Response to Sicarii



Well greetings, this could be a little bit difficult dudes doing a green flow video in response to the video that the
Sakari group posted I listened to it this morning on a ride and I want to make everybody aware
Ahead of time. I I do not have time to edit profanity. I don't have a bleep button So there is profanity in this video.
It is not appropriate For young people it's really not appropriate for anybody given the hatred that is expressed, but we need to understand
I think one of the things to learn from these black Hebrew Israelite groups is that religion can be used as a cloak and is being used the cloak for tremendous hatred and for racism and And That is
Reprehensible it needs to be identified for what it is. People need to be warned against it and if people
Especially this is very important when people come under the influence of these groups It's my prayer that if in the privacy of their home they're googling around checking out
YouTube That they'll stumble across responses and they'll discover that there are people who do not hate them but that provide a response and That they'll see that in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There is no male nor female. There is no black or white There is no Jew or Gentile.
There's no slave or free we are all bond slaves of Jesus Christ first of all as Christians, but the idea of hating someone because of the melanin count in their skin because of who their great -great -great granddaddy was or where they came from is completely opposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ and I think that's an important thing to understand then of course
There's just a lot of misunderstanding a lot of untruth a lot of false accusations
Evidently don't even believe that you know, I Only started hearing about this movement just a few years ago and I personally never really
Intended to spend much time on it The only reason that I've done what
I've done recently was because Apologia did what they did with vocab alone and I Just people say why did you pick that one guy to dialogue with because he was the only person that I knew
Because I he said certain things to vocab alone that I wanted to challenge That I wanted to say wait a minute.
What do you mean? The deity of Christ was made up to counsel and I see it It's just it's just not true What do you mean the deity of Christ never talked about in the
New Testament that that's not true either So You know
What? Why else would I have chosen him and on now all these other groups to say? Ah, you should have you should have contacted us.
You should take us on all the rest of stuff Not a high priority for me
Not because I don't like seeing people that are in these groups Come out of these groups and come to know the truth.
I think it's a wonderful thing and I'll do what I can but The fact the matter is that I have a very active ministry dealing with Islam dealing with the textual critical background of the
Bible And that's really where my focus must remain these gentlemen mocked the fact that I'm doing a graduate project on textual criticism for the next couple of years as if I Announced that long before I did anything about black
Hebrew Israel ism And it is ironic to me that you men use a book. You can't defend you clearly don't even know what the categories are
Of being able to defend the scriptures either the Hebrew Old Testament or the
Greek New Testament In any meaningful fashion you all aren't taking on the critics of the
Bible you just simply quote it and go on from there as if it just floated down from heaven and and That's the end of that Well, some of us actually realize that to make the faith meaningful in the world today you actually have to do a little more than that and So I'm not going to apologize for remaining focused to that Which I've already committed to and you all can play the schoolyard bully thing about me allegedly being afraid of you.
I assure you when it comes to these issues, I Engage people who are significantly more serious in their research their depth of knowledge their consistency
Then you gentlemen are and that's just a fact and the internet bears that out So again a little uncomfortable doing this with the profanity and things like that, and by the way
Some of you have criticized me for saying that the gentleman that I engaged with That I was picking and choosing and when
I said he was the best what I meant by that was Not that there isn't racism involved there, but they don't
Drop the profanity the f -bombs. They don't call me a devil Satan And all the just grossly childish dismissive
Vile things that other groups do that's what I mean by best the best debate is where people behave like adults and show respect for one another and Respect the truth.
It is it is greatly disrespectful to the truth one of the things really will bother you about watching this video is
That these individuals will quote Bible verses and they'll quote the name of God and then swear and then show great hatred that is
Exactly the attitude that Jesus went after was such strength amongst the
Pharisees and These are modern -day Pharisees in that sense And it's a it's a tragic thing.
Now when I say this I Prayed that God will open their hearts and minds
I mean toward the end there's a one the gentleman talks about his own experience. It really opens a door and understanding
What it is is so attractive to these men about this this perspective. It gives them discipline.
It gives them order It gives them a community and allows them to continue in their hate That's the best you can do outside of actually finding
God and having your sins forgiven and your heart changed But there are many groups that will give you that kind of thing and so I'm not going to return their condemnation.
I'm not going to choose profanity. I'm gonna say to them I hope and pray that God will be merciful to you open your hearts and minds expose your sin convict you of your sin convict you of The vile hatred that you express toward other people and that when you stand before God you will be judged
I Don't care whether you're a messianic or non -messianic whether you accept the whole Bible or just the
Tanakh Huge difference between those two should be anyways, but anyway, I Don't care which one you are
There's plenty in either the Tanakh or the New Testament that tells you this tongue this mouth
You will be judged by what you say with it It exposes you it reveals what fills your heart
Jesus himself said the man's the evil man Brings forth from the evil treasurer of his heart for from the from the heart the mouth speaks and It's funny you all you all criticize me of saying that and then turn around prove my point and don't even seem to realize you're doing
It you don't even seem to realize you're doing so let's listen in and I'm gonna stop and start respond and We'll see what happens
Come check me out The Lord gonna do something big not just to us But he's gonna do something big starting with elder recall and what's gonna proceed from there with us taking the crown from James James has been like one of the most winning debaters
Across the world for the past 10 years But we gonna snatch his crown in the name of the most high and we gonna reestablish
What was promised to us Amen so that's my piece on that man.
I want to go to the guerrilla Hebrew aka chief priest al -azhar His name was brought up tonight.
So I'm definitely gonna give the brother the floor to address the city What are these names come from guerrilla
Hebrew? Hebrew King Again There seems to be a real massive lack of humility on the part of any of these folks
That makes me again wonder where's the connection between? What you profess to believe and what you actually are believing
What you profess to believe and what's in Scripture I Just just wonder what it is.
And by the way, I don't remember mentioning guerrilla Hebrew I mentioned this group because I was responding to I had seen exactly one video and That was where this
I guess guerrilla Hebrew and a deacon somebody Were reviewing they're playing the video from our
YouTube channel of My exchange the initial exchange with elder the car and Obviously, we're saying horrible things about me, but primarily we're attacking him
Primarily, we're being just incredibly nasty using the n -word Which evidently
I guess you can and nobody else can do that's racism again But just going after him horribly.
That's what I was talking about. I've seen one video. That's it Evidently you've done something with vocab. I haven't seen it.
I don't keep up with this stuff and unless vocab sends it to me I'm not even aware of it Like I said, it's not my chief area of interest
So that was what I was referring to and that's what I referred to in the debate And even he said, oh you're being unfair and saying we act like that.
I didn't say they did I was very specific as to what group I was talking aboutuation You know,
I've seen some of the things that played out on Facebook, you know, the brother was not present tonight but dr.
James White felt the need to bring guerrilla Hebrew up and Vocab alone did the same thing two nights ago and the brother wasn't even present.
So I want to give Chief priest Al -Azhar the floor so guerrilla Hebrew. Welcome. Make sure you guys check out the
Sakkari sect 1715 and Stay in tune and keep up with everything the guerrilla
Hebrews a quick question How do you become a chief priest? How many are there
I mean biblically is only one and the requirements to be the chief priest
Under the Old Covenant you could no longer fulfill You could never prove your lineage after the structure of the temple in 80 70.
So what's this high priest thing? And if and I can't and these guys aren't very clear
I can't tell whether you accept the New Testament if you do then you have zero reason for calling
Anybody but Jesus high priest, there's no high priest other than Jesus Just an observation
Preach to the book of Hebrews for a couple years and seems fairly clear. I'm going on a priest
Al -Azhar. Take it away good, brother Thank you, thank you appreciate it appreciate it, uh
First and foremost, of course, I just got to give all praises honor and glory into y 'all Why should me I was shy Shalom to the brother
Michael Edwards who handled his business very well When he called in of course one to the brother
Alvin's as well, uh, I Got some an on my chest. Let me let me get this off my chest
You feel me and it's so it's just so crazy I'm gonna tell you
How much of a devil James Whitey is and how much of a game he plays and how much of a white supremacist
James Whitey is James White observed Now catch that you just throw out all these insults you throw out all these accusations white supremacist
Well, where do you get that? Well, if you disagree with us, then you're a white supremacist Um Let's let's try to find some rationality somewhere in what is being said.
It's difficult to find Me have a sit -down where I very cordially and reasonably and eloquently
Discourse with vocab alone is comrade is colleague Again, never saw it.
