The God Ordained Importance of Mothers (05/14/2000)

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Pastor David Mitchell


I hope you noticed in your bulletins the congratulations to Jenny and to Jessie Wayne, our seniors this year, and we want to congratulate you and your hard work.
Well, I want to speak to you this morning about the God -ordained importance of mothers.
And you can be turning to Genesis chapter 2 and verse 22, and I want to read you a couple of things while you're turning there.
A teacher had just presented a lesson on magnets and magnetic force in her class, and so she thought she would quiz the pupils on the importance of magnets and what magnets can do.
So, she says, my name starts with the letter M and I have six letters and I pick up things.
What am I? And she was very amazed that all the children said, mother.
Charles Dickens said, God couldn't be everywhere, so he made mothers. Now his doctrine wasn't very good, but he did understand mothers, didn't he?
Mothers come in all sizes, shapes, and colors and are found everywhere, at kitchen sinks, hunting lost school books, kissing hurt places to make them well, patching seams and dreams, settling disputes, getting meals, supervising baths, and morals.
Mothers are the child's first and most important teacher. Eighty percent of what a child learns, he learns by the time he's five years old.
A mother seems to have eyes in the back of her head and ears that can hear the cookie jar lid from two rooms away.
Her smiles are contagiously cheerful and lighten up a home imparting hope and courage.
Theodore Roosevelt said, America's greatest asset is home -building,
God -fearing mothers. The Bible gives her these words of praise, in her tongue is the law of kindness.
She looketh well to the ways of her household. Her children shall arise and call her blessed.
One rabbi said this, the Hebrew word for parents is Horeem and it comes from the same root as moreh which means teacher.
The parent is and remains the first and most important teacher that the child will ever have.
One man said insanity is hereditary, mothers inherit it from their children.
Think about it. One child said we get our mothers so late in life it's impossible to do anything with them.
Okay, Charlotte, you were right, she said leave that one out. One man said mothers are the bones on which children sharpen their teeth.
That's pretty true. And Rudyard Kipling wrote this about the universal undying love of mothers.
If I hanged on the highest hill, mother oh mine, oh mother oh mine,
I know whose love would follow me still. If I were drowned in the deepest sea, mother oh mine, mother oh mine,
I know whose tears would come down to me. I want you to look at this passage in Genesis chapter two for a moment and I want to go through the
Bible and share with you several points that the
Bible makes very clear with regard to motherhood. In Genesis two, we see really the first mention of the word mother in the
Bible. Genesis two, let's start with verse 22. And the rib which the
Lord God had made, had taken from man, made he a woman and brought her into the man.
And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man.
Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.
And so the first mention of the word mother is found here where it says that the man shall leave his mother and perhaps we'll just get this point out of the way now and then we can go on to brighter issues, but it is an important word from God on this matter.
This word leave where it says that the man should leave his father and his mother is a
Hebrew word which means to loosen or to relinquish. And notice that it's not the mother leaving the son, it's the son leaving the mother.
And this word relinquish can go on to have other meanings such as to withdraw or retreat from, to leave behind or to release.
And I believe that the importance of this passage for moms is this, there are an awful lot of newlyweds and young couples who are together for the first two or three years of their marriage that receive a little bit too much help from home, if you know what
I mean. And so God starts out the first mention of the word mother by telling the mothers that there has to be a cutting of the apron strings.
That when a young man leaves his home, he has to relinquish his mother, he has to withdraw from her, to leave her behind, so to speak, and go to his wife and create a new family.
And I believe it's a real exhortation here from the scriptures and we realize that the first mention of words in the
Bible usually carries a little extra meaning, a little extra importance.
And it is the man who relinquishes his mother in favor of his wife, but the mother must accept being left behind, and that cannot be easy, but she must release her son to the
Lord and to his new wife so that there wouldn't be any type of control left over that might interfere with that marriage.
So I call this the temporary aspect of the role of motherhood. There comes a day when the children come out from under the roof and they come out of the nest and they come directly under the hand of God at that point.
And it certainly behooves moms to realize that and I know it's got to be a battle, but it's a very important one to win for the sake of that young marriage.
