New Members Class Part 2


New Members Class Part 2 Jan 21, 2018 Michael Dirrim Pastor


"Christ Ascended = the Church's Provision" Part 3 May 27, 2018 AM

"Christ Ascended = the Church's Provision" Part 3 May 27, 2018 AM

Well secondly it says, I will protect the unity of my church by refusing to criticize or gossip.
Okay so there's the reference there Ephesians 4 .19, do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs.
So does anybody have a good definition for gossip? I'll tell you so -and -so one time was gossiping to me and right yeah it's a it's a you have an issue with somebody and you're talking to somebody else about it right.
Matthew 18 says what? Matthew 18 says if your brother sins against you go and where do you go?
Don't go to Facebook right. When your brother sins go and show him his fault it says in Matthew 18 15 and of course what is the what is the goal in verse 15?
To win your brother, to win him or to win your sister, to win her.
That's the whole you have a problem with somebody somebody sins against you somebody sins and you know that they don't understand what's going on and the hurt they're causing and it bothers your soul.
Talk to somebody else go talk to them and notice it says if your brother sins go and show him his fault.
Knows what's in our hearts doesn't he? The traditional methods involve you know you know aliating in some way showing you know showing a cold shoulder to somebody or telling other people to get a whole lot of people agreeing with you about how bad this person is or how bad the church is or something like that you know.
So that's gossip. Those who commit themselves to Sunnyside Baptist Church because it says the local church should refuse to criticize or gossip.
Now if there is a problem if there is an issue that doesn't mean well
I notice there's a problem but I can't say anything right this is an occult okay if there if there's an issue perhaps like for instance
I have a real issue with pews. They hinder me from worshiping.
Then the person to talk to would probably be your elder. Talk about why do we have to worship in pews?
They're so restrictive and I have to sit too close to people. I want my own chair my personal space.
Well you know you could talk to a whole lot of people about that and try to create an insurgency against pews or the biblical way if something's bothering you then you can come talk to your elder somebody who's going to be you know helping to craft the budget and the vision for the church and why do we why do we still have pews you know this is 2018 and talk to them about it right that would be the most helpful thing to do rather than you know calling around or messaging around and saying you know and just like I am just so hindered blah blah blah blah blah blah well that you know what that that that hurts a lot of people that hinders a lot of people that doesn't help anybody grow in Christ so definitely if there's an issue we got to go talk to the person and do so in grace and in patience with all charity thirdly by following the leaders
Hebrews 13 17 says obey your leaders and submit to their authority to keep watch over you as men who must give an account obey them so that their work will be a joy not a burden for that would be no advantage to you this is the admonition of the preacher to the his
Hebrews best sense of what's going on in the letter to the Hebrews is that if this is a pastor who's writing his sermon and sending it along from afar he can't be there but the other elders are and he's wanting to encourage them to stay strong in the faith and and he gives a whole list of Christian admonitions in Hebrews 13 leaders the elders of the church are to keep watch over the flock accountable to the head to the head
Shepherd Jesus Christ accountable for the souls for the spiritual condition of those in the flock that is that is our concern as elders and we want to do that with joy and for the most part
I think that we do so enjoy and of course we we know those times that we don't but when when there is when there is sin when there is for instance just taking the first two if there is someone who's not acting in love toward other members if there's criticism and gossip flying about I tell you what there is great burden as the elders get together every week for prayer and as we get together every month for our meeting there is great burden amongst us and we're not joyful we're deeply concerned and we're praying and we're and we're talking to one another how can we help this family or help this person you know because we are accountable to God we're accountable to God and we take it very seriously the first part of our meetings together every month is about talking about the flock talking about the people in the church and how what are their needs and we pray for the people of this church and and and purpose ourselves to to lead well so unity is is
I think fostered by following leaders plural a traditional model might be to have one leader and it's his way or the highway okay that produces a form of unity through many schisms finally you have everybody at the same page and but if you have a group of leaders then when they're together and we're together and we're praying we're seeking to how to lead together and then
I think that there's there's a sense of perhaps more balance more scriptural fidelity when we're when we're helping one another and we're trying to lead forward and I and also elders in general do not want to hammer down some major change major shift we talked about that with our church polity that if there's some major issue major change that we want to hear at least two weeks from the congregation opportunities to get together have coffee call a letter to be written and mailed and arrive whatever the version is that folks in the congregation like to communicate with the elders we want to give that space of time to hear from the congregation because we sure don't want you know take a hard right and send people out you know through the window so we want to make sure that we're leading and leading well any questions so far about this first section under the heading of unity and I've already mentioned
