F4F | Hearing the Voice of God - The Loose Ends


Sermon Mentioned in Video: http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons/2020/9/20/grace-isnt-fair Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechris... Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bibl... Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Outro Music: https://youtu.be/FrV_iQ08gH0


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith, my name is Chris Roseborough, I am your servant in Jesus Christ, this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. So we've been doing a series, a series on hearing the voice of God.
We have a couple of tidy little loose ends I want to tighten down, and then we're gonna do a little bit of lab work, if you would, on, you know, testing.
Is there any reason why I should believe this person is bringing to me the voice of God? And those of you who are watching this on YouTube, we will be doing full sermon reviews of the
Rick Warren sermon and the Irwin McManus sermon over on the podcast this week. So if you don't already subscribe to the
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So here's what we're doing today. We got some loose ends, so let me whirl up the desktop and let's get our web browser up and running.
And here again is Henry Blackaby. Now, have any of you been in a church where somebody has said, well,
Scripture teaches us that God's gonna speak to us in a still, small voice?
No, actually, Scripture doesn't teach that at all. So we're gonna hear Blackaby give a version of that teaching, and we'll take a look at the text in question from 1
Kings, and see if it says that God is going to speak to us in a still, small voice.
Remember, Elijah is an actual prophet of God, Old Testament prophet of God, and he is called as a prophet, that being the case.
We would expect things to happen for Elijah that don't happen for you and I. You know, like for instance,
I'm incapable of being fed by ravens. Yeah, how could, you know, so we'll kind of show you how the logic works on that,
I'm getting ahead of myself. Consider that to be something of a theological spoiler alert.
All right, so here's Blackaby, and talking again from this lecture on recognizing the voice of God, see if you've heard some teaching akin to this.
You remember that passage in 1 Kings when God was talking to Elijah?
Yep. And he put him up in a cleft of a rock, and it says very clearly from 1
Kings 19, I might, if I got it marked here, he says, chapter 19, verse 11.
Notice he's starting well into this portion of the story here. You know, this is out of context for sure.
Said, go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord, and behold the
Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountain, and broke the rocks in pieces before the
Lord. But the Lord was not in the wind, and after the wind an earthquake, but the
Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake a fire, but the
Lord was not in the fire. And after that, after the fire, a still small voice.
Right, indeed. I mean, you could, in Hebrew, you could translate it as a low whisper, you could translate it that way.
And then Elijah received a clear word. You're to go and anoint a king.
He is a prophet of God, you know. And you're to go and anoint Elisha, who shall take your place.
And he did. Yeah, that's right. And Elijah was taken up into heaven in a chariot of fire, but he had already anointed
Elisha. All right, so we'll note one of the other details. Elijah was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire.
And Elisha did incredible miracles when he took his place. But that direction for Elijah came in a still small voice.
Low whisper, really. Have you taken that one seriously for your own life?
What? Okay, now let's talk about what the problem here is. When you understand this distinction, you will get it.
So when we talk about Scripture, all right, there are historical narratives, and in historical narratives oftentimes there will be clear didactic instruction.
This is teaching. But what ends up happening is that men like Blackaby and others, they take what is called a descriptive text and turn it into a prescription.
So let me demonstrate this. What I'm going to do is I'm going to duplicate this tab, all right?
And we're going to go further back in the story. So Elijah appears in the
Old Testament, 1 Kings chapter 17. Now Elijah the Tishbite of Tishbe in Gilead said to Ahab, as Yahweh the
God of Israel lives before whom I stand, there shall be neither dew nor rain these years except for by my word.
So this is a descriptive text, and what men like Blackaby do is they turn it into a prescription.
But what I'm going to do is I'm going to take some of the other details of this account, and I'm going to ask the same question that Blackaby asked.
So let me go back to Blackaby and listen again to his question. Add 10 seconds here.
"...for Elijah came in a still small voice.
Have you taken that one seriously for your own life?" All right, so God spoke to Elijah in a still small voice.
Have you taken that one seriously for your life? Well, let's see if that works with the other details.
All right, so depart from here, turn eastward, hide yourself in the brook Kerith, which is east of the
Jordan. You shall drink from the brook. I have commanded the ravens to feed you there. So when he did, he did according to the word of Yahweh.
He went and lived by the brook Kerith, that is east of the Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning.
Have you taken this passage seriously for your life regarding the ravens bringing you bread and meat every morning for you to eat?
Have you taken this seriously? You sit there and go, you knucklehead. Nowhere in here is it promising me that God's gonna feed me with ravens with bread and meat every morning, and even if he did,
I'd kind of think, yeah, get a cleaner animal to bring the food. But see, here's the thing.
This is a descriptive text, not a prescription. So when God speaks to Elijah, you'll note that God speaks to Elijah throughout his ministry.
He is, after all, a prophet of God. That being the case, what ends up happening is the people say, you need to hear the voice of God, although they'll say, oh, well, look at that text in 1
Kings 19. God spoke to Elijah in a still small voice, so he's gonna speak to you in a still small voice.