Now we can go on from here and it gets better. Can't go any further down, could it? Well, we talk about the temporary aspect of the role of motherhood, let me talk to you about the permanent aspect of the role of motherhood.
Let me give you the second mention of the word mother in the Bible. It's found in Genesis 3 in verse 20, and this brings the balance that God always brings.
Genesis 3 .20 says, and Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living.
This word mother in the Hebrew language is aim, and it means a mother as the bond of the family.
So though it may be true that there is a relinquishing of control when the son leaves the home, the mother is the permanent bond of the family.
When the siblings leave the home and start their new homes, it is the mother which brings them back again for seasons and reunions.
And it is the mother who is the bond that keeps the family together. How many of you can remember a grandmother on one side of the family or the other that you knew that once that person was gone, the family wouldn't be getting together much anymore?
And it happens that way. And so the moms on the one hand do give up control over their children, but they never give up the love and the providing of the shelter for the children.
Don't you know how important it is for young married couples out there in this cold, mean world to know they have a place they could come if they choose for shelter and for love and that that bond of the family is always there.
And God says that that is the mother's role. I want to talk to you for a moment about the importance of the mother's strong hand and discipline in the home.
Turn to Leviticus chapter 19 and verse 3. This is difficult because the older the children get, and especially if you have boy children in the home, sometimes the mom feels inadequate in the role of discipline.
How many of you dads have come home from a hard day's work and walked in the door and the mom said, you need to deal with Johnny?
And you're saying, well, he didn't do anything to me. I wasn't here. He didn't disobey me.
Why do I need to deal with him? Raise your hand if you ever felt that before. Okay. But you go ahead and you do it anyway, don't you?
Yes, you do because you have to live with mom. So and there's nothing really wrong with that because the man is the strong arm of the home.
But one thing that I think the Lord does make it clear to every mom is that she should never get to the place where she feels that she cannot bring forth a strong amount of discipline when needed in the home.
Even if dad's not there at that particular moment, she should not always wait for dad to get home because the children need to have a healthy fear of their mom.
And look at this in Leviticus 19 three, ye shall fear every man.
And his mother. Now, don't you think it's interesting that God put mother first and then he says, and his father, ye shall fear every man, his mother and his father.
And the mother is found first in that sentence. And then he says, and keep my Sabbaths and I am the
Lord, your God. Turn ye not into idols nor make to yourselves molten gods.
I am the Lord, your God. Why do you think it is that God places this in the same context of a warning against idolatry?
God points out very clearly the importance of a child's fear of his mother.
And then he says, don't get involved with idolatry and worshiping other gods. Well, I'll tell you why.
Because a child is prone to worship his mother's God. If mom tells me about God and describes
God to me, then that's how I view God as a young man. And it's very important that I realize that the
Lord has hold of my mom and that she is in his hand. And that if I offend my mom in some way, somehow
I tie that together with the fact that God didn't like it one bit.
And that God is the one who told me to obey and honor my mother. And that has to be instilled in the young men's minds and hearts from a very early age and to the daughters as well.
And so the importance of the mother's strong, consistent hand of discipline in the home is spelled out very early on in the
Bible. The importance that the children fear and respect her all the days of their lives.
And this, of course, is one of the real breakdowns that we're seeing in our country as we get to that a little bit later in the message.
But I just want to encourage the moms that when you're having one of those kind of days and you're busy about your work and the child comes forth and exhibits that thing which needs discipline and you're thinking to yourself,
I think I just won't notice this one this time because I don't want to handle it right.
You know what I would say to that? I think you'd have to rebuke yourself and say, Flash, get behind me.
Because the spirit, the spiritual mom will want to deal with it right then because she knows that the chastening needs to come on close heels to the misbehavior so that the child can put the two together and understand that sin brings pain with it all the days of my life.
And so I want to encourage you moms to not fall back from a strong hand of discipline in love and done biblically and in the right way but very consistently.
Don't be a mom who will do that when you're in a bad mood but you won't ever spank them when you're in a good mood.
It has nothing to do with your mood. It has to do with obeying the scriptures. That child must fear you and there's no way a child can fear you moms if dad does all the spankings.
