How To Stop a Church from Going WOKE!

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Many churches are going woke! What does that mean and how do you prevent it? Also listen to my podcast titled "Social Justice & The Social Gospel" -    • Social Justice & The Social Gospel   For more information about the ministry visit our website:


So let's turn to Colossians chapter 2 Colossians 2 in this passage the
Apostle Paul Cautions believers not to allow anyone to lead them astray through persuasive words worldly philosophies and the traditions of men
Or don't let anyone lead you astray Through arguments that people kind of cook up to make you start questioning
Your faith or is the bible true or should we really apply it in the modern day? Because there's a strong movement right now
That's doing exactly that And they have their arguments and their responses to scripture and this movement is called
Well, it's called being woke who's heard of this say hey this guy he's woke or that church is going
Woke, I think most of you have probably heard the term by now. I'll give a definition In a moment, but people that are woke they will often say things like well this desire can't be wrong
Because that's the way god made the person Or the bible is such an old book and culture has changed time has changed so we can't really do that anymore
Because things have changed. It's just not relevant anymore. So people in this movement. They have their arguments.
They have their worldly philosophies their persuasive words And once this takes hold in a local church, it really causes nothing but division
So we want to make sure to keep this out of our church And ideally keep it out of all churches at least the ones that hasn't come in yet So i've titled this message how to stop a church from going woke
Or maybe I should put it this way how to prevent a church from going woke
So let's start reading Colossians chapter 2 We'll read verses 4 through 8
Paul says now this I say Lest anyone should deceive you with persuasive words for though I am absent in the flesh yet.
I am with you in spirit Rejoicing to see your good order in the steadfastness of your faith in christ
As you therefore have received christ jesus the lord so walk in him rooted and built up in him
And established in the faith as you have been taught abounding in it with thanksgiving
But beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit according to the tradition of men according to the basic principles of the world and not according to christ so just one simple takeaway from this passage
Christians, we need to keep our focus on christ. We need to keep our focus on the son of god and the word of god and not get swept away by worldly philosophies because that's what
Wokeness is it is a really a worldly philosophy So everything that comes in everything we see and hear from the world, you know this
I repeat this often We need to test everything that we hear Right, whether it's in politics and news
What people are saying at work your friends and music everywhere. We need to test everything against this lens of scripture but with the woke movement
And also the christian deconstructionist movement because I think there's actually a lot of overlap between the two
What they will say is you need to Have these worldly philosophies as your lens so you need to view the scripture through the lens of Being woke and through the lens of culture.
So really It's the exact opposite. So let me give a definition. Somebody's thinking.
What is woke? What is Stop the church from going woke. Is that even the correct grammar?
Like what is this? What does that mean woke? Well, here's a definition The word woke originally meant that people have awakened
To the struggles african americans face in the united states. That's where it originally came from So being woke means that now you see that racism
Is a still a massive problem Racism is systemic
It's everywhere and if you say well, I don't know if I see that well That just proves you're part of the problem.
Matter of fact, it probably proves you're racist. So, I mean, that's that's what's out there Who's heard this like this isn't a new revelation.
So I don't watch tv. I haven't heard god bless you then but this is out there So that's how it started and obviously racism was a problem and i'm sure it continues to be a problem in certain
Places and people do experience it. That's that's true But it started out there, you know, the systemic part is a whole other
Situation but it started out there and then it quickly moved to other groups that were oppressed so basically
Homosexuals are oppressed women are oppressed and it's just you know, the list keeps getting longer of all these people that are oppressed
And here's the thing they're oppressed by who or what? You know the system the system is oppressing people the man is keeping them down and more
Specific the white christian man is keeping them down So basically the woke crowd says that the system is totally corrupt
And since christianity is part of that system it all needs to be broken down and done away with I mean
That's basically where we're at. So what they do And we're going to get into more scripture so you only have to listen to a little bit of this
All right, uh, but they they will pit one identity group against another
And you you see this happening everywhere. So they pit black versus white male versus female rich versus poor gay versus straight
Cisgender versus transgender, you know anything they can think of to pit more people against each other
That's the divide and conquer strategy. So that's kind of the marxist uh tactic of divide and conquer
And I realize there's somebody thinking I listen. I this is all like political and you hear this on the news media
I don't want to hear about this in church, right? Somebody's thinking that And i'm listen i'm sympathetic however, we
We do need to know if there's this threat out there that is infiltrating churches and churches are going bad
And people are being led astray I think it's good to at least be aware of it And then for those of you who you're already aware of it, okay
What does the scripture say? How do we combat this? How do we protect ourselves at the very least? How do we protect our church from going in this direction?