No, using the same logic, I should also expect God to feed me with bread and meat every morning delivered by ravens.
That's not how this text works. So when you read the Scriptures, you have to make a distinction between descriptions and prescriptions.
Descriptions and prescriptions. There's a joke that has been running around the church for years, decades, really, and I've even heard
Rick Warren use it, where, you know, if you can mishandle God's Word, you know, by, you know, oh,
Lord, speak to me, and then you take your Bible and close your eyes and you flip over the page and put your finger down, and your finger lands on the phrase,
Judas went and hung himself. You're sitting there, well, that's not much of a word from God, so you do it again.
Oh, Lord, speak to me. And so you close your eyes and you open up your Bible to a random place, you put your finger down and it says, go thou and do likewise.
You see, that's not the voice of God. God would never tell you to undo yourself, but you get the idea.
But the same principles in play here. This is not a prescription. This is not a prescription that you need to take this seriously.
God spoke to Elijah using a still, small voice, so you need to take this seriously.
That's nonsense. Taking it seriously means paying attention to the text itself. It's not a prescription.
This is a historical narrative description of the life of Elijah. Now, again, I point out, that does not mean that there are not prescriptions in historical narratives.
There clearly are, but you have to pay attention to the context. So let's take a look at the story of Elijah, and if you're familiar with this account, then you'll note that 1
Kings 19 follows right on the heels of God showing up miraculously on Mount Carmel.
So in 1 Kings 18, you have the account of the prophets of Baal, you know, and on Mount Carmel, a big showdown, and God answers the prayer of Elijah, answers by fire, and then all the prophets of Baal are put to death.
And you would note, then, that the prophets of Baal, these were all the servants of Jezebel.
That's the right way to kind of talk about that lady's name. The princess of Baal, that's what that means in Hebrew, Jezebel.
You know, if you ever want to know what Jezebel means, it's really kind of Jezebel, that's really the idea, and she's the princess of Baal.
Anyway, all of those false prophets of Baal ate at her table, they were there at her request, and Ahab, her husband, goes and reports back to Jezebel what had happened on Mount Carmel, and rather than saying, oh wow, we're worshiping a false god, we need to repent and believe in Yahweh, that's not what happens.
So here's what it says in 1 Kings 19, this is in the aftermath of Mount Carmel. So Ahab told
Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword, and then
Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah saying, so may the gods do to me and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by this time tomorrow.
Apparently she didn't repent in sackcloth and ashes after the the real God showed up. So then he was afraid, yeah, and rightly so, you know, when you have a head of state out to kill you, they have resources and can generally pull that off without much effort.
So he was afraid and he arose and ran for his life and came to Bereshiba, which belongs to Judah, and he left a servant there.
But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a broom tree.
So you're gonna note here, kind of in the types and shadows, Elijah has now left the promised land and he's back out in the wilderness.
Where is he gonna end up going? Right back to Mount Sinai, which is in Arabia, by the way,
Ephesians says that. Anyway, so he went a day's journey into the wilderness, came and sat down under a broom tree.
He asked that he might die, saying, it's enough now, O Yahweh, take my life, for I am no better than my father's.
And he lay down and he slept under a broom tree. And behold, an angel touched him and said to him, Arise and eat.
And he looked, and behold, there was at his head a cake baked on hot stones and a jar of water.
Huh, he's being miraculously fed in the wilderness. Hmm, you kind of get the themes, right?
So he ate and drank and he lay down again. And the angel of Yahweh came again a second time and touched him and said, Arise and eat, for the journey is too great.
Now, I'm gonna use Blackabee's logic again. Well, here it says that God miraculously fed
Elijah with a cake of bread and water in the wilderness. Have you taken this text seriously for yourself?
When you do that, it doesn't work, you get the idea. So he rose and he ate and he drank and he went in the strength of that food.
Forty days, forty nights. Hmm, how long was Israel in the wilderness?
Well, they were punished for an extra forty years after they'd been out there for...yeah, you get the idea.
This is invoking imagery of the wilderness wanderings of the
Israelites. And Horeb, the mountain of God, that's also Mount Sinai, to Horeb, the mountain of God.
And there he came to a cave, lodged in it. Behold, the word of Yahweh came to him and said to him,
What are you doing here, Elijah? And he said, I have been very jealous for Yahweh, the
God of hosts, Savah in Hebrew is armies, the God of armies. For the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, killed your prophets with a sword, and I, even
I, only am left and they seek my life to take it away. And he said, Go out and stand on the mount before Yahweh.
Behold, Yahweh passed by in a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before Yahweh.
But Yahweh was not in the wind, and after the wind an earthquake. But Yahweh was not in the earthquake, and after the earthquake, a fire.
Yahweh was not in the fire. And after that, after the fire, the sound of a low whisper.
The ESV, I think, gets it right here. And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave.
