Foundations Movie (Genesis Apologetics) with GA Overview
What we believe about the past—even the distant past—has an impact on how we live our lives today, including our choices, values, and moral foundation, and yes, even our destiny. Our Foundations illustrates this by walking through a young man’s life (Parker) in three different scenarios: Atheistic, Compromised Christianity, and a Biblical Worldview. In the Atheistic worldview, Parker’s life plays out with the understanding that his life is a product of molecules-to-man evolution over millions of years. There was no creator before him, and he will answer to no moral judge after he dies. Under the Compromised Christian scenario, Parker is raised by parents who take a mythical viewpoint on Genesis, and thus the Bible’s power to be an authority in his life is usurped. If the Bible doesn’t get it right in the beginning, why should Parker order his life after the rest? Thus he lives his life disregarding its principles. Under the Biblical Worldview, Parker’s parents regard the Bible as historically true and scientifically credible, and therefore base their perspectives and choices upon its teachings. This leads to a much different life outcome than the other two scenarios…
Note: Because this movie is a short treatment of some very complex theological issues, please see our movie website for disclaimers:
- 00:04
- Most students today, even many Christian students, have no idea that the Genesis account is real history, including creations spoken into existence by God only recently, dinosaurs living with man, and a catastrophic worldwide flood.
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- When students understand these truths, it helps them build their lives on God's word, because it's true, both theologically and historically.
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- For K -8 students, we have The Zone. Just sign up on our Student Zone page for free videos and curriculum.
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- 5th through 10th grade students enjoy our Debunk Evolution program, where we address the top 10 pillars of evolution taught in today's public schools.
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- Our Debunking the 7 Myths program is designed for students 11th grade through college. This program addresses the 7 leading myths about Genesis, Creation, and the
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- Flood that are taught in today's colleges, even some Christian colleges. Families will enjoy watching our
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- Genesis Impact movie before visiting natural history museums. This movie highlights a dialogue between a
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- Christian student and a museum docent regarding the top 10 pillars of evolution featured in most museums.
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- Finally, over 100 ,000 people have downloaded our free mobile app from the Google Play or iTunes stores.
- 01:15
- All our books and videos can be downloaded or viewed free from our website or YouTube. Thanks for watching!
- 01:46
- Well, you see, people tend to complicate human evolution.
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- It's actually very simple. If you simply go back 3 .5
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- billion years, you arrive at single -cell organisms. This is where we all came from.
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- Now fast forward a billion years, and multicellularity evolves into fungi, plants, animals.
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- Then the first animals to develop a backbone were fish. Then, over the course of billions of years, fish evolve into all kinds of animals.
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- Mammals, reptiles, birds. Then in the animal line, we see the evolution of our ape -like ancestors, such as Artie and Lucy.
- 02:36
- Then humans arise from these ancestors. Why are you guys watching this?
- 02:41
- It's so boring. You get to pick next time, Emma. We do see today that it is an indisputable fact that we share a common ancestor with them.
- 02:51
- Is that true, Dad? What, Parker? Did we used to be fish?
- 03:02
- I mean, did we come from slimey goo and turn into monkeys? Yeah, I guess that's true.
- 03:11
- You can't change the past. Sweetheart. Even your science textbook makes it clear. Humans evolved over millions of years.
- 03:31
- In John 1, we see that Jesus was present with the Father, creating all things in Genesis. In Matthew 19,
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- Jesus taught from Genesis when he said that man and woman were created at the beginning of creation, not millions of years afterwards.
- 03:46
- Let's consider what Jesus said in the parable of the sower. Jesus said that the word of God is like a seed that can grow in our hearts and produce fruit if they develop roots and grow to maturity.
- 04:02
- But when that seed is cast by the wayside, birds will come and devour those seeds before they sprout roots.
- 04:09
- Whoa. This guy sent us out. You should have seen your face.
- 04:18
- Oh, man, I've never seen somebody look so shocked in my entire life. Because it was shocking. Hey, guys, so what's the big occasion?
- 04:24
- What is the occasion? I'm glad you asked. You see, my strapping young friend here just got a promotion.
- 04:32
- And a pay raise, which means... All right, all right, drinks on me.
- 04:42
- Yes, that's what we like to hear. Yeah, I'll get a beer. And what about you?
- 04:48
- What do we have on tap? You know what?
- 04:55
- I'm feeling fruity tonight. Let's go with woodchuck. Congrats on the promotion. Thanks.
- 05:07
- So you already have a drink. Can I get you anything else? Get a menu.
- 05:35
- Filled out the paperwork. Just needs your signature. Yeah, well, what's the rush?
- 05:42
- I'm just giving you what you want. Isn't this what you want? What I want?
- 05:50
- Are you kidding me? Now you're asking me what I want? Sir, are you...
- 06:20
- Are you sure there's no one we can contact for you? We have a chaplain that can come by if you'd like to...
- 06:31
- To what? Tell me what it's going to be like to die? To tell me some fairy tale about heaven?
