F4F | 50k Prophecy Bingo


Bingo Cards Here: https://mfbc.us/m/k4mfk4 German Joke: https://youtu.be/x9wJxZc2KF8 Aircraft Carrier Joke: https://youtu.be/brNX4xqlXJE Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechris... Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bibl... Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now, we've had a momentous occasion, and that is that we've hit a milestone here on our channel on YouTube.
We have hit 50 ,000 subscribers, and we thought what we would do is celebrate by having, are you ready for this,
Prophecy Begone! Yeah, that's right. That's what we're gonna do. We're gonna play
Prophecy Bingo, and I've invited Josh and Nikki to play
Prophecy Bingo. These are the other two parts of Pirate Christian Media.
Hi guys, how are we doing? Hi Dad! Alright, well I'm excited to have you guys back on for Prophecy Bingo.
I mean, we are really Pirate Christian Media. The three of us together are pretty much the only people employed and actually trying to make a living doing this.
We are a ragtag crew. That's right, that's right. And so I've been kind of thinking about this, you know, what would be the correct apocalyptic -esque catalogical way of describing us?
I think we are the three pirates of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Yeah, let's go with that.
Yeah, that makes perfect sense. We can team up with the 72nd and a half weasel of the apocalypse.
Oh man. Three quarter, three and fifths, three fifths quarter of a weasel of the apocalypse.
I don't want to be a weasel, I want to be a mongoose. Anyway, so now real quick, before we get started, you know, we're celebrating 50 ,000 subscribers, we're gonna be playing another installment of Prophecy Bingo, and it comes up from time to time, you know, why do you guys do that?
Because all you're doing is making fun of people, and that's unloving, and Jesus and his apostles and prophets would never make fun of people.
Well, you know, funny that you would say that, you know, because that's the emails that we get. We are firm believers that sometimes the best argument and the best biblical argument against stuff that is patently false and absurd is to demonstrate that it's patently false and absurd.
And not only that, but in the prophets, in the teachings of Jesus Christ, in some of his sharper books, especially as modeled for us by the
Apostle Paul, there is biblical precedent to use satire and at times mockery for the purpose of basically saying, we will not take people who've exalted themselves above the
Word of God seriously. And what we mean by that is that when somebody claims that they're hearing from God and it's obvious that they're not, you don't sit on the fest and go, well, you know, maybe, just maybe,
K. Nash is really hearing from God. Mmm, Jesus. Yeah, you know, no, you know, and so the idea here behind Prophecy Bingo is that there are so many people out there claiming to hear words of the
Lord and releasing these words of the Lord with regular frequency. Some people monthly, some people weekly, some people more than that.
And now, you know, I mean, all you need to do is to start a prophecy television program is to have a, well, you don't even have to have a decent camera, you just need a camera and an internet connection and a
YouTube account, and you can start releasing regular prophetic words of the Lord all over the place. But here's the thing.
Our Prophecy Bingo cards, the original list was created years ago, and what were we kind of joking about today, that, you fed an artificial intelligence 10 ,000 hours worth of YouTube prophecy, and it spit out this list.
10 ,000, 10 ,000, okay. Yeah, so now everybody needs to know, we needed to rework the list, because the people who put out the
Prophecy Bingo cards that we use, we've kind of broken their computers a couple of times.
And as a result of it, they've made some modifications. Our list used to be longer than it is now, but what we did is we went back through our
Prophecy Bingo words and took a look to see if some of them were kind of duds, and so we tried to pare back the dud words and really bring forward the non -dud buzz words, but I don't think we added any really new original things, although we did do something a little bit fun.
So before we get to the fun thing that we did, I think it's exciting to announce that we've retired two beloved
Prophecy Buzz phrases, and those are Shabba and Sneaky Squid.
In memoriam, Shabba and Sneaky Squid. RIP. Rip in peace.
We're going to say our fond farewells and adieu to Shabba and the
Sneaky Squid. You've served our Prophecy Bingo card really well.
Press F to pay respects. I'm actually proud of myself that I know what that refers to.
He can be taught! But here's the new thing that we've added.
If you look on your Prophecy Bingo card, and by the way, the link will be down on how you can get to the
Prophecy Bingo card generator. There are 100 buzzwords, or we've added some new things.
There's actually actions. A new category entirely.
So if there are parentheses or there's an asterisk, then what you're looking for is not an actual word, but kind of an action.
So one of the actions is, in parentheses, it says yelling. So if Kay Nash goes, and the word of the
Lord for August is, there's gonna be a shaking! You know, then you can go ahead and use...
Any high decibel prophecy counts. High decibel prophecies. If yelling is on your card, you can put a thing there.
I think we've included an asterisk, shofar. So if a shofar appears in a prophecy, you are permitted to do that.
And always I would say, shofar so good. So you know, that's how that works.
And then, I forget what some of the other ones are. Sappy music. Sappy music and misappropriated
Hebrew. So if somebody mentions a Hebrew word and says that it means something,
I'm gonna tell you, 99 .9999999 % of the time, they're misappropriating
Hebrew. So those are new categories. And I will say this, is that as you're playing along, as we're celebrating 50 ,000 subscribers, our new prophecy bingo cards are so good that it may not be enough for you to claim victory only getting one.
One bingo. You know, it may come down to, did you get two? Did you get three bingos?
Because, I mean, we have like turbocharged our prophecy bingo cards.
We've really honed it. Really honed it, man. And again, we haven't really added any new words, but you'll note that these are the same buzzwords over and over and over and over and over again.
And what does this prove? What it basically proves is these people are not hearing from God. Now, I have decided that I have kept one of the options for myself, and that is that I do believe that what
I should do, hang on a second here, what happened to my prophecy bingo card? Oh, Rose, bro, you know, you're losing your mind.
Hang on a second here. I'm gonna move you guys around because I can't, I misplaced my card.
Oh, there's, oh, by the way, Princess Ebola, she was promoted. Did you guys know that?
Might have heard. Might have heard. Okay, fine. Yeah, so, if you're not aware, she's no longer
Princess Ebola. And in fact, let me do this before we get started. I'm gonna move you guys back.
Okay. And you know what, Josh? It's a shaking. Suddenly.
Suddenly, it's a suddenly. Okay, so, here's the thing. My prophecy bingo card is gonna be on my phone, so, you know,
I can't seem to figure out where I put it on the tab, and I'm just not even gonna. I'm not even seeing it up there.
You might have closed it out or drug that into a different window. Yeah, because I do stupid things like that.
So, you know, so, rather than just bemoan it, I'm just gonna play off of my phone and, you know, because everybody knows
I'm gonna win anyway because I'm gonna cheat. As the creators of prophecy bingo, I think we have every right to cheat.
Exactly. Okay, so, let me open up the link here, and I wanted everybody to see this, that Princess Ebola, she is no longer
Princess Ebola, she's Queen Ebola Adelani. Was that a battlefield promotion?
Obviously. I mean, you know, I mean, she's a general in the warfare against the spiritual, and so everybody can see it now.
So, it's now Queen Ebola Adelani, and she wears a tiara, at least for promotional materials.
Which bingo card number do you have? 13. I have prophecy bingo card number 13.
That's the one I'm working from. All right, so you guys got to pick a different card, and by the way, there are only 30 iterations.
There are only 30 iterations of her. Yeah, we're on card six. Card six. All right, well, good.
Yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna pull this off. I really don't know how I'm gonna pull this off. All right, so, let's go ahead and get started with our prophecy bingo, and we're gonna begin with Queen.
Sorry, yeah, it's gonna take me a few rounds to get used to her new promotion in Kingdom Royalty.
And to Queen Ebola Adelani, and her prophecy from August 16th titled
Possess Your Havala. Yeah, praise God, praise
God. God is good, and his mercies endure forever. So I'm going to dive into this word, praise
God, and... Yeah, is Havala, is that Hebrew?
What is this? So, in Havala, there is much gold. It's, so it's in the opening portions of the book of Genesis, when the headwaters divide off into four different rivers, the
Gihon, the Pishon, the Euphrates, and Havala is in the land of Shur, I think.
So is this misappropriated Hebrew? Yeah. We got it.
Ding! Ding! Hang on a second. My card doesn't have misappropriated.
But I do have sappy music, so just, and oh, I have a shofar on mine too, but I, yeah, we'll see how this all works out.
Yeah, I, you know, you're already way too competitive. That's not the point of Prophecy Bingo.
What do you think this is? What do you take us for? I mean, I'm your son, and she's your daughter -in -law, of course we're gonna be...
Of course this is gonna be competitive. Exactly. Honor, honor your father and your mother. Yes, by beating him at Prophecy Bingo.
Legally. I've got to figure out how to cheat. I gotta get the juices rolling.
I gotta work that. Well, remember, remember, we give away bonus words at the end of the round for people who subscribe and like the video.
That's right, I gotta remember to do that too. I'll try to keep you to that. You failed last time, you promised them, and then it just never happened.
I know, I had one of those senior moments that I have all the time. Bruce is a liar. Liar and deceiver.
Liar! Liar! Alright. Are you even fit to be the pirate?
