F4F | Charlie Shamp Hijacks the Open Door

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you know anybody that thinks that Charlie Chomp is a real prophet of God, that he really hears from the
Holy Spirit, and man, his words are solid, and they affirm things that you've heard in your spirit, yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video and ring the bell also. Charlie Chomp is a false prophet.
He's a complete charlatan and sleazeball, and we're going to take a look at a recent prophecy that he's given, and we're going to put prophecy in air quotes here, where he's going to hijack the biblical text from Revelation chapter 4, where we'll demonstrate how he's doing it.
And along the way, funny enough, he's going to make a claim regarding the Greek a little bit later in this video, which will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the guy doesn't know what on earth he's talking about.
And he doesn't need to know what he's talking about, because he's not about accurately preaching God's Word and teaching
God's Word to people. He's about scratching itching ears. He's more akin to a fortune teller than anything, and it's all about him making money.
That's really what this fellow is all about. And so let's whirl this up as we head over to the
Destiny Encounters YouTube channel, and here's the setup for this video.
Here we go. Today, I'm going to be talking about a recent revelation that the
Lord gave to me, and I felt to come on and just bless you. So he claims he received a revelation from the
Lord, and he felt that he needed to come on to YouTube and bless you with it. Yeah, this is a setup for manipulation.
Say hello and pray for you today that God would cause you to enter through the open door.
God would cause me to enter through the open door. What are you talking about?
We've been discussing this on our Destiny Encounters partner page, closed group, right here on Facebook.
So if you're not a partner of the ministry, I would... If you'd like to join their closed group, yeah, you got to become a partner, financial partner.
Now I'm not joking when I say that he's going to go on for 22 and a half minutes, 22 and a half minutes trying to convince people before he gives this word of the
Lord to become a partner with him for his revivals and send him $1 ,000 and things like that.
It's all in there in the next 22 minutes. I'm not going to cover that part, but if you wanted to go and listen to the...
Watch the video, you could. Again, it's ascending through the open door, Prophet Charlie Champ on the
Destiny Encounters YouTube account. You can find the 22 minute long pitch for sending money to him.
Yeah, no joke. But we're fast forwarding now to the 2328 mark as he's now going to give us this word that God placed it on his heart.
And so it's got to be true because the source of this is his heart.
God placed this revelation on his heart. You wouldn't want to not listen to God because if God places something on someone's heart, well that means it's got to be true, right?
No, that's not what that means at all. So here's the next part of this and we're going to work our way, no joke, about 10 minutes of this because it just gets better.
If you want to grab a prophecy bingo card, you should because there are prophetic buzzwords just dinging throughout this whole thing.
But here we go. Revelation chapter four, verse one says, after these things I looked and behold a door standing open in heaven.
All right, now that's what the text says. Let's take a look at it.
Revelation chapter four. Now let's apply our three rules for sound biblical exegesis which are context, context, and context.
And you'll note that in the immediate chapters before chapter four that Christ himself gives basically the
Apostle John the command to write these particular things and then send them to the seven churches of Asia, Pergamon, Thyatira, Sardis, Smyrna, Laodicea, Philadelphia, Ephesus.
I probably left one out, but you get the idea. And so these are then letters that are written by the
Apostle John by dictation, Christ said write these things and then send them to the churches.
And so the opening portion of the book of Revelation is these epistles, these short little epistles that are written to each of these individual churches.
And so you'll get the idea. So I'll give you an example, like the church of Laodicea known for being lukewarm, which is kind of an interesting play on words because there's something going on historically in Laodicea regarding lukewarm water that Jesus is kind of capitalizing on because they get that.
So here's what Revelation three says, verse 14. So to the angel of the church in Laodicea, write the words of the amen, the faithful, the true and witness the beginning of God's creation.
I know your works. You are neither cold nor hot. Oh, would that you were either cold or hot.
So because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth for you say,
I am rich, I have prospered and I need nothing but not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and naked.
So I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich and white garments that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen and salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see those whom
I love. I reprove and I discipline. So be zealous and repent. And this is one of the major themes that we see in these epistles is that Christ is calling these churches to repent of one thing or another.
