Shocking New Revelations Regarding Steve Lawson & Trinity Bible Church - End Celebrity Christianity!
Shocking new information has come to light, the Matthew 18 church discipline process is NOT HAPPENING for the following reasons.......
Also in this video I make arguments why "Celebrity Christianity" is bad for the local church! Famous pastors are almost always inaccessible and often are unaccountable. Much more is said.....this is a must watch!
Conference Circuit
Gospel Coalition
Ligonier Ministries
Masters Seminary
John MacArthur
One Passion Ministries
Ravi Zacharias
Local Church
- 00:00
- Hello and thank you for watching this video. Shocking new revelations about Steve Lawson.
- 00:06
- And we're going to be talking about the problems of celebrity pastors. This is a real issue.
- 00:12
- And before somebody comments, because yes, things are getting worse in the Steve Lawson situation, but before somebody watches 10 seconds of the video and is ready to comment,
- 00:23
- Oh, well, I don't think you should be talking about his personal life and whatever, and the details, that's not what we're going to be doing.
- 00:29
- So yes, things are getting worse in the story, but it's not what you think.
- 00:35
- So here's the headline from Protestia. Steve Lawson was not a pastor.
- 00:41
- He was not even the pastor of Trinity Bible church. Matter of fact, he wasn't even a member.
- 00:47
- He wasn't even an elder. Yeah, this is shocking. And the fact that Steve Lawson, no one seems to be holding him accountable because there was no accountability.
- 00:59
- That was the situation going in. He was just the guest preacher. He was the celebrity guest preacher.
- 01:06
- Only he was the guest preacher every single week. So he would ride in on his chariot, preach, get paid, and then immediately leave because he just can't, you know, and the story says he needed to guard his time.
- 01:22
- And what it looks like is he just didn't want to have to talk to people. He didn't want to have to rub shoulders with the hoi polloi.
- 01:28
- You know, he just couldn't be bothered with that. So this is bad. This, this story actually makes me angry and I don't get too riled up, but we talk about a lot of different things here, but this makes me mad.
- 01:41
- And it's the celebrity culture, you know, the celebrity preachers, it's like with the
- 01:46
- TGC conference, why are people going to hear celebrity pastors and there's a lot of money to be made.
- 01:53
- So if you can just get some celebrity to come in and, you know, hang out at your church for an hour and a half and preach and then he can leave.
- 02:00
- And yeah, this, this really burns me up. So let's read the article again.
- 02:06
- This is from Protestia. Six weeks have passed since Trinity Bible church revealed that Steve Lawson was disqualified from ministry activities for having an inappropriate relationship with a woman who is not his wife.
- 02:19
- And of course she was much younger and all the rest lasted for five years. And again, even if I said this in a previous video, even if details came out,
- 02:28
- I'm not interested in covering the tabloid type details, but this is a massive issue.
- 02:35
- It exposes a massive issue within evangelical Christianity that, that this type of situation could even happen and people were okay with it.
- 02:45
- And let's continue reading. So new report offers insight into why the whole situation has been so strange and murky.
- 02:54
- According to pastors, Derek Brown and Cliff McAnus of Creekside Bible church in California on an episode of their podcast, quote, with all wisdom, using information that had been verified by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
- 03:10
- Steve Lawson, though he previously served as a pastor of previous churches, he was neither a pastor nor an elder and not even a member, nor was he even a member at Trinity Bible church.
- 03:25
- Yes, that's right. He was not a pastor. He was not an elder at Trinity Bible church, which we said he was not the pastor or lead pastor of that church, but he was, he wasn't even a member of the church.
- 03:39
- How do you know this? Because, and here's a little picture from their website where they basically had admitted this.
- 03:46
- This was an open secret, but check this out. Notice his title. Okay. So it's not like this was a secret.
- 03:56
- The article continues. I've been trying to get ahold of Trinity Bible church. So it's these guys talking on their podcast who revealed this.
- 04:03
- They said, we've been trying to get ahold of Trinity Bible church in Texas for several weeks and I finally got ahold of someone that was willing to talk to me who actually worked at the church and they verified everything that we said.
- 04:16
- They were reluctant to talk to me and they were reluctant to tell me, but they agreed he was not an elder.
- 04:23
- He was not a pastor. He was not the lead pastor. They kind of waffled when I said, was he even a member?
- 04:29
- And they didn't want to tell me, but it was pretty obvious. Steve Lawson wasn't even a member at this church.
- 04:37
- Now, listen, if Steve Lawson was invited to speak once in a while, you know, every six months they have a guest speaker come in.
- 04:45
- No problem. But for that kind of arrangement, just to have him come in for an hour or two a week and he's not even, he's not even a member there, but he's preaching every single week.