No! Probably not. Yeah, I'll kill you in the morning, but let's get on with this.
Okay, here we go. You know, I, yeah, I'm gonna dive into it.
Amen, amen, amen. So, so, I don't know whether you, some of you have been following and how long you've been following, but I said that year 2020 is the year of inheritance and kingdom possession.
Hashtag 2020, the year of inheritance and kingdom possession.
Alright, hang on a second. So, possession I believe is one.
Yeah, it is. Possession is definitely one. I'm not sure if inheritance is. I've got inheritance, it's on my card.
Well, aren't you special? I mean, we can double check if I, you know, get a copy of his bingo card.
Yeah, would you like me to text it to you now? Yeah, we can double check. Check your work.
Fine, okay, I can do that. Give me a second here. This is a momentous occasion, 50 ,000 subscribers, woo!
Yeah, and I have to prove that I'm not cheating. But I already told you I was going to. I'm your editor,
I have to know. Oh, is that how that works? Well, yeah. Okay, hang on a second here.
Okay, so I should probably, you know, I wonder if there's an editing program in here that I can actually edit this with.
Hang on a second here, because I gotta find a way to mark my card since I'm doing it this way. Well, did you take a screenshot of it?
Or did you? Are you on? Yeah, I took a screenshot of it. Are you on the website right now playing?
No, no, no, no. Because if you're on the website, then you can just, you know, press buttons. And there you go.
But that would be too simple. You know, so, you know, I'm trying to see if there's like a pen. And we're also encouraging people not to do that.
I don't think it matters anymore. Yeah, I don't think it matters anymore. You know, we broke their website. Now there's 30 iterations.
But you know, so there's only 30. I'll figure this out.
Okay, so inheritance. I know I got inheritance. All right, well, I'll just figure out some way to mark these.
Okay, let's keep going. Okay. Okay, the year of inheritance and kingdom possession.
The kingdom age is here. Hashtag, the kingdom age is here.
The king's crowns jewels. That is the sons and daughters, the sons and daughters, the weapons, weapons of war are being deployed to possess their inheritance and advance the kingdom of God.
All right, kingdom is a is a prophecy buzzword. Praise God. Praise God.
Praise God. So last month, what happened to me last month, while I was in Hawaii, the
Lord spoke to me and said, I should cut my trip short. Okay, I was in Hawaii, I was, you know,
I didn't tell you guys this, but I was under the impression that she was going to take a sabbatical.
And so I don't think I really was following her very closely for the past couple months, because it was, it was my understanding, she was going to take three months off.
I don't have you noticed that her energy levels are a little lower than normal? Yeah, she might need a
Red Bull. She's definitely she's usually very, like bubbly and very excited.
Very excited. Very energetic. Dude. Right. She seems a little I don't know how to describe the handclaps are definitely louder when you know, in her previous material.
Yes. Yeah, I'm gonna go with you on that. Okay. All right, let's keep going. Let's start planning a three month sabbatical.
I was planning to be there for three months. But the Lord told me to cut my trip short.
Oh, wait, wait, wait, the Lord did. You know, it's not like there's a pandemic or anything.
You know that she totally didn't see coming. That's what I mean, it did kind of a little bit of havoc with her 2020 prophecy.
Yep. You know, you may have a point. And I do note that the that 2020 has really messed up the the
Pope prophetic community. Oh, it's been it's been the absolute worst. They did. They didn't see I mean, what?
I mean, all the different disasters, you know, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, one has to wonder.
I mean, they announced that they were they took Kenneth Copeland up a TBN starting in October. And they're gonna replace him with Steven Ferdick.
He never saw that one coming. At the end of the prophets saw that wouldn't come in either. So They Good point.
Okay. So yeah, I see where you're, what you're saying here, I you know, But it makes me wonder, has Princess, sorry,
Queen Ebola, has her kingdom inheritance declined?
Has her kingdom 501k taken a hit because of COVID? So where she had to come back early, you know, to kind of reprime the prophetic money pump.
Yeah, it's just a theory, you know, just a theory. So, all right, let's keep going here. Go in and possess the land of my promise.
My God, my God, hatched this word. What did I say, people? I mean, what is that?
Yeah. It, isn't that the Macarena? Yeah, Macarena. Yeah. What's the deal with that?
Jinx, you owe me a Coke. Yeah, I - You tried to make the same joke at the same time.
Great minds, great minds, you know. And the fact that you didn't beat me to the punch is kind of sad for you because my brain slowed down.
Yours is young and still, you know, moving real quick. Hey, I was dancing before you said that. There's also a lag on the internet, so we don't really know.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Okay, let's keep going. I'm not seeing your comments on YouTube.
I don't know what's going on. But what did I say? The Lord told me, cut your trip short. Go in and possess the land.
He said the harvest is ripe. Hashtag - Harvest, harvest, I got that on my card.
Thank you. Okay, yeah. Yeah, you get a harvest, all right. Yeah. The harvest is ripe.
And I shared that prophetic word last month, okay? I'll link the video in the description section.
I actually shared it with the maidens, okay, as well. And they will bear witness to me about this word when
I received it. And so, the Lord said, go in and possess the land.
Go in and the harvest is ripe. And then he also began to make me understand the importance of harvesting at the right time.
My God, my God, my God, my God. People are God. God began to make me understand the power of time.
Hashtag - Time. Harvest is time -sensitive. The things of God are time -sensitive.
Hashtag, there is a time and a season for every purpose under heaven.
That is the one - Wait, she said purpose. She said purpose. Oh, she said purpose? We have purpose. Woo, and that is the longest hashtag.
That is a ridiculous long hashtag. I'm gonna, when I do the editing, I'm gonna put the whole thing out just to see how long the sucker is.
Is it too long for Twitter? Might be. Might be for old Twitter. They did up the character count a little.
All right, okay, yeah. You do wanna keep your hashtags succinct. She is the queen of hashtags, though.
February. February, yeah, she - Ouch. Praise God. Praise God.
Okay. Oh man, okay. Let's, you know, hang on a second here.
I wanted to do this. All right, so what we're gonna do, we're gonna throw some new stuff into the mix here.
We cannot do Prophecy Bingo without going to Glory of Zion. Oh no. Glory of Zion International.
Yeah, we both have sappy music on our cards. I mean, it's gonna be an insta -win. That's guaranteed now.
Yeah, well, I told you, I was gonna do everything I can to cheat. You mean melt the audience's brains with horrible teaching?
Now, those of you watching at home, if you go to gloryofzion .org and go to Watch, select
Prophecy Center, okay? Are you feeling down? Is your day really boring?
Do you need to pick me up? Well, just randomly pick one of these suckers. Just a hint of crazy.
And you will feel sane and energized and get a good belly laugh, too.
So let's check in with this one. Sappy music.
Yeah, that counts. And that does look like the Matrix, you know, in the background. It's gold dust falling from the air vents.
Well, yeah, virtual. It's virtual gold. Because it's at least, it cannot pass coronavirus to the audience.
Although we're distancing gold dust. I've gotta point this out. Okay, the name of this video,
My Divine Selah is Redoing You. Is that a misappropriated
Hebrew? Yeah, it's definitely misappropriated Hebrew. Yeah, that's misappropriated Hebrew for sure, but how does the
Selah redo? You know, so I already, I wanna know who, who had to type this in.
And how did they keep a straight face and not run out of the building going, They might've been having a stroke while doing it.
Like while typing it in, it was. Okay, all right, that's a little far.
Let's keep going here. Let's see. Now, dancing.
Dancing is one of our new categories. So if your Prophecy Bingo card has something to do with dancing on it.
They have new flags all the time too, don't they? Where do they get these? Where do you find prophetic flags?
Inquiring minds want to know. I'm sure Charisma Magazine sells them in their bookstore. Prophetic.
Yeah, you just have to wonder, you know, I mean, are these women who are trying to relive their time in high school when they were on the tall flag of the short flag team?
You know, you know. Good to know that if you were on tall flags and short flags in high school, you've got, you can keep those things going indefinitely.
That's a lifelong skill. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now she's singing in tongues.
So we should definitely interpret that. All right, so where's the spirit leading you as far as an interpretation of that one,
Josh? Oh man, I don't know. Maybe like a release. A release.
I, you know, funny, I am going to affirm you on that release, but there's a little bit more to it.
Listen, listen, hang on. So what that means is, release my people!
Release my people. Release my people. So my, that's what the spirit is leading me to think of.
Yeah. To be fair, she's, she's got some chops vocally. That's pretty impressive.
Not so impressed by the lyrics, but. No, but she's, she's singing gibberish on key, you know?
Yeah, exactly. And she's not pitchy. Nope, not at all. Yeah, way to go, dog. You know,
I'm thinking back to my American Idol days when I watched it. Oh gosh, that's a note from me, dog.
All right, let's keep going here. And I say, because you wouldn't pause,
I had to set a Selah in place. I say, now that divine
Selah that I sent on your behalf has caused a redoing of your person, a redoing of your vision, a redoing.