So and then you get that famous text, behold, I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice, opens the door,
I will come into him and eat with him and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne as I also conquered and sat down with my father on his throne.
He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches. Now that these epistles and that's the last one, now that these epistles have been taken down and included in the book of Revelation, now comes a transition, a complete transition, and the scene changes.
This opening portion takes place at the Isle of Patmos. John is in exile, we're not sure exactly where he is.
Church history tells us that he was in a cave or in a grotto up one of the cliff faces in Patmos, not a very hospitable place to be exiled at the time.
And there was supposedly another fellow with him, at least this is how church history tells us. But anyway, so the revelation begins with John in the spirit on the
Lord's day, and then he hears the voice of Christ from behind him, like the sound of many rushing waters like a trumpet.
And he turns around and he sees Jesus standing among seven golden lampstands.
And he's got stars in his hands, his face is shining like the sun, he's got a two -edged sword coming out of his mouth, and John falls down at his feet as though dead.
And Christ assures him and says, you know, fear not, fear not, you know, I was dead but now
I am alive and I have the keys of death and Hades. This is how Christ, you know, this is how it begins.
So this is where the setting is. Now in chapter four, the setting changes altogether.
And so after this, John says, I looked and behold, a door standing open in heaven.
And the first voice which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, come up here and I will show you what must take place after this.
And at once I was in the spirit and behold, a throne stood in heaven with one seated on the throne and he who sat there had the appearance of Jasper and Carnelian.
And around the throne was a rainbow that had the appearance of an emerald. And around the throne were 24 thrones and seated on the thrones were 24 elders clothed in white garments with golden crowns on their heads.
From the throne came flashes of lightning and rumblings and peals of thunder. Before the throne were the burning seven torches of fire which are the seven spirits of God.
And before the throne there was, as it were, a sea of glass like crystal and around the throne on each side of the throne are the four living creatures full of eyes in front and behind.
And so what this is then is that this is the transition from earth. Now John is seeing things in heaven, including the throne of Christ.
So the idea of the door being open, he looks and there's a door open up to heaven, Christ has come up here and immediately he's up there.
So it's basically a transition from earth to heaven as he now goes on to write down what it is that's revealed to him in this heavenly vision portion of the book of Revelation.
That's what this is about, it's not about anything else, but watch what Charlie Shomp is going to do with this.
The first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking to me saying come up here and I will show you things which must take place after this.
This is John the Beloved, he is on the
Isle of Patmos and he has already received the revelation from the seven churches.
He had heard the voice at the first moment, but now God is coming a second time.
And he's coming and he wants... What? God is coming a second time, what? He wants to cause him to enter into a new place.
I felt him... He wants to cause him to enter into a new place. If you have a prophecy bingo card, you should already start being able to fill in some words here.
Yeah, that's not what is going on in the opening portion of Revelation chapter 4.
So notice now he's hijacked this text. This is a biblical hijack going on right here, this is worse than a carjacking.
And all of this is to basically somehow make what he's saying next sound like, oh, this is really from God.
But what Charlie Shomp is really doing, remember the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments say, thou shalt not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain. He's breaking that commandment.
...spirit that we are again spiritually, revelatorily at a door or an opportunity that God is handing to the...
Yeah, let me grab my eyeballs. They rolled out of my head onto the floor. Just nonsense.
This is utter gobbledy. We back this up. I want you to hear this again. ...cause him to enter into a new place.
I felt in my spirit that we are again, spiritually, revelatorily at a door or an opportunity that God is handing to the body of Christ that we've been...
We're at a door of opportunity. Really? Really?
See, Revelation 4 has nothing to do with a door of opportunity. How did you get that?
...place of transition. Some of you have been in the hallway, but you have not entered into the place and this new position that God wants to give to you.
And in the book of Revelation 4, verse 1, the Lord began to... I haven't entered into the place of what?
This is nonsense. ...to be this word door, which is translated in...
Yeah, it's the Greek word thura. Let's take a look at it real quick. So after this,
I looked. So meta tauta aidan. So meta with the accusative is after.
So after tauta is this, aidan, I saw or I looked and behold thura.
