Snatch Them from the Flames Home Editions

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This conference is for anyone that wants to understand God’s Word and how to use it to discern truth from error. Justin Peters and Andrew Rappaport will be hosting a free conference. Snatch Them from Flames Home Edition May 30, 2020 10am -6pm EST / 7am-3pm PST Sessions include: Session 1: The Sufficiency of Scripture Session 2: Interpreting Scripture Session 3: Discerning False Teachers Session 4: Identifying False Teachers Session 5: Questions and Answers


Hey, this is Andrew from Striving for Eternity Ministries, and well, there's been, if you haven't noticed, this global pandemic and everyone shut at home.
Well, that kind of affects being able to go out and do conferences and get some good teaching.
I was talking with Justin Peters about this and all of our schedule got cleared off.
What do we do? Well, we thought we would do something for you guys. We decided we would do the
Snatch Them by the Flames Seminar, but we're gonna do the Home Edition. That's right,
May 30th. We're gonna come into your home, well, by way of the internet, and give a conference to you, the
Snatch Them from the Flames Conference, the same seminar that we do, that we've done in the Philippines, elsewhere.
We're gonna be coming to you for this conference. This conference is for anyone who wants to understand
God's Word and how to use it to discern truth from error. We're gonna have the first session to start us off 10 o 'clock
Eastern Time on May 30th. It's gonna be Justin Peters. He's gonna start with the topic of the sufficiency of scriptures.
Have you heard all these people that say they hear from God, some people that want to hear from God? He's gonna tell you how to hear from God and whether the scriptures are actually sufficient for all of our needs as a
Christian. Second session, I'm gonna give you a background in handling
God's Word. It's going to be interpreting the scriptures. So not only will we learn about the sufficiency of scripture, but we're also gonna learn about the interpretation of scripture, give you guys some tools and principles on how to rightly handle
God's Word. Then we'll take a lunch break. After lunch, we're gonna come back for two longer sessions. The first,
Justin Peters will deal with the addressing of the issue of dealing with discerning false teachers.
So you're gonna have people who are out there and how do we discern the truth from God's Word with what they're saying?
Then after that, the fourth session, I will address the issue of identifying false teachers right from the book of Jude.
We'll give you examples of how to identify if someone is a false teacher. And then afterwards, the fifth session, before we close out, we're gonna have a
Q &A. So throughout the day on May 30th, we're gonna be taking your questions. As you have questions, you pipe them in to the comments.
We're gonna take them and be able to get you the answers. Now, all of this is free of charge.
We realize that many people are hurting and many people are not knowing how they're gonna handle things financially.
Because this costs us nothing to travel, we decided why would we want to charge people for this?
So we're doing it free of charge. May 30th, snatch them from the flames, home edition.
Again, this conference is great for anyone who wants to understand God's Word and how to use it to discern truth from error.
If that sounds like you, you're gonna want to make sure that you attend this conference, because it sounds like the conference may be for you.
May 30th, where do you get the details? The details can be found at strivingforeternity .org.
We'll have the details there. To register so that you can know when we're going live, how to hear about it.
Tell your friends, share this on social media, so everyone knows about the snatch them from the flames, home edition.