No way in the world. If a child disobeys and it's you that they disobey, right there on the spot, it would be best that you took care of it in the
Lord, in his love, but in the right way. And the Bible speaks,
I'm not preaching this morning on discipline, what the Bible teaches about it, but I will tell you this, that the only thing that I can find in the entire
Bible ever that's given by God to the mom to use for discipline is the rod, a spanking.
Not sticking their nose in the corner, not timeouts, all the stuff you read about from modern child rearing experts, you won't find that in the
Bible. All this idea of reasoning with the child, sitting down with them and explaining, here's what you did to mommy, here's why mommy's upset, and if that's all you do, that's nowhere in the
Bible. The Bible speaks of a spanking. Spanking done in love and a spanking that does not stop because the child is crying, it does not stop until the child's spirit of rebellion is broken, then it stops.
And then that motherly love continues with a hug and maybe crying with the child and praying with the child and saying, now you're forgiven, let's go on from here.
I guarantee you that child will feel better from that point on than he would if you just let it go.
Now I think it is important to reason with the child in this sense, he should always know why he's getting the spanking, but it's not a reasoning like the world teaches where you're pleading with the child to understand that he's hurt mommy, you need to understand why you've hurt me and that this behavior is wrong and it hurts me, it hurts your mother.
That will not make it, all he'll be thinking is I'm sure glad you're talking and not whipping. Keep talking mom,
I'm listening, keep talking, but it won't change the behavior. You know why?
Because it's not just doctrine that's important from this book, it's methods. And the method that God gave for moms to create fear, a godly fear in the heart of a child is a good whooping.
Now, that's your preacher, but really it's not anything I made up, I'm just reading it and quoting it.
Now I've got a little booklet almost finished on child rearing and hopefully someday we can have that out for you to get, take it and get all the scriptures that talk about it.
But the main point this morning that we want to make is there has to be that healthy fear of the mom and the dad, but God mentioned the mother first, which
I thought was an amazing thing. Ye shall fear every man his mother and his father.
Now why is that so important? There are a couple of reasons and a couple of them deal with the sons and then another one deals with the daughters.
So let me get you to take a look at this. Turn with me to Deuteronomy chapter 21 and verse 18 and I want to speak to you moms about why it's important that your sons especially fear you because it is your role and the dad's to stop the rebellion of the sons.
The Bible speaks about the fact that children just naturally have certain things.
One of the things that children will naturally have is a bit of rebellion and God says the thing that removes that is the rod.
Now let's look at this in Deuteronomy 21, 18 and let's look at this from an Old Testament point of view.
For a moment, place yourself back before the cross, back as a person who loved the
Lord and lived under the law of Moses and let this be real to you.
I want this to be as if you're living there. When we read this, Deuteronomy 21, 18 says, if a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother and that when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them.
Now let me tell you why that happened because they waited too late. They waited too late to start spanking and it didn't do any good.
But that goes back to a study on child rearing. But anyway, you have a situation here where this son is rebellious and they spank him.
It doesn't do any good. He won't listen. He says, that doesn't hurt. And he gets to be an older young man and he's in a place where he's now stronger physically than his mom and quite possibly than his father.
And they correct him and he is in full rebellion. And look at verse 19, then shall his father, and I want you to notice this next phrase, and his mother.
The reason I want you to notice that, because I hadn't noticed it before. In my mind, it was always the father who did this.
But I see very clearly that it says, then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him and bring him out unto the elders of his city and into the gate of his place.
And they shall say unto the elders of his city, this, our son is stubborn and rebellious.
He will not obey our voice. He is a glutton and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones that he die.
So shalt thou put evil away from among you and all Israel shall hear and fear.
I want to ask you a question, moms. Now we don't live under that law, do we? But isn't it true that all the
Old Testament things were given as in samples and examples for those of us who live in the last days.
So I have to ask you a question. Does God change? So does how
God looks at rebellion in our children, has it changed one bit from the way it was when he gave this law?
Some of you are thinking we probably should have kept that one. Has God changed on this matter?
Is his heart any different than it was? Or his mind set on anything other than how he feels about rebellion in children?