Don't nobody's referring to I was specifically referring only to the video Where he and a deacon guy?
With coarse jesting and foul language Reviewed my first encounter with elder a cop.
That's all I was referring to. I Had another one this past Monday, which has yet to air, but should be airing by this weekend
Very calm very collected very reasonable very logical But he's gonna paint us as those vile angry niggers that are just so unreasonable
He can't talk to because he is afraid I'm not afraid of anyone, but I do have a standard that I've had
For longer than you've been alive because I think later on you identify yourself between 25. You're younger than my youngest child
Okay, so longer than you've been alive. I've had a standard and that is if you cannot control your tongue.
You're a child you're immature and I have no interest in dialoguing with you
Profanity is for those who lack the intelligence to express themselves by any other means Adult human beings can control their tongue and I don't know whether you accept the
New Testament or not But there's this book called James In the book of James we are warned a lot
About the issue of the tongue and we are told that the mouth that blesses
God as you just did when you started Should not turn around and curse men you are in violation of the scriptures
Over and over and over again and until you see that and until you can gain the maturity
To stop doing that. Yeah, there's no reason to do anything with you Because you just you can't be taken seriously
You just can't be taken seriously when you cannot behave yourself in a meaningful fashion.
He wasn't even on my radar People are telling me oh you should reach out and get something changed, right?
I don't want to get anything to change right because I'm not going to subjugate myself to be a subject to his platform and to play by his rules
We're not doing that. I don't know what my rules are. I Again have been debating
Longer than you've been alive I've done over a hundred and fifty of these things. We've demonstrated around the globe
How to do debates and there is a platform It's called having equal time frames so that it's fair.
The point is to honor your opponent First of all to honor the truth and the topic then to honor your opponent and then to honor the audience
There's something wrong with that maybe from your perspective there is Yeah, I'm sorry.
We're not doing it. But as a cop -out we see what he did tonight Bring my name up bring my camp's name up out of total fear
Okay. Now this is a standard bullying tactic Has nothing to do with fear.
I Mean you may be a violent man But I do not fear your arguments your your arguments are
Shallow Some of them are just so wildly out of the norm that they may be difficult to respond to just because it's like You prove to me that there are not six -foot tall men dressed like Puritans on the far side of the moon.
Well, you know, I Haven't really done a lot of thinking about that might take me a while to come up with a particular argument on that matter
That I do not fear people Who openly as you will in this video say
I I embrace the argument of Guilt by association you you claim.
I'm a Jesuit guilt by association That's a logical error it shows an inability to think clearly and to think with discipline
Because you're the one promoting the apocrypha the deuterocanonical books hmm they were first defined as canon scripture dogmatically
Council of Trent in April of 1546 Hmm who would promote that?
Well, that would be the the Jesuits So if guilt by association works, I reject the apocrypha.
I Debated gerrymatitics at Boston College Against the canon canonical status of the apocrypha
The year before you were born So I reject what the
Jesuits teach on that. I've debated Jesuits Father Mitchell Pacwa is a Jesuit real nice guy, but he's still a
Jesuit Um, you're the one promoting the apocrypha So if guilt by associations a valid argument, which you say that it is you sir are the
Jesuit, right? See how easy that is Here because he sees we're coming in the same revolutionary spirit as the greatest black revolutionary to ever walk the earth
So just who the world calls Jesus Christ Shalom officer brother mighty Hebrew. He's so afraid of that He's afraid of that revolutionary spirit.
You see I'm saying you got to just deal with with some soft Sympathizer like we're quiet.
I'm just gonna call it what it is I see recall of GCC as a sympathizer you dealing with a man who descends from the same tribal lineage as Moses the one who rose up and smoked the
Egyptian for the oppression that he did to his brothers. How do you know that? What what evidence do you have of that?
I? Mean anybody can claim that What what evidence do you have that you're of the same tribal lineage of Moses?
I mean, it's really hard to take that kind of thing. Seriously. It really is The same lineage in the same tribe as the
Maccabees that rose up against the Greeks under a camp with the same banner of the chief of the zealots that rose up against the
Romans and This is no different the time we live in it is the Roman Empire coming against us right now
So that's why he's afraid because he sees that revolutionary spirit of men who follow the truth of Masha Right he sees that revolutionary spirit of those
Haitian revolutionists, you know, the funny thing is that the true Moshiach the true Messiah Is the one who said the evil man brings forth evil from his heart via his speech and You're about to prove that for me
So one of us follows Jesus. The other one just uses his name as a cover for hatred toward others the real
Jesus stands ready and Calls you to repentance from the falsehoods that you're teaching and the falsehoods you're believing
The 1804 really the isle the island of the vermin that is the white man
Because that's what he the vermin that is the white man. I Expose vile hateful racism.
It is the spirit of Hatred it is not the spirit of Jesus Christ It's make no mistake about it and he's sitting there guys
You know what? I just asked all my listeners all my believing Christians give these silly silly niggers your prayers
He's trying to humor us That's what these devils have been doing since they indoctrinated us with the
Jesus that looks like him. You understand I'm saying That's what they do. So we need to recognize that and not fall for the okie -doke
We saw what you did tonight James you copped out you took that satanic red -pointed tail
Between your legs because that is the only option you had and to prove that so When I rebuke them for violating teachings of all of the
Tanakh, I read the book of Proverbs Ever read what it says about the tongue about speech about cursing
Ignoring all that aren't you? Yeah, that's easy to do Everything in the New Testament book of James Jesus own teaching when
I rebuke you on the basis that this is how you respond You tell me what spirit that demonstrates you're of I think it's pretty obvious to most folks
And shout out to all my people in Chicago and let me tell you something and and why why and why do we have this
This profound hatred that they always are Criticizing us for a white man. It's because of the love we have for our people
It's because we feel the pain of every black man woman and child that has fallen victim to this devil, by the way
You object to black Hebrew Israelite and then you say stuff like this the inconsistency is so obvious on a logical level and His Inhumane or his inhumanity will it heal the world?
So inhumanity is for me to warn you that God will judge you for your speech and to tell my fellow
Christians to pray for you The hatred in your heart has so twisted your mind that you can't even hear someone warning you and Hence treating you with enough respect to warn you if I didn't care about you.
I wouldn't warn you but I do so without expressing hatred to you without expressing hatred toward black people or Haitians or Anybody because the gospel doesn't know those categories
Since you do you don't know the gospel you need to come to know the gospel and you know When you're not in front of people
Trying to get them to think you're really cool and you're a cool cat and all that stuff, you know in the quiet When the music isn't playing
Um, you're alone with your thoughts You know
That that hatred Comes from your heart and not from God, you know And I just pray that that voice convicting you will get louder and louder and louder until you seek peace
With God, that's my prayer for you That's why we feel to be a righteous pain.
You know, we feel that we feel gator babies Which is why we didn't feel sorry when that little white baby got gobbled up Because we felt gator bait and we know we follow and serve a righteous and just God Did y 'all catch that They didn't mourn when the little two -year -old boy was killed by the crocodile
Because he was white this is Racist hatred.
It's vile. It's subhuman and Sir if you go before a holy
God With that kind of hatred in your heart, you will be condemned You must flee from that kind of vile statement you must
That holy God commands you to have a pure heart before him and you know That you do not have pure motives for what you just said all the racism in the world will never excuse what you just said
And if God is just and he tells us in a book of name whom the first chapter he will not at all equip a wicked
How in the hell are you gonna tell me that we're all equally going to be treated in everybody's eligible salvation?
when you are come from the progeny of the same man that whipped our back and put us into slavery and built the most
Expansive empires of all time off of our free labor and the theft of our brother's land.
Excuse me, sir that Victim meme that you just spewed is so absurd.
I don't know where to start. I didn't bring it up I was going to but The earliest picture
I have of my progenitors in this nation from 1889 broken -bone,
Nebraska Where my great -great -great -grandfather? had emigrated
He was married in I think it's 1881 1885 1885 in Scotland that means they came over here 30 years after the freeing of the slaves
Had nothing to do With any alleged slavery that you allegedly in some ancestor experienced
So on any rational level on anyone Who thinks in a meaningful fashion what you just said is nothing but racial
Rhetoric that is meant to divide and destroy It has no meaning none
Why do you keep repeating it? It's just it is disgusting to me why people would take the positions you're taking it just In the hell are you gonna sit down and tell me that in the same breath that you tell me
God is gracious and just Whoa You're making God also be a liar because you don't believe in you believe in your
God the God of your people Satan shite on anything Yeah, now remember he's proving my point for me
You know, it's not not what he was intending to do, but this is exactly what I was saying
It's exactly why I referred that other video because this is the behavior that this group presents and it must be repudiated
By any rational thinking individual do you believe? Right, so I'm gonna prove to you that he's running scared from us now that he sees
Unapologetic and when I say unapologetic, I mean, sorry Non -sympathetic to the heathen nations that have had no mercy upon us
Israelites rising up and we did I didn't even call him out and He's scared because he sees the true spirit of the
Most High and that spiritual urban guerrilla warfare That we're bringing that revolutionary spirit that we bring in and he's afraid so he's like, oh, yeah, we're not gonna do with this
Too much. I have a project that I'm gonna spend the next two years on so, you know I can't really deal too much with this past will be born.