- 04:58
- And that's the arrangement to have a celebrity. What's the problem with that? Well, there's no accountability, right?
- 05:04
- You're setting up the situation to blow up in your face. No accountability.
- 05:10
- He has no real responsibility with the people. He doesn't even know the people that he's speaking to week after week.
- 05:17
- Again, if he was coming in to speak once a year or something, then fine. But if you're going to be, if you're going to act as the pastor and preach every single week, that's what the pastor's job is.
- 05:29
- You need to know the flock. But anyway, this is just unbelievable. The article continues.
- 05:35
- They, that is the, the church Trinity Bible. They also agreed and acknowledged that as far as they know, the elders at their church are not the ones managing the
- 05:47
- Matthew 18 process with Steve Lawson. They are not disciplining him because they can't.
- 05:55
- Okay. So Trinity Bible church seems to have admitted that they are not, they are actually not in the process of disciplining
- 06:05
- Steve Lawson because they can't, because he's not even a member of our church. We can't discipline a non member.
- 06:11
- Absolutely outrageous. Okay, let's continue. Notably the original announcement from Trinity reads quote, the elders at Trinity Bible church of Dallas regretfully announced that effective immediately.
- 06:26
- Steven J Lawson has been removed indefinitely from all ministry activities at Trinity Bible church of Dallas.
- 06:34
- Notice that while he was removed indefinitely from all ministry activities, he was not removed from a position.
- 06:43
- He was removed from all ministry activities instead. So he wasn't removed from being an elder or a pastor.
- 06:51
- So they say, what was Lawson? If he wasn't their pastor or elder, he was the regular guest preacher, otherwise known as the lead preacher.
- 07:03
- And you saw that on the website, receiving a dispensation from the elders to preach the sermon and then depart once the message was done.
- 07:13
- What we know now is Steve Lawson didn't want to be a pastor. He was a pastor at two previous churches and it didn't go well at either place.
- 07:23
- There was division. There were church splits. It's kind of an ugly history.
- 07:29
- And then he got to a point and he said, I don't want to be a pastor. And they honored his wishes.
- 07:36
- Well, if he didn't want to be a pastor, he shouldn't be preaching. That's my opinion. Because what are the qualifications?
- 07:43
- See they're blending it all together. He's acting as if he's the pastor, but he's not the pastor. So I know some people might disagree and they say,
- 07:53
- Oh no, this is a fine situation if a church wants to outsource the preaching on Sunday morning to some celebrity or somebody who's not even a member, they can do that.
- 08:02
- And he can just, you know, whisk them in and out. And it's not right. I don't care what anyone says.
- 08:08
- That ain't right. That's not what we see in the Bible. That is not the biblical model. So it says they honored his wishes and he was just a teacher.
- 08:19
- He was a guest teacher at all these places, guest teacher at Ligonier and Trinity Bible Church.
- 08:27
- The revelation tracks with what several members of Trinity Bible Church have reported to us saying that loss and scandalous affair opened their eyes to how problematic and challenging some of his behavior was, you think, which was never really questioned or considered before, but now is glaring in the light of this new exposure.
- 08:50
- Members report that he would show up on Sundays, head straight to the back, preach the sermon, and then leave immediately after rarely, if ever sticking around to shake hands or spend time talking to these, you know, lowly, uh, you know, church people like,
- 09:08
- I don't even want to have to deal with these people just ride in and ride out and get paid. And that's it.
- 09:13
- That's what they're saying. And what's the excuse? Steve Lawson had to quote unquote guard his time.
- 09:22
- Whose fault is this? Obviously the S the scandal, the affair, the affair is Steve Lawson's fault and the woman, obviously, but you know, the elders of the church, they allowed for this situation.
- 09:36
- If the guy doesn't want to be a pastor, if he doesn't want to spend any time with God's people, he has no business teaching
- 09:44
- God's people. Okay. Some exceptions. And this, again, this is the whole problem with celebrity
- 09:50
- Christianity. You know, the celebrity pastors, they're completely inaccessible and many of them are unaccountable.
- 09:58
- So this has happened with, this may not happen with Steve Lawson because in the reformed world, they're much more strict, but there's a long list of celebrity preachers.
- 10:09
- They get busted, you know, in a fair, uh, embezzling money, you know, they wait six months or a year until things, you know, kind of die down and then they're right back at it.
- 10:19
- Why? Because there's no accountability. There are celebrity. They, they will always have a following.
- 10:25
- We see that with Hill song that starting up again, you know, Carl Lentz and Brian Houston and a lot of these charismatic preachers, you know, there's no accountability.
- 10:33
- They just come back and start it all over again. Start the scam all over again.
- 10:39
- So let's continue. The articles almost finished, uh, or at least to the degree that we're going to read, you know, probably there's probably, uh, another third of the article are not going to cover.