- 06:41
- You think that'll make me feel better? None of that will keep me alive.
- 06:48
- I'm going to die. I'm going to cease to exist. I understand, sir.
- 06:54
- My name is Parker. Parker. I understand, Parker. We're just doing all that we can to make you as comfortable as possible.
- 07:03
- You don't understand. You can't make me comfortable. Do you think it's comfortable to die?
- 07:09
- Look at me. I'm in constant pain. I have no family around me.
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- And pretty soon, I'll have no future. It's not possible for you to make me feel comfortable.
- 07:25
- I don't want to die. Please, I don't want to die.
- 07:45
- Life is a vapor. Before we know it, our time on this earth will come to an end.
- 07:53
- And all we're left with is a series of choices that lead to the outcome of our lives.
- 08:00
- And whether we receive Christ determines where we will spend eternity. And for those who receive
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- Christ, believing in God's word and living it out plays out in more significant ways than we will ever know.
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- You see, what we believe about origins, the Bible, and God has a deciding impact on how our lives turn out.
- 08:25
- How would this life have been different with a different worldview? Are you guys watching this?
- 08:34
- Is that true, Dad? What, Parker? Did we used to be fish?
- 08:47
- I don't know, son. The evidence that we descended from apes is pretty overwhelming.
- 08:56
- But my Sunday school teacher said God created everything like in Genesis. Yeah, that's possible.
- 09:04
- Sure, it's possible. I mean, God could have directed the process of evolution over the course of millions of years.
- 09:13
- I mean, he's God. He can do whatever he wants. But who knows how historical the Bible actually is.
- 09:20
- Like God creating everything in six days or the earth being only thousands of years old.
- 09:26
- Well, we know that's not true. I mean, science tells us that the earth is millions of years old and humans have evolved over time.
- 09:36
- Besides, buddy, Genesis might just be a fairy tale. You know, the
- 09:42
- Bible's a great book with great lessons. But it was written by a bunch of random men thousands of years ago.
- 09:53
- So it's difficult to determine which parts are historical and which parts are just made up.
- 10:07
- In John 1, we see that Jesus was present with the Father creating all things in Genesis. In Matthew 19,
- 10:13
- Jesus taught from Genesis when he said that man and woman were created at the beginning of creation, not millions of years afterwards.
- 10:23
- Let's consider what Jesus said in the parable of the sower. Jesus said that the word of God is like a seed that can grow in our hearts and produce fruit if they develop roots and grow to maturity.
- 10:38
- But when that seed is cast by the wayside, Oh, you should have seen your face.
- 10:53
- Oh, man, I've never seen somebody look so shabby. Hey, guys, so what's the big occasion? Well, yes, what is the occasion?
- 11:00
- You know, I'm glad you asked. Tell us. See, I have a friend who's about yay high, yay big, who happens to have just gotten a promotion and a pay raise, which means...
- 11:12
- Ching, ching. Huh? Huh? Whoa, whoa, whoa. I got the promotion.
- 11:17
- I haven't got the paycheck yet. Oh, come on. You guys are on your own, okay? That's how it's going to be. Okay, all right. Sorry. No, I'm so annoyed.
- 11:44
- She's my best friend. I have to be there. Oh, please. Since when have you and Michelle been best friends? Okay, stop it. Girls, you just need to stop fighting.
- 11:51
- Mom, this is so unfair. I need the car tonight. I know. But you promised you'd take me to Michelle's party.
- 11:57
- Yes, but I haven't spoken to your father yet. Oh, great. And once that happens, I'm going to get gypped again.
- 12:02
- What is that supposed to mean? You always take her side. Iris, I don't appreciate your tone. And girls, we only have two cars.
- 12:09
- I am not getting dropped off at Brad's house. It's one party. Let it go. It's a party. I already had this one.
- 12:16
- Shut up! That's enough. Can't you guys see
- 12:23
- I'm trying to get this report done? Now show your mother some respect and do what she says. Come on, girls.
- 12:30
- We'll get this work done. Party chase starts now.
- 12:58
- It's okay, sweetheart. I just praise
- 13:03
- God that He changed your life. Just think about what you have to look forward to.
- 13:10
- No more suffering. You'll finally be home. With the
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- Lord. Why do I feel such shame and guilt?
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- I have so many regrets. So much time wasted.
- 13:37
- So many things I wish I could change. I'm so sorry that I wasn't the godly man that you deserve.
- 13:49
- You are a great and godly man. It was staring me in the face the whole time.
- 14:00
- If only I'd lived my life. If only.
- 14:16
- This isn't just some book. It's the key to life.
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- However, most disregard it or consider it a myth. And no matter how hard parents try to raise their kids to live the right way.
- 14:34
- Every person makes their own choices in life. Choices built on a foundation that impacts how they live.
- 14:46
- Is that true, Dad? What, Parker? Did we used to be fish?
- 14:58
- No, son. No. Unfortunately, many people have been deceived into believing a lie.