Vision is a Prophecy Bingo word. A redoing of your resources. I said,
I Selah -ed you so you would hear and see me in a way you've never seen me before.
I've been Selah -ed. So is it
Selah in gospel? How does that work exactly? What's the definition of this verb now?
A Selah is a, it's a. Like a pause, it's a pause. It's used poetically in the
Psalms. Yeah, it's kind of like a break or a speed bump. Like slow down and just think about what you just read.
I'm gonna speed bump you. I think he said something in there about, because you would not pause,
I'm putting a pause in here for you. Yeah, right. Which is interesting because a lot of times we hear these prophecies saying, you can't pause, you've gotta keep pushing, you've gotta keep going forward and never giving up and whatever.
And it's kind of contradictory. So it sounds like prophetic whiplash? Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, something like that.
By the way, was purpose one of the words that showed up with Queen Ebola? Yes. Yes, I thought so.
Okay, all right. Oh yeah, you had that on your card too. Yes, I do, that's right, that's right. You'll notice
I'm doing well, doing well. Are you? Yes. We have four, not including the free space right now.
Yeah, I gotta admit though, I kind of enjoy seeing what Chuck Pierce wears as far as his shirts are concerned.
I mean, it's like the male equivalent of a Moo Moo. I don't know what color that is.
It's eccentric. It's eccentric. Oh, it's the color eccentric. Got it, okay, let's keep going.
I say, look up, for now the redemption of your inheritance is beginning to manifest above you.
I say, find ways to pull that in. Manifestation. Manifest or manifestation, that counts.
And I've got that as well. You have manifestation as well. Find ways to pull that in to a reality that you've been longing to see, for this is a time you have paused.
Now I say, you will begin to move in an accelerated way.
Acceleration. Yeah, wow, we're really, wow. I'm bummed that I don't have that on my card though.
Oh, I do, I do. Oh, wow, manifestation, acceleration, free space, inheritance. You have sappy music.
And sappy music, I have a bingo. You already got bingo? I have a, and I didn't even cheat.
I think that's a new record for us. He didn't even cheat for any of them. No, I gotta do my happy dance.
Oh no, oh no, he needs a flag. We already have a flag.
He needs one to dance with. Okay, I told you these new cards are like supercharged, they're turbo.
God has released a new thing, these prophecy bingo cards.
There's a shifting in the realm of prophecy bingo. That was impressive.
You're welcome, you're welcome. I'm not gonna die, that was really good. That was pretty good. I'm not even mad.
Okay, all right, so that's, okay, so at this moment I have one bingo. I'm thinking in order to win,
I gotta get two or three, so. All right, let's do it, let's see it. You're gonna cue up another bad boy?
No, I'm just gonna keep going with this card. Oh, you're gonna keep going? Just keep going, just gonna keep going. Yeah, that's it, let's keep going at it, all right.
All right, so coming back then, let's do, all right, we've already taken a look at her promotion,
Queen Ebola. Okay, now this prophecy, the way he set up his frame reminds me of PBS back in the 80s, okay?
But the problem is is that he's on the wrong side, he's in the wrong corner. He should be down in the right corner, and I'm expecting this guy to do sign language, okay?
But this is triple grace 555, just one short of 666, and which, that's a weird number to be working with, and this is the prophetic word for Friday, the 21st of August, so that's the day we're recording this, so this is as fresh as they get as far as prophetic words are.
Right off the presses. Right, and this is the guy who, I think that this is a German accent that we're listening to.
Yeah, something, yeah. Something to that effect. All right, so let's take a listen. Welcome to the
Daily Prophetic Word. The Daily Prophetic Word for Friday, the 21st of August, 2020, is the new path.
Understand that you need to walk the new path. Did he say new pass?
Path. Path. Yeah. Path, okay. Yes. New path.
Okay. Come out of the old, out of traditions, and religious thinking. Religious thinking.
You gotta come out of this. What are you thinking about? What are you thinking about? Yeah, that's right. You need to come out of your religious thinking.
Not without getting a copyright strike, probably. Yeah, that's a good commercial, by the way.
Yeah, it's a funny commercial. Yeah, Nikki is the one who introduced me to that one. We can link it in the description. Yeah, we'll put a link in the description to the weird joke that we're referring to.
Exactly, so yeah, if you see the link that says German commercial joke. Right, yeah,
I'll have to put that in there. You'll thank us. It's funny. I should probably also say,
I'll also put the one about the, It's pretty good. It's pretty good. Sir, we're at Lighthouse.
All right, let's keep going here. A new path will lead you into eternity.
On this new path will I gather my sons and daughters. There I will protect and bless them.
There they will serve me in a new way. And there will they sing a new song.
The new path, I have set an open door in front of you, but many miss it because they're indoctrinated by their churches and man -made doctrines.
Yeah, you miss the new path thingy if your church teaches you doctrine. I don't know, the new path thing kind of sounds like new level or the new thing or new.
Yeah, yeah, it's a new path, a new path, you know. Yeah, so if you're being indoctrinated by religious thinking, you know.
I mean, he sounds like a really low energy Yorick Sprav from the Slingshot Channel. Welcome to the
Slingshot Channel. Totally know it. Let me show you it's features, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Love that channel. Except for this guy's gonna like put me to sleep while he's talking. Okay, I'll stop. No, this is a prophetic channel.
Let me show you God's features. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
He has a lightning that comes out of his eyeballs and a sword that comes out of his mouth.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. He separates the sheep from the goats. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
The trees, they scream out in pain. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I Okay Okay Okay.
Now I'm gonna do this for the audience because I'm feeling I'm feeling really funny The first person to email me and tell me where that line came from About them screaming out in pain and it's done in a
German accent If you tell me the the source of that, I'm good the first person do that I will email you back and tell me send me your address
I'm gonna send you a fine art print just as my way of saying you're awesome So because but you you don't know the reference
It's gonna be it's gonna be tough to figure out Maybe we'll have to release that anointing on everyone once it's been
I Mean maybe like maybe we'll give out another hint like a few days
No, yeah, follow me on Facebook and Twitter if nobody knows the reference of it if you know the reference email me
I need the name of Where that comes from? That's all I need and because if you know it, you know it if you don't use no way
The person who said it Yeah, yeah, that's right very very famous person said that Okay, all right,
I let's let's move on from the German fellow I've had enough of religious sinking.
Okay, so we're gonna check in with Lana Vosser and And this is from Lana Vosser's ministry channel
This is a Facebook video that she put out on July 31st The name of it is many women of God are about to mother a movement.
Yeah, I know. I know it's just groan worthy But okay, here we go Lana Vosser here.
You may have seen that I released a prophetic word last week on Daughters of God take the next step because destiny
Destiny is a prophecy bingo word Potential Since I released that prophetic word,
I haven't been able to Release is a prophecy bingo. We're like this burden in my heart for many women right now
Shake is also a holy spirit. Yeah, shake it boy. She's like a machine gun Wow and fire it's also another one.
Yeah. Yeah, but it doesn't count if we say it no, I know I Want you to sit in front of a camera and I want you to invite me to come and to release what
I want to speak Can we just talk about the complete blasphemy of what she just said?
I mean, yeah, hang on a second here I just hold on and I felt the Holy Spirit say to me
Lana I want you to sit in front of a camera and I want you to invite me to come and to release what
I want to speak So there's Lana in front of the camera and she needs to Have the guy who did her lighting move the lights down a little bit and diffuse a little bit better But that's a different story
So and so so here I am God I'm in front of the camera and now I would like to invite on to my coffee with Jesus YouTube channel the
Holy Spirit Give him a round of applause way to go way to go Thank you for coming Holy Spirit.
Tell me the word that you would like me to release for you today Lana please just let me in Won't you please give me permission?
All right that if you don't know the reference to that so for years on the on the podcast I I called the voice
Vincent, you know, and you'll note that in the charismatic movement The Holy Spirit can't do anything unless he has permission and stuff.
It's like a really powerless Holy Spirit So I you know, I always kind of put it like the Eeyore voice on This is the
Holy Spirit Lana you know, I really need you to Can you turn that really slick camera of yours on and like sit in front of it and like, you know?
Invite me on to your program because I'd like to release a word and I really need your help doing it Could you do that, you know?
It kind of makes the Holy Spirit seem like a Like a like a needy boyfriend or something.
Won't you please? Bring me on your show and let me talk to the people.
Would you please? Yeah Right, like did he ever need that kind of permission in the Bible?
No, I don't know. I don't know I can recall Yeah, I Hate to use this phrase because it's it's it's kind of charged
But the way they they describe the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit's like an incel
Okay, you know it's No, no, yeah, he's more like a soy boy.
Yeah, really kind of yeah Yeah, but he's powerless.
It's like, you know, yeah, nobody likes him About him like he's angry, please like no, please
Yeah and and and you know He was the awkward kid at the junior high dance who really wanted to dance with the yeah
You know with the Jane Smith and Jane didn't make eye contact with him and he went home and he cried himself to sleep
You know Poor baby, okay Yeah, that is it really is
Yeah, that's what I'm doing right now So I want to encourage you to just position yourselves right now and to open your heart
Position is it position is a prophecy bingo word because I believe that the
Holy Spirit is gonna minister to you You have I see that it's on the corner. I got it.