You know what that is nigga. That is a cop -out so I announced this months ago and Had never said anything about the black
Hebrew Israelite movement and When I stay consistent with what my priority week
I'm somehow the cop -out because you think you're so important That I should order my life by what you teach
Yeah still looking for any semblance of rational thought here haven't found it yet we scared devil
That sees the heat and can't stand it just like his forefather Esau Who sought his repentance carefully with tears, but God rejected him with that all the way up and I you
They hear this this is why Such irrationality can remain the the primary
Focus and essence of this movement is because it's an echo chamber The only people you really talk to if people already agree with you.
Nobody's could challenge you. Oh Yeah, you're great. Oh, yeah, you know, you don't really sharpen your arguments or there's a big gun, you know
That didn't make a lot of sense When you're just talking to people who already agree
I Just want to say ladies and gentlemen the guerrilla
Hebrew did what he is known to do take away me Kyle and also Michael Michael don't don't land back silver back off that my
And what you saying brother is so true You heard as as he was ending the show him talking about, you know, he's gonna you know
And got another big project for the next two years, but his projects consist of nothing but debate debate debate
So why run excuse me? 24 books numerous published articles teaching in Kiev Berlin Zurich, South Africa Preaching regularly in my church
I Do a lot of debates, but I do much more than that and Debates are normally just something that flows out of the rest of the work
I really doubt that anybody in this group has read any of my books on any subject at all
But you're more than willing to judge my heart Hmm wonder what that means Why run and why employ
Michael Brown if if if you I don't employ Michael Brown but Michael Brown is a dear friend if you would do a little research you would see we have debated together in the past and we have debated each other and Because we don't agree on everything but we set a real standard for how to disagree as Brothers in Christ, and so I love
Michael and when it comes to the issue of Things Jewish debating rabbis
Knowledge of the Jewish traditions and the Hebrew Testament I Can say without fear of contradiction if you take the top?
100 teachers and all the BHI groups and put them together They would not have the knowledge that Michael Brown has of the
Hebrew Old Testament That's not even I don't even think that's arguable So I can see why it sounds like you guys are afraid of him.
I I could understand that Feel like you've had a win if you feel like this is not worth it.
Why go drag up the goyim of all goyim He is rejected by his own pale people and I reject him
Notice the anti -judaism the anti -semitism in this movement is to as well. The racism here is just rampant
It's it's it's just it's repulsive It really is so sad to hear these men just so consumed in their racist hatred that it results in this utter abandonment of logic rational thought consistency
It's uh, it's a warning to all of us as a Total beast. I really do.
I Respected a smidgen as a scholar simply because of his knowledge of Hebrew language, but Michael Brown So is the plan to bring in Michael Brown and James White and vocab alone?
Is that gonna be the terrible three? the terrible three Um What what does this mean
I I Simply wanted to have a dialogue about some claims that were made
So on the one side if I don't now make this if I don't just engage every single group that I'm a coward on The other side if I keep doing this,
I'm part of a conspiracy So, what am I supposed to do Because that's all
I see that's all I see and there is nobody else There is nobody
Willing to take this far Because everybody the same fight has debated he debated them based on his hatred for the
King James Bible I'm sorry, I keep playing with his light over here because it keeps wanting to tip down.
Um, I Do not hate the King James Bible. I oppose
King James only ism Which is a perversion of the King James Bible is a perversion of the intention of the translators the
King James Bible But I do not hate the King James Bible. That is a gross misrepresentation And once again,
I would be willing to bet this individual has never even read my book on the King James on the controversy So, I mean again
I I don't sense a lot of concern about truthfulness
Being careful and what you say and when you hate people, why should you see one of the reasons that I?
Do the work I do to prepare for debates is to show respect for the person I disagree with So when you have this kind of rhetoric, which is just empty rhetoric
It really reflects on who you are as an individual and it also reflects on the weight to be assigned to your opinion
Which in this case is pretty much nothing. I Mean, it's all about hatred for the
King James, but y 'all should go back Yeah, it's real old debates
It's like it's like this bro, this is and I told you this earlier Edwards my problem and like I'm gonna like you like James The dude knows some stuff
I'm not gonna say he's dumb, which is almost what makes it worse that he's not
But the way you and divine went on there and having flustered
Instead of having one of y 'all. I think they must must be talking about the phone calls
Where we answered questions, I don't remember being flustered I remember people trying to sort of take over the program and just go on and on and on but You know how it is.
Well, you had him flustered. I guess it's that's the best you can come up For sit down and talk in this discussion he wants it around to a car
Like that and it look Excuse me, but when we did that program of vocab
The next day was already scheduled They contacted me They're the ones that contacted me and said we want to do this.
It was damage control. We all know that So it wasn't me looking for somebody they contacted me and said we'd like this
I said, well if you do It needs to be in a debate format. And here's here's how it would be laid out on top of that on top of that The cold thing is notice when he referenced us only talked about this vile hatred, right?
But he didn't reference the fact that in our video we went to the primary sources which video
I've seen one You went to no primary sources you just mocked elder a cop
That's all you did. You you were primarily having fun going Look at that bleep and he's just he's just getting his bleep kicked and you're laughing.
That's all I saw I don't know know nothing about any other videos that you have on any subject because again
If you cannot speak Without dropping f -bombs and profanities
I Consider you childlike. I consider you a child Children are undisciplined in their speech
Adults are supposed to outgrow that The Bible says we were to have a spirit of self -discipline.
So from this moss in the Greek look it up You don't have that. So no,
I'm not searching the internet going. Oh, I wonder what these guys have to say about original sources No, not really interested.
You can clean up your act and show some respect. Well, it's a different subject, but You didn't in this video.
That's for sure He demanded of recall. He didn't respond to that that the even the dedicate that he holds his gold
Doesn't go along with what he would say in the presence. He built So why didn't you go into the what we addressed you scholastically, you know?
Um cuz I Didn't see it and wasn't talking to you. Huh? I mean
If I google my name I've got King James only us and Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses and one this
Pentecostals and all sorts of different viewpoints of Muslims All put the stuff up every day.
I literally would not have enough hours in the day just simply to follow everything it's put out there and Given that you guys
Aren't even on my radar Um, how could you explain did you did you ascertain did you ask the question as to whether I have even
Viewed these debates But you're willing to condemn me for not having viewed them But you don't know whether I saw which
I did again, this kind of thinking just No rationality. No rationality.
We can deal reasonably you understand I'm saying You Right This is a
Case you didn't notice it. You are making up a theory about what my motives are
That has no data behind it because you have no evidence that I even saw anything other than the one video
I made reference to that's called a conspiracy theory No, he knows how to talk like like when he see when he was on there
And he was saying certain stuff, did you see how red James white face guy?