- 10:50
- You can check it out on the protest to your website for yourself, but they say some exceptions were made for some of the young adult groups.
- 10:57
- But by and large, Steve Lawson was rarely around and was functionally inaccessible to the congregation.
- 11:05
- Just like one might expect a guest preacher to be. They have speculated that this distance from the flock, uh, from the flock has played a role in him feeling he was unaccountable to them.
- 11:17
- Of course that led to this because they never really knew him, nor him them.
- 11:24
- And therefore he was able to live a double life because he's not a member, elder, or pastor.
- 11:31
- The host suggests the church has no ability to hold him accountable the ways they would have been.
- 11:37
- If he were a member pointing out that this changes the conversation from groups that initially chastised others.
- 11:44
- So this is where Protestia is, you know, taking issue with some of these other ministries.
- 11:51
- Uh, here's what they say for this is, this is important because you go back to the very beginning when they, uh, people who are doing videos and saying,
- 11:59
- Hey, where's the accountability? What are you doing? Is, you know, tell us what's happening is Matthew 18 being carried out.
- 12:06
- And we were just getting no information from Trinity Bible church. And that's a problem because Steve Lawson had so much influence.
- 12:15
- So people complained about that and they were rebuked or lectured according to Protestia from people like G3 ministries.
- 12:25
- Also, uh, Tim Challies, they basically said, leave it up to the church. This is no, don't talk about it.
- 12:32
- Nevermind. It's none of your business. Leave it up to Trinity Bible church. And people were like, well, yeah, but they're not doing anything.
- 12:40
- They're not saying there's no information. It looks like nothing is happening. And that's because they were right.
- 12:46
- Nothing was happening because Trinity Bible church admits we can't do anything about it. There's no accountability.
- 12:52
- He's not a member. Okay. So I think you get the point.
- 12:58
- This is a real problem. This is a real problem. And the bigger point and not just Steve Lawson and Trinity Bible setting the situation up for failure.
- 13:08
- It's the bigger issue of celebrity pastors. Okay. This whole culture of celebrity preachers and the conference circuit and people just flocking to hear this.
- 13:22
- It's like we talked about with the gospel coalition conference. What is this? It's, it's like a business.
- 13:29
- These people are famous. So they attract a crowd. So, you know, bring them on in, even though they're teaching heresy or having an affair or doing this or that, or, you know,
- 13:40
- John Piper and his Christian hedonism doctrine or David Platt and his critical race theory or JD Greer and his diversity equity and inclusion doctrine,
- 13:50
- DEI, and all of this stuff, you know, it doesn't matter because these people are famous.
- 13:55
- So we're just going to put them up on stage and people will pay money.
- 14:00
- This is the whole thing. This is the whole problem with celebrity preachers. They're famous and we can put them up on stage and people will come and we will get their money.
- 14:13
- Okay. This, this is the problem with celebrity preachers.
- 14:18
- And here, here are the main issues. What I just talked about, obviously, also these people are inaccessible.
- 14:25
- Okay. A pastor has to be accessible to the people. A pastor should be a member of his own church.
- 14:34
- How can you be the pastor of a church or serve as Steve Lawson was acting as the pastor?
- 14:39
- You're doing the role of a pastor. The pastor is the one who preaches on Sunday morning. How can you do that at a church and not even be a member?
- 14:49
- So the biggest problem, these celebrity preachers are completely inaccessible.
- 14:55
- You just can't get near these people. Okay. So there's, because they're inaccessible, there is no accountability.
- 15:01
- That's number two. These guys often become prideful and they start teaching strange doctrine and no one can do anything about it.
- 15:11
- Or, you know, I can make a YouTube video and then their followers come on here and you judge, not judge, not, you know, and you get that kind of a thing.
- 15:20
- And here's the biggest problem for the people in the pew, the people in the pew don't know the man who is teaching them.
- 15:29
- They don't know who this guy is. See, here's the thing you need to know.
- 15:35
- The sheep need to know the shepherd and the shepherd needs to know the sheep.
- 15:42
- This is even Jesus took time with, you know, lowly sinners.
- 15:47
- Okay. If Jesus can take time for people, just the average person,
- 15:53
- Steve Lawson can. So in conclusion, I think this whole culture of celebrity preachers, it needs to come to an end.
- 16:03
- It is not biblical and the situation at Trinity Bible church, total disaster, not biblical.
- 16:10
- Hopefully this, we will learn the body of Christ will learn from this and changes will be made.
- 16:16
- If you want to leave a comment, I'd be happy to hear from you post below in the comment section and click thumbs up.
- 16:24
- If you agree. And if you disagree, click thumbs down, but make sure you do that twice. All right.