Are Transgender Children Indisputable Proof of Total Depravity?

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Are transgender children indisputable proof of total depravity? It has been an increasingly popular trend to force children to attend drag strip clubs, sexually explicit pride parades, and even force children to get life altering surgeries and medication. This phenomenon has taken the national spotlight again as Matt Walsh from the Daily Wire recently exposed Vanderbilt Hospital for their nefarious surgical practices on minors. On this episode of the Bible Bashed Podcast Harrison and Tim discuss why the left targets children with reckless abandon, how we went from "legalize gay marriage" to child


Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man.
And when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
Welcome to Bible Bash, where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask.
We're your hosts, Harrison Kerrig and Pastor Tim Mullett, and today we'll seek to answer the age -old question, are transgender children indisputable proof of total depravity?
Now, I think we picked a pretty good topic, a pretty spicy topic probably, for most people to start their week off with, don't you think,
Tim? Yeah, man. Well, maybe you can get a few more death threats added to your list. Yeah, since I'm apparently in that territory now where I'm starting to receive death threats from people.
You know, the funny thing is my anxiety hasn't gone up at all. I haven't had to get on any medication, even though people are coming after me and threatening to end my life now.
It's crazy how that works. Yeah, well, when you get death threats, it's indisputable proof that then you have some kind of mental disorder which you need medication to take.
So that's all it takes is just get a death threat, and then your brain stops working. You know, and the thing is, that makes me a victim now.
I'm like tippy -top status in terms of the class system that we're forming in the
West now where victims are untouchable. I'm basically untouchable now.
It's amazing how that only works one way because you're at the top of the intersectional hierarchy.
I suppose you don't get any of the victim privileges like the rest of the people do. Oh, no, not at all.
If I went on Twitter and said that I was a victim because I was getting death threats, I think people to the left of me would probably say,
Yeah, well, you deserve it. But whatever. I'll overlook the offense.
Hey, before we get into this topic, I did want to take a moment and just say, normally we say these things at the very end of episodes, but we did want to put it right here at the beginning so everyone heard.
But if you don't know, we actually do have a YouTube channel where we take all of these episodes and we put them in a video format for you to watch as well.
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And it only takes a few seconds for you guys. So go over there, subscribe to us on YouTube. And now that we've got that out of the way,
Tim, why don't we dive into this topic question, Are transgender children indisputable proof of total depravity?
And really the reason that we're covering this this week is because a pretty big story broke out thanks to Matt Walsh over at The Daily Wire.
And we wanted to take a minute to just show you the tweet thread that he put out because it got a lot of traction.
And I think Matt Walsh has been meeting with various government officials over in Tennessee about this story.
But let me show you this tweet thread and just kind of read through it. So it says,
Breaking. My team and I have been investigating the transgender clinic at Vanderbilt here in Nashville.
Vanderbilt drugs, chemically castrates, and performs double mastectomies on minors. But it gets worse.
Here's what we found. Let's start at the beginning. Vanderbilt opened its trans clinic in 2018.
During a lecture the same year, Dr. Shane Taylor explained how she convinced
Nashville to get into the gender transition game. She emphasized that it's a big moneymaker, especially because the surgeries require a lot of follow -ups.
Vanderbilt was apparently concerned that not all of its staff would be on board. Dr. Ellen Clayton warned that conscientious objectors are problematic.
Anyone who decides not to be involved in transition surgeries due to religious beliefs will face, quote, unquote, consequences.
In case the objectors hadn't gotten the memo, Vanderbilt unveiled a program called
Trans Buddies. The buddies are trans activists from the community who attend appointments with trans patients, monitoring the doctors to guard against unsafe behavior such as misgendering.
Hey, hey, all right, quick aside, quick aside. So the tweet above this says that if you are a person who decides not to be involved in transition surgeries due to religious beliefs, you will face consequences, which sounds extremely threatening.
And then in the very next tweet, you have these trans buddies that are protecting the, quote, unquote, protecting the children.
From unsafe behavior such as misgendering. I want you to,
I want you to see that, notice the duality there in the way that people are treated. But anyways, let's continue.
The next tweet says Vanderbilt makes their trans buddies available to children, too.
They make lots of services available to children, including chemical castration. Though at some point in the last month, they removed explicit admission of this fact from their site.
Here's the archive screenshot. And then obviously they show a screenshot there. But they must have forgot to delete a video from Vanderbilt Psychiatry's YouTube channel back in 2020, which admits explicitly that they will give and have given irreversible hormone drugs to children as young as 13.
After they have drugged and sterilized the kids, Vanderbilt, as explained in this video presentation by plastic surgeon
Julian Winokur and physician's assistant Shailen Vanderblomen, will happily perform double mastectomies on adolescent girls.
So let's review. Vanderbilt got into the gender transition game, admittedly in large part because it is very financially profitable.
They then threatened any staff members who objected and enlisted a gang of trans activists to act as surveillance in order to force compliance.
They now castrate, sterilize, and mutilate minors as well as adults, while apparently taking steps to hide this activity from the public view.
This is what healthcare has become in modern America. So there's a lot to take in there.
Wouldn't you agree, Tim? Yeah, no, it's amazing just to think about the double standard that exists and just the way that that thing is packaged.
And some of the things that you mentioned in particular, like they're threatening legal consequences for people who stick to their religious beliefs, but then at the same time they're playing the victim and pretending like they're the ones who are, you know, they're the ones that need a protection from the unsafe behaviors, so to speak.
Such as misgendering. And then the whole buddy system is kind of funny. You know, you have to comment on the buddy system.
It's like, you know, you're just reminded of like a high school field trip or something like that where you go on a high school field trip.
Yeah, finding Nemo, do you have your exit buddy? But, I mean, it's a sad situation, but there are comical elements in there.
If you can shut off some of that. You know, like this is a horrendous kind of thing that we're talking about.