And this pictured an older child, didn't it? So it hasn't changed. But I want to ask you this question.
If you lived in that day, moms, do you think that knowing that this law was over you and over your children that you might give a few more whoopings than you would if you didn't know this law was there?
If you were convinced that it was proper spankings that got the rebellion out of your children and you knew that if they got to be an older teenager and you weren't there yet and that rebellion was not removed and that heart wasn't right as it should be towards you that that child would die at the hands of the elders of the city someday, wouldn't it make a difference in how consistent you were in your child rearing, especially when it came to correction?
I believe that it would, not to mention dads. Certainly it says the mom and the dad had to put their hands on the child and physically carry him out that gate.
And from what I've heard, the way that it worked traditionally was that the father had to cast the first stone, which was not a pebble.
It was a huge rock that weighed enough where if you hit the child properly, it might kill him. And if it didn't, then the men began to throw stones until the rebellion was removed from Israel.
Now, that is an example for us to show how God feels about rebellion, about God's mind on this issue of rebellious children in the home.
And the best time to start is when they're sitting in that high chair. You start there and you won't have a problem when they get to be teenagers.
But far too many people have read far too many books on reasoning with children and just talk it through with them and don't spank them because that actually has been proven to create violence.
Every prisoner in the prisons had spankings. It proves that spankings put them there. That's exactly the studies.
I mean, isn't that good logic? They also ate their greens.
Did that put them there? So, now, we see that it's so important that the mom be feared by the sons to help put rebellion out of their hearts.
Now, let me show you another interesting aspect of this with the sons. I'm going to talk about the daughters in a moment, but let's look at Proverbs 31 in verse 1.
I want to say one more thing about the importance of the mom's life and influence in the life of these young men, if it's a proper life and influence.
Proverbs 31 .1 says, the words of King Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him, what my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my vows, giveth not thy strength unto women, the mother is teaching this young son, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings.
It is not for kings, O Lemuel. It is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes strong drink, lest they drink and forget the law and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.
This mom was teaching her son to stay away from wild women and booze.
Now, let me tell you something. When you've seen people in the world that have a problem in those areas, you can always look back to the mom because she didn't do her job.
Now I'll have to say this, they themselves are responsible for their own sin. We live in a day, one of the things
I read about the quotes about mothers, it says you're in a wonderful generation moms because you're living in a generation that when you were a child, the world said everything was the kid's fault.
But now that you're an adult, everything's the mom's fault. If your children go bad, it's your fault.
And we're taught that people are not supposed to take responsibility, they're supposed to blame what they do on their surroundings and their upbringing and so forth.
That certainly is not true. But I will say something that God indicates is true, that if a mom will take the time to teach her very, very young sons and as they grow up, the mom teaches the son about women because she knows women in a way that dad doesn't know women.
Wouldn't you agree with that? A mom can spot a wicked woman where the dad may not and she can warn her sons.
And that's exactly what the scripture indicates is needed here. Now let me go to the daughters for a moment.
Go back to Deuteronomy 22 and verse 20 and let's look at the importance of the mom's role with the daughters.
Deuteronomy 22 20 says, but if this thing be true and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel, then now let me set the setting for you before we go on here.
We're back into the laws of Moses. So I want you to place yourself back as if you lived in that day.
And here we have a daughter that you've raised in your home moms and this daughter goes for her wedding night and it is found out that she is not a virgin on her wedding night.
Well, there was a law concerning this and let's read it together in verse 21. Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house and the men of her city shall stone her right at the door.
Now they took the young man out of the gate of the city and stoned him, but they stoned the daughter right at the door of the house and they stone her with stones that she die because she hath wrought folly in Israel.
You see it will affect the entire nation to play the whore in her father's house.
So shall thou put evil away from among you. If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die.
Both the man that lay with the woman and the woman. So shall thou put away evil from Israel.
Now let me tell you something. Those adults that died in that verse had a mom and a dad somewhere.
And this young woman that came right from the household and was found not to be pure was stoned at the door of the house as the parents watched.
Now let me ask you another question. If you knew that was the law that you lived under, would it not affect the way you disciplined your daughters?
Would it not affect the consistency with which you always loved them enough to correct them every time they needed it rather than letting it slide from time to time?
