Myths of Marriage, "You should potect your mental health by avoiding rejection"



have one currently or you're in the market, I would love for you to come check out this church or our own church in Sunnyvale, kind of at the intersection of 101 and Lawrence.
Yeah, so there's that. Something else I was gonna mention. Some of you may know, but I don't think
I've ever mentioned it at this group before. Two years ago, late 2001,
I wrote a book on the ethics of ministry fundraising, which sounds really dry, but it's trying to answer some pretty interesting questions, like would it be okay to charge for this particular event?
You know, there's a reason why we offer it for free, and it's not just because we think it'll, you know, bring out the most people.
We have a conviction that ministry, gospel, teaching, should be offered freely, that's what
Jesus said, Matthew 10, he said, freely receive, freely give. It has implications for lots of different things, but people aren't thinking too clearly about this right now.
You look throughout Christian history, you see early on, people were selling prophecy, right?
The Bible condemns that, and you see that even in early Christian writings. One of the earliest, probably first century writing that we have, the earliest extra -biblical
Christian writing is known as the Didache. It talks about how if someone comes to you, a traveling preacher, and he stays for more than three days, that you're to consider him a false teacher and send him on his way, because he's presuming on your hospitality, he's just trying to get things out of you.
You know, if he is exchanging ministry for money, or if he asks for money from you, you're to consider him a false teacher.
And later on in church history, you've got indulgences, and the whole Reformation started over that. You'll have another era that a lot of people are unaware of, that in the
English -speaking world, it was very common for there to be pew rents for about 200 years. They were, it was very common to go to a church and you would have to rent a pew.
And that was not that long ago. I think we're talking, you know, the last one I know of that stopped doing that was in the 1950s, so this is not that long ago that I was going on, it was very common for 200 years.
And in our own era, I think because of copyright and other things, there's a lot of monetization around ministry, the way it's used, especially digitally now.
This is not something that I believe I've got some new take that no one has ever had before.
I think each era, there's a different kind of way this battle was fought. And right now, we have our own battle.
So if you're interested in that, please pick up one of these books we've got in the box over there. And since then, there's been some interest in this, and there's this website now with a podcast called sellingjesus .org.
There's also a YouTube channel. I encourage you to check that out. Anyway, all that by way of introduction to let you know about another ministry
I'm involved in. Well, we usually go through some myth about marriage.
In fact, we always do whenever I'm talking about this. So myth for today, actually, before we do that, let me, let's see.
Yeah, okay, let's just get right into it. Myth for today is that it's important to protect your mental health by avoiding situations where you could face rejection.
Now, this is something people commonly think, say, do, right, and it's not just about romantic relationships, but all kinds of situations.
You know, a lot of people struggle to apply for jobs because they feel pretty hurt about the last time that they were rejected by jobs.
It's the case with social situations. They avoid social situations because they feel like they're gonna be judged and rejected. They avoid even going to church or joining a church because they're afraid they'll be judged and rejected there.
It's very common for people to reject, or to avoid rejection, and this is especially the case when it comes to romantic relationships because they don't wanna be hurt.
Boy, a relationship like that, how much more can you be hurt by it?
Now, I'd say this is additionally a large problem because all those other things, it's pretty likely that someone would be willing to talk to you about it, even confront you about it, but when it comes to relationships, romantic relationships, that's considered very personal and it's also considered something that's very reasonable for someone to not want to pursue marriage, where in the
Bible, there's an acknowledgment that it might be right for someone to not pursue marriage, but the general plan that God has for mankind is that it's not good for man to be alone.
And so, people aren't necessarily willing to confront that and talk about it, but it needs to be talked about and even confronted if someone is isolating himself and keeping himself from interactions that would be good for them.
So that's what I'm here for. I'm here to address these things and confront them. And the people often will try to legitimize their chosen strategy of avoiding rejection by labeling it with things like preserving mental health.
Now, mental health is a real thing. God gave us minds. Your mind can be well or it can be unwell, but a lot of times, people use this term in a way that gives it an air of clinical authority or some medical reality beyond what is actually there.
And it becomes a way of justifying feelings with some sanctified terminology rather than dealing realistically with the situation in front of you.