Right, right. You have to keep it. Yeah, it's like, it's terrible, but then you just, and at the same time you just have to laugh at how,
I mean, just idiotic it is, right? It is so crazy. Yeah, it's so crazy that so many people are caught up in this kind of pervasive society -wide delusion.
Yeah. It's difficult to even know what to make of it all. Right. So, with going back to the topic question, are transgender children indisputable proof of total depravity?
What are your thoughts on that question? What would your answer be? Yeah, well, I do want to register my scandal at the thought of transgender people in general.
I mean, I do want to basically point out that transgender people don't exist, and we're just simply playing pretend.
But because this is the language that people insist upon us using, it is useful sometimes just to use that language if you're going to speak to the issue's presence.
But yeah, I mean, transgender people don't exist. It's not actually possible to transition your gender. But then leaving that aside, the presence of transgender children in particular, is that indisputable proof of the doctrine of total depravity?
Well, I mean, I think in a certain sense, it's difficult to imagine a society that has so lost its way.
And of all the doctrines that exist, there's been many a theologian who's essentially said that the doctrine of total depravity is the kind of doctrine that can certainly be empirically verified.
When you think about how crazy we actually are, and how pervasive and stubborn the doctrine of the sinfulness of man actually is, this is just an example of how insane a society can be when they're given over to judgment by God.
So when God starts to remove his restraining hand on a society, they're given over to a debased mind.
And debased mind in the Greek is a mind that is no longer a mind. It's a mind that is not functioning as a mind.
So God has given us over to insanity, if you want to put it that way. It's kind of like King Nebuchadnezzar, right?
Right, he's given a mind of a beast. Like a beast. Yeah, he's given over to the mind of a beast, so to speak.
And we're given over to a debased mind, a mind that's no longer functioning as a mind. There's nothing more insane or stupid or idiotic than the idea of the transgender phenomenon in general.
There's few things that are just as crazy as that. But then when you add to that the additional layer that we're encouraging children to follow down this delusion...
There's so many contradictions at this point that it's just mind -boggling. On the one hand, you have the
Me Too movement that is very dogmatically insisting upon the fact that anyone below the age of 18 cannot possibly consent to sex.
Laws of consent vary from state to state. But in the minds of your typical
Me Too activist, whatever they happen to be at that state, you can imagine a scenario where a girl who is literally 17 years and 364 days old engaging in consensual sex...
Which is fornication, it's wrong. With a man who is 18 years and one day old, you can imagine the kind of Me Too activist that would be totally scandalized by that and treat that man as a child rapist for the rest of his life and want to put him on a sexual predator list.
You can imagine that kind of scenario and that's just the way things are with the age of consent.
But then at the same time, it depends on what issue that we're stepping into.
So if you're stepping into the Me Too issue, a person under the age of consent, however close they happen to be, they're considered to have almost zero moral agency.
And not only that, in that kind of scenario, but if you have a 27 -year -old woman engaging in consensual sex with a man who is her boss or something like that, they're willing to take complete and total agency even from a woman in that kind of scenario.
But then if you compare that to the transgender kind of thing, it's like now all of a sudden you're being asked to believe at the same time in the same society that a 12 -year -old girl can have the kind of moral awareness needed to determine that they are an individual who is trapped in the wrong body and that they need to chemically castrate themselves.
If they're a man or if they're a woman, they need to get top surgery and everything else and get on hormone treatments and totally destroy their ability to have children for the rest of their life.
And there's no going back from these kind of things. Stunt their development.
A lot of these things there's no going back from and they're asked to do this and it's demanded that you treat them as if they're just a moral agent who is absolutely aware and capable of making these kind of decisions.
While at the same time in other categories they have zero moral agency as long as you want them to have it, depending on the situation.
It's totally contradictory. Right, it's totally contradictory and I'm not saying anything necessarily specific about the first scenario.
I'm just trying to say that those two scenarios don't match. We need to figure out what we're doing but then you're living in the kind of society right now that can't, like there's no rules to the game and you're trapped in like certain ideological circles to where you're not, like there's no making sense of it at all.
None of it makes sense at this point anymore. You're just asked to adopt an increasingly irrational set of propositions that don't match with other sets of propositions that you're asked to adopt.
And at this point we chuck logic and reason out the door and so yeah I mean that's evidence of total depravity for sure.
Now I do want to say with the doctrine of total depravity, total depravity doesn't mean, and this is a common confusion, that everyone is as bad as what they could be.
But it does mean that every faculty, like the mind, will, the emotions are all pervasive, a comprehensive depravity.
It's all affected by sin. But then a corollary to that is a total inability to come to God apart from salvific grace.
And God, like man is conceived in sin and when God gives a society over to their depravity, when they refuse to acknowledge
Him in their thoughts, I mean there's no telling how far down the depravity rabbit hole we can actually go.
Right, right, yeah. So I definitely have a lot of questions based off of your response there, but the first thing
I want to ask you is to just take us back and explain what you mean when you said that there are actually no trans people.
That's not a thing. What do you mean? Yeah, the logic of the, the idea of a transgender person is a person who, you know, in some sense has, you know, like if they're born biologically a male and then they feel like as if their sense of identity doesn't match with those biological realities and so they, you know, get some sort of surgery and they identify as the opposite gender.
And then we're to refer to them now as being a transgender person, you know, and like the problem with that is that they didn't actually change their gender.
Like that's the point. Like, there's no way to change your gender. I think, was it you that posted that meme about all the, like, the features of being a transgender, quote unquote, person?
Like having the Adam's apple and the... No, normally the answer would be yes, but this time no,
I didn't post that one. You know which one I'm talking about? I don't know that I've seen that.
There is, yeah, there is a meme that went around and I really thought it was you. Maybe you've lost track of the amount of memes that you put out being the meme generator and all that.
But, you know, it listed all the biological features like, you know, for a male in particular, you know,
I guess their index finger is longer than the ring finger. But then for a woman, the ring finger is longer than the index finger.
