Isaiah Saldivar says THIS about those who disagree!

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If we were to search the Epistles, which are the inspired interpretation and application of the redemptive-historical acts recorded in the Gospels, we would find 0 instruction given to the church from any of the apostles in any of their letters on how to do deliverance, on how to cast out demons. Not only is there no instruction. But there is no expectation put upon the church to cast out demons. It simply isn't there.


Some of you are wiggling right now. I don't know about this because you have a demon. Isaiah Saldivar is a prominent pusher of deliverance ministry, linking up with the other mighty demon slayers like Greg Locke, Alexander Pagani, Mike Signorelli, Vlad Savchuk, and others.
I recently noped a couple of clips of Isaiah preaching on deliverance, and I think they highlight some real problems with the proponents of these doctrines in the form of laying heavy burdens on God's people and fear -mongering.
So, let's break it down. So, it's hard to ignore the mocking tone with which
Isaiah would answer someone who has never cast out a demon. And here's the question, is the casting out of demons a biblical unit by which spiritual maturity is to be measured?
Because according to Isaiah, if you've been a Christian for 15 years and you've never cast out a demon, something is seriously wrong with your
Christian walk. If we were to search the epistles, which are the inspired interpretation and application of the redemptive historical acts recorded in the gospels, we would find exactly zero instruction given to the church from any of the apostles in any of their letters on how to do deliverance, on how to cast out demons.
Not only is there no instruction, but there is no expectation put upon the church to cast out demons.
It simply isn't there. Now, you may be watching this and saying to yourself, well, what about what Jesus did?
What about passages like Matthew chapter 10, where he gives the disciples authority over unclean spirits?
Well, we're going to be answering those questions when I joined with my friend, David Lovey, to kick off the
Holy Note podcast in a few weeks. We're going to do a review of the documentary, Come Out in Jesus Name, which submitted verses like Matthew chapter 10 as proof texts for their deliverance ministry.
So be on the lookout for that. Casting out demons is not a mark of spiritual maturity. There will be many who say to the
Lord on the day of judgment, Lord, Lord, did we not cast out demons in your name? Rather, the New Testament often associates maturity with right thinking in doctrinal and practical matters.
Right thinking produces right conduct. The spiritually mature will produce the fruit of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self -control.
Isaiah is laying a requirement upon believers that the New Testament does not require of you.
Now, I get called a Pharisee a lot. I think mostly by people who don't understand what they're saying, but a key characteristic of the
Pharisees is that according to Jesus in Matthew 23, they lay heavy burdens on people's shoulders, adding their own laws to the law of God.
So if you're a Christian and you're seeing these guys say these things and you're wondering if there's something wrong with you because you're not walking in power, doing the things that they're doing, you're not casting out demons, just be comforted.
Just know that God's never required that of you to be a faithful Christian, to be a son or daughter in whom he is pleased.
Something else that's interesting is that while people like this claim that everyone can do what they do and that everyone should be doing what they do, still everyone is coming to them for it.
Why? Because not everyone can do what they do. They can't even do what they do. They are deceived themselves.
Let's look at this next clip. So now we have pastors that literally get mad if you preach on deliverance, literally get mad.
If some of you are wiggling right now, I don't know about this because you have a demon. I'm serious. I know
I try to sugarcoat it, but I don't have time this morning. It's a demon. That's what makes you not want to do deliverance.
It's amazing to me how often they say this. Like this isn't something he said one time off the cuff or accidentally.
They actually teach that this is one of the signs that you have a demon, is that you disagree with or oppose their deliverance ministry.
And notice the verbiage he uses to describe those who disagree with him and the other demon slayers.
He says they get mad. They get so mad. So he paints them, that's you and I presumably, in the light of having emotional outbursts in response to deliverance doctrine rather than having any careful reasoned arguments from the scripture.
They just get so mad. It's just a very dishonest way to communicate and it is a manipulative, fear -mongering tactic to tell people, if you disagree with me or what
I do, it's because you have a demon. Also note that he says this, that people don't like deliverance because they have demons, but then they host these massive deliverance conferences where a whole bunch of people with demons willingly come to get delivered.