Matthew 18 but Matthew 18 is an excellent study about Jesus understanding what we're going to go through and how to best preserve the unity of the church even when there are issues even when there are problems church discipline is something that is both formative and something that is corrective and formative church discipline should be going on all the time such as I'm going to encourage my sister not the gossip
I want to encourage my brother to be more sensitive to the needs of others I'm going to call up so -and -so and ask them to go with me to go visit somebody who's sick and so on so those are that's formative that's that's kind of forming up and doing things to help one another follow
Christ it's it's you can call it discipleship if you like it's helping others follow Jesus in these active ways and that's going to be 90 % of the time or even more that's going to be what it is in terms of church discipline now corrective church discipline gets you know happens every once in a while every once in a while you you put your car into 90 miles an hour every once in a while when you've got to get around a big rig throwing rocks all right every once in a while you've got to do something and every once in a while we have corrective church discipline which means you go to your sister or your brother and there's an issue and they tell you off you know it was a bad day or something things aren't going well something needs to be corrected and you can't seem to do it on your own so you then you bring somebody else what
Jesus says Matthew 18 verse 16 but if he does not listen to you take one or two more with you so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed if he refuses to listen to them tell it to the church and if he refuses to listen even to the church let him be to you as a
Gentile and a tax collector what is Jesus after here again that the goal is to win your brother to win your sister if it doesn't go well bring somebody else bring an elder of the church along with you an elder's wife or somebody who's in in a natural discipleship role over this person that they trust somebody who can see whether you're making a mountain out of a mole hill you know and maybe correct you and and and maybe resolve and bring peace and reconciliation the goal is to reconciliation the goal is winning one another back to Christ well you keep on going and and this take this isn't a one two three three day process okay this is something that'll take a while and these steps can be repeated as much as wise but when it comes to telling the whole church
I've only been involved in two situations like that and and to the utmost only one situation where there was treat someone like a
Gentile and a tax collector is a is a euphemism for saying this is a severe mercy you need to understand what it feels like to be outside the flock of Christ out what it feels like to be outside of the covenant so that you will feel that and recognize your need to repent and return that's the goal and other passages in in the
New Testament give the same sense of when you were put outside the camp in Israel because you were unclean or had the plague or whatever it was it was your to get clean and healthy as fast as you could to get back inside the camp and that's the whole idea in church discipline if it goes to the nth degree the whole goal is that we're still praying for this person we're still loving this person and we want them to return so that's a very rare case
I've only seen that you know and maybe in the course of ten years I've only seen it twice and and and one of them wasn't as clear of a situation as this but I've also seen other church discipline issues go to the maybe second or third level and the person repents and returns and is faithful so I you know
I trust this because Christ told us but also I've experienced it and following okay
Jesus what next okay follow the instructions because sometimes you just feel like you're flying blind
I just feel like you don't have you know what am I doing here well as the old saying goes trust the instruments if you can't see out the see what's outside the second heading is
I will share that I will share the responsibility of my church first by praying for its growth and of course we should pray for the growth of the of the of the number because we want to see souls saved because we want more opportunity to disciple others and in Acts 2 47 is mentioned there that the
Lord added to their number daily those who are being saved I'm glad it's phrased that way to remind us that it's the
Lord who builds his church I will build my church he says to Peter he doesn't say you and the latest marketing technique will build your church he says
I will build my church and if the Lord builds it it's going to last right the church growth movement with its marketing techniques is very effective in growing numbers so effective that the
Unitarian Church who was dying employed Rick Warren's methodology and now they're flourishing so also are
Mormons okay this there's nothing spiritual about it it's just understanding human nature and how to market and how to get people involved what we want to do is to truly live out lives of Christ live out
Christ to those around us and lead them to Christ and we would like to see the number in our flock grow but according to the way that the
Lord adds to the number of the church also by involving ourselves in personal discipleship in the body
Jesus is it follow me I'll make you fishers of men and he also said go and make disciples of all the nations teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you so every
Christian every Christian is to be involved in discipleship in some way at some level and discipleship does not mean a program where you're the teacher and you have two or three students that can be a manifestation of discipleship is not the only way discipleship helping other people follow