And since it doesn't have the definite article, it's just thura, behold a door. It's not the door, it's a door.
So behold a door standing in the heaven. Okay. So there it is.
The Greek word for door is thura. And you know what it means?
Let's take a look here. Thura. Let me make that a little bit bigger. My eyes are older, you know, so I'm not as able to see smaller print like when
I was a younger whippersnapper. Oh, well. Anyway, thura, door. It's what it means, door.
Habitable quarters, the open door, at the door. Yeah, these are all the different ways.
Enter through the narrow door, the thura. A passage for entering a structure, entrance, a doorway, or a gate.
And then the last of the definitions. So a door -like opening of a cave, tomb.
And then in John, Jesus calls himself hethura.
I am the door, Jesus says. Egoi mi hethura, he says. So thus portraying himself as an opening that permits passage.
So Jesus is the door. Now, you're not going to say that in Revelation 4, oh, we'll see
Jesus, because he saw an open door, that Jesus is the door then. Yeah, you can't do that. Context always dictates how these things are used.
So we can see what's going on in the text. But let's watch what
Sleazeball Shomp here is doing. Let me back this up and we continue.
Now that's important. Notice what he said. The Lord began to highlight to me. So there
I was, I was reading Revelation chapter 4. Oh, sorry, I looked at the text. Whoa.
The word door was highlighted. It was like glowing in the dark. You see, that's a sign.
What I'm telling you is really from God. This is all manipulation. The Lord began to highlight to me this word door, which is translated into the, it could also be translated from the
Greek to mean an entrance, a passage. But this word really struck me, an opportunity.
Yeah, that, he's just playing word games here. Coming back to BDAG, which is the definitive
Greek New Testament, Koine Greek New Testament lexicon. You'll note that the
Greek word thura here, that opportunity is not one of the potential definitions of the
Greek word thura, door, opening, yeah, structure, entrance, doorway, gate.
Those are all the options here, but opportunity, yeah, no, that's not even one of the legitimate definitions at all.
So what did, what did Sleazeball do here? Sleazeball just added his own definition to the
Greek word thura and did it in a really slick way to make it appear as if this is one of the real definitions of this
Greek word when it's not. Watch again how he does this. Door which is translated into the, it could also be translated from the
Greek to mean an entrance, a passage, but this word really struck me, an opportunity.
Yeah, that's not one of the definitions. Opportunity is not one of the, now he's gonna, he's trying to make it appear that that's one of the definitions of the
Greek word thura, although he didn't even, he didn't even sound it out. And when we get a little later in here, wait till you see what he does.
He makes a major blunder, which demonstrates that he does not know Greek at all.
Somebody needs to type that in, opportunity, because God is handing to us in this hour a divine opportunity.
No, he's not. You've hijacked Revelation chapter four, the opening verses.
You've hijacked the word thura and poured into it a definition that doesn't exist.
It's not one of its definitions. And now you're claiming that you're speaking for God, that God's giving us an opportunity because you've manipulated everything along the way to make it look like you're hearing from God.
We've already definitively proven at this point, and we've got farther to go, you ain't hearing from God.
You are literally engaging in a con job. Sometimes when God begins to give us an opportunity, it seems impossible.
But friends, if it wasn't God, then it would, then we could do it on our own.
But see, God is giving us this open door or this opportunity, but it's going to take faith to step through that open door.
So many times we feel like God has put us in this position and there's no way that we can go back.
And sometimes none of this has anything to do with Revelation chapter four. None of it.
This is nonsense. We feel like we can't move forward and we feel stuck in the place that we're at.
But friends, you need faith to step through this divine opportunity that God has given to you.
If you stay where you're at, it's just like the two men that had leprosy.
They said if we stay, if we go into this. Now he's hijacking another biblical story, and I don't have time in this installment to actually read that out.
But let me show you where it is if you wanted to find it. If you go to second Kings chapter six, start at verse 24, you're going to hear about Ben Hadad of Syria and his siege of Israel.
And in prophet Elijah is part of this story, Elisha is part of the story. So you're going to, you need second
Kings six, 24, and then you can keep reading into chapter seven as well.
