AD Be Trifling

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, well, hope you had a good week this week. I had a pretty good week, you know, it was pretty busy. My mother is visiting, my sister's visiting, you know, so it's gonna be a fun weekend and all that kind of thing.
I feel like I didn't get a lot done this week, though. Like, I was working a lot, but not a lot of result, which, you know, sometimes that's how the cookie crumbles.
But before the weekend, I figured I'd do a lighthearted video. And what better way to pass the time than to watch a bunch of white guys talk about how racist y 'all all are?
This is good. I love watching videos like this because they are comical, yes, but, you know,
I'm totally off the hook, which I think is great. I mean, like, I listen to these guys and, you know, they're presumably speaking from the
Bible, like, that's what I think they're trying to do, but it doesn't apply to me since I'm not white, so it's just like, well,
I guess I could just sit this one out. Like, there's certain sections of the Bible that, you know, since I'm a minority in a majority culture,
I could just, you know, take a pass on this one. You know what I mean? Just twiddle my thumbs, I guess, look at the wall.
You know, my church has nice stained glass windows. Maybe that's what the stained glass windows are for. So, like, if you're in one of those, you know, identity groups that the
Bible's not addressing in a certain passage, you know, like the forgiveness passages and, you know, stuff like that, you know, minor, little things, you know, if you get bored because it doesn't really apply to you, then you can just look at the stained glass windows and just, you know, imagine, you know, how hard it was to make them.
And sometimes you can, like, come up with, like, different images. Like, some of our stained glass, it just kind of shapes and stuff like that, so it's almost like a
Rorschach test. Like, what do you see in here? That kind of thing. So, anyway, let's watch it.
This is gonna be fun. Let's check it out. What I see often when I have conversations with guys that look like me.
What do you mean? You mean people with weirdo haircuts? Preppy clothes? Like, what exact guys that look like you?
You know, I'm not really quite sure. Does he mean people with big ears? I don't know if his ears are big. They look like normal size.
Again, people say I have a big nose, which I think is probably true. I do kind of like a hook nose, too. I don't know.
But, yeah, he talks to guys that look like him. I mean, does he talk to, like, a twin brother or something like that? He must mean white, though, right?
Stop playing dumb. He means white guys, because all white guys look alike. How long do we have to apologize? Good question.
It's not about living and wearing the sin of yesterday. It's about being sympathetic of the sin of yesterday and its effects today.
So it's... This is disgusting. You know, this is the thing. I talk to my brother a lot about this kind of thing, and it's like, you know, you know when, like, you're talking about something, you don't have a clue what you're talking about, and you just sound like an idiot.
And you can tell as you're speaking that you sound like an idiot, because you know you don't know what you're talking about.
And it's very obvious to most people that you also don't know what you're talking about. And it's usually when you're just making stuff up that this happens.
And this is the case. He's like, it's not about, it's not about, like, living in the past, man.
It's about sympathizing about the past and thinking about the past all the time.
Like, it's not about apologizing for the past. It's just about saying I'm sorry about the past every day for the rest of your life for all eternity.
It's like, don't get it twisted. It's not about living in the past. It's about always thinking about the past and never, ever coming to a resolution, never.
Do you understand? Like, no, no, that's nonsensical what you just said. Nobody understands.
It's not about being in the past and living in the past and apologizing for the past. It's just about sympathizing in the past.
We cannot sow seeds for hundreds of years and not reap a harvest.
We can't sow seeds without reaping a harvest. Who's lived for hundreds of years? I mean, what is he, living in Bible times?
Like, Moses was, or not Moses, Noah was like 500, 600 years old. That's who he's talking about?
Like, who's sowing these seeds for hundreds of years and then reaping a harvest? Like, what exactly is he talking about?
But it sure sounds to me like he's living in the past. You're living in the past, man. So when we see the law of the harvest playing out, we can't just say, well, we shouldn't have sowed the seeds, but we sowed them and we got to get over it.
We got to understand that there is cause and effect. Right, but definitely don't live in the past, right? Don't apologize for the past, but just like always think about it all the time, even though you have no control over it and all that kind of thing.
This is sympathizing, not necessarily that I did something, wearing somebody else's sin, but that my race for years sowed seeds that are still bearing fruit today.
And I need to be sympathetic and enter into that suffering and pain so that I can make a difference. This is what I love. This is why
I love him talking about, like, you know, I like not being white because I could just sit this one out because my race has never done anything wrong.
Nothing that weighs on me, nothing that I need to consider. Like my race is essentially perfect. Well, maybe not perfect,
I'll be honest. My race is not quite as perfect as the black race, which we all know is completely innocent and they've lived lives of innocence.
And if not for the white man, they would have just be, they would just be in like a harmonious, I mean, everything would be like Wakanda.
You know what I mean? Perfect technology, perfect society. Not really, but I've never seen that movie, but I've heard some stories about Wakanda.
But anyway, yeah, it's just that, you know, we all understand that. Like, so, you know, obviously the white men have had a trail of poor decisions and evil that they need to consider.
But you know, a guy like me, I'm good. You know what I mean? I'm just good. I'm just here to enjoy the ride.
Rich, rich, rich. Let me just quick paint a picture of what you just said in marriage. He's gonna paint a picture.
And I appreciate this though, because, you know, we got three whites. This is a white, no,
I guess it's just two whites. No, that's three. This white lady here, another white guy, another white guy. And then there's three.