Yep I believe that many of you are gonna have significant deliverance and breakthrough deliverance and breakthrough
Prophetic machine gun. Yeah, I I don't think I've seen this rapid fire of prophecy buzzwords
Coming out of one prophecy. She's just dropping them like there's nothing man. Yeah Okay, but there's also going to be impartation and confirmation
For many of you so get ready All right. Yay. I'm ready
With you as I sat here and she had a camera angle changes you see that Oh, yeah.
Yeah, so someone they're sitting there with the Thames, you know going like a lot of trains Wow, okay, so she's invested in some new equipment.
Okay. It's just asking the Holy Spirit Lord. What do you want to say? I what do you want to say
Lord? I want to say thank you for letting me be here today No one ever listens to me
But they'll listen to you Okay, these words
Encourage my daughters that many are about to mother a movement
Okay, I'm just not gonna touch that. Let's keep going. I Gotta say this feels as a woman it feels kind of like manipulative buzzwords mm -hmm, because Especially to women who maybe are not mothers but want to be
Mm -hmm. It feels Click baby
Kind of yeah. Yeah kind of gimmicky Yeah, and I will say this as a man that's like immediately.
It's like well this doesn't apply to me click, you know Yeah, yeah, you know, we're done, you know, but I'm gonna keep going cuz we're not listening cuz you know
Sorry, we're listening for prophecy bingos I Appreciate you did good.
Hey that again encourage my daughters that many are about to mother a
Movement and as soon as I heard that, okay, what does it mean to mother a movement?
You really want me to answer that? I Had this vision and I saw an unprecedented level of attack that has come against many of you in this hour
You've had so much attack over the last few years, but suddenly in the last suddenly suddenly
Wow, she is How many is that like five from her like making it making it rain just Wow Yeah making it rain prophecy so Now by the way if if you want to enhance the the enjoyment of playing prophecy bingo
Those of you playing along at home and you will have other members of your family that are playing along with you there is a there is a alternative house rules that you can apply to your prophecy bingo card and the idea is this is
Every time you get a bingo You have to then prophesy using your prophecy buzzwords
So for instance, okay, my I mine had sappy music so I would need somebody to do that for me
So watch this, okay, let me show you my powers here cue sappy music
So the Lord is telling me that in the season there's a manifestation of acceleration and that that people are going to be moving into their inheritance and Yeah, and those were the words that I came up I ended it the same way that Chuck Pierce ends all his
And I could just see everyone go because the musicals So when you guys get a when you guys get a bingo
I want to hear you a prophesy I already gave you my prophecy about about the new release of the bingo cards.
She did give Which which means Josh that when you guys get bingo
I you better start thinking about it now, man I'm waiting for that potential And we and we need we need style and delivery points and things like oh
Yeah Ask for sir strong, but I might have to give the property
Yeah, I I I would actually enjoy that Would you hurry up and get bingo already, okay, let's get trying
Good great, I'm gonna hear strong bird We still have bonus words at the end to give oh, yeah, okay, okay?
Okay Let's keep going months. It seems to have escalated to a level that is just off the charts
Oh Yeah, that counts that's Yeah first for sure for sure
In time God has given many of you a new vision and a new prophetic word to Vision is a buzzword intend for of what the
Lord is wanting you to partner with him in this hour to see released in your life and in the earth and many of you are still waiting to receive that the
Manifestation of that vision and that promise to see it built in the earth and many of you have begun to Implement this vision and this word that God has given you but in the midst of it whether you're still waiting or whether You are already building the common theme that I saw in both camps was this
Unprecedented level of attack and I saw many of you sitting really surprised
Saying I can't believe that there has been this level of opposition again
God again Seriously another battle. Well, I want to tell you right now friends that I believe that the
Lord is saying that there is a Movement of the Holy Spirit that is being birthed through many
Birthing birth. She also said movement spirit. Yeah, she said, oh, yeah, I mean She didn't say yeah, man
I'm falling behind here Wow goodness of you in this hour and that is why the enemy is coming against you really strongly to try and stop you and Hinder you from as seeing the
Spirit of God release this movement through you what you are Spirits gonna release a movement through me.
That doesn't sound good So okay into right now stepping into is one right?
Yes stepping into right after the movement release, okay No, it's excremental humor, okay, we can
Lord has promised you How dare me
How dare you? How dare you how dare you Step into and have begun to step into I Prophesy to you right now in the name of Jesus that it is the greatest
Ministry that you have ever stepped into before now. I want to say this I truly believe that this has a lot to do with family
I truly believe this has a why do you think it has anything to do with family?
You haven't even said a lucid sentence yet. She's she's she's hitting those buzzwords that are yeah
Attractive to a woman. Okay. All right. Yeah, I think you've got a good point there. Yeah Now for the sake of time,
I'm gonna I'm gonna move along to the next part. Oh, thank you. Oh, no okay, all right, so This is the fresh word of the
Lord for America from August 16th 2020 Frank Kuhneman and I believe that this is from the
Prophecy Lounge, which is just right off the strip in Las Vegas So let's let's take a look
Music yep upon the earth as a watchman. I See much my father of the enemy's plot the enemy's planned the enemy's agenda
Now the Elvis impersonator starts an hour after the service so, you know just saying
What was that I said, I like his Tetris lights those are pretty cool Thinks that he can accomplish
But yet he shall overplay his hand now he did say enemy so enemy is one of my my words
Yeah, yeah you do yeah, I got enemy so all right, let's keep going there she blues
And he comes at this time To do what is his nature?
To steal to kill and to destroy
Why does he look like he's in pain I Yeah, maybe he is I do steal to kill
It's like this is like a really bad William Shatner impersonation, you know
This is like prime material for the next tootin tiltin type of video though.
Yeah And you say we have one joke Well, I have one joke and I'm a
Roseboro now, so I get to make it to It is a privilege it goes along with that's quite the that's quite the movement you're
Stepping into my new identity. Yeah, I felt that shifting in the atmosphere yesterday.
So Okay, let's keep going here desires to bring between now and the end of your year
He looks like he is sucking on persimmons what is going on with those grimaces on his face
I mean his if his eyebrows were any more arched I can drive a car through him Wow Okay To divert to deceive
Even concerning your election United States. Yeah notice he says he's speaking for God in the first person
He's channeling the Holy Spirit now So so the Holy wait, so the Holy Spirit is telling him that Satan is coming to disrupt the presidential election.
I Think that was kind of the message. Yeah Yeah, but I didn't really need the Holy Spirit to But it's only himself who's doing that right?
Yeah. Oh boy. Yeah. Okay. All right Here we go again look at that face to kill
Yeah, you know you gotta do you gotta do facial stretches and my cheeks hurt after doing that yeah
All right to steal to destroy to bring diversion delay deception through chaos of a planned thing a
Planned thing, you know the thing Yeah, the thing the new thing the the the the deception thing it's a new thing right got it, okay
That shall shift and reshape shift. Yeah shifting is a shift on your card
Yes, I do what they're didn't shander right there. That's what yeah very happy about that.
Okay. Yeah, that's still I don't have a second bingo yet even things as they look now But he has overplayed his hand in this time, do you think
For a moment yelling he will get seat. Yeah yelling that that counts that that's yelling that that's bona fide yelling right there
What I have planned Do you think for a moment?
Triggered gotta go to my safe space anyway heathens rage and Violence has filled the cities of your nation that this is your future the
Spirit of God says This is not What I have planned
If none of this is what he has planned Why is it happening? Is God in control or not?
Just have to ask you know That exists that hell is afraid of doesn't the
Doesn't the Bible also mentioned something about? Wars and rumors of wars in the end times.
Yeah, you know, it's it's it's like what the Ghostbusters says It's gonna be cats and dogs living together.
You know, it's gonna be yeah, I am here some big Twinkies and stuff, you know, so Maybe I'm missing my eschatology with a with a pagan source.
Anyway Hey, let's keep going and it is what shall cause things
To come into a place of law and order or righteousness and justice
It is it's like he's been watching Fox News and then strung together a group of words and phrases that He says are a prophecy, you know, that is exactly what it feels like.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, so the the source of this is is Cable news got it.
All right moving along. All right. This is somebody we've never Previewed before and hang on one second.
My camera went dead Yeah, I forgot to plug it in the battery ran out
I know where you guys live There I'm back, okay, okay, that was embarrassing
Glad we weren't doing this live stream. Okay It's like ah, all right, okay
So we got a new that we got a new prophetess that we're covering today.
Hang on a second her and her name is Kristen Dave on I can't pronounce this but the prophecy is
God said you have been released So release is also one of the words. Yes yes, so let's let's take a listen to this the the release of this releasing word and See what
God apparently is saying to us through her This video
God is saying you have been released my oh my oh my I don't know who needs to hear this
But God is saying you have been released from that thing. There are some of you that thing you've been released from that thing very big
Yeah, well, it's about time. I got released from that thing. That thing has been bugging me, you know
I needed to be released from it. What did I get released from again? Yeah, okay
Right, right the thing it's an actual location whether it's an actual, you know some sort of covenant or career or maybe even a marriage and I know that this is controversial because many of us we
I Just got released from my marriage. No, I know no, no That's not how that works
Yeah Any of this works, honey, honey, we're divorced now. What do you mean?