Because you know, you said well pastor Mike, I know pastor. Mike would never buy into this and that's I think that's true
I know it's true, but it's I could something could happen to me tomorrow and you could get in a new pastor
And he might seem solid for a couple years and then he could start going wobbly on you and you know
This type of thing can happen real soon A lot quicker than you think and don't ever think it could never happen here
Well, a lot of people have said that and I could give examples of churches where it has happened. Okay So if someone is woke
Basically if I can make this as simple as possible if someone is woke if they're going woke
It basically just means they're going liberal. It means they're going Progressive not not maybe there's exceptions but 95 % of the time when somebody is like fully woke.
It just means they are progressive So here's why this matters to the local bible -believing churches
This is paul's admonition that we read from colossians 2. What are these vain?
Philosophies what is this empty deceit? What are these arguments that paul is talking about? You know, they had their own things to deal with in In colossi 2 000 years ago, but we need to say, okay
What are those things we need to be on guard against today? So it's just a matter of applying the scripture
Of all the churches that I know here's the thing of all the churches that I know that have gone woke or that have gone
Liberal in the day and age we live in there are usually two main issues that are indicators that a church is
Going in that direction or they will go in that direction. Okay, so two practical issues
Does anyone want to take a guess at what they are? We're going to be spending our time talking about two things
Compromise the word of god. Okay. Well that and that's part of it, right? Now remember we talked about christian deconstruction there's two doctrines that they are all about So christian deconstructionists, they want to deny hell
And they want to bring in some sort of universalism where everybody goes to heaven the woke people
Some sometimes they'll do that as well But here's the two practical not so much doctrines but practical issues that signal a church is going woke number one female pastors and number two
What is called side b theology basically it's becoming more inclusive towards lgbt
Those are the two indicators So basically if your church cannot compromise on those two issues
You're probably never going to go woke as long as you don't compromise on those two as of now because these are the two
Two of some of the biggest issues of our time Okay, so basically feminism and lgbt we're going to look at what the bible says
Because you know the enemy he is cunning and he can get people To buy into something that they normally would never buy into so let's start with the second thing side b theology
I know a lot of times you hear me kind of hammering away at the same things, right? I don't think i've ever brought this up Who knows what side b theology is raise your hand so I can see if anyone's heard of it
Okay, not a single person good. I'm glad you showed up because You should know what this is side b basically this is the idea uh that It starts out side a is when a church has the rainbow flag out front like full affirmation side b is when
A pastor or church. They want to kind of find a middle find a middle ground So they're not totally affirming homosexuality
But they're not against it either. I mean they'll say they don't agree with it
But they have carved out sort of a middle ground to where they affirm the identity so if you identify as Gay lesbian transgender
They will affirm you in your identity As long as you don't act on it
Okay, that that's what they're saying. So side b is when you affirm it. Yes. This is how you feel
This is the way you are. There's nothing wrong with it As long as you don't act on it if you act on it, then
There's a problem. Okay, so that's basically side b Side b theology also known as gay christianity, which really should be a red flag
Gay, well, is there such a thing as you know, adulterous christianity, you know
Bank robbing christianity like if you insert all you have to do is insert a different sin
Into the equation and if it doesn't make sense with other sins, it shouldn't make sense with the gay thing so It's basically a compromised position
And you know, it really is the slippery slope argument Slippery slope is a legitimate concern, right?
That's a that's a real thing because once you cave in on one thing Why are you caving in because of the world where the world is the supreme court ruling you're caving in here
Once people see you'll cave in there Guess what they'll keep pushing and pushing and pushing until you cave in on something else
You've already done it once you'll do it again And you can just see how this has happened historically And I know there's no direct connection between the ordination of women and Tolerance towards lgbt.
I mean like the two are not really connected Right, except that the world Wants you to do it.
Okay, that's the really the only connection, but you can see this historically It started with the ordination of women to the pastorate.