So it's even Stevens. There's three whites, three blacks. That's very balanced. I appreciate that.
So now he's gonna give us an example about marriage, which I'm sure won't be condescending in any way.
When I first married my wife and thought I was doing everything as it ought to be done, taking the trash out,
I noticed she was in the garage looking at me as if I was the most trifling person on the planet. I'm in a robe.
Trifling. Yeah, I don't know about that term. I'm not familiar with that term. Let's find out. All right, so according to Merriam -Webster, trifling means unimportant or trivial.
So his wife, he was taking the garbage. So let's see if we, oh, there's an urban dictionary. Hold on.
Oh, this is that, oh, this is kind of bad words here. Do you remember that song? You're trifling, good for nothing kind of brother.
Silly me, why haven't I found another? A bother, I'm gonna help me out.
What was that song? What was that? Destiny, Destiny's Child, yeah. You ain't gonna pay the bills. You don't pay the telephone bills.
Yeah, trifling. That guy was trifling. So his wife thought he was trifling because he took the garbage out.
I'm not gonna say anything, but yeah. Trying to catch the trash man.
And when I recognized she was not enchanted because I was doing what
I thought was a husbandly duty, it hit me when she expressed, you remind me of my father.
Her father embarrassed her by taking the trash out as a child and she never forgot that moment.
So I literally had to grab her and let her know I'm not that man. I got nothing.
What? Does anybody understand this?
So I must've missed something. Let's go back here a couple seconds here.
It's trifling, good for nothing kind of. That story made no sense. Let's find out.
She was in the garage looking at me as if I was the most trifling person on the planet. I'm in a robe trying to catch the trash man.
And when I recognized she was not enchanted because I was doing what I thought was a husbandly duty, it hit me when she expressed, you remind me of my father.
Her father embarrassed her by taking the trash out as a child and she never forgot that moment.
So I literally had to grab her and let her know I'm not that man. What's your point,
Mike? What is your point? That story is bizarre. Okay, so her father, when she was a little girl, embarrassed her because he took the trash out, like the garbage.
Is there a metaphor here? Maybe I'm just dense because this is the stupidest thing
I've ever heard. So I'm gonna assume that I'm the stupidest person alive because I don't get it. It makes no sense.
So she was mad at him because he took the garbage out and when she was a little girl, her dad took the garbage out and it was embarrassing.
There's not one piece of this story that makes any sense to me. In the comments, if you understand what he's talking about, was he in his underwear or something?
I don't understand. I don't understand the story at all. But what I do understand is, ♪
Traveling, good for nothing kind of brother. ♪ ♪ You're selling me, why haven't
I found another? ♪ ♪ I'm balling. ♪ Us are not sensitive to the fact that people are carrying the scars of what their fathers have done.
And so we jump to protect ourselves instead of listening to understand that there's a need for healing.
Our churches need to repent for healing individually and in community collectively.
So we can start now and really use what's become a cliche as truth.
The best is yet to come. I don't care about any of that. But I could see what he's doing there.
So I honestly, this is not an act. I don't get that story. There must be something I'm missing or I'm just not seeing it.
Again, I don't doubt that I could be the dumbest person alive. It could be an obvious story to many of you. If you get what he was trying to talk about there,
I don't know, but it's bizarre. It's trifling, it's trifling. But what he's trying to do is something that often is done in these conversations and make blacks the weaker vessel in the marriage relationship.
So whites are comparable to the husband and blacks are comparable to the wife.
That's always what they do. And it's like, that's creepy, man. I don't think that that's very respectful at all.
In fact, I think that's denying certain things about black people, almost like they're, if not for the protection of whites, that they would be at risk and stuff like that.
Because we understand a husband's duty is to protect his wife and to provide for his wife and to take care and love his wife.
That's the duty of a husband. Is there anything analogous to whites and blacks there?
Like is the duty of whites to take care of and provide for and protect blacks? Is that what we're going with here?
Because that's super condescending, I think. Nothing against women. We understand that women actually are the weaker vessel.
That's how God created them. He created the husband and the wife to operate in that way. But did he create whites and blacks to operate in that way?
Like this is often said, and it's often said by black woke people as well. And it's like, dude, it's not a good look, man.
What are you trying to say? You need daddy to come take care of you? Is that what you're trying to say?
Because that's what it sounds like you're trying to say. But maybe I just don't understand. Maybe I'm just trifling.
♪ A trifling man, good for nothing kind of brother. ♪ ♪ You don't pay my bills, you don't pay the telephone bills.
♪ ♪ You know man, maybe we could chill. ♪ That song was ridiculous. It was like, if you don't pay all my bills, then we can't chill.
You know what I mean? And I think chilling strongly implies some kind of encounter, if you know what
I mean. I don't know about that one, man. I don't know about that one. ♪ I don't think you do, so you and me are through.
♪ I don't know, man. That arrangement, pay for everything, and then, you know, that doesn't sound like a legit arrangement, if you know what
I mean. Unless you're married, of course. Unless you're married, because that's different. Anyway, I hope you had a great weekend.
If you want to put me in my place and tell me, hey, AD, you're an idiot, that story makes perfect sense, because it's embarrassing when your dad takes out the garbage,
I guess, let me know. Let me know. I got a P .O. Box, P .O. Box 211, Keene, New Hampshire, 03431.
I also have an email address, ad at adrobloves .com. Thank you so much for watching. I appreciate you liking and commenting and supporting the channel.