And behold, there came a voice to him and said, What are you doing here, Elijah? And he said,
I have been very jealous for Yahweh, the God of armies, and for the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, killed your prophets with a sword, and I, even
I, only am left and they seek my life to take it away. And Yahweh said to him, Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus, and when you arrive, you shall anoint
Hazael to be king over Syria, Jehu the son of Nimshi, you shall anoint to be the king over Israel, and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abelmehaloah, you shall anoint to be prophet in your place, and the one who escapes from the sword of Hazael shall
Jehu put to death, and the one who escapes from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha put to death. Yet I will leave 7 ,000 in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal in every mouth that has not kissed him.
So God has promised to leave a remnant. Also notice, he was really thinking, this is it, he's the last of the last, and he can't go on, and so God has promised a remnant in the midst of all this.
But all that being said, this is a descriptive text, it is not a prescription. So nowhere do you see in this text or any other that you are to seek the still small voice of God speaking to you like it spoke to Elijah.
No text says that. The Scriptures are clear. The voice of God is heard in the
Bible. It is heard in the prophetic words of the Old Testament and the apostolic words of the
New, and together they comprise the prophetic Scriptures. This is the prophetic voice that we are to hear, and all
Scripture is God -breathed, it's profitable for teaching, correcting, rebuking, training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work.
There is no good work that Christ is going to call you to, that the Scriptures are insufficient to prepare you for.
So all of that being said, that's kind of our loose end, and you know, glad we got that one on the table, because I think the teaching on hearing the voice of God would be incomplete if we didn't cover that.
So all that being said, let's do a little bit of...now we've done a lot of lecture work, let's do some more lab work, shall we?
So here let's go to Robert Henderson. Robert Henderson recently spoke on December 4th down in San Diego in Southern California, and San Diego, dude, it's...come
on, there's like surfing stuff, you know? Anyway, so it's down in San Diego, the fire and the glory outpouring, and we've covered this train wreck.
This is something that is totally endorsed by Cheyenne and his wife in the NAR. This is a full -on
NAR false prophecy, false teaching, false signs, false wonders, extravaganza!
And so they are...here's Jeremy Nelson, he's going to be introducing Robert Henderson, and we've covered
Robert Henderson in the past. In the archives of Fighting for the Faith, you can look for Robert Henderson, and...
Like a lion. I clicked a button. Anyway, you can look for Robert Henderson, and you'll find
Robert Henderson lawsuits in the courts of heaven. We do a whole episode showing that he claims that God gave him a revelation of how we can file lawsuits in the court of heaven.
Utterly absurd. Way beyond Scripture, no biblical text says this, and so I throw this into the mix.
Watch the video if you haven't already, if you're sitting there going, well maybe God's talking to him. No, no, no, no.
God's not talking to him. This guy is not bringing us the voice of God. So, and if you want to see the full teaching without my commentary, you go to the
It's Supernatural Network and look for Expediting Your Prayers from the Courts of Heaven by Robert Henderson.
Again, a teaching nowhere found in Scripture. And I think in that regard, it would probably be a good idea to circle back and remind us all of what 2
John says, starting at verse 7. For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh.
Such a one is a deceiver and the Antichrist. Alright, so there's deceivers out there, and he says, then watch yourselves so that you may not lose what you have worked for, but may win a full reward.
Everyone, and notice that, everyone, past, all, everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have
God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. And where do we find the teaching of Christ?
In the Scripture. So the one who does not abide in it goes on beyond it. The Scripture says, the
Apostle John, the guy, the disciple whom Jesus loves, says that person does not have
God. He's a deceiver. Don't listen to him. So let's go then to Robert Henderson, and we'll look at kind of like a, you know, kind of a standard, light, charismatic claim to hearing the voice of God, and see if there's any reason to believe that this guy is truly hearing the voice of God, and we'll test the way he handles the
Scripture along the way. Here we go. You guys ready to learn some keys to get some knowledge to enter into the glory tonight? Get some keys to enter into some knowledge to get the glory.
See, already we're off to a bad start. There are no keys to enter the glory. What are you talking about? The Bible doesn't talk about any of this.
Already, this is a voice of God, fail. And the thing is, you are required by God, according to the
Scriptures, to know your Bible well enough to be able to say, that ain't the voice of God. You see, the problem here is these folks don't know their
Bible, and they think they're hearing the voice of God, where they would actually read and study their Bibles, they'd say, yeah, no, that ain't the voice of God.
Well, listen, I'm gonna invite Robert Henderson to come on up and to preach and bring the word. He's also gonna receive tonight's offering, but give him a hand as he comes, you guys, and listen, get your hearts ready to receive.
Amen. Well, bless you guys. Thank you. You can be seated. Lord bless you. It's good to see all of you in the room and all the guys that are online.
Now, we're not even gonna go into the deep part of his teaching. We're just gonna look at the intro. It should be obvious this guy is not bringing us the voice of God.
And I would note here, that's what we call a closed Bible. Now, he's got an iPad underneath it.