So this is the 1970s 1970s 1980s the mainline denominations. It was a radical move when they first did it the ordination of women
So going against the scripture on that All of those churches that did that back in the 70s
Guess what they're doing now They all got the rainbow out front so One thing shouldn't necessarily lead to another but this is what has happened with the mainline
Denominations so women are oppressed and you need to do something about that you need to ordain women and that's all part of their
Their strategy homosexuals have been oppressed. Therefore. You need to be more inclusive. So if they can get you to believe that someone is an oppressed group then they
Get sort of special treatment in the church. Okay, that that's the way it's happening So basically this is a placeholder position you can't go from being against it to being for it
You need to have a step in between so you get people on to From being against it to side b and then after 10 or 20 years, however long then you can move to side a so I think that's really
The strategy let's turn to first corinthians chapter 6 And like with anything you just say, okay
And some of these arguments I can see why people buy into it they say well if you're not acting upon it, is it really wrong?
Because you can't how can you control what desires you have? I'm sure we all struggle with certain desires that we wish we didn't struggle with maybe for some it's
It's heterosexual lust. Maybe it's overeating. Maybe it's you know coveting whatever it is
Just because you have this desire As long as you don't act on it, right we're not really doing anything wrong if as long as we don't act on it
I think that's the way a lot of people were taught Does that sound familiar to you? So I I can see where people would buy buy into this
Jesus It says that jesus was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin, right?
So jesus faced temptation Here's the thing Are you identifying that way are you sort of making space for this behavior to where You're holding on to it.
You're you're thinking about it. You're you are desiring it You've kind of carved out a little place in your heart where this this is who
I am and this is okay And you're sort of making excuses That's really the issue
If somebody is tempted and you have a thought and you drive that thought from your mind and lord, that's right
Okay, you're not doing anything wrong if you if you don't harbor that thought or desire but as soon as you
Adopt that as your identity then that's that's the problem Well people can't help it.
Let's look at first corinthians chapter 6 Versus 9 through 11. The apostle paul says do you not know that the unrighteous?
Will not inherit the kingdom of god Do not be deceived Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites nor thieves nor covetous
Nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of god okay, so Another way he could say it is sinners shall not inherit the kingdom of god because he's listing a whole list whole long list of things
Is paul saying if you've ever done something like this, you can't go to heaven No, that is not what he's saying, but these are things that need to be repented of because the temptation is
Well, this is my struggle and my struggle isn't a big deal, you know other people their sins are really bad
But mine aren't so bad, right? Isn't that kind of a natural thing that people do? So this idea that you really can't help it notice what paul says in verse 11
So he mentions fornicators Homosexual sodomites verse 11.
He says in such were what? Such were past tense such were some of you, but you were washed but you were sanctified
But you were justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god
In other words, this is not your identity anymore If you had a problem with stealing nobody identifies why i'm a thieving christian
You know, you need to make space for me because that's just the way god made me i'm a thief See, I don't hear anyone doing that And if somebody did i'd be against that too
Our identity Is where? And some sinful desire that we have and everyone has something
No, our identity is in who and what it's in christ second corinthians 5 17
Therefore if anyone is in christ, he is what? A new creation all things have passed away.
Behold all things have become new So people the point is people can change and even their desires with god
Those can change So side b theology where people sort of hold on to their lgbt identity that's
False again, you wouldn't go around calling yourself an idolatrous christian. Nobody does that you shouldn't do it here
So those things those desires are part of the old nature. You don't hold on to them
You recognize them as things that need to be mortified Repent of it and I believe god can and he has given people victory
So we don't make exceptions for certain sins because they're socially, you know popular these days or something like that Okay, so side b christianity.
It's a lot more common than you think and some very large so -called evangelical ministries
Nationally and locally they do affirm side b But I believe it's compromised plain and simple it's like larry said, you know, what how did how is how are they doing this?
Well compromising the word of god. That's that's always the issue right? Because the bible addresses these things obviously for 1950 years
Christianity was not open to this practice or this identity People have changed mainly in the last 5 10 15 20 years why?
because the bible changed No, it's it's just conformity to the world.
That's really What it is Okay, and it's like deconstruction. You need to take it one step at a time.
