Unstable in All Their Ways - #BigEva is Exposed - Social Justice

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As you might imagine, I've got a lot to say. I've got a lot to say about what
I've seen over the last few days, and what I'm going to try to do is to not talk about things that I don't know about.
And the truth is, when you look at what's happening with these riots and these revolutionary acts that we're seeing in the streets of the cities in the
United States, and make no mistake, these are revolutionary acts, when we see that stuff on the
TV, honestly, let's just face it. We don't really know what to make of that.
We don't know what's real, what's imaginary. And I don't mean like you shouldn't believe what you're seeing with your eyes.
What I'm seeing is you have no idea who these people are at all.
We have some ideas. I mean, it seems like there's a mixture. It seems like there's a mixture of people that are pissed off about George Floyd, and people that are just troublemakers, and people that are hired, and people that are this and that, and this and that.
But the truth is, we don't really know. I mean, the media is well known for blowing things out of proportion that are really quite small, and also underselling things that are really quite large.
They do both of those things to fit their agenda. So when you watch your TV screen, keep in mind that there's going to be truth there, but it's very difficult sometimes to decipher what's true.
They might be only showing you a little one -inch -squared view of what's actually happening, and the whole mile -squared view of what's actually going on.
They've got an agenda. We all know that. And the thing is, we think we know what their agenda is, but let's face it.
We don't know where they're coming from sometimes. We don't know where they're coming from. It seems pretty clear to me that they're trying to stoke a race war.
Why are they doing that? I'm not so sure. I mean, it seemed pretty clear to me that they were blowing COVID -19 out of proportion.
Why were they doing that? Did they want to stick us all with some kind of chemicals? Or did they just want to hate
Trump? They want to ruin the economy? Was it all of the above? Is there other reasons? I don't know. I don't know.
So the thing is, if we're going to say, well, we don't trust the media, we've got to be somewhat consistent with that, right?
So we see these horrible images, and I'm not saying the images are fake. I'm not saying they're deepfakes or something. What I'm saying is, we don't have a freaking clue what's going on here, and that's exactly what the media wants.
They don't want us to have a freaking clue what's actually going on. So I'm going to try my best, and I'm probably going to fail at this.
Let's just face it. I'm going to try my best not to talk about things that I don't know. I'm going to talk about things that I do know.
And what I do know is that Big Eva—and when I say Big Eva, let me be specific.
I'm talking about Gospel Coalition. I'm talking about ERLC. I'm talking about Southern Baptist Convention leaders.
I'm talking about idiots like Thabiti Anyabwili. I'm talking about Marty Duren. I'm talking about Ed Stetzer.
I'm talking about these types of people, Bradley Mason. I'm talking about these people.
They want blood running in the streets. And I think the reality is as well, like we've predicted this for a very long time.
I tried desperately to find this video. I did a video years ago that said the reason why
I'm so desperate to talk is because when you refuse to talk, there's only one other way to solve your differences, and that's with violence.
Social justice, critical theory, these are revolutionary ideologies that can only lead to violence.
This is the result. This is the intended result of social justice ideology.
This is the intended result of critical theory. Blood running in the streets.
And just because you're too stupid to understand that doesn't make you culpable. You understand what I'm saying? I'm not talking about common folks, everyday people in the pews that just want to do the right things.
I'm talking about the leaders, the people pushing this who know better, the smart people, the people who write think pieces.
I'm talking about you. I'm talking about you guys. So I'm not going to talk about things I don't know. I don't know what's going on in the media.
I don't know what's real. I don't know what's what. And neither do you, by the way, so don't get on your high horse for just a second.
But here's what I do know. I do know what the God that I serve says about stuff like this.
And I know what the God that I serve says about people who are double -minded, people who don't have foundations in the
Word of God, people who are unstable in all their ways. I know what it says about that.
I know what the Scripture says. This is something I saw from Summer Yeager. Thank you for posting this verse.
This is a great verse. Those who justify the wicked and those who praise the—I'm sorry, who condemn the righteous, both alike are an abomination to the
Lord. Both alike are an abomination to the Lord. And the thing is, we get think pieces, we get statements, we get joint statements and Twitter threads with the quickness condemning racism that we actually have no idea if it really is racism.