Wouldn't it bring you to the place where the thing you thought was foremost was for them to fear you?
That they would not do anything that would bring dishonor to you because they fear you.
Now let me tell you something. God hasn't changed. We're no longer under this law. And I'm glad that we're not.
But God hasn't changed. And the truth is God hates these things as much as he ever hated these things.
And he showed how he felt about them in the Old Testament as types and examples for us to know on a spiritual level how he is towards these things today.
But the beautiful thing that he gives us in these passages is he shows us that this was the greatest incentive
I ever gave to teach parents to be consistent in discipline and correction.
Listen, they probably didn't have near the problem we have today with it. Because those parents knew if my child gets out from under my hand they're going to die at the hands of the law.
And they're going to die before my eyes. And so I'm going to start in the high chair and I'm going to start swatting that little rebellious hand when it goes like that and knocks that juice on the floor for the third time.
And I'm going to start right there and I'm going to carry it right through until by the time they're a big, strong teenage boy that little petite mom can say, son, go do this.
And it's done. Just like that. Now let's go to another point.
The importance of the mom's Bible knowledge and her walk of faith.
Turn to 2 Timothy chapter 1 and verse 5 and then we're also going to go to Proverbs 1 and 8.
Why is it important that the mom in the home be a Bible student? And that she not just pick it up at Sunday school or church, but that she also opens her own
Bible and studies in the home. Why is it important that the mom have a strong faith in her life?
Second Timothy chapter 1 verse 5 says, when I called to remembrance the unfamed faith that is in thee, and Paul is speaking to young Timothy and he's speaking of the strong unfamed, which means it's not fake, it's real, it's from God.
This strong faith that Timothy had, Paul says, when I called to remembrance the unfamed faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother,
Lois, and then in thy mother Eunice, and I am persuaded that in thee also.
Now I know that the Bible teaches that we're not saved by the will of man, but by the will of God.
And I know that God is sovereign, and I understand election more than I've ever understood it in my life, but I will tell you that the
Bible indicates in this place that the faith of the grandmom and the faith of the mother in the home makes a difference.
Now we have to understand that not only does God ordain who's going to be saved, but he ordains the means by which those will be saved.
He ordains that there might be a grandmom praying in some instances.
He ordains in other instances that the strong faith of the mother will be a strong influence on that son or daughter, or of the grandmom.
In my case, my grandmom had a big influence on me, not just my parents, but also my grandmother.
But I had a Lois and a Eunice praying for me as a young man, and I had no care for the church or for the
Bible, but they kept trying to draw me to the things of God. And so the
Bible teaches that that's very important in the life of a mom. Not to mention fathers, but this is not
Father's Day, so I'm talking about the mothers this morning. But look at Proverbs 1 .8.
My son, hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not the law of thy mother.
Now this is a verse where the little words are very important, as is in all cases, but until you take a look at the little words in this verse, you don't get the full meaning of it.
My son, hear the instruction of thy father. Notice it says to hear the father, but then it comes and it says forsake not the law of thy mother, for they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, which is a symbolic thing that talks about the mind,
I believe. And then it goes on and says chains, or in other words, necklaces about thy neck.
My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. Isn't it interesting the context we always find these things in?
It is saying to hear the father and forsake not the law of the mother, and that way when sinners entice thee in your youth, you won't have to consent to it.
Why? Your mind will go back to mom. If you're a young man, your mind will go back to your mom, and probably to your dad also, and you'll say, you know,
I don't think I want to bring this honor to my mom and dad. I'm not going to do this. And if you're a young lady, your mind and heart will go back to that dad, say, you know,
I'm tempted, but I'm not going to do this, because I do not want to dishonor or bring hurt to my dad.
Now, let me show you something interesting about the language here. It says to hear the instruction of the father.
This word instruction comes from a Hebrew word, musar, which means chastisement.
It means reproof and warning, and also with chastisement, and that's the role of the father in this particular verse.
But then when it comes to the mom, it says the child is to keep the law, in other words, not forsake the law of thy mother.