God said I was I was just for that. I'm released. So get out I was just released by this random woman on YouTube I'm released from this marriage now without any grounds probably.
Yeah. Yeah this time time to deport you, honey Wow, I mean would this mean that she's a prophetic homewrecker?
I mean, what would you say about that? You know, I mean You know, I yeah, but you get the idea because I mean somebody's gonna go home and say
I heard a prophetic word I was released from this marriage. I see it. This is this is Not only deceived but like downright dangerous and yeah,
I mean there are biblical grounds for divorce Indeed but She's not going to actual scripture for no and she didn't knowledge
She did acknowledge that what she was saying was controversial and rightly so because what she's saying is flat -out
Demonic I think this is Contradicted. Yeah, this is contradicted by the Word of God So she's claiming to be hearing directly from God and God is contradicting the written
Word of God Which means that the Holy Spirit is contradicting himself Which means well, she's not hearing from the
Holy Spirit Okay aside from you know Prophecy bud buzzwords aside what she's saying is directly contradicted by the written
Word of God And we know that the written Word of God is inspired by the Holy Spirit is inerrant infallible.
They a new sauce It's God breathed So this woman is already like in what 30 seconds proven.
She's not hearing from God at all So let's listen to a little bit more of this blasphemy
You know, our father hates divorce. We know that we understand that we know what the
Ten Commandments say, but sometimes but but yeah, but But nothing.
Oh Wow, we make wrong decisions Sometimes in a broken place we make the wrong decisions and we go ahead and we entangle ourselves
Or we form covenants with people with the enemy and God did not ordain that.
Okay That's that your husband is the enemy or your wife is literally the enemy
Then God told me through prophet There's no way that anybody could ever misuse this right?
No, no Everybody knows that everybody in the church is gonna go.
Oh, this is clearly not from God Yeah, no, that's not how that's gonna work. This is this is one of the strongest contradictions of Scripture I've ever heard in the name of hearing from the
Word of hearing from God her explanation is not To go to the word and to say, you know,
God hates divorce But here are the biblical grounds for divorce and here's how to understand them
Her explanation is God hates divorce, but sometimes somehow you can marry the enemy
You made a covenant with the enemy and and God didn't God didn't ordain that so it's okay You you could you can be released from that That that's crazy.
So, all right that one I I think if I kept going with that when I may start to spontaneously combust on Yeah, so let's let's let's go back to glory of Zion shall we hang on a second here and I'm gonna go
I'm just gonna go to the next page and I might even go to the next page after that one and let's see here
California's sound will overthrow the bear Or no do not separate my day a favor from my day of vengeance.
Oh, no We got to go to the California one. That's gonna be an automatic dumpster fire All right
Now keep in mind that this is the man who who what exact he aligned the
US -mexico border with a tuning fork with a tuning fork if you have not seen that episode of fighting for the faith
Josh put a link like up here or something like that. Yeah. Yeah, if you have not seen next one
This was from July 5th 2020 so California's sound will overthrow the bear here.
I don't know what this is gonna do, but okay There's a sound in you that you're gonna have to fight for That sound and you will overtake the bear and you can't overthrow the giant till you overthrow the bear
Gosh there's a sound in you the San Francisco Giants I Chicago Bears You can't overthrow the bear until you what you do what would the job what is this and what does it even mean?
You know as much as I joke about you guys only have one joke. Sometimes it really writes itself
There's a sound in you Josh. I Don't want to hear it Did you make a covenant with the enemy?
You know, I just I'm asked probably yeah, probably Okay I Traded my good looks for for lactose intolerance
Okay, I'm gonna keep I'm gonna hit the play button You see
I was trying to move on and then he said that Do I add the sound in or not?
Oh well We'll let the spirit lead you on that. So, okay. All right,
I'm gonna I'm gonna back this up and go to let's do the do not separate my day of favor from the whatever and This next week, it's okay people
You'll be fine Just step in What You know how kind of pastor is like no no, don't worry the world's not coming to an end
Not not this week. I mean, we don't I don't I don't know when the world is ending the world might end this week
I always keep hoping for Thursday, you know, it's living in an alternate 2020. I don't know
I don't know. So how is this drawing people to the word to the actual genuine real word of God?
Out there that's no no, no, no, no, we don't worry you guys don't worry about it.
Just keep listening to our prophecy It's gonna be fine. You'll be fine. Just keep waving your flags.
Everything's hunky -dory right All of what is stirring around you
Father I loose this over us father. I loose it over us right now.
I speak to this fear Wait, you can't make it the fearful can't make it into the kingdom of God Please yeah, that sounds like a
B attitude, but An F attitude or D attitude
And he's chewing gum he's chewing gum
Oh Then you ain't getting in buddy, I'm gonna do what it takes Yeah, cuz the second half of that verse is and such were some of you
Right, but you were washed. Okay. Oh my goodness. Okay exercise in missing the point
Yeah, but I mean, yeah, so he's that sounds like he believes in salvation by works of some kind.
I Yeah, yeah. Wow, that was bad This is like watching a train wreck with his prophetic flag twirling considered a good work by Chuck Pierce.
Oh Man yeah, yeah, that's gotta be it's gotta be a good word. It changes the world man because it releases the atmospheres and stuff
Pastor I think from Kentucky sent out and when I read it I thought every single thing he said may happen all of that may happen
But that's not the only thing going on. That is not the only thing that's happening a lot of people foresaw the coronavirus coming in the riot
Who foresaw that yeah, I'm I mean you call it a shifting.
I'm sorry. That's the only way you get away with that It's saying that was the shifting that's been coming for however long ten -year penalty, you know back to square one
Do not pass go do not collect $200. Nobody predicted this Nobody saw it coming and if there was a single person in the charismatic movement who really saw this coming
Michael Brown would be reminding everybody about it every single day of the week
He's broadcasting on his a firing line program Like North Korea To the firing line with King Dong -un.
Yeah I Like to tell people is that yes,
I'm a I do comedy but the good thing is is as a comedian I'm not an airline pilot.
Not all my jokes have to land That wouldn't really that's that's what you say for real.
I certainly did not. Oh Wow. Oh, wow. Look at this one. Hang on. Oh, no there this one is titled
There's a fluttering of new life in the womb of my life. Life is Yeah in the womb of my people
My people is Flutter what on earth is usually those are called cramps.
I Thought chickens were laid in eggs, you know, I didn't think they fluttered in the womb
God impregnated people with birds Or butterflies, I mean what is this the game of operation?
I yeah, there we go. This is you know, don't just make sure you Got my people on your card, yeah
I'm still like slack jawed watching with this. I the flute players You know how there's those times that you walk in on a
Conversation mid mid conversation and you just come in at the most wrong time. Yeah, every one of these videos
It's just the wrong time to come in. Yeah, okay And if you're tuning in now and saying what is this insanity
That's what it is. This is good views as you are. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Let's keep going
I want to get back to this prophetic flute player, you know How do you fill a fluttering
Is he saying filling or feeling? I think it's filling. I it sounded like filling to me.
I'm gonna back it up Alright, let's listen again. Well, well, well, we'll do a little review here
He said filling I feel like he meant feeling yeah,
I think it's filling I think it's going, you know Getting to move things have moved off dead center find
How to move with me this week? The Lord says that the crown that you've tried to wear in the last season that you wore to get into place
And to stand under this season is the war Where you are gonna move into the victory of that and you will
What wait the the crown that you used to wear to get into a season is the war?
That's something now is the crown some sort of like, you know, like a form of identifications
I guess I'd like to come into this war now, please. Thank you very much was a lot of You attend a church like this you're gonna get in the parking lot and go
So what'd you learn at church today? You know, that's pretty much it, you know,
I don't know I learned just say no Okay, let's let's move on from this hang on a second here
I gotta grab that Okay Josh your favorite person.
Oh gosh. No Yeah, brace yourself. I'm hitting play. Here we go
Hi everyone and welcome to prophetic success I'm Kay Nash and I'm really excited today to share the
August prophetic word with you I've been sharing prophetic words monthly for almost four years now
And so I'm excited to get this one out to you guys and really jump into August.
Hallelujah. Thank you. Holy ghost Thank you. God. We just give you this word God. May you speak through me as your vessel
God? May they be encouraged and lifted up in Jesus name. Hallelujah All right, you guys this is gonna be a little bit different than normal norm now
Is she gonna yell at us today? There is there is a square on our card.
That says Jesus Yeah Dangerously close there.
Yeah, okay Yeah, I think Don't worry the prophetic
Tourette's will sets in real fast I will say this she at the moment seems like she's in engaging in some kind of restraint, you know
Usually by this time and she's talking it's not no restraint is being held. Okay. All right
I just saying she usually steers into screeching a lot quicker. So Yeah, okay, let's let's keep going
I just kind of throws the Reema on the screen which means kind of what Reema is a prophecy bingo word
Holy Spirit's saying right now, but I only have a little bit of Reema for this month
What I really have is a epic vision which kind of is Reema as well But is it me or does it sound she sound a little sick to you?