So, you can imagine someone said to a diabetic that he should eat more or less sugar than he actually should.
That would be considered medical malpractice, right? And that's how people treat situations where someone encourages them to get back out there, even though it doesn't feel good, to face rejection.
But a better analogy for what's actually going on is someone who's eating a lot of sugar and it might feel good to them, and someone's telling them that it's not actually good for them, and they say, oh no, this is good for my health because it feels good to me.
That's probably a closer analogy to what's going on when people are talking about this. So, not rejecting the idea that mental health is a real thing, not rejecting the idea that rejection hurts, but we should be analyzing these things and what's good for us based on what the
Bible says and not just how our feelings lead us. So, let's consider some things about this.
Let's consider what God's priorities are. So, I'd like to read a few verses to you about God's priorities.
The first one I already mentioned, Genesis 2 .18, it is not good that man should be alone. God created man, and then he created woman.
It's made together with man, which is God's general plan for humanity. There are some that are called to singleness, but the vast majority of people aren't, and they are called to marriage.
You can tell on yourself whether or not you desire that kind of companionship.
If you have the sexual desires, too, that come alongside of it, according to 1
Corinthians 7, there's a lot of these telltale signs that God is calling you toward romantic relationship and marriage and not just singleness.
Now, Proverbs 18 .22 says, "'He who finds a wife finds a good thing "'and obtains favor from the
Lord.'" Marriage is a very good thing. It's not merely a neutral thing where it's either or, it doesn't really matter.
It is actually a good thing. It's something to be pursued, even despite the way it may feel.
And then consider also the words of 1
Corinthians 7 .9. It says, "'But if they cannot exercise self -control, "'they should marry. "'For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.'"
Because of the dangers of sexual immorality, because of the dangers of uncleanness, God has given people a way to express those desires in the confines of marriage.
So there are all these ways that God has given us in order to pursue what is good and specifically in marriage.
So we have all that. Now also, the Bible has a lot to say about fear. The Bible talks about fear of man quite a bit, and that would be the other end of this, right?
If you are, if the Bible talks about priorities, right, that are good, it also talks about priorities that are bad that stand in contrast with what is good, and that would include fear of man.
So in Psalm 116, or excuse me, in Psalm 118 .6,
it says, "'The Lord is on my side. "'I will not fear. "'What can man do to me?''
Fear of man is not necessary. If we have the Lord on our side, there's no need to fear. In fact, every time we act out of fear of man, act out of fear of rejection, then we are acting in such a way that we are building that particular thing within us rather than building the kind of fear, the kind of desires that God is telling us to build, particularly fear of man.
There's no reason to be, to lack courage. God has called us to be courageous.
Proverbs 29 .12 says, "'The fear of man lays a snare, "'but whoever trusts in the
Lord is safe.'" So consider that for a second. Why do people avoid situations where they might be rejected?
Why do they avoid sending out a job application when they think that it's gonna be rejected, right? It's because they think it's safer.
It's safer to not send this job application. It's safer to not put myself in a situation where I'm going to be vulnerable.
It says, "'The fear of man lays a snare.'" It's actually the other way around, right? That if you don't prioritize things
God has called you to prioritize, then that is laying a snare. That is headed towards danger.
"'But whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.'" So if you trust in the Lord, if you've held up His priorities and recognize what they are, and you pursue those priorities, even despite what kind of dangers you may encounter, you are far safer in that circumstance than in the other.
And consider also 2 Corinthians 11 .9. It says, "'But
He said to me, "'My grace is sufficient for you, "'for my power is made perfect in weakness.'"
So God has determined that He would be glorified in the weakness of His people.
And what is it that people fear in vulnerable situations? It's their weakness, right? And it's, once again, the cure for all this is recognizing
God's priorities, recognizing that He has spoken of the fear of man as being a thing to be resistant, as a thing to be avoided, and balancing this all out so that you can operate on a day -to -day basis in a way that would honor
Him, whether it be putting yourself in a vulnerable situation or not. Not every vulnerable situation is good, but a lot of times
God does call us to be courageous, put ourselves in vulnerable situations for the sake of His priorities.
And if we're thinking about this in terms of health or what is good for us, what is good in this circumstance?