Jesus may be as simple as what you deal with somebody you're not going to compromise an issue why because of this and this and this and also you're instructing your teaching and you're showing them something right okay that's good sometimes it's being available right being available at some level helps with discipleship if you're always unavailable can't never disciple anybody
I think another way is if you are in the scriptures if you've been reading if you've been thinking if you've been memorizing if you've been
Bible intake then you've got something to share with somebody and sharing the scriptures with someone is one of the most basic ways to disciple someone and you don't have to be a theologian you don't have to be a scholar all you have to do is read the scriptures or maybe memorize a passage of scripture and just share it with somebody you know
I've been thinking about this the other day I read such and such and this and this and this and all of a sudden you've brought their attention to the things of Christ haven't you you brought their focus to where it really really matters
Paul says in Colossians 3 set our minds on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God and that is the touchstone of sanctification of being renewed in Christ if we put our attention on him well when you when you share scripture with somebody and you help set their mind on things above aren't you helping disciple it doesn't take too much to do that and we can all be involved with that one way
I've often thought about in helping disciple others is by singing together singing in the church is not performance if it was we'd all get fired singing in the church is discipleship it is truly in encouraging those around you with the biblical truths that are in the hymns or in in the songs and the psalms whatever we're singing we're singing that and what you're to do is you to encourage those around you with those truths that you together with them are affirming these truths and you're helping to set their mind on things above by singing hymns together and everybody who sings in congregational worship is helping to disciple truly and especially when we do it in the right frame of mind right spirit we also should attempt to make disciples of those outside the church if we're never outside the church that doesn't happen a lot of folks initiate relationships with those at work or initiate relationships for those in a maybe a whole homeschooling co -op or some other venue but when we're out and about and we should be thinking about how to make disciples you don't know where you but you don't know where somebody is you don't know if they're absolutely a pagan if they have no concept at all of the
Bible you don't know where they're at so you start talking to them a little bit and help them on to Christ maybe you're not going to be able to get the whole
Romans road in in that conversation but you you've got us you got to start somewhere there's a whole lot of work to be done in the harvest laboring for the harvest and we should not look upon even the smallest efforts if I feel like I'm only gonna have like a minute and a half with this person don't look on the smallest of efforts with disdain
Jesus taught us that the faith that the size of a mustard the mustard seeds smallest of all the seeds that they that they had for their gardens but it becomes the biggest plant in their garden and we talk about the growth of the kingdom we can't look on small things as bad
Jesus says the small things are what we need to be paying attention to and doing the small things and not despising the small things after all it's just a little bit of leaven it's just a little mustard seed and they're all little children who come into the kingdom of God so don't despise the small things and that gives glory to God by him working big things out of the small another item about sharing responsibility of my church by giving regularly there's a there's a mentioning of Paul's efforts to relieve the the hunger of the church in Judea because there was a great famine and in Corinthians 1st
Corinthians 16 to on the first day of every week each one of you should set aside of some of money and keeping with his income well that was a
Paul was trying to make sure that the churches in Macedonia and Achaia and all these other places would be gathering together their resources to send it to other churches who were in need okay there are other passages that talk about you know don't muzzle the ox on the ox that you know don't muzzle the ox let him eat the grain that he treads on so it's okay to support a pastor and it's especially important that we support the work of the gospel in other places which is why our our missions budget is traditionally about 20 % and we try to support churches in needy places just for missionaries who are trying to establish churches in these needy places following in the example what
John wrote about you know if we if we are faithful to support these kinds of people we share in their labor for the gospel's sake so this isn't exactly the tithe but it certainly is modeled after it
Paul is giving instructions to follow in something that they're very accustomed to I think so the fifth point is by praying for other members of the body and Andrea's already mentioned that as a way to love people that we pray regularly for one another keep on praying for all the
Saints Paul says in Ephesians 6 18 so share the responsibility of the church any questions about that second section of the covenant well we take it as a rule of thumb as we read through the
Sermon on the Mount that Jesus takes up the Old Covenant and parts of it as interpreted by the rabbis of the day and tries to clarify what it means when it comes to following him right
Jesus Christ is the one who fulfills the law the prophets and the writings he's the one who fulfills all of it so when we follow
Jesus he's certainly not going to lead us against the Ten Commandments or against the extrapolations of the
Ten Commandments but in fact when we follow Christ we will truly be living righteously in ways that fully express