Does Reema also count as misappropriated Hebrew? Yeah Wait, no, no
Reema's Greek so it can't Yeah, sorry my apologies anyway,
I was praying and this happened on July 19th I was praying it was like maybe 6 in the morning 6 30 in the morning
I was praying and God kind of just started downloading this vision to Download is a proxy bingo word for those of you guys who watch this channel
I don't always get a bunch of visions. I'm more of a hearer. I used to get a bunch of visions, but That was maybe a season but in this season my life
I feel like I'm really a hearer and so when I get a vision I'm like alert because that's not always what
I get anymore So I'm excited to share this with you because I wasn't seeking a vision
I was just up so Let's go into this it's it's a little long, but I'm gonna read to you what
I heard and saw I want to read it off my computer. So I might be looking over here a little bit
Just so you guys can track with me. She's getting used to her new camera. That's clear. Okay.
Yeah She's got a new camera too. You can tell I make sure I get everything accurate. All right So let's let's go into what
I saw Hmm. Hmm. I was sorry. The Lord just interrupted me. Let me go into this little Sorry, the
Lord just interrupted me Yeah, I'm glad God doesn't interrupt me because I can't multitask worth beans
Yeah Let's keep going of Rhema.
He wanted me to go into first and then I'll go into it Abundance is coming to my children the prophets
They will see new things in their life and see my reign on them and see a transfer of wealth
Well transfer Yeah New things. Yeah abundance new things.
Those are yep Yeah, I mean I basically what she's demonstrating is our prophecy bingo cards are just full of Rhema man, you know, yes
With the way that they say that practically sounds like a slur Yeah, but see the thing is is that we're learning along the way here is that these are today these prophecies
They haven't been making it rain. They've been making it Rhema Yeah, Josh all
I can say about that is Jesus I really felt the word for this month was abundance and I'm gonna explain why in this vision here.
I Saw a group of people that were struggling. They were gray and not happy. It's kind of like gray figures
I then saw a hand put money in their hand and heard this is from me and Then I saw y 'all and for those who you don't know, that's the father
Yeah, okay That's the father. Yeah, that's that. Yeah. Yeah, he's the father
That is miss that that is misappropriated Hebrew by the way The name of God is Yahweh.
Yah is not the father Father in Hebrew is off. So, you know, yeah, you know, where's she getting this name?
You think that's just she's just shortening Yahweh Is she trying to like use like Western cultural norms with which to be able to take a name and then truncate it?
Like I don't know. My name is Jimmy, but I'm just gonna call you Jim No, I don't think that's how that works.
I think she's just Poorly poorly catechized. I don't think she has any clue Who the
Bible is really about you notice? I also said the word of the month is abundance. Isn't that the word of like every month?
Yeah Feels reused at this point. Do they have like a three -year lectionary for words of the month?
Yeah, they might yeah, they just recite You know, that's gotta be it But no, but nobody's on like the same calendar because everyone's like all jumbled up and nobody's like on in sync with one another
All right. Let's let's keep going and he took them to new places and they flew in the air to new levels
I then saw this rain of abundance pouring down and heard I will water my land and push my children
Ahead we are going up. Hallelujah. I Saw a gemstone and asked the
Lord what is this? And he said this is a provision gemstone
Provision is one of our prophecy buzzwords and he put it in my mouth and I became fat.
I Don't want to get anywhere Avoid the gemstone. I'm trying to lose weight here.
This is not you know High calorie gemstone, it's definitely not keto
So, you know avoid non -keto gemstones are just saying, you know, he said That is how simple it is to get my provision to you
I then was taken up on an elevator and I saw people who were in lack and distress and they were covered in filth.
I Then heard tell me felt they were covered in felt That's what it sounded like she said like the kind of Like a school boards with little people.
So yeah, this is that that kind of felt the felt the stuff they use on pool tables You know Graham. Yeah, they're covered in felt
Okay, my children to clean up. Hmm When they went up on the elevator that oh
Then we went up on the elevator and we got off on a different level and I heard this. These are my prospering children.
Mm -hmm and he got off the elevator and said my children who I am well pleased with and in that moment a girl ran up to Him and said father.
Where should we go? He looked at the map and said you are on route. Hmm My children who follow my ways will prosper what father doesn't want their children to be well father
Follow my ways. Hallelujah My ways are not your ways.
My thoughts are not your thoughts I will provide him. She is really dialing it back.
She's she'd normally Prosper a couple of times in there. Yeah, that is one of those words.
I Need a generational curse calling reversal, so okay
You push you into my abundance if you follow my daily and do not complain Yeah, I will bring new things in bundles.
So Jesus in bundles I Missed it.
I want to hear it. Hang on a second here. Let's not complain. I will bring new things in bundles
Oh Jesus Yep, that's on my card. There you go. Definitely on my card. Okay, I then saw
Sticks and they were bound and written on the top of the sticks. It said sticks of provision the
Lord threw them in the fire and Well, why would God why would he fire?
Why would God throw a provision into the fire, you know? Yes, all of these wonderful provisions here.
Let me just dump it into the fire. Oh you have no food Well, this is what happens to you when you eat those gemstones and you get fat, you know
You don't need no you don't need any provisions to eat gemstones, right? When I saw the
Lord do this, I was shocked and I said Didn't we need that? Why would you throw a bunch of sticks that say provision in you know the fire?
Right. I mean we we were we're all Quite inquiring minds want to know.
Yeah, I want to know more. Yeah. So what did Jesus Jesus say to you? And he responded to my thought even though I didn't say it out loud.
It was the thought that I had. Well, he did that He said the fire refined you and what you thought was provision is not whoo, hallelujah
What Well, you thought it was provision because it said provision on it
Those were provision sticks because the the label that did Jesus mislabel those sticks
You know Okay, this is weird now I overflow now
I If you have flow if you have flow we'll give it to you because no and if you're flowing over it's that's a bad thing
It's still a flow you real provision We were then taken up and I was greeted by an angel.
The angels said hello and took me into a room It sat me down and said I was and I was being questioned and found in wanting so like yeah,
I would agree I was in a room there was like a desk and like a chair and the angel was sitting on the desk and I was sitting on the chair and And the angel said you've been found in wanting the angel asked me right for being a false prophet
It's a dream at some point because we do have dream on our card. I This is a vision she said it was
And I told them and they took me to a land flowing with milk and honey honey and said there you go
You will be good there. Whoo. Hallelujah I You know, um
You know, I know she lives in Florida, but I'm beginning to wonder she lives in Colorado pastor. What's the land of milk and honey?
That would be well the promised land Promised land type in shadow of the new earth.
Yeah, so think that she gets it No, no,
I that's I didn't pretty sure she has no clue how to rightly handle a single Yeah, and here's the weird thing is that people watch her channel almost 40 ,000 people have watched this particular
YouTube video and They think that they're hearing the the words of God I mean
What you know even doing this for four years and I'm just guessing what her actual prophetic track record is and all the things that she has said so far that we've
Covered have not come to pass or have been absolute. How can any of them come to pass?
Because her prophecies are neither right nor wrong because that would mean that she actually said something substantive yeah, you know she she keeps it so vague that it's like I mean and and all of these all of these prophecies just come
Across they read like a horoscope or a fortune cookie Yeah It's so vague that it could apply to you somehow if you if you do the work to make it apply to your life poorly translated fortune cookie
All right, let's check in with Jolynn Whitaker This was from a live stream that that broadcast today on YouTube just four hours ago
So, I mean, this is another one of those real fresh eat kind of things. Oh, yeah, really. This is fresh to confirm his word
To let us know exactly What he's doing and what is coming next now,
I get to the prophetic release. Oh, here it is Release release release Begin to all right time to take notes
Hang on a second here. I got a guy my iPad If I start taking notes of these things is and I anybody reads it.
They're gonna be like wow this person might be schizophrenic Okay, hang on a second here. I got note shelf open got my
Apple pencil ready and Got a blank, you know thing here. I'm ready to take some notes
Jolynn. So what exactly did God say to you again? What are you releasing here? If you if you want to you know, if you maybe you just want to listen, that's okay, too
But if you are one who likes to take notes And you haven't been yet. Do it now go.
I'm on it, man. I Even pause the video and stuff. We're ready. Give you a minute. Go get your Bible.
We'll get a notebook Yeah, well, this is YouTube people can hit the pause button and just get on with it. Okay Because we're about to get even deeper into this.
All right, I'm gonna read a You guys have the pictures and everything ready? If I if I if I leave out some of the details
Because you you did a little more research on it than I did I was just all I needed to know was that the prophetic word came to pass forensically and I was good with that Forensically Okay, I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Okay All right, let me let me let me let me set it up.
Mm -hmm. Let's look at Psalm 42 beginning in verse 7 Psalm 42 and 7.