Understand and that's why we serve a God that's just so beautiful and grateful and he has such a gracious I mean it has such a sense of humor that he said these liars
I'm gonna give I'm gonna make sure everybody can see when they're lying see It's All these groups are now like you should have been debating us you should have been debating us it's just Reminds me of my childhood on the playground, you know, you should have picked me with the team
I'm better Wow Yeah, I gotta let the gorilla
Hebrew finish I'm gonna get to you the brother I got you Yeah, but yeah, you know, that's all
I was saying I just find it real funny that that Is that the scholarship that he demanded of recall that we then in turn present general with the
Sunday Sabbath? Because I mean, here's the thing sometimes, you know, we'll get in this We'll get into this rhetoric sometimes as visualized we all fall victim to it because We're so familiar with the subject matter and we go over it so much and sometimes we just you know
It just comes off the top So what we have to understand is it was not at the Nicaea Council when
Sunday was made to Sabbath It was prior to the Nicaea Council, right? And that's cool because we brought the primary document
You know the company Constantine did that, you know We brought primary documents of church fathers attesting to the fact that Christmas was
Placed on the day of the celebration of soul and vidicus the Roman Sun God Which of course, we know it deals with the winter solstice and Saturnalia and all that I would love to see what this original documentation is to primary documents from people who you as Authoritative, but of course he said nothing about any of that You ever said
I'm saying because he just wants to play the hell again dialectic you see them that's what he's doing
He's playing the hell again dialectic hell again dialectic I Think you're talking about Hegel and it's called
Hegelian dialectic At least I think You're a crazy anger -driven
Conspiracy theorist and I am a certified theologian So anything you say is bullshit as long as I say otherwise
Now remember this is all based upon the assumption that I follow their YouTube channel and cling to their every word and if this was a different group then
There would be a different group of people saying well, you should have listened to our video You should have done this you should have done that Real quick they
Too much away, but it's so funny And you're gonna see this am I am I in my discourse with vocab my other one that's getting ready to come out
It's so funny because they use this term new covenant so much, but when we go to the new covenant
My nigga, where's what you're talking about in the new covenant the new covenant says I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and Judah and put the laws in their hearts
So for you to say that the law is done away with in the new covenant in it all Gentiles are a part of this new covenant
Okay, no knowledge of what new covenant theology versus covenant theology is no knowledge of the application in Hebrews 8 in regards to Jews and Gentiles Just just a lot of ignorance going on and being thrown out there without Much thought
The law is going to be a part of the new covenant by the way do away with the law, what do you mean?
Whoever said that Paul Romans 3 we established the law What's the purpose of the law to show us our influence drive us to it's a schoolmaster bring us under Christ We might be justified by faith not by keeping law
It's the fundamental argument of Romans and Galatians which these folks overthrow It's just going to be second nature for the houses of Judah and Israel to do that You understand
I'm saying so but they they they subscribe to something called new covenant theology, right?
So when I look up the definition of new covenant theology in it of itself contradicts itself within its own
Definition and it's a logical fallacy. So that's all they're dealing with. You understand I'm saying but go ahead and That's all they're dealing with I'm not even a new covenant theologian and that's all they're dealing with We won't read any of those all those books that they make available on covenant theology here
We got the mighty Hebrew joining us also known as the tribal minister
Representing the sovereign nationalism movement for the Hebrew real quick Let the people know where they can find that footage and where that little mini -series or documentary with human vocabs gonna air good brother
From what I understand on his urban theologian YouTube. It should be coming out on Sunday I already have permission to then take that and reupload it on to my youtube channel
So either go to his or my youtube channel Which is youtube .com backslash Akari one seven one five and you'll be able to see that footage as soon as it's up I will put it right up and your website is
Kari 1715 if our exit is 1750 Website is exit is 1715 dollars.
We'll make sure you put the WWW doc in front of All right, that's the chief priest al -azhar ben lawyer aka brother
Hebrew represent the Sakkari sect I want to turn it over to the mighty Hebrew real quick now
I'm gonna go to you how it up and then after that I want to lay out some subject matter, but our tribal minister
Good evening. Welcome. Shalom. Good brother. Give us your uh, you know your understanding and your feelings your opinion about some of this
You know insanity and hypocrisy that's taken place mighty Hebrew Okay First and foremost giving all praise and honor to y 'all.
Well, I will even my forefathers. I'm gonna have you scoffing y 'all cool How's the panel doing tonight?
Everybody's great So great. I do well so long good to hear from you
King. Okay, okay Yeah, I Sat back and I looked at the whole presentation
First and foremost, I looked at the first part A couple of days ago and there's something that really struck a nerve in me when this man by the name of dr
James white was asked for primary sources if we really look and closely
Examine part one. He never gave any crimes of primary sources himself
He kept pushing rock all that actually come from either description to entrap them
They actually screened the whole Israelite community whether to our senator
Messianic a screen and they singled out GOCC purposely because a lot of the doctrine of GOCC You know quiet as this cap is
Christian in base now remember Until last week
I had no idea any of these groups were and I still don't have a really good idea
All the acronyms and the splits and you know all the infighting and all this stuff all
I knew was I listened to what vocab said on Apollo gear and I listened to the dialogue.
He did with Elric on the GOCC guys And he told me the GOCC guys are the best behaved
But that means a lot to me It speaks about your heart it speaks about your maturity and These folks don't buy that fine.
I got my standards and I think I can give pretty decent defense of it anyway but notice the imputation of motivations as if somehow well they did this because they chose this group because they're the most like this and and Remember vocab even said that one of the insults that these groups throw at the
GOCC. Well, they're Christian So there you have it Vocab is being shown to be accurate in his representation of what these groups say and you just you just heard it right there
And that's just the reality, you know of the situation and they singled Raqqa out of purpose
To actually use him as a catalyst and make it seem as though he defeated the whole
Hebrew's white nation That is baloney I Heard one dialogue
He made two statements. I asked him to dialogue about that. We did This group attacked
Elric Ha because of that mercilessly childishly violent and GOCC contacted me and Asked me to do a second encounter.
And so we did that's it has nothing to do No, grandiose plans or any silliness like this whatsoever.
This is just made up Conspiracy theories, huh? You're trying to make it look like we have we just do conspiracy theories and then you do conspiracy theories
So Some are messianic brothers start reaching out to me so what
I did was I put a piece together called no Israelite left behind on BTV connected with Hellraiser Judah priests and sponsored by sons of man and We try to upload two and three and you two will not let us upload it at all and I expose
Dr. James white, you know, and I show primary sources because I was interviewed in black and Nobel books and we show primary sources
Showing that we know that the day of Sunday is really the worship of the
Sun We know that the Romans learned from the Hellenists and in turn they learn from Kemet and in turn they learn from Babylon There's primary sources all over that we can prove
I would really be interested in what these folks think our primary sources, but be that as it may without a shadow of doubt that Roman Catholicism is
Clearly based on paganism and even when you start talking about, you know The doctoral understanding of James white when you look at Martin Luther who actually
Protested against the Roman Catholic Church He was a Roman Catholic priest himself and all he did was cross over certain
Roman Catholic elements within the Protested movement or the Protestant movement and then you get all these different branches
So him constant interesting view of the Reformation, but we won't spend much time saying, you know
There's no primary sources and on top He understood that Raquel Raquel didn't understand the college level of debating on the time on the time clock he did that on purpose because yeah,
I did that on purpose it Because I do debates because it is a well -known has been known for hundreds of years form of Scholarly interaction because it shows respect for the audience because it allows for equal time frames now people talking over one another
Yeah, I did that on purpose Most definitely because that's the way to do it and I stand by it and everybody who saw knows that I had to keep stopping him because look most folks struggle to Get done a certain time, but I've got an advantage there.
I'll be honest with you. I grew up doing radio Working with a clock Getting things done on time
That's second nature to me what I've done in my entire life longer than most you guys been a lot. So Yeah You bet it was purposeful and and it was right to do it that way, too
He already studied the elder and he understood that he's long -winded Okay, there's there's there's a word of truth, yep, he's long -winded
He he he likes to talk He's not alone in that but let's give let's give credit where credit's due.
You know, I was listening to this guy and Sort up to this point. I was going well, you know, here's somebody
Might be worth talking to or something like that. And then it's gonna all fall apart here to say
Purpose and that was a disservice now for my observation today I'm not gonna
I'm not going to just single Rakha out and say he completely lost with the man did was use the
Bible as his primary source and base of argument and discussion and because the world is
Going into the prophecy of Daniel and knowledge will run to and fro and our people have been bamboozled to look at the
Bible as mythical that we have Came into a mind state that we need all these primary sources to validate our system of beliefs spirituality
Culture, etc, etc So to the secular world Raqqa lost but to the spiritual minded that understands that the scriptures the primary source
Raqqa fucked him up if you really look at the whole argument today
So the f -bomb aside You can make unfounded assertions
About the text of Scripture the history of it the original languages, whatever else and if you demand that you back up your statements
Then you're not spiritual. That's what you just heard and and that's that's what every cult does
That's it because they can't they can't back up what they're saying meaningfully now notice notice the inconsistencies here on one side
There'll be all this way we gave all these videos, which of course didn't watch because not interested in us, but We we we provide all this original information and now and if you demand that then you're not spiritual.