God's law for instance you've heard it said do not murder but I said you don't hate your brother in your heart right there's an intensification it's like an intensification of the commandment tithing is an extrapolation in the
Old Testament of one of the Ten Commandments can we guess which one okay do not steal do not covet don't don't be an idolater could possibly also apply right
I mean there's a whole lot there that when you think of a tithe now the tithe in the Old Testament is set with all the other sacrifices okay and it is an expression it is verbatim an expression of showing that God you are the one who gave me all this grain it wasn't me it was you
I give back a tenth to you saying I truly will be satisfied when I'm satisfied in you
I've got to trust you not my own ability to farm okay and that's exactly what it says in the
Old Testament it's all about acknowledging God as the provider so Christ fulfills the law when we follow him he's not going to lead us in contradiction to God's character expressed in the law so obviously we're going to be giving people when we read about the new the new church establishing acts they were giving a little bit more than the tithe weren't they they were you know they were found themselves in in dire need lots of priests and widows were converting from Judaism to Christianity meaning they lost all their means of support there was a lot of need in the church people were selling houses selling land bringing money trying to make sure to meet all those needs and it seems to me that the sense of giving has to do with the appropriate need
Paul goes out of the way to highlight to the Corinthians the generosity of the
Macedonians at Philippi how they gave even out of their poverty what we see in the
New Testament is not so much looking for the tithe as Jesus accused the
Pharisees yeah you tithe even down to the tenth of your mint and your dill and your cumin and you're tithing your herbs for goodness sakes you're keeping your tithe up but you're ignoring mercy and justice you're ignoring the weightier matters of the law so I think
Jesus' sense about how we should think of giving is that perhaps the tithe is a we should look we should learn from the tithe that what we give should be an appropriate expression of God you gave all this to me
I it wasn't me it was you you gave me the strength the skill the wisdom the energy to do all this and I'm going to give back to you in worship some people say tithe is a great place to start and then work your way on I don't know that might be helpful that might be harmful
Becca and I when we first were married listened to a preacher called the smiling preacher what is his name he would preach and then he just stopped and anyway
Bill Stafford is Bill Stafford anyway he talked about giving he just came and preached about giving and it wasn't so he could get a lot of money he had they had a lot he'd sold his land and sold all his you know sold everything to give to the
Lord and you know just lived off of basic means and we learned the joy of giving so we you know we rejoice when we had more money to steward and we would give more
I mean that was just kind of what our general rule of thumb was and we there were times it was very lean but we didn't reduce our tithe what we called it our tithe we didn't reduce our offerings
I just had too many people who've discipled me in stories beyond stories of God's faithfulness and you give to him and he'll take care of you yeah
I'm just my life is just full of those stories in this testimonies so I don't know if I answers your question or not but we're definitely not looking for you know you're required to give 10 % but I think what it says is just it's just that you would give regularly now some you know and I'm perfectly fine with somebody who is you know incredible dire straits financially if they find a different way to give a different way to offer up something of value to help the church
I mean I you know Baptist preachers that first went in the westward expansion you know they might get a chicken once a week you know but you know so I mean that's just what is it that you know
Jimmy smiling he's like well if I keep him alive I can give a chicken Hawks come after you the help serving the ministry of the church says bit by being equipped to serve my pastor elders and teachers we read that God gave some to be pastors and teachers to prepare
God's people for works and service for the body of Christ might be built up getting equipped is an essential part of being a part of a church the the leaders not only are trying to encourage you and exhort you to shepherd you protect you this time but they were also supposed to be trying to equip you for more ministry for more service we should be helping you be better husbands better wives better parents better children those kind of things in helping your family glorify
Christ we should be helping you and equipping you to serve knowing how to make disciples of others better and to be evangelistic we should be equipping you and and so if there are ways in which you feel deficient that's a great way to this is a great something to talk about you know we want to be we want to equip you we want to help you if there's something you feel like deficient in well then come talk to us we'll make provision to equip the body for ministry because it's not about one guy doing everything or just a group of guys doing everything it's about the whole church as the body of Christ working together and we're only as we're only as strong as our weakest member right so we're we need to be helping one another we should develop and utilize natural talents and spiritual gifts so let's go to first Peter 4
I think that's a good passage to look at now what are natural gifts or natural talents versus spiritual gifts why do we make that distinction do you think there's gonna be some parity between the two yeah perhaps right well