It's just based on nothing but skin color. We'll get those think pieces out like the quickness. But I can count on one hand the number of big evil leaders that I've seen condemning, rioting, and looting, and violence.
And even when they do, it's always tempered with, well, I can certainly understand how you feel. And it's like, well,
I'm sorry, but the Scripture says something about people like you. You know what
I mean? And it's not good. It's really not good. And the other thing is you can see these principles.
So I know that. I can talk about that stuff. You can see that there are no principles here because last week, if you remember, this is the funny one, that lizard person,
Joe Carter, that lizard person, Joe Carter, put a thing about conspiracy theories and how evil the son of Satan, if you believe in a conspiracy theory.
And, of course, he mentioned the conservative conspiracy theories that are, you know, they're not, we can't even gaze upon them.
And then today, every one of his friends is promoting conspiracy theories that there are secret white supremacists that are really the ones that are doing the looting and the violence and stuff like that.
They're white supremacists, and they want to cause a race war. So they're in there. Again, based on what, who knows.
But, you see, there's no principles here. Yeah, if it's a conservative conspiracy theory, and a lot of times they're not even conspiracy theories, they're just called conspiracy theories, well, then you can't touch it with a 10 -foot pole.
But if you want to spin a yarn about white supremacists all day long, you'll be able to do that. You see, there's no principles here.
You know what I mean? This is an unstable man, twisted in all their ways. This is someone who doesn't have foundations.
He just wants to be on the right team. He wants to look good. And that's the thing. If you come out condemning rioters and looters, the optics of that, you know, they don't look good.
Because you're like, well, what are you saying? George Floyd wasn't killed? And it's like, no, we're adults, though. We can think that George Floyd was killed unnecessarily.
We can think that George Floyd was murdered, even, if you want to go as far as you can possibly go, first -degree murder.
We can think that George Floyd was killed, first -degree murder. We can think that and at the same time be like, yeah, and these beasts that are looting and beating people up to a pulp and stuff like that, these animals that are doing that, you know, it's acting like an animal to kill another human being, but it's also acting like an animal to loot and riot and mayhem and all that stuff and to go rob a liquor store because you want to get your swerve on.
You know what I'm saying? Like, that's also acting like a beast. We can condemn both at the same time. In fact, that's what a
Christian does, because a Christian doesn't care about optics. They care about what the scripture says.
And so I can condemn both without breaking a sweat. I mean, it's really easy for me to do that. I don't have to worry about, oh, my team's not going to – what's my team going to think?
I saw some people say, well, you know, black people are between a rock and a hard place because on the one hand, they don't want violence, and on the other hand, they want to show solidarity with their black brothers and sisters.
And I'm saying, well, if you're between a rock and a hard place as to whether or not to condemn looting and violence and stuff like that, then your father is the devil because the thing is, like, you know, when you're trying to please
God, it's not a rock and a hard place to do that. When you have to choose between – let's just say you had to choose.
You actually don't have to choose this, by the way. When you have to choose between black solidarity and solidarity to condemn what is evil, like, you know, to be on God's side of what is evil, like, you throw away your black solidarity if you had to choose.
But you actually don't have to choose. You can have black solidarity all day long and also be on God's side.
Like, there's nothing wrong with that. But you have to understand, like, if it comes down to it, though, you need to hate your blackness to love
Christ. Like, that's what – that whole passage in Scripture, you should hate your father and mother. What's that saying?
Hate your father and mother, you know, your own life, all that stuff. That's – hate your flesh, man, like your ancestors.
If you don't hate your flesh, then you're not worthy of Christ. That's what God says.
So, you know, like, we got to do something with that. Hate your brother, hate your father and mother, hate your son, your daughter, you know.
If you don't do that, you're not worthy of Christ. Like, listen, if it comes down to me disowning my
Puerto Rican -ness, if it had to come down to it – I'm not saying it does. If it did, if I had to hate my Puerto Rican -ness in order to follow
Christ, I would throw my Puerto Rican -ness in the garbage can in about five seconds flat.