I mean, I mean, he should turn it. If somebody's gonna actually bring you a biblical teaching, that requires them to either turn on their iPad and open to a biblical text and begin with a biblical text, or to open their analog
Bible and say, open up to or turn to passage so -and -so, and let's read out what it says in the
Word of God. That's not where he's gonna go. It's good to have everybody come and be a part.
You know, I was sharing this just briefly this morning when we talked, that back in February, March, we all became televangelists.
We all speak to everybody online now, and so remembering to include those guys that are a part, and that are connected there.
Thank you. And so it's always a great honor to come and get to be a part of what's going on here in San Diego with Jeremy Miranda and the whole crew here.
So Father, we just want to ask that you would just bless this time tonight. We just want to ask for your majesty and your glory to be unveiled.
Lord, your Word says that we want your glory to be unveiled. That would pretty much run everybody off if that happened.
The glory of the Lord will come in such a way that all flesh together shall see it, and we just...
It ain't happening in San Diego, man. Just saying. ...ask that that would be a reality, and that your purposes, your intent, would be served,
Father, even in these meetings and even in these times, that you would empower us. Lord, that truly, as Jeremy said, there would be an empowering of a generation,
Lord. The empowering of a generation. You can hear some of his wacky, wonky, non -biblical theology being voiced and verbalized in his prayer.
Your will done, and we thank you for that. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Well, I wore my most pale coat that I could find that I carried with me today.
I actually love this coat. I actually love this coat, because I get so many compliments, but that's not really the reason
I wear it. All right, so we've got something of an open Bible here. I wear it because I love it. And plus, when you got white hair...
And then he walks away from it. Notice he's not in it right now. This isn't great.
I mean, really it looks like his bookmark is like... it's either got to be Genesis 1 or like the
Table of Contents. White. Just in case you didn't know, this is white, and you got white hair, then you can wear black with this blue coat, and man, you're gonna look good anywhere you go.
Oh, you don't have to do that. Go ahead. No, no, really.
You know, I want to just take just a couple of moments here, probably more than a couple.
You know, something happened to me back about... All right, now, watch what he... so what is he starting off with?
Not a biblical text, an experience. Already, red flags should be going off.
Whoa, whoa, wait a second. The job of a pastor, the job of a preacher, is to preach the
Word. If you're gonna teach me something meaningful about the one true
God or Jesus Christ, you're gonna need a biblical text to pull that off. And where does he go first?
An experience. Two weeks before the COVID thing hit, I was praying one morning, and you know, you spend time with the
Lord, you're seeking the face of God, you're fellowshipping with the Father, all that, and then, and you know, you're always just trying to sense and hear, but then there's times when he speaks to you, and it just shocks you, and this was one of those times.
Now, I gotta have... I have to ask a question at this point. What evidence is there to believe this man has heard the voice of God outside of the
Bible? I see none. Is there any evidence already to say that wasn't
God speaking to him, which is gonna limit down our options? Our options are going to be he's mentally ill, he's demonized, or he is a flat -out flagrant liar.
Those are your real... those are really your only options at this point. If there's a fourth, I'm not really aware of it.
But the one thing I can tell you, based upon the work we've already done, where this guy claims that God showed him how to file lawsuits in the court of heaven, which goes well beyond anything written in Scripture.
In fact, things that are in that teaching of his contradict the Word of God. Under no circumstance can
I believe that this man's hearing the voice of God. So when you don't begin in a biblical text, you begin with an experience, and you start spinning yards and talking about, oh yeah,
I heard the voice of God, and it's such a blasé kind of thing, you know?
So there I was, you know, I was like outside, you know, I was pulling weeds in my garden and stuff, and like the
Lord talked to me, you know, and I was thinking like, wow God, you know, I'm kind of busy here right now, you know, could you like wait until after I get inside the house and like can clean up a little bit?
And you know, when they start talking like this, there's nothing like this in Scripture.
Nothing. When God speaks, it's a memorable thing.
One that can be quite startling. And so we've got a problem here, this guy claims to be able to speak conversationally to God, and we know by doing a theological audit on his previous teachings, there's zero chance this is the voice of God.
And those are the times that I really, really know that I'm hearing God. You know, I've been doing this for a lot of years.
Now I want to back this up here. So there's all these times that God's talking to you, and you're unsure that God is talking to you?
Hi Robert, this is the Holy Spirit. I know this may not seem like one of those times when
I'm talking to you, and I know it's really confusing and you're uncertain, but really though, no, this time, this time
I'm talking to you, Robert. Speaks to you, and it just shocks you, and this was one of those times.
And those are the times that I really, really know that I'm hearing God. You know, I've been doing this for a lot of years, but I don't care how long you've been doing it.
Listen, there can always be a question mark. Is this really God, or is this me?
Really? So there's always a question mark. Now here's the thing. I open up my
Bible, there's never a question mark. I open up my Bible, and the
Word of God says the voice of God is in the text, and that the Word of God is living and active, sharper than a double -edged sword.
