The Secret Rapture?

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Have you ever heard of the secret rapture? Is this what pre-trib, pre-mil Christians believe or is this a strawman argument from the critics meant to make them look foolish?


Have you ever heard of the secret rapture if you ever hear someone talking about that Just be on guard if you believe in the rapture of the church
There will be people who try to scoff and say that that's unbiblical and usually when they do that they argue
And say well this this is absurd these people who believe in the secret rapture and you're like wait a second
I believe in the rapture, but I've never heard of the secret rapture listen I know a lot of people who believe in the rapture of the church and most of the time when people use the term rapture
They're speaking of a pre -tribulational rapture pre -trib right pre means before Trib refers to the tribulation period seven years so a pre -trib rapture
Jesus comes back before the seven -year tribulation So most people when they talk about a rapture
That's what they're referring to pre -trib rapture, but there's all these people who say oh, that's ridiculous. That's not biblical and It's ridiculous because the
Bible nowhere teaches a secret rapture And they laugh and they say you know you Christians. You know you
Baptists and non -denominational Premillennial types you think that all these millions and millions of people are just going to disappear in the secret rapture ha ha ha
That's going to be the worst kept secret of all time list okay first of all I Know a lot of people who believe in the pre -trib rapture
Not a single one refers to it as the secret rapture matter of fact if you use the term secret rapture most people have no
Earthly idea what you're talking about apparently that term was used by some old -school dispensationalist you know maybe
John Nelson Darby or Clarence Larkin used the term to refer to the fact that at the rapture people on earth the unsaved
Living on earth are not going to see Jesus, but they are going to notice people gone obviously, but the term secret rapture you know yeah, they're straw manning people who go on YouTube and Teach against the so -called secret rapture.
They're basically straw manning our position They are presenting our position in such a way to Intentionally make it look absurd and they're saying we believe something that we don't really believe and they they build up our argument
Just to tear it down and make us seem foolish well Here's the thing you know and you can debate and argue about the rapture being
Pre -trib or mid -trib, I think mid -trib could work. I think I mean
I'm not dogmatic. I am pre -trib Mid -trib I can see that post -trib.
I don't agree with you would have to change a lot of Interpretation of the church in Israel, so I believe in the preacher of rapture.
I Believe it's taught in Scripture. I know for a fact the rapture is taught in Scripture The timing is really the question, but let me just prove it to you, but as far as the secret rapture
Again, if you hear someone use that term they're probably straw manning our position if somebody's talking about the secret rapture
They're probably not arguing in good faith, so just be aware of that again nobody even uses that term
But we do believe in the rapture because it's thoroughly biblical let me read the main passage
I mean, it's more than just this but the main passage would be 1st Thessalonians 4 and I'm gonna prove that this is not only
Paul the Apostle Paul teaching the rapture. He's teaching a pre -tribulational rapture 1st
Thessalonians 4 starting in verse 13 he says, but I do not want you to be ignorant brethren
Concerning those who have fallen asleep that is those who have passed away trusting in Jesus So I don't want you to be ignorant or unaware
Concerning those who have died in Christ lest you sorrow as Others who have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again
Even so God will bring with him those who sleep in Jesus for this
We say to you by the word of the Lord that those who are alive and remain until the coming of the
Lord will by no Means precede those who are asleep, so this is the rapture
This is Jesus coming for his church the second Advent happens seven years later So when
Revelation 1 says you know when Jesus comes back every eye will see him That's the second
Advent. Okay, Jesus fights the Battle of Armageddon Revelation 19 sets up his
Millennial Kingdom pre -millennial ism I did a revelation series you can go and listen to those videos
But this is what Paul is talking about or that's not what Paul is talking about here He's talking about not the second
Advent when Jesus comes back to earth He's talking about when Jesus comes in the clouds to take his church back to heaven because in Revelation chapter 3
The Apostle John is talking about the church It's on earth and Revelation 3 and Revelation 4 and 5 the church all of a sudden is in heaven you know
John is caught up in the spirit which could be Symbolic of the rapture, but the church is in heaven
Symbolized by the 24 elders in Revelation 4 and 5 and then Revelation 6 the tribulation starts
So I think Revelation is consistent with the pre -trip position as well, but I digress First 1st
Thessalonians 4 16 for the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout
With the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then
We who are alive and remain shall be caught up. This is the word rapture.
That's what rapture means We are caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air And thus we shall always be with the Lord That's the rapture.
Okay. Harpozzo in Greek goes through the languages rapturo So rapture simply means to be caught up and this is what the
Bible is teaching very clear Jesus comes back those who are alive that remain are caught up those who have died in Christ.
They actually are Resurrected and caught up first. We are then caught up and based on Paul's words and 1st
Corinthians 15 51 through 58 Our body is translated.
We are given a new glorified body at that moment when we meet Christ in the air and Then Paul ends 1st
Thessalonians 4 with these words 4 18 he says therefore comfort one another
With these things and you know, the bakes basic question is okay Paul is telling the church about the rapture.
The obvious question is when is this going to happen? Well Paul tells us that's the very next thing he says in chapter 5 verse 1
Remember, there are no chapter divisions in the original Letter to the
Thessalonians. So Paul immediately goes into the timing of it Oh, I'm telling you about the rapture.
You want to know when here's what Paul says concerning the time You don't need that. I tell you about that because you already know when
Paul was there. He taught them these things You know, what does he say? He says you already know
That the day of the Lord so comes as the thief in the night What's he saying that the rapture triggers the day of the
Lord it happens suddenly This is the doctrine of imminence. It could happen at any time
But you know that it's going to happen suddenly Like a thief in the night. So the rapture happens
That is the beginning of the day of the Lord for when they say peace This is chapter 5 verse 3 for when they say peace and safety
Then sudden destruction comes upon them as the labor pains upon a pregnant woman
And of course Jesus talked about the Great Tribulation as what in Matthew 24 labor pains
So this is what Paul is teaching the tribulation Okay, it happens
After the rapture, so the rapture therefore is pre before the tribulation very clear
We are caught up to meet the Lord in the air, you know, it's not a secret I mean do unbelievers see it.
No, it's it's a spiritual event I mean they notice people are gone. I assume they're gonna notice right and they're gonna know that the tribulation
Is happening they're gonna wake up to that fact because Revelation says people they know what's going on and they're cursing
God They hate God And they're gonna follow the Antichrist and all the rest But again, you know if you're watching
YouTube, there's going to be these pastors who? Laugh and mock and scoff at the rapture of the church and they usually do it by Saying calling it the secret rapture.
And how is this a secret as well? Nobody's calling it a secret That's a term you guys are using not us
But the rapture is thoroughly biblical and you know what it could happen at any moment because it happens as a thief in the night