Now, let me show you an interesting word. Sometime when you get a chance, look up the word law in this sentence in the
Hebrew language. Do you know that this word is the word Torah?
Who can tell me what the Torah is? If Russ were here, we'd have a quick answer this morning, but who could tell me?
It's actually specifically the first five books of the Old Testament, but it's the book.
It's the Bible. We would think of it, if we want to look at that as a type, to us, it would be the Bible. To them, it was the
Bible as well. But isn't it interesting that the Bible says, hear the father, but don't forsake your mother's
Bible. That's what it says. Don't forsake your mother's
Bible. Don't forsake the belief, the strong faith that your mother has, the things that she has taught you out of that book.
Don't forsake them as you grow older. The child is to avoid forsaking this.
The word forsake is kind of interesting because it means to pound or to smite. It means to beat something out or to thrust it off.
Doesn't that imply, ladies, to you that the more your faith and your voice places the words of God in that child's mind, the more difficult it would be for him to throw it off.
It's not like it's easy here. He says, don't forsake the law of your mother. The more time and prayer and scripture you put into that young child's heart and life, the harder it is for him to take it and throw it.
It gets heavier. It's harder for him to just throw it off. And that's such an important role in the life of the mom.
Proverbs 6 .20 says, my son, keep thy father's commandment and forsake not the law of thy mother.
Bind them continually upon thine heart and tie them about thy neck. Listen, the mom has to have these before the child can tie them around his neck.
This is a teaching about the influence that the mom has on the child, not that the pastor has on the child, not that the
Bible teacher has on the child. When you go into Deuteronomy in the section where it talks about the role of the parents in teaching the
Bible, it doesn't necessarily say sit them down in a circle in the house and sit there and have Bible class.
What it says is go with them in the way. Speak of the words of God to them when you're in the way.
When you're just walking down the path with them, talk about God. Talk about the things of God. When you sit down with them, speak of the things of God.
And when they go to bed at night, speak of the things of God. This is not something some teacher does, some preacher does.
This is something that the mom does and the dad does. And as the rabbi said, the mom is the first and greatest teacher of the child.
Bind them continually around, upon thine heart and around thine neck. The commandments, the
Torah of the mom, when thou goest, it shall lead thee. When thou sleepest, it shall keep thee.
And when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. Mom, you want to have your little voice come in the child's mind when they're in college, when they're an older teenager, when they go off to college, when they leave the home, when they go off to that home and they're married and they're setting up their own home and they're away from you, do you want to have that little voice of yours be heard in their mind when they're tempted to do something wrong?
Well, then teach them the scriptures. Teach them your faith. Let your
Bible be their Bible. For the commandment is a lamp and the law is a light and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.
Where do the reproofs come from? The preacher, the Bible teacher, they come from the mom.
To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.
Ladies, you want to see the influence you can have on your sons for good. Lust not after her beauty in thy heart, this evil woman, neither let her take thee with her eyelids.
You think a dad's going to teach the son that? He might, but I have to guarantee you who will teach that is the mom.
For by means of a whorish woman, a man is brought to a piece of bread and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.
Moms, you need to know this. If you have a son, there are going to be more than one out there that Satan puts in his path to try to take his precious life.
And you need to be the one that teaches him about this. So he that goeth into his neighbor's wife, whosoever touches her shall not be innocent, but whosoever committed adultery with a woman lacketh understanding.
Why does he not have the understanding? Mom and dad didn't teach it to him from the word of God. He that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.
A wound and dishonor shall he get and his reproach shall not be wiped away as long as he's on the face of this earth.
Moms, it's very important that you instill into your young men and your young girls the virtue of purity and the results that happen if they forsake that.
Let them not forsake the Torah of their mother. Now let me speak to you for a moment about the undivided nature of mother's love.
Proverbs 4, 3 says, For I was my father's son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother.
It makes a statement about the father, but it makes a very interesting statement about the mom.
He says, Yes, I was my father's son, but when it comes to my mother, I was as if the only human alive on the face of the earth is what this says.
If you look at it in the Hebrew, it's kind of interesting because the word tender and beloved are not even found.
The only word that's found is the word only. But in the Hebrew language, this word only means united and soul.