And God the Holy Spirit and the working of God the Holy Spirit is intimately linked with what is written in Scriptures, which the
Holy Spirit caused to be written there. So never do I have a doubt when I am reading the
Scriptures that I am, well, was that the voice of God or not? I'm not sure. I have 100 % certainty every time.
And so here we got this weird thing going on here. Well, you know, there's always uncertainty as to whether or not
I'm hearing the voice of God or whether or not it's me. Believe me, it's not God then.
Is this something I want, or is this something God's saying? But on this particular time, it was two weeks before the
COVID thing hit, and we didn't know it was coming. We didn't know the whole world was going to shut down, and for those of us that travel, we didn't know we were about to be put on hiatus, you know, for a major part of the year.
And so I didn't know any of that in the natural. So I'm praying this in this particular morning, and all of a sudden the
Lord speaks to me, just as clear as a bell, out of Matthew chapter 20, about the...
About the... Out of Matthew chapter 20. Now watch what he does with a biblical text here. ...neighbors who worked in the vineyard, remember that parable?
And those who worked different hours of the day, the ones... The Bible says in Matthew 20 verse 1, it says that the first group that the master of the vineyard went
Now, this is 100 % proof this man is not hearing from God, and that what he's speaking is not from the voice of God.
You say, well, what's the proof, Roseboro? The fact that he is twisting the text. So let's take a look at Matthew chapter 20 and this particular parable that he is referencing.
Let me go over here, and we'll go to Matthew 20. All right, here's the text.
So Jesus is speaking, and we're gonna just ask this question. Has any
Christian, from the time that Matthew was written until last year, ever believed that this text has anything to do with COVID -19?
You sit there and go, well, when you put it that way, the answer is obvious. No one's ever believed that.
Right. Is this about that? No. You see, note here, this parable has something that Christ is trying to convey, and it has nothing to do with COVID -19.
So one of the sure signs you're dealing with a false teacher and a false prophet is that rather than helping you understand the meaning of the text, instead what they are doing is they're hijacking the text for the purpose of making it appear like God is speaking to them outside of the text, and what the text means is irrelevant.
They're just using it for their own purposes, which we're not allowed to do.
For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.
After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into the vineyard, and going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and he said to them, you go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right
I will give you. So they went going out again about the sixth hour, and the ninth hour he did the same.
And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing, and he said to them, why do you stand here idle all day?
And they said to him, because no one has hired us. And he said to them, you go into the vineyard too.
And when evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last up to the first.
And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius. Now, when the hired first came, they thought that they would receive more, but each of them also received a denarius.
And on receiving it, they grumbled at the master of the house, saying, these last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.
But he replied to one of them, friend, or actually the Greek here, yeah, hey
Taros. It could be better translated like, hey buddy.
Hey buddy, I'm doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? And you know, take what belongs to you and go.
I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what
I choose with what belongs to me, or do you begrudge my generosity so the last will be first and the first will be last?
So you're gonna note here, this is a text, really, if you want to talk about the nugget of it.
And what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a link down below to a sermon that I preached this past year on this text.
This came up as one of the assigned texts during this past summer, and I preached on this text.
We'll put a link down below to that sermon, but let me just give you the nugget here. The basic idea here is that salvation is a gift, and it doesn't matter what time in your life you profess faith in Christ.
Whether you profess faith in Christ on your deathbed, or you confess faith in Christ as a child, and you remain in that faith all the way through your entire life, you are saved.
There's not super salvation and then salvation, that's not what's going on here. And so it's focusing on the generosity of Christ.
Now that's really an oversimplification of what Christ is saying here, but for the full teaching
I would point you to the sermon that I preached, and again the link will be down below where you can hear this out.
But you're gonna note here, there's nothing in here that is referring to COVID, any of the circumstances related to the fact that people were not able to travel, so what he's doing is he's hijacking this text where Christ is communicating to us a very, very real message that we all really need to hear and understand as His, Christ's, disciples, and what has he done?
He's taken the words of Christ and says, it doesn't matter what that really means, what matters is is that God spoke to me out of this text regarding something regarding COVID.
No he didn't. In fact, what Robert Henderson is doing here is blasphemous.
Let's keep going. The first group, the scripture says, agreed with Him. Now that was the
Jews. See, they had an agreement with God called the Law, the
Old Covenant, and that they agreed with the Master for a denarius a day, or for a day's wage.
But then every other group that the Master of the venue went out and hired, they went on the basis of whatever was right.
In other words, they went on the basis of grace. We said, they said, we trust your generosity, we trust your liberality.
He's adding to the text. Another sign, he's a false teacher. We trust you. This is not the voice of God we're hearing here.
Kindness and your goodness, and we don't know what you're gonna pay us, but we're going on the basis of whatever is right.
And it was Jesus showing them actually what was going to happen. That the Jews, literally underneath the
Old Covenant, yeah, there was a blessing in that, but there was going to be a much more greater blessing attached to those who live from grace.
And in the... That has nothing to do with this text. Covenant. Does that make sense? So this is the whole thing that's going on here.