Now, if you consider, let's say that you were to, in the pursuit of marriage, you realize for yourself that God's calling you to not be alone, but to have companionship, the
Bible describes, so that the two may become one and be even stronger together, serving the
Lord together. You recognize that, and you go out and you get rejected every single month for five years.
Now, if you can do the math quickly, that's 60 rejections. That's a lot, right? That sounds pretty difficult to bear.
But then at the end of all that, you actually find a spouse, actually find a husband or a wife.
Now, what would be better? To have avoided all those rejections and live the rest of your life alone, or to have faced each one of those rejections, grit your teeth and bear through it, trusting in the
Lord and His goodness, and at the end, having companionship, the Bible describes, is good.
You know, from the perspective of one who's in the middle of the trial, I get it, it seems really hard, really difficult.
It does not seem like the payout is there. But if you hear people talk about things like applying for scholarships, you know, the best strategy is you just apply to tons of them.
And there's like a guarantee almost, you know, that you'll at least have a one out of 30 ratio or something.
I forget what the typical numbers are. But if you just accept that, and you're willing to do 300 of these applications, that means you'll get 10 of them.
I've heard statistics on this that I don't have for you, but you know, if you have that approach where this is just what's required, then it becomes more easy to bear with it.
You realize that this is the difficulty that God has ordained for those pursuing this, especially,
I understand it's especially difficult right now in the way that people have their priorities. It's not as easy to find a husband or a wife as it might have once been.
So I get that, but if we have God's priorities, we can pursue those things and trust in him.
So I wanna go through several tips for dealing with rejection.
And I've labeled these all with alliteration. So they all start with P, maybe you can remember them that way, okay?
So the first one is ponder these truths, these priorities of God, right? You have what he says about the fear of man, you have what he says about the goodness of America.
I would recommend even memorizing a verse or two about these, you know, some of these verses are very short.
Proverbs 18 .22 that we just read a minute ago was, he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the
Lord. That's a pretty easy one to memorize. And the Bible talks about meditating on God's word.
If you've never thought about it before, memorization is the quintessential way of meditating on something.
If you think of meditating as just being, you know, the Buddhist kind of thing where you're sitting with your legs crossed and just kind of humming or thinking about something, that's not
Christian meditation. Christian meditation has a pattern to it that is storing up the word of God in your heart, right?
So when the Bible talks about meditating, think about the importance of actually memorizing it so that you have it to meditate upon.
Because otherwise, how are you actually supposed to meditate on it? It's not in your heart and ready to go on those times when you're able to meditate on something.
So that'd be the first step, ponder those truths. Otherwise, as much as you believe them intellectually, trusting in them in the moment, it's going to be very difficult to pray, right?
These are kind of the obvious things, right? Read your Bible and pray. These are always the applications.
But there's a reason they're always the application. It's just the right thing to do. So pray, and in your relationship with God, acknowledging your weakness to him and your vulnerability to him, because that's the whole reason he puts us in vulnerable, weak situation, right?
Is for us to trust in him. And the Christian response to those weak situations is to acknowledge weakness and trust in God for his strength.
So the appropriate response to these situations is prayer. And we haven't put it up on YouTube yet, but the last talk
I gave was about the importance of prayer, particularly to the single Christian. So, yeah, maybe soon we'll get that up and you can look at that on our church's
YouTube channel. So the next one is practice, okay, practice.
This is probably, maybe obvious, maybe not obvious.
The more you practice something, the better you get at it. The more you learn to deal with it. You know what the telemarketers say, right?
Smile and dial, you know, you just gotta just keep cold calling, and you just, you know. And after a while, you get used to it.
It doesn't, you know, you're not taking the rejection personally. This is just your job, this is just what you're called to. And, you know, you can do it pretty well.
Same thing with the job application, same thing with the scholarships. You know, if you're just going in it with the mindset that this is part of the process, it becomes a lot easier to deal with, especially as you do it.
So, you know, practice being vulnerable, being courageous, trusting in the
Lord, and it becomes easier to do so. And that's, like I said, it's true about these other situations, and of many things in the
Christian life. You think about evangelism. You know, when people first start to share the gospel, what are they afraid of? They're afraid of rejection.