I think it's I guess good to recognize not always should somebody serve in the church just because they have a skill but unless they should find a way to use that skill for the good of the church we've all sorts of people here at Sunnyside that are excellent with fixing pipes and taking care of the buildings and grounds and they have no special title they just show up randomly and do stuff
I mean we've I mean I got at least five people that do that no special title they may or may not get reimbursed they don't care they're just showing up and doing stuff
I mean and and so they have natural skill they want to use it for the good of the church right that's just one example we also have some widows in our church who are exceptionally bold and have a razor sharp understanding of the gospel and they don't care who you are or what you are about they're going to tell you about Christ I just are they're excellent at it so those are some examples that here's somebody with a spiritual gift of evangelism and maybe she doesn't look like the prototypical evangelist but she's going to evangelize right so I think that those are some examples but I think 1st
Peter 4 is very helpful in simplifying things we don't have to have what may some may consider to be an exhaustive list of all the spiritual gifts and whether or not you have that like a personality test but I think
Peter simplifies things for us when we read in verse 10 as each one has received a special gift employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God whoever speaks is to do so as one who is speaking in the utterances of God whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which
God supplies so that in all things God may be glorifying through Jesus Christ to whom belongs the glory and the dominion forever and ever amen
I think it's telling that we're stewards of the manifold grace of God that the grace of God is manifold like the many facets of a diamond that when you turn you see the glistening of all the different facets and it's not that I have a grace and you have a grace but we are stewards of the manifold grace of God that those who speak or serve and again
Peter's not being exactly exhaustive but whatever we do we're to do it as this is
God's authority and God's strength right and the goal is that God be glorified and there's this doxology to Christ when when we serve in the power of God and by the authority of God and depending in dependence upon God guess who gets all the glory
God does and that's that's his main interest in our church we should serve in the ministries of the church each one of us is to consider ourselves a part of it a part of the church which way are you vitally serving in a ministry of the church good question are we going to be a part of the body or apart from the body right are we a part of or apart from we should develop a servant's heart a servant's heart is the kind of heart that looks on the interest of others more than themselves so a servant's heart doesn't begin with what's best for me a servant heart says well what's best for others and with that is the primary consideration that I consider others as more important than myself then we will put ourselves into position to serve those people not this is best for me but what's best for others a servant's heart is manifested by nobody having to make an announcement about a need and a sign -up sheet but all of a sudden these needs get met because somebody is thinking about the needs of others and they're looking around they see needs and they go meet those needs and we never have to have a sign -up sheet now that's and we have several several people here at Sunnyside who do that finally support the testimony of my church by attending faithfully
Hebrews 1025 let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing but let us encourage one another does not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some but all the more as we see the day approaching the day the last day the day of judgment
Christ's return anybody sense that the return of Christ is getting near that we live it is right so we should not ever be retreating from the gathering together of the
Saints that's what the scripture says but we ought to be attending faithfully why now
Hebrews 1024 says that we are to hold fast to the confession of our faith that we are to stir one another up to the love and to good works meaning we are to help disciple one another so if we forsake the assembling together if we retreat from one another can we help each other follow
Christ better by retreating from one another no we only help each other follow Christ better by moving towards one another and we are a worship in heart and mind with God's people as we have opportunity to do that we actually have these fixed opportunities on Sundays to do that and Wednesday night by worship together and by living a godly life whatever happens conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ Philippians 127 so that supports the minute testimony of my church by increasing the health of the church by together corporately declaring the glories of Christ in worship that he is the he is the
Savior in whom God is well pleased and by living a godly life nothing so harmful to a local church than some of her members living immoral lives or you know getting caught in embezzling money and all sorts of things and they get a bad reputation in this and they say aren't you a member at such -and -such church many churches testimony has been ruined because their members do not live godly lives and so we should take that seriously and in that way we'd be serving one another right if I live ungodly what does that do to everybody else at my church right okay well we've gone through the membership covenant
I think there are some handouts that I will try to provide to you either tonight or through you know in the middle of the week or next
Sunday that well you can fill out and kind of talk about some things just information wise concerning the church and I'll let you all those of you who are interested in joining talk to me at your own conviction and impulse so that you can let me know if you are indeed interested in joining
Sunnyside Baptist Church and then we'll we'll proceed from there okay all right