I Told you this is a time of high manifestation high manifestation manifestation a high manifestation
That means everybody say again popping up God prophetic utterances and words are going to be gun begin to manifest
Abundantly and even in close proximity to each other manifest manifest manifest things coming to pass time of high manifestation right
We said on Wednesday morning Where many in the body of Christ have been and rightly so it was a tough season.
I know that I know But where many people have been as you've been feeling low you've been under attack
You've had the devil attacking you right and and plus all the chaos out there.
You've been feeling well It has been a struggle for many people. I know that the Lord knows that you listen to you
We're gonna look at verse 6 verse Psalm 42 verse 6. Oh my god. My soul is cast down within me
Therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan and the Hermonites from the hill of Mizar now watch this
I'm watching calleth unto deep I'm kind of disappointed in myself that I didn't put deep calleth to deep as a prophecy buzzword because when
I was in the latter Rain, oh man, that was a Frequently quoted passage.
I never knew what it meant at all But yeah, yeah deep calleth to deep I always thought it you know, it meant people were hungry and their stomachs were rumbling or something, but Okay What what does it mean
Oh, I I'd have to look in context. You'll note. It's out of context We'll have to save exegesis of this passage for a different program we should do that sometime though.
Yeah deep calleth to deep At the noise of thy water spouts. So I think we're in the
King James here Okay, so water spouts Okay Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy water spouts where you have been where many of you have been
Up until this up until today Even even on today you feel that you're deep has been you've been crying out to God My deep has been crying out to God Right reminds me of that photo.
I took of the frog the other day Yeah Yeah, that's right. I asked him how deep the you know, the water was at the
And he said Oh We continue you've been crying out to the
Lord That hurt me in them in my deep. Ah God we need you
The devil is doing what he wants to do. We need you Jesus Now it's now it's not just the riots now, it's not just all the unrest it's hitting my family to Lord I need you
I just had a battle come on me Lord. It's sideswipe me, you know as a prophetess
I think she would have had time to prepare for right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah as a prophet.
She's saying I didn't see that coming Yeah, okay Your deep has been calling into deep
God I my deep has been calling unto deep what my question then immediately is well
Where's my water spout and maybe I don't want the answer to that question. I need you I won't give up on my marriage.
I can't give up on my family. I can't give up on this ministry I can't give up on my assignment God. I need you.
That's good. I need you this battle deep now, by the way, we
Secretly hiding here in the pirate cave is a special guest. I Better be careful. Can I even name you?
Yeah, so this whole time Brandon Kimber of the director of the American Gospel has been sitting in He's been here in North Dakota filming the for the next installment of The American Gospel and he handed me a little commentary on on this particular text and the commentary noted that the psalmist feels like that He's relating his troubles to like an ocean of troubles and things like that So calling out to God in the midst of an ocean of terrible bad circumstances
May poetically be the right way of looking at it So, thank you Brandon for the exegetical save, you know, and they gave me the opportunity like, you know to to rat you out
When she's she's contradicting the other prophetess of the Lord who's saying that there's release from Covenants and marriage she's saying no stick with your marriage, right?
Yeah, so what one of these somebody's not hearing from the Lord. I would go with both
Both of them are not hearing from the Lord How terrifying would it be if all of the YouTube prophets synced up and said the exact same thing?
I would accuse them of collusion I Depend on what they're saying.
I know right? Based on their track record. I'm not gonna yeah The deity that they're they've all tapped into is their own stomach
God. I mean, you know, they're just you know My stomach God keeps telling me to get pizza
Yeah, your deity smart so Yeah, all right, let's keep going
A Weird word to use David.
Yeah What a weird word weird and then she went totally like ASMR around us
That was one of our potential categories
Yeah, ASMR Perfect. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome to pirate
Christian radio prophetic bingo water spouts Is your deep calling out to God's deep that's really deep it's so deep
Have you guys got a bingo yet? I want to hear strong. Oh, yeah Potential and we need like yeah, we did a potential.
That'd be great. So or Or so potential or so would get us a bingo. All right, so we need to set we need to sow some okay
I'm wondering in this context what you think it is Hey guys, I'm getting another note.
I'm getting another note. Hang on. It's on his it's on his iPhone So, you know this this is the
American Gospel iPhone All right, so deep calls to deep at the sound of your waterfalls.
Well, so the is that the ESB? So yeah, so it's this is this is an alternative translation.
It could also be waterfalls Your your breakers in your waves have rolled over me.
Okay, so I kind of get the idea what's going on in this text it you know, we're clearly dealing with a
You know with a view of you know of our troubles is kind of in oceanic terms
You know the broiling of the sea so so as as the deer pants for the water brook So my soul pants for you
Oh God Psalm 42 begins my soul thirst for God for the living God When shall I come and appear before God?
Ooh, this is a great song. I love this So my tears have been food my food day and night while they say to me all the day long
Where is your God? These things I remember and I pour out my soul within me for I used to go along with the throng and lead them in The procession to the house of God with the voice of joy and Thanksgiving a multitude
Keeping the festival back in the day things were joyful in my worship of God, but why are you in despair?
Oh my soul, and why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God for I shall again praise him for the help of his presence.
Oh my god My soul is in despair within me Therefore I remember you from the land of the Jordan to the peaks of Hermon to the
Mount of Nazar Deep calls to deep at the sound of your waterfalls. All your breakers in your waves
Have rolled over me and Yahweh will command his loving kindness in the daytime and his song will be with me all the night a prayer to the
God of My life. Yeah, so that poetically the Yeah, no, it really is
And by the way, just a little side note on a serious serious biblical idea here
You want to learn how to pray pray the Psalms? you know that they are the There's a reason why
In years past when men would go to war and they can only take something with them that was a
Bible it was the New Testament and it had the Psalms and the Proverbs and the reason why is because the Psalter was the prayer book it
Is the prayer book of the of the scriptures. So Just keep that in mind. All right. All right.
Thank you a Brandon for the save exegetical save So I'm gonna give you a three prophecy bingo points for your assist there.
Appreciate that. Okay All right, let's say let's keep going hopefully we don't get him fired, okay
Ever since I met my husband John Yeah, man, baby ever
Ever since I met my husband John Yeah, he's been trying to talk to me about water spots
Don't look at me. I don't know what she means. I I don't either and I know
I Must admit I'm beginning to think I don't want to know What she means, okay
Yeah, and he explained it to me yeah, what did he say a tornado but it's made of water and it
Actually is on the surface of water Interesting John. Yeah John you know that he loves think he loves anything to do with meteorology.
He almost was a meteorologist It could really be one He could do mad at Matt, you know, you should do prophetic meteorology.
Do you think that that's what the psalm is talking about though? No, like no. No. No, it's it's using poetic term to describe
Difficulties we go. That's what that means. Yeah has a weather station loves all that Water spots
So we hear about it. I hear about it often Yeah, and imagine how we felt the other day what day was it
John Wednesday, yes Right outside our house.
Oh Jesus Did you run into your basement and I got my attention immediately those generally would because of this verse
Listen to I'm pretty sure if you saw a water spout you would get your attention because it was a water spout
You know, but no it's confirmation That she's hearing from God right of this because her husband likes water spouts
So that means that this genuinely is God talking to her notice that this entire testimony is completely, you know
You can't verify it. Yeah, I I haven't been taking notes I Was read
I was ready Your notes should say water spout It's a water.
I tornado II thing fine fine. Okay, just hang on a second here. I'm gonna I'm gonna
Gonna make you want a water spout who would win Chris Rosberg or angry water?
There we go. That right. There is a water spout. So beautiful Oh, that's gorgeous.
Love it. I'm gonna sell this on eBay. It's so prophetic Yeah, okay.
Oh we have a special guest appearing on prophecy bingo today new contender a new contender
Okay, and and this is James Aloysius Prash jr James Aloysius Prash jr.
Center going what he gives a pro. He gate. Yes. He's given prophecies I have six of his prophecies now in my
Research library and this is one of them So we and so this is from his lecture titled church for the churchless
James Aloysius Prash jr giving us a well, I I don't know how to explain this but God appeared in his room and God was pulsating
Now making that up here. Here's James Aloysius Prash jr God is recruiting Maccabees So back in the day
God's recruiting Maccabees That's that's that's useful information. If you have a last name of Maccabee, you need to report to God right now.
He you've been recruited Let's keep going here people who will know their God who will display strength and take action
Who will have insight and give understanding to the many but who know what they're getting involved in? The Maccabees did not have it easy and those who come in the character of the
Maccabees who read the same Prophecy that the Maccabees read Who know what's happening?
Who take action? Will pay a similar price. Did you say calling? Yeah, I may have he may have who have the same calling.
Yeah Yeah, so we're in the Apocrypha apparently and the Maccabees are
You know are some kind of type that that God is looking for today he's looking for Maccabees today
Join with the Maccabees in hypocrisy
Okay when this most recent avalanche of nonsense began
I Was taken back to Two dreams
I had in 1982 in Israel dreams Now it says in Colossians.