Once they start doing it, after a while, they realize things like, well, they're not rejecting me, they're rejecting the
Lord, you know? And you begin to understand that, and you begin to, and even if you know that in your mind, you know, ahead of time, it still hurts, it's still scary.
But then the more you do it, you know, a seasoned evangelist, someone who's sharing the gospel all the time, you know, they're not fazed by the rejection.
It's just hard for the course. And you know, in that day when
God finally grants your prayer, not only have you learned to bear with rejection, but also, man, nothing builds confidence like having someone, you know, that companionship that's really building you up.
So the end of this is not something that decreases your confidence, because that's what people are afraid of, as they make themselves vulnerable and get rejected, right?
At the end of this is something that will increase your confidence far more than avoiding these situations would have ever done. Now, next in this volume, we have prayer, sorry, we have pondering, praying, practicing, and let's see if I can remember the other.
I'm blanking right now, but the one at the end was powwow, which is, so, encouragement.
You want Christian encouragement from others, that's from your peers, that's from older people, it's from the
Lord himself, and you know, going back to prayer. So if you're not in a relationship with church members that is going to be building you up, yeah, it's gonna be a lot harder to do this alone.
Do this with others. Don't just do this by yourself, and do this with people older than you, too, who can guide you and encourage you.
You know, they've been through this before, if you're talking to a married person. You know, get their advice and hear from them, and it will build you up.
This is the means that God has given the church in order to build people up. This is not just, you know,
I don't have a particular Bible verse, but it's many places in the scripture, you look at Titus 2, it talks about older women training younger women to love their husbands, et cetera.
This is just repeated throughout scripture. This is not just my recommendation, this is a biblical recommendation.
So the other one that I forgot in there for a second was presume the best. A lot of times when people get rejected, they're imagining the worst.
You know, this person doesn't like the way I look. They don't like the way I am. I'm a horrible person, let's go.
And maybe they are thinking that. Like, it's quite possible they are, but you presume the best.
You presume this person, you know, just hasn't had a chance to consider, you know, what the biblical priorities are, and maybe they're thinking about things wrongly.
You know, you presume that they don't, that none of those things are true unless they have said that they are true.
And even then, you have good things that you can imagine. They just haven't been taught to value the things that they should truly value.
Or that this is what is best for me in this season so that I can correct these things. You should presume the best.
First Corinthians 13, seven says that love believes all things. Okay, if you want to prepare yourself to love a husband or a wife, you can begin practicing, even in the rejections, by learning to love the ones who's rejecting you.
How much easier is it to love someone who hasn't rejected you, if you've learned to love the ones who have rejected you?
You know, it's a lot easier. So, those were the five things, but coming back to those, think about this also from the other side.
You know, as someone not who needs to undergo situations where they'll be rejected, or may be rejected.
But as someone interacting with people who may need to reject it, you know, you can be building other people up.
You can be that one encouraging your peers as well. And it costs nothing to pay a compliment.
You know, a lot of things that can build up somebody's confidence, an award.
And also consider this, you know, I would like to do one of my whole messages on this topic, but if someone makes some kind of advance and asks you on a coffee date or whatever, these things don't have to be big deals.
And I would argue, and I know a lot of people have a very different mindset about this, but even if you're not particularly interested,
I think there are ways that you can, you know, meet up with someone, spend time with them in a way that's encouraging and doesn't lead them on, doesn't give them any false hopes, things like that.
And I think that you should be thinking about how can I be most encouraging to this person and not just, oh, what's in it for me?
I don't think there's anything in it for me. I don't think this is gonna pan out, so I'll just reject somebody. So something to consider there.
I'd like to flesh that one out for you all at some other time, but also be thinking about how you can be encouraging to others, not just how you might need encouragement to deal with rejection.
Now in all these things, once again, it's important to consider how the
Lord is on our side. We have nothing to worry about. So consider these several verses.
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them. So if you're serving the
Lord, if you're trying to make his priorities your priorities, and you cry for help, he delivers out of trouble.
In Peter, which I think I lost my spot here, but first Peter 2, it says, as it comes to him, a living sinner rejected by men but in the sight of God, chosen and precious.
God considers his people precious. Here's the other verse I was looking for. Romans 8, 31, what shall we say to these things?