And what he's doing is basically hijacking this text again to strip it for the things that are useful for him to make it appear that what he's saying is biblical.
What he's saying is really from God and he's, he's manipulating the story horribly is the best way
I can put it. We're going to die. If we stay here, we're going to die. If we go into the camp of the enemy, then the only thing that we'll do is we'll be held captive.
What they did not know is that the moment that they decided to stand up and walk into the opportunity that was being placed before them.
Oh yeah. They stepped into the opportunity that was being placed before them. That's not in the text of the, in this account at all.
He just stuck it in there. Treasure and the spoil was already set waiting for them and God had already wiped out their enemies.
I want to prophesy to you right now that some of you have been moving out of fear when
God wants to release faith to you to go into the enemy's camp because there's something in the camp.
Yeah, this guy's slick. He's, he's really slick, but he ain't saying nothing. Notice he ain't pointing you to Jesus, calling you to repent of your sins, to be forgiven by the shed blood of Christ.
Not even close. Of the enemy that God is going to deliver to you.
And where you felt like you did not have strength in order to take or take on the enemy.
God is by his power and by his grace going to wipe out your enemy and he's going to cause you to receive.
Right, right. God's going to wipe out my enemy because you've manipulated second Kings chapter six and seven.
Really? I don't think so. That's not how that works. Leave the spoil and you are going to be.
Why don't we talk about the enemy that Christ has already defeated on the cross and by his victorious resurrection from the grave.
Why don't we talk about that? Pioneer in this hour to go back and say, look, the enemy has already been destroyed.
He's already been defeated. He's already been silenced and now the spoil, the enemy is given to us and you are going to cause others that have not entered in that are starving in the city in.
I'm going to cause others who are starving in the city there. Let's just kind of put it this way.
Starvation is not a big thing here in Grand Forks, North Dakota, where I'm presently residing.
Place of confinement that are afraid to enter into the door through that door, that passage, you are going to cause faith to be sparked because you are a pioneer and you're going to cause them to.
By the way, by the way, pioneer in the new apostolic reformation in the
NAR, but don't tell Michael Brown this because he doesn't believe it exists. But in the NAR, the word pioneer is synonymous with apostle.
Yeah. To go through the path that you've already trailblazed.
God is looking for this hour, some trailblazers, some miracle workers.
What? Really? Uh -huh. Mm -hmm. Total manipulation. He's going to go, oh, maybe it's me.
Maybe God's calling me to be a pioneer and a trailblazer. Oh, I knew I was important. People that are carrying the faith and the power of the
Holy Spirit that are not afraid to challenge the enemy because while they know they can't go back to where they've been, they also know they can't stay where they're at right now.
And even if it's just a mustard seed of faith that they feel like, well, I'll just be captured, they still know that pressure.
Do you feel like you're going to be captured? Total manipulation of 2
Kings 6 and 7. ...forward is better than dying where you're at. I'll tell you something, friend.
You can't die where you're at. God... Oh, I most certainly could. Yeah. Death is a real possibility.
Any day of the week. Yeah. Just saying. ...wants to cause you to rise up and begin to walk into the very promise.
And as you walk into the promise, the presence of God is going to meet you there. So as I walk into the promise, the presence of God will meet me there.
But I got to walk into the promise first. You got to walk in that promise, man. Again, this is not at all what that text means in 2
Kings 6 and 7. Enemies are going to be destroyed. And here he is, here is
John on the Isle of Patmos, and he is in a place of confinement. He's on an island, but...
We're back to the book of Revelation. There's John, man. He's in a place of confinement, man.
And he needs an opportunity. And so that door is going to give him an opportunity. He's got to, by faith, step into it, man.
Notice when I read out Revelation 4, there was no, John didn't step into the opportunity by faith.
The Bible says that he looked. He looked. Now, we're going to back this up.
I want you to pay attention to what he's going to say here, because he's going to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, he don't know
Greek. Let me back this up. Here we go again. Are going to be destroyed.
And here he is, here is John on the Isle of Patmos, and he is in a place of confinement.
He's on an island, but yet the Bible says that he looked. He looked.