Um, which one is it gonna be? Inconsistency is the sign of a failed argument or in this case a failed theology
Stuck into his basic belief in Principle that man right there his principle dealing with his belief base is so shook that he goes to outside sources to validate his point like here's a prime example when he used wrong and I'm Torresinic, but I'm Inquisitive when you listen to how he tried to quote
Romans 9 and he used now go back and listen to this That was a point in the in the debate
There to any rational thinking person there was no question There's no question.
The context is clear. I Went into the actual text
I can You know these guys I'll bet you not a one of them Has watched the debate on Romans 9 from last summer
It's available online, but they don't care Or I walked through end of Romans 8 all the way through Romans chapter 9
Exegetically on the basis the original language text There's not a one of them in that room that can do that not a one of them, but why doesn't that make them think?
Why doesn't that make them go? Hmm, maybe we should listen to what he said and see they don't even want to they didn't want to hear
They don't even want to hear thankfully Others do others do you know all the verses he never used the precept
Line upon line when you look at Raqqa he would he just exegeted it rather than bringing a tradition in Enforcing it to say what his tradition said
There you go all the way back to bigger sheet with Genesis the second chapter to prove that the
Sabbath was the Sabbath of creation and Then he used Exodus and other verses and even verses in the book of Acts Showing that even after the death of Yeshua or Yahushua or Yeshaya that the disciples was still
Upholding the Shabbat then he used in Isaiah chapter 60 the chapter 66
Showing that the Gentiles will be under the feet of the children of Israel Yasha Allah Raqqa kept it biblical because that is the primary base
I think they keep are going to keep coming with propaganda. They're going to keep so -called
Exposing but I guarantee not one Hebrew Israelite whether New Testament or Torah based not one of them that we consider a
Hebrew scholar in the religious text with the language the history of how the
Movement started or anything look what makes vocab Malone the leading authority on the history of one
West and rabbi Matthews and rabbi Westworth All the sudden he's the authoritative figure on that history come on now, but uh
Alvin Yacob Yeah, how it'll meet Kyle gorilla. He take it away. I'll just listen and checking out the live stream.
Go ahead y 'all Let me say this, right? Let me say this and this is what These these
Christians they have I mean they skip right past the gospel though. They talk Christ Christ Christ Christology They skip the gospel and I'm gonna say this and this is our miss they have their mission statements and their missions now remember
The entire third part of the debate was on what the gospel
People have already put up a bunch of videos Of what I said there and it was the gospel
But I reminded the more missionary that told me once that before he was saved He would read like through the
Gospel of John then once he was saved he went back and look what he had marked and as an unsaved person
He did not see What the Gospel of John was saying it was and he hadn't marked the things that now meant the most to him
It's a spiritual thing In this contradict this damn so but this is our mission statement and this is what the world calls price
Yeah, I was are quoting the prophet Isaiah Luke 4 and 18 The spirit of the
Lord is upon me because he had anointed me to preach the gospel So the poor way the gospel the gospel the gospel is to the poor.
Hey, are you poor? Check this out. We go with that studio. You got we
So art that little room that used to have Ceiling tiles on the walls
That we rent for a ridiculously small amount of money from a church That rich worked so hard to peel the titles off and and paint and you got you know cheapy target shelf in the back with some of my library and and a lava lamp in And they wanted they want to try and make that a real big rich place, yeah
Okay, right. That's it. That's it in our cribs on a Google hangout right now. Okay? Nigga, you got any back of the studio?
We preach the gospel to the poor He has sent me to heal the broken -hearted.
You don't got a broken heart. Why would you have a broken heart? With all that rape robbery and murder your ancestors did to get you in this position lie lie and more lies
And if you keep telling those lies It's gonna result in more death and more destruction
Stop telling lies stop living in the past This racism racism is just disgusting it is just Vile it is it is repulsive You should be rejoicing and you are then that seldom say bless me the
Lord Get back to Luke 118 He has sent me to heal the broken -hearted to preach deliverance to the captains and recovering of sight to the blind and to sit at Liberty them are then that are bruised to priest the acceptable gear of the
Lord That's what we're doing. And guess what you get sick.
So what you're doing not even close to what you're doing. You're spewing racism You've perverted the scriptures.
You don't know what the gospel is and you contradict the gospel don't Don't call that gospel.
We're not coming together. But here's the difference between us and y 'all we are all nationalists
So because we are nationalists, yeah, I'm not a nationalist in any way shape or form
My citizenship is in the kingdom of heaven. You got that one, right? We can put our differences to the side for the betterment of our nation
Especially when our gates are being besieged and we recognize a perceivable threat is coming
Period go ahead Mike man.
I'm sitting here my hair my hair on my arms standing up. I want you to keep going I'm telling you that is so real when you're true to the purpose and true to the calling there is no
No mystery about the litmus test of who we are and who they are
Who they are and we just read it the definition collusion these people make an agreement to play like their enemies
I'm gonna say it one more time. They made an agreement to play like their enemy sounds like conspiracy theory stuff again, but we're the ones that are supposed to be falsely accusing them of conspiracy theories
But you see watch the word of the Lord and men that submit to the word will bring that litmus test it up to the
To the floor. He just did what I just said the definition of collusion those two compartmentalized
Aspects of the synagogue of Satan. He ran and tucked his tail when he got his bruises
James But he wants to bring in Mikey Michael Brownie. He wants to bring Brownie in but now
I'm telling you They have made an agreement To play enemy and their people and even those that come over like I call
Mike Brownie the goyim of all goyim even Tobias singer Won't accept
Michael Brown But Michael Brown accepts Tobias singer Michael Brown accepts
James white Something's wrong with their little triangle of filth.
They are going on. I have No idea Logically irrational how you put any any meaning in what was just said
I really Wow But that's what we're dealing with in this this fight against collusion
But again, the brother said that calling those things that identify us as the people of God will never
Be quashed never be squashed You can't tear out the books that says that the curse is although bad and negative
They will fall on a certain people for their rebellion and we are proud to say we rebelled but we are here
We're here and I'm telling you man. I love y 'all brothers to death man. So I'm not let me say that again
I love y 'all to life the life of our nation be a resurrected Hallelujah, and I just want to say this one thing
I Think the brother's absolutely right right because if we look and we take notice to what's going on all they trying to do is separate the
Ethnic movement from the religion or what they call the religion But when we really when it really comes down to it, what gives you the right to tell us how we celebrate our indigenous roots
We have no right to tell us how to do that But they feel like they're gonna come in and dismantle what we're talking about based on their
Eurocentric view of religion And on top he said that well the
Jews Didn't accept the Maccabees. They didn't accept the apocryphal books.
Well, that's kind of funny, right? Because when you look at the whole story of the
Maccabee a revolt You got the so -called Jews to this day that you Hanukkah which
Mighty mighty brothers. That's it. Now. Listen this so because Hanukkah arises in the intertestamental period that somehow overthrows the documentary evidence that the deuterocanonical books the apocryphal books were never accepted as Scripture by the
Jews Josephus lists 22 minor prophets rolled into one 22 to 24 and When you look at the list, they're the 39 books we have today separated out
Josephus listen those books were never laid up in the temple There was no separate
Alexandrian canon from the Palestinian camp. I would just I would just challenge these men
To go try to read because it would be very challenging for them they don't seem to have the the education to be able to read the original languages that are mentioned in it, but Go read
Roger Beckwith's the Old Testament canon New Testament Church And let me just tell you something guys until you can do that and until you can engage it in a meaningful fashion
You're just playing games. You're just playing internet games. It's all you know, it's all you don't
But you won't does not in the New Testament their sweet Jesus Christ observe
Hanukkah, okay I don't think he meant this but their sweet Jesus Christ.
He's not yours. You're not bowing and Lord to his lordship That's for sure. And that's what we're trying to call you With the candles burning but it's all dealing with the
Maccabean people going against the Cilician Kings But the real reason why they don't want us to accept the apocryphal books
Because don't books reveal the Hellenization of Israel and they don't want to deal with that and that right there
Is one of the key elements that will show without a shadow of doubt
That the children of Israel became Hellenized and in turn it crossed over into Christian thought also, also brother
Let's not forget 2nd Ezra's 13 and Barsher another point that they want to bury from the planet, right?
Absolutely that the northern kingdom of Israel came over here and became known as the North American South American and Central American Indians and I'm tour the
Senate and I'm saying that the natives are in fact Israelites and they are trying to cover up 2nd
Ezra's 13 Purposely because that is the outline showing that we went through the
Euphrates You mean the Tyrus River through the Euphrates going across the southern tip of Africa going into the mountains of South America and spreading throughout
North America South America and Central America I Can't I can't go
Okay Remember these guys aren't into conspiracy theories
But the guy who has debated the Jesuits Who's done? More than 30 moderate public debates against leading
Roman Catholic apologists Okay Is he a Jesuit?
