Progressive “Pastor” Says Quoting The Bible Is Hateful!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So today we're going to respond to yet another progressive
Christian TikTok from yet another progressive pastor who approves of homosexuality. And make sure you hold on to your hats, folks, because this video is about as cringey as it gets.
Watch this. If you look very closely, the first thing
I want you to notice is that this man is wearing the ultra -traditional pastor garb. Well, of course, beside the rainbow stuff.
He's got the pastor outfit on, but the problem with this is that you can't just put on the costume of a pastor and then claim to be one.
You actually have to preach what the Bible says. Titus 1 .9 says, quote, he, a pastor, must hold firmly to the trustworthy word as taught so that he might be able to give instruction and sound doctrine, and also rebuke those who contradict it, end quote.
So just because this progressive fraud is wearing his best attempt at a pastor Halloween costume, that doesn't mean that he's a real pastor.
Keep that in mind. Honestly, it's astounding to me that just a few generations ago, men fought in the trenches and had their limbs blown off in World War II, and nowadays, progressive pastors like this guy do a little cringey feminine dance to show their undying support for gay pride.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. So with that said, let's get into the content of the clip and compare it to Scripture.
In the clip, he first offers a list of things that hypothetical evangelical Christians often say.
But then he writes the phrase, quote, you can keep those comments to yourself. No hate here.
The implication, of course, is that those comments were somehow hateful. And this is the important thing you need to do when anyone, especially a progressive
Christian, calls you hateful. And that's going to happen a lot these days if you're a biblical Christian. All you have to do is respond by asking, by what standard?
You said I'm hateful. By what objective standard are you saying that? The answer, 99 % of the time, is going to be that their feelings were personally hurt.
But is that the Bible standard of what hate is? No. We get our standard of hate as Christians from the pages of Scripture, not from the feelings of hyper -emotional people who don't subscribe to the
Christian worldview, and therefore get offended by nearly everything. So I want to do something simple. Let's go through the list of hateful comments that this fake pastor has such a problem with, and compare them to Scripture, shall we?
The first thing he writes is the phrase, quote, being gay is a sin, end quote. And to that I would simply say yes and amen.
It certainly is a sin. Is it hateful to say that, though? Absolutely not. In Romans chapter 1, Paul calls homosexuality of all kinds sinful and unnatural.
And it certainly is those things. And that is the Word of God, people. Calling homosexuality a sin is not hate.
It is love. Psalm 97 verse 10 says, quote, oh you who love the Lord, hate evil, end quote.
Calling out sin is how we practice Biblical love. It's not a contradiction of Biblical love. So the first comment that this fake pastor disagrees with is entirely
Biblical. And if his feelings are hurt, that's because he hates God's Word, not because we hate homosexual people.
That's what your psychologist might call projection. Don't project your hate of God's Word onto Biblical Christians, and then say they're the hateful ones.
If you have a problem with what the Bible says about homosexuality, take it up with God. The next phrase he writes is, quote, you're wrong.
Are you kidding? It's hateful now to say that a person is wrong? That qualifies as Biblical hate? You're not allowed to say that as a
Christian? That is not the Biblical standard of what hate is? This is the type of thing a five -year -old girl would call hate.
Jesus was perfectly loving, yet he said people were wrong all the time. In Matthew 23, 15,
Jesus says, quote, woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you travel across the sea and land to make a single convert, and when he becomes a convert, you make him twice a child of hell as you yourselves are, end quote.
Here Jesus not only calls the Pharisees just wrong, he goes way further than that. Not only are they wrong, he calls them children of hell.
But again, like I said, Jesus is still perfectly loving and kind, even when he says stuff like that.
First John 4, 8 says that, quote, anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love, and of course, we know that Jesus is
God. So Biblically, it cannot be the case that calling someone wrong is hateful, and to imply that it is, well that's the same as implying that Jesus himself was a hateful person.
Then this fake pastor wrote the word heretic, and after that the phrase false prophet. And he suggested that this was hateful as well.
But 2 Peter 2, 1 says, quote, but false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction, end quote.
This passage condemns those that are heretics, and those who are false prophets. So the question then becomes, is the
Bible now full of sinful hatred, or is this progressive pastor full of foolishness? I think the answer is quite obvious if you have your eyes open and your head screwed on.
There is nothing unloving about calling a false prophet a false prophet, or about calling a heretic a heretic.
Romans 6, 17 says, quote, I appeal to you brothers to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught, avoid them, end quote.