Does everyone know what deconstruction is? I mean, I feel like i've talked about it a lot. So everyone should kind of have a running definition
People deconstruct their faith kind of piece by piece So I was taught this when
I was a kid and I don't believe that anymore And then they kind of drop one belief after another after another
To where now they have fully deconstructed and I just I just i'm not a christian anymore or i'm not an evangelical
I'm, i'm a more progressive christian or something like that. So deconstruction Happens over time and it happens piece by piece side b again it's a placeholder there's
Traditional christianity the way it was viewed for 1950 years. There's full affirmation
Guess what? You need a step in between to kind of bring people along and that's what churches are doing My issue is not with the average person who's kind of working through this and struggling with it.
It's it's the pastors that are knowingly Not teaching what scripture says. I mean that's really where my issue is because people they they know what they've been taught
I mean, they should be able to read the bible and see for themselves But all right, this next issue is even more common especially in evangelical churches
There's a monthly pastors group that I would get together with and I think all of the pastors would give the correct answer
On this other issue they would they at least say the right thing now whether or not they're actually willing to do anything
If a problem came up is another story, but they would all say the right thing this issue of The ordination of women as pastors
I would I don't know It might be split down the middle of all the area churches half think it's fine half don't
So this is an issue where there is a lot of division so The ordination of women is one of the most controversial subjects of our time
And I think it's helpful in understanding this this was never an issue until the 20th century
Like we have 1900 years of church history, this is not something anyone ever argued about okay, only until 1901 1905 only the cults had women
And you know, you know, this isn't any knock against women because women are just as valuable and uh, really just as capable as far as you know their ability and their intellect, but The reality is up until what 1905 with the pentecostal movement
Only the cults were led by women you had anne lee with the shakers You had ellen g white with the seventh day adventists.
You had mary baker eddie with christian science So there were there were no whether it's catholic protestant baptist.
There were just no churches ordaining women for 1900 years So, where did this come from?
All right, let's turn to first timothy chapter three But what are we talking about how to prevent a church from going woke?
Okay, if a church goes woke they're going to compromise on the gay issue, that's just They're going to do it and The ordination of women this is an indicator that a church is going
Liberal they're going woke they're going progressive So I just want to kind of reiterate how rare it is
To have 1900 years of church history where all different churches and denominations agreed like christians haven't agreed on Just think lord supper baptism church government and there's so many things christians disagreed on this is one issue that There just wasn't a debate really
Until the 20th century what happened in the 20th century? Why did things change all of a sudden?
Yeah, well there's women's suffrage, you know and and feminism and Yeah Yeah, the world war ii a lot of women went into the workplace and hey, this is just the way it is now
And you know, um, yeah, I mean things radically changed in the 20th century so um
Did I tell you to turn to first timothy chapter three? Yeah. All right, so What's what's our response we always have to go to not what what does this church say?
What does this pastor say we have to go? What does the bible say? All right Now like with any doctrine there's a list of verses, you know
This this group will have their list of proof texts, you know, and this group will have their list
How do you determine who's right? Who has the verses that are actually in the proper context that's how you know
So first timothy, what do we know about first timothy? It is called one of the pastoral epistles
Look at verse 15 of first timothy 3 I mean, this is the whole reason why paul wrote to timothy he says but if I am delayed
I write so that you may know How you ought to conduct yourself in the house of god.
So this is a letter The context of it is to write to timothy and by extension to all christians to know how to run a church paul gives the guidelines the structure the organization for The local church and then he gives the qualifications for The pastor and that's at the beginning of chapter three, but before we read the qualifications for pastor, let's just go back to first timothy 2 for some more context
And you know, let me just say this if the bible didn't teach what it teaches I personally wouldn't have an issue with the ordination of women
It's not that i'm against it. It's that you know, here's what the bible teaches the bible teaches male headship
That's why I care about it because it's what the bible clearly teaches So this isn't some personal thing Like I said, if the bible didn't teach this
I wouldn't have a problem with it But look at what paul says in first timothy 2 11 and 12
Let a woman learn in silence with all Submission and I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man
But to be in silence now, most people wouldn't dare say something like this these days, but you know paul said it now if you compare scripture with scripture
We learn that women can in fact teach can't they? Okay, so titus chapter 2 women can teach other women women can teach
The children but women are not to hold the office of pastor because that's the authoritative teaching role in the local church
Now the question is why does paul say this right the people who
Like they know it's in the bible, but they found ways around it. So People who want to reinterpret this you have to ask why did paul say this well he tells us um
They're not to teach or to have authority over man, but to be in silence look at verse 13 For adam, here's the reason because adam was formed first and then eve
And adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived fell into transgression So if you ask the average person today
Why did paul say that women were not permitted to teach nine times out of ten what you hear is say?