And see, Paul said this, he said, look not at the things which are seen, but the things which are unseen.
That is not a valid cross -reference for Revelation 4, 1 and 2.
No, it ain't. Yeah. The things which are seen are temporary.
The things which are unseen are eternal. Too many times we have our eyes on what we can see when
God has called us to see above, to live above, to go above, to begin to know.
See, God's calling you to see above. This is nonsense. None of this is even biblical.
It doesn't make any sense. He's great at just grammatical manipulation, hijacking biblical phrases, and then malleably forming them into whatever doctrine he's trying to form for himself here.
With our natural eye, but our eyes of our heart or our spirit to be open, because there's something that's waiting in the unseen that when we see it, we can have it.
What? There's something in the spirit of the unseen and when we see it, we can have it. No text teaches that.
Word look here is a word in the Greek. It's called edu.
No, it's not. Let me back that up. So let me show you what he did here. Hang on.
The unseen that when we see it, we can have it. This word look here is a word in the
Greek. It's called edu. No, it's not. Yeah. So edu means behold.
That's what it means. Let me show you it back in the text. Revelation chapter four, meditata aidan, aidan, to see, aidan is to see, to look, edu, by the way.
So meditata aidan, after this, I saw,
I looked, and kai edu, edu, behold, a door standing in heaven.
Yeah. See, the verb here to see is aidan, edu is behold.
He just said the word for look is edu. He doesn't know Greek. He just totally biffed that.
Let me show you in BDAG, by the way, if you're wondering, edu, prompter of attention, behold, see.
All right. And you could say look, but it's not look as in I'm seeing. It's look as in look, behold, behold.
So he doesn't know Greek at all. So he's missed the whole point here.
Let me back this up again so you can see this. In the unseen, that when we see it, we can have it.
This word look here is a word in the Greek. It's called edu.
Edu is supernatural revelation. And no, it's not. Edu is not supernatural revelation.
It's behold, see, look. Okay. He's totally just making up his own definitions here.
And I'm writing about this. I'm going to have a book on this, but it's super. You're writing a book on this when you clearly don't know
Greek. That ain't going to help you. Natural revelatory knowledge. It's not looking it with your natural eyes.
It's looking in the realm of the spirit and receiving. All right. Let's see if that's what edu means because he clearly doesn't know what he's talking.
He's just making stuff up. By introducing a new or unusual in order to introduce new, which calls for special attention in the situation generally described with other constructions, introducing whole stories in the middle of a statement at the same time, enlivening it.
Marker of strong emphasis, behold. That's what's going on here.
A noun with a finite verb as a colloquial C. What do you know of all things?
There's nothing here about supernatural revelatory nothing. That ain't what edu mean.
This guy is, like I said, he's a sleazeball. He's a con artist. He's a charlatan, and he is breaking the commandment that says thou shalt not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain. He is taking God's name in vain and making statements for God that not only is
God never made, not made, isn't making. He is demonstrating by just the words spewing from his mouth.
He doesn't know what he's talking about, and he's trying to make it look like he knows what he's talking about, but anybody who studied
Greek and knows how to translate it would be able to spot him for the tin penny quack pot that he is.
Quack pot is ... Anyway, yeah, it's supposed to be crack pot, but I like that phrase, quack pot.
He's a quack pot. Yes, yes. So let's keep going. Information out of the revelatory realm, pulling it down into our spirit, and then beginning to behold that which
God has delivered to us. Yeah, that's not what edu means. Let me back that up just a little bit so you can hear him waxing eloquent about his own definition of edu.
Revelation, and I'm writing about this. I'm going to have a book on this, but it's supernatural revelatory knowledge.
It's not looking it with your natural eyes. It's looking in the realm of the spirit and receiving information out of the revelatory realm, pulling it down into our spirit, and then beginning to behold that which
God has delivered to us. And so he began to look, he began to see an open door, a divine opportunity.
Yeah. Note again, he thinks that the word looked, he began to see that he thinks that's edu, that's idon.
Behold was the emphasis there, and he, wow. There are things inside of your spirit that God has already given to you.
You know that they're there. You know that they're in there. You don't need another prophet to prophesy to you.