And then there's Adam's apple and, you know, all these features that there's just a big long list of things that you can't fundamentally change, even if you tried to, whatsoever.
You know, and so, I mean, like the issue is there's no way to change your gender. Biology just screams it.
You have chromosomes, you have all these, you know, immutable characteristics that no amount...
You have to be a science denier to... Yeah, you have to be a literal science denier. So, like the idea of a transgender person, there isn't such a thing as a transgender person.
It's just what you have is you have individuals who are pretending to be members of the opposite sex and may, you know, go to great lengths to continue in that delusion, but it's not actually a thing that can happen.
But then, yeah, but then like at the cellular level, you can't change who you are. Right, I mean...
You can't change what God made you. Right, and that's what's so absurd about the whole thing. Like, that's what's so insane and absurd about the whole thing is that we're just pretending at this point.
But not only are they pretending, but then they're demanding that everyone else pretends with them. Right, which is really concerning.
Okay, so going back to everything about your answer to the topic question,
I guess maybe a good place to start would be...
If they're not becoming more popular, at least they're becoming more publicized.
I don't know which one it is, but I'm certainly seeing more and more of it.
So why do you think it is that people on the left who believe in this sort of ideology when it comes to transgenderism, why do you think it is that they are seemingly pushing this so hard on children specifically?
Why not just restrain it to only people over the age of 18?
If that's the age that you want to say someone's an adult at, why not just keep it there? Why are they pushing so hard for children to get these things?
I think it's a complicated issue because there's a lot of things that are happening all at once, and people are being pulled in different directions as far as that kind of thing is concerned.
Part of it is that the left has backed themselves in an ideological corner to where they basically have to praise these things that they know.
Many of them know are a little bit crazy. Many of them know that this is a little bit nuts.
I'm aware of people who are employed by organizations where all these things are demanded and forced upon them at every conceivable level.
If you're the kind of individual who pushes back against these things at all, one of the things you'll realize is that there are double standards that are at play even in this kind of thing.
There are double standards. Most leftists don't really want to follow the logic of this project to its logical extreme because there are actually practical issues that get in the way of doing that.
A lot of it's about token diversity and token inclusion.
You have to do enough to show that you're on the right side, but then you know that at a certain level it gets unmanageable really quickly.
There's a lot of people who know the rules of the game.
They know what's being demanded of them, and they're going to follow along. There's a religious devotion to the project.
Part of it is that this gives them a sense of moral superiority. This gives them a sense of they're on the right side.
This is a way they're managing their guilt and their shame and their condemnation by being on the quote unquote right side of history.
Some of it is that kind of thing. Right now the new project is to normalize transgenderism, and now that project is being foisted upon them.
They know the rules of the game. They know their marching orders. They know how to keep their jobs.
A lot of it's about keeping your job, being in the position. They can have a different sort of agenda than the transgender person does, so to speak.
On their end it's not so much about them foisting these things on children so much as it could just be about job preservation.
They bought into the project to some degree, even though many of them know it's unwieldy at a certain level.
Part of it, there's those kind of people, and then there's the transgender people proper.
I think one of the things that's insane about it, all the drag queen story hours and where the drag queens are going and dressing like strippers and getting young children to touch them and put money in their underwear and that kind of stuff.
I think at that level, for the liberal minded person, that kind of person can be the ultimate victim in the hierarchy.
Okay, what do you mean? The transgender person is the ultimate victim now.
Okay. So it was like, gay is the new black, and now it's trans is the new gay, right?
We're not quite there yet, but fat is kind of the new trans, right? And then disabled is the new fat.
But we're still in the transgender heavy part of this phase, right?
It's going to move in that order, but we're in the transgender part. But then what you have is a lot of perverts, right?
You have a lot of pedophile transgender people who are essentially preying upon children. And the left is kind of hamstrung at that point to where they have to universally normalize this stuff in a way that's kind of insane, right?
Right. Well, to your point, and I know you didn't mention this in terms of the whole victim status thing, but this is legitimately going to become one of the untouchable victim categories.
Minor attracted. Yeah, the minor attracted people. I mean, when you believe the things that progressives do, you have abandoned any sort of logical defense against something like a minor attracted person.
Right. There is no defense because they've dug their own grave at this point. Right, yeah.
And I think pedophile is an unfortunate psychological term that I'm not loaning into.
I'm just using it if you want to describe it as a minor attracted person, whatever. I think that would be at least more accurate than a pedophile kind of word for different reasons.
But that kind of person, though, they are perverts that are preying on children.
They're perverted people who are preying on children. And what they're doing is absolutely scandalous, right?
Yeah. It's absolutely scandalous. It's horrendous what they're doing. I mean, if you would just switch your thought process to if this wasn't a quote unquote transgender person, but if this was just a stripper story hour, right?
Mm -hmm. Where strippers go in to the library to read to children, everyone would think this is insane, right?
Right, yeah. They have stripper playboy bunny story time hour.
Everyone would think this is nuts, but that's indistinguishable from what these pedophile minor attracted perverted transgender people are doing at the libraries.
It's indistinguishable from that. You just have a bunch of sexual deviant people who are...
And they're trying the best they can to suppress all the stories of them actually, these transgender people actually who are going into libraries and schools and everything else, actually having child porn on their computer and everything else.
They're trying the best they can to suppress those kinds of things. But stories come out, and there are more and more stories coming out to show that this is obviously what we thought it was, right?
Right, yeah. Those kinds of stories. Stories about them quote unquote accidentally exposing themselves to children in the middle of the story hour time.
Well, I mean, there's videos of them doing it. Right. This is the same problem at every level.
The man who self -identifies as a woman goes into the women's prison and impregnates three or four women before he gets moved into his own cell kind of thing.
We know how this works, right? We know what's going on in a lot of these cases.
You're asking the question, why is the left so intent on exposing children to this kind of insanity, this kind of craziness?
Part of it is you have a protected class that you have to defend, and you have to pretend like they're literally saints, right?