So I'm aware of this parable. I mean, I've taught on it quite a bit about how to step out of legalism and into grace and get the greater blessing.
So I'm... This text isn't about that. ...this morning, and all of a sudden, the
Lord says to me... All of a sudden, the Lord says to me... That's what he says. He said, I am about to pay you a day's wage for an hour's worth of work.
No, he didn't. There's no reason to believe that was the voice of God or that that really happened.
And I thought, how are you going to do that? Because I knew it had to do with travel, and I knew
God was saying... These guys are great at spinning yards and tall tales and stuff like this. Is there proof that God told you this before the whole
COVID thing hit? Travel is about to stop. You're about to stop traveling. Now, I didn't know what was...
I didn't know the whole world was going to stop traveling. He said, you're about to stop traveling, but don't worry,
I'm actually gonna pay you a day's wage for an hour's worth of work.
Now watch where he goes with this. He's sitting at... Even if you're, like, tempted to think, well, maybe
God did tell him that. There's more coming that'll prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, this guy is a fraud.
He's a huckster. And I knew it was God, and I felt this faith rise in my heart, and I told my wife,
I said, God said something really crazy to me. And I told her, and I said, I don't know exactly what that means.
I just know that we're really about to get blessed. Well, here's what happened. We know it all came to a screeching halt instantly, and so all of us began to go online.
Well, here's what happened with us. The Lord had also, I gotta tell you, the Lord had also given me three distinct dreams.
All right, so three distinct dreams on top of this. Okay. Again, notice what he's not preaching from.
Yeah, where we know the voice of God really is, that's just sitting there.
He's totally ignoring it. Okay. Well, I'd seen in the dreams me holding conferences on other planets.
Well, get to it! I would like you to leave this one, you know, and stop plaguing us with your false voices of God on this planet.
Get on with it. Go preach to the ones on the other planets, please. What on earth?
Also, I gotta tell you, the Lord had also given me three distinct dreams, where I had seen in the dreams me holding conferences on other planets.
One dream, I was holding a conference on another planet, and I knew that when I began to travel home,
I was actually going to have to go, you know, from another planet back to my home instead of just across the nation somewhere.
And then a second dream, in a second dream, my staff, which is mostly my children and their spouses, had built a rocket and was able to pilot it to the moon and back.
Well, isn't that just spiffy? Again, the real voice of God is being completely ignored.
That's where God's voice, according to Scriptures, promises to be.
And instead, we're getting this claim that his friends can build a rocket ship and pilot it to the moon and back.
And in the third dream, I took off in an airplane and went to the space station, and I thought, what did all of this had to do with, you know, out -of -this -world stuff?
I remember, I actually said to Jeremy, I remember now, last, last December, I said to Jeremy, I said, I had this dream about holding conferences on other planets.
I'm trying to figure out what it means. When this happened, God said, I'm about to launch you into the virtual world.
That's what he said. He said, I'm taking you out of. So God said, I'm about to launch you into the virtual world. He was already doing his work online virtually before COVID hit.
It's the natural world of travel. I'm going to launch you. So here's what happened. We began to go online, we began to do all this.
I'm telling you, God is my witness. Finances increased, did not diminish.
All right, so now he's got financial increase. And there's something here, you can see, this is the bait on the hook.
I'll show you where the hook is in a second. Finances enlarged and did not go down, because God had promised me he was going to pay me a day's wage for an hour's worth of work.
Everybody who is saved by grace through faith earns or gets from Christ a day's wage.
They don't earn it, it's given to them out of the generosity of Christ. Everybody who is saved gets a day's wage.
In the blessing of God come in an incredible way. Now, you say, well, why would that, how did that happen?
Well, I actually heard the word of the Lord concerning it, but I want to give you a principle tonight.
So he heard, how did this happen? Well, I'm going to give you the word of the Lord regarding it, but here's the principle. That the
Lord actually showed me that will allow us to tap this, because this is what
I believe. I believe that God has given me the right and the authority to pray that same blessing over people's lives.
So there you go. The Bible sits behind his back. That's where the voice of God promises to be.
And he's telling everybody that he has the ability to impart this particular blessing where you too can make a day's wage for only an hour's worth of work.
The guy's a charlatan. He's teaching for shameful gain the things he ought not to teach. One thing we know for a fact,
God ain't talking to him. If God were talking to him, believe me, God's words would not be ones of kindness or things like this.
The word that he would hear first from the voice of God is repent. This man is breaking the commandment that says you shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain. He is speaking words that God has not given him to speak.
He is telling us about voices that are not the voice of God, and then claiming he has the ability to impart to people the same blessing, the blessing to earn an entire day's wage for just an hour's worth of work.
Who wouldn't want that? Yeah, let me back it up. Listen again. That the
Lord actually showed me that will allow us to tap this, because this is what
I believe. I believe that God has given me the right and the authority to pray that same blessing over people's lives, so that instead of things being diminished, things will be enlarged.
How many believe that God's able to do that? Mm -hmm. And that he has the authority to impart that blessing.