But I will tell you that several of his books are endorsed by Jesuits Yes, so in other words because the
Trinity book has a endorsement from Mitch Packwood Okay, and here comes the guilt by association thing again the inconsistencies here amazing
Before you answer I can see on record he is a Jesuit now one might say well I'm saying
If you are So if your whole premise is associated with the
Jesuits and your whole premise is the high and Concealed who he said
L is or gotcha Allah is you a Jesuit you are part of the Illuminati Societies the building birds the
Rockefellers the DuPonts the wall shot Conspiracy Earlier Wasn't it said that we were just trying to make it sound like they are
Spewing conspiracy theories that that that's how it gets conspiracy theory to you sound like one to me.
I Don't know if they don't realize that they are Doing They really seem like they're trying to Contradict themselves.
I don't think they see it again when you live in an echo chamber You don't get challenged on these inconsistencies.
And so you don't see them and you're allowed to just Spew them which is what they're doing
You're part of the conspiracy in here in Pennsylvania. I'm not gonna be long when I'm letting go here in Pennsylvania Let's say hypothetically me and guerrilla
Hebrew we do a robbery together bang. I shoot somebody and kill him Guess what in Pennsylvania?
He's willing his second degree murder through conspiracy and he gonna have life right up all with me
The only difference is first green you can get death second degree
You can't get death you get life, but in Pennsylvania is natural life forever You can't never get out.
So my whole point that I'm saying is he's guilty by association So to answer your question to our doc, he's a
Jesuit Wow, yeah, that's exactly
I say wow, there's no reasoning going on there none Logic rationality reason let's throw it out the window.
Let's Let's not even try to be serious You can't take that kind of thing.
Seriously, it can be used to prove anything he do well on our belt with that kind of thinking but Wow Like I said mighty
Hebrew and Guerrilla Hebrew, I'll make sure there's time at the end. I'll let you brothers close this out
However, you want to I want y 'all to give your blog what you got going on even take us out of prayer
If you feel if you feel that's proper Dr. James White kept in both of his debates
He kept bringing up the Apocrypha and he's saying I could challenge you on the Apocrypha. All right
I want to know why the Hebrew Israelites are Using the Apocrypha as an authoritative force and you know when the
Jews in an ancient time They never subscribe to that as scripture. It wasn't authority.
So that's one thing. I want to hear you guys speak on and also Friday night when
Mikael goes in I've got some stuff on dr. James White himself And I'm gonna bring that out because there's some other leading
Something tells me somebody's doing Google searches and they're gonna find
King James only Mormons and dig everything out and will there be fairness consistency or will they just want to believe anything as long as they can use it because Well, because the facts are pretty tough to deal with Yeah, not the first time we've seen that Christian Christian biblical scholars and in the academic field and they don't rock with a lot of the things
He said not only that I saw a documentary Where they go through several of his books and where he inserted footnotes and numbers
Where he was supposed to insert a source or evidence Yeah, bet you anything in some type of jack -chick video.
What do you bet? That's my guess. I Never put it in there. He left it blank in it he never made it clear that that's his opinion and he tried to prove it and put it in his book with footnotes and Source clip notes like it was factual.
So by the jit Right, though. I'm saying by some means that's him
He's correct the Jews or the so -called Jews never accepted the
Apocrypha Yeah, that's what we need to understand who he's talking about. He's not talking about the children of Israel Clearly when he speaks about the so -called
Jews and trying to merge the name Israel because he did that tonight And he did that the first time
Actually taught using New Testament language because that's what the Apostles did. I'm talking about the
Jews of Jesus's day There's only one Jew Jewish people all this stuff about I'm sorry
All these other theories just no one else takes it seriously and there's a reason why they shouldn't take it seriously
When he's speaking of the so -called Jews, he's talking about those that live in the state of Israel Now ask an
Aussie. That's exactly who he's talking about. So he's absolutely correct Harry Rosenberg in it, right?
Don't accept the Apocrypha now that let me take that back most of them though because you definitely got
Messianic Jews and when I say messy, I'm not talking about Israelites that acknowledge. I wish I the Messianic Jewish Jews for Jesus But the point
I'm just saying is a man is right the so -called Jews don't accept the Apocrypha But the reality is it shows that Israel as a whole and I'm just speaking
Academically, we are not quote -unquote Jewish. We are the Israelites Me what
I'm saying is when he was bringing that out He was using it and challenging it saying that like it should not be brought.
It should not be taught It should not be researched at all throughout any of the Israelites that are teaching out of it now now the point is if you want to claim that you are the true descendants of Israel and Those people never accepted those books as canonical then you're contradicting yourself.
You're being inconsistent That's all Not you know, I mean not every and we know not everybody subscribes to it
But that doesn't mean that it's not credible or can't be used as a secondary source to back up scriptures and we know that There's several versions of the 1611s that come with the
Apocrypha Yeah, and you know what else you know, what else is there to can that James White makes many references to what is called
Really by me labors turn the apocryphal New Testament. He may Ignatius is not apocryphal work
Ignatius is one of the apostolic fathers and I'm simply demonstrating the consistent interpretation
By the early Christians of Certain things it's not an apocryphal work by any stretch of the imagination
References to Magnesians Trillions, you know, these are those are letters of Ignatius to different churches
Books that many people don't read but he relies on them as secondary information
And he even said it in the conversation with rock rocker. He talked about I think might nearly
Magnesians Magnesians or how that word is and that he uses those with this same assertion of wanting to take away the
Apocrypha from us, but the actual cat There is no
Logical or rational connection between the two subjects that are currently being forced together and speaks of the apocrypha and why
I believe the brother said with equivocation I mean Exclamation that he is a
Jesuit is because he is a disinformation agent. That's what Jesuit moles and priests and agents do they are
Disinformation agents, they will argue with you and you could be a hundred percent, right? They'll argue with you just so that you can be wrong and they'll take your right stance
You see and this is what we're dealing with James, right James, right? I Want to know what they got there on the table real quick The fact that a letter that I own its rights to the last of the monies that is in the apocrypha
You find that also in Josephus You and that's a profound point and I'm glad you brought that point up because that's got to be added to the repertoire
So we're dealing with this So why don't you take Josephus's testimony as to the non -canonical status of your talker?
Gentiles conversation and they act as if there wasn't massive and that's funny Y 'all gonna see most high willing with his vocabulary
Vocabulary Malone joint drops that I just had. Well, there's a book I got called the Hellenistic civilization of the
Jews, right? And it shows how it how these Greek people were saying there is not any city
I can go to where these Jews are not everywhere in Greece and Also how mass amounts of them were totally assimilating into Greco -Roman culture and abandoning what they call
Judaism And also when we go to Acts chapter 2, which
I'm surprised nobody really went into When they come out so, you know,
I had to go there but go ahead That's what I was wondering why the good brother or elder Ricard didn't go there
To break down the fact that these were Jews from every nation under heaven and 3 ,000 of these men who were dwelling coming to honor the
Passover That's why they were in Jerusalem to honor the Passover got converted unto following the
Messiah 3 ,000 men Where did those? Oh, did they go back to their hometown?
Of course, were they gonna start church to spread this new message, of course. So who do you think Paul is right?
I think I'm not sure but I think the point is being argued there was that That allows you to limit
Ephesians to just Jewish proselytes rather than a Gentile. So I'm not sure if that's the arguments being made But sound like it sound like it which would be absurd, but Me and a brother mighty was touching on it dealing with the apocryphal 2nd
Ezra's 13 They have to suppress these prophecies because it makes it so clear who it's talking about Can you take a look at 2nd
Ezra's 13 dealing with Auschwitz? People coming over here to the Americas dwelling here And then when you factor in Jeremiah 50 and 33, which is a latter -day prophecy speaking about Judah and Israel Both kingdoms getting oppressed together.
I guess what they're trying to talk about in 2nd Ezra's Those are the ten tribes which carried away prisoners out of their own land at the time of Uzziah the king
When Salmonazer was king of Assyria led them away captive and carried them over the waters and so Came they into another land but they took this council among themselves that they would leave the multitude of the heathen and Go forth into a further country where never mankind dwelt
That they might keep their statutes which they never kept in their own land is and They entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river.