It is loving to warn others about false teachers and heresy. In fact, the Bible commands us to do those things as brothers.
Jesus does it all the time, Paul does it all the time, Peter does it all the time, and many others do it in Scripture.
There's a clear pattern here. So if your standard of sinful hatred is a standard that makes Jesus guilty and that makes
His Word guilty, you are the one who's wrong, not Jesus, and certainly not His Word.
And the final statement he writes is, quote, but the Bible says. And here's where we get down to brass tacks, folks.
He's showing you his cards here, so pay attention. In this man's view, it is hateful, sinful, and wrong and unloving to say, but the
Bible says. Never mind that Psalm 119, verse 11 says, quote, I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
The Bible says that God's Word is very helpful in keeping people out of sin and out of destructive behavior.
But no, quoting God's Word is hateful, according to this progressive Christian. And unfortunately, even many modern churches that oppose homosexuality say stuff like this all the time.
We need to be loving. Stop quoting the Bible in people's face, man. We need to walk with people through their problems, not just quote the
Bible at them, bro. And of course, there's a kernel of truth in that. I mean, we don't do evangelism by duct taping a
Bible to a brick and then throwing it through every window on our block. But still, when people in the church say things like this,
I think most of the time they're ignoring the real problem. Do we really have a big problem in the church of so many people who quote the
Bible in a mean and unnecessarily rude way? Is that really our biggest problem? I mean, I'm sure some people do that.
I've seen it myself. But we have a way bigger problem in our modern churches of people who don't know the
Bible well enough to quote it whatsoever. The vast majority of people who call themselves Christians could not give you a solid gospel presentation from their memory, let alone give you a solid gospel presentation from the
Scriptures. Most professing Christians, even those who defend the traditional biblical model of marriage between men and women, could not point you to one passage that says homosexuality is a sin.
They have no way of defending their beliefs biblically. We have an epidemic of professing
Christians who don't know the Bible at all and who couldn't quote it if their life depended on it. There's way more of those people than people who know the
Bible back to front and quote it improperly. In our trendy, seeker -sensitive megachurch, pastors stand up at the pulpit and say things like,
We need to stop quoting the Bible in people's faces, man. We need to walk with them. And sure, that can be a problem sometimes,
I'm not denying that. But when pastors say this, they're ignoring the problem. They say this from the pulpit while ignoring the fact that their own congregation probably isn't familiar with much
Scripture other than John 3 .16, and that's only because Tim Tebow had it under his eyes one time at a football game.
My point here is that we need more emphasis in the Church on quoting Scripture, not less.
Long story short, this progressive Christian TikTok pastor thinks that quoting the Bible is hateful.
And in practice, many evangelical megachurch pastors basically agree with his sentiment. So we need to raise up Church members and teach them to memorize and quote
Scripture fluently. We do not need less Scripture being quoted in cultural settings. We need much more of it.
Or have we forgotten that Hebrews 4 .12 says that, quote, The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two -edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart, end quote.
If we truly believe that the word of God is effective and true and powerful, then we should be quoting the
Bible more and encouraging others to do so. And we certainly shouldn't think that quoting God's word is somehow hateful.
So in conclusion, as Christians, we are commanded to love all people. That's where this all starts. Jesus says that the greatest commandment is to love
God, and the second greatest is to love others. That's Matthew chapter 22. So we know that in order to be consistent
Christians, we must love people. So when someone accuses us of being hateful or having a lack of love because of our sound doctrine, that cuts deep.
And too often, when we are accused of that, we find that our hands are tied and we simply don't know what to say other than to apologize.
So I would encourage you, my fellow Christians, that if someone calls you hateful for following or quoting the
Bible accurately, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. In fact, you are biblically required to not apologize to that person.
But Colin, their feelings are hurt. Yes, I know that. And it doesn't matter. The pagan world doesn't get to define what hate is and what we preach through their hurt feelings.
You still have to put the Bible into practice regardless, and you have to put into practice the entire Bible. If the gospel stopped every time someone's feelings were hurt,
Christianity would have never made it out of the first century. We need to stop being so sensitive in the modern
Church and get back to boldly and lovingly proclaiming the truth of God's word. So if I may be so bold,
Christians, maybe you need to stop caring so much about other people's feelings. Obey God and practice biblical love according to God's word and let other people's emotions fall where they may.
You can't control those things. And pray for this cringy dancing heretic you saw in the video, that he would stop, that he would turn from this sin and believe the truth of God's word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.