It means beloved. It means that this person is united to the mom, their beloved to the mom, that the mom is the very life of this person and that she cannot be replaced.
And it's translated darling in the Old Testament a couple of places and solitary. So to this child, as he thinks of his father, he's proud and he says,
I am the son of my father, but I'm the only of my mother. In her heart, she can separate all other things and all other siblings away.
And look at me as if I'm her only child. And that's so important that moms understand that's the way children look at them and need to be able to look at them.
And I want to speak to you about the importance of the mother's presence. And this certainly does hit today. And I hope
I don't offend anyone today because I certainly don't mean to. So I think I'll tell you what, I'm not going to say anything about this.
I'm just going to read the Bible. And you can be offended at God. Proverbs 29, 15 says,
Proverbs 29, 15, God says, because I want you to like me.
God says, The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself bringeth his mother shame.
Now this word left to himself does not picture the mom simply leaving a child with someone to care for him or in a daycare center and going away.
It literally means this in the Hebrew, to send away or to send out of the home.
So let me read it with that literal translation. The rod and reproof give us wisdom, but a child who is sent away or sent out from the home bringeth his mother shame.
You may be very good, very well intentioned when you take that child to a daycare center.
You may think you have them in a place where they have loving Christian people watching it. But you're sending your child out from your home and you as a mom are not being the primary person giving reproof and wisdom to that child.
And you are contradicting God's word, not this preacher. Because I know
I'm talking to a society where that's like just part of life now. But I'm going to tell you what
God says, if you send the child away from your home, where you as mom ought to be with that child, he will bring you shame.
Proverbs 29, 15. Now, closest thing you can come to to avoid that is to have a loving grandmom.
Maybe your mom or somebody can be with the child, but I'm going to tell you what, nobody can replace you.
Nobody. Because that child looks at you and says, you're my only. You are my only.
Why is our country in the shape that it's in? Let me ask you this, when children are raised by their moms like I was, right there, she was there every time
I looked up. All my life. Even now. She was there every time
I had a need. That woman was there. That's why I'm so spoiled. But, I'll tell you this, when we lived in a day where that was the case, how many times did you read about school students shooting the other kids at school?
With no remorse. With no understanding of the value of life. Let me tell you where you learn that.
You learn that in a daycare center. Because if you don't take up for yourself, you're going to come back all clawed up and bit and chewed up.
Don't tell me I'm wrong. I know it's true. If you've ever had a child in a daycare, they came back bit at least once.
I don't know that by experience, but I got friends that told me that. If anybody bites my kids, it's going to be their brother or sister.
Or their mom or dad. Ben would say he's had a few of those.
But listen, God speaks on this issue. It's not like he's silent about it. But we don't really care.
This nation doesn't really care what God thinks. We know better. We know that if we'll both go out and make twice as much money, that it'll make that kid happier because we can buy them a 747 someday.
And you know what? By the time you've made the money, the kid's gone. Because you spent all that time making that money.
And now they're gone. And they wish they had the time. You cannot ask. They did a study once where they asked little children, would you rather have your mom work and make extra money so they can buy you toys?
Or would you rather be able to be with mom during the day? Well, I'd rather be with mom. Children will tell you.
I better move on here pretty quickly here. The principle of like mother, like daughter.
Let me discuss that with you just a second. Ezekiel 16, 44. The principle of like mother, like daughter.
Young men, let me tell you something. When you get old enough where you're kind of looking for a wife, look at her mother.
When you see that young lady, before you marry her, get to know her mom.
And ask yourself, do I like what I see? I did. I did. Got her blushing, too.
But I wrote her a Mother's Day card yesterday, and I said from the very beginning, I thought she was cool.
From the very beginning. The first day I saw her. And then shortly thereafter, I began to love her.
And if she hadn't loved me, I wouldn't be around to this day. So young men, like mother, like daughter.
Ezekiel 16, 44. Behold, everyone that useth proverbs shall use this proverb against thee, saying, as is the mother, so is the daughter.
And I won't go on and read the passage, but it talks about a state when the nation of Israel was so corrupt. And there was such immorality.
And the young people were just totally immoral. What did God do? He said, well, look at the moms.