So you have to pretend like they are, and they may have a little bit of a different agenda than others do. You get what
I'm saying? Yeah, no, I'm tracking. But then there is what you mentioned too, the money -making aspect of it.
There is a lot of money in the surgery. And for many people, these are religious things that they're devoted to, and it doesn't matter if it makes sense.
It doesn't matter if it's logical. God's just given them over to a debased mind to where they can't even see how crazy it is anymore.
Yeah, yes. And if they could, they're so afraid to call it what it is that they refuse to say it.
What is the term now for the feminist who is anti -trans?
What was that term? Do you know what I'm talking about? Oh, I don't know. I didn't even know that existed, honestly. Well, yeah, the idea of feminism is the opposite ideology as the transgender movement.
I can't remember the term. I wish I could remember the term right now, but trans -exclusionary radical feminists,
TERFs. That's a mouthful. Yeah, trans -exclusionary radical. So the issue, though, is feminism is incompatible with transgenderism, because the idea of feminism is that there is no differences between men and women.
The differences are purely superficial. So a woman can do anything a man can do, and probably better.
That's old school feminism. But then the issue is, these gender stereotypes, they're just arbitrary.
They're a product of, not nature, but nurture. And so the feminist project is basically just to say that all these gender stereotypes are not real.
Men and women are basically interchangeable parts. A woman can do anything a man can do. We're basically the same kind of thing.
But then the trans person comes along, and then they say, well, I'm a man trapped in a woman's body, or I'm a woman trapped in a man's body.
And then if you were to ask them, like Matt Walsh has done, what is a woman, right? Right. The issue is then at that point, on a certain sense, if you're going with the feminism, you can't answer the question, right?
You can't answer the question. But if you're a trans person, how do you identify yourself as being a woman?
Like if you're a man, how do you identify yourself as being a woman? Well, you basically retreat to all the old gender stereotypes that the feminists have tried to destroy.
So you basically say, well, I like pink. I like playing with dolls. I like reading romance novels.
And then when you transition into a woman, what you do is you dress up like Bruce Jenner did.
You dress up like a gaudy pinup model, right? Well, that's everything. You basically take all the female stereotypes and you run with them.
And that's everything that the radical feminists have been fighting against for all these years.
And so you have two incompatible ideologies, essentially. Yeah, yeah.
No, that makes a lot of sense, especially thinking through the fact that,
I mean, I guess it's been, what, at least 50 years, but I think even longer since feminism has been around, right?
And there's been several different waves of it. I think, I guess we're on fourth wave feminism now?
Or are we at fifth wave? Oh, who knows? Yeah. There was a funny meme,
I wish I would have had it now too, that was related to the different waves of feminism. But yeah, who knows?
I think we're on maybe third or fourth at the very least. Yeah, I think it might be fourth wave.
But then you think about how long they've spent trying to argue that women can do every job that a man can do.
And coincidentally, it's all of the most high paying jobs, and it's never the janitor or the garbage man or anything like that.
But then you have the transgender movement come along, and they're basically just saying, like, hey, anyone can be anything.
And really not even just man or woman, but you can literally be anything, right?
And so, I remember probably last year, there was a lot of strife that was propping up between the feminist type and a lot of the, there's a lot of strife within the
LGBTQ community, because no one could figure out how to reconcile the different definitions for different people's sexual orientations and ways that they identify.
Because you had bisexual people who are admitting inherently, in the name of their sexual orientation, that there are two genders, right?
But then the whole point of the LGBTQ movement is to say, no, there's actually four genders, or there's 72 genders, or there's an infinite spectrum of genders, right?
And so, there's a lot of strife, and I don't think they ever really figured out how to define all those things.
They just decided, well, we better spend our time fighting all of the normal people who have stuck to traditional values instead of trying to reconcile these things among ourselves because we can't do it.
I found that meme I was thinking of, too. First wave feminism says, we want to be equal to men.
Second wave feminism says, we don't need men. And then third wave feminism says, we are men.
So, there's a lot of, the moral of the story is there's a lot of inconsistencies, right?
The funniest thing about it in the world is now, because of this transgender ideology here, the best women now are men.
And this is what's so funny about the whole thing, is that the whole project of feminism was that women are better than men.
So, at first it's kind of like we want to be equal with men, then it's like we're better than men, we don't need them at all, right?
We're the superior gender. But then now that men can simply declare themselves to be women by virtue of divine, or just their own prerogative, pretend divine fiat or whatever on their part, now they prove themselves to be the pinnacle of what it means to be a woman.
They're winning Woman of the Year awards. They're beating women in sports, in every single sport. And so, at this point, it's just like, transgenders have made a mockery of women.
This is the ultimate insult to where everything that the feminists have fought for has been destroyed.
Now, one thing that I did want to bring up, going back to the why are they going after children with these things is, you mentioned that this is a religion, essentially, right?
And we know in Christianity, and certainly not just in Christianity, I know there's a similar idea when it comes to Islam and stuff, is that you basically train up your children in what you believe, right?
And that's common throughout all of history, right? But then, would you say that that's a pretty big motivator here, too, especially considering the fact that the left, in general, is sort of downplaying the importance of actually having children through a lot of different ways?
And so, they've got to not only try and force these things on their children, but then they also need to try and get other children who are not theirs to believe all of the same things.
So, do you think that that's a big part of why they are going after children in general? Sure. I mean, leftism is a religion of world conquest, which is really kind of ironic and funny, considering all the outrage at Christian nationalism along those lines.
I mean, it's one of those things where if you listen to the left, I mean, anytime they look at Christianity...
I mean, you can imagine the kind of psychologically -minded individual who's looking at Christians and basically saying that our problem is that we're indoctrinating our children with all these oppressive, hateful, and harmful beliefs and everything else.
And indoctrination, in their mind, is just this horrible, horrendous crime that we're committing and functionally equivalent to child abuse and all that.