You don't need anything else. You already have the revelatory information because you've been in a place of prayer.
You realize that the days of old are over. The place where you were at is too small, and so now you're standing in this transitional period, but you're about to enter into the open door.
Guy's slick, but he's a sleazeball. Man, this guy is just sleazy as they get.
Told you at the beginning of the year that 2019 is a year of transition.
So many transition, by the way, is one of our prophecy bingo words are being repositioned for what
God is going to do in this next decade. And if you stay where you're at, you will miss what
God has for you. If you stay in the place of fear and you stay in the place of confinement, you will sink down and you will miss where God wants to take you.
I will. I told you at the beginning of the year that God is going to reposition you spiritually.
He is? What does that even mean? Some of you, even geographically, and God is going to begin to move you even into different cities, different places, and you say, well,
I feel uncomfortable. Even in the geographical location where I'm at. And like I said, this guy's part fortune teller.
This is fortune telling. This isn't prophecy. And you'll note, this is a prophecy onesie.
This is a one size fits all prophecy. It wouldn't be about moving. I have it in my spirit man to do it, but I'm afraid because I don't know what the future beholds.
If you've been that way, I want you to type in yes right now. In what way?
You described something so vague, it practically applies to almost everybody. Because I'm going to pray for you because God's going to break that spirit of fear off of you.
No, no. A spirit of fear, folks. They're terrible, man. Move into the place.
Some place that God has called you to. Some of you, God has been speaking to you about starting that business.
Fortune telling. Oh, yeah. God's been talking to me about starting that business. Went after that promotion. Some of you are working a nine to five job and God's been talking to you about starting a business, but so you're afraid because you've been in this, you're playing in this place of familiarity, it's confinement, but you don't feel satisfied in your spirit, but also in the natural, you don't want to move and step out.
Friend, it's time to break the shackles of fear and step out in the place where God has called you to do.
It's time to start that business. It's time to time to start the business, man, because sleazeball shop has said so.
Uh huh. Right. Go after that. You do. See, you got to step into the supernatural site.
The look and nonsense. It's time to move into what God has called you to do and you can't stay silent in this hour.
You got to make a decision that you got to make a decision, man. What are you waiting for? Go forth into the presence of God.
I'm going to go forth by faith into the things of the spirit. Yeah, that's a manipulation technique too.
And I told our partners, I said, listen to me, listen to me.
So many people are waiting for a prophet or a prophetic word to frame up what
God has called them to do. Friend, prophecy is never revelatory.
And prophecy is never revelatory. OK. Sense of new information, it is always the feeling he's just making stuff up as he's going like right now, he's like just, you know, he's just he's just doing a.
Solo here, you know, just riffing and just making up his own stuff as he goes along. Confirmation edification and exhortation.
In other words, if a prophet comes to you and releases a prophetic word, it should only be that which is confirming inside of your spirit.
What what text says that? Because if it's not in your spirit, then how can it be birthed?
I feel like I need to make T -shirts with some of these weird statements, you know, if a prophecy isn't confirmed in your spirit, then how can it be birthed?
Charlie Shump, you know. OK, yeah,
I think you get the point. Yeah, he's a con man and he's a slick one, but he's as sleazy as they get.
He doesn't know Greek. He's not teaching you anything truthful about what
God's word really says and what it really reveals and what really to do and really to believe.
He's basically filling your head with nonsense, making you feel like you're you're super duper special and you're going to birth something amazing.
And oh, now there's a door, a Thora of opportunity, because, you know, you behold, you can see into the spirit and stuff.
This guy's just making stuff up. And none of this is biblical Christianity. And sadly, there are a lot of people who fall for men like Charlie Shump and think that this is a man of God.
He's not a man of God. The devil is a liar. And when he's lying, he's speaking his native language.
This guy speaks fluent demonic language. He's quite skilled.
In fact, there's no accent at all. He speaks it fluently. He's a liar, just like the devil.
And he's not teaching you anything that's even remotely true regarding who God is, what he's done for us, what we are to believe, what we are to confess, and how we are to walk out our faith in our lives.
None of that is coming from this guy's mouth. Avoid him like the plague.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.