If God is for us, who can be against us? Once again, if God has told us what his priorities are, we are making his priorities, really, what kind of rejection can stand against us?
Now some discerning Christian might hear some of these passages that I'm willing to apply to this and say, well, aren't those about the gospel?
Aren't those about rejection in the context of your Christian, you've presented the gospel, and they reject you because of the gospel that you bear?
Is it really right to apply all these verses about God being for someone if we're not talking about presentation of the gospel?
Now I would answer that any time you have made God's priorities your priorities, you can trust that he is on your side.
He always rewards obedience. He is, not the way you may expect, but he always rewards obedience, and he is always on the side of his children, and that is true even for the verses that are most directly about the gospel.
Consider even Matthew 5, in the beatitude, Jesus says, blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you, and there are all kinds of evil against you falsely.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Now that's the verses directly about the gospel, rejecting prophets, but I would say that even as a secondary application applies to someone who, out of their service to Christ, for the sake of his name and honoring him, have embraced his priorities, you can be guaranteed that it doesn't matter what kind of suffering you face, doesn't matter what kind of rejection, that you can rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in heaven.
Even if the kind of priorities I'm talking about are priorities that maybe even a worldly person may embrace, they are not going to embrace it as a believer who is doing so out of service to God, out of recognizing that he is higher than them, and so it is something that God rewards, particularly for the believer, not the unbeliever, because the believer is doing it out of a desire to honor
God. And think about this, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you, especially in our era, is there not something somewhat prophetic about making
God's priorities in this matter our own? By prophetic, I don't mean predicting the future.
By prophetic, I mean declaring the truth to a hostile audience, that's what
I mean by prophetic. And it's the case that right now, people don't value family life, they don't value marriage, they don't value biblical companionship the way they are, and when you live these things out, it is in a sense prophetic, even if it might not include a gospel presentation about the resurrection of Christ, there is a sense in which it is being done for the sake of the kingdom, and it is declaring truth to a hostile world, there is something very prophetic about that.
But consider also how the gospel does apply to this. So not just these promises of God rewarding those who serve him, but consider specifically the rejection that Christ endured and what that's supposed to say about our willingness to undergo rejection.
Once again, not just in the situation of the gospel, but even other situations where we're promoting
God's priorities. Isaiah 53, three. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and as one from whom men hide their faces, he was despised and esteemed in the law.
To Christ, a man willing to undergo much rejection. Hebrews 12, two says, looking to Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faiths, they who for the joys that before him endured the cross, despising the shaman that seated at the right hand of the throne of God, he had a joy set before him, and so he endured the shame.
Likewise, God has set blessings in front of us, he has set good things out in front of us, and those are things that we should be willing to endure, whatever shame, whatever rejection that comes.
Whether they be the high thing of the gospel or something else good that he has set in front of people.
That is in a secondary way related to the gospel, not being the gospel itself, but reflecting on the gospel as it says in Hebrews.
Or excuse me, as it says in Ephesians five. So this is not just, these passages speak of Christ as an example, but it's not just that he's an example.
Oh, he endured, so we're also called to endure. He made God's priorities his priorities, so we're also called to.
Christ is much more than an example. It is because of him, because of the fact that he endured rejection, that we are able to do the same.
Not only has he, okay, so there's two aspects of this, at least. One, he's given us a spirit by which we can believe
God's truth, trust in him. But then second, it is through the death of Christ that we have this special love of God that is only afforded to the children of God, so that in God loving us as children, we can have the love that doesn't require the acceptance of man.
Why is it that Christians should be able to be rejected by the world, as scripture says so many times, that it's just expected that Christians would be rejected by the world?
How are we supposed to endure that? How are we supposed to bear with that? Well, the answer is we have a love that is far more important than any love down here.
The loves down here, ultimately, do not matter if they are not eternal, and the love of God is eternal, and the love for others is eternal, and those things are guaranteed to the one who serves the
Lord, to the child of God. So consider Psalm 27, seven.
For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in. You know, how can you deal with rejection if your father and mother forsake you, if you get rejected a hundred times over?
How can you deal with that? Well, if you know that the Lord will take you in. You have his love that's worth more than all the loves on earth combined.