But then if you look at what they're actually doing, they're hostile to the nuclear family at almost every level, and their agenda is to separate children from their parents and destroy these familial ties.
And everything they accuse us of doing, they're doing at every single level, and even worse than what they think we're doing as far as that goes.
Yeah, and kind of to, in one sense, I think to our shame,
I think we talked about this in our episode on the public education system. But it seems like at this point, they're honestly, in a lot of ways, doing it better than Christians are, because for so long, or at least in part because for so long, we sort of just accepted the whole, no, you need to give them all the options and let them choose rather than just say, hey, no,
I'm just going to raise my child up in the way that they should go so that they won't depart from it. So they persuaded individuals on the right that it's fundamentally immoral to try to dogmatically impose our worldview upon anyone, our children included.
But then they're actively at the same time doing that very thing in a much more tyrannical way than we are.
But I don't fault them for that any more than I would fault us for doing the same kind of thing.
The idea of teaching is to make someone learn something. And so you can't just, like this idea of just presenting all sides equally neutral and let the person decide, that's just irrational.
It's not the way that reality works. If you're going to teach anything, you should teach what's right. I don't want my math teachers to teach me good math and bad math and have the right answer on the test be endlessly subjective.
I'd rather them actually teach me how math works so that we can build spaceships and cars and everything else.
Right, right. But the issue is, yes, they're radically committed to indoctrinating our children upon threat of reprisals and punishment.
And they're not, as you say, they're not making their own children, so they've claimed ownership of ours and we've let them.
And so part of it is, the whole worldview is just so hostile to children in general and then they look at children as tools to advance their own personal agenda.
And it's just insane. At every single level it's just absolute insanity.
The idea of, you can imagine the radical feminist or whatever raising the child in a gender neutral way, that's just child abuse.
But then they're radically committed to imposing their worldview as nonsensical and as crazy as it actually is on the next generation.
And a lot of it is because there's a lot of minor attracted people involved in these kind of things.
And that's true, you're not allowed to talk about that. That's why you can look at Twitter and Twitter has censored the idea of calling,
I don't like the term groomers, I hate that term in general because I think it muddies the water in terms of some very significant ways.
But they've outlawed that use of the term, you're not even allowed to basically say that the left is filled with a bunch of minor attracted people who are trying to pervert and sexualize our kids.
But then that's actually what's going on. If you think about the kind of things that are happening at your standard sex ed class now, and even middle schools, it's just horrendous.
So there's definitely an agenda to bring about confusion and destruction of our children that we ought to be aware of.
So, if you rewind things back to early 2000s, mid 2000s maybe, there was a pretty large push to legalize gay marriage.
I remember there was this post on Reddit, I don't remember what year it came out,
I know I've got it saved somewhere, I'll have to go back and find it and post it on our social media page later.
It basically said things that will happen if gay marriage is legalized, and it had all of these what at the time were considered ridiculous things.
They mentioned putting children around sexual things that they shouldn't be around as an option, and I think transgenderism stuff, a bunch of things that at the time sounded ridiculous, because they are ridiculous.
And then you look forward to now, it was legalized, and that was posted by people on the left.
I think it was posted on Reddit, which is primarily most of the people on there lean left, they're progressive, they're the liberal type.
And so they were posting that as an argument for why gay marriage should be legalized, basically saying, you're being totally ridiculous if you think legalizing gay marriage will lead to all of these other things.
Yeah, the slippery slope idea is ridiculous, essentially is what the meme was saying.
And I'll have to go back and find it and post it. If you're listening to this, go check our social media pages, I'll post it, because I'm just not doing it enough justice considering where we are now.
But the reality is that I think every single thing that was listed on that meme as ridiculous and will never happen has actually happened now.
So how did we get from, hey, gay people just want to marry each other to, hey, we need to force children to cut their genitals off?
Yeah, I mean, instantaneously after Burgerfell versus Hodges became the quote -unquote law of the land, which is,
I mean, it's absurd that people even talk that way because I didn't think the
Supreme Court had the ability to make laws, right? But then that was a gross overreach of judicial activism when you think about it in that kind of framework.
But the moment after Burgerfell versus Hodges, I mean, we were told that this was just about equality for this poor, marginalized community of people, community, quote -unquote.
That's what we were told, but then instantaneously, the moment after that was legalized, we went straight to the transgender project because they were just next on the list.
But that's where it's been at the whole time. I mean, there's no breaks to this. The issue is, logically, there's no difference between the two positions whatsoever at all, if that makes sense.
If you have to be able to express your identity sexually, however you want to express it, there's nothing there.
That's the presupposition that undergirds the gay project, right? Right. It's not as if you're living in a society that's putting to death gays.
So there's no reason that you have to change the definition of marriage that mankind has used throughout all of its history.
There's no reason to totally rewrite that definition of marriage. You're not living in a society right now that's putting to death sodomites.
You're not. So if you want to engage in sodomy, that's not the kind of society that we are right now.
So why do we have to change the definition of marriage at that point? But then the logic is that an individual has a basic and fundamental right to be able to not only express their sexuality the way they want to, but do so in the confines of marriage.
And then the reason why that's such a big deal is because you have society that's validating that for them through the act of marriage.
But then with that kind of project, there's nothing to push back against your transgender project as well, right?
Meaning if it's demanded in order for a person to be emotionally okay to have society sanction their sense of personal sexual identity, then you have transgenderism there that has to be celebrated, has to be pushed on.
And there's nothing to stop the minor attracted person phenomenon. Right.
Yeah, there's no breaks. There's no breaks on this ride. Yeah. And something that Doug Wilson has often pointed out is there's nothing also to stop polygamy at this point.
First of all, why is the number two sacred is a point that he made, I think, in the sexual by design lectures that he did.
Why is the number two sacred? The definition of marriage between a man and a woman, if that's not sacred, why is the number two sacred?
There's nothing to say it's sacred. Right. But then if you imagine a person who is quote unquote bisexual wanting to marry and if they have to be able to express their sexuality in the confines of marriage, then a bisexual person would be a person who is attracted to both men and women.
