FBC Daily Devotional – November 5, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well a good Friday morning to you Wrapping up the first week of November looking forward to the weekend
And what a good weekend It's going to be as we are able on the Lord's Day to get together with God's people and worship the
Lord together The church were looking forward to a good day planning on Focusing in the
Sunday morning service again in the book of Judges We've been looking at the life of Samson and Working our way through that you know the book of Judges The longest section in the whole book is dedicated to this one man
Samson and if you think of all the different judges in that book Samson is like He's got to be the worst don't you think?
Seems to me anyway But anyway, so we're in the book of Judges I think this
Sunday will be wrapping up the life of Samson So if you can come at 1030 Sunday morning, I hope you will
If you can't make it in person then catch us on live stream You know on Facebook YouTube church website different ways of watching the service online
But we do appreciate In person worship together. There's nothing that can compare with that.
Well anyway, so today we're in a new book In our scripture reading in the
New Testament the book of Acts Acts chapter 1 and one of the things that strikes me in this
Opening of the book the Acts of the Apostles is how like the
Apostles we can be So here they are They're there with Jesus.
He has assembled together with them we read in verse 4 and he tells them to wait there in Jerusalem until the promise of this of the
Father comes and that's Of course a reference to the filling of the Spirit the coming of the
Spirit upon them in power to use them as he will in Acts chapter 2 and And then in verse 6
You see how the disciples redirect the questioning So Jesus tells them wait here.
The Holy Spirit is coming he's going to come upon you and and so forth and then the disciples redirect the
Focus of attention and they ask this question Lord. Will you at this time?
restore the kingdom of Israel it is is this going to be the time of the end when there's the
The kingdom of Israel is restored and all that we've been looking forward to will finally be realized
Isn't that just like us? we We're living in a time right now in our nation when there's an awful lot of upheaval
Things are things are more difficult for the average American today than they have been in quite a while not too long ago,
I filled up the gas tank and I Came home and commented to my wife.
I have never spent so much money to fill up my tank with gas and We're seeing those kinds of problems on a very practical level in our pocketbook, but we're also experiencing
Also experiencing a great deal of moral and ethical Quandaries and challenges to our faith to our way of thinking and And so on and I'm not going to go into all that, you know it you feel it you sense it and that's created certain degree of interest and enthusiasm for God's people to wonder
You know is this is the time of the end coming is Jesus coming again? This is is he coming now?
Is this is this the last days that he was talking about? well to be to be accurate the last days began when
Jesus ascended and We're living in the last days and the church has been living in the last days, but that's neither here nor there
The point is we can become so preoccupied With that concern about is this the end is this is this when
Jesus is coming again? Are these the signs of the times and and and so forth in other words?
focused on the future events that the Bible talks about Well rather than be consumed with that I think what we need instead to do is to rest in knowing that our
Lord Has all of these things in the palm of his hands and he has a fixed time
For his coming for his return. We're not to live in a state of anxiety and Expectation that you know the kind of expectation that goes up on the roof and a white sheet
You know expect, you know thinking Jesus is gonna come tonight kind of a thing. Well, that's not the way we're to live
We we are to live as believers with the expectation that any day Jesus can return
That's just the way it's always supposed to be for the believer we're not to be consumed with the the details of the when and the and the how even the how but The the point is that I want to get here is what
Jesus says in reply. He says to them It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in his own authority
Two things I want to point out there. One of them is The father has put things in his authority.
He has he has things set. He has time set in his authority and And we can trust him in that we can trust him.
The other thing is It's not for me to know when that is. I Need to be concerned about that Because here's the thing the more that I am so concerned about those details that God hasn't given hasn't revealed
The more I'm taken off track of what I'm supposed to do So Jesus said
Jesus even brings us out He says it's not for you to know these things the time and the seasons which the father has put in his authority
He says he says instead in verse 8 You shall receive power after that the
Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me This is what's going to happen. You're going to be my witnesses
You're gonna witness in Jerusalem in Judea and Samaria and the other most parts of the earth so you just focus on what
I'm giving you to do to go be my witnesses and and the timing of the restoration of all things
Leave it to God Leave it to the Lord The father has it established in his own time and it will come to pass when he's ready for it to come to pass
So let's rest in that whatever happens in this world. Let's rest in the fact that God has it under his sovereign control and Secondly, let's stay focused on what
God has given us to do. Let's let the church Be the church The people of God be the people of God Whatever that may involve
In the in the world in which we live in this particular time so father
I pray help us with that help us to keep our focus where it ought to be and I pray that we wouldn't get distracted and filled with anxiety and overly concerned
About things that you haven't you haven't given us to be concerned about Instead father help us to be faithful doing what you've given us to do
Helping the church to be the church the people of God To be the people of God in this day, and we pray it in Jesus name.
Amen All right. Well, have a good rest of your Friday. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and on the
Lord's Day join together with God's people in Worshiping and learning of our