And that's how it says in 1
Peter 2, 4. As you come to him, a living stone, rejected by men, but in sight of God, chosen and precious. That we can know that we are precious to him.
Doesn't matter, once again, what the world thinks. If you are precious to him, you can deal with all kinds of rejection, whether it be for the sake of the gospel itself or some related priority of the
Lord. So consider that if you struggle a lot with fear, and I know a lot of people have hesitations about even coming to an event like this because they feel like they're gonna be vulnerable, and they feel like they'll be open to your rejection at some event like this as they talk to people, even if it's just a social event, not particularly focused on singles, right?
They're afraid of rejection. If you're someone who struggles with that kind of thing, consider what the relationship of that struggle is to your relationship with the
Lord. You know, if you really crave the affection of man, what does that say about your satisfaction with the affection of God?
Now, a lot of people will misapply this, even to the degree of saying that you shouldn't even desire to get married because the affection of God is enough.
God has, once again, God has stated the priorities that we should have, and I think that's a wrong application, but we should be content with the
Lord in such a way that we aren't able to encounter all kinds of rejection. So he has given us his love that we might have great, great courage, and so I hope that this has been an encouragement to you to be courageous, whether it be with other social situations, job applications, but especially romantic relationships, as they are even more important than those other matters, and because it's more important, so much more important to talk about, and yet, often, the most avoided out of all these things.
Let me go ahead and pray for us. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for the great love we have in Jesus Christ.
Thank you that as you look on us, you see him and his perfection, and that we are loved beyond any height or depth or anything that we can fathom.
We thank you for that love, and we ask that you would help us to appreciate and understand that love in a way that would enable us to face every rejection that you have called us to, no matter of what nature it may be.
We thank you once again for Jesus Christ. In his name we pray, amen. All right, so we've got some discussion questions that we're gonna put on the tables, and a little bit after the discussions, we'll do a
Q and A. Oh, that was a good one.
It's a lucky song. It's a good song. It's a great song. It's a good song.
It's not an AI thing though. It's an Art of Translation. More like a brain.
I have scratch dressing on. Thank you. It's a, I guess, let's connect. Let's say it's a word
I mean, be mindful of the message. I request that we shut it down.
I'm going to go take a nap. Oh, OK. Well, I just wanted to let you know.
Yeah, I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to take a nap. You see, you just go up there, and you're going to have to talk with that in the lines.
Because you're a guy that's dressed up, and you're a guy that's dressed up, and you're all the time. Is this a new kind of guy?
And so that's the bad news. The good news is, the guy that's hidden is a good guy.
That's a good way to look at it. Yeah, that's a good way to look at it. I mean,
I know. Not really. I don't know what it's going to be.
Are we sharing the box? So this is a Christmas gift.
Right. So we're going to give my gift to a couple of dogs. Both of you. And this is you and Karen.
And for me and Scratch, and for Marcel and me, and for you guys, and for me and Jason, and for our son.
So Scratch saves lives a lot. I've probably been seeing this a lot. Everyone's seen it. And I think it's usually the more
I've never seen it at all. It's like everything's good, and then all of a sudden it's not.
Yeah. Are there major objections? No. Oh, sure.
Okay. I don't know.
They don't like it. Is she
Christian or is she? Okay. I'm going to...
No. No. No.
No. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. a degree, like a bachelor's, by the time
I get home. So maybe I should just do that. I don't know.
I don't know what you guys said, but I know what you said. Yeah. It's just injections. Maybe that's what we should do.
Maybe that's what we should do. I mean, yeah. Yeah. I don't know. No. I don't know.
No. I don't know. Yeah. No. OK. Cool. But it's like a plundering. Plundering. I mean, I remember when we were like, my clients were a whole bunch of jobs.
And I was like, I don't know. I don't know. She just rejected it and took me up to $300. I was like,
I don't know. I mean, it was awesome. But there was another one, too. But he just said,
I met this girl. I was like, OK, we'll go. I met this girl. I met this girl.
I met this girl. I met this girl. I met this girl. I met this girl.
I met this girl. I was like,
Dave, I wish I was born another way.
Or I don't know. I don't know. I just couldn't stop there.