- 15:07
- But your mom and I, we believe what the Bible says about creation. But how do you know that the
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- Bible is true? These scientists, they talk about the overwhelming evidence for evolution.
- 15:24
- I believe that their evidence is actually proof that a higher being created everything to work together perfectly.
- 15:36
- And that same God that created everything, he's revealed himself to us in the
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- Bible. It's not just a few parts of the Bible that are true. It actually starts on the first page.
- 15:49
- And it gives us a solid foundation to build our lives on. In fact, Jesus said, he said, if you believe
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- God's word and you build your life on it, you can withstand anything that comes your way.
- 16:03
- Your dad is right. We can trust what the Bible says. Remember just the other day we were talking about how
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- God wrote the Ten Commandments with his own hand. He said that he created for six days and then rested on the seventh.
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- Which is why we live in a similar way, working for six, resting for one. And none of the other
- 16:21
- Ten Commandments are fake or made up. And he certainly didn't want us working for thousands of years before taking a break.
- 16:32
- How is God's word going to grow in our hearts if our minds do not believe what it says about creation, about Christ?
- 16:42
- You see, Paul's plea to the Corinthians is simple. Examine yourselves. He's not saying that you can lose your salvation.
- 16:51
- He's not saying that you have to work harder at staying redeemed. No, he's asking them and by extension asking us to examine our hearts.
- 17:02
- Are we truly in the faith? Does the Holy Spirit reside in our lives? Has the word of God taken root in your life?
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- If so, it will grow and produce much fruit. If so, there will be evidence of that life.
- 17:21
- You've got to be kidding me. Man, come on. You do realize it's not every day your boy gets a big promotion, right?
- 17:27
- Honey, you're missing the party. Come on. Before too long, we'll be working for this guy and we won't be able to hang anymore. Sorry, guys.
- 17:33
- I told Sarah I wouldn't stay out late. She's not feeling well either. Yeah, alright.
- 17:39
- Yeah, you have fun. We'll be here living the dream. See you, boys. Going so soon?
- 17:46
- Your friends will be lonely. No, they're the life of the party. I think
- 17:51
- I'd just get in the way. They're going to have a good time. Well, maybe you could keep me company then.
- 18:12
- He's talking so bad about my boyfriend. But the people he hangs out with are always getting in trouble. Yeah, but...
- 18:18
- Okay, listen. Claire has a point, okay? Let's listen to her. You know what does
- 18:23
- Proverbs say? Walk with the wise and become wise. Associate with fools. Get in trouble.
- 18:30
- Hey, babe, can you come here? What's up?
- 18:36
- I thought
- 18:47
- I handled this. Well, the insurance company doesn't think so. I hate this disease.
- 18:57
- What? Oh, God. Just get rid of it. Honey, it's going to be okay.
- 19:15
- Honey, have we ever missed a bill? Or a payment of any kind? And there will be no more death or crying or pain.
- 19:48
- For the old order of things have passed away. And he who was seated on the throne said,
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- Behold, I am making everything new. Then he said, write this down.
- 20:05
- For these words are trustworthy and true. And then he said to me,
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- It is done. A life well lived.
- 21:28
- A legacy passed on. If it were as easy as believing creation, then your life will turn out great.
- 21:37
- Everyone would believe. But it's not that simple. It requires submission.
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- It requires faith when life doesn't make sense. And without faith, the disbelief, the doubts in our mind, would prevent the
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- Word of God from impacting the choices that we make. As I said, life, it's a series of choices built on a foundation.
- 22:12
- The only question is, what is your life founded upon? Hi, I'm Brett Varvel, the
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- Director of Foundations. Thank you so much for watching. On behalf of everyone at Genesis Apologetics, we'd like to leave you with this final thought.
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- See, we all have a choice on how to build our lives. Even as Christians, we sometimes fail to build parts of our lives on God's Word.
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- Rather, we adopt the perspectives of the world and make the choices that follow. A great starting place for building our lives and beliefs is where the
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- Bible begins in Genesis. Here we find an all -powerful God who spoke creation into existence.
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- The first two humans created in His image. Our role to be stewards over the earth and God's idea about marriage.
- 23:01
- It's here we also learn about the consequence of sin, including death, suffering, and disease. In fact, we don't even get past the third chapter of Genesis before we find our eternal problem, being separated from God by our sin, and God's solution to provide a future
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- Savior who would come to save us from the judgment that we deserve. The late Henry Morris III put it this way,
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- The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ encompasses this entire threefold work of Christ. The creation of all things, the conservation of this present world, and the consummation of the universe to its perfection.
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- Past, present, future. Neglect the creation, there is no foundation or standard or ability.
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- Neglect the cross, there is no power or authority or justice. Neglect the consummation, there is no hope or joy or victory.
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- If you're not yet a Christian, we hope you would consider receiving Christ, trusting Him to forgive your sins, and begin a new life that includes the promise of eternal hope.
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- If you've already received Christ, we encourage you to deepen your trust in God's word, even by going back to the beginning.