And if you have to be able to express that in marriage, then you have a marriage that has to comprise at least three people.
Right. Yeah. And so there's nothing logically that like if you accept the first premise that logically it has to come next.
Right. And so we just haven't gotten there yet, but we will, you know, unless there's some kind of utter repudiation of the project.
Right. Like it's massive society. There's nothing logically that's going to stop us. And so part of the problem is that as we keep on going from one form of deviancy to the next, there's a logic to it that holds it all together, but then you have different groups that are all pushing against each other in different ways.
And in one sense it's just a rambling incoherent mess, and in another sense there are certain propositions that are more fundamental that have to keep you going to the next stage of rebellion.
Yeah. So we also established that there's a big money aspect to this as well.
Right. And those tweets, I'll probably post a link to that Twitter thread in the description of this podcast episode wherever you're listening to it.
Because there's a few videos in there of these doctors who are trying to get transgender surgeries approved.
Matt Walsh mentions convincing Vanderbilt to approve these surgeries because it makes a lot of money because there's a lot of follow -up visits and whatnot.
And I'm sure probably a lot of that stuff is not covered under insurance the same way other normal procedures would be probably covered.
Maybe it is, I'm not really sure. So go and watch those videos and hear for yourself what they're saying, because they are actually saying those things.
But then beyond those people who are in it to make money, your average everyday progressive type person who believes that denying transgender people their quote -unquote rights is violence against them.
For that person, just the regular everyday person that you might meet in your everyday life, they're convinced about these things.
Are they just indoctrinated by these ideologies, or do they have some secret scientific knowledge that us peons on the right don't have any access to that makes them far superior to us?
I can't remember what movie it is where, you're smart,
I'm stupid, you're handsome, I'm ugly. Is that what's going on here, or are they just totally indoctrinated?
Yeah, I mean, it's obviously not that they have some sort of special knowledge.
The Bible is obviously sufficient. The Bible says, in the beginning, God made them male and female. Yeah, you don't have to read very far, so I didn't think it was that confusing.
Yeah, I mean, there's a satanic agenda, obviously, to deny the scripture at every single conceivable level.
As the title question of the episode says, transgender babies or kids are irrefutable proof of the doctrine of total depravity.
If you want to talk about how the Bible can be empirically verified, when you see a society that's engaging in such self -destructive madness, like our society is engaging in, that is so contrary to science and reason and logic and morality and everything else, when you see something like that, it's irrefutable proof that God is true, that every man is a liar.
You don't have any category for that. If we were morally neutral creatures, we would act within our own self -interest, and there's nothing that's been happening over the past five years in particular that would show that we're acting within our own self -interest.
We are people that are dead set on trying to destroy ourselves at every single level, and it's just irrational.
Just thinking about the war between Russia and Ukraine and everything else, and Russia having all these strategic natural resources, and at this very moment when there is financial pressure put upon our country, at the very moment where there's financial pressure put on us as it relates to these natural resources that Russia has that we no longer have access to, we decide to go full insane, right?
And instead of doing more oil drilling where we actually can, at this point we're trying to adopt
California by, I can't remember what it was, 2035 or whatever, it has to have zero emission vehicles now.
And you see all the power outages that are happening in California because they're trying to pursue this insane
Green New Deal at the worst possible moment. We're a nation that's intent upon destroying ourself, and that's what
God says will happen when a nation is under his judgment, that they'll destroy themselves from within.
The Bible's true in that way, and there's obviously nothing, they don't have some kind of secret knowledge along those lines.
You can just look with your eyes, and little kids know that this stuff is nuts, and little kids know that this stuff is crazy.
The ones who haven't been thoroughly brainwashed and indoctrinated, you don't have to. My kids know that it's nuts and it's crazy and that there's something fundamentally wrong and weird.
If they were to see a person who tend to be the opposite gender, they would look at that and point out that and talk about that, right?
Yeah. My not -even -two -year -old, she thinks it's funny sometimes to take her bows and put them in my hair.
She's laughing at that because Daddy's not supposed to wear bows, so it's funny when it happens.
She put them on some of your beard hair or something? She tries to, you know,
I mean, I guess she just doesn't understand that there's not really anything to grab up here on top. And so, she tries to put them in, and then she, so what she ends up doing is just sticking them right on top of my head where they don't fall off to the side.
They just kind of rest on top, and then she laughs at that. She thinks it's funny because that's what she wears.
That's not what I wear, right? I mean, she's not even two. She was doing that right when she turned one, and she knows that that's ridiculous.
Yeah, so they're not possessing any unique knowledge, but what was the other part of the question?
So, are they indoctrinated? Yeah, I mean, I think that there's a lot of different phenomenon that are happening.
So, for some of them, it is a religious object. So, it is this kind of thing. It is a religion for them to wear.
They are so committed to the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion that that's just their religion.
There are the kind of people who can't see it for what it is. It's just like, this is how
I'm a good person, right? This is how I fix all the guilt and shame and condemnation by religiously devoting myself to these insane kind of propositions.
So, there's those kind of people who are indoctrinated. I mean, I think a lot of them know that it's crazy, but it's just,
I don't want to rock the boat, right? Yeah, yeah. You can imagine individuals like Hillary Clinton or something like that.
They don't believe any of this, right? They don't believe it at all. They don't care about these people.
They don't believe it at all. This is just about posturing, right? It's about optics.
Yeah, I mean, I saw a stupid picture about, I mean, it's the dumbest video you can ever imagine. It looked like a blind man leading
Joe Biden around or something like that. And then everyone was making fun of it.
Like, this is a blind leading the blind or something like that, right? Yeah, I saw that video.
I forgot about that. What are you doing? This is about posturing, right?
These are politically useful. Democrats, they don't care about black people. They don't care about gay people.
They don't care about transgender people. They don't care about them at all. The people in power, they could care less about these people.