No, he doesn't. I mean, that blessing is as real, as real as Santa Claus.
This is nuts. So this isn't the voice of God, and anybody who is listening to Robert Henderson, to Jeremy Miranda Nelson, and the whole cadre of people in the
NAR who walk in these circles, that they are hearing the voice of God, these people are deluded.
This is a strong delusion. This is nonsense. But if you just apply what the
Scripture says and ask yourself the question, is there any legitimate reason to believe that's the voice of God biblically?
The answer comes back, no way, Jose. In fact, there's every biblical reason, especially his twisting of Matthew 20, to believe this man is not hearing
God's voice, that God doesn't want you listening to people like this. He wants you to mark and to avoid them.
And this is where I do believe 3rd John might be helpful.
3rd John. Let me get there here. So I was in 2nd John. Let's see here.
3rd John. Alright. Oh no, I do believe it's 2nd John in this particular case as well.
Let's go back into the context of 2nd John. Alright. "...to the elder, the elect lady, and her children, whom
I love in the truth." 2nd John, verse 1. "...but I also who also know the truth, because the truth that abides in us and will be with us forever."
So you'll note here, this is written to the elect lady and to her children, and this is basically written to a woman who...there's
a church that meets in her home. Remember, this is the days before there were church property, Christianity wasn't legal, and so people met secretly in people's homes.
And so John writes to her, "...grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from Jesus Christ and the
Father's Son in true love. I rejoice greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the
Father. Now we ask you, dear lady, as not as though I were writing you a new commandment, but one we have heard from the beginning, that we love one another.
And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments. This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so you should walk in it.
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh."
So we're gonna keep going and see where this goes. "...watch yourselves so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward.
Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the
Father and the Son. So if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house."
Now here, house, the context is a church, all right? So you're gonna know, this is not saying, you know, that if somebody is an unbeliever, they're not allowed in your house.
The context, this is in the context of a house church. So if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, the true teaching of the
Apostles and the Prophets, they've gone on ahead, beyond. You don't receive them into your church.
God does not will for you to listen to them, He wants you to mark and avoid them and give them no platform whatsoever.
And so Robert Henderson is somebody that you are not to be listening to and saying, yeah, well he's bringing me the
Word of God. No, he's not. He's bringing you false words, a voice that is not the voice of God, and it's demonstrable that that's the case.
Now one more, we'll give one more example, we'll throw this one in for good measure. While I was out preparing for this episode of Fighting for the
Faith, saw an advertisement for this installment from the It's Supernatural Network, and Tracy Cook, I saw what's ahead in the 2020s.
Tracy Cook, if you've followed us through this year, then you know that we noted that early on in the year, back at the end of March, Dr.
Michael Brown, whom we refer to as the Apostle of Obfuscation, he was claiming that two particular prophets gave very specific words regarding 2020 and what would be happening in 2020.
And they were Tracy Cook as well as Chuck Pierce.
And Michael Brown was holding out hope against all hope that these men had actually heard the voice of God telling them what would take place in the year 2020, and both of them were keying in on the fact that there would be some kind of a diminishing of the shaking.
Yeah, get your Prophecy Bingo cards out. There would be a diminishing of the shaking at the time of Passover.
And well, that didn't happen. Like, not even close.
And so Tracy Cook, this is a guy who has flat out been discredited.
He's not somebody who's hearing the voice of God, yet the It's Supernatural Network just had him on.
This is from December 14th, 2020, and we're gonna note that at the time
I'm recording this, today is the 15th, so it's the day after this was put out by the
It's Supernatural Network, and they've already got 91 ,000 views.
So that means there's a whole lot of people on YouTube going, please tell us, what is the
God saying is gonna come in 2020? And they're looking to Tracy Cook. Well, let's go back in time, all right, from the
It's Supernatural, Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, from January 15th of 2020, 20 prophetic words for 2020.
Here's what Tracy Cook said. See if you can make any sense of this. Hello, I'm Trace Alan Cook, here to tell you what
God's gonna do in 2020. 2020 is a time where God's gonna deal with the landscape of the church, the broken vows of the glory.
What's a broken vow of the glory? How many syllables is that? Glory. Too many.
It's a type of the strength that the church has entered into, but has lost the foresight of understanding who
Christ is. So in 2020, you're gonna start seeing numerous things take place. God's gonna cause us to expedite time.
God's gonna cause us to expedite time. Any of you out there watching, were there any time expeditings that took place?
2020 seemed to just drag on because we're all locked up in our houses. Some of you that have gone through things in your life and feel like, why is there such a delay in my life, and it seems like my promises are delayed, or the prophetic words are you in ministry, or what have you, and God told me in 2020, we're gonna see him expedite prophecy, dreams, visions.
He's gonna expedite them. How'd that work out? You've been believing God for the last several years, that took so long.
And it goes back to Samson. The church has started out with great strength, but we got into a place where we have broken our vows.
Now, the twisting of the story of Samson, proof positive. He is a false prophet.