Well that that was the culture back then there was something about the ephesian culture
Or you know, it's just that back then you just didn't do this Of course, that's not totally true because there were pagan religions that had female priests and all the rest
But they will say that it's it's cultural. It was a different time. Now. Was it a different time?
Yeah, yeah It was but is that what paul is saying? Timothy don't do this because that just really isn't accepted where you are.
Is that what paul says? No, he appeals not to the culture. He appeals to the created order
That adam was formed first and then eve and he fell into Um, she was deceived and fell into the transgression.
So in other words god made adam first Adam was given headship
Okay, adam was the representative of the human race, right? We are in adam
Paul and romans were in adam and then were in christ So adam was the representative of the human race.
He had headship and when god sent God sent his only begotten son into the world. Not his only begotten daughter
You know if eve were the head of the human race and god sent his only begotten daughter into the world then fine
But that's just not it's not what the bible teaches. Okay, I know that's silly but It's not making sense.
Yeah now Look at first timothy three this that's the context for the
The next section which is the qualifications for a pastor All right, first timothy chapter three verse one paul says this is a faithful saying if a man desires the position of a bishop
He desires a good work A bishop then must be belated.
Let me just stop here This is a faithful saying if if what? If a man
Desires the position of a bishop. He Desires a good work. Well, wouldn't you know that a lot of modern translations say if anyone wants to be
A bishop let them you know A lot of modern translations are trying to be gender neutral So you're not not actually going to see that in the translations, but I checked it out
Every major translation does say that he must be the husband of one wife Or it does use masculine pronouns somewhere in this passage so according to paul it's
Open the pastorate is open to which gender? Male I mean, it's just what scripture teaches and then titus that's the other pastoral epistle titus chapter one paul says
Uh the same thing So what are some of the arguments against this? Because I said what matters is the context
So the context is the pastoral epistle isn't paul telling us the qualifications for a pastor yet That's the context.
But what do people say? Here's the most common response. Well, but what about deborah though? If I had a nickel for every time
I heard that what about deborah? And my response is well, what about deborah?
Usually that's enough to kind of throw them off. Well, deborah was a judge She held a position of leadership in the nation of israel, right and the exception proves the rule
But if you even look at deborah, she had someone that technically she was under the authority of barak
Deborah was a judge but her and barak sort of made up a team now, I know she really was the the leader barak was a very weak leader, but either way deborah
Wasn't a pastor in a local church like it's just not the context what's one more argument that maybe you've heard
Uh philip had four virgin daughters who prophesied in the book of acts um
Okay, can women preach? I I don't see a problem with women preaching or teaching.
It's just As pastors in the local church, is that what paul allows for does the bible allow for it?
No, and it's really not paul It's what The whole old testament priesthood.
They were all men All the new testament apostles were all men and again for 1900 years And that might seem like well,
I make a big thing about this. I'm just telling you that when churches go woke Okay, when a church is going liberal the issue is that they're no longer following the authority of scripture they're picking and choosing and these are without a doubt two clear signs that a church
Is going in that direction? So be careful because the world is able to ensnare people with all sorts of clever arguments, but if we stick to the word of god we should never be led astray and like I said, this is really an issue where the gospel is at stake because Let's face it.
There's compromise on these issues and a couple others because they are the controversial issues of our time people are
Compromising so as not to offend right? Bottom line, that's what's happening. Well, what's the most offensive thing?
of all in the bible that Man has sinned
It needs to repent and that there's only salvation in christ and in christ alone.
See once you start pandering to the world And compromising so as not to offend at some point.
Yeah, you're dealing with maybe maybe secondary issues But at some point the gospel gets thrown out as well
So i'll just close with colossians 2 verse 8 beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit
According to the tradition of men according to the basic principles of the world and not according to christ so we must stick with christ and with his word