Is that what they're talking about? That that's South America in America. I thought
I guess there's you know if Context next
Jesus doesn't mean you can make Make anything say anything, but maybe that's what talking about But can you show me outside of ancient
Egypt a place where Judah and Israel were oppressed together You can't show me that but it's speaking about this daughter of Babylon where this would take place at so they have to negate those prophecies on top of that But you go to Ezekiel the fourth chapter in Ezekiel the fourth chapter when it says that Judaism was all come together for four approximately four hundred and thirty years of bearing burden and oppression.
This is a prophecy It's not recapping on Egypt. What is that talking about? You understand I'm saying and then when it says that we shall be saved out of the hand of our enemies so we're gonna be saved out of the hand of our enemies and we've been oppressed for four hundred thirty years and Who is our enemy that she
I mean, it's just so problematic. I mean, these are just the rudimentary level arguments see once you adopt an overriding hermeneutic that ignores context and Allows you to say that the words of Scripture didn't have any meaning to the people to whom they're originally given
Did the original context don't matter and there are lots of quote -unquote Christian groups do the same thing
You know Joseph Smith did this and inserting prophecies about himself and you know The two sticks become the
Bible in the Book of Mormon All that stuff as long as you don't have to worry about what it meant at the time
You can come up with any fulfillment no matter how wacky how crazy you can apply to anything and so any group that has experienced any level of persecution or slavery or oppression and there have been thousands of such groups
They can turn these into prophecies of themselves It's really easy to do as long as you don't worry about what the text actually means
That just a couple scriptures can cause that Jenga house or that house of cards that they've built to fall to the ground
You see what I'm saying, which is exactly why they do not want to engage With anybody who is not a
Roman sacrificer like we're called Wasn't vocab on with him
Consistency That says that the boy will be sold for wine
Yes, sir. The girl will also be sold They sell the girl for wine and the boy for a harlot
Right sir So during the West African slave trade I did some research myself
They actually were selling them for ramen guns and other things like that That's true
It says Tyria and Zion did that to her It says Tyria and Zion See if that then had
If that ever happened anyplace else That would be irrelevant But since it happened there then that's what the connections doesn't
Doesn't matter if that's what the original writer intended. That's why sound hermeneutics very important Are they gonna dispute whether or not those are hammock hammocks?
Okay, okay You gotta watch out because some of them do because they swear that the
Corinthians. I mean, it's not not the Corinthians I mean Carthaginians were
Caucasian folks. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, of course I would like for the two brothers
Shalom, Shalom I would like if the two brothers wouldn't mind taking a stance to go in on the agricultural implications
We're talking about grafting someone into a tree or some other trees into another tree
Oh wait, oh wait, you know what? I'm so happy. I'm so glad I'm so glad you touched on that brother
And I'm gonna tell you something that's ill about you saying that right now There's one prophet
Who's in my mind right now? Okay, which is the prophet Jeremiah that young weeping prophet.
All right, you know I'm saying cuz I'll be feeling in that spirit sometime because I take a look at the
Wound that's been laid upon our people, you know, and it saddens me, you know And it saddens me to the point where yeah,
I do have a lot of adverse feelings and quite frankly hatred Towards dr.
James White and his fellows, right but to this point Jeremiah This is where I'm gonna go about this agricultural thing now compare that with anything
Jeremiah said nothing Jeremiah never said would ever give a racist a basis for hating someone simply because of their race
But he's gonna tell a little bit more about his own background, which
I think will help explain a lot of that number one like I pointed out Um Agriculture works in a certain way.
I can't grab an apple into a citrus. I can't do it But I can grab the orange and a lemon and a lime and a grapefruit together because they're the same kind The most high speaks about kinds.
Okay, you grab you plant seeds. You don't plant seeds together of diverse Kinds, that's what the law says in the most how does it change his tour is everlasting, right?
So with that in mind, I want to go to the book of Jeremiah real quick And I'm gonna go to Jeremiah 2 and 21 because this is what it's gonna speak about these clinical unnatural branches
Jeremiah 2 and 21 yet. I had planted the unknowable vine Worthy holy.
All right. See that's what we are. How then art thou Israel? Hold on. Hold on Mario first my little brother -in -law
How then art thou turn into the degenerate plant of a strange vine and to me?
Israel turn into a degenerate or unnatural branch But as it says in Proverbs 11 and 16, if the first fruits be holy, then the luck is holy
With that It's a complete misuse of Jeremiah chapter 2 it's talking about the vineyard so on and so forth
But notice what it actually says. It's talking about Israel's refusal to serve and serving of the bales
For long ago you broke your yoke and burst your bonds and you said I will not serve on every high hill and every green tree
You sprawled and played the whore yet I planned you as a choice vine from the purest stock and then did you turn degenerate become a wild vine though?
You wash yourself with lye and use much so the stain of your guilt is still before me says Yahweh God How can you say
I am NOT defiled I have not gone after the bales this all had a historical context Trying to rip it out of that context and apply it to something what?
2 ,300 years later Total abuse total abuse of the text
Hallelujah and I want to just close with a quote from Judas Maccabeus and it's first Maccabees chapter 2 verse
See what started Verse 67. Well, no, no, no, no, no.
No, it's called verse 66 It says Judas Maccabees has been a mighty warrior from his youth
He shall command the army for you and fight the battle against the peoples
You shall rally around You all who observe the law one more time.
You shall rally around you all who observe the law and Avenge the wrong done to you or done to your people
Pay back the Gentiles in full and finally my brothers
Obey the commands of the law and I think that's going to be a Foundational principle on any
Israelite on this panel and across the nation That very thing that mr.
White and these other people are trying to pull us away from but Even in the scriptures it tells us to be faithful to that which we have been taught from the very beginning
Even Titus and Timothy and those that Paul taught Hold fast brothers to the law to that which even
Christ submitted to And we'll be alright, and we're gonna have victory So I'm telling you full victory.
Y 'all just don't know how happy I am right now because we've been looking for this opportunity Take the world stage
Take it back and a re -established the right way So again,
I love y 'all brothers to life man to life and keep going hard Can't cane.
I just want to uh, and one more thing to the question I had asked brothers was that you know, when you look at the text itself matter of fact
Let me just go there and begin and I'm gonna start in Romans 11 11 And it says
I say then have they stumbled that they should fall God forbid But rather through their fall salvation has come to the
Gentile for to provoke them to jealousy for one a
According to Paul here you the Gentiles wouldn't even have been open for salvation
It was not to provoke the natural branches to jealousy and I'm going with their premise that the
Gentiles is all of the nations I'm gonna walk with that for a while and then in verse 12, it says for if the fall of them
Be the richest of the world and the diminishes of them the riches of the Gentiles How much more their fullness again is talking about Israelites coming into the fullness of the promise that is promised to them
Verse 13 for I speak unto you Gentiles as much as I am a fossil of the Gentiles I magnify mine office if by any means
I may provoke to immolation them Which are my flesh because it's flesh and blood are
Israelites and might save some of them Again the whole purpose of them being grafted in is to save some of the
Israelites to provoke them to jealousy Who have cast in the way? It doesn't say the only purpose of the
Gentiles being grafted in That is a result. It never says the only purpose.
That's a huge misery of Them be the reconciling of the world.
What shall be the receiving of them? But life from death that is our resurrection
Coming back into fullness of Christ Coming back into being together and under the
Torah to fulfill the will of the Most High God For if the first fruits be holy as the brother gorilla
He just said the whole lump also holy and if the root be holy so are the branches
But if some of the branches be broken off and now being a while olive tree were grafted in among them and With them partakers of the root and fatness of the olive tree, which means you're grafted on It means you're just feeding off our nutrients.
You are not us. You are not the roots a Team says boasts not against the branches
But if thou boasts thou bears not the root But the root be again telling you that is the nation of Israel that is bearing you up If like I said,
I'm giving you your premise that you are the Gentiles that is talking about verse 19
That was saved in the branches were broken off that I might be grafted in and when we look this is exactly what these brothers
They're caught well these Gentiles are doing they're constantly coming at us and telling us that we were broken off so they be grafted in Verse 20.