It's just that simple. I have no use for it in light of who Christ is.
Christ is all. Christ is all in all. He's the King of kings. He's the Lord of lords. I love Puerto Rico, man.
I love – I sing that song, Preciosa, all the time. I sing it all the time because I love that song. And I love Marc Anthony, too.
You know what I'm saying? I love Puerto Rico, man. I've only been a few – a handful of times, and every time I've gone,
I love it. I always think, man, I should move down here, man. I love Puerto Rican culture. I love my family.
I love how we're loud. I love the food. I love everything about being Puerto Rican, man. I love the skin color.
I love the fact that there's different tones. Like, I'm a kind of middle -ground Puerto Rican. There's dark
Puerto Ricans. There's black Puerto Ricans. There's white Puerto Ricans. I love it all, man. It's amazing. I love the island of Puerto Rico.
I love the ethnicity of Puerto Rico. I love being Puerto Ricans. I would throw it in the sewer in 15 seconds flat.
I said five before. Maybe I'd think about it a little more. In 15 seconds flat, if it came down to my loyalty to Christ or my loyalty to Puerto Rico.
But the thing is, like, you've got to understand not everybody thinks that way. Christians don't think that way.
There are things about non -Christian identity that they unwisely, foolishly think is more important or as important as their identity in Christ.
And it's just like, I know about what the scripture says about that. So I don't know what's going on. I watch my
TV. I watch YouTube about these riots and stuff like that. And I don't know how real it is.
I'll be honest with you. I don't know how real it is because the media lies to me all the time.
And I've got to be consistent just because it fits my narrative. And I know that social justice leads to violence.
Just because I know that that's the case doesn't mean that what I'm seeing is 100 % accurate.
I got to be careful not to have confirmation bias because at the end of the day, I know that social justice leads to violence.
There's no other way. There is no other way. This is not like a kind of like a pie in the sky prediction.
Obviously it leads to violence. I mean, you study social justice and critical theories and stuff like that. There's no other way.
It's a revolutionary ideology. But I don't know what I'm seeing on TV. But what
I do know is the responses from Christians. It's just unbelievable.
Yesterday, Micah Edmondson was telling me silence in the face of injustice is a sin.
Silence and then what he meant by that was that if you don't condemn the same people I condemn without a trial, which is exactly what
Nicodemus was ridiculed for by the Pharisees, but whatever. Well, the side issue, if you don't do exactly what
I do, then you're in sin. That's what Micah was saying when he said silence was a sin in the face of injustice. But that was a week ago.
But today, silence, crickets about these beasts that are beating people up to a pulp allegedly, burning things down allegedly, staging a revolution against the
White House allegedly, all this stuff I see on TV, silence, crickets. Yesterday, silence was a sin. Today, well, it depends on the narrative,
I guess. Today, silence is the rule. That's what Big Eva is doing. Silence.
These people are unstable in all their ways, all their ways. This one
I found especially revealing. Thabiti is gone. I need you to understand that.
Thabiti Anyawele is gone. I know my brothers at CrossPolitik had him on the show, family discussion, stuff like that.
And what that means is that he's in. I can't see how that's possible. And that's okay. I'm not the final arbiter.
I'm not the one who judges his salvation or not. But I'll tell you one thing. If Thabiti, if I was a pastor, maybe it's good that I'm not.
If I was a pastor and Thabiti came to my fellowship, he would not be allowed to take communion.
You understand what I'm saying? He's gone. Because this is the reality. He's thought about this.
He's thought about it very carefully. And here's where he's landed. White people, I want you to listen to this.
Those of you who want to do the right thing, you're sitting on the fence and you don't really know what to do. If you know this critical theory stuff, this is whiteness, this is wokeness.
It sounds a little funny, but at the same time, you have a heart for people of color.
But listen to this person of color. Have a heart. Give me five seconds, five minutes to tell you something here.
Listen to this. Listen to this. This is unchristian. This is unchristian. There's no other way to describe it.
Thabiti Anyagwili. There's something I've been trying to find words to express for some time.
