could do a number of shows on a number of topic here Well, I hope
God's law matters. God's law matters. Yes. I hope at the beginning of the show What real fast here is
Durbin accusing all of us of some kind of racial motivation for thinking the way we do Who when did
I say that happened go home that didn't happen didn't happen. So Kenneth darling Apparently you're a person that is perfectly fine with lying.
Jeff Durbin said nothing today about race in this instance It's an amazing thing
Christian. I don't know brothers and sisters. Let's raise our Standards raise our standards of accusations raise our standards of critical thinking.
It's very important and what's amazing in a case like this is that This platform this show is attempting to point everyone at God's word as a standard here
Not to partisan politics right not to our favorite Fox News contributor. None of those things
It's just saying what's God worth? What's God's words say? What's it say how we're supposed to love our neighbors? Bless you all so much praise you guys
Just It doesn't even need it doesn't even have that yeah, okay deserve god bless you guys
We're grateful for you guys your love for us. Don't forget to meet with us in South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina We're trying to end abortion there 10 a .m.