Don't take your stand on a dream. I don't take any doctrinal stand on a dream but To take a doctrinal stand on a dream you shouldn't doubt but the
Bible does say but he said but yeah You know, he doesn't take a doctrinal stand on this dream, but he thinks it's prophetic
Something and then he'll go but the exact thing that he says not to do. Yeah, he's really good
Yeah, I don't I don't want to slander this person Okay, I'm gonna back this up so we can hear it in context he said the room was pulsating and he knew it was
God Now I'm gonna just point this out that he he takes issue with you know,
Dorian virtues care bear Jesus Which she's she's at this point Totally repudiated and repented of and believes that it's not it was not
Jesus that she you know that appeared to her but James Aloysius Pratt jr
Believes that God appeared in his room in a dream and he would and God was pulsating New Yeah, okay.
Yeah, let's see here. I woke up suddenly the room was almost Pulsating. I knew it was
God. Is he the God or the devil doing a tremendous counterfeit God or that?
He's not exactly sure it could have been the devil doing Or the devil doing a tremendous counterfeit so he's not sure
Okay, but I knew was God and now I really know but he really knows it was God and God was pulsating
I don't know I stand by it and This series of dreams that happened all at the same time.
This is the time when I was before I was married. I was fasting and praying Three hours a day.
I was studying the Bible and praying Uh -huh Did you have a day job at the time?
You know, I don't know people who spend their days three hours Reading the Bible and praying
I'm a pastor and it you know when I do my sermon prep I don't even quite have that habit, you know, it's interesting and I was fasting a couple of days a week never know it now and out of this time of full -on fasting and Trying and studying the scriptures.
I was praying three hours a day and then studying the Bible So, all right How do you know wasn't that your blood sugars just took a dive and you end up saying that like it's a brag
Yeah, I was praying and fast three hours three hours. So that proves that that's how I knew it was from God He was pulsating.
Aren't we like admonished in Scripture not to like make a big deal out of fasting? Yeah, you're not supposed to tell people
Don't let your right hand know what you left. Yeah, don't put on sackcloth. Don't you look holy
I am Yeah, okay. All right. I had these series of revelations through the
Bible, but A series of revelations That revelation is a party.
He's doing he's doing better than Joel and Whitaker. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's Yeah, yeah, so or outside the outside our house, yeah
So this is from God but take it with a grain of salt, but I know it's from God But I know it's from God cuz he was pulsating man
Two of those dreams were as follows one concerns the church and the
Jews and the other concern the church. I Told my wife I told people in the fellowship in Haifa at the time my wife that time my fiance
The one concerning the Jews was something was going to happen in Russia. This was well before the
Iron Curtain came down Something was going to happen. What was going to happen in Russia that things would seem to get better in Russia both for Jews and for Christians And it will go on and on and on But then something would happen just as quickly
Something something would remind the world of the Holocaust of the 30s and 40s so something that will remind the world of the
Holocaust and He had this vision in 82 That's Almost 40 years ago
Can you guys tell me what took place in Russia in the last 40 years that reminds everybody of the
Holocaust? I mean Communism killed a lot of people Yeah Yeah Killed a lot of people.
Yeah, but not specifically Jews, which is what it sounds like. There was there was
The Holocaust and that this is to the church and Jews Yeah, right and Russia and the
Soviet Union was the thoroughgoing thing at the time in that in 82 and Soviet Union's gone and I I haven't noticed
Putin rounding up Jews and gassing them or anything like that, so Yeah, this is
Yeah, I don't think this has happened. So yeah, I So do we say this is a false prophecy on the part of James Ellowish is
Pratt's jr. I mean, I Yeah, okay, let's let's keep listening though a little bit more here
We got double bingo No That means that we beat him to the first punch, but we truly won in the end.
Oh, wow You guys got double bingo. Alright, so I I need to hear I need
Josh you got a process You need to give me a Hebrew word with which to misappropriate All right, so I will give you the
Hebrew word yada, which means and yeah, which means to know but it just just yeah
Duh. All right. Hold on a second here. This is there's a lot of I'm gonna I'm gonna use all of the double bingo
All right Ten words Nine words because I also have music.
Okay, so you got a cue sappy music. Yeah, it's got a cue set music gotta There we go, all right
Jesus has given me the calling with which to give deliverance of the destiny to release the manifestation of yada
Which is a great potential with which we can all enjoy
Did you edit it just like Chuck Pierce Yeah, yeah, you can't actually use other words and kind of you know
Roll it around a little and let it breathe like a good wine, you know, no, it was totally word vomit salad
Which is a valid? Oh, yeah. No, I had I had Prophecy bingo.
I held my nose and I jumped right in. Yeah. Yeah, I Gotta admit that it's um, it's quite poetic justice that you won the double prophecy
Thanks to the Thanks. Thanks to James Aloysius Prash jr. In his prolific the big potato.
Okay, but it's a big win Oh, wow, that's just that's wrong. It's so wrong. All right, I'm gonna
Close prash up and I think to end our prophecy bingo segment. We do need to pick we need to pick like special words, but I'm my curiosity is just oh gosh, you know and you know
I'm I almost feel like I'm gonna pick a prophecy based upon the shirt No, no, your radiation is changing the course of my silhouette.
Oh my gosh, that's the name of the oh my goodness Hold on a sec, okay.
All right. So so real quick. Let's let's pick two prophecy bingo words I'll pick one you pick the other so if you subscribe if you're already subscribed to the channel
You can have the word and I'm gonna pick the word visitation All right, so you can have the word visitation now if you subscribe and ring the bell
Josh What what what's their extra prophecy bingo word? Stronghold stronghold it is so visitation and stronghold are our bonus words and you only get both of them if you've subscribed and you've
Rung the bell and but in the meantime to end off this prophecy bingo Extravaganza our celebration of hitting 50 ,000 subscribers
We will end off with the prophecy named your radiation is changing the course of my silhouette
Flee the building it's on fire. That's the translation and Shaba got retired No, no, no, it's still it's still gibberish.
It's still All right, all right, all right, so so I'm feeling the word in their reversal
I'm feeling a reversal word, okay Is she doing that in front of that painting like she's doing a prophetic paint
I think she's painting at the time. Oh my gosh. So she's screeching in tongues at a prophetic painting and The guy behind her looks like he's bowing to that Shadows are being cast
Watch for my shadow For in the midst of shadows the enemy is working
But I say this is a month and this is a time for you to radiate for you to go forward and your radiation will change the course of my silhouette in the earth realm
Realm he said well said realm. Yeah Shadows And I say many will fall under his spell of darkness this month but I say to you
I am calling up people to remove the veil of that shadow and Step into the light
Well there there you have it so I mean I always feel so like Kind of shell -shocked after watching one of those.
I'm not gonna lie there They begin so abruptly they end so abruptly everything in between is such
Just and this is these are the highlight reels. Like yeah. Yeah, and pure chaos.
This is something chaos This is the stuff that they from the really long bit this these are the chunks that they think
Everybody should watch I I'm telling you if this is really from God the universe is hosed because God has lost his mind and Contradicting himself left and right, right?
I mean God's got to be locked up and good luck on that I mean, how do you lock up an all -power omniscient, you know being you know, who who has all authority and sovereignty?
I mean good luck locking up a crazy sovereign like that, you know It's just like what people thought about area 51,
I mean they can't arrest all of us Right You know
The deity that they are listening to reminds me of that crazy guy at the beginning of dances with wolves, you know
When he get when he gets he goes out to get his assignment and you know And the night of the realm is you just does this thing and then he wets himself, you know
And that that's the deity they're listening to is kind of that that gone, you know, yeah so All right, so Nicky and Josh, thanks for this wonderful 50 ,000 subscriber prophecy bigger celebration
And the first ever recorded at least on this channel double bingo double bingo, yeah
No, no, I only got a single bingo. So, you know, I told you I told you had a double double bingo double double.
Oh Don't say that word. It makes me hungry Oh, no, you know
Hashtag double double, you know Again, I every I can just smell the onions and the french fries
I have gone without that for 10 years. I don't want to hear it from you. Yeah, that's right
I always The last few times I've had in and I made sure to make sure to send a picture of it, you know children children
Stop fighting All right, well, I think we had better sign off so I'm gonna
I'm gonna change the screens up and and say goodbye to everybody But thank you guys for your help today.
Thank you Brandon for for sitting in this this insanity We pray that you don't get fired real possibility if you know for being anywhere near us while we're doing this and Those of you who've been tuning in.
Thank you again for subscribing and helping us to Something to celebrate as we continue to grow and And if you would like to support us financially, of course
We always need that help because we cannot keep doing what we're doing without your help so don't already support us all the information on how you can do so is down below in the description and By joining our crew becoming a patron on patreon one -time contribution all those ways that you support us to make it so we can keep bringing to you fighting for the faith and compare what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God so that you can grow in a proper knowledge and understanding of God's Word and not be deceived by those people who are out there are snookering and bamboozling who are not real prophets of God who are not telling you what
God's Word really says But so that you may have confidence in the message of scripture Which always again points us back to our crucified and risen
Savior and the good news of salvation by grace through faith alone So until next time may
God richly bless you and God's Rich mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.