That's not what the story of Samson's about. So I call it the broken vows of the glory of our God in 2020. It's gonna go back to a place, bring us back to a place where we're gonna have true repentance.
We're gonna walk back. If there was true repentance, you would hang up your ministry altogether and walk away, because you've been proven to be a false prophet who doesn't hear the voice of God.
To a place of true holiness, true repentance. We're gonna get our attention back on God and get away from man.
He's the sender of our lives to begin with. So you're gonna start seeing some of this in 2020. Now, God's gonna deal with the landscape of the church in 2020.
He's gonna begin to unravel the grounds that you walk on, and you're gonna start seeing a lot.
Everything that can be shaken will be shaken in the next four months. Just four months.
Yeah, you know, I seem to think that we're nine months into the two weeks to flatten the curve now.
Yeah, the shaking's gone on a little longer than four months. Even in 2020.
So you're gonna start seeing that in 2020, but I encourage you as a prophetic voice also that remember,
He's gonna expedite your prophecy, your visions, your dreams, your desires. He's gonna expedite them, which doesn't make any sense.
What does that even mean? You're gonna step out of the carnal realm, you're gonna step into the spiritual realm, you're gonna come out of that place of defeat into victory, you're gonna start seeing nature preach and nature prophesy this.
Is there any reason to believe this is the voice of God? This is what He said was coming in 2020. Has that turned out to be the case?
Was God the one speaking these words and saying, Hi, I'm Tracy, this is the
Holy Spirit. Would you let everybody know that I'm gonna be expediting prophecy in the year 2020 in the landscape of the spiritual realm?
Could you let everybody know that for me, please? This isn't the voice of God. None of these people are giving us the voice of God.
Not one. And so it is absolutely mind -boggling, and I mean mind -boggling, that yesterday this video appeared on the
It's Supernatural Network and it has almost a hundred thousand views already. And listen to what...
God shows you things to come, events, world events, political events.
No He doesn't. God didn't show you nothing about nothing for 2020. So what is
God showing you? God's not showing him nothing. The guy's a liar.
For this decade that we're in right now. This decade that we're in. Notice the name of the...
something more. Scripture's not enough, so you need something more. I said it here on the show at the beginning.
In the first four months, everything can be shaken, will be shaken. And that began to come to pass.
And the Lord showed me that even the latter part of this year, it's going to be time. I want to encourage people that this, even no matter what you've seen this year, even at the beginning of this decade, this is going to be a time where God's gonna start bringing everything this enemy tried to take from us or tried to take away from the church or take away from the body of Christ.
The man's not saying anything. This isn't the voice of God. We are a purpose person.
The purpose of you and the purpose of revival. Where the church is, it's like how the
Lord showed me was two things. The church has lost its strength.
You said that last year. We have broken our vows. You said that last year, and you used
Samson, and again, that has nothing to do with the story of Samson. Samson did. So we had to restore our vows, and the only way to get...
that's the time of restoration, that's what's come at the end of this year. And how the Lord showed me was...
He's not saying anything. This is not the voice of God. The second thing was, the prophets in the
Bible, the young prophet and the older prophet, he lost the axe head. It was borrowed.
He lost the axe head. And the axe head began to sink. No, it was totally on the bottom of the river, man.
And he went back and he got to the older prophet, he said, this is where you lost the revelation.
This is where you lost... Nope. They've added to that text. That's not what that text says at all. The insight.
And the Lord began to speak to me, Bob, that He's given us our insight back.
We've got to get... The church had its insight back, then they would run you out on a rail.
And you would never be allowed to darken the doorstep of anything, even remotely calling itself a church.
A revelation of who Christ is, and get our attention fully on Him. And what
I see taking place, a lot of dreams and visions, but what God's going to do, the encouraging side of this,
He's going to draw the body of Christ back unto Himself. He's going to draw us back to the altars, where the altars become significant again.
Because that's where it begins at anyways, at the altars. Now, what's going to happen? This man isn't hearing the voice of God at all.
That's not the voice of God. And it's time for people who call themselves
Christians to say, enough is enough. 2020 has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
These people are not hearing God's voice. The voice of God, according to God, is found in the scriptures, the writings of the prophets and the apostles.
I know every time I read the scriptures, I'm hearing the voice of God. I think you get the idea.
A little lab work today I thought would be fun. So hopefully you found this helpful, and you know, and you'll note that what
I've shown you as examples, even today, this is standard fare within the Charismatic Movement and the
NAR. And these are the empty words that they bring forward, claiming that this is the voice of God speaking, and over and over and over again, aside from it being complete gibberish, utter nonsense, words that contradict the scriptures, or words that hijack the scriptures and evacuate them of the real meaning.
These are people who contradict God's words straight up, and they're not bringing us God's voice, and scripture says we're not to give them a platform in the
Church. That's the paraphrase of what we read in 2 John. Do not let them into your house.
And so God does not will for us to listen to these people. They're not bringing me anything, anything even remotely close to what
God has said or is saying. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video, it's down below in the description, and until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.