Look at the moms. As the mom is, so will the daughters be. And then we'll close with this thought.
A day is coming when children will not obey their parents. Now, I'm going to speak this to you as a mindset, because I believe in the church this can be avoided.
And should be, through the things we've already discussed this morning. If the mom and the dad will keep the principles of God and child rearing, this can be avoided.
But I'm going to tell you that there's one thing you cannot avoid, and that's that you're living in a day where there's a mindset.
And you're living in a day where there are realities of life in the world around you, that we're coming to the place where the children will not obey the parents.
It was foretold in the house. Therefore, I will look unto the
Lord. I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. And then Luke chapter 12, verse 51 says, suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth.
I tell you, nay, but rather division. The father shall be divided against his son, the son against his father, the mother against the daughter, the daughter against the mother, the mother -in -law against the daughter -in -law, and the daughter -in -law against the mother -in -law.
There will come a day where if you're a Christian, just because you're saved, that other people in your family won't have anything to do with you.
Second Timothy 2, I'm sorry, Second Timothy 3 and verse 1 says,
This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come.
Now listen to this list of character traits that people in the last days will have, and notice what's right in the middle of these character traits.
Men shall be lovers of their own selves. Should have said presidents shall be lovers of them own selves.
Covetous. Boasters. I know you're putting Clinton in right before all these, I didn't mean that.
Proud. Blasphemers. Disobedient to parents.
Unthankful. Unholy. Without natural affection. Homosexuality.
And also it means the natural affection of the moms will not be there for the children. Truce breakers.
False accusers. Incontinent. You can't even make them cool down when they're angry.
Fierce. Despisers of those that are good. Traitors. Heady, high -minded. Lovers of pleasures.
More than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness. They're still going to be going to church, folks.
And the churches today are being prepared to accept them. But denying the power thereof from such, turn away.
That implies right there you'll be here, because you couldn't turn away from them if you weren't still here, could you? So this is not just going to happen in the tribulation period.
It's happening in the last days, and we're in the last days. And I think it's very interesting that right in the middle of it, it says,
Disobedient to parents. And we live in the only day in human history where disobedience has been given clinical names.
They call them diseases now. Give you drugs for them. Isn't that amazing?
That's prophecy fulfilled. And so, in the light of this mindset and this spiritual darkness that Satan is bringing on the world and on our land, it is tenfold, a hundredfold more important that the moms in this room and across this nation think about the principles we discussed from the
Bible this morning. How important your influence of faith and your speech and the holy words from the scriptures that you teach your children in that home as you go with them by the way, as you sit with them, as you put them to bed at night, how important those words are and how important it is that they fear you moms with a healthy fear so that they avoid the traps that Satan puts out there for them.
Well, it gives both a very stern responsibility, but also the joy of knowing that God has given to you this wonderful purpose.
He has placed in your hands His own people, because when they leave the nest, they're
God's children. He's placed them in your hands to make them be who they'll be for God.
Can you imagine? Is there a more important job on the face of this earth than raising a child?
Now, you can name a few that'll pay you more, but you won't name a few that God will put above it.
You won't name one. And this country has forsaken that job for the sake of other jobs that pay little paltry few dollars, that barely pay for the daycare center, barely pays for it by the time you do it, and it robs you of that time with that child.
God won't have it. It won't work out. Not in the end. So be encouraged by the fact that there's no greater job that God could have given than the job
He gives to moms. And there is no other place in a child's heart that'll ever take the place of her place.
Let's stand and have prayer together. I am my father's child, but I am my mother's only.
Let's pray. Father, thank you so much for the clear instruction that you give us in the
Word, instruction that could save even a nation, instruction that could certainly change homes, instruction that would certainly keep so many people from going to prison, so many divorces, so much child abuse and perverted sexual activity and immorality.
If we as parents in the home would obey you and let it begin there, it could change this whole world, and certainly it will change our families and cause our children to have a life where they can look back and call their mother blessed.
We pray, Father, that your Holy Spirit would teach us the importance of these things and not let us walk away from them after this day is over.
And we ask it in Jesus' name. Father, we pray that you would bless our meal together and our time of fellowship as well.