You see, he's thought about this, people. He's thought about this, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
He's thought about this for a long time and he's tried to find the words. And he's not sure he has the words here, but he's gonna say it because this idea is so important to him.
He has to say it. Let's go back to Thabiti. He says, I'm still not confident these are the words, but I will use them and ask you, dear reader, to receive them as best as God's grace will allow you.
I'm still grappling for better expression. I'll do that, Thabiti, because the reality is I do understand a little bit about this.
And so, no problem. I'll read them with as much grace as I possibly can.
He continues. I'm grateful for the many white brethren in Christ who have expressed genuine concern and weariness about recent events.
I appreciate the expressions and like many, I draw some encouragement from them. Please don't stop sharing how you feel.
A lot of expressions of empathy are addressed to African -Americans as brothers and sisters in Christ.
A welcome recognition of our kinship in the Lord, especially when a number of other professing
Christians weaponize and politicize that kinship to deny justice. He's just a liar.
I mean, he's just a liar. But listen to this. I want you to really hear what this thread is about.
He says, but it must be said, and here's where I struggle to find the correct words, that the site of our struggle is not our shared
Christian faith. Therefore, expressing Christian solidarity falls short of the kind of solidarity that is needed in this moment.
You see, your identity in Christ, your solidarity in Christ, that's not what's needed at this moment.
No, there's another kind of solidarity that's needed in this moment.
I know that you, I'm glad that you call me your brother in Christ, your African -American brother in Christ, but it's just not enough.
There's something else needed. The site of our struggle is not our shared
Christian faith. No, that's not the site of our struggle. And so we need more than our
Christian identity and unity to fight this one. We need something else besides our shared identity in Christ.
This is an allegedly Christian pastor. And the rest of the thread, of course, is just a bunch of slander.
This guy was killed because he was black. He was jogging while black. All these are just blatant lies, right? So it doesn't get any better, right?
So, number one, our Christian identity, our Christian solidarity, it's not enough. And number two, there's a bunch of lies.
So I'm not gonna talk about things I don't know. Yeah, I saw that picture of that black guy with his pants sagging low with bottles of liquor in his hands after he just looted a liquor store because he cares about justice.
I saw that. I could talk about that. But I don't know if that picture's staged. I have no idea. I don't even know if that picture's from the riot.
I mean, the media is well known for taking images that aren't involved in the actual event and claiming that it's involved in the actual event.
They do this with wars. They do this with the COVID thing. I have no idea if that's accurate. I could zing the person on the picture, just trying to get a swerve on.
I could do all that. But at the end of the day, I don't really know what I'm seeing. But I do know about this.
But I do know about this. My friends, don't throw out the scriptures to have good optics.
This is evil, what Thabiti Anyabwile is saying here.
There's no other way to slice it. This is evil. And I know you risk the optics of looking like you don't care about justice or looking like you're talking down to a
POC and stuff like that. But all that stuff, that's garbage. That's garbage.
That's excrement. All of that stuff is excrement compared to Jesus Christ.
My friends, it's time to decide where your loyalties are. It's time right now.
This is a time of revolution. This is a time of upheaval. This is not gonna get better before it gets worse.
The time is now to decide where your loyalties are. Are your loyalties to looking good?
Are your loyalties to a certain ethnicity? Are your loyalties to your team, the
Gospel Coalition, ERLC, these dear brothers and sisters in Christ who have proven their faithfulness over years and years and years.
Is that where your loyalties lie? Or do your loyalties lie with the truth? The truth who is a man,
Jesus Christ. Because if it does, you can't go with the beady hair.
You can't go with the beady hair. This is evil. And you're not doing blacks or browns any favors by allowing them to continue in evil.
You're not doing blacks and browns any favors by allowing them to continue to believe a false narrative.
You can't do it. It doesn't do us any favors, man. This week is going to be a serious week of videos.
I'm going to obviously still have fun with it because I've got a lot of joy in my life. I'm not in despair.
So we're going to talk about some things this week. And we're going to talk about some serious things. And I hope you find it helpful.
And I hope you make the right decision. Where do your loyalties lie?