They're just politically useful tools. Right, to keep power and gain more. Yeah, keep power.
This is just the way to gain power. And that's all it is. And then when push comes to shove, it's all about the optics of it.
It's all about the, like, let's do it enough to not destroy everything as much as we can, right? But let's do it enough to show that we're sensitive and caring.
So some of them, totally, it's a religious thing. They're indoctrinated. Other ones, it is more about the optics and that kind of thing.
And then I think there are the people...
There's a group of people who basically don't want to get canceled by the monster they've created.
Right, right. And so they're terrified of the new rules because the left doesn't eat themselves. Then there might be demon -possessed people who are part of this kind of thing.
And there's a doctrine of total depravity that undergirds the project too, where God has just given us over to a spirit of madness.
So you don't have just the neutral brainwashed person. You get what I'm saying? Uh -huh, yeah.
Even the brainwashed person is like, well, no, you're still just sinful. So you're naturally eventually going to pursue these things if God removes his hand from restraining you, right?
Yeah, so there's a doctrine of total depravity that undergirds the whole project. It's either a sinful abuse of power for the sake of optics.
It's a sinful going along with the crowd. Or it's a sinful caught up in delusion yourself, whether supporting it or perpetrating it.
Yeah, yeah. However you look at it, however you're approaching it, it's sinful.
Right, right. Now, the last thing I was going to ask you is, is there a demonic aspect to this whole phenomenon that we're looking at?
Or is it only because, like when we're talking about the transgender movement in general, but then especially people being willing to mutilate children, castrate them chemically for the sake of their ideology.
Is this only because we're sinful? Or is there actually a demonic element?
And what exactly, if yes, there is a demonic element to it, what exactly does that mean?
Yeah, it's not an either or. Okay, what do you mean? So the demonic element can happen in a couple different ways.
Meaning, Satan is described as the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sense of disobedience.
Jesus says to the Jews, you speak lies because you're of your father the devil, who is a liar from the beginning.
And as you read through some of the New Testament letters, we're to have compassion on people because they've been snared by the devil, being held captive to do his will.
So there's a sense in which everyone is under the influence of the evil one to some degree or another.
So you think about the world systems that are in place. I don't precisely know how
Satan influences these things, but he is influencing the kind of worldview, the kind of lies.
All that's in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life, they're not from the Father but from the world.
Satan is behind these schemes in some sense, and I don't particularly know the mechanism in every instance.
But then they are caught up, they are children of the devil, they are characterized by his deceptions.
Every single society goes through certain kind of pervasive society -wide deceptions that we're not wrestling against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and angels and demons and everything else.
So there are plans that are in place that we don't see the math to in general.
It's all demonic in one sense. So in that sense, would you say there are certain people who argue again, like, hey,
Christians shouldn't be fighting the culture war. We should just be sharing the gospel, not fighting the culture war.
It sounds like based off what you're saying, well, the culture war is part of the spiritual warfare that the
Bible says that we are to partake in. Right, I mean, yeah, this is the spirit of the age, right?
Right, yeah. This is the lies, the pervasive society -wide lies that you see that are gaining traction.
They ultimately originate in some sense in the devil himself, right? Who everyone is being held captive to do his will.
He's like the ultimate Joseph Goebbels or whatever, right? Minister of propaganda for the world.
I don't know how he's doing that, but that's obviously what's happening. So if you say, hey, we're not to engage, it's like, well, how do we?
We're living in a world that's being held captive by insanity, right? It comes from a certain source, and he's very clever in how that he does that.
In a certain sense, yes, these are all demonic lies that people are being held captive to.
It's not just sinful nature on its own, right? Sinful nature being influenced by demonic lies, it's also sinful nature being mediated by the sovereign hand of God, meaning
God is giving our society as an act of judgment over to this deception. Does that make sense?
And so it's not just autonomous human depravity, right?
It's human depravity as being under the deception of Satan, which is being permitted by God, allowed by God as an act of judgment, a judicial hardening that's happening on us along those lines too.
So there's that. I think some of these people are demon -possessed. It's difficult to fathom some of these
TikTok and Twitter videos of women who are covering themselves in blood and shouting their abortion and going into descriptive detail about chopping babies up.
You wonder, is that person demon -possessed, really? Is this advanced depravity, or is there something more to this than that?
And when you think about the kind of individuals who are going into these drag queen story hours and dancing like strippers in front of children and exposing themselves to children, you just wonder, is there more to it than that?
And I wouldn't discount the fact that that could be the case very much. But at the same time, we may not know in every single case, that could be a possibility.
But in every sense, whatever the way it is, there are other things at work than simply the material world.
Right, yeah. There's a spiritual aspect. Certainly, God has allowed Satan to rule over this world currently in a restrained fashion.
God ultimately has control, but then he's allowing Satan to do certain things, and that does involve influencing essentially the overall unbelieving world's worldview and actions somehow.
But then it's hard for us to know exactly what that means, which part of it is
Satan's doing, and which part of it is just the fact that we're all sinful and inherently desire to rebel against God ourselves.
You never want to do the God made me do it or the devil made me do it kind of thing. Everyone, to whatever degree, even if they're actively being possessed by a demon, there is this element where they are morally responsible for what's happened.
But then often as you read through the Bible, one of the things you're going to find is when people are demon -possessed, there's a man who is demon -possessed who's constantly throwing himself in the fire in order to burn himself.
Demons want to destroy us. Satan is a murderer. He wants to kill you. He wants to kill you. He wants to kill your children.
That's his plan. When you see a society hell -bent on their destruction, and you see them engaging in particularly destructive patterns and habits, you might not discount that there could be more to it than what you realize.
There's nothing more soul -destroying for a kid. You talk about the destruction of humanity.
You have a kid who is bought into this kind of delusion, and they get a mastectomy, they get on this hormone treatment, they get chemically castrated, whatever.