No, we're not saying anything to them at all because we don't believe they're Israelites in the first place But remember you can't even begin dealing with Romans chapter 11 until you've dealt with Romans 3 4 & 5 and the nature of justification and the fact that you and Gentile together stand before God on the exact same basis
Faith alone in Jesus Christ. Well because of unbelief they were broken off and now stand is by faith
But not high -minded But fear is telling you Gentiles to fear for if God spared not the natural branches
Take heed lest he also spare not thee Behold therefore goodness and severity of God on them which fails
Severity but towards the goodness and if thou continue in his goodness Otherwise thou shalt be cut off So he's also telling you guys you have to continue when you get goodness or else you'll be cut off and I'll just stop right there
I ain't got to go. Oh, man. I just want to say I appreciate you for this invite
I said, I appreciate all the brothers the camp. I'm only Continuing this there's only six minutes left in the video partly because I don't want to be accused of having skipped some important thing
But there's something toward the end that gives us some insight that hopefully will be useful to survive at the end
Especially These two brothers I esteem highly if me and my brother guerrilla
Hebrew we used to clash heads But I tell you man, there's something great in brotherhood
That's that's what the that's what the Lord is bringing out of all of us strength in brotherhood
You know so we can stand stand together as one and that Oneness is even echoed in Deuteronomy 6 and 4 and I always
Always something well, I wouldn't say always but most of the time I close my quotes with Shema Yashar al -Yahuwah
Eloheilu Yahweh Echad Shema Yisrael Yahweh Eloheinu Yahweh Echad That is our credo our mantra so that we don't get confused and get it twisted thinking at the house of Israel is to Problem is the
Apostle Paul expanded that an inspired scripture in 1st Corinthians chapter 8 Highly recommend to take a look at it.
No today is one thinking that there are two gods No today there is one
God and there is but one people that are God's people So I want to say
I love y 'all again to life and let's stay one and let's continue walking together as a nation because we all must be
Torah centered if we even Expect to have salvation as relates to the
New Testament There is no skipping over what Christ submitted himself to guerrilla
Hebrew. I want to give you the closing statements However, you feel fit Considering chief priest
Al -Azhar the Saqqara sect. I feel it's only right but before I turn it over. I want to let everybody know and this is
Something that I wanted to tell you personally and since I had the chance, I'm gonna do it now. I watched the video
On my lunch break earlier this week when you went to the Rasa Crucian Headquarters out out around your way in Cali and I love how you went, you know area by area
Building idle icon, you know bit piece by piece bit by bit and You broke down and condemned
Every single inch of that dilapidated property brother, and I thought that was powerful But the most important part
I loved about that video is at the very end You turn to the east and you put a curse and you condemn everything about that place man, and it was powerful
I definitely enjoyed that. I you know, I just wanted to give you credit for that But uh, you know, the floor is yours
It will be the closing statement tell them about your website your YouTube your social media and take us out of prayer
However, you feel fit to really Hebrew. The floor is yours, bro Yeah, thank you, thank you
I appreciate it I'm humbled, you know, I'm humbled by everybody on this panel I give all praises to the
Most High Yahweh. The name is only begotten son of Messiah immediately Yahushua Um man
Important reason why I'm so humbled is man. I I'm 25 years old
You know what I'm saying? I was gangbanging and selling drugs in elementary school. I got shot in middle school and now
I'm here You understand what I'm saying? And and and that brings me back to a point that my brother
Michael Edwards made To these devils on the show the other day when he said but do you not think that the work that we're doing is important?
May I hear this? I've talked to members of You know black
Muslims Islam Mormonism you name it and when you get young men who made bad choices as a young person didn't have meaningful parental guidance didn't have discipline and They somehow survived many sadly don't look at Chicago and They grab hold of something
That gives them discipline meaning and purpose The truthfulness of it doesn't make any difference because that's what's made.
That's what's allowed them to survive to change To Stop the slide into the abyss, but you need to understand that doesn't make it true and You'd have to admit that if If you talked
I'm sure you've talked to black Muslims a very different perspective very different conclusions very different religious belief
But I'll bet you there's a bunch of them. It could give you the exact same story. You just gave gang -banging shot and then
Found this and how can you question it? Look what it's done? It doesn't make it true.
It might be a stepping stone. Maybe something that's used to Keep you alive until you can come to know the truth
But it doesn't make it true and the problem here is
Hebrew guerrilla guy Your your symbols up on the screen right now.
It hasn't changed your heart. You're still filled with hatred racial hatred racism
You have no peace with God you may use his name all the time you have no peace with God and you know it
You know it in your heart and your soul It's that voice that you just yell louder and louder to drown out
But I know there is no peace When you're filled with hatred You see
Christians real Christians not just nominal Christians surface Christians who are that because that's they're raised with real
Christians Cannot have that kind of hatred in their heart because they themselves have been forgiven
You have self -righteousness you don't speak as one who's been forgiven and so We can't have the attitude that you have and if you ever want to know that piece, that's the path
You have to give up that hatred You have to recognize you're just as loathsome in God's sight as any other race and only then once you're broken down Can Jesus Christ put you back together again
Because I would still be a gang member in the dope cell if I didn't see a sign held up by some guys on the street corner that had that false white image with horns on Because that's what made me click on a video and that's what brought me to the soul
Right there, you know, so what we're doing is profound and it is the most important work on the planet earth
It is the work that who the world calls Christ himself here Because he said himself that I have said not but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel The lost sheep of the house of Israel are strips bloods.
Thanks to disciples Serrano's most angels Latin Kings, etc That's who the lost sheep are and that that's why we're calling ourselves by the names of all of those gangs because we are lost because we are alienated from the time of Israel without Christ in the world as it speaks about in the
Pauline epistles that they seem to trust in so much but they clearly don't know they wrestle with Paul's writings as if Paul had that in mind as if that had would have any meaning to the church at Ephesus that is a perversion of scripture and you know in your heart as they do with other scriptures as our elder
Peter spoke about So let all of that be noted and understood our praise the most high God for this because what's happening is the mass
Awakening of the nation of Israel, which means that the kingdom of Esau is falling second
Ezra 6 7 and 9 speaks about how Esau is the end of the world and Jacob is the beginning of it that follow
So that's what they're afraid of and this this scripture here speaks of us revelations 12 and 12
Therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that will in them woe to the Inhabitors of the earth and of the sea for the devil has come down unto you having great wrath
Because he knoweth that he hath but a short time because they feel their grip loosening
This is why we see more and more black men being murdered in the streets. These white people are so afraid because what?
Who's killing the black men other black men? Do you live in reality?
I mean the facts are plain. What what are you talking about? They feel it in the air their time is up This is the same satanic spirit that is motivating
James white and his contemporaries To try to come against the truth of the most high God as well
So with that I give again all praises to God to the other side. Thank everybody blessings to my brothers here on this on this panel, man
You know, it's a powerful powerful thing that's going on and especially a big shout out to my brother
Michael Edwards because Irregardless of how he and I have flashed hands and times passed when a serious issue comes up he and I Man man, we connect in the spirit of brotherhood.
It's such a pure spirit of brotherhood, you know And that's just so beautiful It's a total attestation to the as he said the oneness of our guide to our and the oneness of us as a people of Israel That's also real quick real quick.
So for I want to encourage and implore all Of you so -called black Hispanic native and he's and those of our other peoples that are scattered throughout the world.
Now is the time Fight the fight eat a revolution You understand I'm saying get on these front lines
Remember them signs that America had with Uncle Sam talking about he wants you the most higher. I would want you in his arm
Stop being the dry bone come to life through the Holy Spirit Take the
Holy Spirit removes the heart of stone Very same section of his ego and gives you a heart of flesh that heart of flesh is not filled with hatred for everybody else
That very same spirit of God is the spirit of God that's convicting you sir of your hatred that you have for me
And that you have based upon skin color Your nationality come back to the Torah and fight this fight
All right. So with that again, I'll praise you. How about you know, so I thank y 'all so long. Well, there you go there is the entire video and If you went all the way through it
I'm sorry that took so long, but I listened all of it this on a ride this morning. I said
There's so much there and I'm just gonna do a quick screen flow on what's quick.
I have to play all of it But I want to say to these these men first of all Racism hatred murder all these things are not of the
Spirit of God The scriptures in your hand if you'll simply lay aside the traditions that are perverting them will tell you
That you're a sinner before God That you need his righteousness and that that Righteousness is only available by faith in Jesus Christ and in him alone all this other stuff
That you're foisting upon the scriptures is keeping you from having peace with God.
I Lay aside your hatred Pray that God would have mercy upon your soul because I realize
I Could be just as hate -filled as you the only I'm no better than you.
The only difference between us is That God has changed my heart. That's it.
I would return your hatred If I hadn't been changed if I hadn't been forgiven myself
That is available that is available to you only in and through Jesus Christ Thanks for listening.