Tony Evans steps down / What did he teach? John MacArthur responds to Trans-Dispensationalism error

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Breaking news story: Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6


There is breaking news as of today. I'm recording this June 10th 2024.
The Dissenter is covering the story that Pastor Tony Evans, one of the most well -known influential pastors in the nation, he has stepped down due to a sin issue.
It hasn't come out yet what that issue is, but the Dissenter is covering the story and they basically make the argument that Evans has been disqualified for many years due to teaching heresy, including the heresy of Pelagianism, where he denies the doctrine of original sin, but the heresy that I'm familiar with that Tony Evans has taught and defended, he was called out on this and even
John MacArthur addressed this and I'm gonna play the clips in a moment, but the heresy I'm most familiar with concerning Tony Evans is the heresy known as Transdispensationalism.
That seems to be a doctrine that Tony Evans himself made up and basically it says that there will be many people in heaven who never trusted in Jesus and they did the best they could with the light that they had.
Actually, this is very similar to what Billy Graham told Robert Shuler on the Hour of Power broadcast.
You can check out my video on that, but very similar to that, the idea that there are people who are going to heaven and that they never heard about Jesus, never heard the gospel, but you know, they did the best they can so God will
God will bring them to heaven and we're just gonna play the clips of Tony Evans talking about this.
He's gonna get pushback. He says, I don't care. Yes, I know people call it heresy, but I don't care and then
John MacArthur is going to respond. So here it is. God desires to know the true
God. That gives God three options. One, God can send him a missionary, the traditional way.
Two, God can give him a direct revelation of himself like Paul on the Damascus Road. Or three, and here it is,
God can transdispensationalize him. That is, relate to him out of another dispensation because dispensations are based on information given.
So that all throughout the Bible, all people had to do was believe what God had revealed and they were saved.
If a person believes, God, somebody's up there that created this. Somebody created me. I don't know who he is, but I want to know him.
If that person were to have a heart attack at that moment, God could not condemn him and be just because God says he will seek shabbat.
So since God makes that promise, if God doesn't give him the gospel or give him a direct revelation, then he has to judge him out of another dispensation.
Now, I would imagine you've got people coming at you from every direction with guns blazing.
I'm right there wrong, so. You graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary. Right. I can only imagine that there are people there who would almost call this heresy.
Probably, but I don't care. But you do know that they would call this heresy. And I'm, and I. You know that.
Yes. I did make reference to the phrase trans dispensationalism, almost sort of throwing it away at the same time.
I know it provoked some discussion and thought it is a term that, to my knowledge, has only been used by one person.
And that person is Tony Evans in a book entitled Totally Saved. That book came out,
I think, in the year 2002. It was published by Moody Press.
It is a book that endeavors to give a very, very simple and basic understanding of salvation.
At the end of the book, there is a chapter in which the question comes up about people who have never heard the gospel.
And in that section, Tony writes that people who never hear the gospel, if they will accept whatever light they have,
God will acknowledge that as sufficient for their salvation.
That in itself is a, I mean, that is a departure from historic