Their life is ruined. We're hearing now the stories of the aftermath of this kind of thing, of how these individuals who are in tears basically saying that they've been lied to, and they've been sold a bill of goods, and they didn't fix anything, and they wish that people would have told them.
They really have destroyed their life in a very significant way, and we should warn people about that.
Then you have the good -natured Christians who come along and basically try to tone down the horrors of it and talk about it the way it is, but that's why suicide rates are so high among this community of people.
It's because they realize that they've bought into a satanic lie that didn't deliver what it's promised, and it's led them to destruction and destroyed any ability they've ever had to live a normal life anymore.
The only way you're going to move forward with that is if you believe that God is real, and He exists, and He has a plan for you, and He can take the wreckage of the choices you've made and somehow work it to good.
But that doesn't mean that He's going to fix everything in the way that you might think. It's sad to watch, for sure.
Yeah, it is really disturbing to see all of this stuff that's going down right now.
But I do think that's a good place for us to end on. I think in one of our more recent episodes, we kind of ended this way as well, but I just want to say this again, that these types of procedures destroy.
They don't create anything. They don't make you more valuable as a person.
If anything, they make you less valuable in a certain way, because you're having certain aspects of who you are as a person made in the image of God, whether man or woman, those things are being taken away from you.
A lot of times, you can't get them back once they're gone. When you go through these surgeries, when you take these medications, they're supposed to change your physiology, the certain chemicals that are indicative of whatever your gender is that God assigned to you.
When you start doing all of these procedures, it fundamentally changes your body, and oftentimes in irreversible ways.
Now the good news is, for the person who realizes these things are evil, realizes that if they were a part of it in any way, that they were in sin against God, that they need forgiveness, and they actually do seek forgiveness from God.
They confess that He is Lord. They believe that God the Father raised up Jesus Christ on the third day from the grave, and they believe it so much that they change their life, that they repent from these things.
Then the good news is, no matter what has happened to your body, the
Bible tells us that we will be glorified. The people who are in Christ, we will be glorified, meaning we will be perfected.
Part of what that means is, not only will we no longer even desire to sin, but we'll actually be given new and perfect bodies that aren't bound by the curse of sin, that will be healed from the various afflictions that we might have had in this life.
That includes mutilation of your own body that you took part in, whether willing or unwilling.
You were ignorant to what you were doing at the time, and then realized later on and regretted it.
The fact is, for the person who trusts in Christ, those things are fixed. Now they won't be fixed here, like we said last time.
There are still consequences that we all have to deal with for our sin. We don't always go away in this life, but we do at least have the consolation that in the next life, those things will be taken care of forever.
That is something I want to encourage people. I also want to encourage people, if you are partaking in these things, you need to understand that this is demonic, that this is evil, that this is sin on display, and it is destructive not only towards you, but it's destructive towards everyone that you try to convince that it's right.
Our desire through conversations like this is to reveal how evil and destructive these things are, not just to make you feel bad, not just to explain how we're better and we're so much smarter, the whole, we're smart, you're stupid, we're handsome, you're ugly.
It's not that. What we're trying to do is we're trying to explain to you guys that this is actually destructive towards you, and our hope is that as you hear us talking, you actually listen to the things that we're saying, because it really is not about what we believe, it's about what the
Bible believes, and we are trying to look at the Bible and say, inform us what is righteous and what is unrighteous.
This transgender movement is totally unrighteous, it's totally unbiblical, it's satanic, and our desire is for you to turn from these things, and you can.
You can turn from these things, not through any power that you have, but if you acknowledge that what you are doing is evil, that you're in open rebellion against God and you need forgiveness, the reality is if you do those things
I mentioned earlier, you confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead on the third day, meaning not only do you believe that yes, all of those things were a historical event that actually happened, but also you believe them so much that you want to fundamentally change the way that you live and pursue the things that God says is righteous and put your faith and your trust in Him, then you can be forgiven.
But if you do not do that, then you'll spend eternity being punished by God, having the wrath of God poured out on you for the sins that you've committed, for rebelling against Him.
And so our desire is to see you repent and put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ so that you can be saved and rejoice with us and forsake these destructive ideologies.
And for those who are listening who are Christians who don't believe in these things, oh, and I also want to say, that is not just for people who have gone through these surgeries, who have gotten them for themselves.
That's also for the people who are pushing it on other people. It's for the non -believers who are not transgender themselves, but encourage other people to be transgender.
You fall in that category as well, and you need to repent, because no Christian believes all of those things.
No Christian who reads the Bible every day, who desires to see God glorified, would deny the fact that He states very clearly that God created two genders, and that was it, and you can't change it.
No Christian would argue against that. So if you are pushing this ideology, then you are probably not a
Christian. Or if you are, then you are extremely deceived, and you need to be worried about where you'll go if you were to die.
But for our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ, what we would encourage you guys to do is, as you're listening to these conversations, our hope is that you would be equipped to go out and have these conversations with your friends, with your family, and explain these are destructive.
These are not God -honoring. As a country, we are in rebellion against God, but even as individuals, we are in rebellion against God, and everything you're seeing is just a reflection of that.
And so we want to encourage you guys, hey, speak up, speak to the people in your life, share the gospel with them boldly, be bold about the faith.
Paul often asks other people to pray for him that God would give him boldness, and we need to be praying the same way, so that we share the gospel with these people, because the reality is, unless they hear it, that's their only hope.
That's their only hope. It was the only hope for us, and people loved us enough to share the gospel, and we need to love other people enough to share the gospel, even if we think it's going to hurt their feelings.
Because ultimately, warning them of the danger that they're facing through their sin is the most loving thing you can do.
So now, with all that being said, we do want to thank you guys for all the support you give us week in and week out, listening on the various podcast platforms, watching on YouTube.
We really do thank you for all the support. All of you guys who are following us on Facebook, on Twitter, everywhere.
We appreciate your support. We're glad that we get to encourage you guys through these things and equip you for the works of ministry.
Thank you for all that, and we'll catch you on the next one. Amen. Be offended by your every move.